Newspaper Page Text
ter ,.
O/rictATi-Ot;n\« Of a»eT
s SUB:?CUIP 1’IQN it a TEH:
Oa« Year...............8100
Six MdntHs......................... .. JM.)
AdelTgaT Faibly,
School Meeting Wednesday.
Pursuant to a call a meeting
bf patrons and friends of the
• Adel Institute was held in the
School building Wednesday and
li m ini hi me legislative sefer.fe
iMJT*o iicflT l.(?irg ensetod. r riiG
Ing ineeting was organized bvelect—
Mr. A. A. Webb chairman
and Prof. Dodd secretary.
The chairman stated that the
object of the meeting was to dis-
buss the school situation arid to
kee if 6ome action might be tr.k-
lm whereby the School would be
be placed upon a satisfactory
basis. The subject tvas rbview-
fed and a lengthy discussion was
had, Covering tunny points.
Announcement was made that
the city cotmcil was ready to
tender thO use and control of the
School buildiiig to a proper board
bf trustees selected from the
feehool pati’ons of the coliiniuni-
ty at large, The council was
request'd 1 tfi reduce the tender
to writing and submit it to a
Ineeting to be held Friday night
at the Institute building. At
this meeting it ik proposed to e-
lect a board of trustees, provi¬
ded tile proposition from the
t*ity council is satisfactory.
Uib matter is urgent and pres-
but and expectant patrons can¬
not afford to remain in a state
bf apathy, The continued
growth and prosperity of our
town depends upon a proper so¬
lution bf this matter. The cri-
fcis is at hand. Will the people
of Adel and surrounding com-
lnunity *arise to the importance
bf the occasion. Out-of-town pa¬
trons are urged to co-operate in
this move and attend. Seme
sacrifices ought to be made
hpdour country friends might
set the citizens of Adel a worthy
example m thik inattbr and at¬
tend at any host
Wise counsel and business
judgement should prevail ; this
being done, a satisfactory solu-
lution is in sight.
r fho “filibusters” have been in
the saddle, riding at great ex¬
pense to taxpayers ef the state.
Congress is getting down to
business in a way that almost
takes your breath when you
think about the Georgia legisla¬
The Best Prescription for Malaria
Chills and Fever is a bortle of Grove’s
Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron
und quinine iu a tasteless form. No
fcure—no pay. Price 50 cents.
tn our remarks about the
Georgia legislators, of course
Our immediate representatives
are above reproach in their offi¬
cial and private life. They have
been among the most conscien¬
tious and energetic members of
the present house. Ihe pity is
that we haven’t had more like
that Throbbing HeadacA^.
Would quickly leave you, if yon used
Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matchless
inerii for Sick and.Nervous Headaches,
They make pure blood and strong nerv-
bs and build up your health. Easy to
take. Try tnem. Only 25 cents
Money back if not cured. Sold by J
E. Peeqles, Druggist-.
■ The legislature Consumes a
good deal of the rental of the
state road in yam and unprofita¬
ble debates; Dispose of the
whole business forever by se’l-
ing,cut, lock, stock, and barrel.
Then there will arise
statesmen who will be able to
run the state government with-
but eutering the field of private
Competition. We have such in
tmr midst rtOw; if the people
Would only put them forward;
-No ouecau ifasouabiy liofte for
unless liis bowels move once
day. When this is uot attended
rlisori stomach , ame. . bil-
y .i to " ,-
Kpaam-beriain’?? your ♦KuVeTs'regti-
■ets when required. They
Ftake and mild and gentle
or sale by J. E. People*,
,, , ° ffSfSWI ,1 a , mm ,.
j. t , ie f^dut ~, ^.a jgtttgui >0i-
r = ren *;"' cmhbett tin* ««ek.
^ AtDOSTA District,
Presiding Elder* J : O;
C ok.
V aldosta, U. B. Chester and
J. W. C-mners for the mission
church. Qttftifiimj Oi H.
Branch ; Cordele, E. II. He-
Glie© : Asiiburn, W. F. Nixon ,
I if ton and Sparks, J. M • Foster ,
Lake Park, W. C. Gledn. : Mor-
veil and Bavo. S. W. Brown;
Sylvester, M. F. Beales; Fitz-
? W . II. Blitcli \
M. B. Fennel ; MilltoV. ii, 1 •
Bain ? Aribij C. A Norton ;
Adel and Hahira, S. S. Kemp
and one to be supplied : Mystic,
supplied by E. 1*. It* j gisiei .
