Newspaper Page Text
?0“ T ft© Crei’-k Iml inn:* Rr njjtiu, for
,tLa moment ttattqii'*!. The Chief? r<* re
jfe- cf£*io iof their territory. The hostil
ity of the great body of the nation cab be re
jMritined ©J% by the prescm © of a rc-peta-
Va miliUri force, ready'to ehastbe iiome
ilbctety every aggress ; on they toirmit. A
party of Lfhei*, we ire informed, have sio-
Co.L Uaxvkin'b lieaVu, some pro*.
#*rty from his piactatlop at the Ageney,
s , Georgia Journal,
tte teccnd read<r,g of BonepcrUte c. -
Untion bill,
Beeetise, without reference to the vh’cr*
e r previous ermdiiet of the p J >r*un who
T-sh?. of.jeat of-the present bill, I,diasp
y of the measufe v;uitih it sanctions
wr;i ’iotii’T.vca, i
Vo to'distatif exile pad impria
<or:icat a foreign aud eapftve ehijf, who
*V’ier t* e abDeritioti of his authority, relying;
vo British generosity, had ssirieos ered him-’
netTto us in preference, to -Iff* othoi* cue*
rv?s, is unworthy the maguinirnuy of a
yrreat country—anil the treaties by which,
pilot liisespfmty, we have bound ourselvei
th'dstain him in eustody, at the will of sov
ereign* to whom he had never surrendered
lliimeif, appear me repugnant to the
priuciphis of equity, and utterly uncalled
3x>:” by fexperiienen or uecessitv.
Aud on the third readtn g, his 5 Royal I
ni a 3 huess the Duke of Sussex* entered hit
iVo test for the same reasons.
CUARLESTort, Jitne S(k
Tm*? ftp ia England, vih Madeira.
We learn verbally, by the British ship
IRripe, Cuthbortaon, arrived yester
day from Madeira, in Do day* pas sage, that
4 ? J*t before leaving that isiao t, n efiip had
rrived in 1& days f n London, n.
report that the Prince Regefit if sis, fivitein
i&iS died suddenly, immediately bfNre she
£ tiled. This intelligence wfes verbal* atf
tbe certain had not tint* to obtain any p>i?i
ikd ath iefs. Thfe report waa doubted at
‘Madeira. The -ame essei aha brought
tlho report of the marriage of The princess
Wales to the prince til Coburg.
ATfei* eveqt most probably took place before
death of the Regent..
d?letter from New-Orleans, dated Alay
‘<s&. says, * The attempts to etose up the
reva*©, we ftre sorry to state, has beea
abandoned* Jill© depth of the water that
sov*ri the rear of the ci‘y, hourly inoreas°%,
a4 w foresee no fenninatfnn to its in
crease ? liSl the periodical fall of the Mis*is
eippi. Before that happens, the Witold eity
snaygytud probably will, be overflowed.”—
Thi* areaunl is ten bays later before
The Cnited Btat©* aioop of war
ecclf, O pts in Rodgers,with Mr. Gallutin
end guile cn board, went to sea on the e
-'Veolng of the 13lh instant* from New-York,
’Vfiisfin, Brure end Htitshrnson, bare
fcef'n ‘t fieri', anti fault'd guilty in Msis'ingthe
* scape of Ltv&iette, and sect diced to tlheo
tnomlis imprisonment.
A fire broke oct in Raleigb, (N. G.) on
tbe loth inatnot. and destroyed 51 Louses
before it was arrested.
-The Gorrrnerki Qofdeft, ns it it exiled,
wkieh was directed to be by an act of
the last assembly, was sold o?i
Wednesday last, for fl-tbfe than io,Co© dol
it:i. The whole garden is hut one acre. ‘
Htdlyilleithe seat of John Dell,near this
cityv containing about: twenty aer 0 , and,
}haps the most elegant bouse in Virginia,
Wyesterday sold for 39>©00 dollars.
Richmond Rnquiret.
At TBrovrn’s and Eekford’i ship •Van*,
JtSaa-hattao, (says a writer in a New-York
•Jtaper) I *aw and examined.
A steam Saw-Mils, on a- highly improved
■msd perfectly novel ronstroetion.
The HiUlcf a ahp intended iVr a packet
ft) England, to sail will) the regularity of a.
The fra the of a Steam-Boat fur paying
Bandy Hook. *
- Anew and large Stenm-Eoat far Am
iioy, taking in her engine.
