Newspaper Page Text
ah:Pi thf- Vm &iiW
•or p oft, die iris fiwPied to v coi
>. *. i'.h'f ikH wo hi*Hit*> v of.
’ no i’e^Jf‘Stated hißiM *owt
t (ifcr, - ,
> s. s t>ov cssr is for priß9,
,'• e h<*T ofa tr,oat <!;'*■
V*’.4 y vft ;■ n n !u seen
?:is ‘no vnnniJcd JrietnJs.
t e ws.rid is ftwsrft'offt d : sfrT!te *rnse
‘ A , iVtcr Randolph,jiiiijt
■ t.'ivj oiretic esiurt, nsd ‘l!wms Wells, a
i ’gjftteiVotn - itovay in tr-y ‘general As*
•*• 7. It has i‘a to - ; t v> into
.•*..• i,sotatitii now, to bio©-Islitd. 0
- ?• rui/3, jos;9 llaadolph rede
:* ?.<•> t-lib©s# ts Nrsttr.vv"*y, to inrpeet
c .. .• oy f <-..& itdio eTnrfe' ? .i ofHc?—hi* friend
t: - ens'sa e-inn |’ GryenH-'t ‘vs in }•
*- “)Y*y>Kufi Ua■?,?%:.';* tshhin a shot! *i
t *•- •(f MrAo/ods® tioaie. Weilu ! ; e. ::s a
;i3 h3teftfi,t‘’'’ of v'.ici; in sear
‘* -i.’ •!. u. it:t J :-3 e?l‘rk’ , Oi-. (
*'l • .•> id 1 1 U;i r;ttiin i-y ? • •
; • .it’ td iu ots o V> tu.d
1 • . ••: i... c |!:P ■ in \.'jjiin m;.ie t‘the
< -.* :no fonve*->;•.! •■• , a. Vii’Y eberi or.s
< ‘ and 1 ( .0 I.:*??r L r • . ft ;,i
i•. ‘• ■’ je. SsiV-i.'U..U ft! s- ; ’
• i t nti y. i iVJicp, y, ‘ e.u |
’ . * r v ; u .-:i u> ’ail, onl heard j
M n ;. . 1 , ;.,S-.".c r,:'-; P : U tW‘*’ .1 :
’ oi. :* H ■ { i i.ii f.f v.'hii
- . *. .v j 4 : -i*i 1. fO Liili*
- r ;■■ ?•• y,J ’ im <*•,< f.) I 1 -*’ iib r?■ r*. j
< • fi-’ diii! i.iil ‘ti !r.’ |
r 1. i : ;>: M‘ 3if ’ tiffin,l *; £ a/r.
• • -tred ati, r ty-i %vnii iyd ila* tutS tiv
t .\!U, < o-“ u’ v* ii. h ‘■••■> 3t. e side o-',
: te ue'-k, v;: %vmrs.l round t; ’ r. ait-crit
t>3 ©ti •:? is j t foi l !, H s^aetj
ti ••• t 1 1” c re’itlvy:. never.*’! ::V7.-
1 5 V'l3 a&Mt .1 il>, ~’l . : ->}r B |
C ; y an. 7:17, © j-h we, u s ■’ -y ,
•.drramt. i?v a yshj •KS.hftu *■’? rh- j
trv v fy pronfun ’•.* upon Juoye it's f afte-4- j
the iif.l • tVda •;:pyr."'d so !>ve n&f-gid !
G.d neiii if|| resitio aiftfie bs }
‘:e. above i* a liasty iks'di-; S; may rl\ t. ■
” P/ia prove defectii e.
