Newspaper Page Text
ci[tmr and JSfwal.
T. fl. 8TACY. Editor and Proprietor.
At A recent Dooly county colore
funeral a row occurred in which oh
man wan probably fatally carved.
Two men have in tho river near
Hfttvkinsvillo, waiting for a rise in the
river, about $9,000 worth of timber.
Tho Michigan Relief Commitiee baa
$175 000 on hand and will need $250,*
000 moro to tide tho sufferers over un
til next May.
Tho saw mill of Knight A Sikes,
near Hawkiusville, was destroyed by
fire lost week. Loss, about $2,000,
with no insurance.
Tho Central Railroad ,1ms had still
another run off. "With all its boasted
wealth and power, wo must say the
Central is behind the thru s considera
Tho Way cross liei wrier learns that
the corn crop of Captain Kcuuou at
Hoboken, on the 11. »V A. Road, meas
ures out ouo hundred bushels to tl»e
acre. Tho knowledge of this fact
should bring fifty immigrants to
Southern Georgia.
Confederate bonds bavo suddenly
grown in favor, and nro bringing in
Romo localities no much ns $7 per
$1,000. Tho reason for this is not
yet known, but the presumption is
that holders of Confederate bonds
can soenro tho deposit of $17,000,000
placed daring tho war in tho Bank of
Eugland to tho credit of tho Confed
erate government.
Tbo Telegraph and Mewtenyer learns
from a gcntlomon “well posted” that
tho trado in opium and morphine in
Macon is worth ten thonsand dol
lars annually, and that tho consum
ers of tbeso terrible drugs belong to
all classes of society from the highest
to tho lowost, nud embraces principal
ly females, soiuo of whom use, in ad
dition, whiskey, wino and other stim
ulants. What u spectacle to contem
plate 1
Tho Jesup Sentinel tells of tho death
of ono of tho oldest citizons of Wayne
county, Mr. Bonnie Williams. Hu
was ninety years of age, and has been
drawing a pension for years ou ac
count of services rendered in tho war
of 1812. So great was tho esteem in
which ho was hold by tho colored peo
ple fhftt they asked lb be allowed to
unite in doing honor to his remains,
and to that end load tho procession 11 1
from tho church to the grave, singing I ’
airs appropriate to tho occasion.
i it is
fully drnflti
charter powors.
to UBO IS bl
irposes, and
nlng nil ordinal
Power to expand its
Ilawkinsvillo AVww* Mr. Lawson
»«. i r* t, ... i nigiiiiicti uirir vviiiiiil'iichh, ho inr, u
" ay, left Ilawkinsvillo ou Monday af- t„|,„ 0 i K hly .hares of *1(K) each, muk
capital $1,500,000, to erect dwellings,
stores, innnufactories, wharves, mills,
and,- indeed, any needed improve
ment to take and hold real estate, to
have four directors and president (ex-
officio director)—shares to be $100
Each caflh subscriber to stock
should pay two jx*r cent, as a condi
tion of sharing in tbo organization;
calls on cash subscriptions not to ex
ceed ten per cent per year pn : 1 up
stock only to bo transferable, and any
stock hold, r to bo permitted to pay in
full and take paid up stock at*any
time; lots in city and lands in county
to bo taken at fair valuation, to be de
termined by n board of appraisers ap
pointed from among the stockholder,
and acting under oath; or in some
other way which may bo better, and
paid up stock fo bo issued bolder of
land, making a title to the company—
title to be taken until examined
and found go cal; officers, in addition
to president mid directors, to bo a
secretary, treasurer, board of apprais
ers and n:i advisory com mitt co of
stock holders, whoso consent should
be TieccRhary to expenditure of mon
ey on atiy improvement, or the bor
rowing of money on tbo property of
cotnptiny, atul no money to be bor
rowed at a higher rate of interest than
eight per cent, per year; treasurer to
givo bond in some sum to be named,
witli power to directors to increase
nmotiut of bond, and rtquiro addition
al security at any time; compensation
of officers, whom it is determined
shall receive salaries, to bo in paid np
cash stock; throe stockholders in num
ber authorized to inspect books and
affairs of company at any time, upon
their joint demand, and five members
upon written demand, based upon al
leged irregularity discovered by such
investigation, to bavo right to require
president to call special meeting of
stockholders; regular meeting of
stockholders to bo yearly and officers
chosen at regular mooting; stock to
l)o forfeited for non-payment of calls
thirty days after notico by mail by
treasurer to stockholder of delinquen
Othor safeguards will, no doubt,
suggest themselves at organization,
and other ways may lx* hotter to tic-
omplisli desired ends than those pro
posed, but this will give subscribers a
imsis upon which to prepare sugges
tions at organization.
