Newspaper Page Text
iL.OUib V 11, LK,_
y M _ =3: =====
By tbe fallowing letter (together with
previous accounts) we are led to believe that
tin Indian War is certain — Amounts have I
nlremly been pu T >!ifthel respecting the dis-j
content which the Creeks have manifested
with Jacksqu's Treaty! Although it is an
mpkaaviut thought to entertain that this
whole race should be exterminated, yet it
day prove the only remaining surety of the
future of the frontier,” With
resuect to a Peace Party among the Creeks,
sve have no belief in. the ivatity of its exist
ence.—ls it were the case, such nartios are
not, cr at feast onglit not to he, reeogoiz i
in civilized warfare, and there appears no
necessity for distinction of this sort, in re
gard to the Abrogtnes.
The following letter from Col.
Hawkins to the Executive of
this state was received yester
day by Express
Creek Agency, loth May, 1818.
I have received two communi
cations from Lieut Col. Clinch,
who commands at Fort Gaines on
Chat,tojio,che, (about 65 miles
below Fort Mitchell) of the 3d be
7tb. The first to inform me “the
Indians surprised and took two
soldiers who had charge of thirty
head of cattle near the Fort, and
‘drove off the cattle. They were
pursued 45 miles on the trail
which leads to St. Marks. I have
demanded the soldiers, their hor
ses, cattle and party of Indians of
their chiefs.” On the 7th-“ the
spy l sent after the party repor
ted they had crossed Flint river
near Burgess’s ojd place.; they
had not kilted the two men, but
understood they intended to do
so, if they became too much fa
tigued to travel. That the Sira
inoles and all the towns near the
confluence of Flint and Chatto
hochee were preparing For war;
they had been drinking their war
physic and dancing for several
days. It was understood they
were to divide themselves in two
parties, one to go against Hartford
the other to attack Fort Gaines.”.
*‘This report is confirmed by an
Indian arrived last evening direct
frem the hostiles; three white
men you well know, came this
mornirgto inform me “they were
of opinion the Simenoles and ad-1
herents are preparing to strike a
blow some where; and that all
the towns who wish to remain
friendly, are preparing to remove
above the line.”—That the Sim
enoies and lower Indians are de
termined on a war I have not the
smallest doubt.
“ I feel it my duty to communi
cate to you and through you to my
fellow-citizens on the frontiers of
Georgia, the rumburs that are in
circulation, as a little vigil nee on
their part, may save the lives of
many helpless women and chil
I deem it my duty to make jhis
Tommunscation to you, to give tne
publicity its importance requires,
in conformity with the desire of
the Col. and am very respectful
I’ our Excellencies cb't eerv'l
. Agent for I. A.
His Excellency Go-\ Mircntiz.
*C7 The eoihui’Mioners lately tvgn
in runnint’ the linen ftfbrmmihry eorforma
fcio to treaty between tbo U. States acd
* at *; w<! fcm.
pleied fbat duty. Enquiries &re frec
in>ul<*,by tlo3a disposed to emigrate wegt
wardif, to ascertain wfceo the I,:ads !*tel*
mled to tfce J. States hy the Creeks w ill be
cite red for sale -As. anon we presurre as
they can be conveniently surveyed and pre
pared tor b Je; end ibis we should sunnose
eouiu riot be done esrUer than aest fall.
ECT We have understood from a soarce
entitled to credit, thut the Upper Creeks,
with tbq approbatioa of the U. Stefes’ A
wot'nnd tiie Governor of EVst Florida,
have determined to break up r settlement
vhi ‘h has b *en 9cor<e time IPrciim;* arnong
trie Sceiunok-*, by rtinssw y IS'&;■ rocs, chief
ly from thisst ite. TlSey forme ! doincoa
ttrierabie part of Col, NiuhblF* hiotky forte
oa Appal'iel.u'ok during th-lue war j and
after|he British evacuated the {crntoiy the
negroes and * few Indians still held pnsses
f.ion ol the Port, tirving received uod
amniuui.iod from their allies,
■ Tha poll y pursued by England towards
Spoils, though not xtiietly warranted by jfi.a
tice, has been gener iiy, retaliating *. nd
p’-'iper policy towards surh n government
England been t). the h bit, of de ?ur
i:i: War against Bps n, after’ fiivht* rn de
some rich r piures. Vie ? ink, America,
without staid ng upon any further pun- fif
io< m glit justly lollow ex ample. ‘5 fre
imprisonment of our countrymen H'OarUiv
getift, the hostile tree (merit they every v. here
Tv e\ve from the officers of his Ofheise
Majesty. &ud the depredatioos committed
.upon our commit re** where-eve.r nnd when
ever it comes within tVeir graßp—-are arts
of hostility, tantamount *o any c!?*;l trati in.
