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and Milk Shakes every day. My line of Family Groceries is always fresh and nice»
c irr/ntiu; r, o a .
Tfcursdav Morning, .Inly 19,1SSS.
Thin Paper may In* found on file at
*•••». P. Powell A fo’s Ne\vsna|»er Ad
vertising Ihtreau (in .Spruce st.). where
adv*rti«iiigcontraets miy be made for it
New York.
\*on mein Philadelphia
:it the >t*wspa|»er A.tvrr-
Agency of Messrs.
* SON. «Ur authorized agents.
■■■■ i 1 j m j
*r. I. A. MAUTIN is onr Agent
tt Rethel, and is fully aulJiorized to
eeelre and receipt for all money
•. -tld him.
Mr. W- J. Brow;. Ir.. is onr Aeent al
Scorietowj, (oily antimrizeil to receire and
receipt far all Money paid iim.
•‘Elernal Vigilance is lie Price of Liii:rty.”
National Democratic Ticket.
Foit President,
of New* York.
For: Vice Pkesidext.
OF Olllo.
<lnltnisiu Uriu«cra<.y.
A meeting of tin; Democratic Exec
utive Committee of the 12tli .Senatori
al District lias been called to meet in
l.iimpkin on the first Tuesday in Au
gust. and it is earnestly desired that
every member of the committee at
tend, as there arc matters of impor
tance to be attended to.
Wm. a. ! 11 r.L. See’y,
Georgetown, (in., July II, JESS.'
The Democratic District Con
ventions of Quitman county are
requested to meet al their sepa
rate Districts Tuesday, the 31st
day of July, 1SSS. to elect dele
gates to meet in Georgetown on
Tuesday, the 7th day of August
next for the purpose of nominating
a candidate for the Legislature.
.Districts will he allowed the fol
lowing nu m her of delegates:
Georgetown district S, North Car-
olina 3, Florida 3. litiuihlclon 3.
H. M., Chairman
Ex. Com. ol Quitman county.
President Diaz, of the Republic
ol Mexico, has been reelected for
another term.
Very great and destructive floods
occurred last week in Pennsylva
nia and \\ estA iiginia. T'lie loss
cannot lie estimated.
Mr. S. J Uamlall has lieen dan
gerously ill. and probably will he
coin pci lei 1 to give up his duties in
the house during the balance of
the present session of Congress.
Kennedy, a “onegallus” repub
liean from Ohio, one day last week
made a villianous and vicious
attack upon the South while dis
cussing the tariff hill.
The Mass Meeting on the 31»t
instant will elect delegates to the
gubernatorial convention. The
people will hear in mind how our
gallant and illustrious Gordon
was abused and slandered during
the last campaign. These same
men are quiet now, hut their en
unity against Gordon still rankles
in their bosoms, and they would
take advantage of any indifference
on the part of his friends, to knife
him by sending anti Gordon dele
gates to the convention. It is
true that there is no outward in
dication of opposition, hut we
never know what is going on be
; neath the surface. His enemies
A duel between M. Floqnet, the! know that open hostility would be
the Prime minister of France, and j worse than futile, and therefore
Another railroad trestle gives
way—in "Virginia this time—a
train is hurled to the ground, and
about forly persons killed and
Senator Blair, ol New Hump
shire got his •‘back up” in the
Senate the other day, and accused
Mr. Butler of South Carolina, ol
being a rebel and a traitor.
I lie anarchists of Chicago arc
again engaged in their nctariuus
and wicker! schemes. A few more
hangings will probably he neees
saiy to make them law abiding
Free Trade.
The most ineonleslible evidence
•>f tile length, breadth, depth, anrl
strength of lire tariff relonn move
ment may Ire seen in the prompt
and wonderful enthusiasm ere
a tell by Grover Cleveland's
message, and the absolute una
nimity with which the Democ
racy of the Union, without doubt
or hesitation, end.weed bis views,
and rceoinmended him to the St.
Louis convention as the choice of
tile people for President of I he
United Stales. Another very sig
iiiiicant evidence is found in the
wide spread dissatisfaction among
republicans with their own plat
form which results in daily defec
tion from that party. Protection
is wrong and false in principle,
and in its operation is nothing
more tor less than legalized roh
bei£. Tlie majority of lire people
of this country are honest, and
they are not willing that such a
monstrous outrage should become
a permanent policy of our govern
ment. What they demand, how
ever, is not “free trade," notwith
standing the labored efforts of the
republicans to make it appear so.
There are a few so called demo
eratie journals in the country
which are also doing everything
in their power to create the same
impression. But these falsehoods
and misrepresentations do not de
ccivc the people to any great ex
tent. The object of these so call
ed democratic journals is exactly
the same as that of the republi
cans, viz: to defeat Mr. Clcicland
and tlie great party he represents
The recent campaign in Georgia
upon this question demonstrated
the utter inipolency and futility
of their gigantic efforts to lead
the people into the support of a
shrewdly devised system of public
robbery. In sp:te of all their
sophistries and highly colored de
ceptions,the people of the counties,
almost without exception,declared,
in no unmeaning terms, for honest
taxation. Tariff reform is as far
from “free trade” as the east is
from lire west, and no one knows
it better than the greedy prolcc
lionist. Ilis arrogance has grown
with his wealth, and to day he is
almost powerful enough to defy
the people, and force them to con
tinue their annual tributes. But
as the campaign progresses, infor
illation will be diffused among tlie
masses, and the democratic ranks
will swell, and democratic enthu
siasm will increase until Novem
her, when a great triumph of tin-
people will guarantee the relief
which they now demand of the
The Ballet Box.
