Newspaper Page Text
Yoill' iitlcntion is called to (lie
elegant stock <>t’ Divss Goods,
suitable for commencement.
We had an especial eye on
the selection of our commence
ment Dresses, and have the
nicest and largest stock to se
lect from in this city.
We are showing an elegant
stock of
White Dress Goods
Dotted Swisses,
Flak ad Fane; Mi,
All-over Embroideries,
Swiss Edgings and Inscrtings,
China and India Silks,
Einc Fine French Challics,
With White Dress Goods and Trim
mings to match.
Ribbons and Sash Ribbons,
The prettiest Fans ever
Shown in Thomasvillc,
The Rest Corsets,
The daintiest Hdk’fs,
The Latest in Gloves,
The most Stylish l’arasols,
T.&A.S. Kaliski’s Fine Shoes
Please come and see us before
making your purchases, and
we will save you money.
|Tlie Lenders of Styles*
LoOal Schedule.
mail for Savannah
“ from “
0 “ for Chattahoochee.
Train for Albany
Freight .1
Ar... 9 25 a r
Lv.. .12 40 p r
Ar... 1 31 p r
Lv... 200 pr
Lv... 9 30 a r
Ar... 5 20p 1
Lv.. „ ft BOp r
3 45 p r
, 8 40 a r
4 45 ,.r
Chatt. Lv..
» *• *• from Chatt. Ar... 7 15a
• “ •• for Albany Lv... 4 25pr
‘ *• •* from “ Ar... 7 55 at
Freight accoro. for Montlcelio Lv...845 a r
• •* from “ .... Ar.. .6 20 p r
Fast mail for “ ....Lv...206p 11
•• from “ ... .Ar..12 10 p r
Our mnrkct is well supplied with
fruits and vegetables.
Schmidt’s place on Jackson street is
a very popular one with the young
Thomasville should nurture and
encourage her educational institu
Mr. John B. Everett, of Boston
district, one of the solid farmers of the
county, was in town yesterday.
Sheriff Hurst’s task of street sprink
ling is now a sinecure. The rains arc
doing the work most effectually.
John St. John, the handsome sorrel,
owned by Mr. C. I’. Davis, of Iamo-
nia, is at Mr. H. B. Ainsworth’s liv
ery stable.
Mr. Robert Marrow and sister, Miss
Viola Marlow, of Quitman, arc visit
ing the family of I)r. Watkins, at
Sun Dale, near the city.
Dr. E. L. McTyrc was in town yes
terday. He i- cultivating a new variety
of plum, which ripens in July and
August, The fruit is of an excellent
Mr. T. E. Blackshear was showing
a very fine specimen of prune plums
on the streets yesterday. They re
semble the peach and plum in appear
ance and flavor.
The number ol melon and railroad
agents that arc looking alter consign
ments and shipments along the melon
belt is very large. The shippers cer
tainly have ample opportunities to
select houses and routes.
* Messrs Snodgrass and Smith, of the
Thomasville mills, are making crares
for pears and oilier kinds of fruits and
vegetables. They are made el pine,
aTe light, and yet strong and servicea
ble. It is the motto of the Times-
Enterprise to patronize home indus
tries, and if our pear shippers will fol
low it, they will do well.
Mr. John It. Singletary, of Cuifo,
passed through the city yesterday on
his way home from Athens. He has
just finished a law course at the uni
versity, and lie took a very fine stand
in his class. Mr. Singletary enme
home by way of Allantn, and went
Jicforc Judge Marshal J. Clarke anil
was ndmitted to the bar. He will
locate at Cairo for the present.
^ »>« ■
Capt. C. I*. Davis, of Inmonia,
writes the Floridian : "I sec by the
papers that there is a move for a Mid
dle Florida Fair. 1 think it would
he a good idea to have a fair late this
fall, and I will cheerfully give the use
of the Fair Grounds, at Tallahassee,
free of ch.irge, and do all I can towards
making the Fair a success.—Floridian
Help ’em work it up, Charley,
Thomasvillc will be on hand with a
good delegation.
Will Not Drill Monday Night.
The guards decided at their meeting
Thursday that on account of com
mencement at the South Georgia Cob
lege, there would he no meeting on
Monday night. Thursday alternoon
will be the next meeting.
Thomasvillc on the List.
