Newspaper Page Text
V: *'* Utat&itma. l<ro, feUew-t t itfceatf,
Half the i ‘*\ bsea employed in the pursuit
©? Us, iv'.icb h* beau minilVsfed in the,
C'iaiittfvmaai o? im worthy msans for the at
t &m lfc£ bo worthy purpose*, you would
Fjesu#hava been told that the present eon-;
gri|| v/aro nnoiindful of the soldiers’ rights,
©r Cuwlliing to reward the soldiers’ services.
*r*attlie reward htX been so loDg withheld
1 sioce'/eiy. lament.,; but it is not attribu
table to nogleet on the part of,Congress—
■'lt was their duty.oa the estta ttes furnished
hv the department having ‘charge of the
wubjeet. to provide the necessary siitfts for
aatisfyiog the claims against the .-bvern
jacot The treaty of pe *e was rotifi id on
€ho irtb of “F Wiry, 1815 , and the fhir
'teenth ‘tbbgress, according to the provisions
of the eoastifation, was dissolved on the
third %t rVf •j.reh folio wiog. Great exertions
were therefore indisputable to < Teel the
important changes in our system of usetsurp*
which kail been ad apted for a state of war,,
within the period allowed ui*. To, whalex
tent tss array should be reduced with a
©tfestinh of mi *h controversy betweah the
voiistte and house of representatives, and it
was not finally settled unlll the last nigut
©f the session. It util that question ’* Mde
tor mined the bill of appropriation ceuid
uot be pasted] because the proper amount
whiah would he wanted could not be as
eertoiaSi!. la such a situation it w ife h&rd
ly to be expected that the nate should
ho suddenly made, or the amount of mi Sift a
eiaims should be with perfect
accuracy. The delay, moreover, ih redu
cing the prmsy to the peace establishment,
wfcfefr it appears the executive elite a dot
avoids oec&isaniy increased the expendi
tg**. n . |
\fhte S&st session com tranced on the first
Monday in Oe‘ember ; and on the 17th or
18 h day of the run? mouth the
of the paymaster was laid before the boii j
of representatives by the chairman of the
com fifties of Ways and tneans. So prompt- j
ly did we legislate oa the subject, that
the 2lst, an act appropriating five millions
85X hundred *ud seventeen thousand doll art.
for the pajy ol’tbe arniiy and militia lid pass
ed both houses, and was approved by the
president. The duly of congress was there
fore perform*!, nod the application of the
money to the objects for win ill it was ap
propriated belonged t 6 another department
<oJf the government. The unfortunate delay
which has eecftrred is explained in the sor
respoadiQce between the paymaster of the
myself, the tuhstanee of whi’ h I
‘will’ briefly state. Having understood
f’o~e my departure from Washington, that
tfeu. rbiiitifk of ‘Georgia were ibeo ttop i l, f
wrote a note to the paymaster, inquiring
osh.y it was so. In reply 1 was informed that
* i some dif&i’.uity. and delay had bfted pro
i!uced in the payment of the m:ti?ia of that
state, ih ebnscqlene'a of their having bean
discharged without being duly t mustered
hut thatinstructions h id been given to i%m -
tdy that detect, which executed
as speedily as practicable. It was also
remarked that there h and barn extreme diffi
culty in obtaining funds in sufficient amount
ih answer the payments of thfe .regular
troops and militia of Bouth Carolina and
Georgia ; tke g owrnvherit not lining them
in father of those,. 1 was further in
fo mad, that towards paying them, one
Jbuudred and fifty eight thousand, three hun
dred dollars hadbeeu Already furnished.—*■
Cm receiving the answer of the paymaster
2 on the seefetary of the treasury
H i expressed the very great regret which I
ain persuaded he sineerely felt for the de-
Jay in discharging the claims of our militia;
ttud detailed the cause of the diflieuity which
2iad occurred in his department. While in
Borne states the treasury could command
funds beyond il calls for expenditure, in
others they were insufficient to meet the de
tsiands against the government; and ijwicg
■ko the deplorable state of the currency of
the country* the funds iu those States ivbere
they were not wanting could hot be ttyns
fgred to the south, and paid to the public
fdaimauU without subjecting them to loss—
I state 1 my conviction that the bills ofNorth-
Cariiima won hi be cheerfully received, and
inquired whether they could He furnished,
lie replied* tSaat ha would immediately es
earfcain ; and if it could be dorie it should be
done. I afterwards received the following
Bote : M Robert Brent* paymaster of the
array, has the honour of presenting his re-
Bpoc's to Mr. Bib, and Instate to Him that
tea hft:i by mail ofto-d;ty (30'h April) remit
ted oue hundred and twenty thousand dol
lar#’to Georgia, to be applied to the pay
ment of the miHtia of that state. Under
gtandinc? that, the holes of .dorlit-l/ftfoiMAj
awou!d answer for payments in Georgia and ;
gouth Cnrdirta* and obt being able to pro
u-e finds in those vtatos, one hundred thou
ar:d dollars of thii rerhitt rare *y a draft
ft nm the treasury of the Ui;ed Stste# on
Korth-Carolina, and tweutf ibous-aud doi*
lar.l bV draft on Swann ah.”
