Newspaper Page Text
i'iouk the Vi/rk ‘JHvrc&nhtc •ChrotHcle .
- 4
LINKS / ‘ ‘
tke Lberatdm of JOjj& ‘MJI
’ UK & f om tin imprlswzmtiti of tyro years
■■ -vl tin t alf , c.m meed when he had
*trirce ts attained Ike age. of mnrhood.
•AnU'.or tf ** Tll EmerAhi iule,” &e. &c
u *i dauntless s r ul erect, who smiled on
death. 9 ' —Thompson.
’*/ *li? —if alight of Ireland now remains
t i ... i*y tc rßpiiru or by chains,
Vke f < rtliv trance -jf eorrow, aud be
h>.M ’
,Ano , h rt ’- nve.r<yr in thy J>age enboKed.
3.0 V i y& Captive’* iron doors uiifoM,
‘AfH* ha is-Lee!
A spirit o u heart nrcY? hold
Kref.tliun not the bits* <3. sir of Liberty.
Friend, let the Despot frown, the f.luvs de
TT'ne was almost the fjditr.ry pride, j
- ‘ i<| 0< dark horror of toy bnnrg
v t. intertwine’ its chain with Friendship’s
thiovrs. ! V
vr as bliss to me the stricken dter to tend*
/.i and prove in roguish, n* in joy, a friend
• Tit oft, my Country, when I marked tue
YVfiieh wtiurM HuultaEGC round that dismal
t*te— _
Hein! f-om Lis tanguc* the patriot torrent
Pew Irs h. itjht pye, the meteor of his r g!~
:> v it* heart resign, without a
* ] P’
u i Y ntr/a day-dreams for lone riy—
A s ?w, while others had the tear—the
itirmelf. the sad, sole *;e forgot;—
r i .ik spirit hint, sweet Lsud, before tby
s bribe
I*i *>y that such a relic still was thine $
A rejic s,iv*u Despair’s fixe.! eye to raise,
‘Aati tarn our pUgruu Die to happier, ho
Her days.
Friend of my youth! the trial now is
Again C’cation’s g’'i eheer tuloe |
eye ;
*The veil’s dark horrors thall lot urn no
u >re,
Nor sii tl: the irtoursang Moo's midnight
’ si?:fc..
*Xh 9 eternal chain, the fcope-forbidoic?
Ortho peo* Convict’s execution cry,
A *-:in thy dreadful lullaby!
V7hai 1 though of all the insect summer !
train ;
’f’n cheer tiiy LI! -a fortnn" s, none^—•
What i just Heaveui tfcou ioav'tt j
* thv prison throne, !
John seed l bereft! abandoned, and aloe**! I j
Hull shall thou shine, in Freedom’s sane
enroll'd i
‘Wreath’d with her amaranth—a Name of
Cold ; I
&till will thy country, lingering o’er that
YTwr it., with tsars, from many a page of
Jkud v !e her sighs and blush by tarns
*Tho tr i*g!ed grief and glory of thy woes, j
<£);'. vs,! she bless thee biiglut and iott y bloom,
& prtroioae, withering on her wintry touib.
VATuXIOi ‘TpropE ktv;
The subscriber offers for sale,
the plantation whereon he now
lives. four miles below Louisville,
on the South side of Ogechee,;
containing three thousandfiv* hun
dred cu res of land, lying in an ob
long form. The land is for the
snost part admirably well timber
ed wild a great growth of White
Oak -—Four hundred acces of
Avhhh is under good fence, and
cultivation —with an excellent
oicbard of peach and apple trees
thereon. On the premises, is a
two story dwelling house, con
taining four rooms 18 feet square*
brick cellar—with barn, stables,
kitchen, smoke-house, and every
ether necessary buildinga black
smith shop and tools, a ghrist
sniil; a well of water in the yard.
