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.V* % , ‘V ... “ ,*■ ‘ . r* v - c . - . ■’ .
m. xx.]
A—*.- •*■ <S> ■*-- <s>- O-- —I
CJitfmnATEU FOil ro.vaJtiiSs.
3n?i Forsyth, E*q. of Augusta. , *
Ai If RED UuTHBKB.T, Ki*‘q. of S VVonn!l,
H . V iLDEjEsq of AUgUflt&.
ito's. .TELPAia Ek<j. ofSdvauji2.ii.
UL Homs Y. Mixton, .of Louisville.
§ff?l. Tbs. \V. Cobb Kq. of OgkthcrjTe
JjVsi CnawFo-rp: K-q. i f iiaidwifc.
jhoct. Abbot, of Wdk-s,
•ZNcccK Cook. Ktq. of Clarke.
Y'ilson Lumpkin, ri>q of <)gieth?rpc.
Wood, E#q of Columbia.
m- .•■•■-- j
® •>-
JFrom ifte JSTatioiiiil latqiiigeneer. J
the most important su jeet, perhaps on
ybhich Congress djid wot act eohdusively
during late session, though it was pa?-
fl l!y d'scu 8B?,d in thi* Senate, was tb * or-
and eiuiifiettio of the militia
fa such a manner as to give effi jf-nry to > Jj<*
aillita y body bf tile nation, subject
4fo the due control of (he geieral i-o ernmeiSl
#o tis cfts'ie provided for by the fonuuitii i >n.
The defect of the JLwa, in tlwcp&ti. nkir,
■\rc!i ibsfnlVsf during the late war to leave
any (lo'dtit on the mind* of unprejwft and then,
•f the expediency of making su h pro
‘visions as will prevent a recurrence of the
Ikmerable constitutions! quibbles, under the
shadow Bf which the federal governors,
ttiose of Massacbusettß and Vermont par
taeubrly, eaeaped ihepCifrm\nce of tjbeir
siuty as oflieers and <fi Americans. That
amnnot bo constitutional, whlrii would over*
Cairn the constitution: and the laws ought
to provide coercively for the performance
•f their duty by those, however fyigh their
stations, who spurn the force of moral obli
gation*. it ought not to he supposed, be
cause Congress has nut acted on this sub*
gat ? that they undervalue its important e.
The sobji-et was pretermitted at tho last
session, Low motives of convenience, or of
policy. It will perpetually r'ruructii a
remedy is provided far this canker at tui*
root of our liberties.
Amon; the other propositions before Con
fwess not dt finitely acted oa, was the esUb
ishmeut of a corps of invalids It was
J>rop<i3od in the Hatisa of II preentativeaj
Vi* briefly discussed, ordered to r third
Xfe&din;*, thenlai lan the table, where it
adopt till tlso eud <tf the session. Ti tsmea*
• is one, respecting ill'’ polic y of hieb.
In eur couutry, some doubt w u expressed by
a gy. em&n whose opinions re entitled to
profound respect, the majority of the
Representatives inclined o theme* sure;
fknt, at the request of those who doubted,
trtie question was dtfern and. The question
toot having be ju nosnmed, remrius open far
public eousideriiiion.
The bill refpee’ing the Military Atade
fDy, which some tim? before the House
ls Kepresciitatives, ohared the same f*te as
tfir.a,t respecting the Invalid Corpx. There
*vas a strong ion in Conzt-e?* to ex
tend this establishment, hut milch dfle.rcncfc
of opinion as to the mode of doing ii. .That
measure which, to us,appears most e.lvisa
t>!c, seems to have been tie least relished by
Congress. Ttseory ceruiuly recommends
that the principal Military Academy, or at
> least a branch of it, be established in thevi
icity of the sent of government; and in this
View, also, practical men concurred, the fi?c
aretary of War end the proper military au
thorities, having recommended theesfah
, lishmentof&n ecadamy within the Lisin; l
foolumbia. But this unfortunate district
is served in somewhat of the manner, in
ivbich its companions and associates are
to persecute a crippled deer. Because
i is deprived of the rights onjoy
l|||ahy the other territories of tl ft Uuitrd
even those of acquisition, il is an oh-
on all hands—tolerated by
A cherished by none, if We except
fiatf ado2m gentlemen, to whom it is in-
Lr a easual glnnre from Congrtss at
jpxWfs of which we speak, carvnot,be denied;
*1 it is equally true, that it prevented, ii.
jfJbepect to the Military Academy, what was
recommended by many cogent coo-
A vote having passed, Konev
%l©r, to amend the bill so s to esiablish on
academy at Knoxville, in Ten
(Aft MU was cqumn.’stikd ia eider
Louisville, tuu rs n at, j un e 27, isic.
to enuforro the details to this anvtft'meai)
and the Iloass kotiid nnt bn
after it was reported, to per nth* the
eonsid ration of if.
