Newspaper Page Text
8tmu Bip«t, Ga., Oct. 25, 1881.
Editor Adotrliter and A)i)M’al: Id
your inane of the 15tb, referring to the
loss of tho Spanish bark Manuulln,
yon say that an English and n Gor
man roasel woro lying in SL Andrews
sound when the boat containing five
of tho crow drifted by, and although
ail manner.of distress signals woro
given, the crows simply lookod at
thorn from the sides of their vessels,
bat offorod no assistance. This is on
the authority of Mr. Terras, your
Spanish Consul. Now for tho facts
At daylight, when Capt. Weinrosky,
of the Gorman bark Marie, came on
deck, ho first looked for tho bark that
lay on tho breakers the evening be
fore, and not seeing her, nnd scanning
tho horizon, discovered this boat about
two miles to leeward, when ho imme
diately called his crew to lannch his
boat, tho one in the water having filled
daring tho night. Tho steamer Win-
penny now hove in sight, Htccring di
rectly betwoon tho bark's boat and
his ship The Captain then, of course,
hailed Capt. Elmo, of tho Wiupenuy,
now within hailing distance, who im
mediately went to their assistance,
nnd, as you sny, picked them up Tho
writer is personally acquainted with
Capt. Woinroskv, and while he was
loading his ship nt tbo mill of Hiltons
>k Foster ho displayed all tho qualities
of a gentleman and a sailor, and, upon
reading this report, folt very much ag
grieved, and would havo ropliod there-
to, had his ship not boon randy for
sea. Those are the facts, and although
your informant was innocent of any
intentional wrong, tho victim keenly
folt tho sharp edge of calumny.
A sad accidont occurred hero to-day.
About nino o'clocks, ns tho engineer
of tho mill of Messrs. Ililtona A Fos
ter was in front of tho boilers, sotting
np a joint that was leaking, tbo T to
tho food pipe blow out, nnd tho ntoaui
literally blew the skin from off one
lflf his body, but, providentially ho
did not inhalo any of the steam, so
that, although terribly scalded
havo hopes that he will ultimately ro-
Wo worship uow io a parlor, but
things are looking brighter, nud it will
not 1)0 long beforo wo hope to give
you an invitntiou to a dedication.
Your letters signed Observer are
good, aud what ho proposes fur tho
improvement of Ihuoswiek will apply
equally as well to Camden county.
H A l* »•: 1,0 r HA M I N !•;
Wo had n pica "’st cull this week
from Dr. Win. If. Elliott, quarantine
officer nt Sapc island Through
him we that the station costa tho
general government about $10,000
per annum An appropriation of $110,•
000 was asked for of the last Congress
but it was refused -M ery unwisely
This question is now up for discus*
siou. Final action will be taken on
the 10th of November. We hope ev
ery man in the county will take time
to consider tho question in all its bear
ings. There are differences of opin
ion, wo know, even among those who
are opposed to the use of liquor, as to
the best rnodo of stopping the evil.—
For our part, however, we aro clear in
our convictions. There aro only six
arguments urged against prohibition
and these are not worth considering
when put in the balnnco against those
of the other sido. Hero they are:
1. Pecuniary loss to individuals.
2. Lush of revenue to city and
3. It doesn’t stop drinking, as to
pers will have their whisky at all haz
4. It would tend to drive away
commerce, as sea-faring men, tis a
class, lovo whiskey.
r>. That it would bo impossible to
carry on a business without whiskey,
and that |>coplo would movo away.
0. That it abridges private rights.
Now Jet us calmly and dispassion
ately discuss them.
1. Pecuniary loss to those deuling
in liquor, by breuking up their busi
ness. This we will grant, and no oue
will regret it more thau the writer, for
ho numbers among his patrons, and,
wo may say personal frionds, almost
every liquor doolor in tho county, for,
bo it said to our crodit, our liquor
dealers, as a rule, nre all good citi
zens. Put must porsonnl loss bo con
sidered when public welfare is in jeop
ardy. That tho solo of liquor in our
midst is an injury no one will doubt—
that it is doing a deal of harm, none
will deny.