We notice that amonc the Georgia
cities reporting collections on Memo
rial Day to place head stones over the
graves of the slate’s dead soldiers at
Hollcywood cemetery, Richmond, the
name ol Thomasvillc. The amount
given by our people was $10,35.
Dr. and Mrs. Bower-and Miss Hat-
tic Winn, will leave this morning for
an exteuded tour through the West
and North West. They will visit
Atlanta, Knoxville, Tenu., Tates,
St. Paul, Minneapolis, Milwaukee and
other points.
The National Game.
The Mouticello and Quincy base
ball teams played a game at Monti-
ccllo Thursday for the champion hat
offered by Mr. Abe Simon, of MontU
cello. The score stood 11 to 6 it?
favor oi Mouticello.
Wedding Bells ot Cordcle.
Coudele, June 19,«— [Special.]—
This morning at 5 o’clock liev. J. W.
Domingos, who is here conducting a
revival, left for Coney, about seven
miles west of Cordele, to perform a
marriage ceremony. The contracting
parties were Miss Fauttic Tharpc of
Cordele and Mr. T. J. Bottoms of
Thomasville. Miss Tbarpe was at the
home of her brother, W111. Tharpc.
She is a general favorite in Cordele
society. Mr. Bottoms is a lino busi
ness man, and his many friends con
gratulate him on his choice.
What Grant Park Has Dono for Atlanta
Col. L. P. Graut owned about 350,
acres of land 011 the south side of At
lanta. He estimates that it was worth
about 8100 an ncrc. Ho gave the
city 100 acres for a park. Five years
afterward he sold the city forty acres
for park addition for 815,000, which
sum would have bought the 1-10 acres
originally. His remaining 250 acres
he could sell to-day lor 81,000 an acre,
and much of it is worth five times as
much. The park did it! The city
has spent an average of 85,000 a year
in improving the park. Its increased
tax receipts from increased values has
averaged 812,000 a year, and is now
over 830,000 a year. The park did
it. So thnt this splendid benefaction
has cost nobody a cent. It made Air.
Grant’s property originally worth
835,000, worth 8250,001), and lie was
paid 815,000 in cash. The city has
received in increased taxes from the
immediate park vicinity two and a
half times as much every year ns she
sp:nt, and is now getting 830,000 a
year in increased revenue and spend
ing 87,500!—Constitution.
Look in at Pickett’s and sec the
greatest tergaius ever offered in
Thomasville. Woman’s kid button
shoe for ft.00.
Men’s hand sewed shoes for 81.00.
Kluclilrn'n Arnira Nnlir.
The Rest Salve in the Worhl lor Cuts,
Enlists, Sores, Ulcers, Suit Itbeiim, Keyer
Sores, Tetter, Cli.ij.pi-'d lintels, Chilblains
Corns, and nil Skin Eruptions,and positively
cures Riles, or no pay required. It is gtuir-
anteed to give perlett satisfaction, or money
refunded, i'riee 2a eents per Imix. Kur sale
by S. J. Cossets, Drug Store.
El lit KENT.
Tilt fudge house, telow the Mir-ury Mo
tel, is ho- 1 till. Apply In
il.lli E. M. MALLKTTE.
JMru riihher rings at Itwoe .V Eason's, in
ly ipumtity. d-lP It
lteid k Culpepper are keeping up with the
procession, they have secured tile agency ol
the famous Star Mineral Water, the iii'.est
preparation known for dyspepsia. It is
.guaranteed to cure. I *> tl
Ml 1,nkii, (i.v.
lim e hud weak Lillies nearly all my life,
■ hikcn cpiite a luimher of Expectorants
without any aparent benefit. I am now us
ing liiewer's Lung Restorer and lean safely
111 it is the only ftmedy from which I
have ever derived any benefit.
W. I,. Maiitix,
Parlies desiring fresh, pure Jersey milk,
from Jersey Farm, will be supplied, in any
quantity, delivered, on application to, or by
" April 10, lsso.
Every mother, to euro eliufliig 11ml
prickly heat, uses and recommends 11m-
aclno, a superior and highly perfumed
toilet powder. Try it.
Me.ltieCt Mardre,Thoinasvllle; A. lira'lloril,
Columbus; Alexander Drug and Seed Co., An
us a; E. Von Ove:»,Charleston, Agents.