Sumner, supplied by W A King,
Moultrie, V . H Budd ; S\ca¬
more,.]. Shira h ; ijtv, .1.
Reese ; Bayboro, supplier b\
.1. W. Well,.
It will be seen tlmt Rev. E. S
Kemp isTdntllined in charge of
his present work with one ap^
pointment to be supplied. This
meets with the hearty favor of
Methodist congregation here,
which will, under Rev. Rfemp’s
direction* be called upon to e-
reci a lieW house of worship liext
Othei’ appoititmbnIS iii which
Adel people might be interested
are : Lumpkin, L W. Colson ;
Bronwood, T. R. McMiehael ;
Pelham^ .J. t. Snyder ; Hazle-*
hurst. J. S. Funderburk j Quince,
I. F. Gary.
Among thbs6 ordained to the
full work of the gospel ministry
were L, W, Cdlsoii and S. S.
If you woUld have aii appetite like a
bear and a relish for your meals take
Chamberltvin’s Stomach aiid Liver Tab¬
lets. They correct disorders of the
stomach and regulate the liver and
bowels. Price, 25 cents. Samples free
at J. E. People’s drug store.
Sparks Letter
Dr Collar of Auel was a visit¬
or in the city Sunday.
Miss Georgia Alexander visit¬
ed friends add relatives in Moul¬
trie this week.
Handsome Ed Harwell has
accepted a position as salesman
for Mr. Vv r . B. McRory and is
gaining many customers by his
polite and courteous attention.
Mr. E. B. Williams visited his
brother Mr. W. E. Williams of
Moultrie Monday.
A number of our boys seem
to like West Oolqiiitt St. nmV.
There must be some attraction
down that way.
Messrs. W. J. McKinney and
Jan. Ethridge have purchased
the feed and livery stables from
Mr Gordon Alderman,
Mr. L. G. McKinney of Amer¬
icas, ami Mr. I.. F. Sineath ox
Lake Bark, spent Sunday with
relatives and friends in Sparks.
We are always glad to have
Leonard and Frank with uS.
Miss Ft?orl Rogers and her
brother Willie, spent Saturday
and Sunday with their parents
here. '1 hey will finish their
school work at Arabi for this
term in a short time and will be
home for the holidays, to the de¬
light of their uiaby friends.
Married Sunday Afternoon.
# The home of Mr. M T D. Pass-
more, ill the upper part of t he
county) was the scene of a quiet
marriage last Sunday afternoon-,
the contracting parties being his
daughter. Miss Sallie Passmore
and Mr. S. Ii. Sharpe, of Tatnall
county. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. J. F; Cul¬
pepper of Haliirn. After the
marring© the happy couple left
for Adel where they will spend
a day or so visiting relatives.
The * v wil ‘ 6 P eiW A Aveek or so
visiting refativefe in this section
beforte g°^ n S to their future
hoffie in TAtnall county. The
bride is a11 estimable young wo-
ni - d ' ha's a large circle of
friend's \W this And adjoining
counties-. The groom is on£ the
most prbmin'Cnt young farmers;
0 f Tatnall County. The Times
joins many friends in wishing
” m J, , , h
lif^. 1 oluo.itTimes-, .
T hE bride and groom werethO
gupsfs, while in Ad’el, at
pretty homo of Mr and Mrs. J. A
B. Passmore. Mr's. PhseinorO
attended the wedding;
s , - •; ■
I Cmifit? min * in 4 it,
firtt bf titbH v.fc'eiir A jury
Ili^S teeii SrfiHiricfited? a lot of
j erim j nn i business handed dowit
, froBj tSi lajt SB ^„ h ot tfle su ,
I p er i er Court will bo given a hear-
Sol Reed one of Adel's lead-
ing colored citizens, has been ii:
jail a cOuple of weeks under a
warrant charging him with hav-
ing received stolen goods. It is
expected tlrafc Reed will stand
trial next week and a good deal
of interest, is manifested in his
case arising from the fact of his
prominent church and secret so¬
ciety affiliations. It is also ex-
^pfeciod selling tli&t intoxic a ciicirgB bevciages oi t'A*o for
itmg in
the town of Adel will be investi¬
■ 111 " *■—* » d K r .. ... -i.
Among the tens of thousands who
have used Chamberlain’s Coiigh Rem¬
edy for eohlS and iagrippe during the
last few years, to our knowledge, not a
single case lias resulted in pneumonic.
