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stimulate the TORPID LIVER,
strengthen the digestive and organs,
regulate equaled the bowels, are un-
as aa
In mrlarfal districts their virtues are
widely recognized, properties as they freeing possess the
peculiar in
nystem from that poison. Elegantly
sugar coated.
>»<» No Substitute.*——
A. H. MECKLIN, | Editor.
Entered at the post oflbee as second-class
mail matter.
Elates of subscription: $1.00 per year; 50
cents for six months and 25 cents for
three months.
It is about time for the people to
be thinking about a new council
and mayor to be elected in January.
The time will soon be here, It will
be well to remember that three
members of the council must be
elected for one year and three for
two years, thus giving three old
members all the time. The present
council has given satisfaction and.
with one or two exceptions, will
probably be re-elected. But there
will be at least two new members
to elect, and also to decide which
of them will b« elected for the year
The council this year has had a
lot to contenb with and have
worked hard to serve tbeciiA.
They found the treasury empty,
and have had to borrow money tor
the current expenses of the town
They have, however, kept down
the taxes by judicious management
and have kept the different depajt
ments of city work fairly well un¬
der way—better, in fact, than was
thought possible at the beginning
of the year. It has been an up hill
pull with them, but they have stuck
hard at it and have done good
work. It would not: be a bad idea
to re-elect the board as it now
stand, for they have the work well
in hand and understand the vari¬
ous little ins and outs that a new
set of councilmen would have to
learn, thus putting things behind
again. Thnik over the matter and
decide about it now.
URICSOL—Its Wonderful Powers
Harry Isaacs, general bag¬
gage agent Santa Fe R. R.. Los
Angeles, Cal., the home of URIC-
SOL, writes: “Having suffered
from Rheumatism and a torpid
liver, I was advised to try URIC-
SOL. I can assure you the result
is astonishing. It never fails to cure
I uake pleasure in testifying to the
wonderful curative powers of
URICSOL.” It also cures Kidney
and Bladder troubles caused by
uric acid in the system. Druggists
sell it at $1 per bottle.
Democracy of Death.
Here is a gem from a funeral ora¬
tion delivered at the grave of a de¬
ceased Congressman, John N.
Burn^‘ by the late Senator John J.
Ingalls :
»4 In the democracy of death all
men are at last equal. There is
neither rank nor statioh in the re¬
public of the grave. At this fatal
threshold the philosopher ceases to
be wise, and the songs of the poet
are silent, Dives relinquishes his
millions and Lazarvs his rags. The
poor man is as rich as the richest
and the rich man is as poor as the
pauper. The creditor loses his usury,
and the debtor is acquitted of his
obligation® There the proud man
surrenders his dignities, the politi¬
cian, and the laborer rest from his
unrequited toil. Here at last is
nature's final equity. The wrongs
of time are redressed, injustice is
explained, the irony of flat is refu¬
ted, the unequal distribution of
wealth, honor, capacity, pleasure,
and opportunity, which makes life
so cruel and inexplicable a tragedy,
ceases in the realm of death. The
strongest there was no supremacy
and the weakest no defense. The
mighty captain secumbs to the in
vincible adversary who disarms
alike the victor and the vanquish-
ThU oignataro is on etery box of the genuine
iMMdj that • cold In
All a Muddle.
There seems to be agreater d er-
sity of c pinions in the county as j k <> ~
its needs in the matter of courts
than on auy other question. Some
of the people iavor retaining the
county court, as it is. Some favor
establishing what is known as a
city oourt in its stead. Others pre¬
fer to abolish the county court, and
put nothihg in its place. The Ism
m a elite doesn’t profess to know
what is best. While there is a dis-
pesition among some men here to
establish a citiC court in the place of
our county court, it willl be perti¬
nent to call attention to the fact
that the represent! ves from
Wilkes county, which has a city
court, have introduced a bill to a-
bolish it and set up a county court
in its place. And so it goes, the
whole State over. Where these
courts exist, the tendency is to a-
bolish them; and where h^ey don’t
exist, to establish them, ii is all a
muddle, and the man who knows
the way out of it has failed, so far,
to report for duty and take the mat¬
ter in hand.—Sparta Ishmaelite.
A Startling Surpise.
Very few could believe in look¬
ing at W. T. Hoadley, a healthy,
robust blacksmith of Tilden, Jrid.,
that for ten years he suffered such
tortures from rheumatism as few
could endure and live. But a won¬
derful change followed his taking
Electric Bitters, 4 4 Two bottles
wholly cured me,” he writes, “and
I have not felt a twinge in over a
year.” They regulate the kidneys
purify the blood and cure rheuma¬
tism, neuralgia, nervousnee, im¬
prove digestion and give perfect
health. Try them. Only 50c at
E. R. Davis & Co.
/ Vicious Legislation.
During the campaign lead'ng up
to the recent piimsry for Mayor of
Atlanta, the point was made that
two of the candidates, Evan P.