Terms—one third next Ghrist
jn ‘s, one third the 25th Oec- 1817
©nd the ballance on the 25th Dec
38 18. Those disposed to pur
chase, will call and see for them
” foim COWART. J
June 6, iBI6 ‘ (it)
Will he sold at die “Mafhet-lloust
in the 7'cwn of on
the jirst 2'uesday inf lily next,
1 between the usual hours ,
Two lots of land, Nos. 2'il
and 242, with all the improve
ments thereon, adjoining Walnut
and Eighth Streets ; taken as the
property of J. G. Posner and Ben
edix, to ‘ satisfy an execution 6b-i
tained on .the foreclosure of a;
mortgage, John Bolton, Survi
ving copartner , vs. Posner and
Sheriff J. C*
i May 2, 1816.
Will be sold at the Market-House ’
in the ‘Town of Louisville , on
the first Tuesday in July next,
between the usual hours ,
v ■ *• ” )
‘One moiety of an: undivided
tradt of 400 acres of pine land,
adjoining Joshua Myrick, and
others, taken as tlr* property ol
David Pauleit, to satisfy sundry’
May 24, 1815.
~IrEFF£K pfhiioß hotJlfT.
UPON the petition ot Jesse
! Brown, praying the establish
ment of a Receipt in lull from one
Mordiea M’Lain, dated the Sd of
April, iß Ti —a copy \\ hereof as
nearly as can be recollected by
the is* feaid
petition : and probable Juuse ap
pearing to the Court, that the
same is lost and ought to be es*
It is therefore ORDERED,
That at the expiration of six i
months, the said receipt be es-1
tablished unless sufficient cause !
be shewn to the conn ary.—Arid j
that a copy of this order be pub-1
lished in one es the public gazettes j
of this state, once a month for six f
months, in terms of the rules of ;
court in such cases made and;
Estraet fmm tb> tninntea,,
D. CLARKE, C1ik......
“iroxrcß. i
During my abs’ence from Geor-1
gia, William IL Jackson and I
David Clarice, Esquires* are
appointed my attornies ; and are
authorized jointly and severally
to transact any part of my busi
12th May, 18 1 6.
During my absence from the
State, Col. W illiam H. Jackson
& James Jackson, will be my
agents generally, and irt all legal
cases Messrs. T. M. Berrien &
R. L* Gamble, my acting attar
t 4tb Mav, 1816. ,
mERWFS liUA'JC TITLES, /* sale
at the Trintirtg-OJjke LouisviUsm
, ~ ALUO.
1 QfP ta K AfX'V rF
Cuhleti's Political Register. •
‘tresiaV, tfee 2Uf in*t§nt, vifU e
euhl<^ r <l at No. .19, ft all -streets
New-York, Cehbetfs Weekly Political Re
gister No. t, Vo!. 30,\vrt<en in l\n-lar.(l,
6iti January to t*e <©tuiiH:t v d M
; ju*rly as possible, ci?i! to omsist, |i*riiy ui
J&r. T!olil>eti ? s essays, Viueh have
pobliribed in the corresponding mrtnWs. in
FogUrd, with the. addit on of notes ; but
c hi*f y offtiatfer from the same pen, wholly
new, sent out from England in Manuscript.
Ihe form of the't'biit&tioo is large otta
[ vo, the paper is ol the best the
j printing executedmthe best manoef. r lhe
aeries of numbers will form a volume at
th end bf sir months, arid v ill be regularly
paged for that purpose, with a ‘ title pge
and index frrni*tcd. The retail price is
2ants each number, with etvaUowanee ol
eiaht reuls oat of the 25, to l oohselle.s, |
and othersiii being an instruction to us net
to selhby retail ourselves, except ii our of- !
ficeiu New-Votk. ueh gentlemen, there- (
fore, n* may think the work worthy ot their 1
attention, will please to apply to their hook i
sellers in their several neighborhoods, who,
upon remiltanee to us, may depend on being
’supplied with whatever numbers they may
; order, and with all possible speed and re
! gnlarify. We are instructed to say, on the
part of our employer, that he laments ISe
necessity f putting so hisrb a price on his
work ? bnt that it was the only possible
way of securing a chance of even a bare
reimhureement of Lie expenses, to say noth
ing of any remuneration for the time end
labor indispensably requisite t-o the pr< se
j eution of so arduous an undertaking, ‘I he
subscribers have brought out with them som**
copies of she Register, vol. 29, which closes
the last year. The priee of these volumes,
containing each 13 numbers, is 3 dols. S8
cents, with an allowance ui 72 cents per
volume to hoeksellsrs. , . .
