Newspaper Page Text
Belov we quote price# current for to-d#y:
Middling FMr 1| v
Oood Middling U»
Middling 11
Low Middling 10*$
Oood Ordinary 'J
Ordinary 1
Common $*£«
F#lr 6 jfc'gMj*
Rough country f. Mc^rWc
Ko#n»—D f 2.1(1, E (3.20, F $2.35. O $3.35. JI i3.35,
I $8-50, K $3.00. M ;3.U5, N $4-00. window glass
8 ram T
ulan, do.
Bacon—Clear rib tide*. 12,Sic; ahoulder
J[ivfltiger and Appeal
Lama, 18c; dry nlteo clear rib aide*, ll>ic;long
clear, llXcj shoulders,3c.
G*.us—Com—white 95c, mixed 87}»c; oats, 37
Western timothy $1.30.
*n tierces, 1“
-Superfine, ... .
family, $8 35@8T5; fancy, $3 75<&1Q V\ bakers’,
$8 35f«$$9 00.
IltDKs, Wool, Etc—Hides, dry flint, IStfc; saltwl
80c; deer skins, Vo; otter skins, 35c&$5 00.
Aafl—Boain and spirits. 3s. 9d.(ff 5s. 0d. to United
Kingdom or Continent direct; to New York. 40C on
rosin, 60c on spirits.
Steam—To New York, rosin 30c, spirits 80e; to
Philadelphia, rosin 30c. spirits 80c; to Baltimore.
Ttvsin 40c, spirits 75c; to Boston, rotla 45c, spirits
Shipping Intelligence.
Sep 19—Anst bk-Tigrl, Casnllch, F,
Hep 19—Br Ellen Monroe, Whitaker, Philadelphia
Http 20—bg Lizzie Wyman, Gaul, Now work.
Hop 21—Me A Heston. Boyd, Charleston,
tep 32—8c M E Van ~ “
’, Thorndike, Charh-stoi
tp 23—Br bk Cbinsiiipas, McQualue, I-tverpol.
p 16—Bp Clytle, Dow, Pernambucf
Post Office Time Table.
B. k A. mail cloaes 6:00 a. m.
•1! close* 6:36 a. M.
For Ordinary.
I hereby notify my friends and the pnbMcgeneral
ly that I am a candidate for the cilice of Ordinary of
(ilynn county, to All the vacancy occasioned by the
resignation of W. «. Berrie, Esq. Eloctlou will take
place on the 8th of October.
E. V. I*. DART.
Now Advertisements.
U. a. II ISLE Y, Proprietor.
Pure Havana Tobacco,
cm be bad of (ho follow:
W. T. <1 LOVER,
TOY 'Chinaman),
F. J. l>OKR ELI NO Ell.
Your Orders are Solicited.
Election Notice.
An election fur ordinary to nil tlio vacancy o.-cv by the rr-lgnatiou of W. H. ll«-rrin, Eup.
will bs held at the Court House on Hat unlay. Octo-
btr atb, 1881. T. O’CONNOR. Jh..
Clerk Superior Con *
Two Story Residence,
With eight room a besides the kitchen and all out
houses, pitMuatly loratol and right In tin* heart o|
town. Lot 90x180 F»r further parUcuUrs Inquire
Gain! Bain! Gain! Wo have had
enough to do us for a short season, at
Genuine Meerschaum pipes sud cjgar aod^d^arclte
Wo yield our space this week to let
ters and communications. Read all
of them.
Have you seen the funny man at
Goodbrond’s cigar store ? Ho is as
smiling as yon please.
The Jewish Now-year begun lust
night (Friday ) at huh down, and will
bo observed -as a holiday until Sunday
11 poundj No. I 8ug«r for $1.
6K pounds of lito Oofs* :<»i $1.
Kerosene Oil. p#r gal’o... at
Conductor Hale, of the M. & R., is
fast gaining popularity as a knight of
the boll-rope. Look Io your laurels,
Mr. Dick.
Rev. Theo Hunter w .1 fill the Pres
byterian pnlpit of this city to-morrow
■Sunday—at 11 a. m. and 7:45 i*
Seats free.
There was a smiling benedict at the
depot lust Thursday evening. The
wife and babies had returned afler a
two months’ trip.