To tb’n proposed establishment of a NR”
tiopal Seiciiutry cf Learning within t,s p
District Bt Cos umhia, stronger obj(-etiuo*
have been latinm'ed—not iu Congf r 'i
there the bill on that subject foil still-barn]
f*om tbo \vl o int’-of r.-ed it, but j
• -is-where—r:h ui we hear’ nrgi-d against tbe;
of a Milit-cy Acadi-thy with-j
iri th- Dijtrif ♦. Bl’t one w uu* h ve ihbuclit
i>’c force *s4 etqg.jfre of t a> pc**a|e of the ]
PrcftidL-Wt’s mMfage. fiiottlmftdng.the es-J
iabUstnieiil cf. a Naiioti .1 tql
t ei attention, wchM ..t leant h<.w. s j
it 4 day or aa hou: a i onsideration by the
Uongre** n j
Whilst we r*re tmuttpg of metiers notes- ’>
**.ri y eonae-tetl with V a D'sirisf, we will |
only mccv'va, withyul d'wellingon it, the re
•*u* J of Con re*s to art oti t! e pdblis spir
i'ct proposition of H y g. r rer-jeeting the
sunvsi hither of th* r mains, of Wasbiug*
ton. The solemn pl-dgej of their psv<le
ußssst*#.’ oft the ow.i sin a of the dsfetli of that
great ciu*. y*t unredeemed.
Oa ilia of iatei-ual iaiprovemsnt,
3ajustly by tb® Exe.'itlive on tlse
attention of
\ bill .11, ig - provision, woriliy of the
obj ct, jib Hi when coni pared, with the pres
■m revenue of Re U.*it?d Buit*s diypo,fb'
fair such purposes, was sometime before the
Senate, bavisg b -n by Mr.
Mor-ow, the inS fali.fable Reprpseatatiye
fimfn Ohio. It was finally postponed to m a
day Heyopd the 4e>i >u. It will dnihtless
;>e revived at the n x< sessioil, and acted
upe-t, if the public 01 Yoon should be dveid
edh’ expressed upoa ii; for, in all these
great question*, much depiecds <m the
silenv’e **f conriction being sometimes ousla
k< q for ihe calm of indiftcrence. ‘1 ice o-
Si&ion has been advanced, tlmt there ia a
efeet of constitutional authority in Con
gress to act on this su / ?t. If (hat opinion
prevails, there is a mode of supplying the
defect,which ou’tto be immediately resorted
to. But bave not Congress already legis-
Lted on that subject, in respect t® the g/ii&t
Cumberland road, and to roads through va
rious parts of the western tetri tones ? Hav
ing done so, without a question of their pdw
or, we presume no serious doubt is t t- is
day eatertained of it. T° th® expediency
of esUbiishing.® fund for the -purpose ct’
making national 10 ds, and arlifi ial *ni!s
where there expense will not da•-weigh thtrr
utility, we presume the people of the t :
States gener&tly eannot be iiif’iftcreut. Let.
th-ir kepresoatatives, then, ho advieed of
their wishes, t>ud the object wilt suou be
, A bill .0 establish a sy9l c m of navigation
for the U. H. had nearly bcabmea law,
having d the Setiato, end been ordered
to a third reading .n the other housv J when,
at the instance of a gentleffisn, who desirvd
to intredure an amcndmetit to it, the hill
w 3 Lid on the table, and left there on th?
never having been resumed
TANARUS; is is to he regretted as the hill had been
matnrbd nd digested with mn>h enpe, and
comprehended a system of regulations high
ly important to the real substantia! naviga
ting interest-of the United States. .Itwi\B
not owing, v,e believe to the imperfection
of iu detail, that the bill did uot become a
law, but rather to tfie lateness of the period
ofthd session t which it w as brought before
the House of Representatives.
