Newspaper Page Text
i, Jt n * hb* wn ‘**£«•**
‘O-K) ificti* m 4&H-/3
■ ■ . * ~S*l
I ;■ ‘ fi* *
<» left ivcftoa i
ri;»i Lead af** A <
f. r»*n jH ,; n «-=i'"’ -W { •••*?*♦ sv„* V ,si-kibh t *
} ... A ‘ A :. - : ‘
, v d$ 11 VVjlV* : atf Wtcj* ‘wti «8r |
*s.l BtWfW? r ‘ fcai * I
#* < -f h'Ue 4'phw rrkice sic *
,150 til*’ ! *■» *>• *« m ‘ /iW * * v I
» t »v • „ -.<• ,i. tv ,<«>*.’ a i *.*<•» t
- »*■£-* i I T*m ‘ fji- Li it Vjr t&v*.* ■ v#i.f f
’ Ufa* f> dllaf to
ttid’ wUii <*«!.. yV..ip*<» {
< -Hi ’ ‘'2 * * •!% h f , *
- | ■■ ; t j
|,f; # .- ; t # «•• %££<e»vje#iii fcrfrn *•■*£> fft. .he j
T'i t'vch C«'«* t'£f# «r* *jtC I
•*,S’ ;*l> ih~uw \
J - |
m *sjq of three Vf* f oh;se« j
r * \
V n-?e Imi Jtevt*
* s l~v‘ vi li-riu* tfcet L >rd j
J,IV < IVWit 1 Su !„• iv ■*, i <rf T j
j. \:. *jiiitf*^!'i« ,s a, i U'ptu ofw. j
• (i / ' i; ., t . | OVf r er dubs ire i
k . , • £',• y r tflVinrVyiU 14UW -5? • 1
,Jl tll£ v * 1 • ?7 . .J. • /
* ,<■?•.. Vrt #? * i *+ m ■* I* It ‘Vn j
j;. p-;
v*fTp : ;a. f¥^; 8 . ‘?*? ?K?* \
drti-ncd iv <
.{” i'rl'it :Sil g'-/-.,
mi# fS *
• i-t •ti ‘AV i i’ f.c3tHCv’ 0, :i:
rjvtftbis>w t hi* t.')*; 1, ‘• •’ ‘GOu ?•„»!> •*--■ ;
« ! >’ • ‘ S ‘ ! ’
J-k it* mi^-45'eai.v
v&&\ iv-.l'.'vr* ofof XV r . U ”
• < * ;H;P the i4:»3V; .. .e ■ •(,
ifr k L;,.. ?/.c. t‘ K;V
; a V «?v . . ;•.>%,••
.. n itir 1 ■ •’ ‘ : ‘ -° r ‘*■*■'■ J
\ uti'fer*. ‘,*•’ ■ • ■ ‘” . .• • ■ .
,%Li .* vt - vs* »"* • ,;r ,
:,;, ’"’ . ‘.’ L-St'fO&y }.’ ££* »* .--.2.v. i
iftrtlmxcriir tj a Central ?■■*£■. hi l
~2 v jfoii „ ‘ • • 1
.’ **% I tV V n .i[T« l” t4b■> i•-•,• i** ‘‘ f j
-• I
b ‘ v<? Iv-ce fnYdrt*! evith L-i)ndou v>«i
t> tiK’ 2 Atlt Dctr. UiKl l-VVei’/.V’ ol
/ i} .; ; .:; >t _ (o , m : r<i<
Tht» J pmsri!«u*ni :
«r<&ih> mil fit .'• k t.;e ■
*’ £*/ k tihxvh • “‘<''s / fl ; j ‘Jj&M ; l’
j> >or. §£ ho, A,r and J : v, ‘*
ijiovd t : »: co'.jr-h./J ‘A of d-’C E’^
‘. f-h it a«v«i.d‘.tv lh-d Mr;:, aifer
-vkiik and sf :tt!pUk{ th.u
.. nt j. sf v bf<
%> fid : » C
t>t t! ‘.• •• ,’• urc of JU *
<. st;‘r*eav:H ivtr ?;•,«; cote.fn- ut»
1 irk’ la-'-ncu • ot". ,«>.nd >iU-”
Iml.v* Si'Avi .uTtTtc ‘it |i(.'iw,ne, itnc*.
-■• ~’ ■’ ‘ . fVtii b'/ tU: fihuS; -
4 ft • . J ~ f:
. J ‘-v i 5,.
t : a|,nf, fro'aS! . *»lslfctd
|»d r vfep-’ t!
