Newspaper Page Text
*22 V l tCi L iff. A, A j t.
‘■*■ vgi*£>***"••
‘2 fcelßcrv \" :n A merit* a. Oral
g*£*!i l.>Vf but a v<ry eaiUr&HeiS’-id'.iß, of
Vh “stent A? crvilis *£ >0 itrthrs co entry,
*? and 1 Hvfiifri* tnhrafee
‘nty to cndorvaltu* o*.—Tfce'Englsab grn
ti n it nos bdow,'FolJomng this
txJi'. re eived the rtlHit \v;>i'h Hbifcetol
minds sxhxujs deserve ] -*• T-a ai>v.
*Ot the pLufts of New-Jersey, one hot sum
dity, v
Two E;tgi:slxtn?n snug in a etage-eoach
Were vapVing ;
■A. Y tiiCee, who happened to travel that
Took t seat alongside, & *et waud’riog
&ud gaping:
CJho'k fu!! of importance, (’ike every trae ‘
11 rites:.
Who k iiitvs British ‘Stars far out-shine ‘
our poor Luna.) [
These co ‘knies icuntl nothing their optits
conh! bit on.
But what wat insipid & miser ably -puny.
Compared with the English our horses were
Our oxen were goats—and a sheep but
a tamo ;
Aus the people! (poor blockheads) sue!)
pi I du I doits!
M eio Hottentot children contrasted with !
them i
Just then black eloou in the west was j
ascendinj’ ;
Whim nr r and more near a fierce tefnpest
T"3 thamier rebsisowed along the rent
An oak by V t way side, Jovehs bolt made
a dhsui on, j
Wi*b a p 4 *a! that knock’d horses and
eo’kn; s nil flat,
There, damn you, cries Jonathan, quite ia
a pension,
Have you got better thunder in England
than that ?
xgW£Kj\3SX*rjo~iffim*tv-s .winery Tg*r*i
Histfrirnl extract—and application .
The Roman Republicans were
jdain men and women, accustom- \
ed to daily labour, Si quite unac- l
customed to Raery of apparel, or 1
luxury of living. A Roman of
even noble blood tilled his little
&eld with his own hands, and
proud of tilling it with superior
industry and skill; whilst his la
dy, if a lady she might be called,
made it her chief ambition to be
an excellent house wife. While Ij
this state of things lasted, and a
very long time it did last, the Ro-!,
mans were eager enough to get!
themselves wives. Theymarri-i.
ed generally, and they married
young; for they thought, and well j
they might, that who so found a j
wife, found a good thing—a real !■
help-mate, as well as a dear and i,
faithful companion.— And what!
is singularly remarkable if true, j 1
it is recorded by a Roman histo
rian, that there had not been
known, in the city of Rome, a sin
gle instance of divorcement during
the whole space of five hundred
years; though the law had put it j
t\ the power of the husband to, 1
repudiate his wife almost at plea-j
Unfortunately for the Roman !
republic, and more especially for
the female part of it, a great and
splendid event quite changed the
morals, the taste, the habits, and
The whole of the country. One
hundred and ninety years before
the Christian era, the Romans for
1. e fx’-st time, entered into Asia
with an army, which under Sci
pio, defeated h conquered An
tiochus the Great, Kang of Syria:
and from thence they brought
home such a taste for the luxu
ries of the East, as promoted and
hastened the rain ol their c.-Tiii
■ non wealth; and in noway more
direct, -thanUy a
dattctrsf marriage.
Trie Roman women once so
plain, frugal and industrious, be
came enamoured of the costly fi
rnery that was brought from the
! East. One of them named Lul
lia Paulina, when dressed in ail
her jewels, is said to have worn
to the value of three hundred and
thirty two thousand pounds'ster
ling And though this was the
| most extraordinary instance of the
j time, yet it is reasonable, to sup
pose that, of the rest of the ladies
every one strove to get as near to
the topof the fashion as she could ;
and that, with all the females who
thought any thing of themselves,
the rage was to be fine and fash
This neworder of things, while
it precipitated the republic into
the abyss of ruin, brought mar
riage into disuse ; insomuch that
Augustus, the first Roman Em
peror, finding among the men a.
general disinclination to marry,
was fain to pass severe penal laws,
to force them as it were info the
bonds of matrimony. But it was
all to little purpose. Despot Ik
tyrant as he was, he found it im
possible to compel the batchalors
to marry, as Peter the best, long
since did, to compel the Russians
to shave off their beards.—Was!
it owing to the licentiousness of!
the men ? Considerably, it was,
no doubt; but not altogether, ft
was partly owing to their pru
dence. A Roman Batchelor na
turally enough would commune
with himself thus ; 44 these extra
vagant flirts of whose attire a sin
gle article costs more than one of
them would earn in her whole life
time, are fu only for show. 1 like
mighty well to be in their com
pany at routs and assemblies ;
but the gods save me from an u
nion with any of them ! If f mar
ry, unless she bring me a fortune
with her she will quickly devour
mine. Wherefore I will look out
for number one only, in spite of
the edicts of the Emperor.”
Consider, ye American Fat&
that in ail times and countries the \
like causes will produce the like
t ßoston Evening Gazette.