2. Lobs of rovonue. It is truo wo
dorivo much revonno from thissonreo,
but will it cqnal our loss from tho
same source. Statistics show that tho
bulk of crimo is cansod by liquor.—
These alone cost our county ns ranch
or moro than tho revenue accruing
thorefrom, to say nothing of tho evils
it entails.
H. It don't stop drinking, as tojmrs
will semi off and get their whiskey.—
Wo will giant Ibis. Tis not the old
toper that we aro seeking to snve. In
nino cases out of ten, he is irredeem
ably gone lo the dogs No cbauoo to
roclnim him, but there is a chaucu to
protect the rising generation by keep
ing temptation out of their way. In
the majority of eases among youug
pcoplo, it is familiarity with the bev
erage that begets the habit.
4 It would drive away commerce.
TLis is the i’iuirtiost of all excuses, for
it is a welt known fact that scarcely a
\chhc1 coming to our port that is not
provided with ull the liquor thoy need.
Then why stay away ?
That it would )>o impossible to
carry «>n a business without it. This
too tliiu St. Simons Mills mid
uity carry on busiuess and no liq
uor is old there, and we don't learn
that any one sutTuis by it.
Editor Advertiser and Appeal:
The articles heretofore written may
it not be presumed demonstrate—
1. That railroads do not bnild
2. That tho growth of a town de
pends npon its own |»eople.
3. That activity, life and energy
tre what will draw capital and popu
4. That individual capital is not
here to build a town.
5. That wo havo vast areas of nn-
jmproved land, in city nnd couuty, a
drain on our pockets for taxes, which
can only be made marltntablo by in
creased business and population..
f>. That improvements are needed
to induco business or population.
7. That the project is feasible.
8. That it is not only feasible, but
will bo profitable to tho investors
9. That if co-operated in heartily
by our peoplo it will induco cnpitnl
from abroad.
Corporate effort is the means by
which men accomplish that which no
one man could accomplish singlo
It builds railroads, canals, all , { na*i
public works.
It 1ms built.cities. Tho improve
ment company of Putteroon, New
Jersey, nmdo it nil important manu-
fnctnring centre, nnd is to-day t
wealthy company, anil styled » mo
Numerous now thriving cities re
ceived their first impetus from com
panics of poor men, no one of whom
unaided could have accomplished any
But homo illustrations nre moro
striking. About n year a go eleven
young men formed a company to sup
ply a want long felt in our city—a de
cent public hall. The necessity for it
was well understood. It hud boon writ
ten about in tho papers, talked about
on tho streets. No one man had tho
moans to sparo from his business to
erect it. Tbcso elovon young mon,
some of them not of ago, concluded
to make the effort. Thoy started np
on tho idea of a $(500 investment —
Tho schema has groan upon them un
til their investment is now over $3,000,
and it 1ms paid them considerably
over teu per cent. ii|h>ii the total in
vestment in the very inception, for
less than a year, and would bo a cred
itable hall in a luigo city. That is a
homo effort. Shall we leave it, the
ouly ouo of its kind, or upou a broad
er scale in a Brunswick Company, ac
complish equally good results foi our
selves as investors, besides assuring
the growth of city and county in pop
ulation aud wealth, and the influx of
outsido capital aud population attract
ed by our own energy and activity.—
Can it bo done? Let every man who
ha* vacant lots iu Brunswick, or land
in the county, put one-half of it hi,
more or loss. Let every business
man in whatever lino of Im-niiess, sub
scribe to shares of cash stock of $100
erected. Houses will thus bo provid
ed for those from abroad who want to
move here mad make it thoit home,
but do not w^nt to invest in house
and lot until tney have tried tbo
place and determined whether they
like it. They will rent, they will like
it, they will buy aud bnild themselves,
and as they vacate, new experiment
ers will tako their places. Capital
from abroad will see activity nnd life,
and it will come to investigate,-and
•tay to invest
All this is on puper—most good
things, aro at one time or another
bnt it is not experimental. It 1ms
been tried in thousands of places un
der far more adverse circumstances
than would surround the experiment
here. The clevon young men above
referred to (all honor to their enter
prise) have demonstrated its practi
cahility here. Details are easily ar
ranged nt the organization. Those
who subscribe and don’t mean bus
iness aro easily exclnded from
share in organization by a demnud
for, say two per ceut. on their stock
as a condition of Rlinring in the or
Those who grow fu : ut hearted by
tho way aro easily dropped out by
tho ordinary provisions in all charters
for forfeituro on fad tire to pay ci Ms.
