Newspaper Page Text
sSjb*rt;fy iitfftfally incensed tke brave h"-
possess those i \’
flo eminent a de'greee, and iti&nnly owing to,
ahs profifcut and prudent measures of the
a.?jant Ciunprodtnse, that most of the garri -
**>a of
tiered witft<rfhdp'arinrisfed saintn.”
i# ;aaaßwi*tegaßwwiiii .1 ■mil nßh nr ■i^aw——>m
~ ~ x^Ef;
* x -* v • *
From Fort-Gairas, we have no aufhentif*
information sine© our lust paper.* Report
•ays, the two sold’ers have been delivered
p; and that the Indians, fearing the. re
nentment of oiir government, are endeavor
ing to compromise the matter.
Beo. Journal.
Two companies n¥t K e t ®fates’ Infantry,
U&der the command of Capt. s,
mtfhed thro’ this city on Sunday last for F't
Hawkins. The citizens of Augusta were
r earmed with the neat eanioouentard fine
military appearance of this nips, nn A its jsis
t to their officers cheerfully acknowledge
that oo detachment has ev'w visited our r ity,
v hose appearance fend discipline has don<
t -emselvos more honor, or has given more
satisfaction to thr.t part ot their country
through which tFifty p*sgn?. They halted
here only ope night, and on Mqnd >y last
•uommenced ft. forced march for the Creek
Nation, where recent, acts of hostility have
keen committed by the Indian-?, we hope un
anvhorized bv the nation. For our own
part, we ere by no means apprehensive of a
*Bnewnl of the Creek War, their recent suf
ferings have taught them a |nsnu they ean-j
stot yet have forgot and the!c
vt nation depends entirely ms their pvsaetv
ing the relations of pea e and amity Vith
the United States.
Jlugusta Chronicle ,
Our European .intelligence presents to
the philosophic. ntind the consoling prospect,
of a long and general peace to that hither
to unhappy and afflicted portion of the
jplobe——lts magistrates, under the benign
influence of philosophy and religion* arc ts-
SHyersally and asstiilbusly employed in Sim*
derating and biirnjpiaizihg the condition of
their people. Tluir swords are turned into
plough-shears, and war has once more giv
en place to the arts and sciences.
>- ccvrioN.
This article still s-tppirta its highest
price, 29 to 80 gents in this Market, and
from its scarcity, both here and in Europe,
po apprehension 16 entertained of its soon
falling. > .
A vessel hsfe arrived at Norfolk in 36
days from Liverpool, bringing news to the |
Tth of Aprilv—at that time Cotton hnd ad
vanced from t 12 to 2d per 15. over the last
i . Ibid.
. ibmojr markets.
Cotton-’-'- -The demand for cotton
is animated and general, the prices gradn-!
i aproyiog s the advance since onr lastj
be stated from h.t'k to Id pef ib. ana so j
|r.°at is their seartVity, that p&rchf’er*! watch
*verV trira'l arrival with ankiety. Sidn&s
icen offered add refd ed fora, parcel
if Boweds newly imported. Oopcroun? of
he market heihg nearly cleared of cotton,
he sale* of last week little exceeded 1,200
mgs viz. 4ft) Pyruams, at*. Id. tn 2-.<, $\ t,
10 B vhais, 2<>. to 2s. 2d. 1 4d.; small
taeeels of PiWf.s 2 v 1 1 2 ; SO Orleans, 21
-2d ; ~0 Smyrna, 2 120.-; 157’ Demarara,
s, 1 5 Bth 4 0 Surants and Bengals, at an
dvanee of Id to 31. per lb. on the two last
sst India sale prh-e*.
Tobacco.-- The demand has been languid ;
s though no alteration can yet be stated in
le currency, the* late prices are with dilti
iilty realized.
fiy the arrival of the brig f/ope , captain I
K'ixEu. 40 days from Nan Z, we have re-;
ed a few French papers.—Paris dates to
ft sth of April contain nothing interesting,’
we eiespt system of arrests—whieh
never departed from; and nothing irttpor
if we leave out the King’s gout, his
les, dinners, and levees—together
3 brilliant reviews, parades, and other
mropries of the eonrt,
The celebrated Madaihi Catalina who
been said to have a “ nest of nightHn
iein her throat”--is in Paris, and *.vas
give tßift t spiritual concepts during pas
a'weok. . y ’ ‘
Phe iio.pc brought out twenty-eight pas
|irs. Among tnerti are several laborers
•chantry people. Thesep.^hple,arecpin
to sack their bread ir* this country—
w France, as it is now “ delivered”—
icy r - ; se a bosket of vvheat*.f/i reefvtirtks
to the government. In this ‘ legitimate’
§ of society, the utmost stretch of Indus- j
and most rigid eoonomy are necessary
tHeibrdinarv prpses of livelihood.