There were doubtless other objects net
acted on S.y Congress, which are believed
by m .ny to huve merited their notice,
whhh we shall r.ol attempt to enumerate,
having intended to meuiion only the most
niomiueat. Su much Ihssolresdy been said
if the omis don to autAnent the compensali
ons of the Judges of the U.’ States,’ and of
,ihe t great officers .of government, ,>at he
same time that Congress icereascd their
own emoluments, that we will only allude
*0 it a? a snbjeef of regret. The question of
an uniform bankrupt law-was not discussed,
probably because the public opinion docs
not appor to fje so decidedly in favor of it as
to require Congress to act on it.
Notwithstanding the omissions we have
noticed, and others w hich do not so forcibly
strike us, we remain deoidediy of the opin
ion, that Congress h*ve never, at any pi ece
efiog Session, acted 00 so large aprnpartion
of the propositions submitted to them, as
have keen perfected into laws at the {session
which has just terminated.
- We have alrer.dy h%d occasion lately to
•remark, that the lone is essentially ( hanged
in Gjreat Britain tovvirds this country.
AVedonot sty, because .we do nqt believe,
that her gnviirament or her ruling msare**
gard b wMi any tnctra favor and /Hit • -n
oa ueeonnt f tfie even’s ot tl-e lave vat. J
But, that .war huts proved to tfu” world, that I
we are entitled to Ur respect, bev-*u*e, in |
declaring uni sustaiuii g it, we tk spe .-ted ‘
ourselves $ ’vat,our power nnd m-.Un* are’
not to be cc‘ temned* f° r W * 1 bavt* strtr.g'ii
and iie*oat./i wban v.e eheei-e to call them
:nto action ia- vindication of c?sr, right--.
! Whatever b’sy he the motive, it cannot bo
! displeasing to any Amerfeiu to. fi. and ‘.is
j country attract tho respect.of its late ene
mies. The intemperance of the language.
of l.ord Car fiercaghaiK’ Sir Joseph Ywke
tu TArf!xmeat,4uriiig the war, though they
eeem now to hare, abandoned (Lei; laciobs
project of d F nosing Mr. Madison, eannoj.tits
ttufirf f yTor Uen. <NaC psrfeap* ought ft, •:
B -twoen utid (J. B. Usare arc too many
point a of e utsetyoa the ocean acd outuej
laud, to just fj . m loving aside a ‘<ala!ary i
je&loosj. ir uuT intercourse with her. But 1
it is not pt .11 incompatible, w-1(h a f = le
terminaiion .to resist her aits, as we have _
hereiofore resisted lcr arins, to hail with;
satisfoetiati the expressions tl those seutiui I
cm*, a due re iprocuy of which M wee v
five two cmifjirios vrilt prulunglhe prescu*
peace for many years. Wjthufh sentifu-;
cuts we rctytru the follor ing cxj..a. i •.?.
1 x -acted from ft. speech of L <rd CosilereAgh
in UiiSi.,uieat on the Htli Bebituiry, w. i,.h
we have noticed before, but of which (I *
following appears to be a fuller and mora
correct report;’’
Extract from Lord Cas’krccgh's Spee> \ . ; r
the (so e of Supply, a< r-putud itt
the TliAts,rf fobrtiary is'h, IS)6
“ Even wfiinout the. axuirioafui-i ol’ -ry
hostilities, tha e we/ many services in .Hue
of peace which might render ii neces'.s.ry i
to send, out two, three, four, or five *hii f
on an e mergeney 5 ar-d this could b- vtV rt
fd wi h much less expeuse if the shipi ware
ready for s t evvipe, then iff hey w-i to le
fitted out ou ev?.ry oeeasian. 1 his then
was -the policy of our peace f*.
But he should be e *-ry indeed, if there Were
any real cat* ? of jealousy towards 0 h r
powers. ;It ‘nd h unsaid, that ar t ill spir
it prevailed id A a,erica, nod he was afraid
that some feeling* cf hostility might itiSi ex
ist among the to? gar in Vha- tew airy T but
he. w;:‘K qpite fare,’ that a prejudice equally
diigrarfiil a.ul fiirda*®t ahie e
gainst t! e Americans in /.. He v lsin-4 to
iieaveo, that both nations wanld lay j sidt
them antipathies and these prejudice*; th* n
-er* no two countries that more needed
; erich otb’ r’s f. iendchip. .r. ir rcs r i?y, more
I domed it. But w!* .t?ver night be th
ser’vnents of the unthinking or utscnli-jlun
(A?, he was certain, that the government cf
’ America entertained t o feeling of I <► Ylsfy
j against this county at present; and Lftituist
[deprecate, ns ealrulntcd to produce the
worst effrets,. that ilUheral spirit of imputa
tion, so often indulge*! ir by that tl ofije,a
gainst foreign governments, ar.d
eniHivels imperfectly uvders ond. Yhe No
ble Lord concluded by asserting, that no
one could be more sincerely anxious that;
himself to conciliate America by every
means in our paw. r ”
f ... FAIRS. * ‘
iMtUr from a gcvtienian at Detroit, to th?.