The writer ventures the proposi
tion that if he could spare tiie time lie
could procure $20,000 cash shares
of stock on basis proposed in one
day, aud ns much more land sub*
scription in nnother, nud even that
would form a sufficient nucleus on
which to commence operations. Not
having the time tho proposition is rc-
)>euted that who will subscribe,
leave or send to Adnektiskb and Ap
peal office, or in |K>st oflico addressed
to “Observer” tbeir mimes aud amount
of cash subscription on basis proposed,
or land or lots they will put in and
let tho and Appeal publish
weekly nmount of subscriptions. A
respectable beginning can be rundo at
onco if every ono who has told the
writer he would subscribe would send
in his name.
Some ouo must make the first move.
The writer leaves his name at the of-
fico for $1,000 cash subscription, and
asks those who have already told him
they will subscribe to do the same, ei
ther in laud or cash, or both.
Let us have a live, energetic grow
ing city. The writer challenges a
demonstration from any ono that this
scheme is visionary or impracticable.
If that demonstration is not made
thou let us deuioiistoatc the practica
bility of this company by making it a
living fact. OnsKiivKii.
The cow of a Vermont farmer the
other day got hold of and chewed np
his pocketbook containing $225. He
now asks the Treasurer to reimburse
Tln*ro are 1,374 scholars in the puli-
lie school • of Liberty county—135 in
the whites and 939 in the colored
LUt aritrcUfercd Voter* nr the Manic*
Ipal Election to be held on the 10th
Da? of December, 1881, up to and !n-
rlndinz Oct. 2G % 1881. .
Aadf non. w a
Brewatrr. P W BoJt. T 1
BrP eatrk. K E Bennett. JAR Byrd, C W
Brtaaenick, Ernest Beach, J L borchardt,
Bore hard t, Samuel Brocklnrton, 8 A Braxton, A
Bnnklay, Samuel Boatwlrk, J It ~
day. 8a
IUaln, W H
Bartlett, Paul
Barrtck, B F
Brown, Oab«
Blain, J T
Byrd,C W
Borchardt, A
Braxton, A
Bine, Frank
Bird, Hear?
Burns, J H
main, J tt
uoojwr, Jahn *
Crovatt, william
ChrUtophsr, M J
Cowart. T V. J
Christopher, f
Council, Beuj
barf. Urbinns Jr Dillon, b Jaa
bortlUon, Thomas boorfliui
T>o*rlUpa«r. W F
Cannon, J
Colson, X .
Carter, Ueorc« Creamer, P H
Crovatt. A J
Carter, W II
Carswell, F.R
C«du>n, I
Davis. David
Davidson, David
Davenport. J W
Dunn, If T
ifrr. ’
Dupree, X T
Daley. D W
Doeriliniri-r. F J Dart, W It
Dexter, T W Dart, J L
DavD. J B
Davis. L B
Feaia, EnKSnius
Foley. Daulel
Freeman, Olover
Franklin, A F
Goodbrrad, T B
Orrrufteld. IUeba
(ioodbread, H T
Grant, Jowrph
Ooodbread, II B
Edwards, Riley F." it. C S
Flanders, CK Kahm, B A
Farmer, Robt Flandsrs.T
Frazer, Thoma* Fuller, W .»
Franklin, J U Fernuaou,TB
Hill, JD
Ooodyss., - . _ -
Gardner, Steven Orsen,Allred
Bouaton, Jaa Houston, B II
Ilihbard, Columbus Hackett, W A
Harmon, F P * “
Haywood, A M
Heins. dkopM
Hoyt, L D
Holland, V
Harrison, J T ' “
Illraeh, BenJ .
lIurriB, Edward Jilne, II1.
Harris, F H Hall. O J
Hackett. Tboe Harris, Cbas.