. A aew am! very large and powerful
(tf one hundred and*
’bat-keel, the largest ever built, I presume)
Sbr Alhat y, ealcultited to perform the route
% ilse light of a single day, Aud>lal &
least curious, v
The model of a men of war (*r>rrte (wetrty
Wt* thirty feet long) carrying 108 guns, in
:vmit?t®n of the one at fcnekett’* Harbor;
T)uiidihj| fcjMhn Shipwrights’ Soeiety, to e*-
ftiMt through the .ftiyeeU oa tjio foartk of Ju-_
, ; - v '' 4 **.iJUr>:<r.i cf
t.te i of Lei;* F.ri©, .is to bn ntuner
! 1 kTLiLv vißUru.’, in honor of the hero of,
. tae L*;e— am! tip> town el J.swrr Biodio- ’
jky, i?ito be named CROaiIANSVILLh i
i ia hoacrof the hero el the Land.
Philti. Aurora.
i. The legislature of Massaebj*stls> now
in Sesrion, will hav** the appointment of
two senators o; the United Stales, in the
place of general Yarvusn.V l i.*o term ci:-
}dres in Marth mxt, and of’dr. (i-uc who
i‘s recently resigned his scat. It is under
stood to be fn eonteihpjntior* t© ft gm
erons effect to b’ry parly feelings And par-!
ty distisi'-tiwis, by th© sppo:htmen\ of on
senator from eiori the political pnriLs in
the state. Afi dcralist, yvbo filia.l rcpre
sent xJ e cpmrher i tl rijrt ibibrnnui!),
and h repuJfioisn, wbo shall represent ‘
mannf.during jv-rt, will give t; fuir npr©-;
rntatlv*n of tha turn great wmfUeiinrr i-..t©r- ’
es?s of the st.--.te, as well as the two poliucal
p rtles which s> -!!y divide, the eon
fr.amvfaith. As the fcilcr. .Lis dady ae
! knowledge that at present there exists n-t j
! ground for mwitinii'kig the of
, it ia pi suirti’ lam h on overture will
,i cordially meet tee wiihea nf the minority,
j VVecoUgfaiutufe t*u* poMit on the return
j onto more, after ro. long an ab-rnse, of!
’ tcataalforbeartincc and-com'iliittlnn.
Boston Putrid.
G- *
Alarrre BritUfi squ .drnn ia gone to A:-
g’ers, to demand the surrender of the Cbris
} tian slaves there, vr to commence hostdi
lies in c*r of a refusal. If hostilities o--
enr, and are stmreftstui, it is r*id to he in
tended the country foihs
a peaceable people.
The Spaniards hfloivior* their bf.>or to
ho tried on board oh American vessel of
war ia a Spyhislf. port, for an eetion con>-
shitted on shore, in width en American war
killed looks iik© a disposition to have us’
eatisked. JF.dtliddph'a pi, , j
The Ts r i<iaH cartel brig Maida, arrived I
at Me v Yo’k, loth insf. trots London, v ith ;
one hundred A nerieau seetuenj rajeasud !
fr. ut British ships of war. t
A Spanish gentleman and >ir, freta 9t..
Dothivigo, ar©adverii-■■•ed to be seen at ris
hn. she former is twenty years of
age. and but three feet lih*h j the latter,
fourteen years of nge, rih) but two ami a
he If feet high.. /They are broher and *<a
ter. The father ?s three feet eight inehes
■in Stature, and their id!-er an ordinary i
fizedworuan; these pnretus have had sis- :
teen children, of diminutive izo, and
thirteen*of the eocntnoa size.
SaUm, Regis-er,
%7ie Pensot)>-r‘ W intry Eprifegi hav©te*-
so common of late years, that \ve re lit'le
disappointed in experiencing the inefedien},
rigors of Boreaa until June j hut in this
tnbsdh we have generally anticipated the
warmth and thedeiiglus-of S'pijhrg & Sum
mer. ,On Wednesday Ufll,tl>© thermometer
I stood at So, and refreshing showers gar©
promise of speedy the nest
day “ ‘nine a frost,a;;d nipped oar budding
hopes j”the chaurfedlo winim- cold;
end the mpreufy in the ilierthomder fell io
44, where it (Friday) lemaia*—*nri a
piercing north wind renders (ire as grateful
to tL6 system as in December.
, ~ 2'rov. li l Pkenip.
