Newspaper Page Text
‘* tfr'A s . Is ’■■ • ,V ‘e
* 1 Joni i<rt.— “this sci t: : -
1 innk Violaml, the richest n'roviin’ I •<m
*• Muriilen. This he *lj keep ; be wj’l re
‘ t iin hLr 1 ui >i nin fV! p!; ?n'i nnu *ri y
4 looksf >rw dt > Fed y. when<* e- r e<". ,
4 o* ('ftw®* uHviil f .ll Wef,r*
6 when ui A ‘K> t n imiund ofVn * Rl h\ ’e •,
6 he will si Irisnwni power b'vo’d
4 the res eh tr*f injii'-o, • *ml exerise, in h'S
‘ turn t!'*’ ~:-.v?re<zrtt'> of the ‘Stas S'*
*’ ,-eii> Mms h v<* c>;isiq r .bl” V vns' ? "-
bl'wce; n‘hnu<*h te nas.y *..j
vt’ J ; >.s r ,\ * 0 finr&elres. wo m> y ilcufe’ f'pen
L>t gc, : ’ ‘'y) *hr her - : is<ia will,evp p,n
ti*6 ••> <vnx sp iv of ‘he seu-—• .-<i bo
o .mint bosh ,tr ■ a kunwloj <Mhi t>- - e pan
t'“ ‘0 >e p io’ him* t!e a.- J:, ifnut a rival io
v -0 liiWlrV f-*< ‘ I*o- 1. i (.'fJ-Ut*'.! !’ ails.
S* :ph shite prr'v. : ns we sfcull regard with
ooin ■e ■•■ v. Aiicr’S \\r•• v. tie*
<. in her I•• ;;*••• r! ••• ole with thear
i se ml (toons of L.p Vy a eo'nl.isr.ti
?v<Mirsi*v\ e ■ it, ‘v u&y p ovh!< tt i>l
fc ‘ ■ -j. t >pre<; lieateel rial!
t . t*.t.o:ar <;f our oi . e/s .;'<l men at o
v e ai>- tg n t>*d pa*rioM<*?& of our yeom-i!: y
o': in. v <••’•*! i(cv e fdoli*!) call uiu- (
*. . o Briit h vSii e( es to thefoei e ite-i
s v . h \ v v"r eur .-c.'•;*■■ ■ .u- were, sltogeJli*
• r v e eatrse cf b:ef-at aud m i
;n t i-i $, iud has been aslonish
f! &and um wruty* fram her the j
4. ihai tdio * treni. ,s ut tht tfech {
of j -'o h*“ war with A inert as iv -s ex'-!
; :vs-i} ‘h.i otii-r <i y ->y a. f.
I'jro me fit. Rut the tf ISsiirhtnft ]
u. e !'..) :•.<! “ e our eoiiisr *e. Titae.*
T*-o’- pro/r . v I tis-ry, ]
r .tv <v;-.h on; i o: ■■■* i •<, st; ‘ !
v .ves of 5. ■ o e v. il .r&.'te •he or. ’
v. -s -j fs, ‘V* e*.,, tuervifi-', entenainri;
V- Hto.- ‘i - o'}■ ■ ■,({ to if-.- ry ; , f-nee ct ;•■ v
c-h'i &•*. ! - k. ory 4 - ••? iiih.j j
er ‘'’ ‘ oc (’ c o: tier’
;*%’ ro ivvliro- ;• *>.vor.
\ the *’ i; •! : n's man t>
f- exlfo.i o ; i>„ in jtrejor;in.i
i ‘ fC J Aii ’■ •- .. • >'■'!'■’ Z ffJ* --SO ;!;>'S I !lf
c fii i of nr:n- “i . • iii. vnvHjrlior
xr> ihoi* yo “t n;-.,; tuo lA**u le>
1 ■ ‘ ii t a frou ,'• : to the ft.-1 o,’
- : apolv.\n ti!& for* tv. sf idorbpe, unit j>
v ■■■* >dv d f cs<i
‘■ ‘ ‘
t te.”— 1 )’h:- ijtiic i;!ov• -w o -a* ir.-av si.&rk
-1 . the v•>” *y < Mt it i> l> • Lart? of T< y ti-.n;
a ■ Tpvt"'•• universe. It is evident ‘hat A
5. h• .i ioer riated with
.‘o* , > r <.■■■'•!L t J-ft vs & t-oltt j
><- if •. • i tinQ * e i t
TreneKmeti of t:!**n*s am! entiheaye, must
iv e>‘SSHri!y atd to i• • y .ndiiriiy, Viiimu ‘
esc’ and of sea “oart, wilh a t> ; - •
V:’ aw r, • ’ <vi > ;■ hrotf* r-irs-1 >v. i wk
‘inert'::’ very cmjiue*of ?!’ F> euch— Y.xa pow-l
•erto us'Jpp ‘lift* r r.l eo ;UJ not be esi y J
fosiste ■ auA ‘f’ .t-r tie tqu ( to tbej
t-k ‘Vi \-. i • <ij • u-e that ins amltf ion *
tin led <nm to ~e , ti and that <.<*-■ !