Fresh pearlies every morning al
Sampson s .Jackson st. Fruit Since.
There Is an ond to all tilings, so I lie
people say, but thorn is no end to tho
splendid lltting clothing made at. 81
Broad street. Clcunhig and repairing
dono 111 ttio neatest manner. Give 1110
a call John Kenny. -
The Kpi.-opul Rectory, on McLean Ave
nue, I’o-■scs.-iou given ut once. Apply lo
Rkv. C. I. LaRih-iik,
tl. Flctc-hcrvillc.
50 feet long, near depot. Will make a
good warehouse, work-shop or storage
room. Kent $7.00 per month. Apply to
Hash & McKinnon.
Shoes, Hals, Leather ami such
goods sold cheap at I’h-kclts lo make
room for cheap groceries.
Wagon llriehin, I’low Bridles,
Wagon Lines, liame til rings, Flow
Lines, Buggy Banks ami I lie like sold
al a sacrifice al I’ickotl's Cash Store.
Furniture, Carpels, Redding, Children's
Carriages, Wall Paper and Window Shades,
Straw mailings, Rugs, etc. The best styles
and lowest prices in the city.
li-t l-vv'.’t d-l Miusury Rail,ling.
CATARRH CURED, health and swee
hn-ntli secured, by Kllilol's Catarrh Remedy
Price 50 rents. Nasal I ijeelor free
Insect I’owdcr Kl.v Caper.
118 Broad street.
As a rule the druggists nf the country are
the most careful people. They do everything
will, exactness timl never full to make a fidl
confession before expressing so opinion. A
prominent druggist writes:
Ki.iikiiton, (i.v.
Gentlemen -Please ship bv freight .wither
cu.m of your incomparable Calisayii Tunic. It
is tbe only preparation of tlie kind 1 have
seen that fully bears out the promises made
bv tbe seller. We guarantee it.
Very truly yours, II. C. Envn sns.
Druggist amt Physician.
"Oh, my back!" is a common exclamation,
acd expresses a world of misery and sober
ing. It is singular this pain arises from such
varinus’ca.iscs. Kidney disease, liver com
plaint, wasting nffeefinns, colds,rheumatism,
dyspepsia, and nervous debility are
cfdef causes. When thus niimg seek prompt
relief. It can lie found best in llrmvn’s Iron
Kilters. It builds up from tlie foundation bv
mnking the blood rieli and pure. Leading
physicians and ministers use and recommend
it. It lias cured many, and if you are suffer
er, lr) it.
Just received our lust shipment of Jelly
Glasses. REESE k KASU.V '
Many seemingly incurable cases of blood
poison, catarrh, scrofula and rheumu
tisin have been cured by R, R. R. (ltotanie
lilood Ralm ), made by tlie ltlood Raitn Co.,
Atlanta, Ga. -Write to (hem for bonk Idled
with convincing proof.
G. AV. II. Raider, living seven miles from
Athens,Ga., writes: "For several years 1
suffered with running ulcers, which doctors
treated and pronounced incurable. A single
bottle of R. it. R. did me more good than ail
the doctors. I kept on using it and every
ulcer heated."
II. ('. Kinard k Son, Townliga, Ga.. writes:
"We induced a neighbor to try R. It. It. for
catarrh, which he thought incurable, as ii
had resisted all treatment. It delighted him,
and continuing its use, he was cured sound
and well. 1
K. M. Lawson, East Point, Ga., writes:
"My wife had scrofula la years. She kept
growing worse. She Inst her hair and her
skin broke out fearfully. Debility, tinuehi-
tion and no appetite followed. After pin si-
cians and numerous advertised medicines
failed, I tried R. II. !!., and her recovei v was
rapid and complete."
Oliver Secor, Raltimure, Md., writes: "I
suffered from weak hack and ilieumalism.
It. It, 11. has proven lo he the only medicine
that gave me relief.”
Saw Mill for Sale
A good 30-horse power Engine, ami taw-
null complete, with si new Sweep-Make?