In all elections provided for and
regulated liy law, the tally sheets
and ballots are wisely protected
from the gaze of the public, and a
way is provided for tlicir proper
disjxisilion. No individual lias
any right whatever to take these
papers or to see them for the pur
pose of gratifying a morbid curi
unity to know bow A., 15. or C.
voted, or for any other purpose.
File law poitilayout precisely un
dei wliat ciicuinstances, ami in
what manner the ballot box shall
he opened and investigated. So
important is this matter, that se
vere penalties I lift c been provided
lor violations of tlie law. The
contents of the ballot box are not
iulended for publication, and their
privacy should be protected at all
hazards. Gentlemen very often
differ as to men and measures,
and for very evident reasons de
posit folded tickets. Who pos-
sesses the right to open these tick
ets to.see for whom or for what
they were voted? Nobody of course
will presume to claim any such
right. It will be universally ad
milled, wc think, that the purity
ami freedom of elections dejicnd
wL"k ra The ,l i ,, ',f r " aS h, r l I '““ill” Will be their pro
week. 1 lie latter was seriously | _ _ J
wounded in the neck.
men j
exhibited great bravery.
The serious illness of Air. Ran
dall, al this juncture, is a hard
blow to the Republicans, who
have lelied upon him and his little
squad to aid them in defeating
Democratic legislation. The Mills
bill will certainly pass the House.
Judge Stewart lias been unani
mously te nominated lor Congress
from the 5th District. He is an
able representative ol the people,
and is one of the most active and
useful members of the federal leg
1 he republican party is com
mitted to an increase of federal
taxation by its Chicago platform
Every day it is made clearer and
clearer that the only chance for
relief from unnecessary burdens is
in a complete triumph of the
democratic party.
1 he Macon Evening News con
tinucs to prate and drivel about
democratic “free trade.” It is
astonishing that the News
ram. Come out to the mass
meeting, and sec that no scheme
is sprung on that occasion to de
feat the will of the people.
1>oIn from the ■-'ourlli.
The corn and cotton crops arc look
ing line in this section.
Some few in tlie community attend
ed the celebration at ltisl Bone last
Friday, and report a pleasant time.
Mrs. Jim Edwards has lieen quite
sick tlie past few < hi vs, hut hopes are
entertained of her speedy recovery.
Mr. A. E. Bass, of Sumner, was
visiting in the Fourth last Monday.—
Come again, friend A., the girls are
always glad to see you.
Air. Sam Fiilford, of Columbus,
inline down last Friday and spent sev
eral days with his brother, .Mr. Jas.
Futfonl, anj returned Alondav.
Oar Senator and Representative.
Messrs. Editors:
Your correspondent, “Pro Bono
Publico.” gives some weighty rea
sons for his suggestion to nouii
nate Dick Crnzicr and Cninmhus
Taylor respectively for Senator
and Reprrst-nalive
Nothing could or would so per-
feclly satisfy the people and al
once allay the feverish interest
tell by al! good inen in these mat
ters of vital inquire Both these
gentlemen have served the people
lK-fore, both have proven them
selves wise, conservative and pro
gressive legislators and safe men
every wav; both are farmers, rats
ed in our midst as country boys,
ami are fully imbued willi the
instincts of the great mass of our
Sympathy, common interest anil
fellow feeling makes one a good
man to select as tile represents
live of a class or a people. Our
farmers most need to lie represent
ed now. Who can so nearly do it
rightly as the Ilian horn and rais
ed under" the shadow of the glow
ing corn and c«itt*-n in the conn
Randolph wants Randolph men.
horn with Randolph ideas and
reared on Randolph dirt to the
fore now. Whenever you strike
such men yon get good ones, and
in Dick Crozier and Colinnhus
Taylor you have fair represents
upon the restrictions with which j 5ives of the class.
.. i i ,i i.- Gome mil to the mass meeting,
the law surrounds them. It one I , ,, , , . ~
; you fellows w ho live in the conn
citizen may be permitted to take j t y districts and see to it that you
tbe ballots and tally sheets of a are given the light to put in tioin
inalion as many of Randolph's
country raised hoys as you can
gel before the people. Dow n with
unit rules and away with dema
gogues and political tricksters and
traders. We can if we will rule
out the self instituted bosses w ln>
cry out against every man hut
themselves as “dark horses,"’ anil
would claim the right to force u»
to vote lor them or not at all.
