Newspaper Page Text
<3di$rfistr and
Iiiist ni^litsorihls Ik'mitirul
S|NH‘(4iniInr Oratorio,
Kcuvrrul Mali at W. T. Glover's.
General admission 60 cents
Children 25 ccuta
New Advertisement*.
nitMlirnrra of I bn
•(•uuaibi* for any
Srllhtt Ilia Cai>tatn.
»*"«». bark HU -
• roiitracUU
UORTT. Vaatrr.
Atimratlon wltll* nu*l» to tk* Grtwal A—rmbly
*»f Gcorgl*. at Ita Brit a*««|on. for Ota •»■»—gu ol an
**« rnttils.i •• An Act. to on «• at tho •* IIIb« of aplr-
UMojjer lutoiuatiuf l»|Oora is Ike rvBBty of
Urnoavirk, Jana 3. |nt.
liH’li'lI*. olt*« Crtnn.
Wk——/ Mattl U It. Tmap, »1»lnlatralrli of
IianiH M.M.l Mp. rrfraaraU to Ik* r.mrt la bar
i-riiii’M 4*ly a>d aa4 rauml ua no>r4. I bat aba
haa fully vtkilfclalrml Ikr fatal'* of sal t Daw.I l|.
IL Trtap. tkta l«. lkiM»ro, to nta all porkM ro«>
t»nKtl, btu4r..| ab4 rixtinoa. to *ko* raaaa. If any
Iboy raa. ok; aal l a.lM«aMratm aboaMaof W4J*.
< k*nM from kw »tk*lMUtr»ll»k **4 iml«s letter*
«C Asaiotaa to the lr«t Monday la MrotantWr. I mi.
W*. II. SLUSH.. or Unary O €.«*.
xtwuuiTuc sTsrrr. nsrxawirx. oa.. xext
lujou iouiskmiv*.
ING, KfC..
Local Legislation.
n l a Iw rolty Kik. it Ilia! a|>|>llt
t:ta at tk* adioaraad aaaalot
!•*•*». to aa»aa4 aa •ui.L.lexI ar
•»f (Imiyli, aj j.r.-v •
Mar. • Kl, 1*4111*1 an art
IT", allot, will lx.
lit" »lat" of Onof.
lo b a baltl on July
of tbr I#«lalalura vf
I tbo fourth .lay rf
ol M M.r}a,(.aon
ft. Mary*
ai.y Ilia too
Wo direct attention to article oo
first page, in answer to "C."
Married, by Iter. A C. Ward, on
tbo 2d inat, Mr. Georgo W. Kichsrd-
ton and Miss Sarah L. Smith, both of
thia county.
Optra tbirn ami Talmcoyaa. ipartirln aa4 ay*
«££•« u LManama.
See advertisement of clay peas for
planting purposes, by Messrs. Sansay
A Harmon, of Savannah. Send them
yonr orders
Mr. B. Hired, is making improve
ments on bis property corner Glou
cester and Bay streets. Let others
catch tho spirit of progress.
The little steamer Martha makes
her daily trip to Cumberland with all
cose. Sbo is a neat littlo craft and
well adapted for tbo business.
Tho Methodist parsonage is now a
model of ucatness. Tbo artisan’s bam'
mer and painter's brush changes the
ap|>carauce of things very much.
)uo.l Culm tfyru|>f»’rriita err c>Uoa: r>»l Cab*
Tif It) cent* |«r pvuinl at Jlwu 4 Mrt'BUI'
Sco advertisement of Mr. Moriss
Liierce, who is prepared to furnish
you anything wanted iu tho scroll
work line. Eucotirngo homo outer*
Mr. 1>. T. Dunn made a big speech
in Conucil last Wednesday night on
tho Georgo street railroad matter, try
ing to uudo tbo Conned bad
Americas had a big meeting recent
ly and passed resolutions asking the
M. A B. ltailroad authorities to ex
tend their Hawkinsville extension to
that place.
The carpcutcn on the Dixon bond
ing in tbo Fair Grounds stirred
around so livoly that a lad said be
could tell whether there were ten or
seventeen of them.
Over 2,000,000 feet of lumber was
cut by tbo St. Simons Mills during tbo
mouth of Mny. The pino forests of
Georgia would givo out iu courao of
timo with many such mills running.
Atlsraa.* luoeos**. II'. loll nsl.l X.rl.«U
Countjr llwwnls Onns.
