Newspaper Page Text
NO. XV11.3
‘ mm av : <55. <S?: -
jPassed at thefirst session of the fourteenth
An act for Use more convenient fcirenge
■rent of the times and places cf holding ti e
circuit courts of the United State* hr the
districts of Sduth Caroline and Georgia.
Granting to Amos Spa fiord the right of
For the relief of Ephraim Shayler.
For the relief of Patrick O’FTypg, and
Abigail O’Fljng, ao<s Edmund O’Fl^Bg.
For the reiiei of Thomas and Catrshy
To authorize the sale of lands forfeited
so the United States in the cUs'riUof Jef
fersonville, at the fund office in and district.
Providing for the sale of a trad of land
tit the British fort of theMiUjni of the Eke,
tti the fort of the rapids, aud for oth* r
Providing for the **le of the tract of land
*t the lower rapids of Samluky river. ,
For the relief of 1 font as Farrier, Wil
liam Yonrig, and William M sely.
For the payment of the militia in the
cases therein mentioned.
For the relief of John M. Forbes.
For the free introduction of
plates, and to encourage the printing end
gratuitous distribution of the scriptures by
the hible societies within tbe United States.
Directing the discharge of Ebenejper Kee
ler and John Francis (Vurn imprisonment.
Directing the discharge ofMaaes Lewis
from imprisonment.
For the remissiorvof certain duties on the
importation of books for the use of Harvard
spoilage, and on the carriage and person*l
Ibsggage of his excellency William Gore,
of the British province of Upper
To change the mode of compensation to
the me mbs is of the senate and house of rep
resentatives and the delegates from territo
Authorizing and r qniriffg the secretary
f state to issue lttreis patent to Andrew
For the relief of Joseph Wilson.
For tbe relief of Gustavo* Loomis.
For the relief of Fao! D. Bulter.
‘Ao-ftiereavt the pensions of invalids in
earths;?, casesg foV the relief of invalids of
tnifitia/aifd ft r the appointment of pension
agents in fiiLse states Where there is no
ewmmissioneV eV loans.
To repeat the act eVitill and “An act to
fddifional revenues for defraying
the expenses of government, and maintain
ing <he |ubiie credit, by laying duties on
household furniture, and on gold and silver
T 9 abolish the fisting duties on spirits
tfistillwl within tbe Unit’ and States, & to I, y
other duties in lieu ol those at presieotiru-
J meed on licences to distillers of spirituous
For the relief of John T. Wirt.
Authorizing th payment for tile court
tsoviseof Hamilton in the sta e of Ohio.
the duties on imports and
To alter the times of holding tbe circuit
nd district courts of the United States for
the district of Vermont.
Sicking appropriations fir the support of
for *he ycr 1816.
For tboi relief of Ivetua S. iieed & Daniel
Supplemenfarv to the act to provide addi
tional revenues for defraying the expenses
of government, maintaining tbe public cred
it, by laying a direct tax upon the U States,
and to provide for assessing and collecting
Abe same.
Providing for tbe distribution of one hun
dred thousand dollars among the captors of
the Algerine vessels captured and restored
so tbe dey of Algiers.
Allowing pay to certain persons made
prisoners witb the revenue ftitter Surveyor.
For the benefit of John P. Maxwell amJ
JBngh H. Maxwell.
For tiifc relief of the president and diree
tors of the Washington” Bridge Company.
Continuing the salaries of certain officers
T 8 ovefntnent.
inking appropriations for the support
afthc navy of the United States for tbe
To fix tf:n commissions cf the collectors
<jf iha and uuomul dulses^end to
revive and continue in force “An act fur
iber to provide for tli* collection of duties
** imports and tonnage.”
F or the relici of Asher Palmer,
bor the relief of the supervisors of the •
eountyof Clinton in tbe state f New-Yark, :
For the relief of John Crosby and John
Crosby, jiin. ;
For tie relief of T.ylbrfc M’Neale, RyJ
an* & M’Neale, and Henry is. John M Clus
tA “ .1 j
* or the relief of eertdn owners of goods
entered at H •mpden in (he district of Muiue.i
1 0 inerese the compensation how allowed j
y law to inspectors, measurers, weighers,’
And guagers employed in the collesttsc of
the customs.
For tie relief of Joseph S. NVwel,
D-M.laripg the t-seent of congress to an
act of the geßernl assembly of Virginia.
Making appropnations for building tight
musesano foreomplefiog ihc plan ofligbt
iag th. i >in, according to tne ijuprovement of
fVinds'ow for placing he&eons and
buoys, for preeervtng Little Gull Islitud, and
lor surveying tbe coast of tbeUnitet! States.