Planer, 4 mules, log carts, wagons, etc., and
125 acres of fresh timber. Mill just put
down, and within b miles of Tlio'nasvillc, is
offered at a bargain because the owner has
other business requiring his attention. Fur
ther particulars on application at tin 1 Timks-
KNTKRriMSK oflice, or to
Stolen lrotn my room Tuesday night a
double case.Elgin make,ink gold watch and
vest chain. Movement numbcr329,093, ease
number 30,927. Movement marked “Welch
k Mitchell. Albany, Ga.” Outside case
(name place) marked II. T. M. in mono
gram, neatly done, requiring close observa
tion to make the tfcree letters, though plain
when known.. A reward will lie paid for
recovery. H. T. Masii.
Thomasville, Ga. June 19, 1889. It d w
Obi Indies haircloth shoes, ctistmi.
made, worth $2,00, sold «il Piekell *
IV) *1.00, *l.r>o,*
A Won ml liCgnl Opinion.
F. Bni ii bridge Miniday Ksq. Km|., County
Ally., Clay Tex., says: “Have used
Klectric Hillers with most happy results.
MV brother also was very low with malarial
luver and jaundice, but was cured by timely
use of this medieiiio. Am syfished Electric
\ Bitters rnivtd his lilc.”
Mr. D. I. Wilcoxtfon, of Horse Cave, Ky.,
adds n like testimony, saying. He positively
believes lie Would have died, had it not been
for Klectric Bitters.
This great remedy w ill ward ol!. ns well
as cure all malarial diseases, and for all
kidney, Liver and stomach disorders stands
muqualcd. Price 50 cents and $1.00.
►S. J. Casski.s.
Big line of men’* shoes til. *1.00 al
Two, No. I, (iood Horses fo
Vtiul with Kxsenm. Ilnir all <■
Wrnlp covernl with eruption**,Tlioiiglil
Mm hair M ould n*Vcr grow. «!urcd liy
reiucdiCN. Hair uplendid "and not a
pimple on him.
I cannot Hay enough in praise of the Cuticti
cnicdlcM. My hoy, who when one year
»e, was ho bait witli eczema that ho h».st all I
air. IlisHcalp wafll covered with eruptioi
liieli tlio doctors said was scald head, a
that iiis hair would novergrow again. Despa
ng of a cure from physicians l began l)m t
I Cuticura Remedies. and, am happy to h;
w ith the most perfect success. Bis hair is in
splendid and there is not a pimple on him.
reeommond the Cuticura Remedies as flic tin
peedy, economical, and sure cure for sllvn d
ases of infants and children, and feel that <
ry mother who lias an allHcted child w
thank me for ho doing.
Nrs. M K. NVOODSP.M, Norway. Al
A I'crcr Wore Might Yearn Cured.
I must extend to you tho thanks of turn «>f i
Mistomers, who has boon cured by using Cut h
a Remedies, of an old .Tore, caused by a lo
pell of siekness or lever eight y.iars ago. I
vasso bad ho was fearful he would have
have Ids leg amputated, hut is happy to say
! >w entirely well,—sound as a dollar. I
ests me to use his name, which Is II.
Cason, merchant of this place.
Severe Scale IH*en*r Cared,
few weeks ago my wife siidered very mu« h
n a cutaneous disease of the scalp, and re-
•od no relief from tho various remedios she
l until hIio tried Cuticura. The disease
dromptly yielded to this treatmont, and in a
short while she was entirely well. There Ins
' een no return or the disease and Cuticura
inks \o. 1 in our estimation for diseases of the
Calicara ltciucdie«.
Are a positive cure for every form of skin
alp. and blsod disciipcs, with loss of hair. Iron
pimples to scrofular, except possibly itchtliyo
Solti everywliero. Price, Cuticura. 5«ie.; Soap
5.; Resolvent, $1. Prepared Ity tiro Potto;
Drug and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass.
; ;.' .Scml for “How to Cure Skin Diseases,’
01 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials.
Sharp aches, Dull Pail
ul weaknesses relieved ii
u by the Cuticura Anti
ter. The ilrst and only iie*tantaueou
ing, strengtliening plaster. 25 cents,
Notii'i: is hereby (jiveii llial all par-
lies are prohibileil IVdiu liuuliny on
our la nils around and near l.inloii
lake. This includes all the land we
own. A. T. Mt-lNTYiiE, Jit.,
1!. .1. MelxTYItE.
Mav 25, 188!).