Editor of the Albany Argus, dated April
ST, 18i6. , ; . ;
hm—There is a ciretirastance* which 11
believe is not ereeflv known, in relation to
the Treaty held by tienerals Harrison, M’
Arthur, and Mr CJraham, at tbi* place last
fall wilh the Indians, ihc coiv<qfi,*neeof
which, way at some future diy become im
| port -nt. ,1 will give the history of it as cou
icisely as possible. ~
j ; Tlie famous Shawane Fropbet, is litfrally
qualified for his prof usion, so far i;sa *iti
-1 gie eye is a requisite, having I* s tight,
iis about forty years old, and i* a younger
brother of the late celebrated Tecamaoh, Sii-t
eauntenetnte i* rather too ferocious for a man
of God —in Oratory his matter i* utrong &
figurative, and his manner brilliant and an
imated. I have had aonsiderable conversa
tion whh him, throiigb n interpreter ; ha
Appears well versfed in ‘lie traditional histo
ry qf his people. Some years putt h> ho-.
aalS* famous among hi* Notion, for lis
healing art, whitli led them to believe, he
bad direct communication with the ‘‘Great
Spirit”—from *ll *h a standing bath
easy and natural for him to assume the more
dignified title of “ Prophot,of Which he
took advantage, &, like the ancient p:i‘M§,
took both soul and body under hi;? charge,
fie had been a number of years striving to
collect the different Indian triheaon the Wa
baal.,uuder thy ostensible pretext of retor
rning their morals , tho’ wish a real design
of ftitemptiog the of &!l the finds
which had been sold in this quarter to the
United States. The first evert act of hos
tility, was oa General liarrisue’ji army, at
Tu*pccne, Ir. ,v It?!!-, end ret*’ \ n r hot
| ike in‘n y ipy ~f t*-, 4 *• tJ. ?!*
; eottld here sa%> and t > army. T. e u-f
tliaf the Iniiirv:. tltere reaMvcd,shook ?hef
e ssj ‘is E or-i.etie o;.t.hi* dar;. rd
< Hi. ii. 11y as his brotiu*r Te. onvsh blamel
1 sin for artaching before his >eiag
th’-s exiled from, hi a own nation, he wander
d among ot tors, nr hi * led him to lorn* the.
com if 1 ion from <l.if rent Tribes, whi'h
now adhere to him, which ts well known hr
the appellation of the u Prophet’s par
eousiSiing of S.*s, Wianebagoe*, 11,*!;...
y. ‘-res, Kjckapoo*,acl Sbawanc e, air,quot
ing to sh-iut four L*.uief?, inb’udiug women,
ami children. The Prophet, with fits par.
ty. weie iuvitfd by our eoromi**inner? U%t
; t‘.a l’rCj-'htf tv saw Chirfs did
t Oiae over from MaWeu, at :4 ettend, tilt ?he
s reaiy wan l rsrly ready fur .>f.r.ainr ; vf
without aaw'gujng any fe ?*!*, they with-*
dio;v vv- ? thelLver ; tfc;y Vr re ug-Jn no*
iifl’.d tri&t toe i reaty wi $ sbr ih* rr.