Prinee nf (i on is 11. ll* Fro •
m-y yet i-e ave ;;x- t ..i toe j;rek*•.:.•,•! of
the gne A au tiPj. i c ‘ the Ncitr?
What we h .v.- *■ n- v jttiu we only haz
ard iis“ conjee'n.oa.” Jf'* e N r o'.*ther t*
itors, wi;o him. o at some 4 * prtri e
pris ” at the he--/! .Twin h was the Ehtpa-1
rnr of Russi't, do not qui k{y eunv: out with ;
tkeir e uijeetures. itn, uw.sUdf;, :hdl v.-e m y ;
liave ap:i ipa! / hem i:i the akefrli we have j
given of li epo..c al \ w 11 1 it J. I*. i:v t-.
and the inf’r-;• * we have ilvswr o
pi nh -kjjie rcijiiic ttuac. Lice com it
ii.ii rope.
* Letter to the Eart of Liverpool bj’ l T^
ff •-’ ‘ * ”••;••••• ?••*. assarr--r*swrs*3:imr:.-iK*.T
ii. <_••• J* ’■ iJI Ijr ©
J/o iTo.v Jtfay 7.
Tty Cap*, f o'” - :*• . { J ;verf io(, wf ■
!*• e• dp ; lav r v.. = L tv - -* rn-jtets of that j
er t Ar-Hl 4 - 5 London lo Aj-ri! 2, !
BavnL >, a.h, is t-ppoiuted British'.
C..-0 Oil) lit \ V (. ‘ iPClitlg.
*-i 1 a nd: ?> .!•:• k ti • C ourt of Crmoif.n;
L■-■ •‘ v !■ i'.'ll 28. M". ;t u •
and hf r. *)i •. v <*te • kout lo tc ciile a. nocr
t 10 by phyn; <t£ ‘j
uot fey tnoruS ari?uuent. - “ j
- r t* p jßritLb and :
- ra’tfcfc. v :-1 tbi L (St Italic*, wlich it is;
lx r;?I v::i ed tn war.
r t fm gre •: xp diiiua against the AVt- ‘
ic- wr tj!| p.epet-intr.
; •[ b’’ in Lcndon r efitir n- f
*<■ *' rKr ,; u tor* of the duly or. vtitH'&j!
i iTsf-t e i ii ii.i ts.
e <•!' iv and i h p-'oeffxii;;* S
t-e .* &v 1 ill f’ lir 11. VL; t th } l v
sleaßwrw are tuk ;in js} Lcit-pcc.ri’
C ou* ; *; to v?ev nth sue: oJytt. iu ul inc l
i't Liverpi'o] ti -pi iv }>*•• . cor •(
r*z and of slsippi Oil ho . 1(1 ii e I ! u:. ki i
Ai’ i-ft, dive*t i-irir it a u and ; 1!; dton
1 ii vnMiiif c i’ll e ; nrd s<: i u it.
>t SOi’-i ‘! ci ue tii * j.. ris-* *t < > lv‘ >n : !,, J
kin ti.f claim of ty if i\ko v. <(. of
F e Dal eof MobtefeeMo the erfvo
*■ r lkf.L jaoiunv'-ttd fcduiirt ;bc first •
° I
lt .r. lii * Uw •*'’ l y ,i1 ’ i i *’- ‘-'isv
’'be t* 13 ■■ ppninte.i it) OitJ'-’sh.
■ ? For: : rircs-ft f overu... oik refnses to
* ••-•iUblwliineai of the J s tits in
t'.sdur i->n.
*‘'vd-y e ikte'ef STu'fcsfat: has
deisuucil rcvctitiv.
L iNiiay T\lv.reh ?4.
! &• !•♦!*> h.* • ; j, . :i pj a , t . j;. p a rlift.
