Newspaper Page Text
O. A. GEORGE has just received a fine lot of Oranges, Bananas and Cocoanuts. Ice Cream, Lemonades and Milk Shakes every day. My line of Family Qiocmios is <ilvut}s fresh ririd nice;
enterprise and appeal.
Tlttirstlav Morning-, July 2(>, 1SSS.
Thin Paper may he found on file at
r 'eo. P. Powell A (Vs Xewsnnper Ad
vertising Bureau < 10 Spruce St. \ where
advertising contracts m ly he made for it
in New York.
TiS ?hm ;
on flfpfn Philadelphia
I at mo Newspaper Anvor-
— - » rising Agency of Mesial.
•«vr* * «ON. our authorized a^cuta.
Mr. I. A. MARTIN is our A grout
• bethel,mu! is fully authorized to
revive and receipt for all money
paid him.
i u -iu ib-ahum
My name having been recently
mentioned in a vtery kind :tn<« coin
plimenlary manner in connection
with the Senatorial nomination,
Ivy several correspondents, I deem
il proper to make a lew state
ments in reference to the matter,
so that there may he no ground
whatever for doubt, uncertainty,
or misrepresentation. The com
munications alluded to were writ
ten without consultation with me,
without mv knowledge, and the
author <>f one ol them is still in
j known to me. I have no desire
j to enter the arena of polities.
| Public life may he very attractive
to some, but to me it has* no
charms. Il is full of strife, solie
Let us be Reasonable.
A great deal of interest centers
in the action of the Democratic
mass meeting on the 31st instant.
Wise and deliberate counsels
should prevail, and nothing should
he done hastily or hiLetnpcralcly.
If differences nf ..opinion shall be
developed, let I hep* he fairly dis
cussed and decided solely with a
Were there a dozen senators who ■ Dr. Baldwin and the Senatorial Con-
knew anything ot the merits of
these lulls? Of course not,. It is
a good thing for the people that
they have a President who studies
eve!y hill closely that is piesentcd
to him for his signature.
vtmtiou oflSSl.
The Political Situation.
Messrs. Editors:
Do your political correspondents ; We
list; subject
Dawson Journal.
The Journal has endeavored to
avoid a controversy over the San
atoria! issue, hut it seems that an
over zealous aspirant nnd ihe in
Miiualions of a newspaper in
w hich that aspirant was interest
j cd. will force it upon us. All that
badge of mourning for £ period of HO
5th. That we present a copy of these
resolutions to the family, the Secretary
spread the same «>n i*is book, and conies
he sent to the city papers for publica
tion. Mrs. .1. il. Kicnu’.nsox,
F. Su.:.ik K. H arris,
P. E. kr.::~K.
u iVnsiy Wise and round Foolish.
That’s what men are who plod nlonj.
imagine that the voters of Ra
—try to do their business, w hen tin
feci half dead. Their eves are dim
l.flelnlme w ritU-Il tilx.n j *" J th "' :; i ' ll “ h ' l»':ul a< Les; the <
, , 1 ■ oren ann-.iv them: thee.* wives lose I
was prompt e«
1 bv
view to the best interest of the | dolph county are insane, or have sl . nse otTluiy that we owed to 'Un
people and the party; and when j 14 brains become aReeled | people of this county, viz: i«> de
so decided let all persons yield
manfully and gracefully. A
troversy and contest among hnn f
orahle gentlemen should be kept
by ttie combined uitluence oi heat j j- en ,| them and their rep resen ta
| and desire fur office? A si outsider i Gvcs in the senatorial convention
con ‘ is irresiotnbly driven to one or the | ig<$4 trom the unjust ihsinua
»ther of
if them
these conclusions. One!
is so iu love with the:
tons and slurs of the Cuthberl
Liberal, and its contributors, to
upon tile plane of mutual j ''* oa ‘ lllal llc nunnot bear | the effect ,li:it IVrrell i-unty. I.y
! tlieiilca ot auy ariitn^eiu.m w iiK-h I „ „t';ii r and < means.
‘ eS '* an< K “' u1, °->t be allow- wi j| i t , ;ive anv ,, t lUuse aot lieartl the liouor of lurulsliin;- the
annoy them; their wives h)
Chaims; iliey lose their ambi- j
they make mistakes in their an- •
, and the whole world tanks
they hate themselves and eve- j
else. And why? If volt tael
ed to gravitate into
personalities. It, is
Sterial Vigilance u tiic Price oi Lii-rty."
ila burden of trust and re.iponsi-
Ml. W- I. BrOWJ. Jr., is our A£8Ht3t;bilitv is heavy. I love too well
rSaa» nmm U,u sw “ i aml t,m f; iinga8!u,cia ;
lions ot home, and the quiet and
peaceful pursuits ol private life,
to become the unhappy victim of
political ambition. Hut ours is a
government of the people. There
are public offices to be filled, and
public duties to be performed, and
if my fellow citizens in the exer
eise of their wisdom should see
unfriendly i from. Hence he wants‘'primaries, j Senator that year—a man who i»
manifestly \ Kvidcmiy, although lie loves the *j l8 ( qiml, in point of ability, to
itude, and disappointment; and j wrong, without sufficient proof, to i * ^ ^ ' vt *lh he bars that they ( anv in Lite district, and one who
i •. *do not cafe enough lor him to goj.ji.i honor to tiis whole constitu
impugn anv man s motives; and it ... r , ® lhl *’ u » " 1 11 . ,
! >ar to vote tor him. Another has j rnev. in refuting these charges
Wooten 1ms been
Senator from the
National Democratic Ticket.