-4,t ; ;,.v- ; • th* “ *COfid »;•; nen ii) -
0 of r.-!-•
Vis •. -./J »»»/] fliftl •<V and
\}n > > ?5*- tv .-*ai f\ a nil
*#t itik; rlft 4’ to iy.V it U'‘.vr’ .»
tn c--’-aid v t*i-£ ih- rthui.r* kv
•*»* J I 'or»> «i» • I- 5 S WT.Cif
l>'*-.;itt*% ‘JVOV|Cjt‘(J. WtiU 4 vMt'tCi |OV ,
&•** '** J*l * ‘h ‘bet#^--s
‘ }, * soii the Cittlph.oi ■
‘}':\\l"'> ‘■■fa *M*it ‘iv'OthcV =>htp
, tx.>‘ <.i.> Ipr ‘ ‘>A;r re.:a^a.-n.’
> “ :>, V 1 ‘:. V/. ‘ r . ■ .•■’ h .;|
u & X
• * „ • . . -1
X.">r*l C'ittfk *. v;i Srrt d-U for-tH*r
ta- vVoi.*j*t ’1» d..ij\ ‘ accokipAtvkd".’
- i) ib» a.- ,u ‘ vet
*r■ ‘e&ljpv'd *.>
*nct to a *
; r t.\’; jc* • - 1? "*'•: a-:ft *?':/_ ;. ftkdi f
t. ."> ■
: ■
Zil oft v 1-r! ) ’ b n 1 v; *.e 1 >,t«:tc ri:d’ .
v >• .V. ‘a’ t \. h;
totfta.onJ Hi:- M..- ;
sc-*u ma.crcr.liiK*
\V)u3^ CC t .*-• i
V* • :
• v • -ht /Ml (aftik v‘tJi
‘w» v '*>'’■?* >■ • ‘, ? j , && , ••*’ •• ■■■■» •*. -!* *
~*» sf j
•i hi* t%r|c& j
J u>*bVt .&*i ‘ii ]
% H th.-’U.t; f&an aiit* tb?.skSf trt li&J
( l-&,51 J?mt ‘1
111 i*>S?£ * *H;kt>‘ M
f. «** t; v j. V v'A-U.; A hi
t “t*'i vl ‘»£ f.% lml ’§t*j
t t h •*'*- m*e 5 AnKfil tfc£ ; «V nit : j
••;•* . . % •
. * !• . •
jw. :v;> S&tnofc t<» ;<$ iuyk&u 35Vi$
Ir. • syu ml ‘...» «v IHMCr
*- ?-\ »gti(f& ivfctro
, . * isr.iK* t <om aj. *’t a/ lu£
I luvt? k.\iwd.’ Wttg> ****&
W* - e f< iUzkh \*i*
i *uk noauavctt 4% s&eca^u,
OpgfafM'f and*
.h sNISC *
v JMU*J*’ 1 fed* fhV %***<%: -
to’-the tm f\ Ip
ts*t ~tl ‘Umrfes. have •
beef. iiiio wuh • the Allied
■ i
• l iVvve &c&ys&a : l-He
• Cnh'&h'h* df the AU ehr for tfei- sake
jf the T aifcthe* of the French hut > -
I had • nen the hope- t : . ja i H* * i<u e
of lids sej,ston, the Ofta.
* «i Mhithtim woviid ’pc asscni
me«i.» hut «tw which arc Tioi; *'*
tot;:* r- Ijctf-fb francs* hav.*
i* 4 -red y»is v.dcjt lh« <*>*&- ,
»::> <*i thfc/.*'j.n! cuH i•.. *»
I cdtt'e u dewed to He laid uc fore
you aii the original documents
| which arv :H tvy port feiiiUe’ of ny
fiiphvime%i of ioreign iiodirs». You
i -.-/*;•» ~ r.:,.. M •-. . „ ~ i
ii. ivc.’ v ‘.mi !vc £> 4 i Hit ‘I %Vi J]
jjy tuifaiis $ - aiunj t
; Uv\* wvw*?) t yoii- vi?u my \vd] on this
| s',*! -ti-ct .(!•, “■
v.; f »«) SK* Ua*a n no otAUcfo to
i l P* e/ } n,ur e. i ;
‘■ • nwi
, • ■*! »#) :t : . V ( >
: h v'C au st vhh.c* iv is v>i a hem ‘VitdV
l *p.u*ti w .S‘..fc ust.'-yC at toy I'i” ~c..0i
j 1 -1; i’ r.. t \!*.si ia'it and ibv>»
I £*‘*ol uiy. pvdpf> tuw .;
e uie coat -.Tied cy
[ uivi v*e<v c*l iiiCcr'esvsk-*’ ‘ if”lplV\ :■»••%.w>-.