Cfikrldb ’ S. Tat.
tiSTrsT Po”A?/,efrr I
The, ship J,uob Job's bns arrived at]
Boston, from Bstavw. On the 4 h April,!
in sight of St. R* len u the Jr. Cob Jwes wa* I
hoarded,by an officer from the English gnu j
iirig *F ‘phri". one of {he ranting v^s.-* 1 fs !
3n ioned there; the ofli;er stated, that
Bonaparte.was in ;oid h*4.b, and ap
patently centented with bis situation.
; ELEcrJms.
At the opproa hiitg elect - m cf Frpsidrnt.
pgd'Viee President, the'nmfher will be 221,
being increas ‘d by.'the three eleeNnrs of the
■uew st .> of Ipdi ins. which is already au- rt a Constitution, end to choose
one Representative in Uoiigrp*2.
■ A coolness is iuud to exW between the
Brrisii (iovernment and Ferdinand
qf.Sp.'.in ; .nnd that t’e dbt of sixtezs
Hitt loti .at dollars due fom lim to Eng
land, had been suddenly dem .id and. .
SjOST. p/I*-.
Captain Msnliy r, ft !•■■>. ftriti*h-n vy, has
Inven’cd a. fnachiue. % v k i whs Sj single in
dividual may >* anguish a cnnfl ~ gi ati.p—-
it is-filled with a fluid othp*y?(i of an- iphlo
gstic ingredients. TbifS rid e*tingnishe : 6,
wherever it fails, the rnrMf ardent f,i*r*es.
Che liquid contained in o i* f thesa ’p>;mps,
has a* great an eft* ct ns !2o Un ; keis of wa
ter,jn.qti;\c'iity. A case eptddiiiing three of j
thi. se j. utnps. composes the •?;':: of the. ms- \
chine ? being three fees’ long, two f -pj. in
breadl t-d one foot in-depth—-U possesseti ‘
the great advantage of being always ready
| —can be end by one pfrsnn, and
i furaUheii . liquid equivalent’ to tnaoy huu
; and ed buckets of water.
| Louis XVII!, p!'vying: one day. at shuttls-' 1
cork, with one of the iedi s be!o gng to the
court the shuttlecock chanced to light in hrr
I bosom. She desir and histttKjeslyyp come h
inks it out himse.f. But what did this par
agon uT
was laid for his virtue, he reached the torigs
from .the chimney, art! with the d ; d of cold
iron, quenched a rising flame.
JBy the arrival of the schooner
.UopefamLat Ed m on, (s. c.) we have some
further intelligence of the insuTecticn iu
the W ft t India laltmdg. Cupt. CopeLnd
s’atcs, that a few days defore he & filed, a
British * hborser arrived at St. Eustatia, iri
a Bh*rt p?dsage from Antigir*, who.reported
; that the— the ial vd of Si. Yioeerit’s
: had Ti volted and obtained possession Os that
island, ex :-ept tbe fur - iflec t;ers,.which were
in the hari ,f e of-a smalt body of troops sta
tioned theie. The master of the svhooner
furtUer asserted, that an insurrection had
broken out at B ,rUadfi?j. end that th? sr-ns
had destroyed thirteen estates, The islands
of Antigua and Barbadoes were dseiansd
under n ,rriai ktv.
Th’ editor of the Vermont Mirror, speak
ing of the ktc lire in MildlebUry, Vermont,
which destroyed a part of his office, sys ;
4 ‘ l here is one elass of inhabitants, t owever,
whose exertions Contributed mu: h towards
cheeking the progress of the
ecußC f , and who deserve ricnly the meed, of
public applause We meanth’ I.AniES,
nea?fy one hundred of the public spin ed
fVir sex turned out with a noble alao.ri.ty,
took their stand in the line for handing
buckets, or otherwise offered the most use
ful assistance, during two hours of that
gloomy night! T’
ftj 5 * To the liiftiors oj
’ son County .
We are authorised to an
Esq, a candidate for Senator to
represent this county in the Gen-;
eral Assembly of the State.
ON Monday night, the 3d inst.
from my plantation, (the late res*
idence of Milben Fulford) a small
sorrel MARE, about six
old; her face and three of her
legs white. The probability is,
if let at liberty, she will make for
, Any person bringing me
said ma re, or lodging information
vvith Hancock h Fokes, so that I
get her again, shall be rewarded
and all reasonable expenses paid-
And for the thief twenty-five dol- j
lars will be paid on his being con
victed of the crime,
Tune 5*
TliSt, agreeably to acts passed during the last session of Con
1. Ihe dunes on licenses, to retailers will, fom the 31st of Decern*
her, I.BIG, be /reduced t > payable, according to the act of
August 2, 1813. These licenses wdi be granted for a vear, ex
cept in ca e. of an application fi-r a license to retail between the
50th day of June and the 1 st of January next, which will be gran*
ted for a period tliat will expire on the 31st of December next
on paying a sum v/hich shall bear the same proportion to the du
ly for a year, according to the existing rates, as the time lot
which the license may be granted, shall b-ar to a year.