Holzondorf RR Harvey. EJ
Harvey. J P Holme*. J 8
Harris, L W UoIiu.-h. W H
Hart, WJ Holmes, Alex
Jones. Kobsrt
Rest. Butler
noiz.-n.iorf, P li
Hazlulmrut, Kobt
Harmon. Janie*
Uairiaon, W U
Isaacs, Aaron
Johnson, Alfred
Johnson, Harry
KtilKht, A A
Kcii(i<-k, U A
LambriKht, James K Lloyd, Wilson Lea
LauibriKht, Jos K Liurrna, Arnold Ltu
McKinnon. Warren Morriflehl. O H Mm
x for yourselves, and »
r stock. Our
t fastidious, and at pries* n
u-ullod. We offer bcaiitiAU
Moore. C li
Macon, <1II
Merritt. Itirhard
Middleton, Wash
>!iidiebon, Morris
Morrison. John
Maae'c, Burrell
McCullough. J H
Mills, Kdtuund
McIntosh! C II
McCrary, H H
Myers, o V
Meyers, Iaaa.
Mitchell, V It . M. ad. r.Ub
Madden, J M Minor. J II
Monroe, Jaa Myers. Tim
Molden. Henry My. rs, U P
N< rwood, O H
O’Connor. Tin s Jr
Osgood.A U
Piles. Prince
Palim r. James
Parson*. D W II
Kohinaoa, If B Jr
i’Couuor. Tho* l)wei
Pierce, Henry
Rainey, W II
Tisoii, J M. »r
Ulsch. 1 iulip
Vand,uly, John
ins, Lewis
rr«, buck
Tattnall. Harry
Taylor. II O
8 ark-tt. M J
W. ght.
Tho total ilobt of Touts is $1,491,-
120, of which $505,MHi have been paid
to tho happiness uml amelioration of
the human race, nonet is entitled to
higher consideration Mian Dr. J. Brad-
lield’s Fenmlo Regulator, “Woman's
best Friend.’’ By it woman in eman
cipated from uuiiilteilrsH ids |*ctiiinr
to her sex. Before its mngic po ver
all irregularities of the womb vaninb.
It cures ’’whites,” suppression of tho
“menses," nnd removes uterine ob
li. Thai it iibri(l|(0( private rigl.U. So I’ 01 ' •l'«re—tun per <wnt. payable
it docs. It aliriil h '0H the private right | b “ r U00 J»*r year on eaeii *1,000.
think. The iiuportanco of thie etntinn uow enjoyol of ono tnau'e scllyig an- The writer ban, to-night, froui memo-
is conceded by all who know anything j other that which docs him injury.— , r L made a list of business men, nud ! 0 l >tl8 ^ Cftr
of our necessities. It is now used by | Beyon«t this, it ubridges no privnte j classified them in throe classes: I ThaNsands rw n, Vfby lirsiiaia.
ull ports from Georgetown, S. C , to rights, fornny man is at liberty to L Men who could tako $2,000 of Joy to the Woki.d! Woman m Fiikk!
St. Augustine, Fla., aiivl lias proven keep aud drink a whole barrel of it if stock aud pay $200 per year without Among the many discoveries looking
of groat beiu-tit, although so far only j he wishes. | hardship.
tents have lieeti furnished for liospi- And now. in conclusion, we wish to' “• who could lake one-half
tais We trust <>ur immediate Hepre* say that those are our views, rudely I ranch.
sciitative m (Vu.gresa will give this put, m reply to every single iwgu-' Meu who could take $.»00 eael
matter his attention, and, co-operating ! niont we have ever heard on the sub- j an. * !!!'
with other C'oiigiebsinen from Curoli-; j«H-t. There's much that might bo | ortu* ihini class m*u ihsr* sr«e» .. . . an.
nu to the |>ebinsula, see to it that the | said tu favor of prohibition, but why ' ti.v
Supolo (Quarantine Stutiuii be estah-1 uced we uivntiou these v Why burden j leu per cent per year
lished on a souuil basis What is a
few thousand dollars from the geuerul
trousury whon compared to tho loss
of life nnd detriment to commerce of
one or more oi our .Southern seiqxnt
cities, should the di ended yellow fever
creep iu through inefficiency of mu
nicipal quarantines ? It is next to
imj>osaiblo to keep it out uuless iso
lated as is tho Sa|M*lo Quarantine.
Hou. Henry 13. Tompkins lias been
appointed Judge of Superior Courts
of the Suvauuuh circuit, to fill vacancy
occasioned by the resignation of
Judge W. 13. Fleming. Judge Tomp
kins' many friends in old Glynn will
bo rejoiced to hear of this new honor.