Foil Pr. LSI DENT,
OK NliW York.
For Vice President,
of. Ohio.
~““T—arr>rh mwii iai—■■
Now what will the republican
Senate do with the Mills tariff
bill? They cannot imprme it.
The protectionist's cause de
pends for success upon falsehood
ami misrepresentation.
Kentucky at present outstrips
all other States iu the number anti
btilliancy of her great men.
The false cry of “free trade” did
not prevent tlioj passage of the
Mills Tariff Hill.
Col. C. H.
nominated tor
9th district.
The downfall of little Billy Ma
hone is an event of which ali good
citizens will be proud.
Did Mr. Randall’s repudiation
by the democratic party have any
thing to do with his recent illness?
A. II. Colquitt will succeed him
self as United States Senator in
spile ot the gibes and jeers of the
robber tariff organs.
Judge Gustin of the Superior
Court of Hibb county has ovet-
ruled the motion lor a new trial
in liie Wool folk ease.
The President continues to veto
piivale pension bills. It is a
good thing to have an honest and
brave man in the executive chair.
The democratic and greenback
parlies ot Michigan' have nomina
ted a fusion ticket for the coming
State and Federal elections.
The contest in Troup county
•between Grimes and Traylor tor
Congress has reached a high
point of interest and excitement.
The nomination of Melville W.
Fuller for Chief Justice of the
UIdled States’was confirmed by
ifitrSenale last Friday.
Harrison’s record on the Chi
nese question will almost certain
ly give California to the democrats
in the next election.
Capt. John Keely, one of the
most prominent and enterprising
business men of Atlanta died last
The Atlanta Constitution is ev
idently sad because the democrat
ic parly didn’t demand irco w his
key and a higher tariff.
The ‘‘Mills humbug” passed
the House by thirteen majority.
The country congratulates the
democrats upon their faithful ser
vice in hehuli of the people.
Makes the lives of many people mis
erable, and often leads to sell-de
struction. We know of no remedy for
dyspepsia more successful than
Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It acts gently,
Vet surely and efficiently, tones the
stomach and other organs,* removes
the faint feeling, creates a good appe
tite, cures headache, and refreshes
the burdened m.nd. Give Hood’s
Sarsaparilla a fair trial. It will do
you good.
mortal honor of “dark horses
Liberal, it seems that
is simply outrageous to seek, by
any means whatever, to curtail oi ; He is afraid that the “D. P-” | have unintentionally brought Dr
to discourage; the liberty of opin ! know a thing or two upon which ' yp A. Baldwin, a senatorial can
ion. There is no canscAn-l there j lie U u ‘ a l ,,,slcli - a, "» l , ll3t lhe - V 0, .' u
... . . . an anging tor a qotet tiLUe picnic
could he no excuse, for crtmina-1be iuvited.
*f 1884, into ihe cotilro-
Inilse discussion of the
, to winch he will not be invited, j niatter with the LiluTal we had
tion and recrimination, and we do j. Comrade” in immaculate inno ! Rnt known nr thought of Dr
not believe that the people will j coney trots out his men, influenced vv iji. and we desire to stale to him
lis«»iisiing and ulonc by the etein.-il fitness ol ; noST i.ii-j*. we have no tight to make
\ nv fj'ies Hut the I tickle you you- j ( , n |jjin. If he is the democratic
! lickle-me element is so plain that [ nominee this year, for Senator,
ay faring man, though a fool,! none will support him more hear
s«», why d«*n’t VfiU stop
minute—or are you too
liver and blood are out of or.ier
that’sail. A oil need a good regal
and tonic. Take a bottle of
Pierce’s Golden Medical Lisiwery.
and von will feel like a new limn, i c«m ?i»i * o
in tl.r.f (Jays vmir vrif,- v.-iii lit- tin* : &*
prcltiesl ami swe-etpst ivurnmi in tliv i a y J
world; your children’s dispositions **
will be exactly like your own: your j
business will improve, and you
make money enough to pav for
“Golden Medical Discovery” a bun-[
died times over. Don’t be stubborn,! _ Y ^ i .
but try it. ill! a)0(«^ «
If yon suffer ffotn “cold in tlie j
head,’’ or from Nasal Catarrh, use;
Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Reme(L'. It cures j
when eves-vtliing els»* fails.
On Corn, Meat, Flour, Bran, Hay,
aiMi GViVnu M bnceo, Sweeps, fall kinds and sizes,)
stupid? Your ; 7 i. 7 \
Grain Cradles, Horse Hakes and Mow
• p *
LteiliaiZitti tih
ll ] At r rices that will defy Competition. Can’t be undersold by
Gats, Sugars Coffee, T'o-
D. & H. Scovil Hoes,-
?rs. In fact,
See me before v
tolerate any-sntli
odious proceedings,
tion tlisl lias arisen, or
may arise.
proper to select me ns ilieir ser- There should be no enmities to
vain lor a brief period, 1 would indulge, and no revenges to graU
not shrink from assuming the Mi’- differences that existed here
burden. In that sense, and to \ tofore upon questions which are
that extent only can 1 lie regard ! tio ' T settled shoul-i pla}' no part
cd as being “in the race.”
evidently thinks that the fools in j
the country arc not all dead. He !
wants nolot icly,and perhaps office,
because he was .an * Original Got"-;
doll Man.” 'ihe classical gentle-.
hould be decided upon its merits. ; may read and understand. OneHiD than the Journal.
