Newspaper Page Text
^ivcrjiscr mi J^a/.
T. G. STACt. Editor tod Proprietor,
SATURDAY Monxfxo. JULvTtml.
Eastman bos hnd two fires lately.—
A lire place that.
Valdosta loads ber first fcbipiucnt
of watermelon* on the 21*t of June.—
They wore sent to Boston, Mass.
Central Railroad stock still declines.
It roacbod this week 120, with n
downward tendency. Now is the
time to sell if yon can.
The Albany dead-lock continues.
As n matter of intercut to our read
ers, we print the {pllowiug dear, and
lucid explanation of llio laud-pooling
and immigration movement inaugu
rated and being pushed forward
through the medium of the Waycrosa
lab The object to be accomplished
in the settlement of the land* of
Southern Georgia, and especially of
the lauds which linvo been stripped of
timlier, with immigrants from othor
Suites and Iron: i'.erupi', laminar
with the cultivation of the soil.
2d. It is proposed that owners of
land place alternate mSIw., -i fort'
ine stalwarts ..tier compromise, but j or eighty aerea in the hands of 1
!I baU breeds" ii«n ] p. £ VV. or B. A A. roads or
The Wayeroea /importer, iu tire
outre of ita aeries of article* on
South Georgia, in it* laat iatne "iluee
op" Camden county, from which arti
cle we extract the followiug in rela
te to Cumberland, lb* ppipoetive
aumroer resort of Georgia:
Any sketch of Camden county
which omitted Cnralierland Island
would-be defective, and while this
sketch moat necessarily be defective,
wo cannot close without some refer
ence to it. Stretching along the
const for twenty-throe mile*, with a
brood and beautiful beech, from two
and ono-half to four miles in breadth,
and ““!!!• of rfekji
th k 11hkat Atlanta kaiu.
The greet International Cotton Ex
position, to begin at Atlanta on Octo
ber 5th, will be a very different en
terprise from what was at first pro
jected. From a mcro exposition of
eotgm ami ita analogous interests, the
projectors now find themselves mak
iog preparation for wbst, to all in
tents and purposes, will be a world's
fair, at which citizen* of most of the
eountrie* of North and 8ontb Ameri
ca and Europe will appoar as exhibit
ors, and iu which there wilt hen place
for crory product of human ingenue
ty except anch aa are in any way dan- j r _..jV. M
i«(ik!tng and Platt will rertandy
at home.
i’erham tvanU to build a now rail
road from Macon to Cedar Koys, via
Quitman. Hold on, brother 1’.; don't
got tho minds of tbo pooplo " 'toxi
catcd" on the railroad qnntion. Juat
wait a bit, until we can build tho
"Brunswick and Pacific," and we will
help you on your scheme.
Tho Uiuosvillo Gazette tells of au at
tempt to wreck tho fast mail traiu
uour No. 2j, on tho 8., F. k W Rail
way, last wook, by a small colored
boy. The engineer saw him throw a
picco of wood or tho track just iu
tiiuo to stop his train. Tho hoy was
pursued and caught, and tnkon before
Juatico Norman for commitment.
Waycrosa Reporter: Tbo S. F. A W.
Railroad Company ia doing a groat
deal for Waycroas, ami for which ov-
eiy citizen should fei-1 tbomsclvcs un
der lasting and everlasting obliga
tions They will, by tbo timo thoy
complete their undertakings boro, ox-
|icnd rnoro money tbau thoy have
spout nt nil tbo towns on their lino of
Tbo commencement exorcises of
Iiradwcll Institnto, Hiuesvillc, Liber
ty county, begin on tbo 10th of July.
Baccalaureate sermon will be deliv
ered by Rev. W. A. McDonald, of
Ware county; aluiuui address by T.
C, Dupont, of Jacksonville; nluintuc
essay by Miss Maggio Shop part], of
Liberty county. Exorcises close on
the night of tbo 13th.
Albany AVies: Dnu Cook, a colored
mail, was locked up in jail at East
man, by tho sheriff, for wifo whipping,
llo seems to tbiuk bis offense is of too
littlo oouscquonco to demand investi
gation, claiming ouly to have worn
out on ber tiro little switches about
as big us bis finger, and two littlo
boards about as widAs his three lln-
Bulloch /tanner: During lost Fri
day night, Mr. W. B. Williams caught
out of Cunoochoo river two humlrud
aud thirty fish, nearly all of which
woro jack. His mode of catching
thorn is very simplo, but reliablo. Ho
tukos n bateau anil builds fires iu it,
oouilucts it near tho bauk of tho rir-
• er and strikes tho water with a pioco
of wood, at which tho fish bocoiuo
frightened and jump out of the water
towards Uio lire, wliou tbo boat catch
es thorn.
