Newspaper Page Text
\ Tr,l /'l* o B r n f.f. •>’ 4
aor :: ro a p flotfo p arent.
M po r, and bt* jt> w b*»T gen*lc breast,
A’ b lwih’4 me In Iter arm*- to rest,
Ai.d 0v ny cheek iwetr kisses preo—
Mjr Mother
Wbro *Wp fr-r<oe*k ffv op<*n eve,
wa*> i* e«»|? nwtff huahaHy.
4}n& rock’d raeihvi I diouid nofcrv—
My pother
Win imr and aa cb'd mv infam head, \
\\ hen .’ceptr g no mv cradle M*
«and tear* of land affection *htd—
My Mcil«ct,
When pain and <ie’ ne**made me cry,
\VH ga/dupon ms heavy eye.
And wep: for fear that I shorn! d■—•
My Mother.
Who drevs and mv dr!) in clothe* *n gayl
And u>ugh* m4prcuy V>w to play,
And mtaded jcH I'd got us say—
My Mother.
Who ran to help me when I fe’U
A<d WCttM some pretty sfpry »ell.
Or h'tu the place to make it well—-
My Mother.
Who taugh* my infant lip* to pray,
A**dh>ve G< d**> hni> h r - k and day, >f
And walk in wisdom** pleasant wav—
My Mother*.
, K , .« f; \. .(,{% ■ •
AH rr»n T ever rea*e to be,
A fee •’ na e ami kind tp ‘hee,
IV'i c wau*o vety kind to me—
My Maker.
1 • v<v /
Oh * no »h<* ♦ bought I cannot be** I
AH >r Go-* wc'Rst my hfr »< spare,
I hope i shall reward thy ttre—
My Mmlwr.
When »hou *r feeble, old ad grey,
Mv 1 e;.kh\ arm ‘hah Ik by am,
And I w in sooth thy pains away
My Mother.
AH vbent nee ihr* bang thy herd,
*Tv »! i«* my turn to a ;.h :hy bed,
AH tears of tweet affection sl ed-
My Mother
pr> r God who lives *Hve the tides,
W ’ S.< Ir-ik v nh.v rig; ance in bis eye#,
$i i should ever dare (lt rphe—
My Moth#*,
Theodorus bad the pastoral care
the videos Ormay. The tenor of
liin {if« was smooth like the stream
■wi jrh stole through his valley. The
path which he trod was always ck an ;
roirodv could say. Behold the black
ftpoton the linen up hod of Ihtodor
tts. His fnck listened with attention
to his voice ; for his vo C was pleas
ant. » is speech dropped from his
lips as honev from Ht *airom ;ro:ik ;
sys words wete as the dew on the rose
of Ortnnv. The spirit of l’heodo
rus was also meek. and his heart -p
--p. to he tender. But if it was in
etirrit* degree tender,.d wits in a high
er degree timid. If his soft w diap
er cmiUl not awaken the sleeping
)amh he had not the spirit to lift up
iyis voice ard disturb it; no* not e
vrn if the lion and the bear should lie
liip-K it. ff a thoughtless sheep v/a»'e
dered th<> «%ir the precipice or the
brook. Theodorus w old p<rhaj
.warn it gently to rt turn- But Cither
then terrify or use Muy ex>.
crtion,. e would leave it toil's,. Itte,
StpTcr it quietly to tumble over.- Y
t: cr of precipices arid brook* l i
. geuvraf, r h^-dorus often sung on
bis :ueh,cboys tee<l ;-.but this or that
brook he sould scarce venture to
Baeo'Hjh* lest <nch 6f his and »cx is
w< re near them might consides
themselves reproved, and so be
eßVf.dtd. Ha could s*y in general,
Hv vvafe of the Hop and the beat’, but
C'mhl not tell a pcv*r wandetung sheep
Toon art particulaifijh ni dangtr :
Jsior cmrld he say In such and suen
p.iths the enemy lies in watt to de
vour thee, hhft voice of history
ah-mid be the voice ol triuh,. and
when rtvo motives of actions dre
doubtful*.thev vioul l be interpreted
vi’t> c-mlou!. Let, therefore, Uie
conduct? of 1 heodorus. be allowed
to proceeds not so much from indif
fvrence as ft om love of east and a
fa’ e Sear.d’ offending. H;s floLk
because he did not disturb them,
behevrd Lh-.t be loved them, and
they loved him in rctum. Tney
were indeed for the mo>»t par , a
tr.c table and harmless herd. And
though the service of Theodorus had
ti>»t much zea!, it wss not altogether
ffttbiu siircens*. fhtrtdore. with
out , onsid” ing th ,t might, if
r. fun ’ do much more he was sa
fi wwh iiartng, without ieal,
dm-% nan h. He blcsj>ed God
thi.a Ids labour was so usefijU vmn-
Ottt i>v rt m.'Prt- foi it soot he mg’
x . <. .. . it wdl might, if zed
|y. and given ad <b his maraH.—
AU a r nrt<‘ w> “< s.- ii sicd wiih T Ueo
ri! s. .; T hVt ’ mu v. »>p <mn paring hi m
• * wsth ».P anomic s.’cleliy sa~
jf-i and c .tv Viia‘s *it uni c-.*uCiU«ied
tit .. Qod VV-.K übo pic .; j. 4
drea'Ucii ’I fcj>Tje^.&«
V V, Hpd hoped he sL(>-t!a upcic ins
e yes i|t w*^n’ on
< -4i’* sn* al I be noed. n TuH
roc. pl^s^Ntl h * % vdtllf)
- *, v ‘cr nal r A
» * • td m rc ‘ !. .