2. That the duties on spirits distilled within the United States, will
cease after the 30th of June, 1816 V to which period returns must
be made of the’spirits that may be distilled on or before that day,
5. i hat after the 30th day of June, 1816, new rates of duties on IE
censes, lor stills and boilers, will take effect, which rates are as
follows, m cents, for each gallon of their capacity.
*. ■_ ! H'.vlt I Bn If * Stcls | Boilers | 8.i!l j H. r
rVeoK-, j lI 2 j * 2I 4 [ 4. 2 f l
2 hi*, ks, j ‘ TjT r j “fa ~ .’ “ “ “” “ V
1 tr. uC,, [_ IH J E? ” u ‘ “ TP j 23 ‘ } 4i,
2 months, J Sit j . 7 2 < !S j 3.6 | 46 J 9%
3 nv>n?h, (54 j Toy ]27 TT 7. i 6? I fTfi “C
4ripM,tV~i’ >2 \ 144~ T 36 :T2 f *"T 180
5 j9O . j* Tsh j(5 \ Tio ’ 1 *
15 utpofhA, ( 108 j 2 rft “ 154 | ml? ■ T IH | 3ro’
P norths: h ~ i ; • L j““ jßi) W ““ 1". 360 ‘" r
I'y® ar > ! [ 43w ‘ fTN ]26 V ?Tw *g ITU *
! . The ‘provisions applicable to the duties on licences to
‘are, in genera!, the same with those laid by the act of July 2 ~
The most important of the new provisions are—that the duty is in?
variably to be paid in money, when th&t payable upon the stiff or
stills, or boilers, licensed at any one time, does not exceed twenty
■ dollars; that a deduction of eight per centum is, in all cases, to be
made for prompt payment; that in cases where the duties are bonded
they are to be given with two sureties at the least (instead of one
as heretofore) and are to be p&kl at the end of twelve months, from
the expiration of the licence; that all *ti is are to be licensed, that are
used, or kept in a situation for use; that api naity hts against any
person who shall keep in or about his distillery, any . beer, or other
liquor, prepared from grain, ‘for the purpose ol distillation, for more
than eight days, without having a license; that a collector is author**
ised to enter a distillery at any time, whether between the rising and
getting of the sun, or at any other time. .. ,
> In cases in which a license for distilling, shall have been grimed,
{ according to the present rates cfcutyy for a period extending beyond
> the 30th day of June, 1816, it is required, under a penalty i” rie*
’ gUcr, that the person to whorr\ the same may have been granted of
transferred, shall, on or before the said day. apnh to the col er or,
arid pay, or secure the payment of, the additional duty, according
to the new rates, for the Unexpired period of the license from the
30th (if June. .?
New forms For bonds } will be prepared and furnished to distillers
on application, * v.
I .. ■ JOim A. COBB,.
I.ovhvilh,’Jupo 4> 4Sf6.’ ‘ • Col. 2nd col. ditf.&m, _
j. : .The subscriber ‘offers for sale,
jth'e plantation whereon he now
Hives., four miles below Louisville,!
on the South side of Qgechee,
containing three thoUsandfive hun
dred acres of land, lying m an ob
dpng forrfo. The land is for the
most part admirably well, timber
ed with a great growth of White
Oak, —Four hundred acres of
! which is under good fence, and
■ cultivation—with an .excellent
.orchard of peach and apple trees
! thereon. On the premises, ts a
two story dwelling house, con
i taining four rooms 18 feet square,
brick barn, stables,
kitchen; smoke-house, and every
other necessary building—a black
smith shop and tools, a ghrist
mill; a well of water in the yard.
Terms— one third next Christ
mas, one thirdthe Ssth Dec. 1817
and the ballance on thp 535th Dec.
I 1818. Those disposed to pur
chase, will call and see for them*
. i r . JOHN COWART.
June 0,1816. (ts.)
All persons ate hereby fbrwax*-
;ne<i not to • trad’• for a certain
judgment, obtained against tksj
subscriber, in the Justices Cour*
of John Williams and .Abraham
Jackson, Efcjps in the year tigh*
teen hundred and twq.
! t The above was lent to Mr.. Jo
siah Carter, of the County of
Burke, in eighteen hundred and
six* •
and As the judgment Ms been set*
tied by a note tor the butanes
due on the Sank?, 1 am deter min*
<*d not again tube accountable for
the amount, unless compelled ss
to do by law.
James moore.
j June.l, 18 16.
j Nine mouths after date applN
cation will be made to the hen*
orahle the Inferior C ourt of Jef*
fersen county, for leave to sell
all the real estate of Idiabud
Ledbetter, late of said county
April #.