Bov. A. W. Ctisby, of Macou, pastor
of tbo Presbyterian church, bos been
doubly honored during the past week. |
Mercer University, of Macou, aud Da
vidson College, ot North Carolina,
have each conferred on him the de
gree of D. D. Air. Clishy declined
the houor ill both instances, holding
that any title thus conferred is mean
ingless, ill Unit it is not the work of
any church jadicatory of which he
may ho a member, and conferred for
proficiency iu any special brunch ot
his work.
Bartlesville •talette; The early ship
ment of iHuiehfri this year has proven
to bo very profitable. Several parties
iu Georgia have been fortnnate
enough to Inivo poaches to sell. Sir.
Sneed, of Joueshoro, has lieen ship
ping to New Ymk aud realizing as
much ns sixteen dollars per bushel ou
them. Messrs. Harmon k Moses, of
Touuillc, have shipjicd some to Suvuu-
uuh and realized as much as tweutv-
live cents each ou them. Mr. Rituipb,
of Marsbalville, 1ms sold a considera
ble number of crates in New Y’ork at
from twenty-four to twenty-eight dol
lars i>cr bushels. Such a crop pays
better than all grain nud no meat.
the S . | ffiaods, with the inland
laniagg (« (he sseal ihiints as the
Cumberland Route, it is attracting
the attention of pleasure and health
seekers from Middle and North Geor
gia, Alabama and the interior of Ten-
ncusoc. Mr. Ross, who keeps u ho
tel un the north ond of the Islnnd,
bos from 75 to 115 gnests |>er day,
and ia preparing extciuive accommo
dations for this and the noxt season.
Wo predict that in two years the
number of guests will iucreasc from
300 to 500. Duugenoss, ou tho ex
treme south of the Island, is replete
with historic interest. Given to Geu.
Greene, tbo commander in chief of
tho Southern forces during the Revo
lutionary war, for bis services, it was
for many years bis home. Horo Gen.
Harry Leo, "Light Horse Harry,” the
dashing and able cavalry leader of
tbo Revolution, tho father of General
Robert E. Lee, lies buried. Tho
waves chant his requiem. Tho ceme
tery embowered iu trees, almost bid
from the light of day, rendered fa
mous from bis presence, will interest
thousands from tho fact that General
Robert E. Leo enmo hero during the
war and also a year before his death,
ou a pilgrimage to his father's grave.
Tho widow of General Gronu liea
buried here. He diod ou his planta
tion on tho Knvannsh rirer, and do
one kaowa whero bo is buried. P. M.
Nightongslc owned the plantation be
fore tho war, aud boautifioil with all
that a bounty-loving aud nrtistiu nu
lure, aided by woaltli, could couceivo
of, making it a nineteenth century
paradise. Hero ho raised horses nf
tho Morgan breed, grafted upon the
hardy uativo stock which were famous
nil over Georgia. Thu islnnd is peen
liarly fitted for tho raising of lino
horses and other slock. The olive
grove hero, ns well as tho orange
grove, are demonstrations of tho won
dorful success which may ho luul
with iu tho cultivation of either ou
those islands, and, ns to the first, nuy-
whore in Southern Georgia. Tho
grand avenue of live oaks which
winds through thu plantation from
tho Cumboriaud river on the west to
tho bench upon thu cost is of itself
ouoiigb to pity for u trip to Dmigu-
ness. Thu ruius of thu old homo u!
Geu. Oreouo sud later of Mr. Night
uligalo nro covered tviib ivy—life
eliugiug to and attempting to covi
with its beauty, ruin ami decay. It
is anid that a Nortburu company have
purchased the pro|ierty from General
Davis, thu present owner, nud intend
uiakiug it n grand summer nud win
ter resort. Moucy could not be in
vested more wisely. Thousands wilt
bo attracted by the bistoriu interest
of thu placo, nud if they come om-c
will return to breathe the bnluiy odors
of this grovo of beauty, to bathe iu
thu grand surf which dashes against
its eastern borders, and fish in Cmu-
both |
toads, giving t'uu roads tuC light
to locate u settler nnon each al
ternate section id nuy time within
three yonrs, and contracting to mako
a title of anch section to tho settler
only upon actual settlement, the land
owner reserving tbo right to sell all
or any portion of said land before no
tice of settlement by the railroad
compnny or couipnnics. Tho land
owner also agrees to sell tho adjoin
ing section to tho settler nt a price to
ho fixed by tho laud-uwiier, within e
timo to bo stated by him, any li, 12 or
lb months.