S o .tutho-ize (he building of three light
wiuse, vi£. oitc on Race Point, one 00 Poiut
G nunan, jud one on the’ island of Petit
M.l it on, in the state if MassadiuWrs.
I o authorize tbe surveying and making a
coad iu the lilinoi* territory.
Making appropriations for rspßtring cer
tain roads therein mentioned.
Supplementary to on act entitled “ Ac act
grantiug bounties in land und extra pay to
certaia Canadi in volunteers-
For the relief of Samuel Manse.
Au horizing the payment of a sttsft of
money to John Rogers, and others.
Providing for eases of lost military Sand
Warrants ami discharges ftrf ;ithfol services
For the relief of George T. Ross and
Dauiei f. Patterson, and the officers and
crew lately under their command.
To enable the levy eourt of the ccunty of
Alexandria to lay a tax for the purpose of
j defraying the expense of erecting a jail and
! court house. .
For the gradual inereaVeof the navy ©f
the United States.
j Moting appropriations for carrying ?rto
effect a treaty between the United States
and tlso Cherokee tribe of Indians, eonelud
ed at Washington on the 23d day of March,
I Making an appropriation for enclosing
and improving the public square near the
jCapilo!, and abolish the office of commis
sioners of public buildings, of superintend
ant, and for the appointment of one couttnis*
signer far the public buildings.
Foe the confirmation of certain pl'iifts to
lands in the western district of the state of
Supplemental to the act entitled “ An act
regulating and defining the duties of tl>e
judges of the territory of lilenois. oml for
vestii gin the conns of the territory of In
diana a jurisdiction in chancery casts aris
ing in thesnid teni'ory.”
Authorizing the comptroller of the treas
u y to eaneel eertnin export bonds executed
by Casper C Sffcutte.
Authof ik ng thh judges of the circnit 1
court and tne attorney for the district of;
Coiumbia to prepare a code of jurisprud-j
ene for tho said district.
To provide for ti e appoiniuient of a stir- j
veyor of the public I ads iu tho territories
ofillinoik and Missouri.
io authorize the survey of two millions
of acres of the public lands, in h- u of that
quantity heretofore authorized to he sur
veyed, in the territory of Mitnigan, as mili
tary bounty lands.
Concerning pre-ctnptikn rights given in
the purchaseoi lands to certain s ult ra iu
the state of Louisiana; and in the territories
of Missouri and Illinois.
For the relief of David Coffin, Sasntiel &.
William Rodman,jun.
Supplementary to an act making alterati
ons in the treasury und war departments,
passed th.* 6th dr y of May 1792.
Declaring the assent of Congress to acts’
of tbe <ate of South Carolina, authorizing
the city council cf Charleston to impose and
collect a duty on the tonnage of vcs-o-.U from
foreign poris; rd to acts of the state of
Georgia, authorizing the imposition and
oliection ot a duty on tbe tonnage of ves
sels iu the ports cf Savanm. h and St. Maty.
Providing for the sale of certain lands iu
.fate<>f O; io, foimerty opart for refu
rses fr.;in Can; and Nova-Scotia.
For the relief of Blii-tbeth Hamilton,
Regulating the currei* y Within tb® Unit
'd States of the gold eoi. of Great-Britain,
Frame, Portugal, aid Spain, end the
crowns cf France, and fivefr*ne pieces.
For the relief of Morris Turner,
Authorizing payment for persons coy fur
d by private aimed vesieli.
Authorizing tho payment of a sum of mo-
F ?ey to Joseph Stcvvs f, t others.
i l -:* esta *h*h 1 l ;!d tlistri; tin Illinois tr-
nprtb of the district of Kosk*skia.
For roaming tho duties on licenses tnre
t/iif-’s of wines, spirituom liquors tnd for
eign tsstdisadisp.
indemnity lube? Mawry end others.
For the relief of Maviasseh Minor and
lsna<-: Denison.
To alter certain parts cf the sets provid
ing for the gevernment of lha territory of
, Mil*,ouri.
Miking appropriations for the support
1 of the military establishment of the Uuited
Staf'un r or flie year 1181 a.
Fur the relief of William Crawford, Fred-
Bates, W ill Garrard, and Thomas B
, Supplementarv to the act passed the SO 1
day of March, 1802, to regulate trade and
inte'ripurre with the iudiun tribes, and t*
preserve peace or* the frontiers.
ion to indemnify the sureties o f
commodore John Rodgers.
