Newspaper Page Text
} m
yb *idei, \r*\ eaabiSiy eanfcs* ih&i t
aPV?r dreamed of hearin; of a slaughter of
British troops, ami that iu 1! thie
tiiuf’o k, Itienrnfemy in “kiflefl urfl s *'tf.-nded.
should twenty-thrCeVeiitArytai
tii .Jr-,~*n. This aaeount, it it act Cjf
i olio rated bysuehT-Wthnony - 8 would
. Wtko moira-.-epti-.rtk befc
fc'ot! tW i,-e. *. # C M h 9 u plane ts
CTS(I l * * aaubted it ; ? bu. i Ugsufeyatf it looks
to b * lei tn:* ( . *neh a havorkiu fi.rswag
ii v*r b I >re m **in rfj it ih arm*'. The
Amerrjait pikers state the force fond <j, as
fee, ‘* dy h*rw*m nine and ten th us uni
vn*n, ofi6 ti d* tr,f wbj *h wag killed. We
&ad thertpinfon here, (hit this fuve nmoun
ced ro sixteen thousand in a; bad it fc?eu
fthirtv thwsdodr it would have .-hared Ikt
same fate.
This military m-raHe, f ■•- I ran rail i‘
®* thin 3 ehe, really pU es &!l Bonaparte’,
•fortger -vitorieg in the shi de ; they bear
coih >arisou j in a word, it lias not its
pantile! any wacre. Ehe'strongest fortress
th t ever was (Bitirnltar itself: le
st to hivory my lord, C b-*g of you, for
?. r'e b'indivd y<vr, and set* t-'yoa filial any
ta.n.j *ik(> ;t. Gt ichms Gad ; ft is ton
* locks f>r an? nadvers <>>. .. z ,.
s lore s i h etpftdrfon*, nod l f sir we should
•* uV ; • a ‘” ‘J v * it toft to v.aik the pa* ad i
cl irse Guci da.
A >vl now, are you knt satisfied tbfctl
&ve a>t be'a yo r enemy, *> many of your
1? r ‘‘‘ s ; l r friend* ur;tf atiu ers would haw
yoti tl-t- k me? b ;u rnu*r rot east tdatne up*
t>si m - be atis-s I <!.d H;t tell you tiiat ths
* en.Cilu uoprecedi . nfcd eat i sr onhe would
fey the •tsuli of your kjiVrUtifla to the south
<tiico-:(st oi Am pr i*ia, \ ;n niost arkoowf
you n ‘ver i ;formed me of it.* destinati
?r!,er wb t was e'ipei ted Votn iii indeed 4
If yfca had •o f. r eoi.dest * sided, |th<tt3 h ).
wit'KiQt doubt, f*■• ’ r forewarnev
oh.t it woujJ hitve and ('t, defna.t, I neves’
corn'd have f r ,* n sov that tht
vhole army, or the >-re <!or part of ft, would
®'-v* he a kUled, lviiiibut serAtihing taeis
ea j fny.
And here? must not orrtif, ffeehtfoMinaj the
y°v/ ird whi h the A-nipriea.i congress bt
*towed upo 4 , their g H int eftiner, g neral
v>.cko i. ~G;ll: nt tua firmed to eaU him
sf’ r h®ugli v ca has h&ea ccr severest enemy
t fiu'i in tha paper before nie, cf the 5.a of
Wt >r iury, tb* his 1 . \ vo, th.,t Kr. Troup,
s repres-Mitativ.* from Georgia, reeommeiid
the idoplion of u resoimien, that the
thanks of congress hn presented to gener I
sickS'>:, and tisrough him to the brave ufli
users and men under his eouimaud, and that
the nresideut be req-t sted to e .use a .o’d
to he struck uud presented so Liui.
‘Xnii. resoifition was twice read, and referred {
the fOiiiin tteofthe übole house, end I;
that i have mot 2.*e papers which eon- j
Siren it.aitb&ii h l have no doubt but that it!
metwftha unai i oous adoption. Tfiia in |
Z‘>6 raw,-;rd whi h the AntßriciiD gefernmeut
Ere in the hebii of s o\vin to bravery j .id
t/ie bravest nun ii u uoi her looks for nor *
a e rc.aiuueraticti. Had gen.!