Lawyers are good in their places,
sometimes we need them in the
Legislature, but nut often. Ik c
tors are splendid fellows,, and for
making pills or gi'ing quinine
are just the tiling, but the body-
certain election to appease his cu
riosily. or to keep for future refer
ence. any other citizen is entitled
to the same privilege, and who
can tell the amount of evil such a
proceeding would bring about?
The very best men in the comtnti
oily would be at once deterred
from the exercise of the elective
franchise, and the way made clear
for unsafe and dangerous meu to
be exalted to positions of trust
and responsibility.
In primary elections held for
nomination of candidates for of
fice, the law, with its wise restric
lions, does not apply; hut the hal
lot lmx is just as sacred, and no
man should he permitted to look
into it. A man is as often inflit
cuced to vole a folded ticket al a
primary, as he is al a regular elec
lion; and no other man lias any
right to know- how he voted. Wc
hope that the Executive Commit
tee ol the Democratic p irty iu our
county will think of this, and
whenever primaries are held
the election of delegates, or
politic requires different medicine
Iron] that they air accustomed to
—handle, and you all know a doc
tor's mistake is always fatal; but
there can he no harm in tlie mod
est., quiet, gentlemanly country
boys we have mentioned. So here
goes for Dick and Columbus—ot
the people and lor the people.
l’l.ow Buy.
The Words Full of Tlu-m.
Savannah News.
The free whisky plank in the
Chicago platform threatens to he
bo mote damaging to the Harrison
foi ticket than Hurehard's three R’s
any other purpose, the proper or was 1,0 Blaine ticket. 1 In*
,i „ -n , if . i - republican orgaus arc daily as
tiers will be issued lor the safe I 1 . = , J
serting that the republican party
destruction ol ; j s nill j n | aV or of free w-lnsky, and
the republican leaders and slump
speakers are trying to slimy Ilia'
keeping and lina
tile tally sheets and ballots.
("are of Work Horses.
American Farmer.
A Canadian farmer says it is
foolishly cruel to make a horse
work in dust and hot sun ior hours
without water. In summer give
water at least five limes a day.
their party, so far from favoring
free whisky, is the party of tern
Iterance and morality. Neverlhe
less, the declaration in the repult
lican platform that “we favor the
entire repeal of the internal taxes
rather than surrender any part of
If the lmrsc is warm make him I the protective system"'is so clear
Irink slowly. Give him all the | ly in favor of free whisky that m
water he wants before meals, none
after; he will want none if ins
food is moistened. Aloncy is
made by giving water ol an agree
able temperature, winter or sum
iner. If the horse lias been hard
at work give no water until he
has rested fifteen minutes, nor
food for thirty minutes. Drive
slowly the first hour after a meal.
Allow the horse to roll on dry
earth or sawdust once a day al
least. The evening is* tlie best
lime. Then at once groom him
thoroughly and outside the stable.
Thorough grooming cleanses the
hide as well as the hair. A dry
I'eluakus Tayler.
Editors Enterprise it Appeal :
, The gentleman whose name
heads this article is by no means
a stranger to our |ieop!e, hut such
is his modesty and retiring dis|Hi
silion that many arc a|tl to pass
linn by without a second thought.
In all ilia", makes iii.-m irueCoium
bus Taylor is exceptionally bless
ed. Ills Ideas of the it lilies of
life ate such as to lilt Inin far
above the level of average man
kind, and those who know him
need no assurance that he will
never sloop to any thing untrue or
unmanly. Mr. Taylor should to
day lie our Senatorial choice, but
as lie lias already lieen uienliom d
tor the House, every patriot far
liter iu the county should come up
to liis support.
Wriling about my friend Taylor
very naturally recalls your corre
sjiondeiil’s flattering mention of
another Randolph boy far Senator.
I need hardly add that I allude to
II. I). Crozier. 1 cannot see how
tlie names of these two men can he
passed simply because they have
not been forced on public alien
lion in their own interest by
themselves. Tt R D. Crozier aud
Columbus Tavlor are “dark
horses’" they are known to lie good
ones that can be salely- trusted
work In harness and never kick
out the traces.
This w riter knows no'liing about
the feelings of either of his triends
in the connection here discussed,
but lie does know their qnalifica
lions and has some idea of wliat
the people want and need, and is
fully satisfied that we cannot do
I idler Ilian to adopt tlie sugges
lion of your correspondent and
nominate K. I). Crozier ami Co
lumbus Taylor, respectively, for
Sen ale and the House.
— • —
Effects of Aieiilal Overwork.
London Lancet.