‘Honani ej ; r o -t.., ,
a;:',: / unfit I e ln-hi of
i’ :* ■■’ •*< ?.ce ■ ■■’ . w'. :.:.**, it •’ : - frwtc
. • JJa'a- ) :sul*, ‘mini \ ;r:*.r.v if*
~ ■ *•
:•’.€• .3 >. \ •” i'ivins i;i iJVO ‘ ‘
V Mil - * • ■ yen, v.ra
I: * .. i . < ‘ nxn. ■ t. i foil
v ‘ * ‘ ; ):• ■ ,'il, ’,J di'rr: V ij!:
: • tiw l, a.:.! , ■” • ft
v ’o* t : <>. t: • >1 tvi-.o Ail
. v *y rtotlv. a •,■■■l. v> ?ea L-ey
- •< ’•? • v.or!:! -tk eer*at -
> '!* pcc 1 ’ j >;v ii.f? .r ‘in l "!- *•'.* *■ - *i"t
$> • ,! V O’ .< : ft- ;r... , o?,•**: r ?C ■>
t> *• .(V -> i s-. >. .or, ~u: vv;-.j {i-tv© 3,
it/**.* >n ; ;t!< -
jf'.i 9. i v Vm •>■ ) ;i ‘■ :h • f• t'a* 1 i’
„ W *■ . . i', • : . „ . ■ . .
u ; ’ .*: • . i. *Ji *.’ t ’ ,jli :>. . •
i: voftt on: iv/:\ 1 . . j i a? il: t< ‘ w-
Us e the sr. ■ r>v.* ■‘ •
t'i r).’,?, rt i;r. fd ike 1v - > *.f {lv ’o ••• Z
into bb fiu’uloj %rL t;‘ i'. it J ••!?.='. .>i
‘liO iff St, &'%<'. r .'£■ -v- “■’
* Aitis s* 4 id :• , „ •=, • -*[
Ivimsn hir-. :,;nt’v■ I t j * ; I jh
t l’ v -;k'A - .* I 3,
••ii r VCiai] (ha tat.'-r V i'.U r-!ifi?r
----sfeh(tf! h fthrisTjaa
V'iio frrc, lent’y tti*eou'.'sw ; -v’ ‘ •. fe.
i-'g ll 3 lr!h j revealea rt*s : t •’
Vo r* ‘ -v. iufr to ni • t i. tiftrj v•
l>’:t vy’-r, •’ vafteeas. !i :• hi ■* spy- ;
&<M5* t - ’<!ly i;,rnc<J he? tsicf to ilia pP-*, n*s •
t i ?: : :™o • •■>’ O<•>!. f; h ■.***''¥ into ,
>O3 lit .u'\ ?;;v<nd tl too* j w*ors;an
i j,- ;t. v cs’ thcUoctl,
\ ~. 0 fii?:* .:• ’\r. . t JL* ’ t t'J 5 ..•/ j 0 C cft 0 <V C*i V
i*'-# *'< ‘a’ iv 1 ft Mr. Lim
\l:-c r ‘•.•*: t- U“..Z hf. ‘ .*o*.o
t i:iM i;?*i*j’ • h.err >-;lft-? ‘i-.-rP ;
i ’<* iin t*, ;.: f ; } t{i,
tv .k’ ■ i >..* • i ?;•-, erjw!,
i-’ ! ’■ >;■• cs - ■.!’ v ,
i ‘ ■■’ * “ ‘i*f- ti u i. v- ‘ ‘ at t3 O
* •* •'* > ■■■ i u v ‘ (,1 r
oi •- f ■ ** - v,,~ 91
9- *; ‘-p • t'*’ “i ‘*i * ‘ V.: the -‘ it,
* v. ‘.n ti/l ;• . fti, ••.-. ■■ . l*:'.-', i, 1
*l.-'Sr. ti iiiivx io h;• r, 1 .it 1 v..-. ,ed
*> •’- *•?}> ! i-if’ ?• ‘ • >r- •* * rfft
-1 im ‘ '•••• v - • ••V-c.-: -e
----%ir u * in ; “.y’lAteiy : h:,i c -- f .. i, Its
tiv.” ri fell i;t i h t ‘;d §?♦ n- # - f
V;p did {■ e nj;lt t- *■. .1v v
in'crcpulity sv 3 s.i*i.Us ir „ c*. f gv ••? ■;
Sit ffi t, ct* Uj e e;tr.. t/i* •’ V
V ,rOM'd ojui in a d.v utter j}
t.ou tM/f.’jang ve**aai Mh ■? ‘.ve t*. ; ....
