Newspaper Page Text
Absolutely Pure
Tbe Prices at Which Things Buy
and Seii-Corrected Weekly
local scrota piuces.
Thoinosvillo, G»., Feb. 11, 'C4—Fggs
tier do>, IB Bert Batter, IS* Meal am
batter, 20 to 25c. Chickens,- fries, 25c.
to SO; liens, 80 to 88o. gw«et potatoes,
60c to 06o per ba. Fodder, per 100 lbs,
goto 80o. Seed oats, posba., 70o. to 85c.
Hew Byrnp 89 to 25o.
ThoinssviUe, G»., Feb. 11, 1904x-Cof-
fee, Arbackles 16c. Groen coffee, fair
iiyio. choice, 15, White granulated
bcinr by. cents Brown sugar to. Sue.
Soda por lb. 6o; crackers 10 to 20c.
Stick candy 10; Kerosene oil 20o—5 gals
Etc. Side meat per lb 10c. Moal 70o per
ha. Flour (5.45 to $5,80 per bbl-SWest-
ora bams 13>i to 18o. Lard, Compound
10c., Loaf Ho Breakfast bacon 16 1-2 to
18a. Timothy hay, $1.25 per 100 lbs.
Bren $1.25 por 100 lbs. Dotton Seed
Meal $1.40 per 100 lbs. Cotton seed
hulls OOo por 100 lbs sack.
TOO NEAR none.
Ibomssvlle People Can See Tbst
fraud Ctuld Not be Attempted
ehlcnts of Albany, which is near
nil to Thom Seville so that any at-
btnml hy What they say. It Is easy for
any Thoinaarillr sufferer to verifythis
' Mrs. Annie Woodall, of! 167 Broad
ritreet, Albany, da., saw: "I have de
rived a great benefit from tlio use of
noon's Kidney Fills. My bock was
ng me almost continual misery.
The pain was right serous the small of
• It—a heavy, dull, bearing-down pain
and a weakness. I used many differ-
■at medicines, without apparent result,
' ml also tried liniments, but the pain'
stBl remained. I saw Doan's Kidney
Fills Advertised and got a box and
■bss them a thorough trial. I am very
much pleased with the results. The
main has loft me and I 1 feel very much
ostler In every way. Ton are vreloome
to me my name as a reference.’’
Btaphatto endorsement oan be had
right here In Thomasville. Drop into
, B. Thomas, Jr’s drug store end ask
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
, To all whom it may concern: Verne-
doe M. HScth having. In proper form,
applied to me for lettcis of administra
tion dc bonis non on the estate of Mrs. L.
J. 1 teeth, late of laid coun.y, tbit is to
cfcsall and singular the creditors and
■ext of kin of Mrs. L. J. Heeth to be
■ and appear at my office within the time
altewrd by law, and shew cause, if any
they can, why administration de bonis
m should not be granted to Vamedoe
1 H. Heeth-on Mrs. L.J. Heeth's estate.
' ' 'Witness my hand and official signs-
trre. this a8th day ol January, igot-
1-30-4 Wsn. M. JONES, Ordinary.O
To California.
i Burlington's weekly personally
•d California exoaniona In
I tourist sleepers an just the
_ tor coast, tourists and settlers.
> route la Denver, Soonie Colorado
Mystartens Circumstances.
I was polo and sallow and the other
‘ Whence the difference?
id with health use Dr.
Fills to maintain it
He.bad passed bis first ten yean In
| prison without doing anything, settling
j himself and fitting bimself to tbe bab-
I Its of the place.
i Then, so there wen yet twenty yean
of prison life before him, he said one
fine morning tbat It was shameful tt
lead to idle A Ufe^and that be must
create for himself toms occupation
worthy not of a freeman, since "lie was
a prisoner, bnt worthysimply of a man.
He devoted a year to reflection, to
weighing the different Ideas wblcb pre
sented themselves, to seeking a definite
aim for bis existence.
”1 most,” said bt, “find something at
tbe same time novel, useful and defy
ing. I must Invent a task wblcb shall
occupy my time, which shall bo pro
ductive of some good and which shall
have the vslne of a protest’’
Another-year was employed in this
search, and at lost success crowned
bis efforts.
It wss a veritable dungeon, that In
which the prisoner lived, which the son
entered bnt for one abort half boar dal
ly, and then by a single ray, which was
s mere thread of tight
Tb* hod on wblcb the unhappy man
stretched his aching timhs was t pile
of wot straw.
“Tbo very thing!” be cried, with en
ergy. "Now I shall defy my jailers and
cheat the courts!”
Pint he counted the separate straws
that made up bis bundle. There wars
L80I strews, a meager bundle!