Frc*m this view of the case it is i)ppßrent[
Chat thh Soldier, whose services no mip
appreciates more thau i do, has
tjot been neglected by congress. 1 bnt
rotrineiisation beS been thus loiig vvitiiheici
b uot to the waist of legislaliveDro
viakn* but to causes beyond the control of
tk* sa&yA th**
‘W * tii-ywied hy/thc.efi'ftfcj to!
drain* this eeumry of its spe ie, foi the pur
pose of eif.aung fatal emburras mieinls in
our pecuniary eoaeerits. And although the
difl&euity in‘discharging the contracts of the
! governmental present is to be attributed to
Til© w ant of a uoiforih circulating medium,
yet, in mj judgment Che suspension eP pc-,
cie payments on the part of the baakv: w*b!
not only an Act of wisdom and sound puli-j
but probably prevented the moat seri- i
ous evils at a period of great natiamvl dan
ger. - That specie payments liav.a not been]
resumed is hot the fault of congress. Dur-.‘
ingtbe last sess'ou, however,measures were!
adopted io remedy ihecvtls of the existing!’
currency, and there is ‘ground to’hope they i
will eftict a cure as spr.edily as the nature ;
of the disease will possiuly permit. Until I
the rem idles arc sn teessidl in their'opera
tion, cougress eanuot dp more than provide
the mea is of paying the public erealilors in
,sn di . medium us the country affo ds.—
Tne public fund? .are derived from tfcepub
lie rnv.'nut’s ; acd the people in each state
nh.-pit abose rovecues celt ;a sn-h money
asts . witfiia “their reach. To bJte ysela-;
ded from'the tke treasury ihei
only eiffreo-ty the piople eould obtain- ard j
to hive d*i;addrd what they cenld no! pay.
would have pres*died indeed amostevtfa-j
ordinary sp tia ele; Ia s. te >l est beiea and or I
1 sosi-;r £.’ for soldiers’ rights, stow t**e theme i
o t et■: pioneering patrifat, tts sh.onld h. vj
been dhur&ad, aud - justly ch&rg.-d, with &o ;
act of mo )strbt icl'y and oppression
j I have thug. fsHow-ctUstihis, pivu ntfd to 1
, ycnf view a !\ir and. eandid exposition of
the#3 pro ecdmgt which have culled i >rth
act'rirabividea iavestlve*
i public servant. A ! I h tVe a r ight to est
: p ct -cn ynftr puri jg & bka fiir sod candid
; *x .ruination of the fat ts >inu circametanecs I
Which arcro* disclosed, To the groat 1
jof tb : v ipeop'ie, whose o •pet h and
: whosd. honest imiigtiati m has bt-eti roused
j by the apprehension tint their interests bad
| oeen suerifi ed, i look with confidence for
ja decision. I rely upon tie maxim, that
i the fvicple vriii always deride correctly, if
{correctly informrd. As to tne charge of
i seUis'n motives, of £ ‘ po’ ti al prostitut
I it svii ed to the delicate *nd din
-1 inWrwteil vane options from \vh acc it sp.'udg,
’ and .whuiiy eworthy of yespe’dfui übti< e.
