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than surrender them, she will run the risk cf
perishing', lla.l they been adopted, war with
her would have been inevitable. Happily for
both nations, the intrepid, patriotic and elo
quent efforts of a few member, rallyed the
scattered wisdom of the house of representa
tives, arresting their progress, unfolded as far
as they could with propriety, the ignoble mo
tives that gave birth to them. I shall not
trace the consequences that might have follow
ed. I will however assert that the agricultu
ral interests of the southern and western states
and territories, wou'd have been sacrificed to
aggrandize the rich commercial and shipping
capitalists of the north and east, and those in
their employment or dependant on them.—
Whilst this was transacting, the sword re
mained half drawn against Spain. At whose
hint was it rcured up to the hilt ? Brennus,
king of the Gauls, when Rome was ransomed,
after he had taken the city, on a dispute aris
ing in weighing the ransom, thrcw his sword {
Into the scale, and that way settled the dii-1
pute. lam oblig' dto leave the application of j
this story to one of a more modern date to you. !
In time we may perhaps all have a chance of j
teeing whether it will or not apply. Why j
afterwards v.’ere your proceedings towards i
Spain, mild as the breath of morn and towards j
England, deadly as the Siroc wind. How are !
we to reconcile the tameness of government j
towards the Spanish ambassador, and Mr. 1
Wrigh ’s corrosive sublimate in the Senate i
against Britain. These flagrant contradictions j
could not have arisen, had wise and honest
poli'ical measures been pur: uing; had the
rights and dignity of the nation been placed
on high ground. They generally arise from
secrecy and imbecility.
I have another subject closely connected
with your proceedings and our foreign rela
tions. It is General Miranda's Expedition. —
I should presume that he was a total stranger
at the city of Washington, except by name,
after he sailed. Great mystery was wrapped
round that affair. 1 shall not try to developc
it. Should he not have been generally known,
how did it happen * How cam** ho to oompUto
iii New-York, justly called the Emporium of
the Union, the most alarming private equip
ment against the Spanish settlements, since
the time of the Buccanneers ? I’ dont appear
as yet, that he has been countenanced by the
English government. It was all done during
your sitting. It appears he not only sailed
from New York, but is supported by men who
have been largely engaged in the illicit trade j
with St. Domingo ; by those men who drank i
publicly at New-York, “Success to the Empe
ror of Hayti."
The General touched at St. Domingo for
reinforcement This is some proof England j
had no hand in it, otherwise the Island of!
Trinidad or Barbadoes would have been his j
place of rendezvous. As you seem not to have |
known him, 1 will tell you who he is : He is a I
native of one of the Spanish Provinces near
the Isthmus of Darien, brave, enterprising
and well informed For years he has been a
determined Snuih-American revolutionist in
principle. Long persecuted 1 by Spain, who
dreads him more than any other man, as to
those provinces. Taken by the hand or dis
carded by England, having an eye to South-
America, as suited the occasion. He joined
the French popular cause, early in the revolu
tion, and rose to the rank of a general officer j
under that standard. He was second in com- j
jnand to General Dumourier, in bis expedition ’
to Holland. He laid siege to Maestricht,
which he was obliged to raise when the army j
that covered the siege was driven in He ,
then joined Dumour er after a \\ ell conducted j
and able retreat, and commanded his left wing ,
at the battle of Neer-winden, in Flanders He
remained true to the republic, when the com- j
mander in chief became disaffected. He was
suspected. He repaired to Paris ; was im
prisoned,[tried and acquitted bythe revolutionary
tribunal, under tbs reign of the jacobins. It ap
pears odcl to a common man, that Miranda
should have been so little known at the seat of
government during > our meeting. When the
pulse beat high, and every moment we expect
ed to hear, “ Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of
war !" that not any thing was known of this
General, so well calculated to be employed both
from talents and inclination against the Span
ish dominions. Was the sword of Brennus
again thrown into the scale ?
Juct at the heel of the session, out comes
the New-York business. The General had
then sailed. lie had not marched under our
Eagle, to pounce upon the oppressors of his
native land. I acquit our administration of any
participation in the expedition on which he did
go. I wish him well, if his object : s to free his
country from the state it is in; but if he has no
other dependence than on the rich armed
smugg’ers of New-York, and tie rev sited blacks cf
St. Domingo, ill will be his fate. You for once,
d'd righ in net listning to the memorials of
Ogden and Smoh; yet they do not warrant
the harsh expressions bestowed on them by
some of the members, friends of the adminis
tration ; nor can I approve the conduct of some
of the federal republican members, who appear
ed willing seize shat occasion to lessen our
chief magistrate in his country’s good will.