. A cheering indication is contained
in tho announcement that parties have
signaled their willingness, so far,
ik*i£tilar M«»oUi»k, November ii. ’81.
Council root. Present, His Honor,
J. F. Nelson, Mayor, and Alder-
an Pntnanb Hnrvey, Spears, Dunn,
utkius, Doeiflinger and Littlefield,
bpent, Cotiper.
The minutes of tho last regular
meeting were read and confirmed.
Proceeded to take np the appeal
ease of W. J. Williams, which was
continued to the next meeting.
Read a communication from P. R
and It. R. Holzomlorf, asking Coun
cil to remit fine imposed upon them
by tho Mayor for disturbing public
peace, as they bad, according to their
own and a unmber -of disinterested
parties’ opinions, committed no such
crime, which was received and the ap
peal granted to come up at the next
Rend a communication from James
On motion of Aid. Watkins, the
Sanitary Inspector was continued to
tho 15th iust., and His Honor, the
Mayor, instructed to discharge the
guard at the Quarantine Station os
soon nit the vessels now nt quarantine
shall have left tho station.
Council then took a recess until 7
o’clock p. m. on Wednesday tho 9th
inst. J. F. Nelson,
Attest: Mayor.
Jawkh Houston, Clerk Council.
The steamer G. Gun by Jordan, ply
ing between Cambridge and A pat bi-
cola, while on the way to the latter
point, heavily laden with machinery,
sunk throe miles below Bainbridge.
Macon, Ga., Nov. 1, 1879.
Dn. C. J. Moffett—Dear Sir—We
have boon handling Tcothiua for sev
eral years, and the demand increases
as the article lx •comes introduced and
is well known. Our sales average
, from two to three gross per month.
M. Ooupcr asking Council to appoint | We believe that your Teothma (Teeth-
n committee of reception to meet the ing Powders) will eventually become
owner* or dm Culo K.ulron.1, who are nml imliapeusablo article,
‘ ■ * ingle instance ha* it failed to
teruoon alone in a bateau, laden with I ing a total ciihIi subscription of $8,-
provisions, for the Mary Fisher, now 900 00. Observer.
lying tied up in thu Altainaha river, I pa km Kirs protkction ahmo-
awaiting for high water, so that she! uiation.
may re turn lo IT.iwkiusvilia lhisisj (Jo-operatmii nud concort of % lion
n daring trip for tho young man, uml j | ho „ C( . n . t „f hucccss in nil things,
a ong, ouely one, too, being a dis- and in nothing, wo suspect, moro than
tunco of over three ht.mlro.1 miles. It ^...jenlture. The fanners of Tnl-
will take five or six days f »r the bat- J bot coun#v | m
soon to visit Brunswick with a view
of testing her advantages as a harbor
and using our port in the transporta
tion of cotton, which was received and
Council requested to nio-l the gentle
men, as a committee© of reception, on
notice from His Honor, the Mayor.
Rood a communication fry in T. W.
Bolt W. H. Rainey, policemen, asking
Council to relieve them from paying
for hire of extra police during their
sickness, which was received, and the
said T. W. Holt and W. II. Rainey re
lieved of the payment.
Read communications from L). Jaw. j
Dillon and T. E. Scott, administrator
of the estate of Mrs. A. C. Clark, ask
ing that they bo relieved of nil or at
least a portion of the taxes on their
buildings recently destroyed by tiro.
Laid ou tho table.
Read a communication from B. E.
Flint, asking that he be allowed to
teur down the old building adjoining
his furniture warehouse ou Newcastle
street, ami erect iu its place, of wood,
n larger and better building, tho same
boing within tho fire limit. Granted.
To the J/onorahle Mayor and Council
of the City of Jlrvnwick’:
Tho S|x*cial Committee to whom
was referred tho bill of D. 0. Bacon A
Co., beg leave to report that upon in
vestigation they find that thoG.C. Ag
ricultural Association bought from D.