Hut to the point. The Cutli
liert Libera! has more than »»nce
charged that Terrell county had
always secured the Senator by
; trickery and, perhaps, fraud, and
' man, “Pro Bono Publico, changes . ^ () j ;roVe io that paper that its
There * n l * ,e deliberations of the present. 11** 5 * dress frequently, but we know charge was without foundation
arc doubtless many other citizens j Uvi» g issue, should absorb our [*** ^ ^£^^1 [“n'm peooie “,r *\w 'own tmnU i
oi the county who occupy precise-1 thonghta and monopolize out at- lhis luay nill | lavc t )ecn classical [ jk editor to the cnveii- !
ly the same position, and I submit | tention. ^No man who was for j enough to suit ids taste, but it! mm of 1884. when some of the j
very expressive, j delegates of Randolph county (we!
we V tntiit! do not know the number), voted!
.. . i imrthii of tmliiic confidence i have been an appropnale j f or a candidate from that counlv. !
justice or of reason be termed,^ uoUhy of publ.c confidence, for a|l ^ lir:kle3 _ | ;itfaini4l lhwr wishes . heenuse of!
candidates. I would appreciate {••“><• esteem; and no one who sup-, ij„ y - sels (>ul by pawing j ltie „r tlie unit rule by
it as a very high compliment, and 1 P orlet ^ claims of the gallant! the ground somewhat, and woiks j jii e Randolph delegation. Tolitis
ard it as a distinguished j Gordon should be permitted by ! himself into a state of mind. He | si aicmcnt Dr. Bald win takes ex
;-i j i the people to suffer for it. Let us j is anxious to at “once allay the j r cpii»n and demands proof.
rise superior to such considers j feverish interest in these mailers! Wo need not go from Di. Bald
to a fair and candid public that Bacon for governor two years ago would have been very
bv anv rule of! should on that account be thought i OJficiuui, ml
such men cannot by any
of reason be
would reg
honor to
N, SIMPS03I, Jb., Agent.
0 p h 1
H fj o i
ae 'Li ts-s •<£
etting ready for the
I II ill
a nice lot of Goods, and
iv store* so as to exhibit
one of tl inmost beautiful Stocks ever kept
receive the Senatoiia
nomination, and in such an event,
| lions as these, and turn our faces ! of vital importance.” ^vory larm win’s own card to substantiate
would serve my constituents to toward the future. It is pupor fer knows that the lexerish interest; our assertion, for among his
the very best of
ami abilities; but I must not
that he
my knowledge tant to know how those who may j ts confined to the office socking ! l iiicatcs we find a delegate who
| he entrusted with office stand upon | persuasion alone. 'The truth is.. voted for him -but was in fa\or of
. , ..... | the * public questions of the day. , that it lakes the most strenuous i another man,’’ and the delegate
umeis ooi as ett let sct\tn 0 *i ^ A’lit? t:*rifl,- the convict lease sys-jellorls ol the politicians ot the ; who signs another certificate For
desiring it. I* have sought neith- tern,.the disposition of the 5h-ate j “1'iow Boy ilk to keep i!ic whole |]> r> i; :l idwni to the effect
er by secret intrigue, nor by open j mad, etc. These are mailers of j thing from stagnating. Notwith j was not opposed to
solicitation to create and foster a j paramount and pressing irnpor jslaudfng tiiis quietness, our j t,,> be tcleased from
j Lance, and should interest every j frieud “Flow Boy” lias f«»und out j ,,f t| lt; umt rule and did voti-
citizen It is hoped that the peo- 'just what bandoiph county wauls,) against him afl<*r being released.
<>r tl.e Ilistrict lo select the man ! F le will lay- aai.le U.c-ir basioesa | an.l be kindly |.meeeda to U.-111 m-sc two are Di. Baldwins own
Who to ll.ein may seem best suited i nes t l Oies.lay and derote that day | i.andoi,,I, wbat she wants. Ac j witnesses and both their eerlili
of the ^ public duties. | coining Lo him tlie coming man j rates and actions during the con
^ — !muslbe“boin and raised under
. New Republican Tactics. | ihe sliadow of lije growing corn
upon the “ c “" i Savannah News. land cotton.” He is not wilting I
, STAUNTON, VA. Opens Sopt. 20, isss. One of the most attractive Schooi-S
tor Young Ladies in the Union. AU Departments Thorough. U.iiMings Kle^ant: Steam
linnt; I’frht: Situntion ben»tifnl;('!iinnte --|»l«^ri*Ii«I; Pit nils from Nineteen Sfntrs.
Terms amaro the lowest in the Union. For the LIBERAL TERMS of this CELEBRATED
CLD V:RG5*fA SCHOOL, write for a catalosne to WM. A. HARRIS. Frcs’t, Staunton, Vah
& urnlt’rs
of our com- : it
r ‘ •
“boom” ill my own behalf, being) 1
more than willing for the people!
RrucYoirntM* lfi« k S3is.
AYc doubt isot the people
hun i»t»» ask j „ H1 „ity have ha«l thoughts of wealing 1 agiinst t!:<» domocraiii*
the operation | a badge of mourning (?) because of t | 1C jrroat and vital que
the iion-appearaxcc of our items for
past three weeks. We hope to be
Kandall was vc» v desirous lha*
liould be known that he was
party on
question that
now divides tlie people id this
however, to prevent this. Let j country,
ht s-miles return to their woe
for the proper discharge
responsible duties of the office.