5 * “• ’• . *
0 ‘ ’ • -■ d f o’ ‘ 4
: ■ • ‘ V “e; . >•
| /* Ov Co.ui>. ,V I.':C» l”1 j,f V 1 - *■ / i » —««
VVr.i’Hv tfl V iviiWJSf<i• ul hiv-i 1., jrhue ’ •
i- H. VC,., ,
\U’ «i»L Ith nm'lt . iihh mv . ‘
5 h;a\; \.Ts saai- .He t -
S'. ■» - *•
■■ i ■ .’.!■■ . ■ ,> ~. •
1 *4v>ilvy» WUUM i.» tiiw■■ W>^.’
f'. .... fc’ W. -■ r •* 1 ■«. . ■■; ■'»••
| ... :,;u.V -O SOCMI Oi*C»U. ■
Kk * m X u ' Ku ***•• >•■«= ocm.-tcttsv
| *l|ca a> oc iiaiy have t-u
1 -r.- dL\ . , - ‘ a
l.iwvf vh w 4iUt) mIW Oil l in ’
U■4) Hi H'ti* aid AujJ d>- wUO ► *
I • iaitUiUi to tueir «vdaac
1 *
* „.}"•»•<- itcpnoi'c <.r* tU. U* ■.
tv.o- co wi -ii i icceis * 2
1 v/vci* wj 1 ii->ri »3u) *
j ‘ )vvc;^;K.i'^du^neini‘h : iv
2 tile: ‘iii-it Ctl!i 7>\VlS v
v ’ IvQiJ J\C ( 0 Ol «i‘k •
i froni tan Daparvyie *t, >V‘
I oatur.u ar »ii »of t >i> t »i*o id .& » *
|gy tvh'C.x in v’ re*’ om ium t par .;,•* .
< lKtrtttiO'!> to the ■* .I:ah*!ao honi
:f t h-r ?>LV 4 * (l* -* f l t*
and j;r:/c. . and 1 r ‘b ii - ; • “■-■'• > y” In*
C atHt *y / i i'Wof iJC •;'2 :)•&/■ t 1
v'ftiik :ci ‘-• ‘ v . ;• ‘ j
f + ‘ J
| i : ii/U
j A*
s pO:rC) ’ UK'H* miipcruj \. t.,-;*. .■■*»-* <
| uy*.^sky. n.iUohh'i • and ta/ j
i Fj KU?’'.* .-f'p .£.** fPiJ'-iyr jf. \
\ cfeiA.-:/}; £ 6
I* a.-. . and i>». II3W
1 , / 5 r u _.
tio tfl c- a.a d-.y */ * i
! Th’i *Vu:ct* of tivrr*c,d oa I
f \\ r ddnc*.;d.Ky iast,'w-fh a tdw huaaa». !
:: •’ r * ■ ‘ :> ‘- l Ul * ,
| ‘iOVphv diJ 1 violidd4 vp-tiid eKcc.ijd ‘ , l y v?'a
1 a*, ifi par.ouU •>. r'au/B t* •
i- ‘ A a 3 ,v;.,clofv a.d
I d.lowed- ■ /;. 0- , .
? of iiTisihi) -aod i } a;!•>*-
c • ->.v t ‘a»• .% , au: ; vc> >u;r :>? - taa
I a'ftod. ooWnt C-.ptutc ih i'/ He
c » : - * a v 3 ? ‘.’. <t . -i ■•■ .v •
|. . ■ - V*. i a and
<*iUy. coa. .icace , *<4. u> .live
( hi ‘, > dc't-Ht u.t tha
I H-in it> dtf
-4 .*Vu o v pk* citli
„ •L* •’ t ’.; ‘S-.* CV, *. -:i -, 1 v-ta ■’> LU I
bAvc deed ■. c >li o • C%|-i sifd
| it 4» \S\ti. pniy ’■‘d‘ i <
I S'A ’i’ 04 t,«.C i,i . U-flo At : v '4iiti ‘S* Wli&L
f .S*.c i)| the VtChckH*. t Jid* ;
i'ihu'ps «v‘t !•■*.>* v .reiTaovta \tyjthi;» .the-’
| -if?C A •'■}” ‘i'* v‘ 1 aA- OrOOi! tJVih
* ::ia -i n.t 1 y t a.odu/d cbmpknciy unlike
-I‘.%iic fujti igUr
? htl‘vJiil full more-
l w .idy. M f
* Vtun on i'i— 1 Aid ‘shin
f v *i^ r f'-ihaip’A iiVi'Ort
‘ a»d ;
.»iH .* U ; ••:. , ; \m **
: i'h Ciiuevi. :s«rU& tout# tray ‘
, -• e’ ;■ ,
& ii» Grown l£f ir*e:«; has ra"a*cfre&
**s*&?«* i dmt
■ |i}U**&JatS *:.•*>!’ .Uiidi oi nciory .