More sugar and cofloe for $1 than any
•tore la town. GOLDSMITH A
The friends of Mr. A. David uud
Miss D. Weiss, both of Baxley, Ga
but formerly of Brunswick, request us
to announce their betrothal.
Our Dutchman shoemaker, Noubuu-
or, instead of goiug off to buy stock,
seoms to have left for other reasons.
Wo learn he left several unpaid bills.
Old Yennor or some other weather
clerk lias changed the temperature
in these parts muchly of late. If this
thing continue*, blankets will socu be
in domaml.
Mr. and Mrp J. Wesley Taylor, of
Satilia Bluff, have beou spending the
wook in our city. They are outhnsi-
astic over tho building of a Presbyte
rian church at that poiut. Wo wish
them success.
Sudden DeatU.
Rev. Father P. J. McCabe, who has
been in ebargo of the Catholic church
at Rrauawick for several years past,
was seized with a nervous attack on
Sunday, 11th inst., of a very severe
character, prostrating him completely.
Ho rallied from it, however, sufficient
ly to go to Macon uud return, and on
Tuesday last was on the stroets of tho
city, in apparently fair health. On
Wednesday noon he was, wo under
stand, seized with a congestive chill,
and becamo unconscious and soon ex
pired. Dr. Plain was called in, hut
medical skill was powerless to restore
him. Tho news of his death will bo a
terrible shock to his mother and sister
(who were at once telegraphed) and
other relatives, who, wo presume, wero
utterly unprepared for it.
Tho fuueral services of Father Mc
Cabe took plaoo at the Catholic church
yesterday morning. His remains
wero interred in the lot adjoining the
church, but, wo understand, will he
removed North this winter.
Wlmt Wo Want nncl Howto Get It*
Bbuxswick, Ga., »Sep., 17, 1881.
Editor Advertiser:
Dear Sir.—Glancing at your paper,
the writer find# “our needs’’ present
ed forcibly. Yes, wo neod all those
things, nud they will como with many
more things of greater importance, if
proper effort is niado and a proper
spirit displayed.
Let me suggest a few other needs:
Wo have, us you say, a good hotel—
! you might have added a paying one.
Wo need another for wiutor visitors.
It would add to the business of the
present one and of tho town. The
present hotel will have all it can do in
winter entertaining transient guests.
A hotel for winter visitors and inva
lids could be tilled with ease. In sum
mer both hotels could combine in
making an attractive rosort at St. Si-
moua. Have a boat make a number
of trips each day, and guests could
spend, their days on the Island and
nights at tho hotels- Both hotels
i iiomh Atlanta i.xitiDii». , could thus be kept full winter and
e are p ease* o earn a some j ttn advantage wo havo over
of our i>coplo are moving m tho umt-j Jaok9onvi , 1( , ( „ llole , lotels cloBe in
i *x\hm. - 1 The pleasure seokers from
the interior of Georgia, Alabama and
Of Saturday, S^itumNr 17th. will contain the
"lining chapt* r» or &n intmui.-Iy lnt.-rostioK *’.ory,
The End of# Divan. l.lfc. hr Mis* Faxmlo May Wi*t.
of Atlanta. Thu »tory will run through aome flvs
or tlx nnmlien -f tho WEEKLY NEWS.
r Exit
y Money Ordci
ir rUk.
Tax-Paym, Tnk<* Notice !
ion of uses du.. tho Mato snd Cu
Hrnnswick, 8cq>t. 50 sud 31, Oi-t.
st. nlmoo# Mills, Sept. 33. sud «i
R. M. TWON. T. C . G. C.
By Spsauh Bark Clementins. and fu, i*ale at
$1.50 Por Gal.,
frcuh Mack-i'-’. »n4 Cofljudt. v
If jeweler Harris continues to in
crease his stock of jewelry, •watchos,
locks, etc., ho will soon have to inovo
into biggor quarters. Wo congratu
late him on this evidence of prosperi
ty. lie sells reasonably, hence his
Work on tho Brunswick wharf ex
tension of tho M. *V B. R. R. goes
bravely on. Mr. Culuan informs us
that tho grading will ho completed to
tho edge of tho marsh by to-night.—
additional hands have been put on,
and there will ho no delay.