Spain lias ee>rn<’d and folly derervrs an
iample retell .non. Af w examples;, tve ere
assured, would of"-!*? .>er to n proper sense
,of her own interest and .<” onr potver of
correction. Savva Pdi'uior.
-o- . \
The marMage of the prince CoWrc* to’
her royal hfghivxg Charlotte (whoever
that Prince a -ends the throne of hi**
eestofs) vi’l ass rd ap! ©uomenrn in fpgts
letion ftrd in lew. if ha husband \viH po
the subject cf the wife, and hav.* in virtue
of his marriage, no more power t‘ian anv
other subject of the Sks v sf wiU
be adorned with the title and ilj: .'ty and
her royal njap s y—wield the whole execu
tive power of Gh Britain: dictate the move-’
Inerits of the armies, and ileeJs: convoke
or dissolve Parliament at her pleascr*
while the poor hush md will be coin relied
to look on without having any agony in
the business. It becom e (he hnsbetitj to
behave hirrs If well, und to keep his proper
distance, f>r s ipli a state of (bin ‘s might ex
ist, that this very spous i might, if he should
treat his sovereign wife with disrespect, be
brought to the block for “ compassing and
imagining the death ,? r f her royal maj’ sly.
Buch tremenduous wives w ould not be relish
ed by every hasband. This is at least a de
parture from the old proverb, that the hus
band sheu'd always we r the breeches—he
ia alteiest liter JJy & husband in petti(*o*s.
Federal Republican.
! The frig n te Ma eLor ian, eaptrin War
rington, a ile<l fr*m Boston on” Sunday fr
Carthneen. , having on boa id Mr. IJugheS,
e.n wnmiisinner, in behalf of ts .* United
States, lor obtaining the'release of Arm ri
cun seamen unj stiy detained in that quar
ter.——jy. Vo ‘fc Met. Adv. 2d inat.
At fli'-hard iurown's woollen fi* of or y, Hof*
IWrtv’f, Cove, t r 4 miles from Slubt-nvilk, j
the ivooi w s shorn from a sheep in the mor
ning, .washed, carded, spun into yarn of
eighteen ruts to the pound, wove, dyed, full
ed,, dried, s torn, and inedc into a co&i > nd
worn, ail in the space of 24 hours. What
| think ye.of'bis ?— -—West lierald.
By a i ate report Irani (he Treasury j)e
partaicut, the whole exports of tjhe United
Statfs for the I year exceeded 52 millions
of dollars, of whir, b n. r 46 millions were
. domestic products, and six and a half mil.
i lions were of foreit.n articles.
An expedition es 1 6 vessels, (carryng
from 2 to 18 guns) having on hoard about
4000 Spanish Pat iot se, and marines,
?lt tier the c urn mart and of general Bolivar,
sai’ed from A'ix (>yts in rompary with the
Adrastus, (nrriv-d at Boston) destination
unknown, byt enerully supposed against
St. Domingo City.
—o— *
The London ptfpt is ar filled with testers
from St. Helena. Bony opr ears to enjoy
himself much in that eneheumig spot in the
ocean. At a late entertainment, he was so
much pleased with a lady who sang and per
foim and on the piano, that he seized her by
the e-nr*, anil gave them two severe pinches,
vhi'.h is the ilirnax of his approbation and
delight. It a said, that while on board the!
Notyumberlapd, he pinched (bo ears of all
the rlhccrs, rxcept the admiral, wbeu they
s-idrt’ y thing to phase him.
Solomon's Gazette !
fi” r'lord Utr nflTie United Mi
litia Regiments arc, in futnre, to have on
OoJonel, one Lieutenant Colonel, and ou l
From a Pari? Paver.