In the recent conflagration, the
books sod records of Glynn county
were Warned to ashes, except books N
and T, which were not in the Clerk’s
ofllec at tbs timo of the Are. Many of
oar people condemn onr Clerk for
haring bis offloa other than in the
OoartHonss, etc. If w« are rightly in
formed, the kw allows tbo Clork to
bare bis office anywhere within one
mile ol the Coart Honse. The troub
le, as we see it, consisted iu the ins
bility (real or supposed) of tbe conn-
ty to bare a aafo (or tbo rccoption of
theee records. Had wo bad aneb an
institution and onr Clerk been re
quired to keop tbo books tbereiu,
they would hare been all right to-day.
But they are gone and we must do
without them as beat we ran.
Lins.—From Mr. O'Connor, the
Clerk, we learn that u( the books
burned those from A to H were those
lately transcribed from tbo old ones,
and that tbe originals are still in bis
Ilnlnood to » Helenes,.
Fixer Bu rr, Go-. May 26,1881.
Mr. Editor: Knowing that you are
always desirous of publishing any
thing which will interoat yonr reed-
era in Glynn county, I bare, at tbe re
quest ol sevaral friends, concluded to
write yon a riiort account of a picnic
which came off here on Friday last,
under tbo auspices of three schools,
for without tbo ehildren wbat would
n picnic amount to? A flourishing
.Sabbath School, in connection with
Kmanucl Church, near here, of which
Mr. Evans E. Royal is Superintend
ent, Miss Mollie Houston's literary
school, and Miss Anna Lambrigbt'a
select school on Colonel's Island,
composed tbe number of children,
with their friends and relatives, num
bering about n hundred.
Saitablo preparations were, of
coarse, made, chain furnished by that
kind and obliging gentleman, Mr.
Francis Scarlett, and every want sup
About (cu o'clock Miss Houston ar
ranged her scholars in a row on a
Mr. Nick Dixon ha* completed j long bench, and the assemblage were
within the Fair grouuda a baudsome | welcomed by singing “Happy Grcet-
ootinge, which will be on exhibition, i jng to AIL”
His idea is to show how littlo money Tho boys were, of coarse, made to
it takes to put up a moo littlo collage figure prominently, and oratory was
with fits or six rooms. At this writ- next introduced to onr attention
Tho first speaker was Master Frank
Albany will sand a foil dakgaUoa
to tha Fair, wa learn.
Partiaa intending to visit, the Fair
can secure return tickets over tbe IL
A A. Railroad for ooa fare.
Through a mistake tha asms of Dr.
Frank Oak was Isfl out in tha priul-
ed list of Tournament Committee, of
which bs is a metnhsr, and an ^aetire
one loo, ' ' s'—’ /
dt3 Jeweler,
Patent Watch Regulator.
axsc'OXSTum.Tox sirs s mi sum*
ing tho coat has not bceu figured up,
but will not exceed $601).' The whole
building complete was built iu fivo
days, with about ten hands, ft is a
model of nontness and refleets credit
on Mr. Murphy, tbo builder. This wo
call roduciug housebuilding to a sci
ence. Iio sure and oxainino during
tbo Fair.
New York Htmm-til|, 1,1,it*.
Ratcliff, subject, “ Battle for tbe
Truth;" second speaker, Muster Ma
son Scarlett, “I’ll uever use Tobac
co;” third, Mailer James Williamson,
“Hoys’ Rights;” fourth, Master Ed
mund Atkinson, “The Young Orator;"
fifth. Master Harry Atkinson, "The
Young Soldier;” singing ngaiu by Hie
whole company of boys and girl*.—
We publish this week tbe silver-, Tho most noticeable feature was the
tiacmcnt of Mallory’s New York and pinging of Dr. P, A. Holt's daughters,
Brunswick Steamship Line. Their I Meta and Annie. Though only eight
schedule has been changed so as lo years old, their singing would have
suit our place. These steemers now done credit to older young Indies—
leave Now York on Friday of each indued, it was excellent
:, direct for Brunswick, touching CoL Ira E. Smith was the expected
Saussy* Harmon
Until awl l'r»\hiHi Itealrn.
James Huutcr cleared Norwegian
bark Tsgal, C'apt. Jacobsen, on 60th
nil., lor Ahordoon, Scotland, with a
cargo of 117,211 feet pitch pino lum
her, and 10,00'J feet lumlier, valued at
Problem for tho Council toaolvu:—
If two over-grown half circles with s
street running through tho middle
make u square, how muuy full fitdgcd
circles will it take to square the uni
Tho widow of tho Isto It J. Corley,
of Savnnnph, has just received from
tbo Royal Arcauum $11,000 insurance
on tlio lifo of her lmeband. This will
at Port Royal. They go heuco to
Fcrnaudina. Heretofore they wcut
direct to Fcrnandina. By thia new
schedule onr merchants can get quick
dispatch for their goods from Now
York, avoiding auy delay in Savan
nah, and at prices as low as any oth
er line.