In my editorials in the Entek
i’Ktse and Appeal upon the “Sen- i *
atoiial question,” as upon all olh- Having Jailed to make a.i tm
er public matters, I have endeav l ,rt!,si " a “l*'*n »•>« l«v '-a j Uorn mw
<,red to stand on what I conceived | Um ! .V criticising the President I'm-; r:un .v "
lo lie the solid ground of prinei- 1 vetoing private pension lulls, ilu-
pie. I have steadlaslly insisted republican organa have change.!
upon what I believed to be just l!,<;ir tactics somewhat, and ate
- - i charging him .with indulging “in
anil right without considering how |
—.» * a * L.' mean attack
it would affect any man’s political
:ks «jpun the characters
j of poor and friendless women ”
i’he New Yoik Tribune remarks
l«r him to have
be b
He says
olph wants men born with
dolph ideas.”
We always had a suspicion that
a man was not born with many
ideas of any kind, but suppose we
ven*ion bear testimony as to lU**
correctness of our position. We
Jijcan also produce certificates prov
even a manger tojing that there was a division in
board shelter in j (.he Randolph delegation, hut with
hold them until the Doctor pub
lishes the cc» tific ales 0 hie It he
claims lo have from Ihe Clay
county delegates lo the effect that
the “leader” of the Terrel! delega-
in tun
Hi-- hr
begf»ne eount<*naiices, and elasticity
to their steps, as their eyes feast upon 4
this artistic piece ot journalism. The
President Tnay pass off the stage ot
exisie.iee. Iris Wight and influential
consort b • clasped i:i the phantom
arms of !» nth* an ! tlie world still
move on it -usual routine, hi t, when
ock pen ceases to glide, well may
earth's inhabitant tremble.
Thfle bavebe^'i; a series ot meetings
held at both within the past
i!nw* weeks. We r gret to state that
there wen* no additions to either.
promised the Clay delegation !
my position.
j hitusclf has lorgotton. It
•uhl Dr. Baldwin sav» hv
tinueto pursue. The f:»regoin 0
statements fully and elenrlv .lefit.e |"Oii-- i-s not a large husines
I’. L). Ckozieb. 1 * r °r tlie Prescient of tlie United
_ | Stales to be engaged in."
Bednctiun of Letter Postage. \ is it a fact that the President
■ . | . . , ! making “mean attacks U|ion |ioor i ".'low JSoy, lie liait lelaineil about I a ml in the name of the people s a iso > = j and friendless women?’’ If il is. j l ' ,u same ideas lie was born with ; Terrell county we d« man.! of him
reason why letter postage should | hc is c . clt , a j n | y something ol Bui lie must be “reared on K.-i
Randall's little squad was re
dured to rout: when tlie vote was
readied on the Mills bill, and yet
some very foolish editors seem to
delight in calling him the greatest
of democratic Ivadcis.
.Now 'i. Hie line to
Subscribe for, or renew your sub
scription lo, the Entkei-kise AM)
Appeal—the largest and best
weekly papq,r published in this
section. All home print. Price,
only $1.00 a year.
You can get tlie Enteki'kise &
Appeal and the American Farmer,
a large 10 [age monthly paper,
one year for only $1 25 for both.
You can get the Ektebpisise &
Appeal and Atlanta Weekly Con
stitution, both one year, lor only
Y’ou can get the Ektekpbise &
Appeal and Southern Cultivator,
both one year, for only $2 00.
You can gel tlie Extekpuise it
Appeal and Macon Telegraph,
both one year, for only $1 SO.
You can get the KxtekpbisE &
Api »ear and Sunny South, both
one year, for only $2 GO.
Colnnau ltriMN,
All of Coleman went to the picnic
at BlulFton to-day.
Miss Mattie Cox, of Shellman, is
visiting relatives here.
Frank Moore certainly has the bates
Miss Pearl Brown, of Ft. Gaines* is
With us this week.
A-good rain fell here Tuesday.
C. A. Atkins was in town Tuesday.
As bfcth of the editors of the E. & A.
Were here last Friday, tiiey will write
tip the event.
Mr. Bass smiles big. A big water
melon return a:nl a 10 pound boy,—
Bully for Bu s.
Well, we are pushed for time, and
can’t write up all the news this week.
* A Fki-end,
be reduced from two to one cent, i which he ou^hl to be ashamed: ‘lulph diit.” Now, “Plow Iby,
and yet such a proposition has! but if he isn’t, the republican or , couida t you compromise on Ban
been made, and has found many S ans ar e <l"'ng something of which j dolph meat and bread? You know
• f . . r , ! they otjglit to be ashamed. 1 hev ! H we send a fellow to All.-.n-
advocates in various parts of the I , ire - not on | y 0 Jrenlaiing false- ! la reined on dirt, bis salluwnc
country. Tlie Tost Oillcc Depart-1 | lt , 0 ,j s> i„,t u,',.,- are attempting lo 1 might produce the impression
lias again been
thrown >i\i r « ur community, by the
• c »*i' .Mrs. Meadows, wife <4
Mr. Tom Me.-’.dnws. ^!ie attended
preaching on Wednesday night, and
after her return home was taken ill.
these ( Th*» doctor was summoned, Diit was
’ unable to relieve irer, and by 10
o’clock the following night, Iier’s was
a lifeless body. Comparatively a
voting woman, her usefulness had but
; *n ; t.heir publication that they may j begun to assert itself. A member ti
arc mistaken in this, still it puz | the support of this county to a
ztes us to know how* Randolph isi('i ;l y county man in IS8G if they
gomg to find out what ideas a fcl j (Uic Clay delegates) would sup !
ow is born with, when the fellow j port a Terrell county man in I SSI
. be impossible, unless, like j certificates ready for pubiic^tios.