■** ■ 1 • • -■.'<£■• ore <>!’ a tiita- kUy Mr.
f o.a iie pufeoual choracter of the
. V; iiK-e Bftg-s'nt.
. jFt otn ths i\ >/y Of 1 /* Beacon t st&y 3.
MO I? E SF.SA J.:.:[ ji TP. OCT ft.
In the brig. Aioivuvk, arrived;
Fere yesterday jr.nvi Jn.rmnca,!
vine passengers, ctptain Math j
ews, (% the rehooner Adaiifi", cf!
i 1,k,.I ,k ,. Iti'more* PFii >;> Chat rand, of |
liahiraore, and‘several seamen, j
j Ca ptain Mathews has furnished
usw.ii tiie id-owing statement
! °- r Lie viil i-:ou’s and inhuman treat
;Lient, ? >y a>e hp iniards, of all
i thqss,w}vo tinfdrtut ate!y fall 1
|th ir >. -.nds. 11‘..-■sailed from Bali
J umore ou t’u. *h |
i8 ,5, m i ; ; ■.. oner Auahne, t
i : -!v.l ond'-n ICirt spoke a stoop;
:ii otn hav; Vi, •-. i .-a. h to Par- i
|to ‘ R ieo, :: ; id was i:. or ,n doit he j
surrender of 0 uukapor- to his*
CaUiolic ra nesty*is Loops under;
general Mo; iilo.
bht the l Pth saw the High
binds of Cavil a yen v end made ’
; vde, saw a {•‘v'.g.vte at anchor
iitfle to wimivveed. of .Ive t *wn,
and snortly ulier, s:v . five more :
ves ; k-Is at anciior u> leeward cf
die port. llc ;.ie i o anc!ior vvi*h I
die schooner t:i tvva and a half
vhorns water, the cavlel with *
I die republican flag fhdug ao-.Hu 1
J three quarters of a mile ’distant;’
;th ee heats m?a 1. ijr us from their -
jh;;y ‘ tv.eir sciiooders- at the 1
I same titne running m, the batte-!’
ries ci the fired on the n ; v;e
j were vaved iroiit tl;e sieve to
toend e;r born; me-atnvhile- two
and ;u; vh. hs {\ 1 11 oia rm -•!mt n c rvfei e
;t v Ijo trb. and and took po'-session
|(d the Acl i line in di e na m e of the
•’ Spaui'd-i g nernmtT.t ‘Hte ofli
! cers and civ w v\i-re plundered w
snipp*-d of t very ?.) :: g ; ordered
i. ro the bevp sw. i on : huie, duv
on on be. ( o o tin.', m -r, n tihameful
manner, and beaten will*, t’ e hut
cud cl tlietr mi -d ‘ , uil they
reached a prison, where the>
sou mi 160 Ame rl caw- and Bri-1
tisn, who had in like manner frli !
en into their hands r-nce the toil
of Carthagena, and who had ex
perienced similar treat;vent.
The prison being exposed to
the weather, together v. Hi the
ifilth with which the fi >o- v vs covd
I c red, caused a daily removal of
| seme o’ their comrades to the hos
p-iak from whence few ever re-j
turned. Die scanty rations al-j
h".ved them were sometimes kept
h ck for two or three days and
! ihe applications to general Mori!-
ic, met with no attention ; on the;
contrary it only served to increase
the abominable and attrbeious!
conduct of the officers and sob
diet s, which has never been e
quailed by that of the Algermei.
On the I.6th February, we
wen; to be sent to Santa Martha
tor trial. Ivlulcs were prepared
lor the sick (about one thud of out
number) and escorted by an en
vigu* we took up our march, oi
tboar 200 I’uilcb by land,.at id two
i.e - a vl 0n,., night A rough lake .
ind creeks to reach our place eb
destmaiion. Fr quemiy on the
march when the men could not,
keep up with these ba, o -tri mg
who were all mounted on mules,
they would knock them down
with their muskets ; and three of
them actual ;y db di with fatigue.
VV e reached Santa Martha on the
i'CUb day.
Wc were separated into two
prisons, and a sf ; ong guard yto
i'ced over us. be mg Showed one r las
land a liali for our subsistence,
j Hurirf:: our stay,at Santa Mam
[that (which, was one month) ad
-1 tr.'rai Oomdass had made several
!applications to Montale, the vice
roy of Neuva G renada, tor the
release cf the .British subjects.