Gov. Colquitt has made a wise- selec
Saturday. Nov. 1SS1.
Novelty Goods for Over-Dresses and Trimmings,
Surah Silks nnd Satins of all shades,
Dress Goods of every color nnd variety.
n atilt thi- tin A*. A flue- aa-ortuu-l
Jet Ornaments, Cord and Tassels,
Trtmiui'i aud nntnranicd with NOTIONS <>(ali dc-scri|>n
Ladies’ and Children’s Hoots anti Shoes
Gents’s White Overshirts only $1.00 Apiece
Newcastle St., - - - Brunswick, Ga.
this is
our renders with the other side of tho j $ IB,000. ^ Lot us suppose $100,000 of! st ructions. It cures constipation aud
sad picture? Why tell them of ull |,,l P>hil subscribed iu lots aud laud, j strengthens tho system, braces the
tbo minor; Unit [allow, in tho wake of 1011,1 cit .V »“d comity tax not to ex- j uurv V* »»«1 imrifie* the hloo.l. It uev-
King Alcohol. giMo,I car aa it march-1 roe *l U-re* |ht cent, and we I*'"-' I i1io " 8<,u,Ik of
r **l« ntjr jirviH-rljr
" • ■ _ f land
i. kl teli
of land, a hamlaoi
$700 surplus to pay expenses of
puny and erect dwellings or other im
provements. But tho lots would In*
hold by tho company for sale at a fair
price. Tho moiiios derived from the
•ale would swell tho revenue for im
provement of unsold laud, and thus,
oven if tho compauy could uotlHirrow
a dollar on its hind, il could gradually
improve tho towu. If it hud but $5,000,
that would erect tivo dwelling,
* v u ,, which would each rent for $150 iht
From Capt. I. S. Boyd, of tho well- . . , '
known firm of Walker A Hoy,I, D onr ' 1br, “B , "R m * rcv, ’" ,a *' *'•
General Insurance Agents: ami finding good tenants as soon as
Atlanta, Jan. 13, 1879. j ready.
triumphantly through the laud ?
Why picture iho sad hearts, tho
ruined homes, tho fatherless children ?
You are familiar with them—you see
them daily. Mothers, wives, sisters,
you arc interested in this work Im
prove the golden momouts.
Note—Our columns nre oj*ti to
thoso who view this matter from the
op)K)sito standpoint.
Headache, Neuralsls, Kir.
tliarlu* Ayn
“ ’fth* i
\ Magi;ii
Prepared by Dr. J. Brad field, At
lanta, Ga., prico $1.50 |H-r Isdtle —
Sold by all druggist.
Thomanville Ga., June 28, ls77
I have been selling l>radfi<*M s Fe
male Regulator for years, and it still
continues jx>pulttr—nn evidence of its j t^Miar
being all claimed for it I can recall ; ^ !r | , ’4 u ". hl i l
instances in which ituilordcd n-iief af- i L \\ iT®
ter all the usual remedies had failed. ;*!£*•*
S. J. Camels, Druggist
Htmoua Ialan<l,
ulaomo one »h»-
anil i-lh*r nr«-«i.
•mall iintuk. on lb* I
iiDtin**.'* tvn.l, U *AII
a. I am ri. t. ruiiiicd j
' yPatcitlediciite,
Hair, Nail ami Tooth Brushes,
Perfumery and Toilet Articles
th<« p*r«on*
Maggie C. A
r> of a,f*, l>oth r
.1 f.»r Mi.l county on th«
r next, ami *buw cauac,
Ayuiar choiiM i
hl|> of the jicr*
L. Ayuiar and Magg:
Hid property .1
Menu rf a»l!i c
of ordinary. \ .
Aral Mo:
if any they t an. why eald
uot Ixientmated with the
ona ami pr«>p. rly of »aid
T. O’CONNOR, in..
rt. and o\-otBcio CU rk <1 Ordi-
»uuty, Georgia.