S'.ck#’.u been less sltHfui, yet had h<* 6 owu 1
jiorserer iuee, b;. very, and patriotism, he ‘
wosld hr,ye received i?ie approbation of h; j
o*j.nry:m-n and ht& eonsuieace, tl ough.pef
iap<? not ‘huhonkr. of i-ori -r ss.—Bui utter |
Tsje posuion, and suppose sir lidv/ard Pole
triihuii* h and boon sueeessful., what would you
stud the Eii ‘sli paiiieiri iit have done for sir
Kd ward ? Wouul a dukedom have been toe
t*..i h for uun bad he gained possession of
‘;it ♦ embtiuckure ut she Missiseippj.that
tsy toad Ue eommerre of the western stairs,
even to be heart of Foutny-tvani.v? V;\u;u :
t r he dukv diun of Orleans in ftversi n, With
a gT tni of as m ny thous nd poui.d s-eriins 4 j
a* here arc at.-.ra is the hrrr.- n, bs>- -i t c ti j
Lriuen sn yovir iuiu iii ‘.tiuu to? the limu vjio
o iouU have ptt:sae l imas.-lf nf this mag-!,
dftcient p (1 lot*;. a.ui* k i w opened or
closed hi pleasure <ht g ’• of -U the c i{n
w.eree of a country seven tim s $ Ifitp* in 1 ,
as Eiii'hmd and Scot! nand
.:*.od yet, my iorS, <h* Amenean U n. who
defended this all important passe [/artoute.
JZ} jiTC iX\p(h>. ill IK .i L if\ tn*;t (l {-Jiik i c t'l/i (*£l
hmet, and w/ho, in defendin*: it, gave it such
a lesson of jj'il* , tary Ssll deleoce as never
sbf&Dy of th earth roc . iveu bclure, is uoulit
iess well eouteated, b itisli; i. and grateful,’
““A - itii t!ie t’tifenk.l sf l;i>t *iu<) I
vouid wager that be vi lued the iiuie gold i
auedal, in weight not above a doubloon,"full
& mutik'Ot* more than you andybateroireralsi
v ould value tfie dukedom and the estate.
-'t isneuber more nor It ev tUaa the e3vct of
education and habit. The Amoriean offi* j
i v or private, when he takes the field to !
defend his eonutry, has hut one object in
view—to do his duty. Aggrandiij ment,
military or eivi! honors n**ver frou .le hi*
has enlisted to fight, and
i?rhthe will if honors Rcvoir>p„ny hisexer
vt:o r ;-> so ovueh the better. Pension?, places,
and pecuniary rerninpewres are, s yet, -
Ifinowc umong*’ this paopU*; and 1 should
asm on the and of the
‘• my. if general Xaekson h m -elt* should re
's?n to the ranks of priv,; e lif* without ono’
j.xpcCe 1 <* more pay than tbu.t which his com-!
Eiisd-ori entitled him to.
ill i are various ext*nsc*ii to be me.ife for
‘yon; lordohip in this late warfare, a* well
j>, ! r i>ou Q iixctte when he fought the |
li*.d bnlk tuisiakea }QikZ ad-1
j series j-liiii tlirrc is oite e'xpcme. to wit.i
; Hat of vki. g wholea.)tne adviee which yes
- chim to., Hail the knieht of the!
l engftrl visage
. teeii vodioru-d; hui %(Wi in me
not been prostrated witk the prinee
| regents speech) in you? hied, ’prftnisic.? to | with to tbd a* ms of ;>•>-
i gKnd. My ford, tihere are men who will
; not take advice'from those who are ab’e to
1 give it them $ atnong the number “ I rr<*k
they say in America, yourself ’ !fml
you known these people whom you drennv and
you eon W slug into submission bnt ha .fas
well *A l do ; had yop known their thorough
edatempt for pomp, for grandeur, for tiller, i
ad for fr.acry other things v/hieh your Jcr'd-]
sh'p's generals, as well ea yon.r hmfship,
p jjsfe ftfeove ail other eonsidetalions, yon
neve/ 1 wo,it'd have been led into tfe* error of
thinking that by threats, by rods, or by
,4 ibes,yoa eoo!3 sueceed ia snbdcing them.