Requesting the president of the United
Stales to present medals to captain Stewart
and the offsets of the frigate Constitution.
Reqhesung the president to present med
ai? t*< oupt Jana i s Middle and the officers of
tbe sh op of war Hornet.
riug the beoretary cf state to rein
pile aud print, om*e in every two *’yers,
register of all officers and agents, civil usil
itafy, and naval, ia the service of the Uni
ted States.
For the relief of (taut. col. William Lawv
renee, of the army, and the officers, &e
(•o*npbsing the garrisbn of Fort Bowyer iu
Further supplementary to the ck entitled
“ an act providing for the indebt a ideation u>
eectam claimants ot public lands in the
Mississippi territory.”
Snppl ineot ry to an net entitled ct ei;
act tc ineorpon.te a company for m&kuw
certain <>iipik? rtiade within the district t>.
Columbia.” .
TANARUS iliCreaco the 9 titty of the .rc-vistcm
of t.l*o treasury, providing further set; e ncr
of eeptttfu accounts against, the Lbr ry < f
9oareßs,fk’ fxtandiug the privilege ol n i ig
(hi books tliCreiu, and far estahliF ‘dag the
Salary'of’the librarians
Anthr.i iei-i ? (he si le of a lot ofgrotind be
longing to the United Statec, situated in
(he town of K fo%viile, Tennessee.
R'solution vutborizing the president of
the United States to alter the mail laid ou<
from the foot of (he rapids of the Miami of
Loke Erie to the wes'em line off the Coo
nccticht reserve. ..•
To eu?fe‘>siZc the legislature of (he stale’
of Ohio to seii a eerti in p*rt of a tract off
land reserved for the use off that st -te.
To limit the right of/ippeal from she cir
cuit court of the Unit and 6t ttes for (hs dis*
trie t of Columbia. , ,
Authorizing t. subscription for she print
ing of a see o sod edition off tbe public docu
Concerning the entry of vessel* at the
ports of Middletown end Fl)mouth,
j To extend certain privileges therein u?ra*
1 tinned to Bernard Edme Veijon ami Rjb
■ art Lowe Stobie.
Relative to ev ideuee ie eases of math r&l
----[izafion. r / ■ .
| Relating te settlers cc lands of the Uni
ted Slate*.
i In addition to en set in relation £0 the
navy pension fund.
Confirming to (he Navigation Company
of New-Orlcans the ufco and pobsession of a
lot in the said city.
Establishing a port of delivery at the
touo of Bayou S<‘. John.
Further expending the time for issuing ,&
Denting military land warrants, and for
; oth“r purposes.
Respecting ts:? ?fe officers aod crew of
the sloop of w-ir Vi asp.
Concerning certain courts of they district
of New-York* .
* To inc rease the pensions of Robert White,
Jncob Wrighter, John Youg and
Cenceroing invalid pensi ner*.
For the relief of P ler Aml rain.
To allow drawback on spirits distilled’
and sugars refiued within the Uns cd States, i
To fix the compensation of the secretary
of the senate, clerk of the house of repre-j
sentatites, and clerks employed in their of
Concerning the annua! sum appropriated
for arming and equipping the militia.
For seUtiug the compensation of the com
missioners, clerk, and translator of the
board for (and. el rims so the eastern and;
westdrn disjrieti of the territory of Orleans,!
now state bf Louisia*.a
For the relief of Rdwsrd Wilsnu.
To iofireiiidisjieiitiiiftf Wfilism Mthr-i
Fixing the compensation of the cbaplios
•>f ctingross.
For ti e relief John KVker,
consul senern! e- France totke U.tjretes,
R solution for panting tho Inva reUtiit*
to n tur { izr turn
sr the re ’ ?of Xaverio TCftrdi.
For the relicof Rlrfferd R :> Jell,
Con crnio fie’ J offi era of the militlcu
AT kina; further t.pprrpriatious for
yeer 18 (is.
I* or the relief < f Josipb Arderson.
* solu ion directing * ojfi* s,of v?op*jsvf , r?h
s o be transmiitcd to the judg* sos t'?e ea-
P'tn e court.
Respecting *h? epHe. tion of *hp pnHic
revenue in lawful money of tha United
Aut?;or : z?ng.the president of Urate*?,
‘tates to employ & skilful assistant in tho
corps of eagineer*.
io increase tie compensation of the ss*
pc* intendonCs of the matiufactories cf armet
* : H:i!*iiierhel; end•***!er*s Ff-r^y.