! me man who departs, like thn*
To peace; and who* dike that too -
seta but to rise again., with more
brightness, in another
world \ So may 1 set* when my c
veuing comes; and so on the, re
surrei Ton mhrn may I rise !
\s he ottered these words, he
heir! as it wire* the breath of the
evening rust I ng in the leave* he*
fiind him. fie turned his eye» and
* held a being Whose aspect >va.
brighter and milder than the beam
be had been jiiit now beholding,—
sis robe warlike the aether at” hea
ven, and his voice was -soft m M
and in? sound on the harp of Ormsy*
when the daughters of music touch
it. Theodoras bowed bis herd to
tlie ground, and observed a respect
ful sihnee. For the -ingel had spo
ken peace to him, and, therefore,
though filled with awe, he was not
afraid. Look dawn to tne valiey of
Uruiay, said the angel, and attend to
vrirai thou seest.— 1 ‘beodorus turned
his eye dawawards. A light, clearer
than the learns of mid-day, shone
on the banks cf (>rmay. 2n its
beams he beheld a building far sur
passing lfi magnificence the temple
of Solomon, or the palace of Tadmor
in thWdesarl. Ten tunes ten thou
sand harass wer/conspiring to rear
£t “, he \et beheld, it sc em
eu to be already finished. All the
ruobish was. ordered away ; a deep
p*t bacTd>een prepared tb receive it,
» the i. uiohL psed in ‘ t aring the g
j-chfiet still r-'ihainedand the miu,-
I ter builder was consulted how they:
kWh Id be disposed oh ’take, said
he. thy best ol the “a to be made pil
lars witlun the
shall rem no jorevee , but for the
rest l h iVj no further u,e. and ‘ney
are indeed good’ for no other purpose
than that which they have already
served: Throw them where the rest
of the rubbish has been cast, and
i tb-re, as* they are ol‘ a grosser and
; tnorr hardenedl quality, let them be
consumed with the fiercest of the
ii re ‘ ,
I he order was instantly obeyed.-
Piece after piece yrus taken down,
and laid to this or the other hand,
either for the palace or the pit. As
they touched -a Certain, piece, and
seemed to think it meet for the pit,
Theodor us felt ali hia frame co.j
vuLcgi as if n thousand demons
Aiovbd him ; and, in the anguish of
his soul, , he cried, a Spare me- O
my God 1 spare me, if it be not now
i too late to pray for mercy and par
j dun.” .... •; ‘ .
Tfk were altogether so said the
i angel, 1 bad not been sent to thee
now as ’he minister of instruction.
A few moments of grace still re
main ; improve them care and
show that at length thou art wise.
Ah, mv Lord 2 what do these
things me vn ? I have indeed per
reived their purport ; but, O that i
might w'SO hear it 1
ihe hiuUung which thou hast
seen, said the angel. L the chu.fcii, of
God ; ami its minister* arc tiipse m~
s»Vuniwr r is wlpcb were used to rear it.
Malty of t-hem- having ..ysertfsd tvlt
purpose, tbo-igh not as they ougat,
.uid ncnig ht tor no* other use *re at
engtn coovlemued. I saw the da.>~
‘V f taut hung %*r thee, ami trem
*icd tor viiy fate,. For, iterative vir
tues and. dpjl morals, wudout dili
gence and seal, cu- be of no vMlto
save a minister- H ave, 1 not pulle d
-; -s -o : . o • t de
part m peace thipk da rger
be diligent, be zealous, andbe saved.
