Newspaper Page Text
[From a London Paper.]
•JS arm is Home for a? that.
la tbtra a wiekrd spendthrift here,
Would cheat the folly an* a’ that;
He swears that England is too dear,
And goes to Ghent, an* a* that.
Fora** a* that
His knavish tricks n* a* that;
Enough remain to keep the minis
Os honest Eiea for a’ that
-43 there a flaunting leering wife,
Would wrong her spouse as 7 a* that |
‘to Francs she trips to end the strife,
And euekbld him au* a* that.
For a* that, an* a* that,
Hor wanton sa:i!eg an* a* lhat j
The cjiris that sky shall bear away
Fair beauty’a jfttlai for a* thei,
’Ko stons that rolls, - man said,
“ Shall gather moss,” p.n* a J iiwtj
Mid thev who seek (Tie stn tor shado,
Shall came back fia!* au* a* &a*.
For a* that* an 5 a ? that, j
Their manners .''drov e, ac. * V that ; !
L'bepcor man mourns, ike ;* ! riot genres, i
wazit o* *cus hu’ a that.
Tf.t SHADOW, j
(net the spirit) of-Bt?RN9.
—<w>—— ®
(From the PkiLcdt'phia Tr& American.]
Lectures of Father Paul,
44 A little tea lute* 1
Jathsr Paul,
I am an unfortunate man, and
need of good advice; but am with
out fears that it would now come
too late to produce any good ef*j
fact.—However, heat my story, j
and if you think my disorder not!
incurable, pray prescribe for me.
My father was an eminent gla
zier in Leicestershire, England, !
possessed of a fortune o£ 15,0001, !
sterling. My brother and myself!
were born both on the same day;!
v—but as all luck would have it, 1
he thrust his nose into this ras* ’
cally v/orld about an hour before
rae. and therefore, as the oldest
son, was heir to my Father's pro
perty In short, in the very out- j
set in Use, 1 found myself a little
too late.
Without troubling you with
the various mishaps of childhood,
I pass to the time that 1 was one
and twenty, and engaged my pas
sage to London in a stage coach,
having fifteen guineas in my pock
et and a draft on a respectable
house for one hundred and fifty;
and this constituted all my fer
ame.—‘The morning came on
which the stage was to start; the
hour v/as fixed at half past four;
unluckily I slept till five and on
hurrying to the stage house, found
It had gone without me, for I was
a little too late. Determined, how
ever to pursue my journey. I got
my trunk into a waggon, jogged
on as well is I eduld and at length
arrived at the metropolis two days
after the mad, when, wo to me!
On presenting my draft I found
that the house had failed the day
before, and 1 had come to my sor
row too late.
From this moment I formed a
resolution never to oversleep my
self, or to let the fixed hour go by,
attention. I then took passage in
the steerage, (as best suited to
my circumstances) on board a
jhlp bound to Philadelphia, and
although she was not to sail un<
der a week, put my trunk on board
resolving to be ready for the voy
age ; but the day which v/as fixed
‘jr her departure, I went on shore
k - hv in ? *,r*c?s of cracker* and
m v
tobacco, v/hich t had forgotten*
intending to stay only an hour;
when my notice was attracted by
a fellow who stood upon a Hogs*
dead* swallowing -knives fish
hooks, snuff boxes and what tri
fles the gaping crowd would trust
him with, till the hour had twice
and on hurrying a
way to the shore behold the ship
had sailed, with trunk, .cloths, h
all my money on board. Indeed,
1 was rather too late.
By great exertions however, I
hired a boat for four times its
worth, to assist me to overtake
the ship, and at length to my great
joy got on board and arrived sale
in the country, which v/as I fond
ly hoped to break the charm and
j put a final end ;o my misfortunes.
Being acquainted with farm
ing, and particularly with fatten
jingcattle, 1 hired myself out to a
j former in, Lancaster courny, and
as 1 am a rosy cheeked ttooct 100-
king followl made my way rathe
sided ions of a charming Dutch
girl, worth ten thousand
sensible and imdigent, though a
little hasty. She had been counted
iby an Irish lad, but I imd won
| the consent of tha rass In
spite of him, aridths very day
was fixed for pur wedding. I could
tictylo less, you know than to in
vite John to the marriage party, i
own to triumph. Then I thought
my happiness complete. But in
the hurry of dosing-myself, for
I was thinking, as folks will mi !
such occasions, of a thousand odd j
things, I found, just as I was a
bout to starte, that I had forgot
ten to change my linen; —a most,
unfortunate affair I—But I hur
ried as fast as possible (for 1 have
been in a hurry ail my life) got 1
myself rigged and hastened to the.
appointed place, when—the devil
take such Inch; the bride had
been laughed into the notion that
I did not intend to come, and in
a moment of wounded pride, half
to mortify me, and resolved that
wedding guests should not be
disappointed—-she stood up with
John, and the priest had that mo
ment said—amen. Alas the day,
I was again a little too late.
Laughed at—disappointed*** !
mortified I left Lancaster, and
have come to push my fortune in
this great city.—-How Father
Paul I pray you to tell me what I
can do to get rid of this evil ge
nius, which has followed me a
-1 cross the Atlantic and so long
haunted me? Are there, think
{you, any in this city who have
symptoms of the disease.
