Newspaper Page Text
<ggyy n£umi)SaL ‘**• <■ -Tr*
i*o£ TfCA lTdeparTmeNL
* - TKeriteui morlalia tangunt.
XJTTiEN fi€nk Is jp<ir fiic*nds revcr’^,
By every tie of lave endear’d ;
Tite voice of Dttlure iniH'it he. heard,
The sternest bosom fee] ! why should memory Ti’vunt the crave ?
And why the tender gi'iefs enslave ?
wouode which Heaveir. iir niorey gave,
tie hand of love e&n heal!
K.r jv/ we, a?ao! this world of care;
H -w should we lon their iotto share,
‘..*sa heavesly slumbers dreainlesg are
On earth 5 * maternal breast!
T’ 5 —we should hear the storm of death, ’
i c yndd with silent joy our breath ;
hit to die and gain the wreath
Oj’ God's eternal rest !
*TIS an empty fleeting shade,
By irn tgiuaiiou made : .
’ iis a bubble, straw, or worse;
9 r is a baby’s hobby horse :
’Tis a little living clear;
s Tis ten thousand pounds a yeari
“Fis y. title,tii a name;
; f’is a puli’ of empty fime,
Fi kle as the breezes blow:
> l is a Lady’s yes or no !
And when the dereription’s erovvtied,
* 1 is just no where to be feurtd.
London, March 6.
Libel.—A suit has been
brought in England by Wedder
burns Webster and wife, against
the propriertor of St James’s
Chronicle, for a libel imputing to
Mrs. W. a criminal intercourse
with the duke of Wellington.
The crime was insinuated to have
been committed at Brussels about
the time of the battle of Waterloo,
when certainly the duke was too
busy at Mouut St. Jean, to attack
any fortress at Brussels that re
quired a long .seige, The inno
v. “hey of the lady was amply vin
dicated, and the jury gave ver
dict against the printers, /20G0,
Mrs. VT. is about twenty-four
years of age, remarkable for deli
cacy of deportment as well as
personl accomplishments, & the
daughter of the earl of Mount
morris* The printers made no
defence ; but expressed contrition
for their error.
Had the publication been foun*
decl, it would have weakened Mr.
Phillip’s position in favor of the
ladies ol Ireland, as Mrs. Web
ster is a native of that country.
Postponed Executor’s Sale.
Will be sold , on the \ Bth day of
June next , at the Cowpens, near
’ Wood's Mills ,
All the Stock of CATTLE i
belonging to the estate of Solomon
Wood, late of Jefferson county,
deceased. Credit will be given
until the Ist day of January next:
purchasers giving small notes j
with approved security. The
sale will continue from day to
day until completed.
Thomas Mitchell,
Green Wood,
May 16, 1816.
Nine months after date appli
cation will be made to the hon
orable the Inferior Court of Jef
ferson county, for leave to sell
all the real estate of Ichabud
la dbetter, late of said county
Administrator .
April 9
. h A T?i f jr I r. c£. ‘
The following rates of postage
are to be charged after the first
day of May, conformable to an
act of congress, passed on thl 9th
inst. .
On single letters .
f Cents.
■ Lor any distance not ex
'■ deeding 3o miles 6
Over 30, and not over 80
miles, 10
Over 30 and not over 1 50
miles, 12 1-2
Over 150 & not over 400
! miles, 18 3-4
Over 400, 25
Double Letters , or those compo
sed of two pieces of paper, double
those rates.
Tripple Letters , or those com
posed of three pieces of paper, tri
ple those rates.
Packets or letters composed of
four or more pieces of paper, or
one or more other articles, and
Weighing one ounce avoirdupoise,
quadruple those rates, and in that
proportion for all greater weight.
Ship Letters , not carried by
mail, are chargeable with six cts.
Newspaper*. cent.
Each paper carried not over
100 miles, 3
Over i.CO miles 1 E 2
But if carrkd to any place with
in the state where printed, whate
ver be the distance, the rate is on
ly one cent.
Magazines and Pamphlets ,
Are rated by the sheet . cent.
Carried not over 50 miles, 1
Over 50 and not over 100
miles, 1 1-2
Over 100 miles, 2
Every four folio pages, eight
qilarto pages, and sixteen octavo
or lesser pages, are to be consid
ered a sheet •, also the surplus pa
ges beyond even fours, Sc. Jour
nals of the state legislature are to
be charged with pamphlet post-,
age, although not stitched or half
Post masters are not to forward
pamphlets in the mail, where the
latter is very large, or where it is
carried with great expedition or
on horse back.
Return!. Meigs, Jun.
Post Master GeneraL
i General Post Office , April 16,
IN. B. The Post Master at eve
ry post town where a newspaper
is printed, is to have this adver
tisement published in one of the
! papers (or more if he thinks it ex
pedient,) three times, pay the ex
pense and charge it to this office
in his account current, as a contin
gent expense.