Howell and James G. Woodward,
were ineligible, in that a State law,
applying to all cit es having two
thousand inhabitants and upwards,
declares councilmen ineligible tor
any other office for the erm for
which they were elected. Both of
the candidates mentioned were
members of the council, and had
two yaars more to serve, when they
announced their candidacy for may¬
or. They were put on notice of
their ineligibility under tne law in
question, but made the race for the
nomination, in detiance of the law.
Candidate Howell denied his inel¬
igibility. He was nominated. And
now comes the sequel. The three
members from Fulton have intro¬
duced a bill to amend the law in
question, so as to make Nominee
Howell eligible 10 hold the office.
A good law, passed in the interest
of good government, and affecting
a score or more of cities in the
State, is to be emasculated, to make
one man eligible to hold an office.
If this does not fill the bill of v 1—
cious legislation, it would not be
easy to conjecture what it would
take to constitute it.
The bill of the Fulton members
should be defeated so overwhelm,
ingly as to prevent any subsequent
attempt of the sort in this State.—
There never can be a satisfactory
reason for subordinating the public
interest to the ambition of any in¬
dividual. It is not the fault of the
rest af the State if Atlanta has in
her midst no eligible man who IS
worthy to be her mayor, If she
have such a man. it would seem to
be inexcusable to be laying the re>t
of the State under tribute to qual¬
ify one of her ineligibles for office.
The State law should stand as it is,
and the candidate and the commu¬
nity that think proper to defy
should take the consepuences.—
Sparta Ishmaelite.
Asleep Amid Flames.
Breakiing into a blazing home
fireman lately dragged the sleep¬
ing inmates from death, Fancied
security, and death near. It’s that
way when you neglect coughs and
colds. Don’t do it. Dr. King’s
New Discovery for Consumption
*» 1%es iroa f’ P er ^ r un ect £ protection a * u c ^ e st against troubles, all
l! ncar aI,c! a ' old suffering,
death and doctor s bills. A lea-
poonful stops a late cough, per-
s ' slent u * e * he ,nost stubborn.
Har, " , less ami . tast,n « il ’ s guar
anteed to satisfy by
E. R, Davis & Co.
Price 50 and $1.00. Trial bottle free
Any one wanting board should
apply to Mrs. H. V. Fredericks.
Rates $10 per month. 10-17-tf
THE , BBT STKK :> * 9 *
at prices that will move everything quick. Read the prices given below—they talk” better ihan we
worth of
far below anything ever
brought to this market
Boys Knee Pants .... worth 40/ for 2^
Boys Knee Pants . . . worth 75/ for 50^
Boys Knee Pants .... worth $1 for 75^
Mens All Wool Casimer .......
...... Pants, worth $2 for $1.50
Boys Suits......worth $1.50 for $1.00
Boys Suits......worth $2.50 for $1.75
Boys Suits ...... worth $5.00 for $3.50
Mens Suits......worth $3.00 for $2.25
Mens Suits......worth $5.00 for $3.50
Mens Suits.....worth $9.00 for $6.00
Mens Suits. ..... worth $13.00 for $9.00
Dutchess Trousers
from $1.50 to $3.50
If you have never had a pair
you should try them
and when you have worn them once you
will have no other, Go way back and
sit down or stand on your head, for we
vill pay 10 cents for every button that
pulls and $1 for every rip.
$1.00 Capes for 75e.
SI.50 Capes for $1.00.
$2.00 Capes for $1.25
$2.50 Jacket for $2.00.
$3.50 Jacket for $2.75.
$5.00 Jacket for $3.75
$7.00 Jacket for $5.00
to suit all.
\ 0-4 'PA&xvkefts, bOc \>e,v 'Paw.
ma\ev\,a\ Vtv l\\em cos\ move YYvaw moc ask far Wve uoo&s made up
500 Caps at Great Values: One Regular worth jj^ralue toe for for ^ c. 15c.
Another, a good 40c value for 25c.
Sample Hats Shoes
r io „ be , solcl , . at iess than , manufacturers r Mens Kip "Lie worth $1.25 for 85c
cost. Great values. Woman’s Shoe worth $1 for 75c
We have the most complete line of Furniture, Stoves and House
Furnishings ever offered to the public before
We will soon have in a line of holiday goods that will interest all.
YjD. C. Sdvoavds S> Co
Did you ever see
8 pounds Good Cream Cheese, . . .$1 .00
8 3-pound cans Peaches . . 1.00
11 pounds Good Green Coffee .... 1.00
19 pounds Standard Granulated Su¬
gar........................ 1.00
15 pounds Soda................. • 2 5
7 bars Octagon Soap ........... • 2 5
3 2-pound cans Tomatoes...... • 2 5
18 pounds good rice............ 1.00
but we haven’t time to mention
the various bargains we have— just
come and call for what you want
and we are sure that
Our Prices will Please You.