3d. So soon ns sufficient lands nro
placed st tho disposal of tho railroad
companies to warrant action, thor'
will employ surveyors to divide the
land into sections as oxplaiucil above,
and will -prepare attractive pamphlets
descriptive of the soil, productions,
population, climate, geography and
topography of Sontbern Georgia, sud
ospccially of tbo sections where the
lands plncod in their hands are locat
ed, and distribute them in this ootin-
try sud in Europe. Should the
nchento assume proportions warrant
ing it, agents will bo employed to in
vito immigrants from other States
and from Europe to theso lands.—
Rates will be made fur them, and
those brought from Europe will bo
landed from steemors direct to Geor
gia {torts. It is idlo to lmpo for any
comprehensive scheme of European
immigration based ti{)ou tho landing
of immigrants in New Y'urk or other
Norlhorn ports, where thousands of
agents are ready to divert them to the
West or Southwest. It landed from
stcamors nt a Gcorgtn port uo such
influences will bo mot with.
It will be observed tbnt all tho laud
owner is asked to do is to placo bis
wild, uncultivated, useless lauds into
tbo bauds of tbo companies for tbo
pur|K)so of procuring the settlement
of une-hnlf of it in nlturmito lots, ho
retains the other half, Hindu Worth five
or ten times as much us tho whole
origiunlly was, by thu settlomont of
tbo ndjoiuiug land. Who lias not no-
ticed tbo effect of settlement of land
upon tho value of other niljnecut
lauds in both city and country, in
creasing values in direct prtqiortion
to increase iu |x>puliifioii. The land
owuer docs not pint with title until
actunl Hottlenient, uor does bo part
with tbo right to sell all or a part of
Ilia lands.
Could a scheme lie devised more
simple nml complete Ilian this t Tbo
roads run nil thu risks, ss we bnvo
said before, p»y nil the expenses, aud
only share ill tho Imuelits to bo de
rived from increased |>opulatiou,
through additional freight and pas
senger I raffle. Sliculd any one de
sire s|H>cial information upon any par
ticular portion of the seheine, a letter
of inquiry addressed tti C. 1*. Good- 'bo r l nu d river on the west, always
year, Brunswick, Gn„ our associate, j uotl „, for it8 WOUI ,„ rrill ,'ishil.e. ns
wile devotes especial attention to this; well M bunt th r o!i K l. its forests noted
scheme, will receive a prompt reply. ' ( or „ BWC-
Suggestions n.ldnessed to Sir. Good-1 Tll( , stafTortl place, in tbo center of
year will also meet With creful con- t |, 0 Mood, out of which Mr. Stafford
«u (trillion. carved a vast fortune, it ouo of the
Wo cannot too often rc|K>at tbat wc | Auwi pianutioM Georgia. There
aud the roads we represent, are •» - „ r0 willow Uudw un Huh plVtxtatiou so
earnest, and ask only the hearty co- 8 trong that cotton grow* into young
treoH, absolutely with such luxuriance
operation of the Uml oyxjiith to tnnke
this Hcbemo a Htimma.
Tbo Stato Fair offers thu followiug
premiuma: Seventy-five dollars for the
best display in merit and varioty of
anuiplo products from tho field, gar
den, orchard, dairy, apiary—tbo con
tribution of a aiugl** farm, the exhib
itor to furnish satisfactory proof that
the products were grown on hit farm.
For thu beat six stalks of cotton, $10
is offered. For the Ixwt bushel of
white wiuiei or gra/.ing oats, the
same for the best bushel of red mat
that it all runs to stalk, and where
a hundred bushels of corn |*r aero
boa been grown without one particle
of eurichment. Grazing land aa
fine as can Ik> found the country over,
ia found here. But wo must forego
further mention of Cumberland,
although it deserves the tribato of
a loving pen, able na ours ia not to
portray its wonderful beauty in a
pen picture which would bring it be
fore the reader ill nil its wonderful
i loveliness of scenery, and its .jn'sition
$500 REWARD!