to *%'f, fca: thj?y lid not cv.we ’over, K n<l
Jbry Uv£ i o*. sign and i‘ to this d*y & h.vo
reujsiif dut sl..ldeu evr sin e* Four drviA
Puttie Prophe stitt over tire. CMcft
v,, j, mi interpreter, to ask ifav*- *f • ft* Gov*
?t'itor <?f. tit I ft*h wy, to hint- visa
i*•—£frn4WfrJ| < Vt- over. “I h Pnvph
®l y* - rit” i -*o :.i 3h. *;-?; tie Governor
w*et -Hm— n Ir g kl-J uslntortmtinc
speech, tS.v; Daoied wlj; at. hi.-h w,.a
t* i*b‘. in >te.rtkliitm to eowc over oil the A
r erlen p-T . .t:id frm *ri!<. re iintKtheF
5.10 c v;da< us me tin I? ver Jl .iT.s
ft tie pla e—they n* to lv (>!! ,u>
V’ ■ -ty -.ot .>.ign tig ls<c 1 riM,ty tbry h vs
tv v and the stipulutinnw in their saver eoa
t• 1 j’tfhe IreHy of Ghent,
j After, bra; ing them ?br two dsyf,the gevw
efiiO 1 ’ to!d,(h- F’-np. at, that he h.d knowa
his ch-‘t>e erl-r sis ecu ytars past: tht<T
though he r*r tended to receiv * hi inrtfuo*
lons Ir.iru the Great Spirit, he J. ,and that mo
meat been Idling a direct tie, in
the reason lor r.d. coming aver tud signing
the*’treaty ; that he Tnd lwys eoDsiiiered
htm a fet.d man**- that he hud no coLtidenc
in his yti d*/ and of course should cot grant,
iis r.MOueßt, hut if he eh&ee to go to his oWtt.
!>: ti ui, rnl send ail tht>s?(fhis party to
their n**.ti ns and setdowtisi and be per.riblei
—on thet< id so no other ecrdlrion, wourA
he t!lcw tl cm to , ctitle op tl s Arof.iii po
siile, for he er< q’ s ronf’iier ,thi map rtjf 1
to tii :> tres-v j aked the t. < pb*
t.t why itisßfiidli fi&lhtc, si < b hehtd ift
fv hbfut y si vc4.did aot L.fti x‘jl4a&
•o btdl : - \] t-g f : .
.A .p-st, MsTr .•f?t?rhv.r,!r,
t>,-Kds l Fort Urnlo ‘*• m ; les nUyo
‘ *ii ir ,* r¥xtn ii.g f-i r*. hetc ‘-o that p! .<-
ia a beet, ,t h . ti -ti 1 y-mbi; d'Tovp iim ca
to t'e B i't-h tdore. ‘4 •r? s. t.trol Hf
Indians w eV’ ; tin y rci bed t ?a ‘coat of ‘his
provisions • fit • i. : ~i <f:?- p i .u!-- ,< s .-vA
insisted o his sward, wl.i L l.e ; 't;ta.-ptetj^’
ly fefiisetl to tunerv’er.
* /
Calcutta, frept 12 —Ala iH a fertoighf -if
•;o, a dis ressi idenf well esleuLtrd to
place the horrid sup vrsjiiioc* of the muiv u
in their took piur-e in the*town
of Burdwftu. Ac aged Hindoo of the Kh!-
war, or spirit veßtiing tribe, ’ having i i.*d,
bis widow rn. old w oimfn iff 2 , i a cunpii -
anee with the ct:itorfts cf her übsetters,
to prove her 1 sluing ettevkuient to the *c*
erased, resolved c RaTiS in;- hsraelf &i {;i*
funeral pile, fief ggotsteingl.c pvd in,
the prelifuinsry eer, monies t <*Bt lude>. s , cad
ih© body of the deluded wrrtib PLnr inGd
wt>. oil, she was led to the st-tke, end hound
down ivith a . strong trend, l ire
placed Dtuferih© pile* the lower jysr: i f
which si un began l 1-i *1 he Jbvs p ’•* ti
no Bohner ascended to tiie, wi the d-v •
oteethin she teg n to struggle, Etxi g < A
siiccßcded in making h©r escape, in co r \T*
qtfento oi the by whioh be WESs,eni
red havieg bden connyned- h rcr i.t
liberty,’slno iashed preeip? ateiy towards
the police offieers on duty there, piteoußiv
calling to them to save her from etestru fi
on.i—She was led away amid the muimnrs
of an interested multsiude; end after lap*
guiahing in extreme pain for two dffys, p'.tid 1
tlie forfrit cf her blinduena atid folly*
—.— -wi O -si - <p> ■” -
jTi cm the Richmond Enquirer, June 4.
Avery melsnchoFy adventurexvai
nr*ed e few duyp giuce witlvin a few mtioq
af tl ia city. A negro, suspected of hax ir**
set lire to n smail house, was charged with
the act 5 and oa being threatened wiih -er
noral ehsstisemeqt he ddUberatety piA h>
hand in hi pocket, drew out a ra: anti
ripped open the whole front o£tkc telly.
Unfortunately, n mor ifiCatioo plate,
and the poor wretch died. Avery r speut
ihle youp£ plijfcicijui was scut for to i*p*e *
tha bodjg ac.ii in th.o aat @C
|Voi.. I.