I re s ert it, iny lord, they &rcf& wonderful
people, end such you must admit you have!
iouud Thire is not such a people in j
the world beside: and the reason they are
so k a people is,as 1 have said!
before, that each men feels bis independence; 1
he h.f notin this world a superior, whotn i
he regards or looks up to with awe. Xot
that thi9 people do not do justice to talents
and virtue, th<*y r's;iect and honor them,
but they worship them not: indeed they ra
ther wat:rh them,knowing th t superior tal-]
enta, if misappPu and, may mislead and ihrj
much injury. They regard with reverence J
and awe nothing less the n *?!C Divinity or j
his fmage upon earth ; nnd if tiny a;
* e-ak side, on which they e,n be 6 iiedj
vi*hou< suspicion,lt re .bis one. < ?er
y and tho cl rical idfroprs arc held, tlsro r
iut this extended region, in itoore reipect
hap the established clergy of our country
are in l.n The re&aon is febvi< ; usj
v ith them tSiey have hitherto been -v
>'‘oCg and protectors, theadviper* ard the
tends, and, under the rnvnH*. of tJ e ‘sa
cred order, they h’-ve bound the viJ as
>veli 9.8 the duty. With it is different :
the abuses of relision are mere spoken of
than it? b nefil*. Hence it is, that if there
people have a week point, it i& here you
must look for it ; and I have already ob
erverf and remarked on i? in the R‘ate of
Massachusetts, in uifllereiit letters 1 have
written, which I trust m.'.y do good in o
nening ts e eves [JSbont ten lines defaced} —
the poorest nr-u in th s eountry cheriKU?*
the idea th*xt Sm son has > s fair a ehau n e
for the highest effi c r.s (tie richest man’s
sen ia the lam!; end gc*’ - l Jackson hisn
wlf, who has ert iicly achieved a grenfer
laud victory than r.ny your lordship cab eio
fror-i nil the rurnsrou? bulletins of slaugh
ter, tc the areh.Ci <*g of ***** y never Kvr.n
f ducat- and fir a “ ilil.ry life, nor did Ms
t ‘tber I;? tore him ever dream shit bis son
should tmmiirt Jiir** Lm£i*cT t the cannon’s !
iucu'h tr in t?*a •( * ?!) hreneh. These 1
3 ,4 ts ami tl js spirit v. hi.-h display themrclves !
aniorg this f tuple,are tnoinentary. Wh&t j
their duration may be henceforward uiil!
depend much up-)R th ‘ policy of England *,
they ere new cproxiuuvting to a n<iii*rv
pr o'de. If ypu fen th;\i llame, my. lo;d, 1
will not answer where the
shelf cet-ee.
I nev;-r get info Astirripa but thy subject
runs away vi i?j ; I &sn obliged to f;o I
bi(k to my starting-post., H 4 re lays the \
n*ap et this surpi i- .ng count v and ivs os
teusive environs which sir Edward Paken- •
t ar* Wf-s to have n. bJiicd. I trace with my
finger the meandering* of the Ohio, from!
its junction w.! the l rnongnhela and wa
*rs of Alleghany i t Pittsburgh, down to’
neoiSy *. dlstrree of 3000 mil* *. Here, in
deed, I wu:4 own you made ahold move,;
tu s 7 * I*es least of it} wAenyeu directed the !
U'k ageinst New- Orleaijs., tVhaf, my
lord, are yon .doubtful of the boldtiess of
this measure p of the grandeur of Shis cla
ques’? Nvxr to your taking passes won of
ts c manntaiiui, raflna, ar.d level land in j
our sister planet, by a of fee Boons
under Garneriu, it eerie inly woiild have:
proved the must entertaining (■ircumStance, 1
end Jhe ui >s. p?oduetive ofastorinhing eve?!a
ihot has enlightened us within th? century.