Over A Millitn
Prof 6ui!mette f s
■ard lor * single caac of
■g a rrr?_
gerona or offensive. Tho exposiliou I
Wc DOW ray to !h« afflict*
w* will pay the above n
uml art-on!-
I' Ing to,dirotHMS
ami doubting
wiii be opened on Wednesday, Qcto
ber fith .... -n.-t. occasion the
dcuirJ tb* Uttilci States, tho mem
ber* of tho Cabinet and the Just ices o(
the Snnmniu Court* will be proscut.
Arrangements, also, are nearly effect
ed for a Governor’s day, which will
follow immediately after the ceuteu-
nial exercises at Yorktown are ended;
then thu ex|>o*ition authorities uxpuct
to receive tbo Governors of tho Unit
ed States in the Union and the French
naval officers who took pert iu the
euntonninl exercises at Yorktown as
their gnosts. At iuturvnls during the
exposition, addresses will bu made in
Assembly Hall by sumu of the most
distinguished representative men in
the country, and reasonable announce-
meets will lie made of the time 'and
nsmo of such s|iesker, so Hist visit
ors from n distance who desire to hear
nmy make their arrangements to bo
present. It is tho cxpectstion thst
this free discussion, participated in by
eminent representative men of *11 sec
tions of the republic, will tin ono of
the most pleasing end profitable feat
ures of tbo exposition. Tho Chief of
tbo Department of Transportation
bts nindo some of tho cheapest excur
sion rates yet known, and there is no
dnnlit Hint morn pooplo will go South
this fall Ilian evor before. Tho rate
from Chicago to Atlanta and return
is lint fifteen dollars. Similar reduc
tions on other rentes sro expected.
Of the wiregrass region is coming in
to market, and is bringing 32Jo per
pound. Why not make this whole
southeast country ono grand sheep
rnuclic, and grow rich from the pro
ceeds? Nothing pays bolter than
sheep-reising, properly attended to,
and ivo nro glad to know tbnt the at
tention of tbe farmers in this section
is boing tnrnod in tbat direction.
Woodbury, N. J., Jnly 15, 187C.
Dr. C. J. Mornnr—/>m- Sir- -Itterer
forget llte gratitude l fere yon /nr Hiring
the life 1/ my little hoy Robert, when nt
’tenth'* door, from cholera mnrhn*. After
having trim! traveling, different lnenli-
tics and climates, many physicians nml
vctnecHcs, tho diseaso only increased in
riolt-uco. As soon ns we commenced
giving Teothiua (Teething ruwdeis) the
diwsisu began to abate, toe child to rest
In-tter than lie hml done for months, bis
appetite to return, and eoon hi* rory
teeh’H gave joy to hiM mother'» heart.
e kula-va. I
ir, lantmmation c
gave joy to In* mother a ha
Very respectfully,
jclB-lm Rina. Orx. 8. O, Fiiexcii.
Ncuraiste. 4
Gaixzsvim.k, 0.1, Jail. 7. Is,so,
1 linvo suffered terrildy (or eiglil
months with neuralgia pains ail over un
bend. Two mnnflia ago I look a Ix.ltlV
of Neurotic, nnd am now entirely well,
f can say from experience the medicine
cannot lie surpassed, nor do I Is-licvc it
it has its enunt for the relief of pain.
cure fieyond n doubt. I feel truly
thankful tlml my attention wax called to
tliia great remedy. I hope that atl who
anlfer will givo it a trial.
Y'onra re»|a ctfully,
jel.’i lnl W. B. Cl.fMSNTa.
■.AMR*, if ron 1
vT*abn*a« f/W7f<STtbG-», nr »sv m«M«s ».v -—
at}». DUtlJiff or I'riumr;. Oi&m,
Without swallowing usumous medlcioc*, l*y ■Imi ly
"‘""‘prof, cuilmette s
French Kidney Pad
Ask jour druggist for I’ROK. Ol’ILMHTTEH
rUKNCU KIDNEY TAD. sud Ukc no other. If he
has not got It. stud I'i.bO, and you will rtwelve Ihc
pad bjr return mall.
Jl’DOK BUCHANAN. J. P.. Lawyer. ToSodo. O.,
Prof. Utilliuettu** Yrviu li Kkliiuy
♦oek’e tiiuo.—
>eat doctors aa
I an (Tori d untold
.......... Jo auuia of money."