Ot? the 9sd May las.*, departed this life,
at Bennington, Yer. ANTHONY HAS
WELL Kecj, Editor of thr Green Mountain
Farmer, aaed 61. During the reign of fed
eral iL'iber.dity and proscription, Mr. ll*s
neM was a tel jo* sutlerer frith Mr. Adams, .
liteiy deceased in Boston. I’cace to their ]
sftkdesl They #fe nc-v beyond ihc reach of
infnstiee. aud will no longer sailer for the
advancement oil hair ptintiples. The ag
gravated circnraetanccs of bis tymfinement,
(saya the flk'hmngtou paper) the sickness of
himself -4ml family during the period of hjs
ineareenation, the death of a beloved daugh
ter, while he tvaa immured in jail, and
•? Lose Mi Hr rings hi? was irot permitted tc til-!
levi&te by his presepee—when even
consolation of watehing by h>r*i3e, of aus
iously administering to her relief, urd final-
Iv closing her eyes in death, were forbidden
him, will long bo remembered hy his friends j
and neighbors- These who were acquaint
ed with the character nt Mr. Hnswell, know
that it will speak its own eulogium. 110
was buried with Masonic honor*.
In: 9.
The NvpHafc.—A young man having long
Woeda buxom damsel, at last found a moment
so favorable that he persuaded her to ac
company him to n Scottish .)sti?e of the
Peace, lo have the ceremony performed be
tween them. They stood very meekly un
der the operation, until the Magistrates was
laying the damsel under obligations to cloy
her hatband* “ Shv no mote about that,
Sir,” said the half etude husband, “ il this
hi nd remains upon Ibis body, I'M make her
obey me.”—Arc we married yet ? said the
exasperated maiden to (hit r&iifier of foyen
erds’ between &ii<i weamn. “No/’j
said ‘.t-d Jest Iso. <? /ik I very
j well,” cricst she, enraptured,“ we will fiu-
I ib ihe remiioder trwnorrorr 1” or.ti w*y
j skipped the damsel, ertgrntu!tllißg herself
1 upoh the narrow escape.
Norihcn Fi’pfr.
Our friend Jahti Bull not only grumbles,
but litdlows at the war buidens Ini*! enhis
heel: in time of pence. IVe are not capable
of rejoicing like t ib<5 s * ill leak”
Los fellowniev,; tut do we rejoice, that the
Shis of Lriglnni!, (•’ the Rallying point of
icgitimaey”) arc visited with penance : that
it’ tniintvrrupied peace is not attainable,
neither can \v*r be perpetual, while nation*
must pay the tost.- —— Bust on Chronicle.
, s b:.u?7laavs.
~Thft “ fi&e L ucs of Covrircficur* fc&v©
; ofien be; *,: a “curve of merriment to t!;e
(citizen* of the present day. i>ot it is rot
1 generally'k-mwvu,- that sente of the carry
jajf.ts of of ReiSnsylvaoia are
.canopy queer. About the year is&}, ur
ICS4, thr- legislature! bTT©nnsyivui<i passed
| a resolution that “ no mcia’n r thercofshoul;!
com© to thq bouse bnr;'i&<ti\ f*v eai Ids breM
end cheese rfc tti's'>teps. , '—l hit. Jtfyr.
ITe rr happy *o state there ia enceh pros
ru'et of Jndge Randolph’s reeovor. V, e
are informed, that an operation has been
performed, by which a discharge of blued,
deposited, l'asbeen ejected, and.
Lvov*.Me aymtoms oi recovery havt naui
fasted themselves. ‘ \ *
Enquirer .
*’■ mm >.i
prosperts art * Id oat, “hr* this itf?--
fut's.nd derivable iirtisl© will sliorriy become
as plentiful among us a formerly. Home
lew weak#-since, an importation bf f4,00g
•leliar* was made tit from Nas
sau? ivrid on Sunday b,/i, *n arrival from
the saasaplace brbuglit 40.00) dnjiars m-tre
Charleston Cily. Gazette*
Mr. Moore, i K o Aim eric** n tn-I'hfpmaa
killed at Port Mahon was a son <>f thu
! colonel Moore cf Maryland, a distinguished
tofficer of the cavohltiotMry army, ahe
young man was muhrconuicdora Barney*
f j Bladensburg; & among those who fought.
•His brother offiners eotifcwplate erccinjg a
marble Monument in hi* memory at Makea,
in Hie Bfitisli bri'ifti place—here his re
maius v/ero taiduibed. •
. Bouton pciUcdiuyi,
We Rti tliii work, riuee fbe
death of MajcOohn Reid, has been under*
| taken by John H. Datou, ©sq. and has ftl-
I ready considerably progressed. It will he
( atmouuccd ia our paper next
wcz k.
JCa&ville mCg.