Some interesting, though not
novel, observations on the symp
toms of menial Fatigue were dis
cussed at a recent meeting of the
Anthropological Society. The re
sult lit" these investigations goes
"o prove that weariness of uiind,
the result of work, like other forms
of exhaustion, is recognizable un
der tlie two different though rcla
ted aspects of irritability and in
capacity. Further careful inqui
ry into the same subject would
probably show that here, ns else
where, the Homer of these condi
lions is introductory to the latter,
and is the natural sequel of that
stage of apparently successful
ovcraclinn w hich is seen when an
organ still fully capable is uuiiuly
The observations referred to
were culled from a series of reports
by school teachers, and included
details ol their own sensations as
well as of the children under their
care. The signs of mental irrita
bility were apparent in sleepless
ness ane nervous laughter; of la
liguc. in sleepiness and incapaci
ly for task work. Lolling, yawn
mg and a languid manner told
that tlie will was flagging. Head
ache suggested overstrain in study
combined with defective ventila
tion, and perhaps a too sparing
diet; while some curious facts
bearing on the causation of color
blindness and somnambulism were
also noted. Thus, in one case the
blue-color peiccplion was for a
time obliterated, and the suffeier
from this defect found herself
painting ivy leaves a blight or
ange; while in another a student,
having retired to rest on tlie eve
of an examination, awoke al Ins
lesk to find that he luul lieen bu
Watch the FaHlleian*.
Editors Enterprise «fc Appeal:
Let it not lie tor gotten that the
j mass meeting on the 3lsl inst. ap
points delegates to tlie Guberna
torial convention. We all leeol
leclthe remarkable bitterness ot
some men in this county towards
our gallant Gordon—how they
villifled and utilised him and rle
clared his election would ruin and
disgrace ns all. There is no pro
non ill'll I opposition to Gordon now
but tile triends of tlie old trai
horse should not lie caught nap
ping. C'omc out to the meeting
and see for yourselt thar no tricks
are played against our hero stales-
—- ' » • -w-
Ruckle.’* Arnica Salre.
The Best Salve in the world for
Cuts. Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Salt
Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter,
Chap|>ed Hands,Chilblains.Corns
and ail Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Files, or no pay re
quired. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction, or money re
funded. frice 25 cents per box.
Fill" sale by J. W. Stanford.
in25 Iv.
mi I
IN IjbOW pbioeis l
On Corn, Meat, Flour, Bran, Day, Oats, Sugar, Coflee, To*
bacco, Sl eeps, (all kinds and sizes,) Ot & H. Seovil Hoes*
Brain Cradles, Horse Bakes and Mowers* In fact,
Everything inPl&niaiion asdFamily SuppHc s,
At Prices that will defy Competition* Can’t be undersold by
anybody. See me before you buy.
aprl9-ct C. N. SIMPSOX, Jn.» AgexT;
shampoo is best for a horse. Bet
ter use elbow grease than water jean platfoim, not only because lie
V- The best horses; is an honest man, hut, also, be
lied liberally,
are in dry, elevated regions. Pure-
ness and dryness of air in the
stables are secured by an elevated
site (willi the drains under the
walls of Imnkharns;) keeping ma
nnre cleaned up and by having
the barn connected with cupolas
by ventilating shafts. Fairly
good ventilation is secured by
holes under the eaves. Have
windows on east, south and west.
Light and dryness destroy fungus
growths. Do not throw the bed
ding against tlie manger. Clay
or ceiueiit floors are tin* liest. Bathe
the shoulders with saltwater eve
ry evening six weeks before spring
wmk «pens and continue .through
the summer. Fit the harness In
the horse. Better drive twenty
miles to a good farrier than have a
next door botch pul on the shoes.
one can misunderstand it. It is
folly, therefore, for tlie republicans
to say that they are not in favor
of free whisky. They certainly
say that the revenues must he rc
duced. and that they must he re
duced hv taking tlie tariff ofl
whisky rather Ilian tlie ueiessa- -,jly engaged in drawing hu-noroiis
ries ol li!e. I hey simply insult, cartoons relating to a lonnei con-
the Intelligence of the people when j versation. Here we have an in
lliey deny that they favor I ter stance of cerebral irritation due
Y ! to overwork, which suggests a
1 he Rev. Dr. 1 liomlore L. City j somewhat close connection be-
ler. of Brooklyn, president ol tbe U wec g dreaming and soinnanibu
American temperance association, !| isIn a nd afr.ods a clew to the
ts certainly an intelligent man. t physiology of the latter condition.
He would not lie likely to give a [ Overwork, both mental and bod
false interpretation to the repnbli j!jt ja nl once the most general
ami loasL regunle*! form of ilincs*
f harmless vegetable remedies that will restore the whole system to healthy action, i
nokitely needed to cure any disease “for the disease that affects one organ wcakei
Paine’s Celery Compound is THIS PERFECT COMBINATION. Rear the proof.
4 **I have snfTt-reti terriHy from nervousness an<l ki«lnrr
fronble. I Ixjutrht two bottles of Puine’s tVlery t'otiiyoiiiHl.
ami oh. how it «litl hell* nu*! I have so much fiiith in your
. mMirin**, for I know wliat it did for me.'*
Ontario Centre, K. Y. Mrs. J. J. Watsojt.