1 hive said that general Jaekson wes not
ed a rated frr % it Hilary fife * im- de the
assertion, which i uncomn on withe,
’t hei ••'positive of the fact; but t kng
if for granted, that aff’ irs, ts regarded n.i
litary tninutise, on the breaking out of the
war, were pretty nearly as i left th*m in
that eouutrj, f c m-ideml thet f din t „,f
hsy.ard mu;h in saying so; however, in
perusing tny newspapers (and I w iteasl
cad, with the view of aiding inform-tim )
S met with an account of this general Jaik
soo’s career, and it confirms what 1 hive
before said. The account I b ite read is
taken from g paper printed in Virginia,
called the Itiehmoad Enquirer : it siatrsi ,
Hat he wck born iu South-Carolitfa, and
educated for the bar ; that he was a mem
ber of the Tennessee convention; then ft
member of assembly'; and afierwards a
senator of the United StJttes ; ftibee that ft
judge of the superior cotlrt; that fill
ing lhi station with houor, he turned his
aaention to military life, and soon rose to
be a major-general oftmifitia. The account
speaks highly of his private character and
i disposition, and states that he is About fcliA*
<we years* of *
This is the way, r ra? Wd, llbgt
make their ‘frenera!* ; rnther I
shou\3 guy, this is the m inner .they have,
hitherfr enade Hem. We'ljiave spur blntk
go.'vns, am) wigs with tails, nr arinu
'cellars, our barristers and ridges j but.w e
, rarely e.-e rr<y cf <1 - m (urn out and trke
! toe tented filo. As rrgnrdg wi<i*s, no man Anicriea (hut Tag h irs inond! ti? keep
his bead warm, whether f‘c belong to fee l ar
or the potnit, ever t* iaks of trouidim, tiie
peffwigmaker’s slfcp ; ryth qs, vve evil them
perfumers. Vet ultb ugl tby dont Tenr
wigs, t’ ey are not vn'Jiaut wits; and If
.sure jr.u, f?iat <hev rsteeni the it?side of
| the liegd as of'nu fi mo**e v:Jue than tfe.
j out. I hive repeatedly, mentioned, wheth
ert am beiievetior riot I cent say, that} on
j can scarcely find a man in that country
who carraot read and write : and that the
Village blacksmith is frequently seem to pus
down the gfi.s*tte to shce a traveller’s
Lorse. Tires it is that general Ja kson,
, after having been a member of a.eonventitn,
|a member of assembly, a senator, and a
judge, commences, in what we would cell
!the decline cf fife, the arduous profession
l of arms; and tv.s with motives very dtifer
| ent from pe;. uniary ones; for bio private j
. fori tine is said to be independent. Now, I j
! believe I might 03 ‘rf, that suah an instance j
! is not to be fourd among ua once in fifty ‘
| yc/irs, ahd i am inclined to l efieve th ( v
| w did be sewree. even in the n farm of French
j invasion. It really would be (tuK.-.ruu* to.
• see some of ?.h“s nnnd< scripts we meet with
jat Doctors Ccrinvibs, performing the mar.-
ftrel, under a driii sergeant,
i My lowi, hisfovy b h hitherto confined |
herself to the maid cf Orleans and tin-, ex- j
flubs rhe p rf.hi and ag.iust our Henry’s!
generals, Tali of rntl 8 il:s'*ttrv. Hereafter |
ii will speak oft’ < man of', raid j j
is as Weil we should Kvow wl.o be vv .s br ’ j
itbough not lik * the m id, respired iy a!
religious frerfsy, he w; * certaiujy losnired
odo us more mischuT in ooe f*tal hour,
than a twelve njjuth can repair. \Vuat
ner ideas you may have of my heart, I as
sure yofr, in the of sin ieri y, i
. ‘lies on this occasion. Would tq God £
Nad not to record it. This k ittle has cost
me some agonies, in emmon with many
others of bfs maje K tv’s snbjeH.s. The Bri- i
tish troops, on dey imuio tolized them
selves lor their bravery. Never was tyure |
heroic galEsrfry ‘displayed by men. The
Americans themselves attest it; cud Hire
were brave spirits al b fell on that f:
deserving of k better tneroorn! then the
temper of the Htfev?-'e'en now fcffbrd (hem,
whose valor should live iu marble and in
My lord, we have me? dregful 5 ntnilin
? lan in (his contest; the of (he
Briiisbllagbab been destroV-d in the byes of
*-ii Europe, and wh .t h 6tj|| worse,'in our (
..own- All dcmoi e Dtfious upon I nnd i
h ve mel with disaster not to ssiy disgrace, i
x cpi in one solitary instance—l meart the i
sltack upon tlioacpiud s;t Wasf'ington; mud
herb ifte disph y:d a foo-ity, in s (ting Ere i
to the prcsi’cut’s l ouse, ard burning a ;
library, for wVi It the Am* ri* aos pretend to i
accuse uk of Vaml.tlii-tn. Notwlthst>:u)ing
ail the iojuries at home htm! i hif><-d win h i
this unnecessary war has itifij . ted on us,
the Times pr w hen it hi aid that peace
had beea concluded at Ghent, instead o* re
joicing, was the first to throw a firebrand in
its face. “ Let us,” sajg the Times, yet ‘
seeoueof our first generals sent out. Let!