one loo,
Composed of gallant knights from
Camden, Wayne, Glynn and other
counties, bids Fair to surpass any and
all displays at formtr Fairs. Tbs
knights Intend to contest fiercely for
the honors, and a splendid display of
horsemanship may bs counted on.
the au-ts
Hera attracted tbe attention of own
ers of fast horses, and the advantage
of a fall half-mile track is manifest in
tho entries of a class of horses far so-
perior to those teen it former Fairs,
Bids Fair to ho a leading feature of
tho Fair, and through tho indefatiga
ble industry of Dr. Brewster and his
committee, a line display may be
counted upon.
Of every kind and of improved qiiali
ty are promised ami this Fair may
demonstrate that this is becoming a
stork country. Wo shall sec an in
creased exhibit over former year*, and
a lunch tailor clan of animals.
Tiir. r.xNintiM
Of household pruducl* and of fancy
and useful handiwork aa well as of
plant- ami flowers promise* to be
large. Tha ladies never do thing* by
Watches, Clocks,
Musical Instruments
Sewing Machines, Needles & Attachments,
All goods will be cold at tha vary lowest markat price. No trouble lo
■how goods oetlS-ly
Can bo applied fu 5 Minutes
TRY\fgK5m IT!
Enables anyone to regulate Id* on
Welch with esrUiuty.
Knntsml, Irelutiil and Ho.,1 Innil.
Iier.R.U.Lockwood, Sunday School
Secretary, Sontb Georgia Conference,
was present at tbe session of tbe Dis
trict Conference, riceutly held in this
Mr. Lockwood wee one of the
delegates from this State to the Sun
day School Centennial held last Sum
mer in London. Daring hie alias nee
abroad, be trended in England, Ire
land and Scotland, visiting the homes
roxxnrrn | ol Hhaktpoaro and Sir Walter Scott;
Will begin receiving article* for ex-: that great sect and centre of learning
bibition Monday morning. Oiford; the romantic lakes of Ireland
Shipping Intelligence.
Mar W-IMb Auafflr—
ffctt KHi*. BtetrblW*. V. T.
MmjI, Yaa otl4*r, fHh-tri
Mar W—Hark Jn—pki** atabl.
Mar SI—a* R V uaarjr, Tjarr, I
Mar ai-Rrm Mate Hklkaft. •
Mar *«-*• Hm »i>, Haraaa.
BBpSr -
* rum a tick i tv
To tho Fair will lie, ** formerly, $1.00;
ehildron antler 10, .10 oouU; nitiglo ml
misiion 50 rents; chil tr»n nrnlcr 10,
2.T cruU.
On Ibo Fair OroQmln will l»e routine!
«1 Iff Chnrlor llmiilir*, and good
meals mnv Ihi ex|>ccltvl at reasonable
orator of tbe dar, but his (irofesuiuii
til duties dcmnutled bis attention.—
Itcv. T. S. .\rmistcad, of tbe South
(Scorgi* Conference, bjr request filled
bis plnco with rrrtlit to biinM^f, nml
interested tho children and audience. I rntl ,. ,m,l'who knows belter then Flan-
A Bumptaous dinner was spread by ,|,. n i, ow lo n |Uf, ( | M illlM . r n „ a y
tho ladies. It would be iiu|>ro|>cr tt» U(Bf „u OVi
'I'ul.TmJmhT.oI. | distinctions just here, as all th. | May 111*1, IHHl.
Tbo exercises of onr white schools present vie! with each other in - f„ Ihitut, /’nwu/cnf, nr M. J.
closed this week. Tho examinations j ^applying all with the inner wants of 1 SiTfiari/:
(written) look pluco the first days of, ** R ’ l 1 ' 1 )'"* 0 "! man. j Gi:xn: This is to inform you that 1
this week, nud were creditable iu the J ( -*" r Ihnnks are especially due to | ,i m || present, at the Fair, Hoilia Dart,
extreme, both to toechers and pupils, i ^ r "' **' Hoerllingcr nml Mr*, „no yesr anil eiglil iiimitlis, aa ■
Wo go to press too early lo givo ac- Grorgo S. Scarlett for so much alien- contestant for tbo prcinimn to lie
oonut of tho closing exorcises la«t I G 011 0,1 w/wxria/ |>art of tho once- nw *r-lod to the best and handsomest
night at L'srioso llnll. Wo trust tho “ io "- ,or » bolkr di,luor w « >>«»• girl baby over onr and tui'lrr two
Board of Kducatiou wiiJ aocura tin* l Mirlft ^ en ^ or years. Ij-oara of agr.