Messrs. Charles Green’s Sous clear
ed the brig Clytie, Captain Dow, on
tho 10th inst., for Pernambuco, with
a cargo consisting of!>8,8-11 feet pitch
pine lumber valued at $1,532, and 1,-
291 barrels rosin valued at $4,403. To-!
tal value of cargo, $. r »,
ter of making oxhibifa at the JSxputu- j hll|nmer
lloo. Wo would L>c glad to know that
others wore going into it. Mr. J. M.
Cooper will hco to it that our rico in
terests aro well represented, and we
understand that Mr. Robert Clubb
will exhibit corn grown on his pluco
at the ratio of forty bushels per acre,
without manure, potatoes that yielded
four hundred bushels to the acre and
also au excellent sample of lino Cuba
tobaccco. Wo commend these gentle
men for their public spirit and trust
others will do likowise. Just get up
your exhibits in good shape and bring
them to town, and wo will undertake
the troublo of shipping them for you,
Tennessee aro increasing each yoar—
give them ample accommodations and
their number will bo ten times wbat
it is now. Those who desire could go
to Mr. Ross’ place on Cumberland,
and would return here to take in St.
Simons as part of their enjoyment.
Lot tho hotel proprietors of Bruns
wick. loose tho mngniticcnt sulphur
springs aud grounds at Wayuesvillo
and put up accommodations there for
guests aud arrange with tho B. tk A.
Hoad to run a train to suit, and that
can me made one of the most attract-
will it,
n one,
vo features ef u trip to the coast—
if yon prefer, free of any cost. Jnst combillining 80u , )athiug| g00< i Rn l-
seud the articles along. It Shan’t cost » ll0p Wftter And ft delightful place for
you any thing. picnics and excursions. We seek tho
Not»»« from M:»im*. ! mountains of Virginia and Tennesse
A Brunswick lady now visiting in \ f ‘ ,r tfood 'ninoral springs when we
Maine half wav made np her mind to 11 bonatifal one, full of health
writo us a letter for publication, but 8'»>"K properties, in a beautiful oak
her courugo failed hor, and idio wroto ' grovo, on a lovely hill side, a stone's
instead to a friend, who has kindly throw from the B. ,t A. Goad, and on-
allowed tin Ur make the following es-1G ta'enly-t.vo lades f.orn our
tract, which we publish at the risk of | near \\ uynesville.
tho writor'a displeasure: j Ouo hotel will bring, if wo
Tull Mr. Stucv 1 felt niv lingers j another, tho two will bring a
ache to toll him of tho beauty aud I and tho tlirco will bring three
grandeur of tiooso Ilocks. if I had land the six will pay bettor tin
tho clover brain of our fu.r Yellow L #0 or tLroe _ oocb Ulc
lamuo I would send suchade-!,. . , . . ,
seviptiou of this summer resort to enr 0ur Ul,tslrttl advantages far surpass
iVnvjj'.TMKB *xo Awna:. that it would Jacksonville, and that 1ms boon the
induce half of its many readers to he-1 experience of that city,
gin a “sinking fund" with a view to j Wo have it in onr power I., make
buying their summer. The ■ „ , „ Iuuml8 wintcr rC8urt ftn d
Gt»oso Rocks are s: mply cilegant. The „ . '
wild waves dash upon thorn with such j ccftially famous ns^a summer resort,
force as to send the spray eight or ten | Within easy reach are places of liis-
feet high, but as you cuter the bay u j tone interest, which, if we will but of-
giand beach stretches lUti* for three i .,lt»nsiuit aeecnimodntions, will at-
or four miles, alioso foaming waters . , , . ■ .. ..
wash up to .ay good friends' milages, j ,hon *» ni,e '»ungen-
Clams, liiih and lobsters are very phm-! ‘“--ss. tho homo of General Oroeno, tho
tiful hero. I wish you could sea us, I resting place of "Light Horse Hurry
with loug sticks,'Ashing ' the lob-1 r,(C." whore funeral liobort K. Leo,
stors out at low waUr, or watch ns j Ulu t mimarj . )cB(lor ()f Ul0 Co u-
eat them at dinner—I am quite sure . . . . . . . . ..