DcjilbraUle indeed is the state of man, ii
ag -ioSt aaub foul spersious a life df UPin)-
p *ached And unsrapeaebabie integrity affords
him til r protection.. It cannot he
an intelligent and a charitable people l <u s\
the present virtuous uud cnlitthtpned thief
I.magistrate of h?, United Sides, and a
tn joriiy of the National legislature,
cbaapoSed of men inferior to none in .thVs
or any other country, for eminent seryi es,
integrity -rod patriotism, could h*ve been in
ffuenoAiiby such and grading considerations;
Tft&t I rnttf have erred,in judgment is
possible; because in err is the tot of taper
feet rii ut. From the frailties of bunion na
ture neither yoii nor I hßvb & rigid to claim
exemption. If, therefore, you should even
determine that I b Ve erred, 1 would submit
; to your serious deliberntiou,’ to your sejjfl-?
• of j;;s'i *e, whether a single error justifies
the u. kind eei whi ti are .prunouueed
. sgaiusl me; w!n-ther t single error should
outweigh a whole life of Tealeus pud faith
fil devotion to the, public interests. That
mine has been such a life you yourselves
have- most kiudly eknnwlodged, in*the re
’ Pewed proofs you have so repeatedly afford*
• ed me of j our esteem and confidence. To
deserve that esteem add tonfidebee has been
the obj >rt of my teubiant solicitude, my
best endeavors.
From my plihlie Isbofs I nevir have de
rived pecuniary profit; nor in that respeet
is there unv tlirug in the present eompen
kation to render coat inns b. e in congress
desirable; But to your good opinicn
wouli! be to lose the richest, the only reward
‘ for years of toil in the countryservice—
Such art event I RSionltl most deeply de
• plore; but still there would be ft sour.-e
ofconsolation, which we owe to tue bounty
of Frovilichee, and whi h catmot be t:;ken
aw'.-y—the ronsoiatiou of “ & conseieHce
void of offence.”
i WM. W 818 ft.
Win be takenrafi an Apprentice t.A the Prin
ting Business, by the Printers hereof, if
opjdiratioi? is made soon.
Louisville , Jjugust 8, 1810.
f Oa the Sth inst, a man,
who calls himself JACK-—is a
country born negro —says he be
longs to Turner Bothwdl, near
; Eatonton, Putnam County. The
owner will come forward, pay.
; charges and take him away.
Aug* MSI*
iUO Iit JLEa i.
~itiiJifslsXY“at guhTF,"is l
- i— V.r C©
-?> ting every Unns-, is better than.
helUvir.g every wVhoat preoft We |;
, always want evidence of facts elated. \VLe?r
! the cosnpensation bill ws first published,
| ive doubled-its necessity—we dobb'teff t!>e
i-propriety of the measure—we doubted with
regard to its being a popular measure.— ;
i W* have token paias to iniurm ourselves,)
by reading the whole of the iKbate, and aj
| number of well writtesi pieces on the sub
ject, for and against, and we feel clear of ail 1
I compunction, when we repeat that w e think
i amfjet regard to justi e demanded an aug- 1
metr T tßticn of pay to the members of Con
gress—and that the measure was fuiinded 1
on the best of policyin us much us that
it is calculated to ensure he talents of men 1
oisnidU fortunes ih the miuneils of the aa-i
Turntbeai nut l—.turn ther. out !"
Isays one. “'But stop, turn w.o .ixt
j* *vV by the old memb rs, to be sure, who
ido you think? 1 “ But what turn them out
for ?—-Because ike y.p triotically deekred
! and raaifttained a war, which has been of
! mare t euefit to Biif c< uai- y th.'.n bpy event
j since the ladependen :e of A tneri a ?—Be
j eause they advo-Atcc- the bank kv>—which
f puis a eke..-It to private pe ulativ.u—fend for
| ufius). ivible otner nets eipi ally meritorious?’
’ —tfo 1 m> 5 not fur all that—bnv b e; u e
they voted themselves au enormous salary J”
—Su h k the error iot*> wfci-.h soma have
f :HeuxWe will eorres t you : None of our
meuibers in the House of B preseatativet
voted for the a A in qut gtioo.