OEOKUK VETTElt, J. P.. Toledo. O., asya: •• I
ilfcrod for three ycara with Kclatics and Klduuy
Diarasr, sud olteu bad t» go a1>oii t ou rrtitebt-s. I
intlr cured after wearing
Kiducy Pad four wrccka.'*
. . vaula, O.. writes: *'I
have l«een a great stiffen r (or 1.1 year* with Bright *
Diaesae of tbo Kidn- ya. Kor weeks at a time I wan
■iliabio to get out of bed; took Itarrtja of medicine,
but they gave me only temporary relief. I woro two
nf Prof, finilmette’a Kidney Pads ala wceka, and I
now know I am entirety cured.”
MBS. HELEN JKItOMK. Toledo. O., uya: ” For
years I have »h*u eonAne*!, a great part ot the time
to my tied, with Lncorrbuu aud fwualo wtakniw.
I wore ouu of Uulluu tte’n Kidney Pads am! was
cured in one month.
U. R. (JKEKN, Wholesale (trocar, Findlay. ()..
writes: •* I suffered for **» years “* '
it up by
incnratile. During all this :it
agony aud |«id out large s
miTerod for three years <
pane, and olleu had I
entirely aud permai
and iu three weels was pcrmaueutly cured by wear
ing one of Prof, nnilmrtte'a Kidney Pad#'.”
ti. V. KKRMUNii. II. !>.. Urugglat. LoganajN.rt.
Ind.. when amiding iu au order lor Kidney Pads,
writes: •• I wore one of Ute lirat ones we bad and I
received more tanefii from it than anything I ever
aaed. Iu fact, the Pad* give better general satisfac-
and are bearing of go*wl result* fmu
d * y ’
Will |H>aitivcly cure Fever aud Ague. Dumb Ague.
Ague Cake. Billion* Fever 4aumlico, Dyapemia. aud
all diseases of tho IJver, HtoNi.ii h aud IMottl. Price
fl. SO by mail. Sand for Prof. Ouilim tt L « ruatise
on the Kidneys ami Liver, free by mail. Addrina
Toledo. Ohio.
H«4d by JAN. T- HUH. Jell-ly
W. B. C. COKER & CO.
old Haratoji'
, Hie Bolin Print pliw
kitchen, fruit I
Alao’the foil'
rush marsh. Fine
or.;, only six ml
in Umnswlrk. (ia.
Uml on ransl and
idles from city; tlw
aud the kll
Steamship Line.
Captain HIKES.
cirr of f>i&&£'XS
Captain RINK.
Lravea New York every Friday at 1 P. M. a
■K in Urunawlrk every Tuesday. Close rnou
tth aU points ..a B. k A. and M. k U. Kallnml
Through bilU ladtug signed to all p«HMa <m ai
Freight and paaeage aa Inw aa by any
.. rr ^ nm roofn , gppljr
i Act,
Tho now law for tho F roUf lion of! l>r0 of oats To the county. throu«b i afi tht ‘ oul * w,Ht oU w,ir
tliiUrtn iii^Ne'd- ' societies^ unit ciiiba, which nliHll i ** u ^ M% “'* l,M * ^' ,IU l ** ,U
niiadcmcanor for the Droi>rictui of m mem nml variety of producta aud . The beach ia sublime, the interior
tiiij Uicairicm exhibition to uduat to j rcMitta of home industries ^except
wi CYOning pcrforanco acy child an- Ltock, excluded), nil rttiavd or pro-
*3cr sixteen years of ago, unless ac-! duced iu the oonuty—-Bibb ooantj ex-
companied bv a reputable adult j»er- from com|>etitioi»- a premium
ith nr lot un. ou
ISO. 'JMltO ftv».
tine ot tho lic*t Tot
lot ISO and Ixits
1 romfortahl. ho
he HU-luhni
root Ot*od
property in
r lamls
>t thu
M * B 1
> the
II.. Uot l
-tty property, improved
every i«rt of the city,
splendid «m • '
sing, mi It. ,v A
» good urt-haril
and tinfmprovi'd.
Several spiciulid small farnia^aiijoiulng Tiirlh
HN OKOlUilA —thi- "Oglethorpe House * in th,
ty. Hpau new, with fifty alevpiuj rvMim*. wi II (m
i»h'*«1 parlors, sitting roolu-. .ml hilllani ■;
on. barlwr -ho|«, store* and offl. i s. etc. Ever
ting complete amt the mo*l iuiKl. ru conveninurn
Hid has a pay I
he Bay, at Hit
Hie Cumberland Urn
lor a Ui
arms, with A0 acre*
•dling i
ly of fiah.
the Bay,
the Cniul
ing lor a live hotH man in th<
reasonable terms, and at a
Also, Hie Judge Harris fi
da idling aud onthuiiars. Ou salt
h. oyaiora. etc.
the E*lward (Hover f.mi. right i
nn, four tullra from city. .;<x*| f.,nr-r.
uit treca, ubv. ou the M. k B. llallrowl.