f.:* 1 brim o -i‘ b*.!.. ‘ ••.'t \ •oi thv ;
tiftsi-tanLr pjr aiirtJ i: hy x*.. uptrrj
pitcca <;i’ r.-ood, ’i ;*►*;
It” Crft.iuiirA {'!■’-K'H-tl !/ u, !, v.jii vii
1- y jircv. h.\:> the t-et, i ; 4 * j, y was !
< -'ed, i t’ - n. : ij Lu*<l sa t’.e r_-:;
( < c ‘ a=f * j V- :. ,3c u.wu i..;i recAOUcti
tltii Use-3,
, -;^<rTgw^.aaxriit- *.*
t% * * J* Z *
>. ...’tsca ; ,; : j< ? •. 4.l urfire
jfcv'f fr ra tfce cwiafcM ‘*i i%
Ufieexed ttrUde. Siupta as tuu rtGiecly
! appeals,it ;■ s* an<St’ctu&i cure,
• I Wear® informal by a ter liemca now ia
] this city, that v itfehi the fast twelvemonth*
JLo ‘WAt ep*?l%f & wen in the short sy/e
iof tied-'t davs hi the folk-mag apyirsu*
i jtion. —’’ lost, u st.j
‘■fgfcefcal cur? for TVeuq.'—Xl ayinsctws.4 a
, wen oi'a tizr a'isi Iwg-Miitdiug
the side mV fkee, immediately brlu*e
! below ny risit car, \\vn informed by ?if
, fer*r.t prop!e, that if i would apply epnir
moa salt tr.d lyatertoii,! should jsvt riH ol
it. ip. August, V. 09, 1 put a quasi Iv*d
: ar.U ami water Lito a saaesqjtatß muHj&iled
r it Uv: mkniie* : wit a %vhi#ti £ bvthed utt
1 f.'H'fpat if. ‘"-.'x uliv wKile it toJilbu'd we no,
,jrs alia afer it Vi* r* ud.\ ‘a* fte a
tea t■ tivr; j ? y.;c6 drlk* S iilv/-;'3 fftrrirg
! lip the dtpmft at the fcjejtttfm'of the
; •••tain,. a nit :aeWj.-;|T,tlur it t. ■ m frith f’?
! wau r hef>je ] ajpkJ'iri. ; tt* “0a the lith
iky c i- tt< ft, &>, . ‘ :i'i>i:oti, while sh*•
viur, .Ohs?*? ved a -m, !i ilhclMifgf, width*
“ar-isi:.? s’ :\ • 3 o j reasure. the wfcde
Uonti-.o"*! wtro s.•••. i.'.uii.d wiiket t..
i smallest': a> ar I -out blood.
| ficin;- inf > •..? luf i. oisc u'.l ta who Pad
j been l. • ’y. and i"; t .'-j Bustiner fpi .ho
! .-ifsP.o -* : ~*••.’! ica'ikp, av.sJ kifnwimj tr-y
---*e!f rA 7; ;> j*:n ifcmr.m, uulcr piyov-n
iiniu>&&u> dirotu ,u. 2 feel j* a T u>*lUs to
uaaN :1 ptddk"; ly.-ins convinced
| fro shiee noLa'd.:f ?, ahi everypi rl'on Ktv
; U'l* ; t >1 their . -tWa” in no&he ,she t hi.—
V. ;’n* t ? ‘i beg leave to eafitina
at no r.:i* viioai'l i-e! at the’
( iv nyjili of -hr - n**s tie to : *ot>
p„?f>a fr-e ,'7 ‘katioit ; a?, in sojna ctr* *,
j i:. rrtHiiu. : th* ee o? four mot: i Its, tb.Usr.h
! ;•: *he-;;.;fc c-thirty days ; hut ii* tl
j • i'h j>:l.j or ii ei::rnfence of t-riy kl l,
’cr an; • vie:-, itr Ate ui’ tL*j and till
: acu;; ‘. j took plac:-.
