Newspaper Page Text
‘{s ‘Ms> era. tj>.'tse political vrorji!,
j<s p&ee te the Declaration of fnd&-
fMenckl we are Hy no nu&DS dre'hiu.s (itfjui
v *)V; it piivibie) of ,raiingUS3 ai}!*ry;s;-a
whieU a pzwe
>tc .oblivion.'’ But, u a grtjit s><hl
n>.s ante *af-3, jt is fable, U *#.s*&>* ict
‘argd'c, hut no harm to rerntriahttr injuries.*—
th mere tiappy af
c ‘congratulate oar {Vitew-ifftzea* on i&ri
iay, uaaiV*fe wa'bfcve, as ft iveirfc, !
;;*! frotn afvUteof war with that Sums u\-
ioii wiJeoSJ Uaakie o'tt? father* threw : o!T, i
jnr o£ thirty years iffter && |
ipo!\ Amerifta enjayvnl the baa-shin'a <i?i
.ea?&eAwsih tho
ia*. 4 ous of Fcaaec, ana other powers/s&itss
MBiiorntioa the belff p£eUg . iff
Uo fSJ world f whose tisea nmMoiutHß hnre
rehe4 the eyes of the world, and aVwffrfea
i ifei a retrospect!,-2 vi „w of their
oediiit, by themselves uppW^utfiU ’ The •
‘zmsi of Britain kos-tM
;><y to retaliate with our rantt “powerful
the ©rente oi the &ar hav?
irevew that freemen are as capable as : w/£
,U to aaafotxit! tlnrii^'independence. The
ba,my. K*w is row sited from the of
Li **M of peao ( , to leal -the feviAin
of the nations inflicted vy (Le ered
h f*d of war. Thrive happy America.—
ii sspeated iUroait —gresperoua and beloved :
it home. -May penes, titet harbinger oi
iU be thy hit, w hits no beta agfe ref
tlon# toexpestezue the noble feuetttte ci
nl r RapublH.o. |st(to lions.
fatract from a (titer wrilien hy tt fonhg
gentleman in ‘the & ate of 2 f $•, fa
his relation in -this place, duied dJosMc
tadyj 6?/t -May, tstO.
c i hfl VC Visi >*ii several of ths-iuichli©'*.
viilaye*, aoil o Hers Trny: k
laea <ff htiportaaeo u ftecnirac of the rttim -
.eeof its irAuaitaiits, and is trudij.*—\l
tooush %;* inhabitant are strangers trr yuu
.not but tint you wul br pleaded to
&r that there w a erer.t revival of reli
pua In that plaft's, i > “omise “myself like* that:this iformation will be still iinrh j
you whan you’ shaU JtTiw that!
4tat revjval is to be attribut'd to tho Bap-v
.Ist Cr,i;gilC!jb.tio3. I W| << h*: l*er® till- ’
aa of i) . ..t < •> ]
■*?reeac# to mas, but merely that ir has
ifce Almighty t 6 cike thut
atton thfr instrument of dtffultiu.g’ too:* ex*
hss• and Spirit./ ; TWii Nlht.e ’
apd daaghteri cf patvhla of
uab deViomination, were the first wbo felt
ticitper of wore led re
vieifs of nge; y*it they came Jprwaid mm. ;
iVuh-tftly deckrrit their olbful stfetia ty m : ]
rfaei, tticif need of the feiutisng blood w
ClyKSt, Hina hovr mn'ch.thry hud cr,p|rfeaßftd
pC tiis. livogtad i'uiit k Their v.cifesg,Jons 8c
smltortatiow unde cent! ifernbie isnpressib i
tfn the mioff* oi* many if attd
Borne few if olvUvr Mft sf tKe ‘OBsem-.;
Sly, who. ,y <T)er, before 9 nnjhtrosia ;
* >riio.ura? of pe.-^J'd;efe’ \fbjt tH‘ hapti*
7} Hn lli Mhrtb Hivijr, llht exhoriattons
<H* cliisdre, io puu argument f&r
fen setting th?ir.|-ge, e pi etni
t‘m H< <•- U 4 til h b.n,* inspired, wad
d:v tp sr,u3Sku the of mu ay
ah aUußifdued 9/iuer.,. short stay
& Troy, tt preye;* Was lehl, whlV-h
by t'M way are protf.y frequent,—or
tbfii'S ft week. At tlii'Oe meetihes the-e lit