, As these, words wefe utUuvd, the
vision m the v alley ot Or may vauLh
{ t(l, end the angel shook hi* silver
wings as he SuW on ibe wind tow
ards heavy n. The rustling of his
i w;ugs was like the **usi,iag of cue
am bf Lo;v, .where it fads be
r.w ;sn oaks in the gulpo ol Amur.
“ And to pass, after thtv*
things, that Abraham sut in the
t door of his tent about the going
■ down of the Hun. And behold a
man. bent with age, coming from
the way of the wilderness, leaning
on a staff And Abraham arose and
met him and said unto him, turn in,
pray thee, and wash thy feet, and
Hurry all night, and thou sbait arise
early m the mornings aud r go od thy
Way. And the maW said, for I
WiU abide end.r tm> tree, iiut A*
! brahsdf him greatly ; so he
turned, and tjiey want into the tent.
\ And Abruham baked unleavened
! bitk.d', and tney did eat. and when
| Abraham saw* that the m&n biessed
i not pod, he said u*>to him* w >eve
ic*e di»st thmi hoi \vo ? ship the most
God, greater of heaven and
; tart . And the mart an*w\-.ed and
• said. Idohi t worship thy Goi nei
j thev do i call upon hi* n ime ; for I
have made ter myself a God, wlm n
T abidetb always m mine house* and
! ps’ovideih yu* wit! a.i ahmgs. f Aki
Abrahamss zeal w,is again si
the man*, and he arose, and fell upon
him. and dfoye hVm forth with
iiuo fire %r‘de i, ness. Anu
Gqy! -pnto ‘ saying’
f i : % at& AUra
14‘ m t +M, . V'-^r.e
|gv sww® 1
*nuld he cr!t u*m thy *nvw* : fh§r?-
»> e* Kivt I driven hrln >? fri nl>
f«*e mv face into the wilderiwM
ind Go'! %airi, have I not barns with
him hundred ninety and trigh.
vears. nd nourished him and dott
ed him, notvnßisteJiim;* fm rebelli
on against me ; and cmvldit not thou,
who art a sinner, bear with
him one night ’*
It is related jf ie, who, wider
great. severity had d?d from the
worst of roasters to the test- 1 me in
*he had sought rest in the boso nos
.Testis Christ the com n m friend of
the weary Sc the htary laden, that lie
was so i rip •essi'i with a sin >c of
ben ;St he had deftvad from ds
aifl <;ti>n% thtt lying o» an ati i*
bed, and vsiiu g Iris muter staid *
,bv* he eagerly caught the hand? of
his oppressor, and kining thgnfc *jud
k These hands have brought me to
heaven/’ 1 hus n&ny have had rea
son to bless God for i:ff! cuons, a*
being the instruments in hiVtvirid <0
promoting the welfare of their u«*
mortal souls !
It is said of Dr* W. that from his
most early his dy'ng day
-he scarce knew what health wvs;
yet we are told that he looked upon
this affl if:* i:m as .the greatest blessing
a 1 h»| life. And tuy reasonhit
ed fai’it was that* being natural y
of, a warm teraocr and. m ambitious
disposition* these vis'tatio u of Di
vine Providence weaned Ins afftCy
s tions from the world, and .brought e
; - very passion into subjection lc*
Divine will. ( ry ■’ ,k •..
Russia xTTf. *o?a nm t
tone l UOZ!)<
The communicalicu of the settdk'd
deter* si»iati'oii of the Am t rtcan
govern ratnt not to cnntraci any
more intimate engagem- nts with
France* will tbu% he m Vile tc
British ministry with sud co isrhuf
The Chancellor's despatch’ doc;> not
say that he was authorised to m »ke
ic. It merely relates that pari jf
the conversation with him, and si
rfccts Count Let ven v* use ir. .vvitii.d
view to promote thtpu. p Vsc ol p ><u
heal ton—The chancellor understands*
tnat roy consent w ,s merely mv ovvi;
aC', without any authority i/om you;
iny motiie in giving it
witn that of his to Count
*-. iven, because T believed i a ten
der! ■'/ wouid b.i o proitv> s toe apuv
it oi paciiicatiori i.i .he B. itiih cabii
t net. I todd the coa iceiior hai I
[ was aware that its eject tn rfhi be
di&erciii. fiutf * tht very certainty
that we shpuio not x seyk. or even ac
cept a community of cause with then
most dreaded enemy might make’
j them more indtJTerciit to a pence
wit > us. But, in calculating the op
s efaupo of a generous purpose, d
* vtn up ».i the mind of an to re cerate
I enemy, i ieel an irrtsuabie impulse
’ to the conclusion that it will be gen
v emus like itself. I asked the chan
| cel lor whether he hud received, an
j answer from England upon the pi>v*
\ posai of the MmperorA mediation.