James Tardy.
j I will consider of the matter.
j :—TTvr Jgi
Nine months after date, appli
cation will be made to the Inferi
or Court of Montgomery, for leave
to sell 202 1-2 acres of land : in
Twiggs county, at the head of
Stone Creek—drawn by Abra
ham Barrow dec. and to-be sold
for the benefit of his heirs and
i* creditors.
William MTel. AdrrCr
October 17..
It being deemed expedient by
the Board of Directors that ano
ther Instalment of the Stock of
the Bank of the State of Georgia
should be called in, and that the
Stockholders be required to pay
thereof in specie.—
Notice ishefeby given that, a
greeably to a Resolution of the
Director!} of this da to, twenty-1
three per centum on each share of]
the stock of the bank, ’m required
to be paid by the Stockholders on!
or before the second Monday in j
December next; that five dollars
in specie he paid on each share, i
las part of the raid twenty-three j
percent, and the balance in bilb|
of either of the Barks of Georgia.
The Stockholders are further.
notified that Cashier’s Certificates j
of Stock will be issued in iieu of j
the Commissioners Certificates at
the time of paying the Instalment \
as above required.
Western Stockholders are in
formed that they may pay said in
stalment, and r eceive their Stock
Certificates on delivering the
Commissioners Certificates, at
either of the Office s established at
Augusta and ■MilledgevUle, so
soon, as they shall be in operation,
Which, will be in a short time.
Savannah Septmlrr 20, 1810.
AhmrimjL notice.
WHEREAS it is represented
j that it will be more convenient to
’ many of the Stockholders, that
the time prescribed for the pay
ment of the Instalment of twenty
three per cent, which includes
the five per cent of specie, direc
[ ted by the Board on the 20th Sep-’
tember, 1816, should be extend
ed. ’ <♦
Resolved Vkatlimously , That
the time be, and is hereby exten
ded to the second Monday in Jan
uary next, and that the Cashier
give notice that the said Instal
ment is required to be paid on or
before the said second Monday in
January next.
Extract from the Minutes.
Savannah , th? Ist November 1816.
GEORGlA— Jefferson county.
| WHEREAS James Stone ap
plies for tetters dtsltiistcry from,
his administration cm the estate
and efforts gs Jonathan Archer
late of said county dee.
i These are therefore to cite and
admonish all and singular the
kindred and creditors of said de
ceased, to be and appear at my
office within the time allowed by
law to show cause, it any they
have Why said letters should not
be granted.
Given under my band this 23d
August 1816.
A. WRIGHT, c\%
Nine months after date appli
cation will be made to the honor
able the Inferior Court of Jeffer
son county, for leave to sell all
the real estate- of Isaac Hudson,
late of said county deceased.
fames Hudson,
‘• * *. \ Adftrin’e t •
May l&
*m zi'msKtikms.,
BEING compelled to leav tb
state on or about the Lt pf April
next,to anend some business ib
Which he is much interested Ha
jtfee v/estem country, offers fdar
; sale the establishment of
The patronage of the paper 13
liberal and increasing; the city
j and country increasing in im
j provement, and every thing in
; the state bears the face of
perity. The office is iarge, prxdf
j the materials all entirely riew„
■consisting of a superroya!
ci Homage’s makc y used Only
b out months, a font of long
primer of more than 800 weight,
a fount of ten lines pfea, one of
five lines do. one ot America©
cannon, and of double English,
One of double pica, one of Gehnatj.
text, one of pica, entirely new, aJ*
sufficiently large for any wo*
necessary to be done with theit T
also a fount of small pica and one
of hrevier, a little worn, and ,
elegant assortment of new flowery
several pairs of new cases a. large
imposing stone* also new, and ‘m
old medium press, which may
repaired at a expense.
Possession will be given otYtfte
Ist cf January, or one or two
months later if required. A me*
derate lease till the 2st of Octo*
her next on the house connected
with the office will be
over to the purchaser if required*.
A few articles of household fur
niture and a small lot of statipna-,
ry, procured for job work, will
also be disposed of.
The office, it is believed, is bet*
ter calculated for doing job worse
on a small or large scale, and i“
an elegant manner, than any otheF
in the state, as every pains have
j been taken by the proprietor to
■fit it for that purpose ; and noth-’
j ing but the absolute necessity of*
his leaving it for a great lengtn of
| time would induce him to dispose
; of it in its present promising con *
Terms will be one and tws
years credit on the whole pup
chase—price 4,000 dollars. A,
very liberal deduction will fen
made for cash or bank acceptau*
ces, at SO or 90-days. . ■
h£*ct's addicted tothe editor*
post paid, will be attended to.
Editors with which we es>
change are requested to give the
above one or two insertions, and
forward their accounts if they re
quire payment.
Ceorge W. S. Pearr§ip
Nov**Vw“r 4. \
—,-r!, m r ] rrnnrrm uniW-OTOT—Mmi
1 v . ii., * t > ■ • . (i .
Niue months after date applfo
cation will be made to the honor
able Inferior Court of Jefferson
county, for leave to sell all the re*
al estate of Francis M’Mutrey,
dec, for the benefit of theheirs &
Creditors of said dec. ; V
L. 11. MARKS, Adm’r.
* October 3/ %. ‘
CF CONVKYAJN ClfiTtor sale at theTne
', Hke Lvaisville. \
♦ ANCfi-