C. Bacon A Co. 25,000 feet of lumber
at $8.20 per thousand, amounting to
$80.00; and that they sold 12,000 feet
of tho said lumber to the city and de
livered the same to L. W. Harris. We,
therefore, recommend that thu city
pay only $9.20 per thousand for the
lumber received, and not tho entire
sum of $80.00, as demanded by the
Agricultural Association; ami the
Committee are of tho opinion that the
Committee on streets, diains and
bridges deserve censuro for trying to
have tho bill paid by the city when
tho Agricultural Association were the
pnrchusers and not the city.
Respect Hilly submitted,
J. I*. Hxivly,
give sati*/action. No complaint has
over been made to us, hence wo con
clude that it does all you claim for it.
Merit m hound to unwed.
Hunt, Rankin At Lamar,Druggists. of If roistered Voter* for I lie .Tliinle-
1|»hI Klea-tloit t» be In-Id on (lie 10th
IIiiy of December, 1881, up to and lie
* lodtna .Nov. -J, 1881.
Bolt, T W BUin, J T
Delimit. J A U Byrd,
iurchardi, Samuel Brockiugton, H A Braxton,
Rim-. Fr
Bird. Henry
Burns, J H
Kurba^e. W K BUin, J 8
llerrin, W H
Burrcli, I/«ndon Derry in* n, W M Br* water, F
flnnklt y, Samuel Boatwlck, J U Blue, Frink
IRatn, W’ S Brock, T W Bird, Hem
Bartlett, Paul Bailor, Edward Burna, J H
lUrrlck, It F _
Oaba llerrin, WII Burnett. Jon
Edward Broad, J<
Baker, Hubert
Can nun, J II
Connolly, J M
Colson. M J
Carter, George
Cuylor, Moeea
Carter, Jiiiiiua
Cooper, .Martin
Druwti, Cbarlea
Chandler, Guorgo
Cooper, John
Crovatt, William
ChrUtopticr, k| J
Cowart. T E J
Chrieloplicr. Robt
Council. IJonJ
Blnn, Jsniea
Bee, W J
Gmvatt, A J
Carter, W II
Cantwell, K It
Creamer. l r ’*
Colien, I S
Carter. W II
Cantwell, K 1
Creamer. 1* U
Cohen, 1S
Clark. David
Conner. J M
CooV.J u
Catea, A C
Clark, T O
ilng, J K
Eugeni lit
* anlil
, 11 lover
i, A
Flotard, Jo.
Carter, J M
Dillon. D Jan Dunn. II T
Dnertli tiger, C
Dupree, LT Davie, L U
Dalny, I) W
Doerllinger, K J Dart. W It
l)ex Ur,'
Driver. (
Edward*, Riley Kill*, C 8
Ellis. W 11
FlattJnm.CK Falun. II A
Farmer, Robt FUndcr*.T W
Fr.i/.er, Thomas Fuller, W A
Franklin, J U Ferguson,TU
Fondi, Jacob Futeh, 111.
Dari, Urbanii* Jr
Dorlllioii, Tlioinaa Doerllinger, C J Davit, J H
Doerllinger, W F Dupree, LT Davie, L B
Daley. 1) W Dunn, D T
" " Dart. W It
I)e*U r, T W Dart, J E .
Dexter, C 11
Foley, Duiilcl
Freeman, (iloVi
Franklin, A F
Flotard, Joaeph
Frazer, August
(loodbread, T B
Greenfield, Richard Goodyear, C I* Gale, I
Ootid bread, If u Ooodbrtud, I* T dale, A D
Greenfield, J C Gallagher, Jat Gulden.
Groodbread. Oliver Ooveruur, David Oilaou.J
Gallagher, Jo*
Governor, L
Oray. U V
Houston, D II
“ Where There’s a Will
There’s a Way.”
I would again call the attention of my friend* to
the fact ihat I am now firmly ..UhlMmd and gen-
orally patronized aa a ToboccoulM. for which 1 aru
exceedingly ‘bankful, and that it i* now generally
conceded bv all good Judge* that I keep iu Mock
and am ae.IIng tho large*t variety of CHOICE CL
G AltH, the BEST and leading brand\ of Chewing
ri.baecat, the new.-M and to-shost Smoking T»l»oc-
e °v the sweetest and mod dollgbtf.l cigarette*.