I have used Neurotic iu my family
fur headache, neuralgia, etc , with
We have received the first copy ul! prompt relief in every ease, and ,-or
tho Worth Star, of Isnbella, uuder the
guidiog hand of br dher Haiilou. If
tho good people of Worth will stick
to him, ho will certainly give them
thoir money’s worth beforo the year
Congress will convore in about sev
en weeks and has, by way of a com
mencement, three thousand hills h ft
over from the last session to begin
ba&incss on
bally recommend it as tho most valu
able remedy I have ever used. I«ast
night I was suffering with severe cold
and neuralgia, mill one application r« •
lioved mo iu teu minutes.
octl5-lin Isaac S. Boyd.
Macon, Ga., Nov. 1, 1879
L»k. C. J Moffiti r—Ihar N»r—We
have !>ceu handling Tuuthiua for mjv
•••ul years, nnd the demand increases
toe article becomes introduced and
is wall known. Our sales average
from two to three gross |)er month.
Wftboiievo that your Teethiua (Teeth-
Hundreds of n en, women and chil-, ir.p Powders will • vchtually become
dred reaeuod from botls of pain, sick- (a sUimatd
ness and almost tieallt, and made
strong and hearty by Pnrkcr s Ginger
Tonic arc the be t eviflenc-st m the
world of its sterling worth. You cun
find these in every community.-- /*”>/.
£oe advertisement, vcU lru
1 indispiinonbic article,
fc»H tn nn hn/jin tnstance if /allot to
t/ivh mti+fartnm. Nt, complaint has
ever been maoe to us, hence we con-
rlmle that it dm** all y«»u claim for it.
Merit is tuo't'ed
ilfjrr. Rankin A* Lamab.Druggists.
But such a company can go on the
market and borrow money for any
needed improvement on a portion of
its real estate. But why tako unim
proved laud in the county us st«>ok ?
Glynn county has hue laud unculti
vated admirably adapted to tr::ric and
other farming. Some of these lamia
were cultivated with profit before the
war. Every new farinm creates what
wo need, a back eon*»»rv uid wbilo
benofitling himself. p.»\s tribute t<>
Brunswick. The coin pun v eonhl pr«-
par« a pamphlet describing their
lands. Brunswit-k, etc., ami induco
settlors of tho sort that puss us overy
year to engage in truck farming in
Florida, and the sale of these lands
oiild add t.- the fund for improve
What i
itig ho-js
I*i li< 11 at tin City Hall on »h«
K> oprlirxl on til*
i remain «*i *11 fur Unr*
•ok f»,r th.
to Ini
. 1S-1, Will lie
i .lay of «H't<>lM-r. |ssl, »mt ramaii
lav, tb.-y will l* ftually
' ^moAUt
i- Iti.i
• .f tn.
i lb* el
v»t l..l In i
iv for tlilrty «1
have | *i.l all L
a w. h. parsons,
Lamps and Lamp Fixtures,
Physicians’ Prescriptions Accurately compounded.
'*"* -«»•*«. II Mtltrd .1 bl. roul.
brao, *13
Hat—Nurth> i
tby f 1.28.
• rr*a, J
|I2n.i*ll1 r*.t.
All Onliimnco,
rill br the remit ? As
•s are ntn-ded tb- v *
• iweii-
»!1 ba
icy. *10 Ur^Ih ui. Ul
N o the J-f .lav of Autfast.
<1 au Oriliuanc* enntle.1 - An OMinauc* to I UARTFOKD. COKM.
tb* Fire Umlta of th* City of Bruuawlrk, _ . —
SistVJJSfX'SHTA£T/rasSSTSSi ^I tilH] Accident Insurance.
h>ta. *lr bq-ry wool. l«**l*-. Tallow. 6,-. *u ;
l-tiy •
• » in !b* 1.1
*** York. ro*tn »
Notiro to the Public.
•*-r.»r tl,:. .Uy bouio.t ml t!.* talrrr.t . f Mr. 1
n.i r. Jr . In th* «n*\. r> litiaiu***. >p*.a>tl
1.1 tak a cootlnnwe *f ih- kindj’-.* h-n-u
to towe-l ' v lb* 'A.I firm
I*wh-k. I
“■ oexter, insurance agt,
*■ U MabaiMd. Bryiiukta atnl H«l>r.-^».u tbe ab«»ra Cu. al Bnianrlrk. O*.
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L:f* All i am-lent tHiiirOa wmtm or abort notir*.
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F. SEI &JX. Mayer
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