•ervioea of Prof. McLc-ca for another Krcrjrlhiug jmiwcd off •gm ahl.v | UmpoeifuUy, Alra.WM.DAMT.
year, for, bo it anid to hix credit that **tisfactonly, wj much ao that a 1 llRuanincK.GA^tVnnr, Lt, 1KN1.
wo have heard lota griinibling th 0 ' l' 0, >rth of July ilinnor is now talked | Mr. b. T. Ihtnn: I will r&hibit my
pant Mcholuatie year limn ever lieforo, flt * ,,|JC . V Bluff. \ ihitou. j | N $y ( nix moiitha old, at I ho Fair,
leaa,oven, thau when tho writer him-: “ ivohtbitt Jnno Uth. Max. Wm. a\xi>raMix.
pelf awayed the rotl iu the aamo ca- ,, „ . rwrnu. haij.
' .\t tho foil term of Glrnu .Sninriur ... . #
iMcdy. L ... J , 1 Will, nadir U>a a.».,),.«$ of ibe com-
* . Court tbe Grand Jury paaard n rcao- « ■ $ , ,.
1 linrl .. . .. . J V. witlew on flowara and |Janta, bbmni
iit«unthifi*M-i-.. lutum baking our mimediuto retire- ... ... , . ... .
Tho adjuster for the companies rep. , t „uii V0 j n tho tagislattiro to have bl—om with rsni and losmtifnl
reacuted by Mr. T. O'Conimr, Jr., was a,,! honorable make tbe liquor |,Unl *'
l>o gratifying to tbo nnmeious friends I hero the past week and adjusted all t nx 0 ( thia county $2,500. At the'.. , "*u. nsi»»,
of the family iu thia community. leases by the recent lire against liis; ,., r i„g term, just udjoarned, they I w
\fr i m L $ . .... . * I ton, will tratiafonu tbr Fair ffnmiMla
A. V. Wood cleared Swedish bark '“"I®"? ’•‘•afadnn'ly. Mr. J. SI. tm.k stronger imasurea still, and now I. .. ... ... .
Framat Cant. Holimmist on the 2d Hester inform* us that ho has lain m .k t„ abolish tho traffic altogether ' Ti ’ •«* ‘ ,
** • I f , . . . . . . "a. kina, and bia oimmi f tr«« on griMimla,
iuat., for London, with a cargo of 1*>7 , a Pl K,,u l ct * mlj'Wtcr for tb» cumpauuii \ ty applying to tho Lcgulatnre for the ! f ,, . , , . „
cuki apirita tnrpcntinc, ealmsl at 1:Uo "P^nta and will proceed at one. prUlh^ of anbiuitting tbo maUer to I * " ' * *
*10,400. and 1,415 ham.1* n-iu. ral- lo “'i"* Ibe lo^ incnrrwt. Inaur- ltoov \v at tbo ballot box. Tbe) K 1
TW yw|*fM, >■ ffrtt I. — i^lfirl r .-,,—, — , .
ntf'i ned at $1,500; total value of cargo,~n.p*niro shonld be u prompt friend, of tho measure anticipate „„
a*lal*tt.*Mlla*l<- '* ------ I. . . - .1 ■-
Ale.. * farM •( unaH ffirr** rlMTMlMMlIa
r*IUT*Uoa—*a|aflaffi Ik* H4t* Mat ptoc*. a*U
(MilltiWW »M»,tia iH k—W.
m, ia* Sbu* ffmpimi » mmn+hin
i * A -TSi
a. 1
Muir ImM In mlll**4Io4i; (»MUry I
7» ifM btock r**h awnk. ru* i.
“ th* ftbor*. Only Mi Mil** by
, rrorJ book
l'« Of Iflh iHWlkB, |
• Ik* rv «*i nt iV.lni,
•Uu IK FrUll-
h i Him * uaiocil.
| bls lUitei
tit* r
R anil i
to hook T.
will k.r|. | . .
•r**k M<in|*-hMtinti, »• prf * 'k"vl'ii* of f*
III* Bounty.
•I a. «kic
nt |h« Mi'hb, »r» Ik*
I* mi ' o*M*
tufhv.k S.
I "ITM. 4 *n
. . . . at Hi* of
hr otili uf tli* till*. *1*1 any
C. Y*. (i(itIl'VE.VIt
Wooti Tiintliiff,
to meet looses ss they ore to take trouble in enrn ing tho election by a
Mr’It. I). Rcpperil has rettled thel ; l^r -re Is'lievo will do |, 1(( majority. J. tlionmghly are the,
. ' „ . tber ight thing in (be proiiimcH. , con v incod of itH iiuimriance.