»nd Snuff* that aro unequalod a* to qnallty and fla
vor. now on the market.
My cigar* have not and eannot be excelled in
price* or quality, and aa to Snuff*. Chewing Tobac-
co*. etc.. 1 have but to point to m - ** ‘ —
era to prove that there aru none
my stock of cigar* and tobaceo* are fully tip to the
Mtandard in taste, atyle, quality and the general r
uuiraaiontA of a cultivated and faatidiotu people,
lo tin mo Jiving In tho rural di*trlct*. or outou the
•*de«p blue aca. * in the mountain faatiiesoea or on
tho confine* of our milroad*. I would ray, conanlt
• our interest* ami give mo your patronage. 1 have
tobacco# and cigar*, pipe* and anuOi. cigarette*
alld flinoklUg *—•• * • ■
ruu a heavy 1
baeco# have goue up. I am glad to aay that Thave
not gone np yet. hut am always hero TO DO YOU
GO»»D. Uy trade ha* gradually and Moodily in-
creased Since I flr«t Inaugurated the tobacco bual
nca# a* a specialty, and, iiotwItbsUnding tho ob
struction* and difficulties Incident thereto, I am
proud fo say that tho tobacco buslue** I* assuming
larger proportion* than 1 anticipated or had hoped
for. and now If the citizen* of Brunswick will con
tinue lheir liberal patronage, I will promise in the
future, aa in the ]>*M. to give them the moat for
their money, and tho very beat that can be manu
Look out In a couple of weeks for a new and full
line of Cigar* and Tobacco* all entirely new and
‘" t Myle *nd flavor. I expect when they
shall find a
for my Cigar* and Tobaccos. My conntry friend*,
- word to you: —
My stock i
’oiu* trade '
dm nro In town).
Houston, Ja*
Hibbard, Columbus Ilackott, W A
Harmon, F P Harrison. J T
llayw ood, A M llirsch. Beni
Heins. Loopld
izendorf, J* B ’ llolzeudorf K It Harvey, K
llazlehurst. Kol.t
Horlflou, M
Harris. Il.-u
Ilackott. Tlios Harris, Cbn*.
Harris, L IV
Hurt. W J
Hackney, Alex
Are now prepared to offer tho public the finest end best slock of Goods ever brought to this market.
Bead over thia o<lvertiaement and come and see for vourselvea, and ws ahal. be
pleaecd to show yon oar stock. Gur
To please the most fastidious, and at prices not to be excelled. We offer bcantlfal
Novelty Goods for Over-Dresses mid Trimmings,
Suruli Silks mid Satins of all shades,
Dress Goods of every color and variety.
At prices to suit the times, A fine assortment of
Jet Ornaments, Cord and Tassels,
Tritnmod and uulrimmcd. with NOTIONS of all descriptions.
Ladies’ and Children’s Boots and Shoes
We have a largo and well oolorted stock of MEN’8 AND DOY8* CLOTHING, 8III UTS. UNDEBSHIHTd
NEW STORE! w* White Overshirts only $1.00 Apiece 1
. V> a»h
. lililln
, g<HHlN COtlNlrtlillg o
o just opened a atuck of
J. J
euu to reach her ilutJitiatioii, protiil- [ xv j t
cil no ucci.lnit occurs lo ildnv tlm I | J1 . Mr f lt „ h ,
piUiK%'u. Wo liopo, ffowever. flint N.i'm,,
Kill reach the Jlnry Fisher ■■
tiiisim*»M tli.
• (Mir |*» i
At the recent hai.qiiot over the
Biilta of tho LxpoNitioi,, Uov. Colquitt, ’ ty
ndilrcsaing his Northern fricndfi tlm.