. thi*.
Also, the Cartwright Point place.
railroa.l* a
inil, W0 arn-a Iu cultivation;
kl a>n-a of antcndld pastnro h
ell Umbered. Front* on Back ri'
liuora Island: abundant ft .h ami nys
ig places Ha* on it a splendid
•ns*—fireplace In
-1 I
d, aLo»l
11 !T ry
i good npalr. Thiali
tin (Hinn county,
ad. Titles pert-*!
s tiL* k, lota 'J|, Ji, y
Goods bought and sold on closest fig
ures. Consignments solicited.
W*e Jtlean Business!
L And hope by a study of the wants of our
customers not only to keep those we now
have but to
- / '
t / • » 4 v -
; ; ' .’-v .
Plnnoy’s Bullcllng.
Day Street, - - - - lirunswick, (*a.
o’comor k mm,
BBi’imswiek, Ixcorsia,
STEAMER RUBY. iMWff mum hooks.
• Ito. Hi. Town cuuuu
rail* now for a .Uneii at
r yunr opportunity t
■all dwellings,
r your opportuuitjr ti, buy ami to m
ii let out on beat tem.a, Call on or addnw*
Wood Turning,
i| nn I
lid anbacqucntly brought i
dcatrnrtioa ,wthc
as per *•|e o( | m
J l>e only of the title, and any
:o tie |aid for separate!)
Person* *olling liquor to suiil! „f J.’.oo will be sxvsr.le.1; seconJ beat
uiiuors, anil {>er*on* who (ball salt, r mime regulation*, $150.
or {wnoit tboui to engage iu nuv ——
game ot chance iu places aberu liquor Tboiuaavillu Tuner: It woul.l be iu-
is eol.l, are alto ltuliTto bo guilty of
tbo sanio offcnxr, and will bo pun
ished accordingly. Such a iaw rigid
ly enfurecd would avcouipiiNli great
good in oil Urge cities.
tvrcfeting ruidiUL' to sc
Uio Thomas county far
make nil their aupjduH
year. Wc shouM like
lovely*—thu wutiturti passage winding
nloug ita shoru* qniut nud peaceful and
through manthoN and grren islets a
dream of cnchautiucul, aud with iU
still waters taking ou tho wonderfal
liuU uf Hiintu t nkv, Ikeyotid the pow
er of writer or painter to doscribo.—
i » ceiisuH of - . „ .. ,
Iiein who will 1 1,1,1,11 **** 1,1 ‘ u *v r0A,,z0 ^d an
al homo (iii, jderstaud all this wodth of boaotj,
publish .be .which nature, with prodigal libcrali-
!i«L It would bv u roll of honor- ty, has placed ujkju our ooast.
ING. Ere.,
Uom 01 wovkOMa -X. .Ijl. J. abort bottom—
r.r*. i.| in
Local Legislation.
s. (it!, h* rutty K v* n that aptdlcaln* will In.
iiiadt- to tka> tie I<14 mUly **l thu nurn ot Ocur-
• »n to b* hold on July
. » of the Lvialaturr of
ral Ih.-^ f.utiUi day *f
»Ung t
r the ci:y I
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And other*. I
ibsily, (HantUy'a
. dVitj. ;
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In tho Matter ©1 DnBignon * Beck. In Bankruptcy.
a; pV
r it.
A (ilvi
upt*. ihci
;ry, bx-f.rr., tho *%*art If-t
ing n.j iif>t*Mt
m II at pnblie
Hi i
IhA-lC liiX JiKTT. lh t ,uLr u
■)vrr Ml. hdaon’s Provtaion Store, (llouc. a ter Utmt.
Br. W. B. 2UER0D6HS,
llrid K'l.tti* and lifarniwe Agenf.
Rrferetin*: Kavannah Bank and Trutt ( umiaziy
r*t Natl jl4> ILnk Um uu.U*.
Wanted tu etr-hange for «1ty pr..|»-rtv ur I nd near
wrral I mall urwa and *h Tt b*. naea tu