Newspaper Page Text
The Toccoa Record.
Subscription $1 Per Year.
Vol. XXIX.
If you haven't a rc-trulur, healthy movement of the
bowels every day, you’re 111 or will be. Keep yoor
bowela open, and be well. Force, In the shape of
violent phyaic or pill poiaon, fe dangerous. The
•moothest, easiest, moat perfect way of keeping
the bowela clear and clean Is to take
Good, Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good, Do
Never Btcken, Weaken or Gripe; 10. 26 and
•0 cents per box. Write for free sample, and book¬
let on health. Address 43 3
Starling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York.
killed in self-defnse.
5am Rothell Shoots George Lee
to Death Sunday.
Last Sunday afternoon witnessed
the closing of another chapter in an
old family fued in this country.
Sam Rothell a son of Mr B. C.
Rothell, of this city, shot and
killed George Lee, a desperate
character, near his home on the
Tugaio river, about ten miles from
cccoa, and severely wounded
oung Frank Hall, who happened
to be near and was struck with a
bullet intended for Lee.
Lee who is a bad character, at¬
tached Rothell on the road and
threatened to kill him, making an
effort to carry out his threats by
assaulting Rothell with a knife.
R#fc lell tried to escape, but Lee
Fr®Bed him so hard he could not
Kfct away, and to save his own life
hf was compelled to use his gun,
►h : ch he happened to have with
j|im. When he first shot Lee, he
yif tde a run and tried to get on his
horse, which was tied near at hand,
but Lee caugnt him just as he was
about to get away, and commenced
to stab him, whereupon Rothell
shot him down and started to turn
himself over to the officers of the
law, Friends advised him not to
do so till the inquest was held. At
the inquest it was decided that the
hilling was justifiable and no war¬
rant lias been issued for him, It is
not likely that he will be arrested.
Frank Hall, a fourteen year old
boy who witnessed the affair’ was
accidentally shot by one of the balls
‘ from RothelPs
The Rothell-Lee fued, which has
existed for several years, on yester¬
day afternoon resulted in the death
of George Lee and the serious
wounding of Frank Hall. Reports
to the ^effect reached Toccoa last
Monday. The Jscene of the diffi¬
culty was ten miles from Toccoa,
on the Georgia side of Tugaio
river, Sam Rothell was assaulted
with a knife by George Lee.
Rothell attemped, it is said, to es¬
cape from Lee without trouble, be¬
lieving that Lee was drinking.
W hile in the act of mounting hi*
horse, Lee made several cuts at
R.0 \ hell,cutting his hat and clothes-
Rothell was so hard pressed that
his effort to escape on his horse
failed, and he then turned and
fired several shots, one of which
passed through Lee’s body just a-
bo\e the heart, death ensuing in
about fifteen minutes
Frank Hall, a boy u-.toggt f‘ urteen
years of age, who witness* d the
trouble, was shot thr- ugh the shout
der by one of the bails from Roth
ell’s pistol. Ha l will recover.
The shooting occurrred up in the
mountain* in one oi the wildest
sections of 11 a ber>ham com tv. The
Lees, and there are foui of them
left, live on the Carolina side of
Tugaio river. Until a few* years a-
go the** Rot hells also lived on the
Carolina side, but have nowinoved
away from that section to Toccoa
and other points, all except Sum,
who moved just across the river on
the Georgia side.
It was near Sam’s home that the
shooting took place.
H. C. Rothell, the father of the
Rothell boys, is one of Toccoa’s
most substantial business men.
having moved here about two
years ago from the Carolina side.
Toccoa, Georgia, November 7 1902.
The Rothell boys are calied good
citizens, whose courage is undoubt-
ed, while the Lees are considered
desperate men.
Luck in Thirteen.
By sending 13 miles Wm. Spirey
of Walton Furnace, Yt. got a box
of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, that
wholly cured a horrible fever sore
on his leg, Nothing else could.
Positively cures bruises, felons, ul¬
cers. eruptions, boils, bursts, c ms,
and piles. Only Co.' 25c Guaranteed by
E R Davis &
A Histake.