assembled complettly tnrned th*- t i
blcs by addressing them u« they iim »
to speak to us. Hear him:
“I am glad to mm thnso Ri ntlonun few
here, representin*» the New Kn^lntid in b
States. Wt have hud :t suspicion fop l»|e,
n lon^ time thnt if you peopl«> up' with hh littl
North know us l>otter you would love
us more. | Applause, and a voice,
‘That’a true!'] We are, therefore,
glad that yon have come among ns;
wo aro willing you should bccomo ac
quainted with us nud know ns well
what wo are. Wo aro glad to meet
here the representatives of ono of tho
largest industries on tho fseo of tho our legitinml
earth. We also want you to lenrn
) organi/i’il a Koei< ty
name for tlu ir mutual
iii’iirlit, atul \\e feel safe in ,v\\in b ' that
it is a tremendous stride in tho riuht
ilirootion, and if tho resolutions print
ed below be a Ihered to and carried
out there can be no doubt but that
Talbot county will become even a
more siioeessful and prosperous eoim
ul puseiit. Agnelli!ure i..
f tin t-miMrv and shoulil r. •
iiiieli or more attentimi and
from those engaged in the
other, but
not the ibis.
Tho n port was, on >»•<»ii<>ii «.( A!
LitlifiielJ, received, who tlnu mov
to adopt tlm same; and after him
discussion, the question was put, m
the yeas and navs demanded with t
following result: Yeas- Aid. D<>i
tlinger, Spears and Harvey; na\.
i'utimin, Watkins, Littlefield hi
Ihinn, and tlie motion tltrlart.i lost
Aid. Watkins then moved that ll
bill of $.S0d>0 be paid by the o;t
'*hit’ll, on being steonded, the m
Mol nays were called h r with the !•
m xv ng result: Yeas- Al l. Dweiiiii
Watkins and Hum
j Kuiirick, H A
I miiibrtglit. J
l.imbrigLt, J
j Lii.anu
: ill bile lull, XV .mil
ill. lt. U..IOI. rriii
Nona. Unas
1\> le.Ulciiaril
t. nirt'ii*. An..(I.i Du
IfM.GII Moor.-. DA
Hats, Caps,
I the
■hired carried, and I Ji
■ farm.
v l-usim.-Ms » ngiig. d , jrer, Ruin
■’ wo,:| 1 l»r' ,v « l-t-oiitu- , til . h . j| :i
(lf-siiKtaining, if run
ougnt and rare as tho ,,u,t,on
We would recommend *be bill ordeiv-l paid.
1 he Committee uli the eoiumilniea-
tion of L. \\. Harris asked for further
time, which xxas granted.
ihe Committee on streets, drains
lli-i.ry Pru-o, J T
that every agricultural county iu the j
State organize such an institution.-
The following are the resolutiout
adopted by the association nt its ini
tial mcetiug:
l. lly experiment ami person ally wt^nud brulges nimle a verbal report, slat-
obligate ourselves to do all tlmt is in 1 iug that they r« cominemhd that 1)
I’rmiuce t y effect .., A . J re U ,.ai.l lift,- c. ul. ,,, ,l„,
fading the city piinmers .luring
ehange ill the methods of agriculture
that hero in theso fields, in these j a* now practiced bv tho people
mouutuiuH and on tho banks of these j 2. We agree to plant a stifiicieiic
streams of ours you can find more to of our farm iu provisiou crops, mid ; b
tempt^ you than in even your oxvnjtlie remainder in such other product
id Ucto-
Robin*. >n, 11 11 Jr
Ho.*., Willtain
lil.l^y, no
Ro«lngut-z, J F
Stailing*. D ll
SW*«t*l! “
S.) forth
ltU*M-ll. I
l;iit!.x|g«, Norti
ltogi-r*. TlpjK>
Sowell. Peter
r»n*. Lew)
’ It
Swr. t»lu<>. Toney
Robin*. J R
K'-a l, II J
lt.i**i'!l, J E
loved land. And nnother reason xve as we may »le
are glad is that we want onr people to j the sintll grain
see you people of tho Eastern States ' farms
»st lucrative,
lepartment of
ftgres* tiiat it is letter to
and underatand thnt you nro tlior- j the rust-proof variety of oats iu the ^ above his wharf,
oughly reconstructed. (Laughter. !— early fall—October, or until lolii ol, insiructeii to look
I want them to know that you sre j November,
loyal to the Union. For what yon
bavo dono in the past, gentleman, 1
f September
r, XVInch was adopted.