•or * * b»w Boy, lit; had retained about and in the name of the
I know who of thei: representatives j < ur chinch and Sabbath -school, sin*
ment with the present l ate doesj destroy the President’s popularity ; Htere that our county is unhealthy*
an pay expenses, and ; by methods which no honest and j "Flow Boy asserts that Colutu-
j honorably conducted newspaper
:rr arc j source will establish the fact,
I would be guilty o( adopting. ) such men. We demur entirely In ilienun* time, that there
j The two women upon u hom tlie j Hie proposition. B *ii. these jren- j division of sentiment
a heavy deficit, to be Presidcut is charged with having tlcmen were born iu houses —hum- Randolph delegates.
made mean attacks, are Mrs ble they may have been, but ter : Dr. Baldwin now claims that lie
not more than pay expenses,
with tlie cost of letter postage re
duced one hundred percent, there
would be
supplied by taxation. The pro
posed reduction would be of some
benefit to the rich business men
of the country who have large
daily correspondence; but to farm
ers and laborers the saving would
be a mere ttitle. At least nine-
tenths of our people have very
few letters to write, and the cost
hus Taylor and Dick Cn
in that body dared to make such
•t trade. When them certificates
in the possession of Dr. Baldwin !
— —.. a re furthcoming the Journi will i
sston up | refute tItem with equally as strong ;
iheallliy. j certificates from delegates to the;
convention, and from the same
Dougherty and Haniet Welsh, j thinly they were belter places t<
pension bureau bad denied) be born in than iheshadeul a cot
their applications for pensions for f- ()D ol ‘ ;l l-°j u slaik, or both at j ^ is st
excellent reasons, and they ap ‘>nce. Y\ e do not know what idea'* ; her of
they ap m
pealed to congress. They were | they were but n with, l»ut wliaicv i lotting for himself all day. should | )l- v » ls THK IIKU1 * Between .Mr. t ro-
succcssful, nnd the bills granting i lu* these were, we believe that the\ 1 •• »- »••*■♦ i— - zki, tm
them pension^ were sent to Liu 1 j have been enlarged since then, amt
President, and he vetoed them. In j multiplied manifold. We have
his veto Message he stated briefly, | fhe best ol reasons lor believing
but fully, his reasons for his ve Hiat it was three lull days before
was-alwaj's promptly and rRuerfully
in her place. Wr* use no idle words
when we say that her liie, to us, was
an inspiration, in its quiet unostenta
tious appearance. When we say -lie
wns a oood woman, we bestow upon
her memory the highest ctilogium
wor«#s ran irame. *Ve miss her, and
tee! tluit we earnestly desire to imitafe
tlie worthy example left by her. We
trust'that the Father on whom she re
lied, will take “under tlie shadow of
His wing,” the little ones left without
a mother's love to shield them. A Ve
. ... | can but point her husband and friends :
was the noimnre nl tho voiiven j t „ tl,<. same kir.,1 IK-i.i- for «-nnif..rt. ■
tion ol 1684, and i! lie thouglitsoj Our men have been thrown into a :
strange that lie. being a mem- : level’ of enthusiasm over the mention
the convention, after bal of B. i). Cr*«ier lor the .>mate. \ er-1 r...
-- Cro .i Hit
Grange, and Farmers’ Alii- ; “bol.t paitu
nee, what ran we not j nmiise out- , fighting shy
elves in the way of a good country? ■ nue laws.”
Originates in serofulmis taint in the bloocl.
Hence tlie r metl.inl l>y which to pure
Catarrh, is to purify ihe blbo>h Its many
disagreeable .-yniptoms, and Hie danger <*f
developing into broucliitis or that terribly
fatal disease, consumption, arc entirely
reiiiovctl hy Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which
cures catarrh l»y i urifyir.g tiic Mood ;,i:d
also tones up the system and greatly ini- *
proves the general health el those who /
take it. De t arc to get /
Hood’s £arsapar»Ua
“ f suffered three years with catarrh, a :/ ,
my general health was poor in
enroce. Yrhen l too!: Hood’s Sars
1 found T Ii .d the rcnie.’j
catarrh is yielding, as Hood's Sar>;
is cleansing my blood.; n«» the gone
f f my sj'stcin is iicijr^viug.’' «
Y/.'.siiBUJiX, Kochestt r, X. Y.
Cures Catarsh
d catarrh* nine years,
ternMy with it.
.ore In South-West 6a.
