Newspaper Page Text
“'ToUISV-ILtE. f |
We are requested to state, that Bishop
ffBGRGX, of the Methodist Episcopal’
Cim'cfa, wiU pftrforrn Divine 6erviee at the
Meeting-House in this place* ouSabaath
next, 2tth -io*t. at the usual hour.
MARRIED, on Wednesday evening,
the hath ultimo, Mr. John Chambsrs, to
Man? Cx.rhbTß, daughter of the late,
of this county. i
— Ou Thursday evening Inst, in
kotwvilie, Mr. AU, HofcT, to Miss Mary
_ |
Tift> Southern Patriot, s*.ys “Captain
®t*y. of the brig Sterling, waieb arrived j
this at oroiog, in SO days from I enittffe, ii-!
terras us, that ou the 25th o!i. hespoks the
Remittance, Rodgeis, from New-i
to Bt. Doiniugo wao informed j
he had spoken a Spanish government |
aehseuer, froan Cadiz, with despatches, and
v-as axpadlljr toid that Spun tuid dtcuzred
wig ‘tgalisl && Untied State.”
tUßhode •Island Amerieiin contains the,
flowing strap concerning our election— !
e not voneh for, neither question its
rjpejneaß> as regards Mr. A. all we can
ptNilai to advance is, that he is &a AmerU
citfkV moderate pelitteau, a man of integ-
Vity>itfdhonor, and not far inferior us to]
general koa ledge, to any one of our repre
a 3 federalism in Georgia I
*-The. elect io a for membors of Congress
has taken place in Georgia; and the re
turns for all but eleven counties have been
toeoived. They present an astonishing re
alt. • The ftret time for many years there
sriU baa federalist (Mr- Abbot*) in the re
prosnatatisn of that Si ate. Nona of the old
members are elected, unless it be Forsyth,
gjad Weo he may f*ih The Georgians have i
Ht fei dissevered itikt their true allegiance
to the nduHaiiVrauou is in*. so productive of
klet-IQg* as they ones vainly imagined. }5
Mtb SUPPER, the qreat opponent to the
JfrCisnt pay of Congressman, has been out
polled by Mr- Ervin, for representative to
Congress.- —We have not learned whether
Khe eomplsiot og.uiut h* an, Wits fonudfd on
Jrfsbeing a federalist, or far bis vatrsoxic
to tho Compentatioa^Uaw.
A ofthe 96th of August *ay§,
Or Saturday, thecstpital presented to the
SCitlg only thejvretliAgt of the homage it
murid him ; but yesterday, the august Mor..
&* birthday was eilafitated with a per*
■fuHm, e u. °f concord , a
s&tHnwit #f happiness, and an aspect cf
phasvre'aud security, which gave it au in*
Bankof the U. States.
The election <vf Directors of the Bankof
the United States closed on Thursdays the
YiKiilt is net tteutioned in the Phil&del
ub■'a papers, but from private letters we
feaitki that the following gentlemen are e
tmt&4 by a Very large majority of votes.
JSO&ttVi J%dlS6ofti . !
Iseqfel Wether!lt,
Thwtes M- touting,
- Chandler Priee,
John Sergeant,
‘Monufs APEvm,
JSlUtu Chkuncey ,
• Thomas Lhiper,
Mn Savage,
-Rfanuel Eyre, ; j,
<gitdwftliadaT Emns, juu.
‘Winioin Boyd,
John Goddard^
Dennis 4* Smith, Saltiinore,
Jbhh QooeefV'’ do. \
Ceasar A. fUdney, Delaware,
JBroekhelst Livingston. NewTork,-
3qwe& Lloyds at Boston .
whose <*! are in Italics, arp
federaliata.— (Bait. Fed. Ooz. Nov. a.
We re reqneefed te state, that William
Stepbta Girard and Pierce Butler,
of Philadelphia; James A. Buchanan of
Baltimore s anil Jdho Jacob Astor of New*
es the National Bmk t by the President of,
United States.
At a meeting of the Directors of the bnnk
jffljAM (formerly Secretary of:
Vya Navy) was duly elected President.
Kaw-YoRK- N(*v. 2.
were rfteeived in this city yester*
d’i.y, (Vom Ph,ftadeipMn,*t.uting, that a very |
Wpertabts trerahfcdt stand* ready to ton
tr-act to *!teTfeei* to the Director! to ihe U.
and restive .waited.
‘.m ti&k iii pitfm* 1 ’ $v, s '■ “ ;^:
Frsm the N'cvv-YoiL] C^hHer.
Price Current fort October, 1816.
HonestywNone in market. *
Patriotism, first qtt*Hty-~No demand
eond quality—PrineipAliy bought up by
speeuiatioß at par.
Prudcnee—All held by old Stockholders.
Modesty—None blit damaged parcels in
market. . .W .
Vice—Large quantities held—bo sales.
Pridu—Markers glutted. /
* Politeness—Very cheap, but the owners ap
pear indiflerent aboin the disposal of it.