1 Will be sold at the Market-House
in the Town of Louisville, on
the Jirst Tuesday in July next ,
between the usual hours ,
Two lots of land, Nos. 241
and 242, with all the improve
ments thereon, adjoining Walnut
: and Eighth Streets ; taken as the
property of J G. Posner and Ben
edix, to satisfy an execution ob
tained on the foreclosure of a
! mortgage, John Bolton, Stirvi
ving copartner , vs. Posner and
Sheriff'J, C,
May 2 g 1816-
tT'VT'T . T|* - 5- v 5 *•
V_v i ... 0 J t£ i w<* * J 3.
Will be sold at the Market-House
in the Town of Louisville, on
the first Tuesday in yunt next ,
, between the usual hours ,
One negro man named JIM,
and 125 acres otland, adjoining
lands of William Padgett; taken
as the property of J ohri Padgett,
to satisfy an execution James
Dees, vs. John and William Pad
One moiety of an undivided
tract of 400 acres oi pine land,
adjoining Paulett and others, ta
ken as the property o{ Joshua
Myrick, to satisfy an execution
David Paulett, vs. Joshua My
One tract of pine land, con
taining 45 5 acres, on the waters
of Reedy &. Brier creeks, adjoin
ing John Hatcher and others, ta
ken as the property of Richard
Jackson, to satisfy an execution
William Mathews, vs. Richard
To be resold at the risque of
the former purchaser.—Terms
of sale not having been complied
Deputy Sheriff Jefferson county.
May 2, 18 16. ‘•
During my absence from Geor
gia, William H. Jackson and
David Clarke, Esquires, are
appointed my attornies ; and are
authorised jointly and severally
to transact any pan of my busi
12th May, 13 16.
~ noticeT”
During my absence from Geor
gia, Vi illiam H. Jackson, Esq
is appointed my attorney in fact.
Persons having business with me,
will apply to him.
12th May, 18 16.
‘You are hereby summoned
to attend at your usual muster
ground on Saturday the first day
of June, uniformed agreeable to
the rules of the company.
By order of Capt Clarke,
Ist Sergeant.
May 9th 1816.
On Monday the 17 th of June next
at the late residence of Benja
min Davis dec. in Jefferson
A part of the personal pro
perty of said deceased,
Consisting of
Horses, Cattle. Hogs, Sheep,
household and kitchen furniture,
and plantation Tools.—A set of
Blacksmith Tools, he. he. The
salq will be continued from day
to day until all is sold —Terms
made known at the time and place
of sale.
Elizabeth Davis-, Adtn'x.
Elnathan Davis. ) c
9 m r
yohn Cocky > J:
Wiley Belcher %
May 9th 1816.
700 I
W HERE AS a most attrpdous
“* Murder was committed at
Mrs. Carters, in Edgefield Dis
trict, Scuth-Carolina, on the 28th
April last, by Daniel Land, who
without provocation or known
cause, deliberately and wickedly
with a rifle, shot a man named
Burges Day, while quietly skiing
in die piazza of the aforesaid Mrs.
Carter, and thereby almost in
stantly put an end to his ext stance
—and WHEREAS die said Da
niel Land, has since absconded*
and a number of the citizens of
Edgefield, desirous that so foul a
deed should meet the reward the
laws of the land direct, having
made up a subscription by which
the above sum is secured, and
will be paid to any person or per
sons who will apprehend the said
Daniel Land, and ledge him
|in Edgefield Jail, to take his trial
indue course of law.— I therefore
deem it proper to g ; ve public no
tice, that the subscription paper
for this purpose is lodged with
me, and that it will be delivered
to any person who will bring me
a receipt from the Jailor in Edge
field. for the said Daniel L and;
and it is believed also, that an ad
ditional reward will also be offer
ed by the Governor of South Car
olina for apprehending the same
person. He is about 22 or 23
years of age. 5 feet 8 or 9 inches
high—has dark hair, and dark
eyes, thin das k beard, a d<?vvn look
—when he stands his knees ap
pear to bend back more than com
mon-—-he has a small mole on one
side of his face near his mouth—
is of a middle statue, and suppo
sed to be of about 160 pounds
weight—he was born and raised
in South Carolina, about ten or
twelve miles from Augusta—-is
of a tolerable fair skin* The a
mount subscribed for his appre
hension is somewhat above the
reward offered and may have
some further sums added-—the
entire subscription will be given
to the person securing him.
Benjamin Hightower
(£7* Other printers it is hoped
will give the above a place for the
public good. May 10.
The subscriber, having been
appointed attorney in fact for
•James Nicholson, who is the only
surviving qualified executor of
David M’Credie, late of the state
of South Carolina deceased, offers
for sale on moderate terms FIVE
LAND. The said tract is so di
vided as to suit the convenience
of any person ; having been par
titioned into lots of from 200 to
600 acres.
Those persons indebted to
the estate of David M’Credie, are
informed that their notes are lodg
ed in the hands of, and payment
Will be received by the subscriber.
T. M. hEIUtIKJW MVy in fact
for Jas. Nicholson, Eoc'r Dd. M'Credit.
May 16, 1816.