I w ij/ continue to carry a full stock in
all thcTiii’ictics that the trade demands,
at prig’s that will conimcnd themselves
to Ui public*. So come to me and get
youj^t'HxiTUiti’], Sewing Machines, Pic-
Tctfe Etc. Yours to ser\y,
B. W. ELLIS, Manager.
4-lx, ^
a ail IP
* lief st
J1ioat3?r than mr Before
ill Cuthbert
iivl V-x;
V> <> v.-iii kcc-> :it our r.umLor on Depot Street,
h-rper .“tone of Lumber tluin we ever kept before, wine
i we will Kal at i;i ices lower than liave
! here before.
been sold
terribly with it. S«h»j» after I 1 ; "1 ■ m
take Jicod’s f a-.sajsirilla th.7 c:lt;!rni 1 O fi*5 i i;.*t / r
troubled me less,afier tuki:; ; {j/’ hotbes | 2 t 3 \ c 3 3 b-* 1 3 i f * ?^
I was cutin-iy cfuvd.'’ •• \>j TIi-m:*', : t r ? ] M ^| | li I ffis'X
Lunibertoii, Clint :i County, ()/• U1U1 JL i. JlU jj
ff i TT A'S'i
At *
was a
on' the
-Ini -/!:!■:. ft; i-rm-, i
C. I. HOOD A CO., Apotlic
SOO Ooses Ori
■Hi till oil
; hots. Call or send your orders to our Yard, where vou
low. .iti. , can get any quantity you want, at prices to suit you.
\\' es . / irgit.i.-i, and
adj u-ent country. itc*l last j
week bv a most / 1 lain tall, f
Jt is rcportnl ’JBe per
sons were swept
etl by the i usliii
fay and drown
Will Sell You Lumber from- •% 50 to
S10 00 Per Though ml Feet.
sept22 tf
Mil! at Fort Gaines. Ga.
ask that bis name be withdrawn
as a candidate and that Col. L. C. ,
C’ons/ ill '” n says that,
in C’niJgiess are
the internal reve
s, we sec thev arc:
f stamps is a very small item of j toes. In the case of Mrs. Dough-, they found out whether they
but to the oilier one- j erl 3’ l ,e sb° w L*d that there was no i iu Georgia or Alabama, and seven j w f him, and we will then dispose
enii ; hours into the loutlh day before j of the whole thing in one article.
Hoy I be nominated by acclama-i Miss Annie Perryman has, for sev-; 'fhev know
tion, which was done. ~ feral weeks, lain upon the bed of sick-
We now ask Dr. Baldwin to ; We are glad to know that she
re sentiments of the
: l ,roil,,ce t!,e ei-rtilicates (le.namiL-.l | 18 j,*r.“fvUev AmmrasR;
I vamm
. t •
...... -i , , j,, ground upon which she was
lentil it is considerable, and they » 1 . , . .. , , .• 1 <ltlt
J ilea to a pension, and, incidental-11** 11 .' b»un*i out w netiiu the3
would no doubt welcome the one
hundred per cent, reduction. It
ly, ixiinteil out that insleail of bo- j ln Kamlulpli pr Clay county, ami R t . sc i la <i„ MK lir.ryolrncr
ing a woman entitled to sympa jot course until they louud out tiu-| (arungv, 3o. *iOi.
would not materially increase the ’ thy, she had been arrested seven . they could not have known wheth | a t, her home, of con«estinn
volume of mail, and Us effect j liraes - Iu ,iii: t ils - “ f Harriet P'' U would have been the K'*l’'r. j olv u K . 120,, 1SS8, MiY S.-diie
would bo to benefit the cni.llalist I Welsh ’ he showed that although | Hung U. have l.andolj.11 ur^u.y Meadows, in the 28ih year of
woul.l be to binvlit me capiuiisi shu asj . i(1 f(>r a p( . ns j ( , n as Hie county pleas. her a- e .
at the expense of the poor man widow of a soldier, she was una-j But, jesting aside, it is really i AVlu-n dea'h comes tonne who
and laborer. Il iseasily seen that | ble Lo prove that when slit married j an insult to Lite intelligence of the : j, as fulfilled life's mission
it is a protectionist scheme to the soldier in question, her pre j latmci to tty to cajoie him into we 8orrnw not as those who have
bleed the treasury, so as to avoid '; i,,u , s lll | sb f " <l u; ' s -^voiced, or 1 voting for ur against any man on j n( , | ln pe. With rapture we catch
, . r i , I dead, or had bern absent from her j account of the place ot his bulb, ihe words of ins*iiratio*i “Blessed
the necessity of lowenng the rate lnI1{ , enouu!l lo enitlle her to as- j »r on account of his profession.— | are lhe lk . ad VThc ‘, ditf in the Lord ”
of taxation. Keduced to its last [ sume that lie was dead. Did the! If a man is a farmer, it is because \y
an aged andt^Qyy
highly respecteil citizen of ourPouiitv, ] — _
was stricken with p ralysisa few days t l T
ago. It is the second or third attack i ^ J[
vvitli him..
Mv. E. II. Kcese is said to have the GEOIf<»
piettiest colt in our section. Expert! By •!«
horse dealers declare it fault less. We : * s
hope it will be sent to tlie fair.
It came off a long time ago, fmt S;
j that 4th of July
; Were vou there
at Barge’s!
J. P.
am hi
analysis it is simply a project to; President slate anything but the! his
fe are comf»»rte»l bv the sweet
tax the farmers’ necessities tor
the purpose of paying for the
stamps used in the voluminous
correspondence of capitalists in
tlie great business centers f the
country. The tendency ol legis
lation in the United Stales for the
last twenty five years has been in
the interest of money and corpo
rations, and against the toiling
masses who really produce the
wealth of the land.
It bal is Dciua B>«»uc ft-'or Tiic
Oi*2»ha as.