He said that,without accepting or re
jeMiug it, ; .that they had intimated
>he belief that it would, noi Qt ac
ceptable in America.
t uiii, ate.
vckgmd) JOHN Q. S.
v > H -“Wwn
Extract 9/ a icf**’’ f*o*k M'\ Adorns
tj t’U; ■So.seiary of Stste dated Su
Etfisrspu 1 j*. .b) June, 1113..
Oo cue l.iib fust, L had ah inter
view v.Mtn r’.- and
mansoiV, at hh request, when «ty
f i»tbmied me Ah at he had received
I answers Amn Mr. l> ischkotf to the
j?<ti> r patche» of which Air, Harris:- w&s
the bOar-iis lihe F *c>. lent had ad*
. cepted the Emperor’s odor of'medial
| at ion, and tnat D nadt
? sent him a copy of yoiu* dnsWer to
* him expressive’ of the acecpunce.
* He then put into my let
ter to Mr. Dutchkoif of Mare .
with the tenor of which l>e appeared
to be gvatif»e<l; and which he said
he would immediately transmit :o
the Emperol*. At the same tunc
Enghsi News-papers had been re
ceived here mentioning the appoint
ment ot S Gil yuiin and Bar
afu* but intimating strongly the de
termination of me British govern*
m« to reject the mediation. A
tew days alter, l received from a
nlend the National of
the 1 Stupai April, containing asn ed
| itonal paragraph coheermug the ap-
I pointmeui m u»o.>e gentlemen ¥ which
y to Hitb coumtou:the>
i I observed tb'him that howe*
| %4 er the British government might
* think proper to act on uie occasion*
* that tue* L nitrd States would at
J least r*a’e muroiVstcd in a signal
| uiauner. at mice its earned and,con-
I si%i»t desire for a just and honuraole
and its sense of the mo ives
w inch had mtluced the Empc *nr a
ot>r. 1 bit -the President could not
-ulsipt a ro t esure better adapted “io
do iionnr to ms majesty's lf
U tiiah by the appointment of tvo pe» ! *
i: tht'nrest distkiginsherT of oui ,; .
Fv.. n . to ed'operutt ‘*t
. [M «Jilted
the Emrmfn 4 r r hdlv *tvi .-/er*/< o■
Ik it fmrfonse;. ;cyly i^tf ’ *i VvMI S
e/e n>t tint l y fatfcyf ‘
at blast the true t:v! cM# •
its fillure won*B he kiiGW'V'-’^liat
hi la|i ye&e.ivcA*/Trace li? mAA
Ast, dis;MtcheMr«>m Gmm’ Luiren.
Ihjiit the ftm«h mmL*-er % »»
of much p>lit“ne>s. hid iVimud
;to him there vas n > sovi ‘ei f**k
whose mediation thev Ahmtld
readily accept thin th it of the :iu
pei or hut iHit their silThw£M&es wb h
i the 0. States wire of \ nature tn
v living p’ incipie-f of the
govern of the Bri Ah natum*
and which it was thou ght were -not
| susceptible of smug committed to
j the discussion of uv/ m *di itujo.—
j The count added, that it would re-
I main be considered, whether af
| ter this, and after the sole mil step
j taken by the g ; >vi*rnmtmtbf the U
• Siv u \v»'»njd .be ry*
new the off rto the British mauis- j
■ ‘m 4nd* give them f n opporftmkv |
for a reran-biei atidn, - It -4fas pos
sible that father -rcftocbun mV»ht
j kid to ac. iffor but r*; so inti ode mu* tu
ps ftbui I sub tp. i* thc ; q“ e tion so to •
’ f ?l nipM*oi*s dtUermination DUT-cen
c • rb'smstaPC‘ s furnished other m at e*
s i • : s so • and litVer it 0-1 ■]
®SS£'* • r*C-3SHS’
..* < • A
Frcim titkich he *p& dti
|, pose of 9*l wide} die thorns fa* cash ,
am eng them art the foHozi'inv .. j
Avon tec! Man- >». ompamott
.A t hei*t* confuted
Phikrim’s Progress
Come and Welcom®
Village Dialogues
Village Sermons
Blairs's Lectures Abridged'.