iio girls goa nniliy 4fei aftrt, 1 lam.'nt that I
b<(* not &u onpon.uaity of attetiding one, of
ri-f do o/vfe'ffaliififciion’s
m^;vouly r tvii i’ r vours_j. t s by being
jtaeyo witness to these f midhit
&uv Waiho hotter, able to give you a Full
nj’renwndaofial anti impakial statement ©f
tkm fn-Cts, whu'b, on e<*ruut of |l£rir hotel*
tv,siugidhrHr, (ks. ure tut too apt to be ex
’rise work ftf God, which at
sh st'ivas ptdhiipat’y confined to children. &
the Baptist eoiigregetioi*, (ioh siMcc.gradu*
isliy spread itself among-persons Ht mathfor
yours, ad cfditterept dsmmiinatioris; so that
wo\>, a. city whidi u fav months since, was
a s giddy and as thoughtless about future u<i
divine t]bius as Babylon in the dajs t f I
'aaiah, presents an appearance not iiol'ke
Hint of Nineveh to Jouah vriicn sittiiig eu
f+i# &•'?* rd. M
■“Hi I', ,•!*,! -V <5 *> I
iMumfmry Important,fN)ih
1 ‘ i AKis, April ?4.
duke of Wellington arriv <1 iri Ih'.r
hsetke hv’lW? Inst. The nid-de-cair.j)
oj’ ihesß!>sror Alex >oiler, wh*ss arriv .i,
tiWc t .-nautionad i ’ f ,I; .at,br*o^Bde.*pata}* !
t $ otivhibfi one of tho objects is to with*!
shavy fralfif the illtb’ tke command of the
9&p*taa araty iu. Fropce, ttidi h be ho)U
uy geaeralisdcto of the allied for. on. The
&WTWof the difference esisting be
r.vigp the and British cabinets
. V*’ o secret to the public. It
appear that they rel ,0 to theTbttle*
Xnettt of anew order of things ia this coun*
prevalent cpin
: ‘ion, tfcfSS dinenlffiWs •Vftft ptvfy?.si<jC , s I
j setup by Ruf ia• In ITw>aro| your^j 1
* prince of Orauvp*, is the event of the Velgri- j
ring family ol France bring r?3w! from t
i the throne. TThs expediency pf the fatter j
‘measure, fvr the general itatupiiliry .of j
Franco and that orKurope,is understood to
:be uuw siosiSily lolt by the aliiea. A*j itr*
ti;*!o wtiieb has lately appenfed in the Bel
* giars MaititfKf is ttauglu jlo bo retini!:tilde
ciicautstancciii- ‘1 hfior , i-!
.cl 4, which is to oat'Butte ting eolot'y of the i
■ yHia< pt iace ftf Orange, v> ’Fnlho!
1 remark,“thcA the youag pihute justifies at-i
* ready the high destinies _ta .which ‘-ire may j
!bs called, i'he high destiniis, in lie opin* ■
iiWof maf.y, are obviously tab. thichteof,
1 France. i
- • *t 1
1 ~t~ 1 nu?i o <S& i .1
; >: r JIVXifUSf A-E4’3 b : I
j Tha rFptibUcau gcuerjii Mtffetldt), maile j
prlaonef by the royaiista, weg curried fcefura i
thetrihuairi of theiuq;iiiiion.itr citvof
, and eondomned us a r arot.iv., athe
! i*f ; -4 iiHt, Ridterialist. and fit otl>e.’ crimt'S
; iff tho.cotßpefC’Qfio <t?the Xmly, frvhuna! ; rfe
ifras awncoudeuinrd by the archbishop. *ie*
grtsUcdiu tot2oeqn?Uf.c, tad g'vcn up ‘o the
military trthinml, v>bo eoudfeA yd binrUo
death, uiid he vvaa wu the Sia of
Bpeedther last.
It West in rain that the rrpivbli’art tyr
ctninteht by many petiti ibs
! viraroy reel si (did tl c srr.?rH;;.Tiic-f
Ur tlie laws of war s 'in yjM? did [<. s-eklo {
j eluploy the &f the wbilxlo, df thhi
! iK-ttnpcra, to gevs at least the life of thf
.pi is.mer—the tyraony, Bup-rMiF->!, and. fa- ’
|. natidvr), which cxetciaos .pr? ‘iy.tto sway t.i .