Last week in reportingthe deal!)
of Mrs. Davis, our informant made
a mistake and told us that the de¬
ceased was the wife of Mr. Sloan
Davis. This was a mistake. She
was the wife of Mr. Freeland C.
Davi* a brother of Mr. Sloan DavisJ
We regret the mistake, but not be¬
ing familiar with the names the
error was not known by us till after
the paper was printed,
t * Last winter an infant child of
mine had croup in a violent form,”
says Elder John W. Rogers, a
Christian Evangelist of Filley, Mo.
*T gave her a few doses of Cham¬
berlain’s Cough Remedy and in a
short time all danger was p^st and
the child recovered.” This remedy
not only cures croup, but whengiv
en as soon as the first symptoms ap
pear, will prevent the attack. It
contains no opium ar other harm¬
ful substance and may be given as
confidently to a baby as to an aduk.
For sale by E. R. Davis & Co,
... . .. .
Mr, John Tabor has bought the
fancy grocery store of Mr A. W.
Cooper, and will conduct it in the
Startling but True.
‘ If everyone knew what a grand
medicine Dr.King’s New Life Pills
is,” writes D. H. Turner, Demp-
seytown, Pa., “you’d sell all you
have in a day. Two weeks’ use has
made a new man of me.” Infallible
for constipation, stomach and liver
25c at E. R, Davis & Co.
Mr. M, Crawford of Lavonia
Co Eto n Mill was in town Tuesday.
Mr/^CTawford is one of Franklin
county’s most prosperous business
men and has done much for the up¬
building of that section.
To The Public.
Allow me to say a few words in
praise of Chamberlain’s Cough
Remedy. I had a very severe cough
and cold and feared I would get
pneumonia, but after taking the
second dose of th.s medicine I felt
better, three bottles of it cured my
cold and the pains in my chest dis¬
appeared entiaely. I a you s most
respectfully for health, Ralph S.
Meyers, 64-thirty-sevenih st Wheel¬
ing, W. Ya. For sale by
E. R. Davis & Co
Thousands Harve Kidney Trouble
and Don’t Know it.
How To Find Out.
Fill a bottle or common glass with your
water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a
sediment or set¬
tling indicates an
>] unhealthy condi¬
tion of the kid¬
neys; if it stains
- I J your evidence linen of it kid- is
iJBL f trouble; too
frequent desire to
u J'ts pass it or pain in
convincing J *• _ proof that ———> the kidneys the back and is blad¬ also
der are out of order.
What to I>o.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every
wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part
of the urinary passage. It corrects inability
to hold water and scalding pain in passing
it, or bad effects following use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many times
during the night. The mild and the extra¬
ordinary realized. effect It of Swamp-Root is soon
stands the highest for its won¬
derful cures of the most distressing cases.
If you need a medicine y ou should have the
best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes.
You may have a sample bottle of this
wonderful discovery
and a book that tells jfil lslgiBCT Ul
more about it, both sent M
absolutely free by mail. it
Address Dr. Kilmer & Rone ot Bmunp-Rooa
Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men¬
tion reading this generous offer in this paper.
“Good Will to All Men.’
rm ^
m h
m ip |r SI 1 &
BaT sn msm
1131 WMmi Sp 5
tmm 9
imm i 1 C* : mmm
Don’t forget the old man
th the fish on his back.
For nearly thirty years he
has been traveling around the
world, and is still traveling,
bringing health and comfort
wherever he goes.
To the consumptive he
brings the strength and flesh
he so much needs.
To all weak and sickly
children he gives rich and
To thin and pale persons
he gives new firm flesh and
red blood.
Children who first saw the
man with the fish are now
up and have children
their own.
He stands for Scott’s Emul¬
sion of pure cod liver oil—a
delightful food and a natural
tonic for children, for old folks
for all who need flesh and
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists,
Pearl Street, New York.
50c. and $I.Oo; ail druggists.
Brains on the Farm.
An Orange-grower used to say
playfully.bnt with hidden meaning,
tnat he did not dread the typhlo-
oleivorus and that the par-
latoria yergandii had no terrors
for him. On the contrary, he con¬
sidered them as putting ducats in
his pocket.