Rise and Progiess
Cl id I ididgs
* ib'own s concordance
8 ipt Ist coilfession of faith
■ Baptist cathec hi sms .. ‘kolllsj
Celebs in Search of a Wife V 1 f
Case of conscience **; V i
Religion? of the FusEibaabL World 1
: . .»•!».. ofWoom-i! *
H . v> ys Meditations
i,oe o< * h r rst V
School fesurneutfc,
i School Billies-.
i Pocket Bibles j
| Mfred and G.dba ‘ , t » •-- J
| distory of ‘Vice hail is ‘ ,’ <j
| Beauties of oterns qk ■ / r .
[ Broad (ft'iii} %■ 5’ ~v.
K’ ‘ A b
i a. t«icctp. • % <
Columbian Miscellany t
Clermont „
’ -
, v/.onu % ast > : ... • .'-t
Atari's !loliarid . f*-
a D■; nmican, a fttniuuc*
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r r ruckiin s :
I Georgia Speculation
r F one ion on itloqueoco
r'GoidsrpithL Eogb'id f’.
! . Ditto, v - - .’ .
j Ditto Hmu
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American Preceptor
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Ditto Seiectiou* -''&V A
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on Punctiiiition . A
Murray’s Introcbicqon -A
; Ditto . English; Reade y: f^'‘‘‘ ’ •
j D'ttc Grammar
i Ditto Grammar Abridged
i Pat Ah’s Geography
Ditto D tto Abridged , m *’ j
We Etcmefits
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Wcbstei's Spelling Rooks v .
Ditto Gra»nmui> “ b 0* A
- Ditto Philosophy
Roman History .\bi?**Kfcd J |.ta
Prim.mem, toy Books Stationar y -, :
A <?&& jfs f February i7*-I Si 4. ‘' 4 - |L*‘;h ■ j
I- * . “■**>*,
1 re* WARN Mi persons from
trachug tor a. note” given by tog to
r Moses Co%veh for seyent^!-
! Urs Ic kniity m l 4 cetvsGondema^
. .
• a ‘ **;
- i SCIICQL, , : -
‘*o. tfsfS. ,ir«if faction Op
<4?:% | rrjt'FG IfUAi S- ‘
• y; Shu *W’f’ ! e*dh %U fjjjt* com rns%
Hhrijtiches'©Tatr sci» $ 1 isH el- ocattoi>, ft***;
thidlnw: ; rTrg.U-h &rau f v • •
gravity and v .‘lfisiNfJ--lW" f French ‘*
’ bs;|)gU'i£&*» frra |pfi«a t.i e if! V -*•- Ne c 1 W
YVYrk Fml roidjpv*, f Di’uv ing, &c* ;
A ssus ;t Mi>£kf of imoim^tiorabio
I abditu s « i!l bt employed to g*v§'’
’ lemons on Jli F•.who* th;es*
t V-WvH’ a Beard and uiiliop
; I» pih 100 uylt-i.-b tv I2CV e
1 -2-i, !St4k
I <;*•; k: * -\, j? a . .
L*. /it an Inferior Court’ fi.eUi for o*--
di.mry put-poses ,.. in /hr h?y Piartfij?- ‘j
j\ Tv&fcj D.* ou»; /
: ;^ /••? b'-tiary 1814-. . T ./
Pretext DljpC Wi'it*'.Chit* fes P+mi /%
‘. illStpit ju*UOV f C*
LFON* the petition ot .Samuel
Anders© t* fastgni&c pi Holtrltym Fm o
rmui tatinyr that l’ *IU
in his iite Ufi f.«. iufuu and hi? i ends*
to make iitifcw io a in I'UjU *>csyty iff
of land containing nvo hdadred ■••. »**u|
.eighty seven and hail at : »\ f>* ahd fh#
said “l bora as *ec: this id\. m«*
testate ;m? verUiou; -.•> *-. min ; titletif
[ t > the saiu ot |>r;» y uny
[ •Se f' : iW'C to ciocet ti e
| - Un- of Hit 1 ‘wXit%i of the’ suip l honu:»
j -'M’S: hi in -eveente nth*^'Ui v t i irtji
l *if tl\o fa w. I t vs thewiarv ordt
! that ihe ytim'mhtrator of Ore. viidfe
deceased will at the Cou*t o.**
y t-h he held 01 tcrsU io< i -hs piuri*
v tv op toe ci lot i*u>juicU in *1
;, directed to e\rtute tuies’fo U>t s<> »ci
tract of land in .term-., of tto
law unless cause be she wife to th»
Miiurary, and that he pulW
hshed sn one o! the puhlic ues»
**f this'alar- at least » Vive ntont ‘ia
.i k ‘ the sitting 6l vaio. co'ar.t ai-<l
,«it> -t#4 ov ‘WQT'b- publ ip
pliices in this nuruy *,
■A ’■ h. dj> j* fe-t/n m''kw ,
edvv ai> /1 b vm -v4-'b
„„ )W | - - m - ■IMI.IWOW’*''-, WH»I - <«■ »4» . .;.