Thos. Whitfield&Co., 240 Wabash Ave.
nne, Chicago, one of the most promi¬
nent retail druggists in that city, in
speaking of this says ; ‘‘We recom¬
mend Cbainberlain’s Coligh Remedy
for la grippe in inaiiy bases, as it gives
not only prompt and ccinplete recoTor-
y, but also counteracts any tendency of
lagrippe to result in pneumonia.” Fo r
sale by d. E. Peeples, driiggirt.
A gobd deni of grain lm8 Ijefii.
Sown, although a great many
furmerSwill sow r latet.
Ttie Best Plaster.
A piece of flannel dampened with
Chamberlain’s Pam Balm and bound to
affected parts is superior toauj plaster.
When troubled with laitie back or pains
iu the Bide or chest, give it a trial anti
you are certain to he more than pleased
wi.h the prompt relief which it atfords
Pain Balm also cures rheumatism. One
application gives relief. FoF sale by
J. E. Peeples, druggist.
The winter rains have nbt yet
made their appearance.
Dm What You Are Taking
W hen you take G ove’s Tastele*?*; Chill
Tonic because the formula is plainly
printed on every bottle showing that it
is Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form.
No cure, uo pay. 50c.
The farmers work for the year
is about done except a little
How to tuff Croup.
Mr. R. Gray, who lives near Aiiki
uia, Dutchess county, N. Y., says :
“Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is tile
best medicine I have ever used. It is a
fine children's remedy for Croup and
never fails fo cure.” When givena«>
soon ns the child becomes hoarse, or
v..„ after Ihe piou,»y eoittfli hfis (level-
ci*d, it wiil prevent the attack.
should be borue iu mind and a bottle
the Cough Remedy kept at hand ready
for instant use a* soon as these symp¬
toms appear. For sale by J. E-. PeepleS,
M m
tt Up. y-
Adirtost a 9aHy at the
Prick of a Weekly
'The presidential campaign is
over but the tVotld goes on just
the same and it is full of news.
To learn this news, just as it is
promptly anrl impartially—all
that you have to do is to look in
the columns of the Thvica-a
Week Fditioh of the New York
World which comes to the sub*
ecriber 156 times a year.
The Thrice-a-Week World’s
diligence as a publisher of first
news has given it
wherevei' the English language
is epoken-and you want it.
The Thrice-a-Week World's
regular subscription price is on¬
ly $1.00 per year. We olfer this
uneqnaled newspaper and the
Adel News together one year
for 81,50,
Thef3gnlar subscription price
of the two papers is $2,00
Lowndes cdliiitv will §boh let
the contract for 50,000 court
house. This amount will erect
a magnificent the building and be a
credit to County,
AdVer tiSdhieiit.
“ The Negro a Beast.
There has recently been placed on
the market by the AMERICAN BOOK
MO., a hook entitled »‘THE NEGRO A
GOD.” which we are told is having a
wonderful sale. The Publishers tell ns
that this boo reached a sale of over
88,000 copies the first seven Weeks it
it was on the market. The Northern
people are all in a flutter of excitement
over it, but the Southern people are
warmly endorsing it. It is a most won¬
derful book and will open the eyes of
any “nigger lover” who reads it. To
say the least of this most wonderful
hook, one afti f reading it exclaims :
“It it isaeroatbook is a great book ” The Ux honk book is kw being
sold exclusively through agents who
we learn get a good commission.
after reading this marvelous book ex¬
claim* : “I have just finished reading
the book entitled ‘THE NEGRO A
BEAST,’ and must say that it is a rev¬
elation to me. I now read my Bible in
a different light.”
The book only details for $1. 75, which
brings it within the reaiih bf all. To
satisfy yourself that it is n most con-
vincing book we suggest that you write
the Publisher*?, whoSe address is found
f hdre jtaVb been some feever il
sober, dutiful members of the
present General Assembly but
, ,, they , have been
«hdly in the minority,
Stops the Cough and Works bW the Co/d,
Laxative Broino-Quiuine Tablets cure a
cold iu ono day. No cure no pay.
Price 25 cxnts.
Moot cordially
at our store and
examine o tir
goods and pric¬
es, whether you
buy or not.
We are here to show you through
Pur Stocky then if goods and
prices please you we are
glad to Sell you what
you want-.
Quick Sales and Small Prof¬
its is our Motto.
Men’s full suits of clothes for
a good article.
Other goods cheap
in proportion,
A fair inspection Will Convince
you that we are ihe cheap¬
est. We bought to sell that
0\ir Stock is well high Complete,
with new goods arriving
S. j. Webb.
Dp. J. 0. Collar,
<r~ DJUXTlST.-^>
Office: Mi ley Brilding.
Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty.