Then be made an experiment to find
oat bow long It would take to dry a
•Ingle straw.
Threequartcra of on bear.
If would require for them ill, for the
1,807 strews, a total of 260 bears and
15 minutes, with a half boor of sun
shine a day, 1,901 days.
Calculating that the sun would not
shine at least one day oat of three, It
would require 16 years, 1 mouth,
week and 0 days. He set to work at
. Breiy day that the son shoos the
prisoner carried a strew and put It In
tbs' snnshlno, busying himself thns
whenever there was son. For the rest
of the time he kept warm under hie
clothes the straws Vfcicb ba had been
able to dry.
Thns ten yean passed. The prisoner
slept on only a third of tbe bandit of
the damp straw, and bt had staffed In
the bosom of bis Moose the other two
thirds which, one by one, be htd dried.
Fifteen yean passed. Happiness un
speakable! Only 196 damp strew* re
mained. \
Eighty-four days more, and the pris
oner could scarcely contain himself.
Proud of bis work, victory over dr
camstauces. be cried, with the voice
of on avenger, with a . mooklng, re
bellions laugh:
“Ah, : ha! Yon condemned me to tbe
wet etraw of a dungeon! Well, weep
with rage! I sleep on dry etrawr
Aloe! A cruel destiny wss watching
for Its prey.
One night, while tbe priaouer dream
ed of the happiness in store for him, in.
bit wild Joy he tlirew out hit hands In
speechless exultation, overset bis water
jug, and tbe water ran trickling down
his breast, t r, s, ,
I All of the straws, were wet.
What to do now—to' begin again the
toll of Bleyphna, to pare fifteen years
more potting strews to dry In the slen
der ray?
Ob, the discouragement of It!.
Bnt, yon say, he had only one nnd a
half yean more In prison.
And do yon count ns nothing wound
ed pride, fallen hope? Think; ihle man
would have worked fifteen years to
sleep on a handle of dry etraw, and
should he content to quit his prison
with wet Straws dinging to his hair?
Eight days and nights he’writhed In
Hq finished by acknowledging defeat
One evening be fell on bis knees, de
spairing, broken.
“O God," be cried In Ua tears, “par
don me that I have lost courage today!
I have suffered for thirty years.
“I have felt’mjr limbs waste, my skin
mortify, my eyes grow dim and my
batr.and teeth fall me. I have reslated
hunger, thirst cold and solitude. I
bad a hope which sustained my efforts.
I had an aim In my life.
“Now It la Impossible to satisfy my
hope. Now tbo aim la gone forever.
Pardon me that I desert my post; that
1 quit the field of battle; tbat I flee like
a coward. I tan bear It no longer.”
Then ln‘a sudden access of Indignation
be cried:
“No, no; a thousand times nol It
•hall not be uld that I have loat my
life for nothing. I will not deaert. I
am not a coward. No; 1 will not aleep
fora mlnnte more on the damp straw
of the dungeon. No; they aball not de
feat me.’’
lnd the prisoner died during tbo
night, conquered, tike Brutus; grand,
tike Onto.
He died of a heroic lndlgeetlon. He
had eaten alt his straw. —From the
After severe exposure bathe the Ace
In very warm water, after which cold
cream is to order.
To cure a wart scrape dcarrot finely
and apply a poultice of ft for seven or
right nigbts to the affected part
A drop of Castor oil in the eye fo re
move a foreign body is as useful and
much more manageable than tbs better
known flaxseed.
Salt and chopped Ice in the propor
tions of one to one-half, tied In s cotton
cloth bag and applied to the head. Will
often give relief In case* Of nervous
headache. I
The pain resulting from' a severe
pinch or blow can ba relieved by im
mersing the injured part alternately In
hot and cold Water, mareaging It ■read
ily tbe while. -is-./,. j
Blistered and ton feet may be great
ly relieved by rubbing each night with
methylated spirit Before potting the
stockings on in the morning rub : the
soles of the fast with soap. •
An old German remedy for Mereofb
la to make a toe ef sunflower seed,
about a taMrepooofnl Kli pop of hot
water, allow to coal and sip slowly,
taking abaot too swallows, bolding
your breath the white. Thu seldom
fall* to core the moot obstinate eases.
Teat of the Leesoo, Matt, xlv, 1-1S.
Xc»vr Tereee, S-UMMien Text,
Rev. U, 10—Commentary PrayaraA
by Rev. D. M. Stearns.