t's behold a British force in America cipa* !
bie of intimidating Madison and hiscotigrees,
Let us hope to see the wer concluded with
one bldw tfiot may not only chvstise the sa
vages into prefect pence, but make a listing
impr*csiop on tlieir ft-ars This is the;
Dnguagc hcld out to deceive, and to irritate
passionS whit h should be assuaged. W hat [
wclild the Tim: s went ? What kind of
generals? What kit dos armies would he!
send out. to iuhdfie that country, wltieh he;
considers as easily iittimid iled as the island!
of Jersey or Guernsey ? Have we not had
generals of tfc first talents ami the best ofr
veteran troops employ'd? Whit a Drono-i
moral, a itosl, a l J a<-keham, aid a
could not pei so m with a hanilred thousand
men, who could ? Ile3 the duke . t ,V[-
lington been at Orleans, what would have
prevented his sharing the fate of Taken,
natn ? He has bo moi claims io invulner
ability than another men, and :*. Kentucky
rifie wonltl no more ve missed fire, if ili
reeled agnfust him, than against aiidther—
its friark it never misses.
The American papers state that the watch
word and countersign of the English rmy
w. s bno'y and For the honor if
English officers, I doubt this elutcrmirt. Jf
one brave man w ts alive, who fell on that
tied, t cculd aseertiin the fact; aud if 1
found the statement false, I would desire
the Arae i ane to contradict it, which 1 Bin
j convinced they would do Upon & refutation !
properly null cnticaVd. ‘Mi-se people are
generoiis as well tt> brave ; they huye dig- .
plsyea their generoi<y in many instauecs,
which mtitj’f have made p.n impression even
upon yourself. They would use their best
endeavors to VaWkht life of their enemy; bu?
they would no more strip him of his lionor
than they would a wound*d soldier of Lis
shiitf This HRsertiori of the Airtericati
j<2w papers i* a gtigiim on all the military
of th? kingdom. As you, my lord; c&u tasi-
’ Iy esscrlam .lhc fa.??. TofV<*,*
as l hclif ve jit, a ®ie staten rot, that yoa
will, for the honor of tie catietn ccairniief
it. s
And new, before I close His letter, which
lintended B*uid no* lire ynt*, j?cing w ritten
bn a anbjeer which I enter “ondr w ith
f Here twelve lives are enliielj drfaced, and
teitkorli pt;y cfrtivebc*st> v*e T
a corrupted rnajori’y dei ationnirze* a state,
and we?kcn its enesdfi.
of about sixties j- ; orfune has'apparent*
iy been propiiio'is. VkJiftt tv® love lost bjr
one contest we have gained hy another. Let
ns not lose, this also. 1 conjure you to re
flect upon whaf ground we atom}—& jVvr
in** steps, nni we flight find onrselveß
plunged into inis tic** against which there is
ro combating cud no retreat. /
Above all, let me imp'ess upon yon, to
be bincere in this paimcatlon vmh Ameri
ca ; to forget that abe. }>*:’ever
bceu a coio/iy to Br< Britain, T Ids i* the,
most perni ions recollection we lave araonij
us; ‘Sin! i know that tnit?y*|iißoftg yotfr
’coun' , ellor& and bosom in-imates, ard even
bv nr ny members of the uy ! family, 1* is
j ridifulotis tecoliciTon j? wtaii xkaluiat&tEd^
! and the* idna s ill Cherished that *l< i Jit
| become so ugv in. It U+n vlibsinn of the
i weakest r s well as the r os’ injurious it amps*
It you iviali to .avoid auothc.r wr w'ith these
people, vhich l forwaruyon will prove the
most cf-laiti*oim m e flu itritajnver wa*
god, you most ‘at th m cs en intlependl
tol and Li.r r n : mk'd peojde, Bleold yo*
do tfii®, and curb tke inseienee of petty off®
j fjeerg m our n ivv, who the>*’ fl.w fcy
| usirpi ur >.otnpnly to
i Dl * tll * yet* v succeed i? m king friend*
Iff nation which in a IVw years to coioe ?