Special attention given to chil¬
drens teeth entrusted to my cure.-
Sparks, Georgia,
J. Z. Jackson,
Lawyer, Adel, Geojg/a.
Office in Jnhau BUildiil^.
General Practitioner in State
and United States Courts.
L E. Lastinger,
Attorney-at--La w,
CoMMfitfetAL HoF.SE.
Adel, —TF
Chas. A. DeVcne,
Will practice in all the courts,
Stnte hud Federal,
OFFICE in Julian Building;,
Adel, Go.
R. C. Woodard, Af. D,
Office : Up Stairs, Front Rooiil,
Julian Building: „
Residence : Mallie Joilos Hohse, South
End of Town.
Ad eh Ga ,
Dr. E. F. BouMUirt*
Chronic Diseases A Specialty.
Office Honrs: 10a. m. to 3 p. in.
Adel) 6a.
. .
CHOW n / & o C/emeiltSi m
v ^ ^ r
t t «„« v Rr
J ‘ J J ‘ 1
NiCn Turnouts, Polite Drivers, ,
Adel, Ga.
James M. Sutton,
Notary Public,
Will be found iri post office
where lie will furnish all kind
of Legal Blanks on short no¬
rice. Deeds, Bonds-, Etc
Signed officially.
A deh 6a.
I have a nicely furnished
GUI Bank Building.
The U10~T0~Date Druagisto
Adel, ~ - ~ ~ 4 Georgia,
$l;Se Shep. bS3
All kinds bf Harness and
Shoe Making and
Repair Work_
Neatly and Promptly
done at my shop.
Prices Reasonable
Lewis Meyer.
n i•-/ ric i L’s stable
* # \IV ma^ltco wifliotrt? em% nm*'u> ai>d nrf; ]
Vb may live wither;t rtmtfciertee’ and live withm)
We may live Witliotit. friends, we may live withou
But civilised Man cannot lira without cooks,
What To Cook Is The Ncft V
C. E. Webb 7
s V i
ill h»*lp you to solve the problem. Mv stock oi
GROCERIES is up-to-date and the eating public
have a special invitation to call On me during tlnJ
/ have Toys for the Boys and Dolls for the Girin and e lot things
that will please gro\vn-up people,
A fine assortment of Fife works.
A superior line of Fancy and Stick Candies,
A great variety of Fruits and Nuts.
And countless oilier things that you will need to render hap*
pinesscomplete during the festive holidays.
1 have moved into the new' brick store, next door to where 1
was formally located, where I have more commodious quarter*,
and am better prepared than ever to serVe you.
I will have an extra force of
clerks during the holidays and
will se]1 you goo ds at astonish-
lllU‘ly . ]()\Y .
” c 111TCCS
BfeT* Don't fail to call and see me.
C. Ii. Webb.
To Horse Owners nml StockDcalers
If you own mules or horses you should by all means keep at ready
command ' J
•^ralker’s Dead Shot Colie Gure
for Mules and Horses
It is guaranteed to relieve any case of Colic in mules or horses in tf>n
minutes. It is the WORLD’S GREAT SPECIFIC for COLIC, It can be
ddmmistered by any one who has intelligence enough to dretwh a horse.
It is mauufaet ured purely from the extract of roots lllid the distiUartou
of herbs, amiis sim therfore HARMLESS. It is also a valuable LINIMENT,
QUICKER THAN ANY KNOWN REMEDY, br the oue from whom ,ou
bought it is authorized by Us to refund your money. If your
medicine dealer dews not keep it, ask him to order it for you; or upon re*
ccipt of price $1.00 per bottle, we will send it to yon by express, prepaid to
your express office.
Manufactured iiy
The liter Go.,
Satanuh Ga
For sale by S. P. WnliauiS
<r>o © g q
Bi n. ■ 71 U> J\ !
A Wonderful hoi; sell old medicine
Headache, Cures Neuralgia, Rheumatic, Nes vous or Spasmodic Paius, Toothache
Baehache, Stings Bruises, Sprains, Lameness, Cramp Ctdic, Diarrhea*
Dysentery, of Insects, Swellings an l all Kinds, Stiff Neck, SarenaM
Sote Throat, Sick Stomach or Sea-Sickness. In cases of BftI Ooagbs, O jldA
or Pllenntoilttt, ft affords
Manufactured by
filE WALKER 00..
For Savannah, Ga. Adel,
sale bv S. P. Williams, Ga.
Georgia Southern & Florida Rv Co
OCTOBER L, 1000, Subject to Change Without Notice.