A GOOD ONE * 1 ... f
C?f* ‘Grand Jury of Wtikes county
would turn 1 Senator? neck and fuels out
of Coagie-sf, for voting; to Ecreuse the < om*
psH-raUon t*.the meujoers; uud ihey wacai
ve B e the ;rao sauce
’ for ‘s.ijfei'-iig ifongroa* to pass ihe !&..
Q teinooeu ik-0 nioie !
j ‘car; HAGjdr’A.,.
\ Ni£sar,'(N f ) paper of.ibfelv’ h Inst,
eoutwre the lyiiowine.paragraph i Bclivar
is laeaiioncd as
ofCartliageva., Tfto boßfib-binps, aw* eight-j
ecu sail of pefriot v> savis, from Sfieon to 1
twenty ghfts each,, w re lately n with
to the wind v .rd of ‘ vin dad, Leu. and for Or
oi itke, nVj an expedition against tie city of
A oguatu r a.— Char Its t<> n pap . Zist uA, i
The Montreal of the ? dcT;
fj|re that the high price of bred is owrugj
t o hrlificial cGus'Sf that t- wealthy indi-;
vib*i) ie have tugrossed the fiyur tSiat came;
to Montreal, eiid now extort the, ei'ormbu*!
profit us rent per md.” The situauon of
tin* pobr through thepiuViace is Very miser
able, —Cvlunibi an.
Every and iscevery we make in the faiigej
either of nature or art adds to ur iiaiionaJj
strehgth ifi proportion as it himiaislu'* eurj
deperulence on foreign nations; am! private)
emohimeut thus becomes subservient to thej
public good. It is vviiii pleasure, tbeielore. |
we see it announced, that a discovery has ’
been made m Miißiu 1 owusliip, Iknville;
county, (Pa.) of a very extensive Copper
Mine, uUouiultng iu the richest quality of j
ore ; ii b prcnr.uHced lo be the rirfiest mint
that Las yet becu iiiacbverfd in this country.
vYorfaik Herald.
Extriitt nfa. letter from an American gen
tltman in France, dated Paris, Jbi-y 26.
“ T he most agreeable eircumsfante o an
American, b travelling iu this country, is J
the high standing of our character ir> T.urope j
ince the war end the x\larine affair.—j
T he odI? iopohvrnience is the rbame ei be
ing ttiiatbkeu tr Kraplisl'men. who rre Uni-;
versaily disliked I expected this i Pronee } •
but 1 hi surprized to learn tbst the feeling !
is At ill stringer in Holland ad Bclfioiu.— 1
8o marked is the. i iilereiice of feeling to
wards us and the Frg ish on the fcr.n'ii ect,
that Krglish travellers have even found it
espedieut to assume our to kade aid eagle.”
ConcTPes passed a resolution at their last
! neoion, requiring: the executive to ‘ay be
’ fo re them at their cent ee&i ;n, * dat ecr
tain staled periods then after, a li oiftll
i the ofiieera of govern ent, t geth*>r *fi<h
their naraetj Bilunts. i:d place* of nativi
ty, and the names aol salai it * of the r set*
The icluawner Cumberland, Cv-phiiii Wil
son, arrived bt Alexandria on the’ S-d ult,
j,i nine days from Si. Bartholomew®, L as
tarnished ‘lie subjoined intelligence :
Aecouotai hail been received ut Si. Bar
tholomew# from the Maine, stating that.the
royalists had evacuated nearly the -hole
coast of Venezuela, mid that the patriots
were successful in every iaspect.
** The French Sect was momently looked
for at Guadeloupe.
The market® at St. Bartholomew® were i
glutted with all kind# of American pro j
t&leaiil si*d**i*M §eaj6 & h%h. J j
The Bey f A!g.ers hisyt!mb iso
ter to the piesidi ‘.it of ihv Vxa'id States,
one iu Arabic, the other so th • Turkish
language. have not heard, whether
ano is a {.raualstion of the othe .or v r.ether
the two paper* srer-.t of .fij't,p'-cta.—
B * this rs it may? this mark of ntfei eu st
dupes us f<i believe, that Alger;?.** r;e iona
of tribute have undergone a iiitfe rlsusgt—
with regard to America.