** For five year? I suHVred with malaria and nervousness.
I tried Paine's Celery Coni|N>inid. and lean t rut h fully t>uy
that live bottles eoinj*lelely cured me. I cheerfully recom
mend it, for I know it to lie h iro»tl medicine.”
t'n as. L. Steakws, I Art ter Carrier, Station B, Brooklyn, N. Y.
euralgia, Rheumatism,Para'ysis.Biliousness^yspepsiivCostivensss, Piles, Liver Cor
laint, KidneyTrouble, Female Complaints, and ail diseases arisingfrom Impure Bloo
l. six for £5. Wnxs. HirnATU). £1. six for AS. See that earli T*ot- ft. six for $5. Wrix*. T?irii \r.
in & Co.. l'n>i«.. BurUuKtf'U, Vt. tie bears the Celery trade mark. son & Co., Prui>s.. lH:riiriKt<ni,\
Cheaper than ever Before
Offered in Cnthbert !
■or tho N65-VOU3,
iirj *‘2(»-l y.
Tho Debilitated,
The Aged.
A I)u»kj Damsel Attempts Suicide. I Neglect of l’ntj.
Quitman Count}* Courier. j Macon Telegraph.
On a du«ky uiglit last week, the j J ««*r«#ner s jurj* called to in
lethargic sons of Ham residing in • 'estimate the cause ot the death ol
the vicinity of Methodist coiiit, | | M ‘ rs,, ns killed in tlie recent
were suddenly* awakened into \ accident «*n the A irginia Midland
some h n : appro tek ng life and j railroad say, in tlicir verdict, that
interest. Oneof their sable nuni j the timbers of the trestle through
hers becoming tired of the vicissi j which Ike train fell weie rollon.—
tudes of this cold woi hi. of heart ! 1 he statement is made that two
less husbands resolved to rxj»lort’M ,l,n ^ l ' t ‘^ tool of tbe trestle tell,
tlie mysteries of that land from j ;4W, 1 that investigation showed the
which no traveler ever returns. ! timbers to be so thoroughly dc-
Afier mature consideration, she | vayeil that the fibre could be
took a ticket via of the poison line, pinched °tf willi the finger nails
but finding it too slow for her cx 1 l here seems to be no doubt lint
citable temperament, sheswitchpd j the trestle was in a very danger
off into 1 lie rope anil tree line, | 01,8 condition, and that tiiis fact
with a second class through ticket. ! was known to the company. It is
She swung off iu tlie most approv j reported that extreme caution had
cd si) !»• and descended rapidly j l‘»ng been employed in crossing
downward towards mother earth ;,,, d preparations were being made
until willi a thud that settled hei | rr l ,a * r ** woik was not al
Wo will keep at our Lumber Yard on Pepot street, n
larger stock of Lumber than we ever kept before, wliich
we will sell at pricey lower than have ever been’ sold
here before.
SjBcial Frioes GiTon on Car loai
Lots. Call or send your onlors to our A aid, whore you
can get any quantity you want, at prices to suit you.
Will Sell You Lumber from SO 50 to
$10 00 Per Thousand Feet.
sept22 tf Mill at Fort Gaines, Ga.
iportant Announcement.
brain (?) into its proper place, j ready in progress,
she was umei emonioiisly seated! Dy this accident eig
upon Blanch H«»ik, having miss
i lost their Jives
ed her e*>nn dions.
This latter "ere iujured.
Jit persons
many others
Irgrcc of le
New York. Hnston. Haiti more. Philadelphia. Cincinnati. Si.
Louis, Louisville. Chicago, Nashville, Chattanooga, and
many other Cilics. East. West. Noi l h and South, hate been
called upon to contribute to the filling ef the
cause he has been a lifelong re
publican. In a letter recently
published in the New York Evan
gclist he said:
**In 1SS4 the republican conven
tion wisely declared in favor of
the revision of the tariff and tlie
reduction of the enormous and
Cant. O. A. Crittenden is teaching \ Blanket in winter in the open air’heresies
n '"‘i "‘.1°,'°. 100 I,0 . ,1S0 "~ (a blanket la lo protect the lun-a | Many of
His daughter, Miss Dora, went over v .. / , , . J* IJ -
last Monday to assist him. rather than Hie back;) net in fly ! lican j
At. I!... k'1... ..C \ f ... tt mu • r.. utun iiraiut, 1.... l<\ I !>.. ' nirtiinct. f
, X. O VUBI I ■ ,t*
claim to he democratic, and eve- "ij- Hp VP*".
Mr. Jim Slappv, of Macon, spent
several days last week will) Ids broth
er, Mr. ('lias. Sla| pv.
Onr young friend, Joe Kniehton,
says the yirls have all went hack on
him, and now he proposes lo fool
with them no longer. Joe is fishing
ry day |>ersist in wilfully misrep
resenting the p.-uty upon tlie vi
lal issue of tanfl" reform.
Aliss Belle Slappv is visiting Mrs.
G. W. Bass, of Terrell.
Your fellow townsman, Mr. T. 0.
Bias, was among 11s putting up light-
.).,.„ ... ... . . ning rods last week. Tom can talk
lie Al.anla Constitution vtg- the lightning off from anyiiody'slionse
orously resents the djarge made! Mr. Capers Milliruus is quite sick
by Republicans that the Al ills j at fbis writing.
tariff bill is a “free trade” ineas Mr. Lum Edwards is teaebingscbool
at Oak Hill, near Mr. A. 6. Radnev’s
Air. N. L. Helm is nursing a bone
mens {
lire. It hasn't been long since the
Gonstilution was busily engaged
in the same kind of opposition lo
the democratic party.