"mil.lit.g. I
l I Xr*|r,|f «if »trf| 4r« rl|tti‘
(1*tro. MomMihir*. hoik *tr»i/M tt4
i e 4 - *t*v. r«tsti*< $ huksrs ru t |*4*n*t
•title* lull r* list*.!. *11 u»te* auii|4t-t IB
r iliff- rrmt bnta u*«. I h*«* tk» &m**l IIm
"ai-rr tl'il.l. ?• mii|if«r »i>4 mtrr*»rorofv.
rninu, Cbm
Georgo atrect ipic$ition by buying tbe
Haborahnm property at tho fooWof | Alwirwei «i l ax ue l.avo hanu d. the nmvement ix
Hint street, entranco to which the Rail-1 Wo call tho attention of tho public ( » popular one, amt finds favor with
rosd authorities wore seeking with n tho ndvcrtisomoiit of Mr. C. 1*. sreres of people who ore hahituul
view to it. purchase. jOoo,lycar. Wliou in tho Clerk's of-, diiukets-iu short, wc may say that
U.wiie«i>. lUmiKu. i., iiusseei. .1 i fico yoars ogo, he compiled jn ah- Hm most enthnsiastic -sup|«irtcr» of
BLUusi.v J .tract or aniline of uvery title, deoil, ( *l>0 mcasnro are drinking men.
.Some of the boys want to know j n u,*. Clerka t,flh*«\ with a view Thia may or nmy not bo tin* |.roj>or
what bnn become of that |»vtit« ^f*' 4 ** jo couvenicnco in looking up titler to 1° tf°t nt the matti-r, hut onr
who cdiU tho Hurricane, of Charlea- ’ Un.ln. Our comity recor.lx having thing in certain, it »x » growing evil
ton. They don t get their paperx. lyeen hiir/it in the recent lire, thexe al>- *" *»ur county. In proof <jf tliix w»»
Come, Mixa Kva, you mnxt do l»cttcr ^cu M re all that i* left, and whilat 1 have hut to cite you to our criminn
1 thau tbix if you would win a lover iu no t hiuding in law, would Im c*»nai«l> docket. We seriously doubt whcthei
^ * ! ered ax goo«l evidence. the entire amount tirrruing (rout the
See chaugo of advertisement of t ouix*iiliI»h«iri l l,IX 0,4 *"l ,,or Ix-gin to pay llteJ
Sapp *V Co. Mr. Latubright bax pur*
Cl,a«al the interest of Mr. Sapp <"> d ; p,. lc j 0B lb . nigbu of the 7th and
| now »ai!* under hia own enpbomoux | B(|J
, * • • . » aihhtional £<*4 to the county «»f try*
Thi« iMiautifnl oratorio ix to be rt-.. , J
ing |H*rxonk whonc crimcK limit loir.
! In atMimlaiico for tbe cliildreii.
1 Will lx? nroiiml and cxnii"t lx« xnp
4 rtl " 1 prexxi'd, even br tbe digliiH***!
lent of the G. C. A. SonHy.
A wi » k nr wottk
ft$ before ei|cb nml every committee
who have m> mddy axxiimed nud (tor-
formed thfir arvcrul dutiex no fnr- a
week that lx to tell for or *:/xiu-*t the
prinlucerx and tills rx of the «muI of
right Coimtiex, itinl Urgelv old Glvuil,
j Shall the fnrmerx, “l.rge nml nt.inlV
j ren|N»mt freely to lie- munll fxx im*
; |mm«I iip'ii them, in thn*«(fort to i|.
j hiMlrnte n fruitful roil nml • Innate, ao xuUrd laxivameaix
li!u *mi| by I tie Crrntor, l»v litwrally
in llieir rvhibitx? We xhall
and Haitfind, ami the rnina of Kenil
worth caatle and Melrow abbey. He
baa, dace his retain, given several de
scriptive lecture* at Savannah and
elaewbete, and baa accepted an invi
tation to repeat them in Brunswick on
bia return in June. Three lecture*
will be illustrated by photographic
pictures of tbe plscee visited, shown
upon a can van eighteen feet aqnarc.—
If they shall prove a success, Mr.
Lock wood may be induced to deliver iw. b. c. com & co.
hi* aerie* of lectures on tbs New Test-
amont history and the ,lIoly Laud,
which bare been so highly spoken of
wherever they have been delivered.
Our (Jhnimel.