Rev. L. B. Pay lie. Superintend
ent of the Methodist Oiphan
IIom<% Mac«-n Ga.. writes: We
have had a great improvement in
». Gordon. Governor of said
official information has
l at ttiis Department that
lh>~>. under two indictments f«»r '
M1W|I and one for assault with intent :
to m vr h‘ t,K " Superior Court of Kan- !
i ,* 0 i„ atnty. li*ss eluded the officers.of ] -
: a5l, l by threats of further vi»>- !
terrorizing the conimunity in i
s crimes were committed, 1 ;
1 fought proper! therefore, to issue
v Proclamation, lierehy offering a
1 of.Three Humlrcd Dollars for the
t andVafe delivery of the said Sam
bugs, at trie jailor Handolph county ;
$ &
u_ y
mY 1 *" 4
i I
s Hi
For President or tlie Senate.
Col. C. B Wooten having been
nominated for the Senate from
lhe ninth district.nnd his eieelion-
being assured, we promptly and
unhesitatingly speak out in favor
of his selection as the presiding
oOicer of that body. Col. Woolen
is unquestionably one of "the
brainiest men in the State, and is
admirably qualified for the dis
charge of the duties of that re
sponsible position. Ilis long ex
pericnce as a lawyer, his lair and
sober judgment, and bis familiar
ity with parliamentary practice,
make him the peer of any man in
Georgia in fitness for tlie Presi
dency of the Senate. Col. Wooten
is more Ilian worthy of such a
distinction, and his friends should
earnestly and vigorously press his
truth? Il is not alleged that he ; interests dictate such a course. Il ; rt . a s ready for tlie
did, and yet his statements ol ! he follows any other profession it j believe that the
facts in the eases of these two is for a similar reason. Nearly w ,, re thrown open
women arc the foundation of the ! every successful man in any pur -ransomed soul
charges against him that he is in- suit started liie a farmer. Like piniirlit of “Well done
dulging in mean, attacks up' n the \ Dick Cmzier and Columbus Tay-, . in ,j f n nbfu 1 servant, was echoed
poor and friendless i tor, they changed their business j an d re-echoed through the realms I Wo got some <>!
! when they found it to thgir interest | of u, a t eternal home, while a crown ! aml Stave it to tlii>
feliO 1 y
f YH
characters of
Will the people applaud lhe re
publican organs for their assaults
on the President in these eases?
It will bo very strange if they do.
They will rather applaud tiic*
President for being courageous
enough to do his duty nnd defend
their interests. Instead of going
on junketing trips, as the repuhli
can Presidents used to do, he re
mains in his office.- attending to
his duties and manfully taking
every responsibility which his
«aih imposes upon him. Instead
of taking the tune and trouble to
inquire into the merits of the bills
which come before him, he could
sign them and let congress bear
the responsibility for them if they
are bad. That he will not do, jauy
however, because lie is too consul
entious to neglect his duties.
Tlie republican senators look
occasion to criticise the Presi
dent’s use of the veto power a lew-
days ago. They don’t like to
have him veto bills, because it is
a reflection upon them. They
think lie is altogether too free
with his pension vetoes. But are
they in a position lo criticise
these vetoes? Senator Butler
to do so. Our position is that tlie ;
occupation has nothing lo do with
a man's fitness for office. Odum
hus Taylor will make just as good
a representative now as he would
have made before he commenced
merchandizing. Editor Dick Cro
zier is just as capable aud honest
as farmer Dick Cmzier was. Far
mers are not so ignorant as many
politicians imagine. We hope they
will come out Tuesday and take
matters into their own hands, and
set aside the “Plow Boy” politi
ciatts. Insleail of letting these
gentry tell them what Randolph
wants, let Randolph show these
politicians what site will have. If
they chi this we do not believe that
man will be nominated be
ause he was born in a house, rail
pen, or under a cotton stalk, nor
because be is a merchant, doctor,
lawyer, editor, teacher, farmer or
dude, nor because he was a Gor
don man, or a Bacon man, nor be
cause he has eaten dirl,coi n bread,
chicken pie or eollards. 2Co, not
for any reasons as these.—
But men will be nominated be
cause they have ability enough to
understand what the county and
the State needs, and honesty
Swift's Spec,
case, and
[ abort while it was cured
; and well. It was as bad a el
ever saw. and !iu<|
i resplendent with glory was placed > ~, i
upon her brow. While her soul; an ^ l! ““ , *“' 1
has wended its way to the spirit- j l hiuk. as
land, yet we know that her sweet jexcellent physician
.,nrl 11«, | *- in tin <•»'<•»* js *ir<iiin<l tic UO pet lilatient benefit. h . ...
amihoi*, influence lb amtind u *; : ‘ Klrcn > Cifaliou for Lifters of Ailmiuhtra-
And thougii site sleeps now. and ,)ttn 11 lo }' lL D tion.
though we sadly tniss her and ; health tonic. Me l> vx j 1€> ! QTATE OF GEURfilA,
Randolph f’orsrv.
staled the other day that the sen
ate on one occasion, lately, passed enough to withstand bribes.
TIT pensiou bills inside of aa hour. I 1 v *Box
lament the loss of a life full of
promise lo us, stricken down in
its full strength and vigor, we
must not com
thank God that site was given to;
as a health tonic. We h
children and one seamslrt,
for years have suffered
every spring with eryai
inpluin, but rather | l h»*v ha\e b I.. '
at site was given to; s Sjiecific«»niy in ‘ ...
never lorgelling that she
as u heallli tonic.
us at „ „ ,
was a blessing to us while here, .exception, passed
Therefore, since it has pleased j *P r ' n f{ w i lt| «ut a to
our Heavenly Father to take bet j complaint.
from us, be it j ^ 3*oung
Resolved, \ tt. That in this sad bereave-; l 'ho has been with
ment w* reeugnize t^’e hand an AU- I ';as been IroubNd
lady of l
July, in the year of nitr Lord. One
Thousand Kijrht Hundred and Kigh-
ty-Kitfiit: and of tHr Independence of
till* I'nifed states of Amerira, the
One liundredand 'I hirteentii.