IF ill be sold , on the 1 8 th day of
June next . at the Cowpens, near
Wood's Mills ,
Al! the Stock of CATTLE
belongingto the estate of Solomon
Wood, late of Jefferson county,
deceased. Credit will be given
until the Ist and ty of January next:
purchasers giving small notes
with approved security. The
sale will continue from day to
day until com >leted.
Thomas Mitchell\
Green Woody
Nine months after date appli
cation will be made to the honor
able the Inferior Court of Jeffer
son county, for leave to sell ah
the real estate of Isaac Hudson,
•ate of said county deceased.
James Hudsony
May 16*
ii.dKK. HEBE. ’
The subscriber, having been
appointed attorney in fact for
James Nicholson, who is the only
surviving qualified executor of
David M’Credie, late of the state
of South Carolina deceased, offers
for sale on moderate terms FIVE
L VN D. The said tract is so di
vided as to suit the convenience
of any person ; having been par
titioned into lots of from 2QCUo
GOO .acres.
Those persons, indebted to
the estate of David M’Credie, are
informed that- their notes,a re iodg-;
ed in the hands cf, and. payment
will be received by the subscriber, j
T At’ mutt JEN; M'y in fact .
for Jan ‘Miekpl*m t j&tft.ljd,
May 16, 1816.
Navigation company.
The Share holders are hereby
notified that an Election for a
new Board of Directors will be
held on the second Friday in June
next, at the House of John P. Har
vey, E*q. in the Town of Louis
ville; and that such Share-hold
ers as cannot attend may vote by
Littleberpy Bostick,
Louisville, 2ith J
April, 18 16. $
APRIL TERM.. 1616.
UPON the petition of Jesse
Brown, praying the establish
ment of a Receipt in full from one
Mordica M’Lain, dated the 3d of
April, 1814—-a copy whereof as
nearly as can be recollected by
the petitioner is annexed to said
petition : and probable cause ap- (
pearing to the Court, that the
same is lost and ought to be es
tablished ;
It is therefore ORDERED,
That at the expiration of six
months, the said receipt foe es- j
tablished unless sufficient caiise j
be shewn to the conti ary.—And j
that a copy of this order be pub- j
lished in oneof the public gazettes ■
of this state, once a month for six j
months, in terms of the rules of
court in such cases made and
Extract from tin* n?*nat?s,
I>. CLARKE, Cik.
On Friday the S Ist of June next;
at the plantation of Abram Bel
cher, late of Burke County dec.
Part of the personal proper
ty of said deceased.
Consisting of
about SO head of cattle, 3 hotses,
1 rifle gun, and 1 saddle and bri
dle he. &c.
Newton Perkins* ■>
David Bourke, S y
May 10th 1816.
at the Printing-Office Louisville.
blank deeds,
OF fSB Mosr Atf&QVbD FORM.
During my absence From Leoh
gia, William H. Jack's on
Davtd ( Clarke, Esquires, are
r ppointed my attornies ; ar.d art
authorized jointly and severally
to transact any part of my busi
ness. /
12th May, lei 6.
During my absem:e frem the
State, Col. Y\ illiamH. Jackson
6c James Jackson, will be my
agents generally, and in all legal
leases Messrs. T. M. Berrien St
R. L. my acting attor
14th May. 18 6.
bHERiFi bALLo.
Will be sold at the Market House
in the Town of Louisville , on
the first Tuesday in July mxty
between the usual hourSy
One moiety of an undivided
tract of 41)0 acres of pine land,
adjoining Joshua My rick, and
others, taken as the property of
David Paulett, to satisfy sundi)/
Deputy fltie* iff Jefferson eountf.
May 24, l 8 16.
Will be sold at the MarkeUllousb
in the Town of Louisville, on
the first Tuesday in jidy next t
between the usual hours ,
Two lots of land, Nos. 2*l
and 24-2, with all the improve
ments thereon, adjoining Walnut
and Eighth Streets ; taken as the
property cf J G. Posner and Ben
edix, to satisfy an execution ob
tained on the foreclosure of %
mortgage, John Bolton, Survi
ving copartnery vs. Posner and
Sheriff J. C\
May 2, 1816.
On Monday the 17th of June next
at the late residence of Benja*
mm Davis dec. in Jefferson
A part of the personal pr®
perty of said deceased,
Consisting of
Horses, Cattle, Eiogs, Sheen*
household and kitchen furniture*
and plantation Fools.—A set of
Blacksmith Tools, he. &c. The
sale will be continued from day
to day until ail is sold.—Terms
made, known at the time and jkace
of sale.
Elizabeth Arfni'x.
FAnathan I)avis t T
John Cocky y g
Wiley Bdckery j
May o t h 18 a6,
Jefferson County, y
WHEREAS Mary-Anrt Tlaf
ris be Daniel Green me
for Letters of Administration oft
the estate and effects of Isaac-
Harris dec. f Wss-
These are therefore tb Cite
admonish all and singidbi%r 4 til#
kindred and creditors of Said qs§’
ceased to be and appear at my
fice, within the time presrribenSK
law to shew cause (if any tlilS
have) why said letters should
be granted.
Given under my hand at otSjW
this 25th May 1816.
A. WRIGHT, ci§Jm