We learh from'Mr. T. W. Dexter
that tbo dradgo Hercules him about
completed tier first cut through tbo
bar at tbe entranco of tbe bay. It in
about thirty fart wide and givrx over
fourteen feet at low water. This add
ed to tbo regular ristlof tbo tides gives
ua a depth of about twenty-two f -ct—
sufficient for any ordiuary ciaft. Tbe
dredge will at once proceed to make a
second cat, thus doubling the width
above referred to. Tim jetties, ax far
aa completed, are doing good work,
throwing the current (, iti shore," and
keeping open the channel made by
the dr* dgr.
II.L ILrri*.
We calf attctiti<»n to (Iw Urge new
advertisement of Ibis gentleman in
this issue. lie bis materially in
creased Ids stock f.»r tbo Fair, and
invitee vikitom amt citizens to give
him a call.
t*ii by wflUr from lfrtn»«wVfc, Os."
Alao. 30 Bcf** lw|*ro»*4 Ub4 ox ran«| s«4 |Nib||«
. **4i B B'fM rl«*r*4i Si alia Iim dly 5 4w*UIS|f.
kUckm.trmt Irma, He.
« aSiaistac tl
r..« t,
am*, i
«s Mi la ixaviu*. IhNHlM Ik* f
nmwvmI—I* WM |«H *T Dutlll*.
(N<l Tu*s lot tw; Iwu $t«4 Mi r
_ . BuiuWr lux. mi Kswraik ■(rr*l, iIm* relit
imm*; »*o b"ussv*. ■lari'. *tsMr, He,
Tk* Unm TfH" b*x*a. im Ik* k4 «a aUrii
OaaMitk SMIS.a !
1 *4 Ik* WMTkaaC
l iMiwi 'kwMW ^ *a Mi*wk
f ll1SflB*ljBIB-
,l, Am.f |.4 IM aa4 Mb — *
Wk*a the rteia* arr Uktlf Wild «*#«•
AM. -My yr*»*rty. MpaiM sa4 uMayntM,
» Marly i**ryfart 4 Ik* dly.
A**.r»4 .$4hU44 mmN kfM *4j«4Bi*« Twit* rl. -
HX oBoauiA-iW "ORMMrp* Ummft la Has
■My. ay*a a«, *M My kMvflW Mt*. van W
lUM IMM. aiiiias $*■■■. k*r aai aaaua>
•oa. ksrwr aWp*. im»i sa4 *SM*. iK B«*vy*
kl*4 ruai|4»t*.*a4 Ik* mmt Bibfl IWlMMMi*v
■■4 k— * i*)iM r*i$—S« *t*a a*a. sU4*4*a
tk* R*y. at IW l*nai*t*»f Iw* Mm MM*4*aa4
lk« C*a.k*rtaa4 Sa* at ilnaik—ki. TWWaa*
“ “ “ i mb «•
lag M * llv* WM ana i%tWM
1— XMkl* DftM, bb4 «i i w— _ .
AM. IW Ja iffi Karri* Mai. Mi alia I
1 arr**. with as urn *a4*r ear*. J__
4wriu*g b*4 MitWai**. ua asK waiar, wttfe ftna
ty H S«k. Mifon, He.
AWs lk*K4««r4 OM
hra. Mr Ml* Mai «4
MMIVm*. Ha.,
w4 «»M*r f«na.*tobt arr** track
iHaaHif, 0—4 Mr ta»aaW*aa.
oa IW M. h R. Halli—4. A Wr>Ma
m, iw rwivrtgtii Mai star*, ala* aSM M
my. c*aWa* aaa ww *r g—4 liaart
J. wo Brrr* ill caitlvaU—1 •— rMSM4.a*4
SO mrmHaHa*4*4 ya—r* 1—4. aWal — WK
w*n llatoM. r$. "Is — Hast Mm —4 01.M*
1*1—4, bW»4*m s«S*a4***MBitw*laa4-
rrn. IM •• ll • t»M414 iwlra —a
Srvylar* In rak-wl all a *M>
Mill Jim; la §—4 r»$4f, Tkii ll *S* «4 Ik# M*l
JmkiM* yW**la liliaa rwkaly, sa4w*wUI*aII
“ tiff W 1*4—»l. HIM paetm-i.
Mm. T«ws Umn—xm Ml, Ma tl. *3. SJ. *4. W,
•'‘Trknaa A*—.
■ MmO. l*ta IM, IJS. IWslW,
Steamship Line.