you would not forget it soon. This 'ederncy made pilgrimage, to hisfalb-
place ia only nine miles from Bidde- j er’s grave, tho oak under which Wcs-
ford, Me. In udditiou to the attrac- ley preached on St. Simons, the now
tioimlhuvo mentioned nt the Goose j ,i„ Hcr |od town of Frederica, whore
Bocks I must speak of mother Camp- (1 „,,. rn01 0 glethor|a.. had Iris garri-
bell, who takes all imprudent visitors . , , , ,
under her wing, and gives them led ' bloody marsh where ho over-
buthn and ginger tea.
Wo V ill F'Kpit'i
ad vert iscmtnt of (
V.“gun under mlv
rar fi’«
We are ploascd to greet on our
atreetH, Mr D B. Ktnery, who htm
just returned from atrip to upper
Georgia. All tbiuga considered, he
is of the opinion that the seiicoant is
the gartlen spot of the Stub
private opinion that 1:
three-thirds right.
If any of our exehmigi
tho wburealiontri of a certain land
scape and portrait painter, Reynolds
by name, they will confer a favor by
saying to him that several of our peo
ple ttwait bia return with interent -
none more so lliun the « uiiIohs
it be his landlady.
been added,
is » thing i
and it is
! is about
> kimw i
.cigars, under
■»f Mr. Sevfor
bold word in
smoke** it*, this section that lie
heard of his famous ••IMniitatinm*" and
“Nonpareils'." Besides bcitig sold;
by eighteen firms in this «il;\ orders'
are constantly coming in f ’roin the
lines of onr roads, as well as from
points a thousand miles away.
Death of Ml.-., w !•’. St. waif.
In life we are often in the midst of
death. Shoiily after the sudden
death of Father McCabe, on Wednes
day last, borne child, m panting the
whelmed *110 Spnuinfc forces, all are
plote with historic ir teres:.
Oar broad and beautiful harbor,
luutUockud ami tramptil, affords u
splendid opporttciitv for sailing. Onr
ivums'sDees.' mul iiiaia.'an.l almund in .
lml ;t lg him*. -v.M tm kev.s,,ni,relsan<! ,, “l ,rov " whore cor|K,r«t" “tV.a t ,,
ualan.lhe'.pi , m; , n ,„-Inches .,f tit. H.nmussml wd m tho rare progrn,
a rule where;*, is tiupopulur
it tract! vu.ii.KM Yatl.lnr. i. I There is no way to w rapi.lly pr.
but on
era be Appointed and let them receive
subscriptions in improved or unirn-
proved real estate iti the city and
county, issuing stock to subscribers
for tho par value of their land as ap
praised, of course receiving cash sub
scriptions also. Thnro are very tow
in our city and county who do uot
own somo land which is and will be
for years off the market, a drug upon
their hands, draining their pockets
for taxes. The truth, is we have far
too much land unless it was improved.
Put this land iu the hands of snob
a company. Receive only land where
tho titles aro good, and whether a
dollar is subscribed or not, such
company cau go upon the markot and
borrow money on its real estato for
any needed work of improvement.—
Thus wo ntilizo our uuiniproved lands
and mako them available for any dn-
sired improvement.
But the inevitable remark a ill come,
“This is a visionary achemo—it is not
practical.” The answer is that money
is seeking investment and that all'
capitalists want ia good security; that j
this schemo will giro thorn good se-.
eurity; that it is protty certain that
the capital can bo borrowed on just j
this sort of a security at seven jior 1
cent interest.
What would be the practical work
ings of this project ? Land owners
would exchange unimproved lands
for stock in a company. Second —
that company would borrow money
for somo needed improvement and
give security upon its real estate. Let
us supposo that some one subscribed
a water lot or inoro. Our water front
needs improving. Kuough money is
borrowed to build a wharf and ware
houses. At once the company re
ceives an income from n lot which, in
the hands of tho owner, was not only
unproductive, but a drain upon his
pocket. Docs any ouo ask whether
such a class of improvement? uro
ncodod ? Tho answer is that wo lost
11,000,000 feet of lumber lust year;
from ono firm alono for want of ter
minal facilities. So with any other i
needed improvement: Factory, win- 1
tor rosort, etc.