The tariff Dill which has been
»o long the absorbing topic of the
country, and the subject of a pro
longed and exhaustive debate in
Congress, will come to a vote the
latter part of this week, and will
pass by a majority ranging some
where lwlween ten and twenty.
The Democrats of Bibb county,
in mass meeting assembled, uuan
imously endorsed Hon. James H
Blunt, and elected delegates lo
the Congressional convention in
structed to nse all honorable
means to secure his renomination.
Mr. Blunt is one of the ablest and
best men in the Slate, and is very
popular iu his district.
felon on his thumb.
Tbe storm on Sunday last done
considerable damage to crops in our
section. *
— Remember that we have re
solved to have a County Fair this
year, and also to contest for a
prize al the State Fair in Alacon.
If wc all do our best, none of us
will be ashamed of tlie result
Let us keep these inqiortant mat
ters constantly in view, and lie
fully prepared when tlie time
—The fteecy staple will soon
begin to whiten the fields, and
then business in every line become
vigorous and lively.
journals arc protesting
time; fasten green leaves to the! against them, and such staunch
lop of the bridle when the sun is j ami thoughtful republicans as ex-
hot. Temper firmness with kind-1 .Mayor Seth Low ami tlie Rev. Dr.
ness. Cut the hay and grind the I Storrs, aud many other of our
grain; feed them moistened and ! Brooklyn citizens, are in open re
mixed. To feed the meal alone is | volt against them. Dr. Storrs
wasteful and dangerous. | said to me yesterday that as lie
could not turn democrat lie could
The Evening News, of Alacon,
in its every issue characterizes the
Democracy as a “free trade” party,
ami reiterates daily tlie statement
that the republicans will make a
bold and aggressive campaign,
while the democrats, standing up
on Cleveland's “foolish message,”
will have to receive the terrific
onslaughts of the enemy. The
truth is. as every Democrat
knows, the Democratic party are
tlie aggressors, in favor of the just
and righteous demand for a re
duction of tariff taxation in the
interest of the common people of
this country. The “foolish mes
sage" is tne Democratic platform,
and if the News can't accc|R it
and support it like a man, why
don't it exercise its unquestioned
right to get on the republican
platform, which it evidently pre
lo which we are liable in the pres
ent age. Do what we may, it is
next to impossible to escape from
it; but there is, at all events, a
certain satisfaction in being able
to recognize its features. We
must not forget, however, that it
is also to a considerable extent a
preventable evil, and it is certain
dangerous surplus. But this year's ! | v a I11:illL . r r „ r satisfaction that
convention has strangely declared t j lis js m)l Snored bv the re
in favor of the practical mainlen | or ,„jng party in the Legislature,
ance of the present exorbitant and ; j ls trc ttiiienL in individual cases
oppressive war tariff, and in order : rt . qililV 8 chiefly that due attenti. n
to provide against the aceuinula- | )u tl) i| Ie i wo great essentials
lion of a surplus it suggests a re- „ r liuiely resl aniI wholesome diet,
peal of the taxes on whisky nn. I. Work, however irksome, may. ilis
tobacco. Instead of inking off the w<*aeral!v allowed, be undertaken
burden from many necessaries ol ; „ n a scale, if only it is not
life it would give us free pipes and . loo t .onUniiot,s, but is broken by
free whisky. . j timely and adequate intervals ot
I am not the only dissentient rosU Tlle V!l | uc „ f a |(Uin ani ,
against the extreme high tariff j liberal dietary is hardly less, and
s of the late convention, j we may take it as a maxim for the
of the most powerful repub tj mt .s that, so long as appetite and
sleep are unimpaired, there is no
dangerous degree of overwork,
and, conversely, that a failure in
either of these respects should lie
regarded as a warning signal, to
which attention should he paid hy
reliering the strain of exeition.
Now is the Time to
Subscribe for. or renew your sub
scription to, the Entkeckise and
Appeal—the largest and best
weekly paper published in this
section. All home print, l’rice.
only $1.00 a year.
You can get the Enterpkise &
Appeal and the American Farmer,
a large 16 page monthly paper,
one year for only $1 25 for lmtli.
Yon can get the Enterprise ifc
Appeal and Atlanta Weekly Con
stitution, both one tear, lor onlv
Yon can got the Enterprise A
Appeal and Southern Cultivator,
both one t ear, for only $2 00.
You can get tlie Enterprise &
Appeal and Macon Telegraph,
both one year, for only $1.80.
You can get the Enterprise &
Appeal and Sunny South, both
•me year, for onlv $2 60.