’ tft'i capital of ia*) wavy aa-,iS-ai a :
most, vjfln'ous pct.lbt,’ lVhuso'o*/li.r:tgSodl j
valor had,. i> &ed ; ’ i Hft. a;& Rtion- u-d laerr-ed i
■tf>t f 44+’ world; |ii 9Ae& ft :n u- .
fti*: that dftrtieVf r.niS oirytiono fef fiyej
-sea-rs, to it>a.safiefy eoid* ;
>$y s wild CH.nwt fsiiti to Kyc in I
hearts, iind-l.:s.pahu\!itU be urjva’
tb the latest pofitcriT’ . . j
The ■Mexi/. *n !tya ‘pr.r- i thrti
of Uie sdvSriiDa.'Rf hh'U’ ah-r to ail the:
province i, uav > ftrde.iiti.y saor i 0 .revenge 1
tile dtffevh pf thjsir
testing l!ta<. f.h’ny will .ilwjs h.oid tb-f*
roy, hum CO,w >0 iljjnitSc rth v,h TuUUit mnt
iumjcnsvj tostutry rtspvudl’e for thd bWu
I 61’ As6rs)tos. ....
The uriru of the republic shine every
whore. ?J(;cb bl >od has been shod at .T;i~
fnet delißoy. The rpyoliats colioctrd >5-03
meu to attack that positioa occ/.ipied %y the •
patriots ; tlvioe thr.y attacked", ftnd .;
were (hi'jr assaults repulsed vvsUi.great i,ws:.
not baing ahla to saeeeed t-y bpi’n iWet,*,;
they fisd ri i cV'trse t fttol sedn TtV.*.
Joseph Harm Lasefcaa, the
tfei i\re whidh dvfiode*t <be
s'ol4 Atais'eif to general iVliyarnsf for
ti .Ojf dortttrhl T*fee .gufrisoA wa ineorrnp^
. h’et Bering stseiT ahamlooct! by its
peiH/laab who’ had gone, over to ii+e
1 enettty’fc e hip, it nWde dispo.-nu-utk r ar
j lrtMit; which wks eß’sttftd without other loss
Tlisu that of aHillsrj rf’xib hhevy a cl.
’ iVe to be remoyshk By ihcbo means the
rhyuiist* h;W the.naclveß hwsHrs of tie
bridge', and pussy! wuh u rich touvi.-y,.
Wbiehv liuwavi r, did not arrive in Ihct ui
‘yA Uml: 4 ■ - , •’
j ■ Many skirmishes have taken p?oe iinre,
’ in which Uie pnWlist's were completely d< -
* fantCi|. Victoria lias luieiy beatce
* ttierfi in lie t>eigl boiluniii of Vera Crua.— .
Captain Franeisco he Fnuio iotrrreptui #
’ eouvny wi'i.jlr was oniU wo\ Albara
! jiU'to .Vera Cfiils, put to the sword the
; BsO;>rfc of S?so drbgoohh, • •
! f Tloiiek Tosos gftfrisou of
! Ori&ava and Cordova, nnil they are redueed
to their narrow entreoehcKjn e. After ha*
i ring overrun the whole province, aud de l
; feared all who opposed loos, he <q!vr
!od the prisms uud act ut liberty tlidsc who .
j groftued ineftptiviyt.
j Colons! Go.ues huts eut to piece* Is Oi>
313a who were assembled aruuud Puhlilr,
jjfier having deiotteo a uivluton ol l.'dO,
which ha met. oa lf*e ro.u: from Mexico to
Tftswaiuaonj and has since taken by ur
jpriae the latter, a place of great iiapartohcej
j cot one escaped 65” the garfisSu, from the
!commander to the private.
Mii*kt}l Osorno attacked e.nd tnk the
I town of A pan* A divkion cf St>Oo men,
! wfiifch rharchcd froth Mexico ngtiiwt him,
was obliged to rotreal by forced marches
bn Muute-Alio ; where ‘he coni in under’s Ig*
hftcio. Stdeliti and t\ seasio fierce bed ciit
to pieces another division of ? 0 men
Colonel Verau beat 600 rojul-sts at I'npcxi
( y. } a if-cdhe. LlbuteuH .♦ colonel Querrro
engaged in fell aeliuu at Diuteeft, (province
of Oxfteu) in whirfi he (kfcetuif i.i an in*
sf.-nt, mot a thau IbOO mco by the B word
and iamu aluno.