each* TSjfr rf-tßrm to the
umpire an exretr. ot territory
vth* h Francs 4mi sc in.* IF jug a ocv
-1 t r ki't’f. *- f
Tuani9*r Ma \Jv J, i3’4-
* ‘ * iK OS- W«-~
We hnWecotKlmJccl* :n ts s i
fiHprVthe publication ot t.«c ck»cur
. »eols i ‘ ■ ■
“the V.* Sis »e«i to the rtoiifti Ff He
preSt •»•*<•*.i v ’e < ‘- v~*u c*m-£ t-ai propo
sed 4 P.tsasia Med-it ‘ r.‘ ; by fcbi-eft
tfccr cvUtitMxi <>i the i aw.-'-'.govern
menis* and tfte m< tms wfcirh acui j
Jited them -i'Opeef ivciy. wb> &V seen j
i a fcworabfeTitcbt. The Emperor j
( f Hus.-du, sensible ‘that is uof ]
thy.- true or t e>it t*d pokey of this I
tut a Wur •betwcoh m *
United -iutv'* and ‘England, woqul
he equally disadv&riu ytoUs o tag i»t>>
ter, mil tluit toe ptkf.t war wa* rc- |
luotaidlv entered wto by both frpv*
‘iterriKterds. pm uetdariy ov the United
mtatesa who m bU.vic*- had done aU
titty th. y cooled Ypashnabiy do to a- ’
’ vertd preposed his mediatioi).
’ lifiUAw &?>&ft.*h- %>*en|Te ;t, hot,
■*4Ui w tvv;r should im ■■
icn in te.vii be
’ rjMite srnsTbits ita»jP*SQmdiof t »ovv
Jtvh .•-. ietti, wTrh they cell -tlo.
m vj'dd y Gyeafc, zi f. vv, it, .
e * efelw.4 by other n itieibd ixt up
rau, a .7 of ‘:KUrpuGi)~4< rejected
lift: o*3rtore j th*. J. -Tuie# psom-r j
\) ace pr : • /. * j
; - The> braver* : hair
flea#'*©‘lmrfjmmsytmet-i of Cftm'm.**
it ... ■ a’ V?if *■ . b . -•• o* .
file:.! •;to mi< t 4 Tot onruyg'n Tor j
the p and jic-ii- oi >su]usUcy; toei,-ditiei- j
‘tnee* : v't.-kii. iTm-iiv idy to he w..i» i- j
’ fcd .my m.»f he a . • edec. j
llii o';■of. .0. t• • ei.• ■■;.>.4-.rm.’ .
4 ■ ‘ - >t
--•n&.'fcx- i
‘ •*> • - e- • . ‘■■>•’ , ‘■* ’
••■■ y. wtCArra.
. vT-ii the the
• hiitvcmn c*; : miearsary o.( the Qe
aiosthehcan Soettiy. the member
, coih ‘«i‘eU aiptfiu /ocicly lioo.o us ii-. 1;
ad}r three o clock* >.» w. From
tin; icy livey moi ed in proueasion top
p'r.Ke Ccd.e-4t’ i-hapef, where-, alter s>
■ pets-d- .d a.; »ok*mn..prayer to “
.Umigiuy Gao for ms .toe
U*oh>J{ituuoii of tne - - •. • ; W. 4-. i V d. .
! add a 4>sco-urse^pUs-iiyere.d suiuiiic.tb
f isii iiit Society then
.vca* to iiapt. Grof tiS and s.d iow.
to an elegant enlerCaianieiu wnicii
the -apiam huti. prov. seu *t tnesi
request* JU would ue iidaeceisary to
grre a fua aviinudt gj. the up. liter
precei oi Uic Su.hce «
it to i'rate that 4*'•’!? -frioto iv-a-’ j
drawn, tcc- g. hie nun yc-U*
ed da* oay— .»« Uc*lM*rieosa;i j
p ot^y—~..k; st-iiC 01 vaeot\,*a-’«ttdw j
oi vie k*.;, a —ir* »r »
‘ii illc )i tie”« ■! J O v’-»:. .; j
i ruStees—.ae Uuic-rs oi - juiegv> I
add; 4 oi -jar J
aidiiary c.ia: *ii’t. » these ]
y/.e!'£’ : iUeniiOdeu la twi a*.» a* .uigh I
!*v .>pect, M lili |
o ;a. .cioyu> Oo»« .\e*viian» aud %oi«e j
0; our iKiVai licpu h, .u i.i* ]
. .viwi «o. and cOiiciiiaed mo».u i/*e i
■j jjau** tmr*.. t >d» lust au- j
ctl .* ; >a»p.e4’ Wdh ‘« veiw* ,i.>d ae- |
Mca.c ‘Ciiilaicoi. -re iUiacies *Yere'!