*/ NO < if E.. ,
v; THEh, ‘Huft sbV'*o.F:i4 v pf
J4 r f*.: .will rncet at Bith< .■ • • s -*‘ c
Meeting Ho die, ton r . nViicy ...
’■t^cx’ op t.He .• iarA * hyr.| , o’,’ *
March n<?M. Ti»e^l/ : »HoV iS;
waft bo a.'Vf^inistrr?iS thfe tuilt>win®-
- >ai.4.v,iU} at tive sjw^ie
GEO ut - / ’•. ■ f. Afltjtr - -•’ /c.
W'HEUF#AS Mu iH« oUrhf«t.ha*
appUeil to- mo oj
trasioft dr> thd ami.fleets us
John Durh-uh latje. of said coulpy
Ihcsfr are there lo cite ah Si
f ailmo’ush suui singular the kVn<*
(Ij’ t and aiid cVed i t«r> ut 5 n ki de c.e at A
to ITle their objecti.o rU>'.h^tjC|
>f any they htvr. ytithi^f the
prescrihcd oy law ci s;ud’ wFJ
btt granted, y:
(riven r? id'/.* - ?j|yi hand Mut oej! .04 “■
ojtce inis \1 tk iyS * r f
‘• ‘/*J i! , P fix) V - ri'-.J . . ... ••
r «-iwt*»i**«** lin~nj>ipi7i'* r •»X <32i“A*w *n<**^^4W*“'it S
[. (r&QtfGIM- : Clark L.niufp- ;
VV UF,r;F \S Aviry t b'n4f
applied- to; v*>u tor icftehj. ©1 aCrnttiii.-
tration’ on thn est-iiy and c.s cf:
John RobsrUj; late [ J aatet
These v.are therefore *0 stf aid
admonish ail add tl>e kte**
■ deed and creditors of Hie iajd do*.
Ceased, to FSe. thou oi>jec'
, office, if any. they h ivev t itl
time prescribed :.uv, ■• o: ,- £ . . *
! teVs i-r’Uiktcd, ‘ .y ;
c; Given sutler ’ mv hiih’i oh 4 feat v*
:. . f t%i*v 25rS / I c-,14y
1; yOrijS) hOPOEy f. C and. •.
■’ «sss*3f e“ Wipi I : “|N '?
Qr.dkßCLi, Clark CahxkO: v|i. ;y’ , -
; iVIiJ’HEaS Ez<,k!fl! ? S!;int t r^: i 3n't
focham Stuart i'Jv.e ap:viK;i io ir e
for letters -.of Aq^ ht»
estate cud effect', of JoVi4
of- said cduntr,
These- Wee. •- t’*Wre%WT t^ ; - cite and •
.hfimonUh tiif MtityqC
. cU'evi • and “c? ed i loirs of said decreed
%n iile''4ieir ob|c ol jsowb-i«T;«|y office*
if any they have, withm the iimt
ptescribeS fey mH
be G;.y ( ’ : : ?
fpO'htP* finiMcGC. C.
if,.!. <**mm ‘ “>*’* ‘*” ‘■■nw'* mm *m u> mi m»A.-
:• J 1 ■ A
VvllEKFlAS.Jet»e Toherts has.
.Applied to raedp* kttyfiof ‘arminb
jt&aLtSbh of) she. ep-fas off
BSWwSa. of; :; slid
f. andt v ci ; as.i.’.di Wfe'. **• “, ‘%C #
i htse. , are therefore >© cf%
[ j adshon ish al l ami. .WmisUUr the iihv*\
drwci..and. deceases, *
rP»%k ’heir oLjv;etiot|s u» my office- v
| • I> »!ns?U W :W ; ’ ?
-if-denk srd seal at
I %ct thU Wh du/tf ‘Mwyr M 1&