TUI. Ho|*«KW|ir.
ftbe first two days of tbe ~ '“'“ T* ”* UUM M Tbe mother* ami .Lu J.f.m of mir
' us. \Vs * 1,l ‘ *" nl : r, , «” U ‘” n “ l ‘ l - section will do their Wo.ncn
nights. tul w * Jo *“ l !“"°„ f ’T* r0l0,,r |*l«P rwpMkl to mils of pstriotisai
Tho of the first night sro for 1 f°"" 8 "J** U *“' W - , “S tbtiriotal- j U( j of l!u|y w | w n her son. go
Our new cigar factory ia booming! L'arioxo Club, anil that of the see- c f ^ c ? h reproac on o*n , ^ or ^|! j u ImUIi? for * nob!** amb
right along. Tho orders ahead arc on J night to bo divided betweeu tbo " ° °' C 1 e,M H *J* . 0 .* orl ’* c ; aa the Glynu Agr» -
no great that Capt. ltislcy has put on Band ami tbe Fire Company, (’(mono j W4U .. *" ° U * u U 4 ° 0 - 10 P° 10 engaged in, they will surely «lo their
two additional hands in tho past few yo which cause yon will aid. t'CHimca cars oo u ons^ nourj m f Ju j v ,l u tj. Kilobit, nt flowers,
days. \Vo nro glad to see this for — anxiety. There is a perfect tidal pictures and everything tastt-
, wnxs sweeping over the country, no- IUi H .1| „ I, lids of useful
Ou Thursday lost ss train hand Ido women all over tho State sro st ^ tticl( ., |, n(M | lwur k of industry
Roddick wa* attempting to mupfo u work, the press ..f Georgia haa passed „ ll( | thrift, may Is ej l anted pre
car at No. 7, St. A B. Itoad, his foot resolutions on the subject, and uow |„ckhs, uikes, bread, buttcl,
caught iu the track IUi) ho was thrown the whiskey drinkers themselvis arc „j„„ „ u ,| will .urrly ha there.
sr«:;.•e^'i.*::., 1 -;,-Jr.' y°« tor ••*>»«-; F « r ) win. ..uiuon.i.*tractio
ithing fordraneF to Mr Joe and he <hlJ i look for full honwo, L,.h
1,u ‘ '* I will fill it to yonr ustufaction. ! ,i„
Mill YORK A ilRl\S\li(K
; money paid to operativea benefita a
, town Kvcry dollar of it ciiculatcx
1 frd ly and pay* debt* to Hcvcral tiincx
. itx value. Isct us stand by each oth
er and tbo* build np our town. ... „ ... , „ f ......
s... ^ ^ . 'to the ground with hix leg arrowi the calling Ioudlv f«*r prohibition
Ittf. I » fo l« rwl. (wf |W gM MU'!. J isilkit I , , * . .. . .. '
inn- n."k*«. a:, itu is tr*.* »'retu* t,» ii.wt i«r track. Before lie could citnc.itc liuu-
mi*»iis-v now; «-.»n*t Imy |4xaok nr
irfraii* till iroltii'i ix»in«rii in." Yu yon
mu. IUke ii;« f|0 fill im on nryoN, or
M5 I «i*A nm n utttmn Mini wi? Will *r|| yon
during J**o\ s/x/v, A 0**1 Seittemhrr.
xt ItOt'K I IMTOM t'AHlI ritlCEH;
*ih1 aait tlinw nioiitlia for tli- IxiUnrw,
teillnul nnr rent tf Inter rat. (!n«h rate*.
Tliw nioiitb* crraliL N'x itibvixl -
iRin’t foru* t il finiiil HmauMi
ing Out S»U- of New mid H* voiid llnud
liiBtrnmcnU ,*4JU piano*. MW orgxnx.
All styl*«. All grade*. All |MiM. Meat
he rio*+ln*t. SfHrhtlterm* to lu*tnlh»ent
llujcr*. C—li pritv* #•dvxnct-d only /**
j*r cemL FitM n thii 1—4 It Ml. Ilnxr
anMl Iwamsmlfl Item aier hmtmtikm
Catalogs’** xnd full information OMiled
free flit flaf|r AmI Wur impu-d Wp M t«y—ff y—r 1—inBilly t* bay
on by Itoxtfy. nr xny o«h r man. by or 1* »h**i*• M bn*. iSRgaar
ilrrisg *1 oimv from Hie Urr*t Wl..4.**de \V. B. C. COKEIl k CX>.,
PLimv Mild Ortrin IV|>«4 of IIm* South. BnwvM.
Lt'DDK.V 4r BATHS'.>Ol'rilKBN Alt'
Il*4llb x*4 Uranty fl «mblur4.