When these plagues and similar
ones were most abundrnt he cheer¬
fully set about his preparations to
to make some money. If all men
had no scale in their groves it would
be a monotonous and uninteresting
situation, but if all had the scale,
this grower was morally certain,
from past observation, that 9^ per
cent, of them would not disturb
the pests.
But he would spray the trees
with sulphur solution for the one
and kerosene emulsion lor the other,
and as a result w ould 1) v<* clean,
bright or fa..wy fruit, foi vS .1 ich he
would obtain a better price than
he woUid if the oilier 95 per cent,
had sprayed likewise. Hence, with
the Frenchman, he would say,
“Vive le scale!—with a spray-phmp
attachment. *» There is money in
scale—when the other fellow has
Take another illustration : Last
spring thestate experienceda drouth
of great severity. The sandy lands
of Fiordia—it is less true of the
hammocks—have a wonderful ca*
pacity for retaining soil moisture
and bringing up more from below
by capillary attraction. To new¬
comers from the North these soils
are a marvel. They can hardly be¬
lieve th^ir eyes when, after weeks
of rainless weather which would
destroy most farm crops in their
section, they can readily uncover
moist soil by a single thrust of
This is a single little fact which
is worth untold millions to Fiordia
It generally recognized and appro-
priated it would render forever uu-
necessary all irregation plants, ex¬
cept on bald sand rges or certand'i
classes of muckland.
All these level sandy lands are
furnished with a clay bottom.
Successor to Toccoa Times and Toccoa News.
sometime deep down, but general¬
ly only a foot or so below the sur-
! ice. These catch tlie precipit a-
tiou which filters down and retain
i' lor months, slowly percolating
long tlievse underground clay strata
a- on a floor.
\\ ater rises from these strata to
rlie surface by capillary attraction
where there is cultivation. l ti¬
cultivated soil, with a hard packed
crust, biings up the moisture and
discharges it uselessly into the at
mosphere. But the action of con¬
stant, shallow tillage produe s a
bioken capillarity, The W ater
keeps on rising from below, but is
prevented Irom escaping by this
broken surface layer and it waters
the plants.
Pardon this bit of sandy phrasing
but herein lies a hint Jo the wise
oi much . importance. . T 1 , his . 4 “oust
mulch is a blanket spread bv t..e
cultivator to prevent the robbery
by the sun and wind—‘’leg lrriga-
tion, it has been called—human
uninitiated !^MiM°^Y seems gS ~ d0 n the. ,B Wi,at most ,U,I nara- 1
cloxieal thing in the world, saving .
water by kicking up a dust-
To trudge for da\s behind t
weeder through sun and dust is not
nice, but that way lies *o the mon¬
ey bag. But a seat on it ten lect
high, away above the dust, as on a
Californis road wagon, I he dust
is not half as bad as in California,
The writer was familiar with
two orange groves, side by side on
identical soil. One by means ot
constant shallow, was kept
supplied with noisture from those
hidden springs of waters, so that
it retained its fruit and foliage dur¬
ing a drouth ; the other, from lack
of tillage, rolled its leaves and cast
its orange,so that the bottom drop
ped out of the owner’s pocket-book.
At shipping time there was $ 100
per aero difference sn crop values,
resulting from $5 01 $6 worth of
labor, and of brain—well, what
could be put ir.side of the 4 4 srnali
ringworm fence 5 ) of a skull.—
Fiordia Times-Union,
A Walking Lesson.
In mediaeval times if a child did
not learn to walk with readiness
the wise wizard would direct it to
creep through a blackberry bush
which had the canes bent down to
the earth and rooted by their tips.
At the present it would be as pleas¬
ant and efficacious for the tardy
toddler to creep among a few barb¬
ed wire fences, and it would he more
in keeping with the keen spirit of
this age of wire.
Stop the Cough and Work off the
Laxative Brorno Quinine Tablets cure a
©old in one day. N Cure, Mo Pay. Prior
06 cents.