When he does fall let it not be by imputed er
rors, Inr 'h'se of his own. 1 trust he will not.
The New York expedition has not lowered
him in my confidence, which is high. How
ever it is your conduct that is the object of
scrutiny I have introduced his name to elu
cidate vour proceedings, not to condemn his.
His legislative power is very limited, yours is
paramount. He could not drive, and if you
could not lead, or would not be led, the blame
of ill acts ought not fall on him. It is true
he approved the St. Domingo trade bill, and
that founded on Nicholson’s resolutions. Thev
are both non-neutrals. If they contain poison,
the antidote is perhaps with each.
Will the European nations now at war,
who have such deep rooted animosities, against
each other, causes of jealousy and rival interest,
and who in peace have all colonies, believe us
when we say that we have been*pursuing the
line of an honest neutrality, and have not shut
our eyes purposely on some occasions. Let wan
continue or peace take place, our difficulties
are so equal that we shall scarce have a choice
of the least. In the first we shall in all pro
bability be compillsd to join in arms one side
•r the other. T»*e shall be told that fruit our ■
suspicious and temporizing behavior, that we .
must be for or against, and we shall make the
alliance more fiom accident, chance or feeling, !
than from prudence or principle. It will be 1
hard to say which power will first put the
question home to us. In the last respect our. 1
affairs have been so managed last session, that
all the belligerent naval powers have more or
less causes of complaint.
They all feel sore and cannot respect us.—
Instead of a “ manifestation of principle ” and
genuine neutrality, we have felt the influence of
of the miserable spirit of truck and traffic ;
and made pretentions that were not supported;
yielded where we ought to have resisted;
threatened were no harm can be done ; evinc
ed a disposition, as opportunities afforded of
profiting by any means of the distress of other
nations, pressed by the calamities of war, ex
posed the weakness and division of our coun
try, arid endangered, our honor and security.-
And all for w hat ? for the carrying trace, which
by honorable means we can have our full share
of. Our name will become a watch word in
Europe. On the return of peace, amorist them
they will foster their colonies, promote their
own commerce with them, seek out and found
new ones in many yet unsettled parts cf the
world, and may all perhaps from a joint sense
of interest to check that thirst af f er commer
cial gain better at present to be restrained
than encouraged, both for our own real inte
terest and the claims of Europe. We must
' not forget she has coasts and -.slands as well
a* we have. W e are a young people, have
grown with her growth, and strengthened
with her strength. Let us not put our com
mercial growth in an bot-house; it flourishes
rapidly enough in the common atmosphere.
A Souther, i Planter.
South-Car olina, July 25th, 1806.
United States Circuit Court,
United Statet rs. William S. Smith.
Fifth Day, July 18.
The Court met at 10 o’clock pursu
ant to adjournment.
Present, Judge Talmadge ; Judge
Patterson from indisposition not being
. able to attend.
The following jurors were called oyer
and sworn, viz.
John Sullivan, John Rathbone, jun.
Lewis C. Hamersley, Cortlandt Bab
| cock, John P. Hafff, Gold Hoyt, John
i A. Fort, James Mastcrton, Schuyler
j Livingston, Henry Pantoa, George For
■ man, and Augustus Mynhook.
The Attorney General opened the
case by briefly stating to the jury the
counts in the indictment. After which
the following witnesses were examined
in behalf of the prosecution, viz.
Messrs. Samuel G. Ogden, Dr. Ro
manic, David Gelston (collector of the
1 port,) John M’Lean, General Stephens,
j Richard Belden, Jonathan Ogden, John
j Jacob Astor, Benjamin Haight, Ber
-1 nard Halt, Abraham Vannest, Jona
than Fay, William Fosbrook and Wil
liam Allen.
In the course of the examination se
t veral questions were asked, which gave
rise to considerable desultory conversa
i tion among the counsel.
After which the court adjourned un
til 10 o’clock.
Sixth Day.
The Court met at 10 o’clock pursu
ant to adjournment.
Present, Judge Talmadge.
The jury and the witnesses having
been called, Judge Talmadge stated to
the jury, that Judge Patterson being
too indisposed to attend the trial, and
a mournful occurrence having taken
place in his own family, he found it
necessary to adjourn the. Court until 9
o’clock on Mondy morning the 21st.
Seventh Day.
The Court met according to adjourn
ment.' Present, Judge Talmadge.