1 he committee on harbor rciNuted I Tbon ‘i'
* n that Ldluroii Hriirv bad
,vx |*ib*Hbeyond the wharf line imniediuto
Sinclair. James
Smith, Daniel
Snnmiefsll. F G
S* hlatt. r. C L
Turner. Msy
~ • It. II
M. Jr
Simmon*. Lewis Stacy. T G
Short. A L
Symons.W F
siiiita, j j Spear*. J J
Shelfi-r, D L Smith, IraE
Solomon, Di-an Hawver It M
Simmon*. l*»ao Stewart.W F
Seott. James Storm*. It J
Stci-hrliB, Alex S*-lr»lo. Jo«
r stork sod get onr prieca, ami
llrnnswi. k, G*., October 8. MSI.
r *tock fur cash only,
ry elo*«* Having nurchss-
Tr. a<lwell. II II
. I UDch. Fhilip
3. We farther agree that at least a
portion of the lands we do vote to corn
and have the pihs
do most heartily forgive yon. (Ap-' filial! lx» of the tx»st quality, tt»e entire ' Ibe Imrixtr mantel
plnase. 1 If yon will only nmnifekt I grain acreage to be prepared, accord- ( r< ‘l H, ft of the arrival
your fidelity and loyalty by clinging ling us our ability may permit, under the month of Oetobu, which
to . t ^ 10 . °y WMDtnining the the most advnneed and approved for- ci ivtal and ordered to b«- lilevl
Hy Aid. Watkins:
/m-sd/ivc/, That th
n.l the committee ! "right, human
»• t• **X the Hintt« r | JUsinw. K..IIIIIM
L iu.Aid by Mr. ! w?lvii»: James
WsMbury. etua
xVinu. R:. hard
' bi»l5rR ^
Tattnall. Ilorry., J W
Tr< ad« i'll. l« * Tr*»ni., Vt T
Thompson, J*« Ta* lor. S T
■ Trua-lwril. W T Taylor. UC
V ,
Van IzmIcu, J N
Wa-b. Jam,-* War.l, VC
U ImU-rly.»' II XV*y.«’F
White, Jackie Ward. J W
William, Adam Ward. II R
Witnlwriy, U XV VV'.n d, A X'
Winixma. Will XVxttl"*. V F
Walt hour, 11. nr> Warukv. A F
Th»* book for tho riKl»tr*tlun of vob-ra at ihe nui.
ipal elcrtli
lay of Ib-o mbor. lNbl, will Im> opene.! on tb«
lltli day of Oi'tobrr, M»l. and remain o. ,-n for thir-
tj day a, »hen they will be finally and absolutely
No person . an register Onlr** he lie a riUs<>n of
the Unlfr l* *. and have resided in this state for
*t\ month* imme-liately pro-edlng. and within the
■•orporate limit* of the city for thirty day* Inirneili-
l’ the I
: have afoined the a
n-nty-one y.- a r* and have paid all taxes dm* the
•ther hour* to suit the couvcui-
: desiring to re-jister.
Clerk ol Connell.
Newcastle St., - - - Brunswic, Ga.
The undersigned haa removed hi* pRUO STORE to the above location, and Is ready lo aervu hie
friend* and thu public generally with a fresh supply of
Krugs, Chemicals, PatcntMicine,
Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes,
Perfumery and Toilet Articles
Lamps and Lamp Fixtures,
anion in thu future, wo will meet you ! tntth
gladly, fibako band a ami be broth* rs 4. In order to better ventilate ourj
forever. [ Applnn ■»«». ]
Mlcadaclie, >curelgla« Kir
From Capt L 8. Boyd, of th© wd 1
known tirin of Walker k Bo\»t,
General IiiHtiniLce Agents:
Atlanta, Jan. 13, 1879.
I have uited Neurotic iu my family
views and exchange our idemt on top
ics geriuaiu U* agriculture, wo further-, strutted to him n
m»» re agree to meet once a month at i-i- ni is n - i
•: Court House in Talbotton, the as- ^ " *
c-'vu.tion, at the fir^t meeting, t-
ganize by
Secret an who htmll serve for a term
of one each, or until their auc-
ceaitora nr© chosen. We kiibsfril>e
M he ili-
•*ld biilhliug
:**t X". 154 torn
down, on account of th© danger fnuu
Young. William
ZimmcTfiiOB. A«w
STATE OF GEORGIA—Turinr «>r Glvkm
('atharlue Aytuar having applied to be appoints*!
guardian of th* persons and property of Llxxi* L.