The provinces are new occupied io the
cnnslitutiobii! election of deputies to Tumi
1 the congress, which was before only*
i uional. This mertsure will put sts end en
irrelv to the difiefeiice which tended to diii
turb the peace and union of theputrioU.—
i ItwiU ?vd to tfco iegislulive body t)it eim
racter w hich is necessary, in ertier to iurit
the confidence of the people and other na
tioDß.—NA T rK>A& Ajovocats.
% recent advises frna South Americt,
’ ’ ■ J
\ tsoJStneXcftteJcy & filem! ca xvToto v?f rcr.
i rc*y, ve uatlbrelaud that Lukvari
landed on the const of the p ! ov*;>ee t.i Cu*.
mautt on the 4th Alay,ftl the Leud ci 3 coo
nidi, without auy epposition. Numerous
guerilla parties, spread through the ir/cri
or of Venezuela, offer to him the greatest
resources. Every thing is r.ow in ‘station
i-11 tviat eotn:try, with the best pmVpwdsof
sp;.cdv sit eves* to i'tte outriois. Bo ivar, in
Margarita. Je.ut to*}* am*
inujiitioi enough lo t,ike by storm il,o <.fcsiSe
if Ptmpafar. Aviiick is the only place iudd ;
liy,.the royslisU in the i.+Uml. j
* ‘hi* reported ‘that M<*r|llo ? s army is in a f
mofei distressed sltanticu in Mompoz, a •
town in the province ol Cftrtbagcuju it in
\’ie nme-t [ts aheftl.tMiy r.laeo in South’ i
. A fever is isitl tb the troops, &. |
e huifiber clw daily, it is rumored Inal U;e|
rtpiiblicatis have defeated both the fig ill >l
- wing* of the rval army, and Mcsitlois j
erpec'el to.tersmuate ft is iugLrious eo.i‘cur j
;ba lire hanks of tho R'lagtialenu.
Utj Gzzttte. ]
From our last foreign &dv:ce ii appeal!
i that the-emperor es Russia i* desirous of
plating hie brc/htr-ioriav.y the hereditary
priece of Orange on the thrSue of V ante, I
whiih tt is now given up among nil. tlu*!
crowned teacU, the I"curb ol.3 are unlit to
atJ x ..k.
Thai English dread thia.nnion of “Tinisia:
*ik(j Ikaucc more than even the csiii <lNa*
pcilfMi. Austria hus many reasons for fa*
.drls ,gtf>e pfeien'ioije es tic young umg of
U'jme, c,od. many to fear shrill a powerful
rival pr, both her border*., :rd the Frcnrli
thenibclvea have very Hale uK* to submit- to
the rule oi cither the ju iucc of .Orungs or
the vsivpqfirr.of all ike Russia* ; we
bhsfl not ke's&fjrribed if v/e ;-houul-sc the
iiiUe h'ih:* of ruler of the Freuah,
ocvl pnvto ago> 1 figuring r.t the’ h**ud
of tie. i routh aiojies, in the of eigi—
r nmim.
THE Sithiicribcr vyishek to
hire <vti able-bodied 14EGRO ■
MEN*.'to work .in clearing cut I
Ogechee river : for which, four- 1
teen doliapi per month wui he gi\’-.
ert. i\lso, a liberal t>i‘ce w;U be
given-for BACON and WHlS
Adr tit for Company j
w • \ tji \J a \
, gclloljs 18 16. . ...
. if AA’ !i
OFI Ifiv 6Td Td 01< 6’ tiQSGIJZ. j
I'he fitoelhoiders of the Dank
of the State of Georgia are hereby
notiiled, that die second install
ment of twenty per centum witi
be received at the State Bank in
Savannah; and for the accom
modation cl western stockhold
ers, 1 an agertt tvill be appointed to
[attend at the’ Bank of AdgiVsta
for that purpose also, from the
■lit. of August nct:t. ‘The held**
jers of stock are required to pay
Uhis installment within six months
I from the time of subscribing for 1
the same, in specie or notes of!
ih-k banks of Georgia.