J. B. GORIXIN, Governor.
By d:e Governor.
N. (un ett, Secret a rv of State.
jtffyjthlt •
the rx'HERsioxEn desires to*
• a.- Ti r
Am in: to iioVhees.
Mrs. V\ i.v.'Mw's Southinc Svri p!
>Jiould :i 1 :i.vs he used when ehiMren are !
cutting teeth. It relieves the little suf- \
ferer at once: :t produces natural, quiet i
sleep by relievin; the child from ]»ai:i.
and tlu* little cherub awakes as ••briirht
a*a lmtton.” It is very pleasauCto taste.
:!:t‘ ciiifd. so f feus (he gill ns. I
wise Being who wwrketh all things after
the counsel of his own will, for our good
and the promotion of his glory.
2nd. That in the death of our sister
our Grange has lost one of its most earn
est and useful members, whose presence
always cheered, and whose death will
cause a painful void ; our community, a
sympathizing friend, the cause of Christ
uTinn sup|K»i-ter, her children a fond
mother, lie* husband a helpmeet indeed.
ard. That we tender the sympathies
of loving hearts to the liereaved family,
iu whose memories the loss of wife and
mother, daughter aud sister, are still
fresh. May our Father ill Heaven com
fort and sustain thetn. until beyond the
sunset's radiant glow. He gathers them,
a re-united family to himself, w here af
flictions and death are felt f»o more. i j j
'i bat we. as members of the l»odv !
gravated rash ever
a child. She lii<
remedies that are
with tin benefit; 1
cured by taking +
and has n.» rein
Treatise on
eases mailed
Specific Cd.
4 th.
to which -he ladonged, wear the u- ual
Air. Calvi
been place
s a goo*
n °* Notice is hereby given to jdl persons
ami i-ebnrerned that on dav of . I *« -o«m;..-
taking 1 1W?. L. I) Price, hit** of Randolph coun- allay-all pain, relieves wind, regulates
tv departed this life intestate. :md no the bowels, and is the he>t known rente- ]
tK-r.-on l:a> applied ft*r administraBoti on dv for.iiarrl.u a. whether arising from*'
the e.-tatoof said L. I>. Price in sai«l teething or causes. Twentv-five . „ i»n _
state; that admini.-tration will he vested cents a bn:to*. jel^-Iy U8Ij LOSlpGlluQDr
Mr. Kasfey is fulfy authorized to sell^
f&t' receive monev. and receipt for tlie sanuv
A large share «»f patronage is solicited,*
and perfect .-nfj.-fai (ion guarantetsl.
h lids
of t!ii>
for years,
a most ng
e slii! was
the known qtati; of
-crilied for it kj
he iias been
in tlie Clerk of the Superior Conrf. or
some other tit and proper person after
tin* pu! ’i* ation of tlti- citation, unless j
valnl objei*tio?» is made to his apfmint- 1
Ment. (iiven under my hand and olli-I
cial signature, tins Julv I’Tsf. l.s-s.
M. GOR.\!I.EY, Ordinary
juIyi’C-It Har.doiph County. Ga.
Rvitmax County. 1
Ordinary’s office, July Rfh isss. j
lIt s Specific, ' 'H’oaill Vi hom il nia.T Uotieern. !
liie trouble. ! . Gormcli; having applied to me |
, , c • f v- for Letters of Administration with will
laud sfctnDls j mtne.\e<i on the estate of George W.
The Swift ! Cook, late of said county, this i- to cite
all and singular the creditors and next
of kin ot r aid George W. Cook, to be and j
appear at the September term. 1SSS. of
fheco'irt of Ordinary of said county, and f
show cause, if
ckmTKm 1 - T ’■iXTt nFs. «-Arr?rr v
Af,rf for Painph.lct. -A.
The Arlington, j
tncl.s ct
wer 3, Atlanta,
(I-atr of ilu- Xational Hotel.;
‘ce of Oliiu lm<
with a i>io :
When ehildrejf pick their raise, grind*
their teeth, are restless, unnatural Iu*
their a; pel he. ^ they aie quite likely
tr«»ul*!cd with Worms, prompt measurnT
he*iil ».f iIia ‘V -iqmiiiujintiioij witn win annexed ; JL r.aus and uegai-.t Uatli Rooms. should he t ken and K. A. Fnbat*^
r» . . • should not be granted to said \\ . II. i Entire sati-taetioii guarantee*! all Y'4*i*iMiC*sss;4* be given them
liaj A'Htnntltlee : G'orsiich on Geo. )V. Cotik’s estate. Wit- i wlm may favor her with their patronage a* coaling to directions it has -avetb
t css my oflici.i! signature.^ ^ ^ | Ci.i:::k^—Messrs. E. I». Freenian and | many a child from death ami may |»re-
■ , 'h *'• AL:>Iitf FOX. . c. o. Lo* ke. {serve your swwt clviUl fpoiu an carl^
p;iyIw Qrduwirv. | oc!i-vt Ectaala Alabama. I grave.-aproJy
w cause, if any they can. w hy letters i T“ supplied with Gas. Water. Electric
of Administration with will annexed ; X Bells and Elegant Bath Rooms.