ICopjrl»bL lSCS, by Aanriom to
Again we paw over many events be
tween tbe Iceeons, After the stilling
of the. storm He cast ,the demons out
of the man (Matt Till, 28, wye two) at
Gadam and suffered them • enter the
swine. Then, at the earnest request re
the Osdareoes, He departed oat of
their coasts, thns granting their unbe-
tiering request, white Haftanted the
request of the heated man who wnnteu
to abide with Him. He then heated
the woman who had been twelve year,
sick and raised to life tbe rater’
daughter, who was Just twelve year,
of age (Lake vlll, 42, 48). He once
more revisited Nareretb re d taught In
the synagogue, but they Mtn offended
at Bins, and Be left them, marvclin;.
their unbelief (Mask vt 1-OL Aftei
this He sect forth the twelve and al
the time ef oorleaen we* perhaps at
Capernaum, or o* Hla second circuit
If women only smiled more and
frowned lees, tons much happier would
tbe world bet If we only could per
suade onreetree to betters that glad-
new ts oar rightful heritage and that
happy hearts are tbe moot acceptable
to God and tbe moat conducive of good,
then we would find It easy to cultivate
a sunshiny disposition. “Ob.” you lay.
‘It Is impossible , for me to be happy
wltb such circumstance* as miner
That la tbe very ratoon why you should
cultivate htpplnere In order tbat you
may overcome your etreumetanee* and
not let them overCbtna yon. It is sur
prising wbat a different aspoct things
will assume when on* eodeavore to I xxavIL 1. T)
bettor oneself. SeMtobnra* and on-1 There are many evil things and evil
Onr leesoo epees ertih the fa too of
Jesus and the perplexity ef Hood
(compare verse 1 and Lake ts. T).
though Heeod was hi the eye* of ■
(be cos to be envied and Jesus wwe tbe
despised and rejected oat, We need
to be oft reminded that .(Map and peo
ple highly esteemed tmoae mm msy
be abomtnattea In the sight ef God,
and there l* a “wo* onto yoa when all
mao shall speak wall of yoW* (Lake
xvL 1$; vt 98). Another helpful and
pens res ry word la, “Fret net thyself
bee*see of evil deem, because of him
who prospered! to his way, who bring-
rib wicked device* to paW (Pa.
happtoca* go hand In band, white
thoughtfulness and kindly considera
tion for others prepare the way, for
Joy. W* are often tbe eaoee of our own
tmbappineea, although w* may not b*
willing to pot the blame on ourselves.
Where there 1* the desire to be happy
the means are always within read).
A well prepared salad make* the sim
plest moal Inviting. Hsro are throb ap
petizers within the reach of oven the
housewife who la limited In her Rind*
nod her knowledge of fancy on ~
From Potatoes.—Bclf In their
and peel six largo potatoes,
slice (not too thin) Into the f<
dressing, already, prepared In a
bowl: A large cop of white vlne_
toaspoonful of olive oil, half a, tea-
apoonful of salt and a dash of pf$>per.
Add a shredded onion and a quarter
capful of chopped celery- If necessary,
more vinegar can be added. Garnish
with parsley and quartered hard boiled
e«g«- . ;r I
From Celery.—Boll six good sized cel
ery roots until tender; sllco hoi Into
the dressing described above, omlttlqg
the cbopped celery, of coarse.
From Boots. —After removing- tbo
tops, boll qnd peel a bunch of beets;
■lice thorn (not too thin) into n dressing
made of a pint of white vinegar, a half
toaspoonful each of salt and sugar,
with n little pepper added.
Miss Jane Addams baa called house,
work one of tbo bclatad Industries.
Little bns been done to systematize
and beautify tbo routine of dally borne
life, at least'll) tint kitchen. To college
women this task belongs-of uplifting
household drudgery Into tbo region of
applied science. Cooking can bo made
fascinating by tbe Introduction of
dainty tastes, efficient appliances and
Individual discrimination into tbe ev
eryday work of preparing food for tbo
household. Tbe same new life can bo
Infused. Into every branch of house
keeping. The furnishing and care of
rooms arc nn art. In themselves. Tbs
stuffy parlors, bedrooms aud dining
rooms of our grandmothen would not
pass muster under the eye of a modern
homo maker who understands her bus
iness.—Woman's Homo Companion.
Ik* “Watch Tsar Osat“ Prohlrm.
“How Impractical men are after all!”
sold a business woman In a crowded
downtown restaurant ’Though signs
warn them to look oat for their, coats
and -bats, they hang them op to they
can’t beep their eyes on them—that Is,
thag bang them up on their side of
A Soanat* Bath Rasa*.