The examination of the witnesses on
the part of the prosecution, was contin
ued, and occupied the whole of the day,
from 9 to 3 o’clock.
The Court adjourned to Tuesday
morning, 23d, at 10 o’clock.
The following is a copy of the letter read by
Judge Patterson, on the first day of the tri
al of William S. Smith, in the Circuit
Court of the United States for the New-
York District.
“ To the Honorable the Judges of the Cir-
Court for the District of JVctv-York.
“ We have been summoned to ap
pear on the 14th of this month before
a special circuit court of the United
States for the district of New-York, to
testify on the part of William S. Smith
and Samuel G. Ogden. Sensible of j
all the attention due to the writs ofi
subpoena issued in these cases, it h
with regret we have to state to the
court, that the President of the United
States, taking into view the state of
our public affairs has specially signified
to us that our official duties cannot,
consistently therewith, be at this junc
ture dispensed with. The court, we
trust, will be pleased to accept this as
a satisfactory explanation of our failure
to give the personal attendance requir
ed. And as it must be uncertain whe
ther, at any subsequent period, the ab
sence of heads of departments at such
a distance from the scene of their offi
cial duties, may not equally happen to
interfere with them, we respectfully
submit, whether the object of the par
ties in this case may not be reconciled
with public considerations by a com
mission issued, with the consent of
their council and that of the district at
torney of the United States, for the pur
pose of taking in that mode, our res
pective testimonies.
We have the honor to be,
With the greatest respect,
Your most obedient servants,
City of Washington, >
Bth July, 1806.” $
Eighth Day.
Present, Judge Talmadge.
The jury and witnesses being called,
the Attorney General proceeded in the
examination of witnesses. After Col.
Platt and Dr. Douglass were examined,
the Attorney General informed the
court that lie had at present, no other
witnesses to bring forward.
Th» counsel for the Defendant, after
retiring and conferring half an hour,
returned ; when Mr. Golden rose and
briefly stated to the jury the nature of
the testimony about to be offered in be
half of the defendant. He then said
that, with the consent of the court, he
would proceed to offer that testimony,
and would begin with reading the mes
sage of the President at the opening of
the last session of Congress, and other
documents, for the purpose of disprov
ing or refusing that count in the Indict
ment which states that the United
States and Spain were at peace, at the
time th« expedition of the Leander was
set on foot. To this the Attorney Gen
era! objected. The question, whether
the Defendant had a right to adduce
such kind of testimony to show that
hostilities had actually commenced be
tween this country and Spain ; or, in I
other words whether a rupture had ta- :
ken place between the two countries,
was then able and eloquently discussed. 1
Three hours were employed in this ar- :
gument, by Mr. Golden, Mr. Hoffman, '•
Air. Harrison and Mr. Emmet, on the |
one part, and the Attorney General and
Mr. Edwards on the other.
Judge Talmadge (if we rightly un
derstood him) then decided, that no
testimony could be admitted to shew j
the actual situation of the two coun- j
tries, but such as could be gathered J
from the acts of Congress ; and of!
course the testimony contended for by
the defendant’s counsel was altogether
Mr. Golden then moved that testi
mony be admitted to shew the know
ledge and approbation of our govern
ment as to the expedition in question.
The Judge observed, that, as that
point had already been decided, it would
be unnecessary to argue it. The tes
timony could not be admitted.
Every avenue being thus closed to
the testimony ol the defendant, his
counsel observed, that they had none
that they could offer. The Attorney
General then proceeded to examine
other witnesses in behalf of the prose
cution. It is probable that two or three
days more will close the trial.
Ninth Day.
The Court met according to adjourn
Present, Judge Talmadge.
hive witnesses being examined, the
Attorney General informed the Court
that he had closed the examination of
witnesses on the part of the prosecution.
Mr. Golden then rose in behalf of the
defendant, and addressed the jury for
nearly two hours, with great perspicui
ty and energy.
At half past twelve o’clock, Mr. Hoff
man rose on the same side of the ques
tion. Mr. Hoffman’s argument, which
he finished at half past 3 o’clock, was
one of the most perspicuous, learned
and eloquent we ever heard.
The jury then retired for refresh
ment ; and in a few minutes returned.
Mr. Emmet then followed Mr. Hoff
man in a speech of nearly two hours.
He necessarily pursued the general
| outlines, adopted by his associates who
i had preceded him. At almost every
I stage of his argument, he produced
new and interesting illustrations. His
imagery was glowing and well sup
ported, his positions were clear, his
reasoning logical, and his deductions
apparently perspicuous and conclusive.