! •*.
\rr June^if,
Yf?~ JJ*. tv.
Tki* r. r'ow. \ r\ < i)l'e letter from r.
! ■ v r ?• • f “.it IMtitadeiphia to
!:* to ere i v iM'-iuituiiostcti fti.
■he rise •• . :.’nt ‘.he jd an tors >'/
';'/i | ..-:A hy ?■> suv^rri’kr,
- V‘..i ; ; ..4 . rj >; v • ,;j *;4 ■ ; Ttrf'iyri'fpd of i j
. n.y; 1 .: .ins ’;‘ iy-oh aI)Ut 1-
r - .:• •; ;P, v;t-u--* t't:*
VvVv \i.’ ro j .;i ; . ; ,v- vit th> euttt*
t.-..-* *;? onr f -r- ‘.‘•ttyhioai b-.-‘f;iTr of ti*i
■!• -v, l’ ... si tad:! to yh-c , •.••tieity It
'tkti eau'S’ . Li, .Lk s.
f; M-v H’-• • A \ni:f*r.e: i lit I .*! “*'2n *eti n
sabs . ro ?rte. •’vcl .s*. >m Srvt'.n
: i ■ tf.C* ; ■■ l)t;t ‘• .! f to ‘•
’ avn t. .'!).*■>•.. • (S . ifor si I” ii repeat
•-.:•[• ct,i ioaKlLftv ■i..n : tya to hcv^.b
---,! - ?:iiv*r r.-rtCC J iiriUff.'jn l.igi)
( sr;.i .’1 if :t won’-Ji stand the
IT.-,; v.l g WS pr?V\ \!..d
if )f f.ih <i ierijiti©. ll i-s a :mnte
r. . mlt i.l ci:> ihactn t!t:*t has bsen retei-
Ven this .s.-;Si)ti-iVTn h.ivanr..- *: that it is not
pv -; ? ”ly c srfcf!k*;l pis? rp too >i m p j oth
er v • e, in several r;>tauri s. ti -r; ; f,ald have
’ ot'en* **> nvi e to the Yi'tjjtt*
if:. * \-.; i V •: f.rj-c* he ‘w. ii to
uue.n thief the > •<>'), r$ < f tohacen in 1
::r rountrt < i> '-ehsoinie neeeasitv ” at--
< ‘ l* .• f-> V:K /V f:. o they SIC
cureuij ?.nd tk Jr u-’’ .i’fatage ia it.”
i Ar-'-saMy to a law rs Massaelasrit* |
**!■• “t! 2.i::i of Maine tor.fc a Vote eti the
jrp • that tthr.'ok? or ;
si.ouU rot bo ‘eparatffl frr m, and beeo.r.e
.indep?HG6EtThe Fort■
J.-j n%> A rs *n SlKh nK thus gives the
•*rr a ~Yea* Co23N*yssi3s—Mrjoiity for
&•’ I'jliulJj c< -8.
r 3 fear’? bc:r ree ’ived here from Rio
•T.r- eiro, an !oifv rs (>!’ Ist of April, from
w ‘*c t f ;<*arp that the, ijuetn rs
Af. :*u I . a,I ;> the 20 th of Mar ah.