This city iu growing. It will grow
far moro rapidly when tin* Colo and
Iirlanger syndicates complete tluir
connections. Peoplo will desire to como
boro—thero are no vacant honses to
vent. Tlfe company could borrow
money nud build and supply this de
mand nt a heavy profit to itself and
n great benefit. tp,tbo city.
And ho this company would help
the city uud innko it grow. The rail
roads will not build tho city. Such is
not their mission. It must be done
eithor by individual action or associa
ted action. It cannot be done by in-
lividuul action for the cqcfnl is not
hero. Capitalists arc imt coming un
til they see us moving. Wo have
nothing wo can move vriih but onr
land. It is safe to repeat, we ran miae
tho capita! by the means proposed.--
But it may ho said there will bo
difficulty iu getting land put in such
an enterprise. The answer is, that a
number of owners of unimproved land
aro ready to go into (bis wdmme the
moment it is properly organized.
- It may also be suggested that cor
porate enterprise is liable to b« din-
I honest or improvident. There is no
I reason why wo should m>t have us
I honest and provident a (•ompnny here
as elsewhere. It is tru** tint cities
Sew Grocery Store!
I)unn & Co.’s Establishment,
2v£r. G-EOEG-E
Will Ik
found Imhind tlm Counter, ready to wnit on liia old
Duck & Coi.
uufi! now fh" cnti r-
if life, and R:.s!e\
skillful nmnipulatic
nave become m hotiai
laud. Wlu-rc is tl
built the pr'wiit h*
11. L. HARRIS*
Wo invite attention to double col
umn advertisement of Messrs. Gold
smith A Co to lie found in this isaue. 1 w,me ° ,,e » ‘ Mimr . oCa k-
Mr. Goldsmith ban just moved to our
city and oiwncd husincH here. Ho is
don't!* a t? b*om a protracted ilmcnn,
l!oor, sud died iu
rtio Ixtreaved husbtwd
c*i s rn n city ana oiMmeu ouriuch nere.
H-MEJERS,ShipClmudlcr. ahvCi pro |. tn8SU ,, morchttntmd
—— , pirworTiiF I meim to la- luft behiuJ in tku rscu for ' f " l! *° *''''
XX. A. K L IN It 1. U ix, i ra ju. His |irict's »te low. Mr. Ooo. | Dti's- Ti
Heal Estate f Land Agent,
residence of Mr. Ste
Tho Htutdeu mmouneementM
Mrs. Stewart, who was just
nitod to
more money than the
e.uuae we lmve till the
Hummer hh well wh a
We also need a ft
Uiot it: ,d shoe fact
a bloom factory, and we cun have ev-
md with
out raising th« cq-ital entirely our-
Helvch. Capita; is abr>>ad in th'f. land
Keeling investment. 1st tm ruiw a
timnli portion of tho capital needed,
and otiti.idc capital will come in. But
... w . , ular aud lai
Y)*. ^IIIIOUH utiil
»ng Brunch ill
Nothing is r „ . ,
and ih'cV *aoto the prosperity f IlrmtHWick
e duck* u b ; ch ^ ,0 01,0 8U 6t> L * Htw4 ^ and Hindi a eoi
• and - 1,0 , ‘ 1 ’"
ulmthur, «»til l"‘ rl " l !' 0 I“°" " ,u ,, “ i
t msko W, bcsKlos .-.prrreistu.K ll.u ,,,-ire
every foot of kind in *• nr ci»v ui
These suggestions are off,-red wi
no other personal interest than a >1
sire to see our city grow and prosjM
Give it a fair trial, hearty mippn
and honest management, and it a
succeed. Ob*i:u*.tk.
akc there bo-
UitioTiK for a
ter resort.
. factorv, u
OcncraS Provisions.
y, a itoap factory,
, we can have ev-
• will.
shocked : tho buHincss man t
i ccover-
that she*
. h short
a, “I have not
from my busi-
way by
Wo cal! Fpccial attention to onr
The closing number <»f the tenth
volume of the Southern M.t.u.n! .f oirn-
published by Messrs Redden A*
Bates, is on f»tir table. If has b«*en
not only nr. advertisement for the
firm, but nn educator of the |>eople
in tho art and practice of music. Iti
Lulirifitliiig and Painters’ Oils,
Which will ho of the
Myers, one of the most jiopular clerks
in tho whole country, U on baud road)
to wait on customers. Givo the now
lirm a trial.
ativvs lmve out hearlfolt sympathy.