j Vv jtl hold the highest rank in the estifn^Ho*
lof the’ world. Lot the dj* tstersof-this wsr
be const silly before fnvk eyes, mid do not
,e ir-ve the vvit-loiji'itjon of it wonldT
httye produced any cb- ng-s for the belter,
she wisest step siure ‘its eomniencfinen#
was its on ; fi r h and it (oKtu ucd
f?no?her year—but I ft.-Vsr, my lord, I
wish not to provoke an irritation. Things
iSi-t are p tst liv'd better bq forgotten, p*o-.-
yided our memories ivjll odinit of jt. Hat
ley is girl r very pleasap* place, softeith®
nlanding my year’s coriHnemeuf in News*
gate, gnd the money I paid to his tr.ajwt/*
Dili 1 think you would accept of ad vie*
from a ncau who really hfiS n u or deeelveA
,yot> end who h s to id jyn more truths .a
bout America than you ever learnt from any
man living, l v/ .tud recommend you t© ad*
MOiitsajhe priutfe, if he wishes to pmorve
ihe inters's of. his kingdom to place the.
coniiueretal rel dhv.s with Aroe.fic* on th©
most favor ‘I he late context
her. lost us mu, cost u* more the®
J ecu prhf ; mi-ft keep an amount of; of’
ol this, h wex*cr, you, rny lord, need no in
lormd.i iu. Apirtof tins loss may yet he
retrieve 1, I u* it imigt be by wiser ir.easu-'en
titan we i'.i.kerro adopted. Let lutv
piiirion you not to .drive the peoule of A
m?ri a to become a itjauf* taring nation,—**
M-ou'd you do this yj>a loose a third of your,
strength. You may consider this as a pre4
postcrou* idea; but 1 assure you I %ee
symptoms . f their becoming one much ear
lier Oiftti | ever imagined. This bus bee*
on i of the msny siriius evii i recalling from
a miiitiadei standing with America, I viovk
it ns eqe cf the gregtesf; and should yo*
have any doubts cn heiid, yon may ea
sily satisfy n y lord, hy engaging aa
able linguist t,i ail our various vernacular
tom iuis, and travelling through the differ*.
e?it manufaetr.iing towns in England and
Sk'oilaud, when 1 engage you will find my
fer rs ore not withoiu foundation. 1 am,my
lord, your* respectfully,
Bothy, March 29, 13(5.
Aj.EXAkmi|A, May ii. ,
Caps. M,Knight, of the i hoouer Brotfe
er’s Rifiirii, has politely favored us with
the follow ing letter, vvhieh m received while
at Marseilles :
Xfzrseilhs Mrrch 3, !81$l
By she most nble authority, w*
Ini’: e J*:*t received Le account of the weuton
outrage totr m tted by tjie troops of tb©
Sp nish garrDoo, upon some of the officers
aml in ’U hefouging to the tJ. States fleet,
stationed • t Fort Mal on, Island of Minorca.
u Itttpi ears, froh* the regulations of the
Spanish grnison on the ig'ai and, that the pa
trole had orders to f’.ke up all seamttu
who were’ f dvJ m the streets after the,,
heating cf the evening retreat. Some of
the men belonging to llie fleet, that wee®
going down to their boats, had been arrest
ed, “rd were met by their oflieers, who soli
cited u c officer of the guard to release them,
witi- h he \> • disposed to do, but hi:t insub
ordinate men o <ri’itiately persisted in ralaiw
ingthem; in the ui n?te, the sailors etterapt
cii to extricate thorns i.Jres by force, when
tie guard drew b&ek sum. p®®g 5 and wan
tonly fired a.volley upon the of*’
ficers and invh, wlto, iu their tiirc, iunficd
upon their adversaries, and after a ?ve 4 c
conflict, succeeded in disarmift* pft/t cf the
guLd and putting it© rest to.flight. Twe
lieutenants w ere killed on the spot, end ma
ny others of the Amerieau party were
wounded. The w&ntoti c'.uelfy of act,
(ione by nv'n that never sigoaliamd them
selves but iu pcreeeutioa of truth, justice A