v ? ?*•?:•“! af .r dnyj aft or with mu- h’
vc’ /” was born,ou the Ifth Oeeom
and of centre was upward* of;
< •*’ ‘ ■ < :••■ .4 < -'l, haviyi* been for some time
(A’ ’ b> inKrr.ity, from attending to thr
t.% r • f th*‘ ka><kai, in eoTteetjiicoe® of‘
\ : r her uo’i, ana Maria Joseph Lottt'i,
v- ore >ii>!C'.! r; vjenf. lie, of I'durei Vite
r {■<*:* 41.. the cr -wn cf Fortagal. Ho fe tkir
!; ; ins years old j bis r.or, tV.a heir nj;im*
AY t. In t r "ILIKZUCRR,
Y*-> v . ;V r * md ibot f*aa celebrated able
Vi t**r <JtA-V;ra, no tv in Philadelphia, and
, uYinguisiied for J is scientific arid literary
!Ht nimatints, !' ; &3 V i n appointed by 100
; ~ .ace rodent fcf Portugal hie miisuftei pltni
; pyioulii.y not-r the United States.
! * > -oi-o*s v v number of ladies
Li f‘Yoi iit-vee, IS butte-f*Uiid, have ussotia
t- and i*ader the Jiutne ci the I) iretjs hosiery *
n’ h a view f: m>ike emi diterdmte elolliifig
’o t'oo poor i tid r.t y-oper seasons,
nd adopted tUy &bu;; till* fn-m piouv I) >r
•as rs tH, ‘C&rs. Ccurant. ■
ii.iiiim m ■*’- ‘ l ‘ — 1 - .; -- ■■ ***■"■
Itufoagii InJeUtgence.
§ T>oston , j Jane 4.
from ICtigie
,7 T * r ’ l.*tve henn invoret’ fcy lfLr. Jaek, of
ifa, Svx I r . n* Ifpil o‘. with Bristol
paptrii to <! c22iof A| ?.ml f.ondun to
i iho ovenraf c/f tlic 20M:> reeti\od by (he
liissfiti trader
'? pfoposaf? Sidaey Smith, for a
err .ur-? agtinst the are rs
v. vueti tn Uivo mad? a roosWf-.’aUe ini -
upon t: e dry of Algiers, strtiisfl:-
trrul.Hy Urvnkjhu of an t-nvoy fr< m the
jsrrund seepvior wiioh) roa>H>.%l povereien'v
is r‘H fAso’tinlyL I>t ,tbf.i pin'.'e.?. It
fjas* injured Ae . y i j Lyefatt i£a Greek &
• s A oifHan •8-’
r l7if* e-h.’-- tt-sbedra! sr’wve! r. v - •jPe.rjw his
been ap|ir£-Bf4 h| F f y
.!'{►• mtiKt i tiVnotVirv j putt is r.trest-4
by ibe t;ivq;rtf:.j’r v a{, ;vua ‘.uq ix*t .eetJl tc their
_ f-
A,'.kf v era now pr’r.tkV’sj
the N ■v-T ti? Afaieaiisft, I’cr
• n ; arf. a *.d. .■: ■ n 1 •;e-<t t:^ ?|*>.■ ! s.
Ia Skig'tinJ the r-; . of Ihrci Bnrpn
. fom his vide prctibriiig u newipape? di
rii'-ki.o •;. ’ ■ / ... ■; ; ‘-** ■’ v ..
T -i* r$ from LixerpooS to Rr.‘,of ?jly ttie
hpua*oo - f Ci*: Ae and Ras'or ?,^j
j settl ‘d “Lth iLeL’ jr{lkir adtl regyaied Id
-1 si t ne*fi.
| -£’rh.> ri? or, 1 Anri? 15—sea
‘aland* 2* rd? o- and ..icH to 20 l-£d.
’ At flit .*• i f>’ bowed So io 2t*t;
I Xei\*Oel<uuß 20 i-3d u ?4,1; leu,- tiiaais £5
• 8 i to 3s.
To'udeeo at LcinLe .3*l. Virg. rfcefS. in
Flonr has sdvaneed ffs nor es: ?r.