It jo intruded to publish the Register re
rulartv every Saturday, if the arrivals from
fSrcglaiid will enable us to do it. But it is
hai-diy to be supposed (hat that the
ease. We shall, therefore, be obliged niiss a week, and sometimes
to publish two Registers in one week, in
o*der to publish tiity-two numbers in the
course of the year. We have brought oqt
! with its ihe seven first numbers, and vve shall
publish !wo numbers in a week, for the
iifst three weeks, after which we shall pub
lish only once a week, except eases be
fore described. For the present, we shall j
pubhsb every Tuesday and every Saturday,;
and J !i*ve the numbers ready for delivery at j
eightVclark iir the morning of those days.
G. S. OLDFlfc^n.
No. 19, Wall street, New- York.
We respectfully acquaint the j
public, that we will receive writ- i
j ten orders from any bookseller,!
|or other gCntiem&n, for books to
! be imported from England; that
I the order may be for old books
i or new ; for any particular book;
| for all new books generally for
all new books of a particular des- ’
cription, or branch of science or ,
literature, or for a collection of
new books not exceeding a fixed
sum. These orders .we will
j transmit to England, where they
| will be executed, under the di
; rection of Mr. Cobbett, with all
[ possible speed, it being intended
That there shall be no delay be
jyohd the first day when the exe
cution can take place.
The rate at which books thus
imported are to be charged is, at
25 per centum above the real
price in England, exclusive of
We have, at onr office, ample
catalogues of English books, and
will be happy to submit them to
the inspection of any gentleman
who m,ay wish to see them.
’ We will also receive and Care
fully forward, any letters or any
communications that may be sent
to us, or delivered to us, for Mr.
Cobbett. We request, that all
letters containing orders for books
to be imported, or containing Com
munications for Mr. Cobbett, may
■be forwarded to us free of postage.
henry cobbett,
IN®. 10 Wall Street, New-,York.
P. S. Publishers of newspaper
throughout the United States fa*
vorable to the undertaking, are
respectfully solicited to give the
above one insertion in their res
pective papers—their bills will be
paid on demand at our office,
H. C.
May 15. G. S. O.
The Commissioners appointed
by the President of the United
| States ior receiving subscriptions
jat Augusta in Georgia towards
j constituting the capital of th&
Bank of the United States, will
open books for that purpose oti
1 the first day of July next, which
will continue open until the 23d
of the same month, every day,
(Sundays excepted) between the
hours of 30 and 4 o’clock, under
such regulations as are prescri
bed by law.
Special deposits of coin may
Be made at the Planters’ Bank in
Savannah, and the Augusta.
Bank; cashier’s receipts for
which, (subject to the order of
the Commissioners only) will be
received for tfie first specie pay*
merit of five dollars per share*
T he money may be delivered to
the cashiers of the above banks
in anticipation of the subscripts
on, either separately; or diftef*
ent subscribers may associate and
make their deposits together, irn
which case a schedule must ac
company the payments, so as tv
| shew the respective proportion*.
; —The cashiers’ receipts will be
required to designate the sever-*
al kinds of coin, and the value
thereof, according to the rate*
established by law in reference
to this particular act.
j June 10.
I’- • ‘/ ‘ ‘- w •-'•v-** - t ~ “* * •
■mm mm ■ 111 ■—
siah Rutledge , is now in the act
of destroying my property ; and
I am fearful she will run me in
debt This is therefore to
tion all persons against trusting
her bn my account, or purcha
sing any articles of may
offer for sale, from the date here*
of; as every stich credit of pur*
chase will not be valid, nor made
good. .
6th June, 1816.
_ -jjoTxcE
Nine months after date appli
cation will be made to the honor
able the Inferior Court of Jeffer
son county, for leave to sell all
the real estate of Isaac
late of said county deceased.
May 36.
, \* j - -iiiiii'in .at -
Nine months after date appli
cation will be made to the hon*
orablc the Inferior Court of Jef*
ferson county, for leave to sell
all the real estate of Xchabud
Ledbetter, late of said counts
deceased. . ■ . L
April 9.