Wit—All bought up for the southern mar
i—None offered at wholesale—the
! article ahogether engrossed by havrkers
hml pedhirs.
, Religioa—When brought into market it is
g mgrally highly m! ultra ted.—Sales nom*
! Love—Kiin” ofirred except for real estate.
, Coquetry—Very little offered In eonseqnente
j ol'tb * dish Uiiy of managing the sales.
Thl :■at* —A cash nrilele—He credit allowed.
8i ieeiity—.Gutof teosjo.
I Ue S itu’d.iy mofeiug at the foot of
Ve><ty Street, Wtja discounted ao enormttns
ratilesnuka, up wards of lour feet in length,
and of a propertionable size, which was
killed by a man’s setting his upon bis
! bead. It ii supposed he wss bionghl Ac
|lbe city in a wood sloop. We luive balled
(Mi a singular lost some
English .traveller should publish is* hia vol
ume of travels through the United §*<*-
| that New-York is yet in a slate so wild and;
iincaiitivated, thift adakea tyre fpmni in the
treels. * r
N. Y. paper.
- >So <!*■ fW ’
From the Boston Ut inst.
Latest from England* j
By the ship Cordelia. espfitto King,’
which orrived yesterdiy from Cowec. Lon- j
don papers to the morning of B*Ntttciher 2a, ]
were received. . ‘ :
A letter from Cairo, July 20, shje, that a<
Jaw leader has raised fci* standard oeff B ib-1
ylon, and ha*t aireqdy 200,000 israelifes as
sociated with hiift ; that m ypy Muaslemeo
desert and join them ; and that ne be* ft
fair prospect of being completely successful
in.all his views.
It has been concluded that there are 13,*
Jews in Europe.
The English letters from Paris, Bcpt, IC,
mention that a majority of the late chambi-u
of deputies, have circulated a pcotest a
gainst its dissolution, aud labor to eoiinror
aet the views of the king. They say he is
badly advised, and fatally mistakes the sen
timents of persons about him, for those of
the cation. Frequent desertions are su’d
to have taken piaso among the v r endean
! eorps.
Bavary and LaUcmand are now said to
be in Hungary,
Eugene Beaubarnois, son of Napoleon’s
first vriiW, i* building a palae at Morii h
w hich will cost above a million and & half
of francs. *
Grain is now admitted free of duty at
Naples, in consequence of the failure or
poorness of the harvest in Italy. i
Lord Exmouth is to return to England, &
not proceed against Tunis and Tripoli.
The prime minister of the Dey of Al
giers, to whom was entrusted the defeuce
of the entrance of the port, is accused of not
using the batteries which he commanded, by
which the enemy advanced and took the
other batteries in reverse.
The pr itiee royal of Portugal is to return
to Europe, and to remain os viceroy of bi*
father** transatlantic territories—and is to
marry a daughter- of the emperor cf Aus
The s tle of 20 British vessels of war was
commenced in England on the lslh of Sep
tember, but only three were sold—a suffi
cient price not being bid-for the, others. < r
The loud complaints against the introduc -
tion of foreign manufactures still prevail in
the Netherlands.
In 1814, there were born in Russia,
077 pereuns^—diedaas^aS—-married 300„644
—amun!* the deaths were two persona be
tween 145 and 150, and 125 and 120.
Au East India lady, the Bbow Begum,
bequeathed to the* East India Company,
treasure to the amount of 90,000 lacs of ru
pees, principally in bullion, the remainder
ia jewels. . 1
Certain mole and female fashions in dress
are said to (ave been veelesiastically de
nouneed*at Rome. M Tight inexpressible*,”
l is the male fashion anathematized.
We are again under the pain
• ful necessity of noticing the villa
nous conduct of some debased in
dividuals, in this, or the sister,
state, who* in packing their cot
ton, filled the centre of the bales
with cotion-seed, old iron, stones,
&c It is the interest of the com
munity, at large, that no measure
should beMt imtrted for detect*
ijig the fraud and bringing the
: gnilty to justice—so that a final
preventative may be applied to
tbedecepuoa We,however, sus
pect that our laws, as they now
stand, are too mild for the sup
pression of a crime that holds out
such a lucrative prospect to the
depraved andhishonest- -nothing
short of capital punishment is cal
culated to eradicate it. Forgery
on chartered banks is made felo
ny by law; and surely a crime, ]
tendin to destroy our cotton trade
and bring unmerited obloquy on
our merchants, is ol more impor
tance to our citizens in general
than, and as much entitled to le
gislative protection as, any corpo
rate body in the state. However,
we trust that the general assem
bly will'speedily give the subject
that coil side ration which its im
portance requires
Sav. Republican.
i < wnf ‘inwinn tm
■ V NOTICE.” -
. Will be sold or* the 2nd day of
('January’ next, in •Scrtyen. county,
|at the plantation of Isaac Brin*
j son, debased, (directed by his
! will) eight negroes, via. Lucy,
j Grace, joe, Jim, Celia, Abram,
j faster, Moriah ; Four head of
| Horses, Two Cotton Machines,
! Corn, Fodder, Cotton, and some
! Sheep, and Hogs; and sundry o
iher articles, too tedious to men
tion. Twelve months Credit will
be given, other terms of sale will
i be made known on the day.