Atucriciiapot ashes aie 33 to 90s*
Lon sc w, April i ‘s. j
AcPOffPfw from Trnpiis es. the 2?th oft.
st-sta tiial the Aie!>'k.n r<;l Lr'tish tr t or’
will soon eveesnte thet
ceed ■ * the pi;p?! §Mter, where will
ueewp.y the forfressea snuAii-ra.ves ms* the;
cossts of Ihe AtHvio rn J s*p- ;, 'fr?ypean.
This meastijre is to ! e pi’*v-?d in tense
q'.rente of the i n’ *hd
itefist"-? *0 k -r ) ?■•;• n citiUi-ry, furt-e oefli
if-nt for ;Le'cii'Ly of ike cenntry asd the .
=• * f ?-. . .. !
I Gold ?>*lf yefit/rday.*— v
‘;i riu .- 4 t*d birr*';i tnw f.L4'. per ounce j t
, rif-e n'hid,, roii/.idei *,ie vHiyreri:-i ity of
it er?iJ ;ot!iC rritfsh gtftrdnfd, nvtk**- the
guinea warlli f4ibar kea *?iau its noatiatel
VaiEO. i
•tfprit 16.
Some Gerraett paper's ctntaih an t* *•:<.■ nt
><f a dis s tir banco; broken ernt in the
rawtero pnrt of'Eronte, in p v? r- 5 of
e \pstri*n froopn were v.--n'•*]*•• Tho
ii’ aifd’ <1 Frrß b o-rUI-erg, aid; <\ by tfir r.-v,.
wiitry, Il r.s r;. in tf;e fa oml of
Brft;i-1 tid the and tv-a Acrstrjj ■ 5
ivch* lii.der the ofevVad'y of phtting thn-u
7IOWU 6y fornei In comw erj*;e of this dss
?w baoee the Austrian force ?u ASsace
be taeyensed.
v • Piiitrs, April ib. |
M. ‘loger ttacofi, on? of the regtride*. on ‘
hi* vvy i A’ist;iu, w’ss overturned in a]
carriage, the wheel v ent over his body, end |
J.r d:?;'* ?3 9. few afterwards., fia ‘
-W and w?-h him a casbidcrulie sasa of tneney .
Ptian*fob®, April f9.
19. a farmed that JvL I-*nwet?e i r; i
puhlisli mtlßibirs eoncerniog the triple s,d
n:\ir Ration, wtiis li will be aecoctpained by
4;£e^tory,pieces,throwjpg grtat light < a n
t*te eventh of our age. M. Fotiehe
doubtless possess tnsriy piece*,
but it. tn-.y be presauird tka't they arc net ail
Smyrna. Tan. *3.
The plague U 1:0 yet from
{Lis ity. hvps* week five or eix per* i.n
die of if; *,.cul it nee ms that it io grown*.’
worse. Thi;. is r-ssrihed to our Kavirgy.>t
had no v.tater, and <u r tfta uticonufpn.’y
i mild weather. U'Uf.l* afraid tt ; c.t
; thadh'Pßsa has r,{ read i. L'gypt; und
jthds we liava ihe tuoie reason to be
tuK on aeemtnt <1 our great eoiutncyotai in-
with that country.
TV Bt'd’i JSiive. —We have k sn f-ivar*
ed with tke foLowiag cxtraeti,of a letter
f*oß sn Hter to hi# trioid. — Lit
erary Panorama }
“ i was l-aveliiaer with a party of ofT>-
c?r, nod a guard of Bepoy*; y stypprd
to refresh cut selves, nud K-m’ougtlia inhabi
tants o c a viUece who come out to view us
as objects of cuiios'ky* or:e fellow was po
unusually atidkcicu* t.s to f*ree himself in
to the t“ct where we weto dining, using
strongs gesture*, end making no extrava
gint no'sg. liavt’* 1 * in vain endeavored to
loam Li# meaning, v.o crd.rvd hun out ; le
refused to g r , we iiien ordered palan
qnin bearer* in atlendanca to force Mmout:
at Us being thus removed a short distant?-.*
iVooi our tent, we soon heard a confused
noise tad kKCiiiatkn, - aad were kforned
titil this tfe pptfi&htil U *oe A*
votve. h:d swooned a why ftem.tho eftVek
: f poifmjonjinMwrng (cßvh.ed by o-:r puiaa
* qiiin bearers, wh were pam‘-f*s.