AT© **•© to leftyii that the steel dies
of Mr. Perkins, are to be requisition
by the- national goverm©i*, for irapro -
fug their new fernisaion of bins. Tkn&d
ntifibfe invention-es (his great jtpcehai-I. a!
grwjiug. is the cwly cm* wo- beiievT, that hav
triiimjihed over thtvarta of a whole host of
counterfeiters. Poston Cas.
JZsetract from the minute* of the Geqrgix
J’nritiJliiociotion , he'd at / •ong-Cveek,
Warren county* in OctoHr’ lost.
u The Fno I*l * of July i s reemwirnend'd ns
ft. flay of Thaoksgivitg to’ AijltflUTn *
GOi), for the nimerou ■>’ bUss*r>gs oxfih & ,
HE bnr. tonfrrreri t.u our hoi |
limit rnuntry. brethren, sod
join,.your hearts mid in praises (o ibe
• Poreni of all good—praying sbal he
’ would revive ReUgibri throughout the’
■ world.” Milledgn'ilte Journal.
The principal and compound
interest of two 50/. Bankoi Eng.
land notes, which Were the other
| day sent into the Bank, after a
lapse of 91 years, will,upon cal
culation, be found to amount to
the sum of 8400/.
| The French Minister of Po
lice would have the world believe,-
that the Journals a e now free in
France to publish every thug;
to this end he has suppressed the
commissions of Censorship, and
attached to every Journal a res
ponsible Censor; the Journals
have been ordered to announce
the suppression of the Commit
tee, but they have been forbid* ]
den to say that it has been repla-!
ced by private Censors.
From the last calculation at the ’
bank, it appeared that fv^d
j cl debt) including tine
! Bills about to be funded, amount*
jed to one thousand nine hund
[red and fifty iniilions sterling.
| It has been a matter of sur-
Iprise to most people why, in the
!Chamber of Deputies, whose:
Members are, according to tht>
Constitutional Charter, consider**
ed the ixepresentatives of the
People, there should he-such &
predominant mass of what is cal--*
led pure Royalism; while a opio
itthe very reverse prevails among;
the Peers, who, frdin the
of their institution, are under stoo X
to be the firm supporters oft hex
Crown agvinst all popular er>,-
oreach mt nt's.The cifcdtnstanc Z
is explain‘d by an article in our
paper of this day, from which if
‘will appear, that the ‘Doputie%
so far from being Representa
tives of the People, have been e
lected by the very creatures oC
the pure Royalists’ v/ho v/crO
. lately appointed Membi rs of the
! electoral Colleges for the very-’
| purpose. In such a state of things*,
it would be a mockery to talk oft#
free Constitution in France.
The Ge*ian Diet is now com
posed of forty members, viz. ond
flmperor, six Kings, seven Grand
; Dukes, twenty Dukes and Friry
[ ces, aqd four free towns.
| The fortifications of Vienna,
demolished in 1809 by order of
Bonaparte, are to be re-establish*
| ed. The Emperor Is about to
i have built a most magnificent Pa*
lace, the expense of- erecting
Which is estimated at near forty*
millions of florins.
C. I w t’P • 4'*--ww ty
A. Methodist Camp
will commence li Providence
Meeting House* in the f ?r& oj?
Kochy-Comfort and-.
about four miles front this pkigu*
on the i ith ofjriiy next.
IdUiUville, June SO ih
An electi n wt.i be Ik id on :h*>
2nd day o( July next at rue coutf
house in die town es Lc
for a Justice of the 1 -tVddV court
of Jefferson ; to 5d the va^
cancy occasioned by. the resign#**
tion of .Jpiin Powell, F c cp
j By order of the Inferior courts
1 A WRIGHT, Cifc.
June 11, 1816.
wwillwwribw'tirw.'liw.Krße ?■. ■’
Nine months after date appllk
cation will be made to the honor
able the Inferior Court of Heriv*
en county, far leave to sell all the*
real estate of Benjamin Lanier*
late of said county deceased.
Robert Lanier,
t line 3, 1816.
, lf|r ■ ; a
j Nine months after date applL
cation will be made to the honor
able the Inferior Court of Jeffer
son county, for leave to to sell aft
the real estate of Hampton Hud
son, late of said county deceaseds*
> James Hudson,
- June 12, 1816.
1 >11..11 *li ■! |W>| ■ W—— r<m m H"|.| ■I. mmrnmtmmm -*•
| We are authorised to announcs
! candidate for Senator to repre
sent this county in the General
’ Assembly the State*