-m- • m
There is no longer any doubt
of the passage of the Mills tariff
bill. The most important item of
tlie measure, the free wool clause,
was sustained in tliecnmmiUre of
the whole by a vote or 12UU> 102.
imitate Sambo in the story and
“take lo ihe woods.” If all of iis
republicans who arc opposed to
tree trade and free whisky, and
yet are strenuously in favor of
reducing the present outrageously
oppressive tariff, should follow the
example of Dr. Storrs, the “woods”
will be pretty full by next Novem
her. Tile immense surplus in the
national treasury is fraught with
increasing evils and dangers.
There is a growing discontent
among the intelligent working
classes with high taxes on the
necessaries of life. The many are
now burdened for the benefit of
the few.”
The blunder the republicans
made at Chicago in declaring for
I'ee whisky cannot he corrected.
As tlie campaign progresses its
demoralizUto effect iqwin the rc
publicanswnll steadily increase.
Teachers of morality and religion
and advocates of the cause of lem
perance cannot consistently sup
|iort a party which farors making
whisky free Ik-fort making the
necessaries of life cheaper.
pinching argument convinced her [ sponsibilitv of tlie railroad com
that the journey through, was loo! P ;,nv f" r the killing ot its patron.-
rougli for even her. and with the j w iH probably he a question t--i
help of a small crowd of her dusky ' the courts to decide in Miils for
admirers, the physician and a j damages. Ou the showing so fai
stomach pump, she was restored j 'na'Ie it sci ms lo us that the mm-
to a proper frame of nnod. j pany was very culpable. A rail
Yet the Courier is minus a ani road company owes to tlie travel
cidal item, the coroner a fee, the i >'»g public the greatest degree of
undertaker the saleot a coffin and , safety which an untiring vigilance
the preacher and grave digger » and prompt repair of the natural
f ce# j deterioration of its roadway can
The merchant sold a roj»t\ the J injure. In this instance it seems
doctor received a fee and the! (bat the company allowed a danger
druggist sold some morphine. . “f wl'icli it was cognizant to long
Thus ended a little episode such threaten the lives of passengers
as will occasionally crop out, ami !'■» its care, and repairs were un
break the serene inonolouiv of; dertaken oulv when disaster was
even Georgetown. ’ j imminent The fa.-t that the
mo* - j company in this inst:.nee. in the
Purify Your IfiXood. ! payment of damages and the dam*
i, ,*,.. , i . ..I, age to rolling stock, will suffer a
Hodilv and mental liealln do • ® , 9 _ , .
, ' , lt . . .*,; „ . . monetary loss far in excess of the
pcn< upon a healthy condition ol . ... ,
the blood. The blood particular ; < 0*1 wineh would have been en
ly iu the spring and summer l ?>» P , '>l« ; "r r .gard tor its
... . , . ... • responsibilities will not lessen tlie
mouths, becMiuea clogged with un . ,
, , - . „ ! grief ol the families of those who
purities, which poison it aud gen ^ . . . ... ,
1 , ,* a i i I j , were the victims of the railroad
crate disease. A harmless blood, , .. Jk
purifier is necessary to restore a u-.mpanv s negligem-e. •
— best purifier | The law of the iand and the
Swifts St,(« ol duly of railroad managers
citic (S. S. S.) Of us wonderful •"«'», as
purifying and tonic powers we that at Fat Nancy s trestle irnpos-
give a few testimonials: sl * e "
Mr. Wm A. Sielmld, with Geq,
P. Rowell & Co , 10 Spruce Street,
New York, writes: “I feel it my j
duty, for the benefit of others who, «...
...ay be a ill cled as I was, to write WKltlJ „ ,, y lurd „„ rk _ or fnm , a
you this letter, which you can use jUuess. you need a gixMl tonic and Hood
in any way you choose. I suffer- I purifier like Hood's Sarsaparilla. It you
ed great pain from Imils, all over
my neck; I could not turn my
head niil.out acute pain. After
With The
Immense and
t'U AS;
Which it is carrying, at prices that will insure a trade if yon
w ill only make me a rail. I have provided a sufficient quan
tity to supply this and adjoining with all they "ill
need in this line, and the public are invited .to inspect this
stock. ^
While it. is going po cheap. Summer and winter, dull and
lively times, will find me with n full stock. «n4 it von w ant a
Carl Load, a Wngon Load, or a Car Load, don't be afraid
you can't be supplied, but come along and see if what I tel)
voii is not true.
gmr i am very thankful for the favors I have received in the past,
and will do rnv best lo please in tbe future. Air. Keene Martin "r»
with me. and will be glad lo serve his m.anv friends. Vrrv respect
fully. - 33* Ws lEILiLIS*
septS et Manager.
healthy tone. The
aud tonic known is
= ; 7 i X 21
All Run Down
trying tlie usual remedies, and
finding no relief, I used one bottle
of S S. S , and very^non was en
tirely relieved of my “Jolt’s Com
loi ters.” Now not a sign of my
affliction can lie seen.”
.Mr. M. S. Hamlin, Winston, N.
C. writes: “I use it every spring.
It always builds me up, giving me
ap|>elite and digestion, and ena
bling me to stand the hot summer
days. On using it I soon become
strong of body and easy of mind.”