‘©Wo rather laughed at this aeroiiiH y
?o!er ifftv-uttftbrH were heard, Kttd womt
1 w#s brought that the man was dead \
Went out ami found a great people as
ceifibhd round the body, lahieruing fnl
rortplaiftihs IqudlfJif the outrage. It he
tanae Is?ewr.fy to order bur Sepjmircde**
arms, end the servants to lie on the:;* ejaard
.( \; e fer the head r.p of tue vii
!og, md the body wa* thoroughly (xan;n?A
vy the nati'ver/and prppduaieA ?Be dead f
tVre eertftinit pppsaitd r. visible signs n?
jaf .. |, tt ( th tni’.ng ijoy he eoiid fe&rc*.
received, to* Ibe h'v-dih’g, to'Vverveme mero**
Iv Ms cvn fertrtaftee, tad ahsu-rdity ol'iy
7'7,*uj s dying fr’ija tbo efeVct-Xid feoeied pk>
: I*• J 7fid and. i-ym% s'Xpt ‘cnee cf thyir prt*
f.,a , y ,vi. .■ i -J-. v’ naiisSed icj nM
ft!.low 7vaooan ip.pyrmr. ‘ f ■
*< Vsr p;y brcAav to !ccv
(T; p.'j'ffjffs.i .so i;iy I
’ j-.-5 fH&Aittti-vef ‘t*\n Ii ft‘f ’ a
r.i> a;>'r; A koowiug wh ihf - ‘r.l> mvj wan
m *,< t ji-t'hftt, U u- ‘ -> I'.s hstf.
r ‘.A: iuAf: rems(iiu ‘- siudf’ tie body * ls and
r * ei* .id no ‘tnjorr, I routd resiiire
-.{'■'■ruyh tfte r>t...vdy we ald be e*m*d*ftg'ac'->
•vr;*, Thev vlnkdto remove l.ias 3 hot
\ti,y< I y'i’ld’Lr.otFu^--',’ A f "* r fenowiug they
Imi Jit mat.* ’ V r po.i thry pleased c’ u. eTV
(i ch’h*B'dea , h, e -d vh:st!> c u-.;h t oub’e.
j * i said !• ii of hip
;tr*37-. h*foi*‘: l could fn 5 ©. pa;s • v i.ii, ?cui .
‘ph'-tdy sati ft ; 1 diesAut I kept my ownr
co'jjpVi I. Afja*° the people urrgsed forward
, turniho'i’inib*vritH ao appAfcot design a
e rry away the body by ?*.’fre ? hut, rrder
ilhg th- Sepoys to AUvowce with ‘lxed \jxo
tiets, I Rix.d* retire “a r wntatirr, 8(:f-
IV’ iur e ly Lie head **• ,c la
Vain did 4 ‘vvo-* :,o persiiade't’heui
!he tTiR cftfii);iTfeitcd j utd.j. tix)ui:>g iioth*
ivy dee wotJtj do, i ai ;red them I pc*-
’ c 1 powers they hod 00. coaeeption
land witboLt iotichicg |tbw body’ *.raio, 1..
T-,,tdd coatin’ e \h\tn of th*l me a LtlugskU
,(hvc r '-,y drawi*. g’ u iUina t>or _.hs hqdf
’ whi’h ‘bey ‘shoulVi see, rd ward*,.
: foStipaw burniViV end onK'P*iog hiiw'tjftiitjl
he r-ty-.e frc.,7\ the t'firth, b y hn!hfr<;flWw
: listened wi fi 4a *iy &> swuub fttkntioa e*
dim r .*'• ?'7-
j TabnlL- to fcnjeln
.‘ei-'ftve to thi it.jui-r.A-, <■ -' wt.f.