5 i j 1 STATIONS 0
Shoo I Dixie Quick L j., Qukk .-Step.! Dixie Flyer- Shoo Fly,
Fly Fiver j Step. * , |_
4 30 p mill I.................] 55pnuTl 20 n m, Lv Macon Depot Ar 4 15pm J.tit 4 10iim.ll
5 40,, 12 17 pm Kathleen. 3 23 „ v* - 10
r, 25 „ 11 10am 12 55 „ , .Unadilla... 2 48 „ 2 h‘l „
6 58 ” j I 37 53 ” ” j 1 40 20 ,, Vienna.... 2 08 25 „ j 2 31 tfi
7 ,, 1 1 „ Ar Cordele Lv 2 ! 2 »
7 30 „ i 1 58’’ ^ Lv. .. Cordele. Ar 2 06 „ 2 15 „
7 40 i 2 05 *’ w 18 ..Wenona... 1 58 i 2 05
„ „ „ j-,..,... t\
7 53 w ......Arabi...... 1 50 „
„ w ...Sibley..... 1 44
8 01 „ „ !..................
8 0G ^ Dakota j 1 40 „ n
„ 30 ” tv Worth..... 1 36
8 12 ,, 2 . „ .................
8 20 2 36 ” ; w Ashburn . | 1 30 „ 1 35 „
„ .
8 20 ,, Sycamore.. ......j 1 25 ,, -•-■.......•••••'•I.
9 10 3 10 w Ar. ... Tilton.... Lv;l2 55 1 00 „
15 „ 3 15 iLv. ..Tift Ar 12 35 12 56
9 „ „ on..... ,, 1 ,, ft
9 42 ...Lenox... .....12 14 „ l-.i.,.-------- tt
„ 5 3 46 ” ^ Sparks.... 12 02 12 22
10 00 ,, . ..... pin! „ \\
10 0’; „ 3 51 „ Adel...... .11 57 a mll2 17 ,,
10 14 3 57 „ ^ Heertpine.. .....11 51 „ 12 11 „ »
,, 4 02 r}« Cecil...... ill 45 j 12 06a
10 21 ,, „ ..... L m •>
10 30 ^ ....Hahira.... .. 11 38 „ L ...lit..,.-.
43 „ •Mineola... 27 .....t....:
10 .. -t .....ii ,,
11 05 p m 4 40 „ - ; u? ,, Ar......Valdosta Lv ll 10-,, 10 ]1135pln 1135 pm
4 40 „ i-mc ,, Lv Valdosta Ar 11 ,,
4 54 „ j ... ..Dasher.......... 10 51 tt j..,,-.,............ IllOfipm
5 04 „ | u: t J .Lake Park......... 10 40 „
5 15 ,. to . ...Jennings ......... TO 27 ,, ©COCO
5 34 „ c ..... Jasper............,!l0 05 ,, ft
6 01 ., w W bite Springs. 3^o<j<i».iooooco^b yy js
6 20 „ 1 i- H Lake City Lv
| 6 45 „ 1 * > Lake City. Ar .
: 7 7 27 50 „ „ . 90 .-oc . Sampson Labe Butler........ City ..... j 3S'GG it »*
8 04 „ 00 .....Hampton. ........ <1 04 17 ,,
8 40 ,, I a G „ .....Grandin........... „
8 45 „ cs 16 „ Florahome... Lvj j ^
9 15 am! d & Palatka Dep. 3*
Jacksonville Florida.
4 45am 5 05 p mjuv.........Valdosta. at; 11 00 a m II 30 p lu
8 00 a m 8 45 p mj Ar Ja cksom d lle lv| 7 15 a m 8 00 pffi
Lv Macon U 55 pm 1t 20 am i ’ ) Lv Gainesvitfc 7Portn 6 45 a to
m , Gainesville F/a. at sa tn’Bou Gty 7 SS ” 740 ato
Ar Gainesville 855 ” m l ) Ar Macou 4 10a ml HS p tn
Where No Time Ls Shown Trains Do Not Stop.
Trains No. 3 and 4, “Dixie Flyer’’have through Sleeper WVrertl St. Loto
is, Mo., alld Jacksonville, Fla., via Valdosta, and through Parlor Sleeping Car
and Coach between Macon and Palatka, open for the reception of jiASgetigerB Itt
Unio .1 Depot, Macon, at 9.30 P. M., and remains in Mahon Union Deptot Gtt rt>-
turn until 7.30 A. M. and can be occupied Until that time.
* *
Vice-Presi Macon, Ga. G^«’l A*r*l