a. **.i»ji..a hi dg ts>v ■ r -i. •> -
tud a »e.ry. appi dpyiale,. .ua .!»•; - *»{ j
us ii*ii<laomc style* 4 here Ww. e g.• i
» » 1 uUiUher vi v•• uu . i
tor uiid /Jatf-’ uLhtom j
j*-* i vx-e>-ded gy any thing -•*,j
see * .>. t* .- ..'»> Ovi. p. ‘f i -*• -T v* - j
i ip ••rppy 4'j -aa..u.ia iMjta*. viie a iOve <
r v'ao-au.. ,ed at t» >a>ii.w#igy |
A'alt IHC ‘‘Jaa <)i *♦ iiive
V. er*’ . ■¥. ‘."’* *"’ •* > *r . a * >.
u.- }s K /Ahi.l.‘&D**s.U’ :S Ti'VpT
, ve*»n« «. iOta iaaC'<-' , 'd [At ? aii-jia* th
440a** *ie-ti'-o?■ -is * >at.*day . juv.. r - 1 iv.
-gTy jae.M oi ‘-&< U'oops commebctd
.•yadtf .wd**'«
wit. . *. * . v. ieiiowa, We kdve
noaoing. ivom iiuiiv
:■ Losing hfidnii'.re op> *• .
mUiXij v'' ; L.’.oe t*om.u-eiiced,itdUt*Uih i
kwrrWel ai t!.IS Ui t :* wlift*)}*iJL Ui i lit! and.
rl. « * \
.p;,. r JLt . *» •• * •*■ ■
:Ti‘i‘Venders, wiit
in : a a ai;uc4c pubiuncd a v/ee.K or two
.'«gbnw'e.appu2ia- tua%uivuifci -
mg ac.b:rava.go taatn«gi*t, ogexpeyied
| to X4ac piuce 4| dorthg me
\ sitting oi tag,srnve Urgiskturt;.. i’he
- curtaiii is uh> *tltl toa.pi x y
. report &y-f% to mttuwefCv *
of.-some Ol* me spac*.a’.vr**v, dn:. ii- 'T
| pi otaei? w>u c*a^ov
i be&r to see ir. ? *r od or tmarf s* .1-.;
| fccaug supwatUy Oor ,obp.--Gis
pll'j.WC\.af>: tsjfoU tk pTdsa iftt l f ’ CJ> ■
?’ duel firgu*: .
’ |si4' : aiA-4nht ol viiUitfyV. *"# XC rfO*
ill U»t - liepdbMc.*-4U- papv* » i
*ii tsdst.-u r ..w iiica a:pe ce .iiuivlea in a heat riip tut a>l uii dld
■ wc navt fa* : the ,
Uipse pap&P#i ftr*d »n**»i
pugdsa # aviiT;f-ed g) ndy
: Aepnoiiaa-a .heaawy ih
|'..PWdT'itfHe rat ‘Vi-auitd>4 .Massag**aset(P|
I vv-iticii bbsei’ *es to 1 tied’ lit Tellr>
?* op *r,l ret® tiung’-dp in -me
wrat aod.-Tru^T
fi-coi-ornwrm unCin fcn.e
* v 1 as. ong c*rc<u#»*
I w;i *vU
1 ‘n f .<p ** .■ r* J?
*t rharkfw wMfr tn o4tfc,?« 4 ’ .Jo- 1
aim Quhun, (*ofmedy. as every ry.a
--4e i ml! ivcaHcct, 4 i onspicu-eU ]
member from l bat st lit m uu- Lon j
gee « of the V lilted KfWiLjWrS ictf
•rtp vto Mr. but a fin” the ‘
3iaJ proceed.*d .1 f *vr m nTt » t /& *? ri. :
ami fell mfo'hi* *.„♦,* c. and Hu- 4.* mate j
#ere ro ooc'ie 1 to gsjj mm. »So j
f -s)e*v'*.v’ o ; -is tbe 1? ;ht vr!» it;h* j
trorzt ihe eiy.s * that her t*n« ’
sr.i’3 shrih< from herpoftem giutfc*. j
atm vriUcr at her touch/
jftf. Intel, \
-UHirdav evening from Ft itfsfenrg l
which place ihrvleft an lu tv iav;
it 001; M‘iiom,w<*k‘»rti that- t-nc “ep*r. !
f*t ‘»aO Btotbh troop* *»ud lo \
ot cannon beins taken by pm: o; !
ien. W.lxinso ii’s army 4 U oat .tor. j
*vet. i btv state that about the I*4 b
u!t- a J UcrnrUflt o» (|;« •W*k ti
s) iVffcroy, about |oo6 strong ,w? u
toiU ‘priie ua out pav'oFtne ebtp h
arinVf ibuiateU nrhoat 1 e tuba?; frofii
‘he hVcn- h iyp ; Hs«con sis (Fig-a/nhout 1
TOO regular tffcops*;? ,bftf the LglHs 1 !