The Baltimore report, of lire
minister, Bod Ouig, fcßving Washington in
and r Ug3, nd c war hclvveen Spain oml the
United Stales auppos and “ertain, ie false, ns
wo uow loHrn by Boston paper*. We eon
sidei'c?! from, (he f rst moment *ve learnt cf a
war i)etwe.n Spain ond America, that sech
a dei*i<)ration on the p irf ufciiher, was insul
t:ug so the rest of JCurope-—we eould rot
conceive Stow they mid dare to break the
peace of th<* world, and themselves o
obcure,so inden. ndent. that io other powers
wer • to tie consulted upon it.—[wha,t Sillt
An arrival t B. JfoMre ii*? rn BcgborTi,
brings. THIRTY THOUSAND Spanish
AUGU - TJI, Mry ir. 181 n.
A Public Bini er *>i-s given ye-’ eruav at
t aux-hi !i, by f e City ( ->h .<*! of Augusta
and ilje *Cflj - .erp ; ‘ r iC- tit Geor
gia Militia, to Col ißrni Yust*, is te,;-
tirnouy of {be respect she, ent t n tor tbe!
high and distinguished rrvi*- b p rfortaed I
by that gallant officer during the war.
, Chronicle.
COTTON £3 ; to'SJ Cents,
Willi a k R. Bollock was ycs'.er-’
day elected by no umasimo'Js vote. pr>-*.id!
9lit of the Bank of the 8.. * <■{’ Wed-- r,,.
Sav. Rey. May 9. i
_ > .—o— i
The BteaA-Boat Ektrrphisf, arrived
at this place, on H ursdt.a ei mag icst, from
Au.;'ustß, w ; th pagsbfigera and freight. The
Ei*terp n ize ‘per,'brmed vhe pa-a ge ui thirty
one a id a half hours, running r dist ance oi l
225 miles. Ibid May U. j
j r _ — o—
fallowing s <.n extract to a g°ntle
m n in Baltimore, dntwd j
“ Bordeaux r March 19. I
“ Fhnr oiTi erg ajad -c ue sofuiets belong-1
iog to. the Amerean at,
were phot there isteiy in at} affray with (S o
*p oish, safdiej’9, f Jomntpdore &baw de
in-tn’j’ed th t excrv.'l-.rj puhi Asorejit should
be immediately icfli. tta cu the soldiers, ks
they wero- the aggressors, r*i then with
sn irtdron Iff iJ -e_port, without waiting the
renvoi” the Spanish goveruur>at to tis de
nmnd. ,!>
. . - Balt- Patriot.
SW'tNDZfiiis. —Oi> Sitcrdf y last were ap
; preh'c-tided at Harris rg f. ur tuen, having
in their possession i o ea to the amount of
\ three hundred nod fi> y tl d; liars,
purporting tube notes ot the Mi uni Ex
porting Company of CiU"innatj siunet’ D .n
iei Sharp, president v I ten g ascertain.d
that there wis no so Si b uilt, they were
committed by r >hn f£.<uo, esq to the jail
on a charge of swindling.
, j Lancaster paper,
Many of the farmers in Netv Jersey r.r
ploughing up their ii bis of winter- rein,
which tho drought hj ruined. The want
of rain is felt every where, end is likely to
bl the beauties of spring. Confir med dry
ness causes a dreary prospect,
N York Columbian.
J A violent a'lp’k of *n eart! qtt Te, wax felt
inr I!.* morning oft • 2:1 test. at-New-York
• a quarter before 3 cYh k.
| The TJofiorable S mztel Dexter.
We announce (* ys ‘he Baltimore i* 0 lot)
w**h peculiar rc rot, i! e death of Samuel
lItXTER, the eminent lawyer. staTvsua.ii lx
patriot of Massachusetts. We consider this
mournful event e ‘* vrc-J national ettlamisf,
“New-Youk. May 1?.
.Letters and papers from Paris, of the 3:1
of April state, that gen, Dcbelle, who w s
coudtmned to death for conspiracy with B
, in:parte,had been pardoned through tbfein-
I tercession of the dune D’ Angouleme.
1 Genera! Travot. also coritlvmrit'd to cleoth,
had it commuted to twenty years imprison
j General Morten Duvemet was arrested
at Lyons, March 23, and tot,fined tot e
1 pi Ison of Ro&nne.
I he duke of Berri wss to bavc hecn mr
ried in a few days to tho daughter of the
hereditary priute of NapieH.
A steam boat had arrived at Paria from
Rouen. “I bis novelty bad excited a great
deal of (he public attention.