Ay mar and Ma^Ktr ('. Ay mar, minors, under four-
ie*-n year* of age. both residents of soidrounty. thl*
1* to rite all pt-rvon* . on.vrned to be and appear at
! ih n«**t term of the c’.wirt of Ordinary, to be held In
I and for *ai.l county on the first Monday in Novem
ber next, and show rauae. If any th«y con, why said
Catharine Aytuar should not be entrusted with th*
Kusrdiauahip of the person# and properly of sold
Lizzie L. Ay mar and Moggie C. Ay mar.
XVltLeoe niy oOria) siguatnre this October Mb,
for, ncnrulgia, etc., ait
prompt relief in ever, caae, and eor- f(tll» to the [.litieiple of crop rotation,
dially recommend it aa the moat vain- j n* beiitff not miiv in accord with the
able remedy I have ever need. Laat ecoeoraj- of nature, hut aa lieiny the
^ wsa aufferintf with severe cold !only method whereby the «>« mav 1*
-and one application re-jpreaervi d m,<) the 1rj.. .t
jpereenlaffe of v. K i tahle pGlnetiou
— : - ---■ Y
Prosi«1enl nu«l iiri * >
Tho I'fHofutlori WUK till.It:
An orrlinnnev* t»» prevent tip
Inctpin of yelh.w fev.-r or c.rl
h niic ami eontagioiD* fljs<-a>
he city *»f Hrnucnirk, ami t*. [>
ill fro
1,0 oZub.
nd rx-offic -
’. Glynn County, Coorifla.
Clrrk Superior Conrt. and px-oAdo Clerk of Ordi-
l VUihitb.l
j I uffer f«»r •*]* my property on 8t. Simoot Island,
♦ Is {h|hl*/‘ ; <*.»n*4*iinrf of two*. ?«• *.f land, a handoome one^ato-
1 ‘ * * •a , r**v» ry r* nd.iirr tn*e*). ktbh.Ti and other neeeo-
! ,, . , ! »*ry ou (-building*, and oituth.-r atnsl! t.ou»<? on the
k -,;i ^ I *‘* f -‘*** ‘W bi.ughl 04* the inf- rw,i „! Mr. T. j pr-rnm *. •*!. h I rent. Also, mj cu re luulding—
k crU‘C Jr. In the Grocery Boaimw^ Nei 1 - - —* - - • ■ - --
AOJ oU,,r .rtirie, toe Dnmorou, to raootiou, Uni o.u.ll, . InOeba Urn, Otero. .
Physicians’ Prescriptions Accurately compounded.
Botalu “» ror "••"«"■•*')»">■»«' *.hu mid,o.e,con,,,
.p'nttj DRUGGIST.
An OtfIin:inc,
fo amend an Ordinance entitled •• An Ordinance to
define the Ftf* Limit* of th* City of Brunawlck,
and Cor other purposes therein mentioned," rous
ed in Council on the XI d**- “* * *
Life and Accident Insurance.
It. I»r--wiU ihe above Co. at L'rnn«wi. k, Go.
- Sandal ** hereto- I ai.l he *.44 at ^
ed in Council on the Ad day of Angnat, 1881.
hrcrioji L Th# Mayor and Council of th« city of
Bruiiawtek, In Council hereby ordain. , .
That the above ret It.-d ordinance Im. amended hy |
striking cut thu words Mans:l«id, By bolds aud i
"F ’ in U»- lint sec I loo thereof, and inserting tbt
words Monk. Richmond and Gloucester in Ilea AUBkTM* • • • 95,500,000
. ... thereof, so that Uie sect! »>n shall read as follow*:— .,, . . . „
rf land, a hantl*.mie one ito. Monk street on th# south. Richmond street on the i * rt *“* B ^ policies written on short notice)
l.Hic.-at. r atrret on the north, and Bay street “»( er l»a«»ran«e tickets gold. No medical ex.
west. i amlnaMoti required. daclK|7
10. And be It further ordaine*!. That aUcrdi- I ’
(arts of i,rdiuance# iu c.nfiict with fLU
»atne are hereby repealed.
SLss, "Z ‘
' JUkUk
ALi.EiiT i: »Ui
■ i»h to retire,
John fit^.euu.d.
rt Kitti-tp Mills. Oi.
■-•»vrov. Clerk Of 'V. 1 M
author iz»«i |o u