*>biaih?ng m*formation of thru* ,*p*
.. .vowch. * ; in ivaleu and ths deteco*
• sent reins ntdv , Tn--.y ‘<»« :,tji
, :h »t. they *h\v the army.
a no left ihe>French;Milk lift? day ;><>
•ore, f*vj»n w|ibW thty kavni uu<*ehe
vF.mie under at.j'thing 04-'.
*to .. \ - on
gwere canceled -to |/«:eafc oi|sh &«*'}«)* j
.•. mpmehi, t ; n v a;- few day., L*. rtf—. i
vy.ihLumMfci a* at.l >i ,j
. u-evmhUy Utfahli adt -j
*■ ‘” ‘'•, *” j ‘ j
dVc i k ;a- >is;
i-Oi r B# ‘as w • t
i ‘amio..; •.mp \ 0 thri.-'ui'nS?’ uhtter
■ . . •■;■) tnt Creek
vie, k)-'-C , m pi fre* 1 ’
•.kU : ontf^drerijentruiyi*-Idvr-s. -dvhit,
oi Oru-nV'iHe >: '. and ;pbty aiurtc?:
tjCneroi and Smith* do-*
hbrf»ii.aF§u‘|eonts male. >•• • ‘•'■• *
In const-ant nee of the diffeenhy In !
procuring forage nv the'J. i,tun conn
try, gtn. Fincitnev has Nqueited
governor n* to fUstha *ge tr,c
troop of dragoon* ordered iron tm*
‘jlaCtf o#* if U f-* th«Ui‘ tTt > 1 10 pjr* I
mri, ti;em to serve as infantry.•—'*
•4te troops are to be armed at
Fort il;-.wkfn> with the mu,a.its to
»e given up by the re i veU {
»ta Vi*‘Lti«/vw.:- yi St: v*
45«5C«5 ■ *• *
from the P'iM ‘i- afg ‘Republican sf j
it&iu&fj >. »
Seventy*'}! x persons, \t mbv- re ta* ‘
k«n prisoners Ist BnfiVJo and its vim*
a r.y-ivW th'*i p ..<• * or: Fhn- \*
day iii>tn hating F-ft on
Uiesday. V/c dthty-tv c re
eMcnanged for t'iii .tidttia tanen hr
col. Dark, ai Misß'iUc i »st fail j
Fhtv Bta*s that the enemy navfc two j
vcv>fcU Uu*iuthj; . t K ‘.ri c Con* whiettyj
re pmukec. c;». om id theurmed & ’
j 4 gun ft; [iit I
and M-. ntreei they fpet ncnu-n-je
vpiant cf ordpaocey «immtiokhm •
arief tdores-of ■every desetipr. j
rtah ./k o.m-*s up. (-o:. Oli-auju ‘ crr.v—b
ed u; M attreal ih-'ne and ;v» beicry oh •
itd rdisadt#, wa
: -, QneptK*
Ml}* Mii’-dtrd, ?; ‘ 10 Qeii* Mop*
yi-. • a.oi h reyna <:. I
1(1 .\A.;at.«:akjfpmcdcd 10 Jw Uh*\y* of' 1
. -•.heeuy, ■- ‘ . ■ // v . ; "\ s
Capt. Leonard it is !tu;.C nms at
1.. in’ the - cny, rnd \\&% -• a •'• u*
hiii iainify , . :IbiS'.pyouhy of re mark;
fch&t tWs sum- m 4 times oi.
yortN-wias niHter the mruuMiute corn-*
urand of Jolfhn 140.ry% . tnat
■ era*’ >{ .[ ■ ,■ ■.