Although his voice and gestures are
not the most happy, yet his eloquence
is peculiarly bold, energetic and im
Tenth Day.
1 he court met according to adjourn
ment.-——Present, Judge Talmadge.
Mr. Harrison rose, and in a dispas
slonate and forcible jtddress of two
hours, closed the argument on the part
of the defendant. AH that man could
do, under the existing restrictions of
the court, his Counsel have done to se
cure his acquital.
The Attorney General rose, at 12
o’clock, in behalf of the prosecution.
We regret that we cannot give a sketch
of his argument. He spoke in so low*
a tone of voice that we could distin
guish but a part of it. What we heard,
however, appeared to be ingenious, and
well adapted to the subject before him.
( The Court having heard the arguments
of Counsel on bath sides , summed ufi
the evidence to the jury , tv ho retired
for about two hours , and returned with
a verdict of Ireit Guilty.)
AUGUSTA, (Mass.) July 11.
Horrid Murder ! At an early hour
on Wednesday morning last, the inhab
itants of this town were alarmed with
the dreadful information, that Cap*r
James Purinton, of this place, in cool
blood, had murdered his wife, six chil
dren, and himself. His oldest son, with
a slight wound, escaped, and his second
daughter was found desperately wound
ed, and probably supposed dead by the
father. Between the flours of two and
three, a near neighbour, Mr. Dean
Wyman, was awakened by the lad who
escaped, with an incoherent account of
the horrid scene from which he had
just fled ; he, with a Mr. Ballard, anoth
er neighbour, instantly repaired to the
fatal spot, and here, after having lighted
a candle, a scene was presented that
beggars ail description. In the outer
room lay prostrate on his face, and wel
tering in his gore, the perpetrator-of the
dreadful deed, his throat cut in the most
shocking manner, and the bloody razor
lying on a table by his side. In an ad
joining bed room, lay Mrs. Purinton in
! her bed, her head almost severed from
j her body ; and near her, on the floor, a
; little daughter about ten years old, who
' probably hearing the cries of her moth
er, ran to her relief from the apartment
in which she slept, and was murdered
by her side. In another apartment was
j found the two oldest, and the youngest
daughter, the first aged 19, dreadfully
1 butchered; the second desperately
wounded, reclining her head on the
body ofthe dead infant, 18 months old,
in a state of horror and almost total in
! sensibility. In the room with the fa
j ther, lay in bed with their throats cut,
j the two youngest sons, the one eight,
| the other six years old. And in anoth
{ cr room was found, on the health, most
dreadfully mangled, the second son,
aged twelve ; he had fallen with his
trowsers under one arm, with which he
had attempted to escape. On the breast
work over the fire place, was the distinct
impression of a bloody hand, where the
unhappy victim probably supported
himself before he fell. The whole house
seemed coverd with blood, and nenr the
body of the murderer lay the deadly
axe. From the surviving daughter we
have no account of this transaction ; her
dangerous situation prevents any com
munication, and but faint expectations
are entertained of her recovery. From
the son, aged 17, we learn the follow
ing :—That he was awakened by the
piercing cries ofiiis mother, Sc involun
tarily shrieking himself 4 he leapt from
his becl and ran towards the door of his
apartment; he was met by his father
with an axe in hishand,(the moon shone
bright) who struck him, but being so
near each other, the uxe passed over his
shoulder, and one coiner of it entered
hisback, making a slight wound; his
father then struck at him once or twice,
and missed him ; at this moment his
younger brother, who slept in the sarjje
bed with him, jumped from it and at
tempted to get out at the door ; to pre
vent this the father attacked him, which
gave the cldestan opportunity to escape.
During this dreadful conflict, not a word
was uttered. From the appearance of
the wounds generally, it seems to have
been the design of Purinton to dissever
the heads from the bodies, excepting the
two youngest, whose throats, it is sup
posed, were cut with a razor. The
oldest daughter and second son had sev
eral wounds, the probable consequence
of their resistance. We have no evi
dence to lead us satisfactorily to the mo
tives for this barbarous and unnatural
deed. Captain Purinton was 46 years
of age, and had lately removed from
Boudoinham, to this town—an indepen
dent farmer, with a handsome estate ; of
steady, correct, and industrious habits,
and of a good character and fair imputa
tion, and strongly attached to his fami
ly. He had been heard lately to say,
that he felt much distressed at the unpro I
j mising appearance of his farm ; that he 1
should be destitute of bread for his fam
ily, and hay for his cattle, and dreaded
the consequences.