’ John Br HUGH, ) F ,
Adam Brinson, 5
November, 18.
j Run away from the subscriber,
| on the 1 lihinst. a negro man, na
-1 med George, about 50 years ot
age, stout made, about 5 feet 6 or
7 inches high —not very black
Any person bringing back said
negro to the subscriber, will re
ceive the above reward, and all
reasonable expenses.
. .* George Cornelius.
Burke County, Nov. 14.
First Regimental Cavalry
JXistrictlsth Octr. 1816.
The Commissioned and Bre
vetted officers of the second squa
dron of the first Regiment of
Georgia Cavalry, are ordered to
assemble at Waynesboro* in the
County of Burke on Saturday the
30th day of November next, and
there to proceed to elect a Major
to command the said squadron,
/in the room of Major William
i Robinson resigned.
The election is to be conduct
ed in the manher prescribed for
the election of field officers of the
Infantry.—And captains of Com
panies are requested to notify the
aforegoing order to their respect
ive subalterns.
By order of
Lieut. Col Berrien,
Com. Ist Regt. Geo. Cavalry.
Jas G. Greenhow,
(L?* WE are authorised to state
that Captain John P. Harvey, is
a Candidate to fill the above va
cancy of Major of Cavalry.
The Subscribers having entered
into co-partnership on the first
instant, under the firm of
At the *(ad former!? oceupM J>y \V. BAT
TLY, havr Just received a Urge supply
From New-York, Boston & Provi
I Among wliiah are the follow jng Artitlca :
viz ;
Superfine black,blue, j
brown, mixt, green j
fltolive broad eloths i
Common do cf all
Superfi black,greeni
blue mat, brown &
drab Verieymeris
Patent Cords
Satin & stoekingnits
Blankets assorted
i Coatings
Greet Coats,
Tabby velvet*
Cotton do.
Worsted and lambs
wool Hose
Mens and women'*
cotton do
White & black cain
Lottos & book mus
Cotton shirtings
White and brown
and tow
, White & plaid corth
! ern homespuns
j Flaidand plain silks
Florentine do ,
White, black and ye!-!
low crapes
Lace & silk shawls
Cotton do
Flag & bandanna Lfs.
Cotton do assorted
1 Umbrellas & parra
j sols
i Mens supe:fine hats
jens’ & boys* woo)
Morocco cups
Oil cloths
Hat easts
Womens, misses and
(hiidrers shoes
Ribbons, assarted
Silk cord
Pound & paper pins
Cotton and iizmen
i Sewing silk
A valuable assort*
nicnt of fashionable
slating of wateh*
keys,seals & chains, i
AH which will be sold low for CASH
or COTTON. Those wishing to purchase,
will do well to call and see for themselves,
Louisville, 30th Nov. 1816.
03* An Election will be held .
on the first Monday in December
next, for a member of Congress,
Ito fill the vacancy occasioned by
the ‘resignation of Col. Cutii*
| ITT* An Election wiil be held at the Court
• House in Louisville, on the $5.5 of Deeern
i Her nest, for CLERK. OF THE SUPE.
j RIOR COURT and SHE iI IFF, of Jeffer
son oouniy, in the room of Dap id Clarks
# John G. Bostick, Esquires. resigned.
yy We are requested to announce that
Capt. Ebeneaer Both well ie & Candidate foe
Receiver of Tax Returns of JeSerooß
We are requested to arnioonee JSH
jab Young, E*q. a candidate for Receiver
of Tax Returns. .
. (ff* WE are requested to state
that Mr. John Herring is a candi*
date for Receiver of Tax Returns
of Jefferson County.
j bracelets* breast*
pins, ear and fio
! ger ri‘igs, *ilver
| thimbles, &c.
I Pen fit pocket knives
i Butchers & earving
Case knives & forks
Shoe knives & ham
Awl blades
Rteor eases & strops
Plated and common
stirrup irons
Bridles & bridle bits
Curry combs
Horse &sboe brushes
Girth webbing/
Snuff boxes
H. HL-& but hinges
Drawing knives
Carpenters compasses
Iron squares
Stoek, pad; splinter,
chest and cupboard
locks, gun ditto
Mil! and band say
| files
Saddle bosses c&£
| buckles
I Black lead pencils
Meal sieves
: Hors® whips
Coffea mills
Coffee pots
t Frying pans
[Smoothing irom
Trace chains
Nails, assorted
Screw augers
Wool and cotter
Iron & steel
Crockery and glass
A valuable and eom*
pleat assortment of
drugs and medi
Likewise, a general
assortment of
Also ore elegant
harness com pleat,
with or without
t ‘HORSES. ,