•-'. •.n lie : b-need Stdlts—
(4conani be»;;g iht.n a lieutenant,
*■ ■ “Wc ‘have .seen mid cotryersed w«h
a rimr her -of the FiUsbueglV voinnv
,-rryvcd here ‘Zffe-'* icftfory from
Lhfe, l hoy »lgt? that <*t the ti me
Uiey leK Lite‘(Friday evening’ last)
no apprebeur>n;ns u/an Uy thre
Bri‘vi.>h wkm t .that. I
lake std! : ’ .ope u-*-thw* - -if
closed, ‘. he idea of Fll a y flvnot t»n c ? t
seet fwix f» prepostt four—khitt for a”
number of years so a wuWer bad
not hem k:v;nvn Va lh<kk nbrifua-tV re
giGUa—attd that peace mud security •
v,oukt, m ail proijiibtjbpp. s eign tri-.j
uiiiphgnt. Our fket % army,
ever, m any arc preparer! to
uo the»i* duty, - : e’ ,
a f *- t F
The attention- 01. Congrass hai of
fate u- eo fre ptcutly. callcJ, dmough
Various Me Vn to tn.e of a
tionui iiiuifv, hat m have not aefed a
uy mo arm i. v *- n e n-- tb tr uo < 1 ap
pearca’ xtJi u likely “to uie. vilcki
U\±i\. th« preaeut, ; Fab pniioip*** uu?’
‘ ( ecuuii tosuca an iiliige*-
■ swum./, .Uech v tnat the con-uiunos-iai
poaer tb cstiib uo hanfeslil
t:\\ ai OUoUC-OdMfc* 1 flat (OiyccUgU ’
v\’.. be obviaica oy me of
bait-, Caiiuuu s> idea; the light to
c>tcF(• so .Chinks ’«a nisti‘iet* over
; ,tns “Congress tpi«sesses ekeiu
:r- e juu tjieUou, bong Unuispoud ■
anfJiilumputatdtF /
: k n'iki geucral wonvcnlbhce of .such
f iu, instuufu>n, as it i.iw pg-■;
. tt'*« 40US. yi me 1. nvayaoi -■. - 1 w*
t iitit te
r ’* * .
■v. v*:"**. £ C ~rn'•: •’ ■: %!
is- 4* Tni •»{•*■> u-^ # v >.•■ t4> 4,c* *'-*••
y c ■’ll . » •f . # m*n r;km, tsf. •* tv ■,,. h C ‘ w » ’ j *
i tui till *. Iv \t n i hd v - VHts i .►')*
; om rdar-vh -lh*m aft Jiff ! rr . biHrt.h <I,C
I tfil ’oaii ;*v xcUary -fVf,K N* 4**
: ««.■ won»«? ihe p *v*--
«rb n h| *ifh Cti - iface*4ary fuHds,
p il :• Mfeet n»te oi fmc-st
thv- mav othtn vise-be paid.
Ai ‘a ihie advantage* of m»ch iso
- nm4*c c'-mnnuit* r
a ly, there i-* pk)»\*'s f
i “Opittibo* viicTwe arc aw *|% r,f stro zg
objections vvn;ch ir, »y be ,u
- {i, “ \\Y are, i)fu-'»ri'i si ...
ti\f aspect in w h*»n {jt*nc.w pres. r»s
U-isif* inclined ?o |ri v .b tUtp il !•» .y
siwesed* ‘ - v
W* i & . t vr: \ . - . • «
vvVitvh> tit will'evmtti.i ;y r:.:co♦ -. r »ivr
•4..K.V mi of • M,v ; >,>: *> :;. m ■{•{;. •.•
any ctm%?ilnucHiiti objeciidd? tb a
-ohyiHtt and h> itvfacati'* \ > <’ * ,■>
and strict, bin t i.?t> its esiublishm r
■may l e e»’ b toiftc guTsrnnt,.ut,
and tiiuV kP it(v ljn»t\r4<: lo ..p j«
.‘Ubiis relieving il boat the h ; i*.
’ # iicate bb • bv vo r.:J
--! tary-’ S'.ibscpifiucitVH* -u vv;!S rectivr , ; ,v.;
‘• deci'.tcfd itcjs-.ility of ev<;rv raeniiv r
• ‘bf tl.a i tdrra! pw r v in ? V-n^rc. •., ti
1 >Verv efru* C>f i-hoau il Uv,.*
to ‘.-a:V p li'tjp ‘lt; V c•,
; kOtVT.m* m. i iu> dc »c« ;pMoa of
• pciv-an.- ia Use l»e!’isluiut'c> cr*m • :•
i trig wi.h tiiost di’eacr branch * 4
f. ‘‘ti>ii'sfcie|iUn.uH|y pppp>i«.d to..
I- t6‘'4rc‘ am a vvill wo
■ ;y.'/'t4b^rvd ; . <L*ic4t M'e p. >
| pbimiohi’ v
r . • /«
? .8* v4N aA H Vet
i .