Look with horror on skin erup¬
tions, blotches, sores, pimples.
Mhey don’t have toern, nor will
any one who uses Bucklen’s Arni¬
ca Salve. It glorifies the face.
Eczema or Salt Rheum vanish be¬
fore it. It cures sore lips, chapped
hands, chilblain^. Infallible for
ark Hair
r ■4
“ I have used Ayer’s Hair Vigor
for a great many years, and al¬
though I am past eighty years of
*ge, yet I have not a gray hair in
my head.”
Geo. Yellott, Towson, Md. i
We mean all that rich,
dark color your hair used
to have. If it's gray now,
no matter; for Ayer’s
Hair Vigor always re¬
stores color to gray hair.
Sometimes it makes the
hair grow very heavy and
long; and it stops falling
of the hair, too.
SI.00 8 bottle. All druggist*.
If your dmgffist cannot supply you,
^.*nd us one dollar and we will express
you a bottle. He sure and give the name
of your nearest express office. Address,
J. <J. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass.
■No. 43
Weak and Tired.
7 1 ll y'i
“ Do you suppose Vlnol
would do me any good?’* said
'a woman customer the other
day. “ I just drag round. My
work seems an awful r 1 l burden. j >»
< t I T think Vinol will help
Said # Our clerk. “ Our folks at
home Use it. We have Such
faith in it that we will pay the
mone y back if il doesn’t help ^
you.” J
She took a bottle of Vinol
home and has since bought
another bottle.
Vinol was sold last year on
the same guarantee. How many
“ refunds ” were there, do
think? Less than two percent.
In other words, Vinol did
successful work in ninety-eight
cases out of 100.
For two great classes, those
who can’t seem to gain strength,
and those who are tired at
nothing, we say : “ Try Vinol
on our guarantee.”
DRuaoi sis
The election for Congressman
was a very quiet affair,
very few votes being polled. There
wa» no opposition to the democrat¬
ic nominees in this state. In the
state senate Tuesday Senator Clay
was re-elected to succeed himself
in the United States senate, re¬
ceiving all but two votes, which
were cast for Walter, II. Johnson.
Esq., of Columbus, a republican.
To Amend Charter
Notice of intention to make ap¬
plication to the next General As¬
sembly of Georgia to change or
amend the charter of the City of
Toccoa :
An act to be entitled an acl to
amend an act to incorporate the
City of Toccoa, in Habersham
county Georgia, to change the
name of Toccoa City,in the county
of Habersham, to the “L ily of
Toccoa,” to provide that all prop¬
erty now hehl and owned by Toc¬
coa City shall be and become the
right and property of the City of
Toccoa, etc. Approved Dec. 20th
1897. Acts 1897, P a K e 34 t-
To amend section 4 ot said act
as follows, strike out tlie word five
in 3d line and insert the word six,
and adding the following words
after the word “annually” in the
sixth line of said section 4, that at
the next annual election in said
City of Toccoa there shall be elect¬
ed 6 councilrnen, the three receiv¬
ing the highest number of votes
shall serve tor the term of 2 years
and the three receiving the next
highest number of votes shall each
serve one year and at each annual
election thereafter that only three
councilrnen be elected to serve two
That section 17 be amended so
to add the following words after
the word “final” in the 15th line
of said section, “Except tnat any
citizen or property owner, not be¬
ing satisfied with the last assess¬
ment placed upon his or her prop¬
erty shall have the right of an ap¬
peal to the council.”
«YT PILES -mbA rare guaranteed if 70a UM
d. Mate Tham^jo. Supt.
Graded SchooU, Sfaieaviii., Jf. C., irritu* : “I eaa M<
User do all you claim for them Dr. 8 If Derora,
Rareii &uck. W V*., writes : “ Tbe» giro unireraal »aii»
faction. Dr. H. I> MeGiU, Clarlabarg Tenn , omaa
*• In a practice of TS reart, I bar. round ao r*«n*l» to
et}oai your*. fait-*, 50 Cam* Sample* greo. Sold
For sale in Toccoa by E. It. Davis. Cal
and get free sample.