1 estate in Brunswick aud OIj’ii
’. Cullin#, Collector l’o
). AlUnU, Ga
■»f lirun»wic
q CroT»tt’# r.e%-
’. jji3-i
Ov-r MicbrlMu’# ProT'.tion ftioe, Ob>ne« tar fitrrrt.
h prop-
TLc scUciLi!.- uf lb« M. & K. G. G. j
..... . , , , . . , «*» ^ hli,;ht!v ‘' h,,n ‘*” ! ' 1 . , tv. bnt it is not true tb.t .corporal
W o tip our hut to our enterprising * itnMMuigor m*w arrives at fi 90 (half * 1
Osh and oyster dealer, Mr. L. L. Cars- j j. (/jr Bf> oner, ..nd ’.onves at (fif- j
woll, for a handsome string of large U 4W u minutes luter. The night pna-
mnllct, fresh from the Gulf, and a can | ^enger leaves here at 8:110, instead of (
of onr own luscions bivalves. Mr. I H:15. No change in arriving time of
Carswell proposes filling a long-felt j \ ft tter train.
want, to-wit, a *:sh and oyster market i
where customers ami the public cun
the capital L
nuHH ” Let
which we cm
of cash outlay, "l»tu:n a!! tho things I
have mimed and more besides.
It is true that individuals cannot j firm to tho peoplo of Ot
borrow money uj»oti unimproved real I thy their patronage Send to Mcmra.
without a dollars worth : } uijt r ,. ac he<l a circulation of o.OOO and
continnesto grow in iinportaucc. We
commend Inith tho enterprise mid the!
holding « large amount of
ci ty ran not.
Organize u Brunswick Improve
ment Company, broad enough iu its
scope to carry on any feasible arid
profitable business or improvement.
There in u charter in cxistunce
Luddcn v\: Bates, Savannah,
a gratuitous Hurnplo copy.
Att.ixta, fla.,
Du. C. Momrrr
not tt><> atrongly rcomn
iaa (Teething Powder*
one of the bent mediant
their debilihitetl ami
Nov. 7, 187U.
fair Sir— 1 can-
md your Teeth
to mother# an
they am oUain
:kltf infant*. I
have used it with, very satisfactory
stilts the past summer with my own child,
and while wo have heretofore loat * child
be supplied st any and *11 times — ; Tl.e election for Ordinary, to till va. brood euougb iu its provision* to cov- or two (tom t< , t .,| ling urlI p. r ort ,
Give bim a call, or scud in your or- cancv uccresiuec! by tbe rei.ipustiiin er any needed enterprise, obtaiuedlw- .ti.. ottr present ehild that lias taMK
ders to bis plsee, ou Littlefield k Ti- of W. H. Bcrrie, Esq., will take place | foru the war by a mau wbom Bruns-
son's wLnrt. | on tho 8th of October Mr. Edgar i aiuk should delight to honor, aud
is* ;,v» r.roe«y stre>no;Jor.ta a co. j Dart ia a candidate, and ask* yonr l amended since the war. Let a com-
Sec bis Miuouuci!U|c|.t iu | puny organize under this charter, or
. sotuu other. Lut a board Of appraia- > t brother Senator Joseph E. Jirovn
•at firir. t«»z, h*tr», p! ( { thonM>
rw«. xrt#l. m*#1, I'usU n Xultet beef, Ut*is#,
eUtK. WLaca rraita.auau saslvcflotobU:#.
Ml bMoa*! * JU PP ort ’
*, another column.
Teethiua ia a lint*, healthy boy
merit i* certain to mako it a .itan<l;ird
family medicine for tliii country for tiro
irritations of teething and l>owcl diuor-
ilare of children of all age*. I am, very
We Will Not be Undersold.
Will l.e our motto. Store on Collin's wharf,
Bay Street
Brunswick, Ga.