•'■ ‘AfV:b»d 4 thrt-H poa t last yreo’ -iV :h*
J siitp \l> > (Jtl iSfiJO ~ p.*..- ,rv -
de*', iri 3.y dis s .r , a llb> »U •no*i; r v
ca 5 ■■ I
atcj jiteei. The van vfifs l}ti . ,
ArtteJta H\ vrjti but pat in . eic !«*c of \v.i «t i;., ■
Captain inform, that
Me *ari. G-; i a.: and \va .I w.
nor in G i ienSvu j v ■ o
—“Was lolbr hei tit hey bui g :pv
to >t.t>xSk 11 >1 m-~~v.tK'W ,1 ‘i>i s n, »o
ship. Neputae- wacre- ite -.vas or
W ivii she vcaiiM a.vii for A oer.tfiu
He a-f > i*tforma ;nu.t the- CJ of
Sweden Ia dead. ‘ r ‘*
CA.PiTOI. Ari 0:< OF D A r-lT ZI C.
~ • ■
Fh# Lonuoii • Ga.citte of Dcc'cvr--
ber 35 coauius -a letter iVo»u ISuy-rr
Macdonald. taut ui\ic..s jf,
(.ri/fiiUil .lion lor the ympo- tuni • .'•••-
ttvss of i>a4tiac Htitv sniv-*fl- ii
NbvcmfeP. the t>x>ops veer.*
to inarch out ot tile town \v to t ror
aiofo ood on :tneU>rht J a*
j i.ury. iSl> ? .* hd lay down the re r.»o&
| in tiie ii v.nt oi i vhe •;battery, ai. y«v
| boats CiH<ei. if before tbit period
• the pace sbuJl noi be- ichsycd by an
equal nuratief oji’ fht U. .»■/,
tiiv omaerArtf reUivl tiittr swuv<b *i
; detres*mcr.n us ■ >c i np.ers a vicvudi,
.v-'d a Oatudiori. ot : bOO me *o Wi »c«
■ tituy.iiwr arms and v.rad tttv*: with
; t »e.A life 6 polio i-iti tae a.o.i*
• fm vv , :;vi b . .
| 1 ivetiiy fiv« cavrl.-y si/ktu rs s
i llkcWiab/eifeOl
; hhe g. A pt-|»y»u of l> -r *.» \n: ; r. t
| fconeis of w.»V. *ai«l r.or -u..- .
; i re»M;w*. Tho ('«ovd»nOr a> mt .iiap
soie ffrn-y pledges litui .v :r vast a- ie
of tiwe olfiytrs oy mmr uau.** ar. rt.
j unlit.they .tiuve‘--b#cn re.^ ry
j Cwenged cRaA b»x. &c.’
j ..'"AdVKXb OHVC boon received i > n
I i,©re Cathcaitf duutl if/Unfei
Drvvmoiv, 18.3 etiaiiuj* iliat .a . it
pertid Majesty had not rati iku tae
. uaure a nicies tv-it
• had o.iid-wfct!. tajit ibe si.gv ol x) *|Ua-o
: Mdufd rorj! Ua it in :, v n i.. • •
otwiuid utrrendrev u* pi'HOttWl of
I?4i'j***jiUSi3!l .paptl'-*
,•’ ‘ t
~ fl Aiims a a ago*, Pa*
i ‘ -4
f,> The trover uor of ibn «tatc has ?r..»
a >rcquif.H» J * ‘ i.m« the
department’ tor 1 0)0 nr ailed
to be stationed at iV’ ie. i ney «rfc
defied for six mputiu» and wiH be
tai&M iioin tbe counties oi sdilißbsr-
Vork, and Franklin.
■'•y i <(r ;<
NVV-LONI: /K, 3*
fft consV of th| ’m
crease ui tr.c .eo> ‘nie» tttcce/ dd
!• harbor?- ’ Uotb. Deratur.reutoved ms
i squadren up iiis i uaißc&j on i burs*
f daV kiSt. ‘
On Sunday non last, the Victorious
rdf 74 gW, Capt* i's A abot. • M be»U
-ip t.ii,oOs<.. U>c i ace, grounded
near tile wc»i eld of Fssnev Ulan l,
Wucre >'fv re-nAlUail id /.■•»■ ■ *-’* da*.
i when ilie wa*s go ,*ss. »iuu4g
time the'ts.ind'Oien Ui !:<#*»*.
derated? *e toe VtMr**
i the ic?nehai.e *;; : u*ttiuy ; .^ucced
• tiie snu>, toe
the ttci., arifiFfed noiu..-.iUte **>»*-
i U l font •- r
J CvF-w yvhr W|tit
| H . ; 1 ‘
| v: „'tiy iluA.fy, ,,i * ipiob.**