• ;do.:* to He'pi.ii'-rwr/d fn:u|wqn
tiling xvhr !i and e aAs3iU ; * theni i xv,i n.
ing'l h*.d f Xduivd as a rv.ftpiMP.)
“ Ore.‘ dm* p>*. t* rveijeg c;*ty'dir to
l plow© 1 iter.r s A &*• &•
I took’ f. ait u n/.a tr-per, ft snndl mUilfAk.
a littfe* :• ariiftift* I■, eai find -fer tiu.
Coj vemettee of getting, o. liaht wb.en yvanteei/
I algo took out x hit of eeuLftg
ped ft i'hin-ti p}<t* of v.hits paper— \ thffi.
directed ell to ue'siimt while tie’ c*ea4t|t
w* performing, tender psm rs
*rwrk with ( f y th. Having hsd trsia
pl&ined !.*y Furjr.p? to the chiefs, anl by*
sgpiti peopl.e, 1 wo* well
t P- (j:e deed tn*. hea/d u* s l iha
by *?ig> t levoit*tftf} twiuLtligs, £
: saxv in H® muscle^
S “V/ lieu ail w (■& qtef’et. Ihr gin by.
i slowly round tHe extended ibedy, four time**
, laying one of the tour articles eac h tin’*
! hir foot, utffcriftg with a solid loud voitov
Ithe following words that bappeoed
to oceur s Ornoe lirr.e, norica pogfi*/* I
j believe that the full of a pin might hs sa*
] been heerd while I u peffentiog
; murjsfnery.
] <# HteYiu* mareged with tolerable
‘Atesbei's, 1 lock up nil the crtieles, steed a
•Trrorn ;hc roaa, aid raisißp’liotb.iuy arm aae
high rs I rond reach, ‘ea'fled aiond, “ 9i
ievee ! :J Then, btfidiffer over the body, I
held the j-TB'.v right feutl, the wms
ti?pr in c.y le f r ; and, drawieg tin* cor St’
j from tie Lottie of phosphors*, just ah%w
I hi- nix ?”*(* n*meet 1 cppftcM thensetfU.
! to light it, hf. it were i>np hi* body, I he**
r-r to sir:’. “ God fe greet (Jewgc clip
Itar/’ But the iurlaut-jhe thine* o*
seen, (h?re v'‘BUft-V ft j. U of “ Abjpuwy
swaAince !—-Ah, ■} sv, swaaroce V* a* cou>+
y drowned all toy five iingiteg —--•■
i l c.hting n*y leper, I with icy
‘ * oik. l y t .ei'-k-;-; fi** goaiing jxbiS
! chopping it hot e ore afcave ids naxel, but
; ‘J vleljtvw; Rad put paliouee to :dr j i-or rnue
than mo nr s re* gutni drop'-* efmjt mires Ur.
lour war. Isffora !•** jvojt* and t;p and rawa
wav, bellowing end cftiwiiig is is kelly, wi<k
nut stepping to thank n>o for bis cure, r
answering the calls of oitiurs, caiil ha gcxi
wlthtr. the village.
“ That the fellow hrd hear? nrd’ undef-I
‘stood v* hut poer- l> with vty deelcrathwihat
1 pffastgged a power to ©raw forth a
from hi body, wu evident ; wnd I depend’ fi
on <?.c gadlxM. ottfcvk ft;f. (he ban>in Vftx>.
r.n so tender a p; rt,-tvig!itcciM(y bw.ew ik
imagination, to cvr-rlhfow all thoubs-ieky
of trick, and produce son- 9 *uj& £clt i*r
would *fttisiy> ik that ho we* not df * f i—.
What i;iv partiftttb? ssitu xvue, it pg4t fax*
fliuiu;t to make out.”
AND IVUHAf, to waited.
the VrictinA Oftic* ■
i - ** ‘ ■