0 n the 3Oth of I\larch, \ S l6.
idle Prititoi brig Forester, captain
| Henry, arrived, vrith orders to
j demand dtoir subjects:, when the
! crews were given up, except mas
| tefs;, officers, su* creargoes and
j passengers, whom they positively
j refused to deliver. From this we
had reason to, suspect something
serious was intended -gainst Us.
Accordingly on the 4 ih April,
ehver- ct the masters, officers,
&c. es the American and British’
vessels, attempted to icrce the.
guards, nine oi whom succeeded
in gnthng down to the !■ oreh-t-rk.
boat w iich was waiting far tat if
XJi Intimately I. Smith, craef
mate of the /idaline, in the at
t'-rnrt voas run throurh the body
wih a bayortft; and the soldiers
b at out his bra ins with the but
end oi t'neir muskets—One other,
;a Briiieh subfect, was u ounded
and taken back tp the nrison
-I’he number of prisoners left
at Santa Martha, in dose con
iine mem in the stocks, were
twelve, viz Mr. Cooper, super
• cargo of the Adahne, and three ofj
the crew; captain Alfred liastin,
ol the schooner Charles Stewart,
of New Orleans, his supercargo,!
Mr. Stanlcy> and two of the ■ ea- j
.trier; the Olivers British subjects.!
Tile situation of captain, has tin
was peculiarly deplorable, lie ha- !
virtg experienced the most severe
oeavment from them in conse-i
juneirce of information beinflodf?--’
!-, # O O
|vu against him by a Portuguese’
sailor, (-without foundation too)
that he intended to cut his schoo
ner out. He was immediately
put in close confinement, and
threatened that he should never
come out alive ; the execution of
which threat was rendered doub
ly probable after the escape of the
others. ■ I
The conduct of captain Henry,
of the Forester surpassed all eu~:
1< gy, and merits our eternal grat-i
itiuie; he received the Americans’
as freely as the British subjects,!
;and his humanity to them after’
they got on board was conspicu-1
on s |
Ihe narrative given above by ‘
captain M tiiews, is, vve thihk,
well calculated to excite the in
hgnahonoi every American, who
. els tenacious of his country's
tonor, and sympathises wnl
hose who are the unfoitunatv
victims of Spanish barbarity. We
hope our govercmuit not
- I N S
Ivse ;* mrmrr;i jn de; wr - w 'h-t [] *■
!ivimccuate release .o-f oi;V di-intivo
ecu jurymen, and the moss arc pie
j redress for the lawless and briucl
! conduct of the Spanish royal/sis
| Captain Mathews states, .that &
1 single- frigate \v.m!d be stifexuPTit
to lay ham a : l lartha Jh ashes.
’ Surely tbeh hd time 1 wi.i be lo* t in
.swrhngr.ut a ; force compaeru to
! chastise insolence, artden.
j f>rce a recognirkm of our rights,
—“**• -> o
tossedatthr.Jzrut swizozi dj’ ihs
’ Cuhliv&S; ‘ ‘
Annvt to anlbori/ l ie of C.®
tviiC'ri Svutrs t> fcr ttc tH-at t.for re
i re:n*on<(? ?K°!H'Xv 1 ,w Cujiile;
L-r U:.* better it t.f CXinprc a,
; ’’dklijjontt J ‘ir x e>
. kav i%:& t'xovasfg t‘ F-e ftiwty ujtliuH
j dnnog th-'J- w r \vi:- Cw *
| f'-r the relief of jonall 0$ L -.•isnnr.
t ** iMilhoriza .tbe fur Vy
JoU, H g rr v*d iff t 1* f-v , y r.,
: W ;U< * £ > enr it ary s- vviee of tee Lena 4
i Slates,finil for otbr pyriic** s.
|, For the relief ot Cf arloß M rfeta.
| h. •w>*rd<ns’ the hiSmoi’b •• re v/ es I*l9
slot { r.i F ;rnct iV tie a: 1
g-Miiie un of the British s!dof war
, Ft nr' l in.
i ”i i> t oJars’® the fisve’ for *gp
‘• :nri transfers atil ehnetreo? |>i ope tty
i u*>jeet to the dueet ttl, und Hr c>tLer iut
{’■ es. ■ ,
For the relief of J? -Tiry Finwir^.
1 0 r-'istaie thy ecusiiftt?• 0 ■ -!v. ean tfer U.
hf.u ■§ 1 and the terri orka of. is JU i anie
siv, ?o t ■ s ewn* tilina.'.'Bm.inikd
Jti ol Js y I,>( 5, fit; * the i3-
s wliXiJi excharg-g on I 22d of
ileeetiiber, 1810.