1 C*b ;eiC hi gisier.
Tp VK3 Kißl Ot iJVEKFCO*.
jMy Lor*)—.Within the Inst week J
‘•eived umlle of np- wfpHperx,
for which 1 ani indebted to a off
that country, who .Jef* t’ em with try pub
lisher, wi fi the remark, th t he did not
: wish to see mp 5 that I was persom.lly cn
known to him | but he presum’ and i voulA
turn them good account. I wttJly di4
nor know to what better aecuuntl ronfd puff
them to than to peruse them instantly, oesl
vs -rm-y* yr lordship of *? eir eonteists.
* n ‘ ; fi **t .paper 1. laid my Its ads on wJP
what <bey rail in America a country p*i;. 1r 3
ptsMjghed tv-.j/e a weel-. < was ■. <t
* i large ear!rah Kl.OflOc 1 * NT Vi 1-os
by dm AMERICAN A!l V<S under
j.U L ‘'DN. ! t New 0 : e n ‘i bit
oaturaTy enough esavH. my aCeotim., andi
without disturbing anntuer of U?cm, 1 sat
d‘>wn to read ir, thinking that you might
Idee to hear what kind era ieforjr Jonathan
*oid of this battle, very little off which, e#
regards matter of fa y, h rs a* yet come to
the ears or of (he vuiightca*
•ci peop’e cf Jthic islahd Hhould 1 tell yoa
L*t it was with astonishment that I read!
of this unexampled and feat ad caroage of
the forees Major-G*tier*T
the brother-in-!hw o<‘ our cy* in vort hz--d[
living general, the Duke of \%liund© . tr&
! Marquis of.TaLvem; ; >!<ould I so say. I ?
who have <0 often told y- u, so -jfien fore*
Warned you of what would bo f ‘i> fate cf
all the v.ruiies juo should s nd to America,
should ,s wn to you mv s’o* ]*; -eent -,t (heap
Viog be-.ton aud driver/off the field by a
Yankee general, wNat would 5: u lord, -'if*
think ? You ccrtaioly c;j f ? nc?‘* r.upi cse*
that in this hour of ><a ,d> i'-m £
would f tttirp: to y i.r fcelmK*. ly
presuming to Bi tter you. or, sh t I v aid
give you credit ff- p nd op*
which have ‘met. ev. y dl ,-•• >■*.■ t v saving;
that they me ip <* er *-•>• .K-C vhrtti,
it is from, no iis--*: \ g •,•!* -.a -f ia - t*-r\
gainst which. I k;< v y -and dL
but from r !dv : ;rj. h’ *ruT:; ‘(hat \ now
declare to you. il at u t n 1 rend tbi ( s
astro ‘ accc: .*, e--u * ;9- : rr.etit i< -ut a i.k
word ff> xpmy fte’n g*.. Aiy l> and, I
was aUi.tZi;*! ?• | 1 iiM>jrihi- of a®
ague, and the v..?y highest pertixy&ai of fe
ver. i, who bav* ■•>- c s.-*L f*‘ -o the u y
off the sail ing of the 44 h ~r,l S5 h rcfelm- n s 9
under general Ro?*, t at ir e. o !y went to
meet disg ■ ce j ond which liao proy and
sure, us many o-her. thing* which 1 have
told you. I, who have >er a;?d anon, be*-tx
repeating to you, ?h t v.vv s*r:>'rs, roar
Ci.n.-'rs, util you- 10-.'k a..., were tioHiiog
at all ip comp ;rLcn .0 n. K. *ptueky W-, ia
the hap Ij of a shall 1 ap
gnia own it,even £ was e ? az and. iwU rot
impose up a you, If saying, thet 1 did cot
| moat religiuiy calculate, thnt (he hole
! army und r Gcuer&i Fukenham wouid bo
j beaieu, had they.been t wicn the numher
and you must recollect, my !o and, that I
preected the cruelly of s u i g men fro .a
tho continent to America, who were but just
I p- ntiug irons their fi.-hts and famines ia
Spain and in Fiance: yet, ah bo* i
lated on their being beaten, I did not ex
pect to see them s ;ol down, one lim
men, rank und file, for o >c of th* enemy.—*
No, this would 5 and; ed ho * rr .gaoee, sho; Id
Isay it; it would be utrng a fforecighS
for disaster ; off whit hi ;**!nirc yen, 1 have
no pretentions; und had l ventured to prr*
diet i*,£ should bav: merged a stiait v/ciot
[ coat. But as I s*i;l r I r.-T y expected ail
1 your forcoo wou'd a begteis ’I wpected to
IWrof fcutrd fighiisg and a r y bttsincs#
f_VoL - X.