Woman'* IUomtx.—One wRo long
Btmli—I thia Mbywt sow pr—*ih the re-
•ult uf bis iuvemigxtioK*. He i* Imppy
|o a*y IImI b«- bn*discovered **Woman*
Heat Friend." It I* adapted i«|N*riallr b*
those nuta • la-re the woaib ia diaoolernl
ami will con? any jrrrjrwlariiy of Hie
•nu n**." Brailtu'ld'* Female IU ^uIb-
tor act* like a rlifUtn in "wlittrs" or *
anibb'ii du ck of the “monthly cimraca,"
from •’old, trouble of amhl, or like nun-
(*, by nwtoriug the <(beh«rf(v- iu every
Georgia State Gazetteer
IliiNinctM and Planter’s
, mAWrsSS
Mtls-w* at •«—? ritr. (Ml —4 «l Ua*. yJSSsTI.
•Milk, HulkBlWs*. »yy|4*g Oin.lLM, 4*ra M*-
K'vkk 4 MrCui
frai. Alt* r I«*vi a aa In* aa Ly *ny »
self, the car pawed over his leg. rcu-
Mr. C. E- Flanders, formerly pro- ! 0 CM I 1 ** 1 ' uul
„_ .gj prictor of tho old Occsa House, has 1 tn “' ?
W JtTSTJSBAf moved back, "hag and baggage” to Ht.« k A.~>'n<ii,.n.
ciao. Mixes. p;, first love -Brnnswick. Ho has A meeting of th« Glynn t.'.muly
C/ry OF' '/AtdldfdfM.S conic to »Uy. Ill* old friends and tbe Stock Association will to held si
C.H-W i tsK. public generally trill find him daring Sterling Station, No. 1, M. A I). Hail-
”7 ’li' 1 “,ti v “ tho Fair in charge of the restaurant, road, on Saturday, the 18th of June,
nun rmteV Ifi.M * i * iSm*. 1 ™ where he will furnish something good All members are respectfully re-
— - i for the inner man at rcatonabln ng- «pic»bul to Iw present.
T. W. Lamm, Fris t G. C. M. A.
Will talc
, W,%#| tilUM Mi Asl. p .
Ln*4sv*4vV U- i A W*
arcs. Call ou bin when you visit tbo
IG. W. Wiuout, Secretary.
m# enticing to nyu nml tungtir, slid
**%••« t *nd goud Ixi’MiUti mmlc by
,0.1.1 I4ix| mutlu T, »istcr, wife Ol Bwi-etheart.—
notice that execnUon. • Wkwu .11 coonretwl .ilh Urn Fair
. , . , have shown Ui* tvuleuecs of ttalr
will to jssncvl against them on tho twjA M ,| ^ „,d Imv* Um satis-
25th inst. without regard to poraonn. f «Uon of having don. thrir brat,
Jisi-t Hocawre, ! with what ust snd spirit can we, at-
tllerk and Treasurer. lor closing onr three days of labor
... snd work, go to lbs boll; where th*
M-rrnmry U- i-.rt l„r Mur- swSBteat uf lunaie Will dhqivl all •nui-; colored, 2. tw, su.l our youth and ddvslry, Mr
„ ... . t i> IwK'ity »ml iimiiIioixI, will join in the
Ciran: Tatareu-W. I; intsntOe.l .Unc. a tuapp^ flush, uf . week of
C. L ScuL-irrui, M. D., wurk.
Ilealtb Officer j D. T. Dv», I'rw’t U.C.1H.
iMlflim*. In Hirunic r*-** iu nctiou is _
proiuid xml ilccikivc, *n<l *.ivc» th*.- cun-; iVu»**m I «hiU4—1 *t*T><■••> *xn H
xtitatioii Irwui amuth-Mi i-viU mim! im nu-! ,rt . ,lt *>?i M •«
•— *s re * * i mm *«*ry hm* *c i*r$r*Mi im
tare doesy. IVpaml liy Dr. J.'
■rhl. AHseta, (h-,rgu tor sale at $130
per I,Bile liy nil .Iriixxot,
Miu-vowx. Chissuu t o., Au.,
. . . July 48,1877.
I km soot yuurlVsialr HeesbkWSX-
turivshr is ■/ pvscViss tw s loop lias,
and with rstire osombs where than xrss
do r-Hiptieslioa of diw-sie. ItilHIiot*
spieifir- it is, ia siy opisiaa, lb* tost
ksowo r, lor Iim JIhum, tor which
tl f. m-usnurluhst.
J. IL Dins, 4L D.
For Rent.
T.o. trier. Mm..
i cmnt iunnn or tmiu.
8BQLS3 * CO..
KL. Bno4 Btrwt. AngH.60,
ill 0*rets.srs term mSM ■shStS's
laws amwv Sr tewnte Mm mbMJM
ter IVMOMus an tertetloW
4** Sirs, iiuy **4 Ms*f 4i
mm IS* Mb 4M, I* tk* «*4W g