For lie reßH’of WiUir ro J". rrket
ghr (hr? relief of J f?ti Hdm -.3 C.n?„ .
For the relief of M i.via V. < t p<,f.
West Air WeVy.
bit. •: , ; art elects tore oi'JoiuQ 4c.
io ena’ I? t* e |er.p!e of i s’ tcrritoTe
to forsn a eoustiUition anj Rtnle s;roc. ;
u'.£i lo t.-e of sneh s'; o into •A-e
oa&u equai footiug tritiJ . oit^ivial
*i t it■!& <*
r - J 5 i <eorj>oe a te the sufescriU jit to the
L p*k cf the tJ in ed Mi ,!©,
-°t t.e relit f or rt-riain £V( hewers ©lf
public iod in ibe II Hs-i';- iy oi lm n : U ry.
A” u:h ; \v. * the presmPFt of \\ z Lcite4
, Sv-vtes to Jeir&e the sapae near the ‘VybbAi
ii er son t term not ex rediha sev< h puts,
A* or the rep-f Vv'l ]’i .
I-’or r e reii.ftf .L;,.nL. h - n:jii..
‘I 0 ar.jreiiu ar for tl*e relief ol Fdwar<3
| Haliavwll.
A- ti-v rJhf of Jonathan iua.,.
of Fart^rbFcnrech-ist.
I- -:r ife lelicf of >Vi {irn fefwn,’
I: ;’ov i j; .} an liddeoi*pea tidl'in *&
the wisii i t judge of tie soaiLai-c.'diatric-.t of
i*i r ew -Y ; rk.
Making fat her fix b*!lty
sei vi.-es during the iate war, &ati Fir
Ai kklag fertlier prrr;sio’ f-sotfMtn*
elfiuafltu bad in the teiri'u: rof jP.jtu :;j ’ •
For Uv* n lief c f vert io ./Liu,and, to ti vA
id the dirtri t c f Yiti eoues.
1 o (i.:!i;iue in t ree- to *tt pntj l and An
titt fcr ir pf: i oddi ; ioi'e.l dutits hLI
f r * 3<! v * - r > •• • u-or-.-lm-dise iv , ‘urU-d item
;u v fereixport c“ pi ©e.
i o v-ottiit t iv. Ife: .*e an net e t-.iled <£ Ao
e ° f 1 I ! -S ,l *<!*•. • n imported fee ?f,grat ting
> bounty on jt* tih-d F-.V exportr4k omu d
fe.wnnees to eertaiu vefetels tu'.piaytd tL©
t. ihcriep.
j i o repeel go mo hos un art pert °:l on t* 6
22i - iLfcroher, as iu.pastfa idditiouai
duties o ; : pußttg^.
Louf io force <-rrt>-tn aei* loytrs
d*iti*oi hs-uk notes, n fii-d sugars, uod
for oii’er i;urnoes.
Fur the relief ivf Jo**pb Whfeaton.
For IS s.relief of u.e hunt ct Alexander
?:j izlnf? (he pi; m ht of aeum ofmo
t* a y to J .tf.-'s Lcvios.
U ranting let ! rda rki! extrifc p’ y
to i*< riiM,un %eilncttrere,
I; • ;h- : crtnpefty of the 2-.: t?i
br-gai?-* c{ \ ir r inn; prilviv., eoirasaiua:&, by
Mt. ,(imn Wi uislcy ,
.'.-Jw fuiv anjirnnt;'at toes ifor or-.'*Kr,ar<a aud
OT.:l.iice f-r the yer.rlßl6.
> ibe f Situtuvl WIL) Vfc'tlltfeia
lle km ! Am Ki ‘.l el.
<•’’ >- or# it't’ !. •; to: v h Farrcv and ‘sCi>q,
‘ ( '\q r(|tc&2 ti.#: duiit on eerfew eru 1 . ksr
tKU ‘-i'.r r:teil v.ui in *K tVi.vd
to.r iLc * JiU and CLtuk JutVi US Yrfi*
f’ r.'A.
i;vprc T :n (!>■* 95H (*rt <■/? #*'o ’
C (c; (It; t. jKOTfc oi sLe
sit #o> of v* r 1; v .t,
For orei r/siej? the pcretU st sis, *rd .
, b.iiler |.>H*vi3wa for tU uitty ct .
Jk o f th- sos .to wit’d# f?nj ciJJd-?..’. -
wi 1 Italic’ IMjpL, o.c H.jSE'a