W. B. Bulloch, Prc't
All persons are hereby forwar
der} not to trade for a certain
judgment, obtained against the
subscribed, in the Justices Court!
of John Williams and Abraham 1
Jackson, Esq’rs. in the year eh h*
teen had dir and and tl&j.
The above was lent to Mr. Tsai- j
ah Carter*of thepQimty of Burke,’
in eighteen hundred and six.
As the judgment has been set-;
tied by a note for the ball mce
due on the same, l arn. determin
ed not again to be accountable tor
the amount, unless compelled so
to do by law.
JUU® i; 18I$ > |
Jfv /its Excellency iJ&x‘ :-c TI.
’ cil, Governor Gild commendi
in chief of the At'tny gjul 1, as-:
or tii.i'’ Slate utid of Hie .’ —F
thereof , .
WHEPEAS 1 have received,
information from the Sheriff of
Warren county, that Thc*T?fe£
Dixon etherw Ise called Tuame >
! Davis, David Rigsby &. D;r 1 ..
W. Nev/som ; the iv/o former
, whom tfrere indited and con'/b..-
ed of capital cken ces agahrst *
I State, at the last term'd the SuV
’ trtrior court cf said coduy, r-.d
the letter since ‘committed*to . ‘*l
for the offence cf stabbing, u ,
on the right of the IQtli rv.
break jail and hare pircbaEly krt.
*j ** w
the sttit'-o ■’
I have therefore thought pro
per to issue this my Prod- :u :on,
hereby cOring a reward ci l .r\
Hundred Debars ‘to cvw* pet sot
or persons, who may appivhvnd
and secure the aforesaid :rs “ ;
in some safe and seem e -n:
this State, or Tv/o hu o* C dci*
lar each for the UVo first, 3t One
hundred dollars lor the h-si; riyi
i do moreover hereby ch ug a:\d
require aliollicefs, Bmh dvf. • J
miiUary, to be vigilant and -Liza*
live in endeavoring tt • p ;•• r?. ‘iz r.d
and secure the aforesa: .0 ; v ;■: ’,
Tto be found in this Law.. z:zi
I give ail aid and assßUne r in d.W,
1 power, to any other persan &
persons, Who may ppwww
ihem-Ar* ccadntmer.f ha jaik h\
order -that* they the said w ris
Dixon alias. Davis end DavT,
. Ki'gsby muy be -brought back u
tUu yui from Whence they
fed, ilrnt they may receive
due to their casts 5, )
find th it the said Newsom ti&f
be brought to tridlor the cdcncO
.of which: he is charged;
Circa under my hand and lh
Great Seal of the it tho
State* House in tNlLdgevill#
this eighteenth day of
June, in the year of our Lord
one thousand eight hundred
and sixteen, and of the In*
dependence of the United
States of America the faro*
Ik Gere mar,
Secretary efihe
55*’ rhomis Dixon, alias ‘Tho.
[mas Davis,is SDO at six feet high*
rawboned, pile, thin visage, darfe
hair arid eyes, blinks a little, has
the letters T D marked on on#
of ids hands; probab* with anee**
‘die ail’d thread diped in wet gun*
powder and u upwards of sixty
years of age;,
David Idgsby, is a Wei! set lad,
fair hair and comnVcno i, about
eighteen years old, fiye feet sc. eu
or eight inches high.
Daniel \V r . Newsom, is about
middle size, well proportioned,
dark hair and complexion, and
says he is a Virginian.
tlliOUlJll i’ to Jeff!(/)' J■>, nn (!}•’ nfr
insl&iit, a NKUKU HANp- f v<-rv Iv.-.vfc
ooii['etion —ia about 5 tVi*t 1 j tfiefee.* *’■ ’•-*•
i)‘i t-xarniuaiiov* s’p ß He t ’>. - o f hcrgh
fK Welch, aiid wm hired t > ■'>
iu l)ub!i:i; he s ya sis ■?- *• bV/uw 1
v;>ry e;oodl Orumnier, Tee owner ia re
queaie i to vorne Firwari, jitove property,
paj ehtrgtfs drtdtake biiii awav.
jij *l+ uvihig
| Ase- , WM