I he price of cott-in at Havre de Grace,
April 4, Wes forty six. sons for upland, and
forty seven for Louisiana. The’ new tariff
had not yet been discussed iu the Ft stub
fhom k'xtlax'Y.
i Byfhcship ,/uno capt. Arrived
last we have received Lot don - r **<nen
of the 2aih, r.t'd Liverpool of the 30ih, ui
M.r<h. The British Vnrds fcai recovered’
* roach of the depression iirtowbieh -b* rei. I
‘ i
ft nr of the property fax plnngwl tuern
“hree percent consols were G 1 1 4—l 8
; )•*•,ium, 1C db. la the house ofcommona,
h 2f h March, on the question of the na
vy eg! im at pH, ministers n and u majority
seventy eight —< T a cerenioni v ! >f ihe mtir
riai'e b'J’eon the nrio-psh Ch r '•lotte *vnd
prince Levpui .i, wu* to Ur solemnised by tha
! archbishop ofCatsterbory at
jon the 18‘h of April. A I'i'i hed y.a*ec'i
i through parliamp*. t i six r. iru-’. •, for *. va
nainrnlizition of the prince.— I’hcse p tpers
’ p.Jso ui |! uiPvn the eeision cf A* t fph” if
.Pi tii,sid. Accounts hud b. tn ?* c.-;v- dffotti
B*. into s (he t.Q h of iMa.Lry>
I?crn-prf? v.aa ivt/1
\Ve have received Brif p.up - 3 to (IA
27t!i of f.Sarch, per ti e Larrrsc.
The Belfast UftronUie of tie Vh U cT
March mentions, thtt the He wry 5 > o c
j Moore Macao end Foxsl a h i c *; o and
* payment ?! e preceding.thurday: bi ,u vr .0
pupposed it would be able Vs meet i. sen
gat ;men? 3
N’ilie British P.trV't Express rlvTinr*
i rived here yesterday, sail and from F ImmiT;
on the 18? h of Mar.:h. and •> g bro t\W mt
eolonel Foitok. who is boß.r;*rof ’.•>•?!>
es from the. Bri ish gbvernment to om-sec
ret > v of Saw
VV jifij bUi i>j
On Fridey die a Ist of June nest*
at the plantation of Abram Bel
cher, late of Burkt County dea
Fart of the personal proper
ty of said deceased.
Consisting of
about 50 head of cattle, 3 horses,
1 r.Ee gun, and l saddle and brh
die be. Btc
Newton Perkins, 7
David Bourke, spd
May lOth. 1816.
The Share-holders are hereby
no tin e and th a t an EI *c i ion ia r a
I new Board of Directors w U be
held on the secor-d Fridav in Ji. ; ne
next,at the House of Jh h j 3 .! i ar
vey, Esq in the Tov/n of Louis
ville; and that such Share-hold
ers as cannot attend may vote hr
Littleberry Bostick 9
- President*
Louisville, 24th ‘}
April, J 8 16. Ԥ
, UPON the petition (f !c-.?e
Brown, praying the estabiisk
j memos aRt cvq tin full From one
| Mordica JVi’jLain, and ited the 3d of
! April, 1814 —a copy whereof a
! nearly as can be rt collected r v
the petitioner is annexed to >d
petition : and pn bable cause ap
pearing to the Court, that the
same is lost and ought to bv es*
i tablished;
It is therefore ORDFT'ED,
That at the expiration of six
months, the said receipt be es
tablished unless sufficient cm n
be shewn to the conttarv —A nl
that a copy of this order be pub
lished in one of the public gum tie
of this state, once a month For six
months, in terms of the rules of
court in such cases made and
Extract f-oro tbf* rn>
1). CLARKE, Wlc.
GEOHGi A. J jf i son Cav> *}}.
W here..* Lift?* Berry Busts Jr, J*d,Lih.
9i.rat. hir* nrl ,lud *• Dr \e, have applied
to me tor letter* ci’ nUeiuiistri':iou on
esfateand effects of Jo.: .ih D 1 aka der/d.
T .’.esc are therefore o-i t* ts■ ‘ otl'r-rsiLh
and,'si igular the k'lidud tad eredito.: oC
se.fl det-eiixed, to be h>:,S ftppear at my oii’stc
within t*e time pr 3 ribeil by law, to : >v
eeiusv. (il'isnytluy übys id bt'p-,'.
ah.iul-.i tint be srsiifi .1, (ii\e 1 under nsv
hand at oifire. tb 3 22 1 Vlny 18 1 6.
A. WTtiGhi. c, c. c.