Mr. C. E. Mitchell.'Went 23d
St. Ferry. New York, writes: “I
weighed 116 pounds, when I began
taking your medicine, and now
152 pounds. I would not be with
out S. S. S. for several limes its
weight in gold.”
Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis
eases mailed free. The Swift
Specific Go., Drawer 3, Atlanta,
i e »
The All.-ititn Gonstilution stout
ly denies that the,Democratic par
ty favors “free trade.” Our cs
teemed contemporary is trying to
make amends for its past folly.
We hope that it will succeed.
liave never tried this peculiar medicine, do
so now. will pive you strength and
appetite, purify and vitalize your blood.
“ I have been in |*oor health for several
years, suffering with indigestion, restless
ness in the night, and iu the morning I
would get up with a very
Tired Feeling.
After taking only a part of the first bottle
of Hood’s Sarsaparilla I could rest well
all night and feel refreshed when I woke
tip. I must say that Hood’s Sarsaparilla is
all it is recommended to be.* Mrs, H. D.
Win A NS. 210 E. Mason St., Jackson. Mich.
**I have used Hood's Sarsaparilla as a
blood purifier and am well pleased with it,
it Iteing in my opinion tlie proper medicine
for the pun»ose.** Wm. <i. Wukrth, or
ganist. St. Mary's Church, Detroit. Mich.
*• My daughter received much benefit
j from Hood’s Sarsaparilla as a tonic after a
protracted attack of pneumonia.** Kev.
F. II. Adams, New Hartford, CL
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Sold by druggist*. £1; six for $•'>. Prepared by
C.I. CO.. Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar
In the combination, proportion, and
preparation of its ingredients, Hood’s
Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures where
other preparations entirely fail. Pe
culiar in its good name at home,which
is a “tower of strength abroad,” pe-
pccliar in the phenomenal sales it lias
attained, IIoimI’s Sarsaparilla is the
If the Republicans lost the
election in 1884 with Blaine nod
Logan, undoubtedly tbe strongest
ticket they could make, bow can
Hicv hope for a different result in
1888 with such a combination as
Harrison and Morton?
Mew Advertisements.
Quitman County.
Ordinary’s office, July f?th lartl.
Tonll IVhoiaa if may Concern.
\V. II. Itorsucli having applied to me
g i'|«S
§ Si*
timn: to noTEiRRti.
Mas. Winslow’s Sootuino Syrup!
>hoiiid always In* used when children are j
cutting teeth. Ir relieves the little suf
ferer at once; it produces natural, quiet!
sleep by relieving the child from pain,
and the little cherub awakes as “bright
as a button.” It i> very pleasant to taste.
It sopthes the child, softens the gums,
allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates
tlie bowels, aud is the Lest known reme
dy for diarrluea. whether arising from [
teething or other causes. Twentv-fivc
cents a Lottie. ]e2S-!y
” —CASk
for letters of Administration with will
annexed outlie estate of (ieorge W.
—, “ -—-'v* y C’iNtk. late of said <*ountv. this is to cite
most successful imslicine for purify- a p ami singular t!»e creditors and next
i.KT «li» lil.uul «ri vnu» Ktreitorili mul .J .J .-.kl w «*....!- ... i«. i
ing the blood, giving strength, aud
creating an appetite.
m + m
It nflortlN un pleasure to state
that a Democrat is a min who
«up|iorts Democratic principles
and meastirea. **I!c thal is not
for us is against us.”
of kin t*f saitl lictwgi* w. t’ook. t» It* and
appear at tlie Septeniljer term. 1SK8. id
the (*iNirt of Onlinary of said rotuitv. and
show cansr. if any they can. why fetters
of Administration with will annexed
should not lie granted to said \V. II.
Cloranch on Geo. W. f 'ook’s estate. U'it-
r ess mv officiul signature.
m. l. ALBitrrrox.
jnly 10-Yw Ordinary,
tSTimV, *e TOR JE, nxmcR. cibiift v
A.k for Pamphlet. At
'WRY SHObV CASE CO., taaehviltc, Tt
The Arlington,
MRS. W. H. LOCKE. Proprietress
( Late of the National Hotej.)
supplied with <»as. Water. rUrrtrie
X Hells and Elegant Hath Rooms.
Entire satisfaction guaratiteefl t«* all
who may favor her with their patronage
t’t.KKKS—-Messrs. K. 1»* Freeman and
C, O. I.iH-ke.
w-t l-vi fcntauki. Atabawa.
Ills YARD,
Defy Competition.
Mr. Easley is fully anrhorr/cd to ?dl>
receive moner. and receipt for the same,
A large share of patronage is soH«-iHtd r
and perfect satisfaction guaranteisl.
nichs ct
When chihlreu v yuk their imse. grind!
their teeth, are' restk*ss. unnatural lit
tlicir apiK-titc. they are quite likely
tro!lldctt with Worms, prompt measure*
should i*e t ken and M* A. Fabae*
Mf«ek*s Tenalfage kw given them
according to dirwrions it has wtvof
many a chitSl from death and may pre
serve v<mu' swtMri ehiUL (sunt ait aarfy