A nice,.new, a-rouni, with larye
tot, barn, stable, etc; one ot tin: nicest little
homes in Thomasville. Good neighborhood,
good water and plenty of fresh air. Will
sell cheap lor cash. Address l’. O. Box US,
city. * 0-10-Ulw
120-122 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga |
:School and Blank Books, Stationery,:
Of every style. Pianos and Organs, Sheet Music, Etc.
Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store
Where you unit lind Ircsli ami pure drugs ami get prescriptions compounded at nil hours,
day or night, by competent Hinrruacists. They use only Hquibb’s preparations in the
prescription department and guarantee goods ami prices.
ItKlID A aiLPEPPER, 120-123 Broad St,
Two Cases o
At 3 1-2 Cents pci* Yard.
L. Steyermaii & Bro.’s.
One Case 4-4 Bleaching At 6 1-Sc.
Our Bargains the talk of the town,
petition completely baffled.
'-'ll nnil l*o convinced.
l££UllOAI» MTllKET.
Bottliaj Works,
L. SCHMIDT, Proprietor.
Ibqdqflliterx bu pure ’.arbonated bevur-
nges, at wftidc. ale. and retail. Best soda
water with pure fruit juice flavors.
Ice Cream Parlors
Specially lilted up lor I In- m eommodation
of (lie Ladies.
On draught also, the new Mexican
Nmmil.-.dmlir, d.-lu imix, io.diug, vitalizing.
A NERVE TUNIC, This delightful bt-vi-r-
age is iiol mdy tin- most iiiilubibb- drink
ftvi r <Ms|u 11-! . 1 ti'uiii the soda fmuibtin, Imt
isas m-lhi |..-rl.-<-t tmiiniiid>-m vilnlizt-r.
it iiupruvi-s I In- :i|>j»-tit<-, aids digudhni uinl
liiitinuins the nunn.d tunc of li.-ultliv filuc-
Its Properties:
Prepared i’roin the u*itritioit.s propertie.;
ol pure fmit juices, eon bined w ith the ex
tract from a -mall tropical plant found in
lower Mexico, «d which tlui medicinal prop
erties are imaiiiable, and its lav >r delicious.
It Cannot k Used to Excess.
Not a foaming'gas drink,causing lielchiiig
of wind and unpleasant effects after drink
ing. No etheral extracts or liquors, hut a
solid thirst-quenching', deli, ions drink: an
extremely plea-ant and.efficient tonic, over
which nine out often persons are eu’husias-
tic with praise.
EvurylioilV Likes It,
Everybody Wants It,
Everybody Drinks It.
■■FRIT Ml/.,’ ihutim-,1 bovi-rngo in the
Iz. SniMUT,
Tlioiiiasvillc Bottling- Works.
We w ill open, Monday, April 1st, at the
place lately occupied by Mr. P. II. Bone
a tine stock of fresh meats. Beef, Mutton and
Uur meats are from our own farms, tat,
juicy and sweet. We will-be glad*to receive
your patronage and w ill serve yor. with the
best meats at the lowest possible prices.
• F. P. H>a.s k Bito
Fife &Eeverly
General Merchandise
Builders’ Supplies,
Lumber, etc.
Wm mo pmpared to rurnlnh nnythlngwin
ml in the Elmijlk We inakon Hpeclelt
Mouldings, Turned Scroll Work.
Thu nunil,nil'll..I-Iitn ilndKim will be ralthtul
|y mid c-irro.-ily oxi-cuiwl. w« tb»
ocMt equipped mills, and carry tho largest
Htock of ho iHoncd liimtier In Southern Ooor
gla. rartl is wanting lumber willsavo money
oycoimufJiig us Iwforo placing their orders.
Commencement Exercises
Ilac-cahiiii'catf bci iihiii by iicv’.|[i.ll.
Ilan-is, Golmnhiis, Ga., Sumlav, Jtiuo
llith, 1(1 :'V) a. in.
TtM'xilay, .linn: Istli, 8.00 p. m.
Wi-'ilm silay, .1 ii in: l'Jtli, S JK) p. ni.
B. D. FUD&E,
Stoves, Iron,
Tin and Hollow Ware,I
fim if Siorlli Goofs
of all kinds, ami agent lor
King’s Powder Co.
epllJ dum *
New York dailies, Times, World. Tribnoe
and Herald, Macon Telegraph and Atlanta
and Savannah dailies, every oar.
Miss AOBiK McClelland,
Jxduoo StreeU