*V. ‘York pap. 15ih tilt.
We learn by u gentleman jest arrived, that the Dot h n? lit
compelled lord Wellingiou to withdraw
Unlitb garrison? fun Antwerp, ar..’ !l*o
towns in the new kingdom of the. Netier
lands. This o s urreni e probabh ; rise*
to the rumor of the ifu-ssiau troops, ik . &c*
being s&kev fr< rv s rd> r eliingvou s i
maud.—At w - York Coin ‘v b r an.
We have rerehcb : umber of *ate Erg:-*
fish newspapers, cf extra* <* from vtLi. h va
n an w avail ca-selves in the present dearth
of domestic matter; tl c,ugh, the t’u.h to
s. y, the columns of th- Brifjrii ptv uro
even more bc.rreu, at the prised n.oment,
tlinu those of our own ecud.ryy unless w?>
Consider news tb aevounts ofrey 1 * r.d .1
i entertuinrf'ents, etc. r*r descriptions ot la
dies, running th ough ir e fdunins of th©
t?m< iiesttype usta iu the cap tious Erglisb.
fcev apapere.
7Cat. Lit.
We have seen u letter hr n Cadiz, of th&
6tfi of.fuce, etiiiiaiaiug tLt subainueut ia*
iu; omtson y . .
*• It is reported and generally bekevedp
that the Algerines have declared war a*
l szuirat Br gland, owing to Lord Kxmou'h
i'kaviog obtv’ied the jelesue of 1200 Cir?s
110 jiiisoyeVa. X it; ‘s she ease, as it©
Duichflifti soetn to r quire some
to shore them an, es her fleet has hjtfiertc
becu carrying or. ihe roaslirg trade fcitwsetf
Gibraltar & Malta*
<{ *Fxpecttttion stonds ca tiptoe to.receive
the laiauta of Fcitugei, ,ud Queen Elect ol
■ SpCau We are daily entefttiuid wilh supe
sugg siions, aceouniing fir li tr.rdy ep
pi*fte?t, evhftJt, it would appear is >ndtfi
nitdy postpoiit and ~ ‘&ew Tt-iL CC.zeiie.
! The following paragraph is coppieti Is. i?a
a Ifhiladelplnjt neper of Suttroay, 20'h nit;
iK A SKRMOa wiii be'delivered, on h'j a=>
day afternoon, at is o’clock, c the bsr.kG
, it’ lie ScJiuylkili, Lfclt?v ; the P°mc nS
! Bridge, the trees, h j the ;uv* Lc*
. hi'.xiio Dow.”
‘ A maUefto roai, named Billy Blue vv?
• Lately hanged at Baltimore. At the gel*
lows be confessed that he had set Sm tb
Petersburg. He said that being engaged at
cards iu & stable with grime people of colour
and enrftg. and at fi:ogifeg his nltuqy* he flap*
ed a caudle to the I ay otd tnad his escepw
| without waiting to see the tense quence
IJlurora. , , > .
I |T|IMM I II' 1 ’ rr— ■•- ~t ~1 —'nr TH~
: From the subscriber on bun*
! day Slight die 4th inst. a small
; Grey, flea-bitten,
j ten j ears old—four fee t eight or
ten inches high—roach maine
n swab tail Ar y person aj pr£.*
bending said thief, and retun -ng
the Horst*, shall be rewarded for
their trouble and expert es.
; August 5, 181 C>.
! All persons are he it by forms f*
bed, from purchasing or other
wise tradingfor a promissory note
given by the subscriber, to Wil
i liamTeel, for the sum of tzco hum
dred —payable the 25<h
December next, the said note
was fraudulently obtained, and 1
am determined not to pay it.
-N. CUtiREY.
August G, 1816.
’ Nine months after date apulh
cation will he made to the honor
able tire Inferior Couit oi JelTer
son bounty, for leave to s* U Ml
the real estate of Laac Hudson,
late of said county deceased.
Mej I ft.