A resourceful woman who lives In a
town whore there are no public water
works devised a satisfactory bath room
after the following fashion:, A small
lower floor bedroom was . given over
for this purpose. A- copperized steel
tub .five feet long was put In one cor
ner. A pipe under the floor and
through tbo foundation carried off tbs
wasto water. A board platform eight
Inches blgb and two feet square at ono
end of tbe tnb hold a two burner gaso
line stove. A galvanised Iron tank
with n capacity of forty-fonr gallons
was placed on the stove so that tbe
faucet wa* directly, over tbe tub, and
a hose from the Iron tank led directly
to tbo pnnip at the windmill Tbo
bath room was complete and bad cost
only $21—tub, $18; pipe, $2; stove, $8;'
tank, $3. •
people that possibly w* are net called
upon to msddte with, bnt the fact that
John bad Herod foe a bearer left him
no alternatlT* bnf to bs bund to Hew
od’sslos for psacFs sake or speak faith
fully against them for Christ's taka.
Tbe fanner, as a servant of God. he
could not do, bat the latter h* did and
waa Imprisoned for IL John did not
seek- honor from tosn. He was great
In tbs sight of the Lord sad tired to
pleas* Him; tone* ba did right In the
eight of tha Lord at any coat. Wa will
never help to mika known tha fame of
Jems If wa com premia* with tire world
or to any way wink at sin. Wa must
bs srsr and always whole beartad for
Him, wholly His. Bis own purchased
peopled to show forth Hla praises (I
Pat It 91. Onr Urea by parity and
meekness and holiness and the Joy of
sins forgiven must proclaim, “Behold
tbe Lamb of Oodl“- Tbs $plrlt filling
ns. ws will be a rebuke to those who
conform to the world and live nnto
Turning to th* birthday party of
Herod: what a sample wo bare of the
world lying In' the wicked one. a very
Belshazzar’s feast, tbo devil's own. and
ho knew what he was up to. for he
was running this thing to accomplish
bis purpose. IIow well ho enabled
that poor sinful girl to dance that day!
How ho enabled her to captivate tbe
sinful heart of Herod and to lend him
In Ms excitement to make a rash pronF
las which led to tbe death of John!
Wbat a devil possessed woman Hero-
S as was that she could think of noth-
g to ask of the king so desirable ns
tbo death of the inan sbo so bated be
cause he bud rebuked her sinful life!
Yet other mothers have counseled their
children to do wickedly (IL Chron.
xxlt. 8; Gen. xxvil. 12. 13). aud tbe
same devil stilt lives aud uffirks.
How wretched ■ specimen of self In
dulgent humanity ‘ was this man who
had plnccd himself under tbo control
of this sinful woman fbr last's sake,
who feared her and feared people and
had some fear of. the hereafter, bnt
bad no true fear of God! Wo bave
come to a time when in cbarch and
state, in public and private life, tbe
devil controlled Herod* and Herodl-
ure without number, but tbe wont
phase or tbe work of tbe adversary to
day la his control of the leaden In
spiritual things wbo do not hesitate to
teach that, however ungodly people
may be. there will bs salvation for
them after they leave tola world, tbers
everlasting-punishment, and even
tbs devil himself Is to be saved. Tbe |
B**t Sugar Cored Harms, p*r p*xnd 13o
Klngan'a B reakfast Bass a, por pound Ko
Baal English Sugar Onred ghoaldsrs, per pound 12 l-2o
Uncanvassed Sugar O jt# 1 Shoulders, per pound |0o
520 Oak Street, Austin’s Old Stand. Phone 525-1.
1 tztato6awK$8«w
Your Checks
V Are Valuably
The cheek* .that w* give with every cash purchase are worth money—
Urey ars valuable. You would have to- give money for wbat yon can got
with them.
Whan yon accumulate $10 worth of checks, we accept them as sash for
tha amount specified on them. Yoa need drag star* goods; why not g*t
them hers where you can get good quality at a low pries and get a dis
count for paying cash.
J. W. PEACOCK, Drugs,
Ag*ney itwrwrin William* Paints, th* Qr*at**t «n Earth,
About chemistry nowadays. Thera are no ridiculous Ingredients
need, snob as toads' livers and serpents' eyes. We know Just wbat -
•fleet on tbe human system each drug will bave. In making up Onr
proprietary articles we add ekre to science, and produce remedies
that will do thrir work. DR. JACK'S SKIN OINTMENT, the only ab
solute cure for Eczema, Tetter, Itch, Camp* Itch.' Dandruff, Scald
Head, Salt Rheum, Itching, Piles, Ring Worm, Pimples. Burns. Blotch,
es. Ulcers, Barber's Itch, Chronic Erysipelas of the Face, Nasal Ca
tarrh, Ac.
DIRECTIONS: Rub the effected parts thoroughly every night on
going to bod. Wash occasionally with Pure Castile Soap. Insert
a piece In each nostril for Catarrh at night
r R. THdMAS,
It Pag* to Dssss Writ
The dainty young woman baa learn
ed that It not only adda to her own
■elf respect and pleases her friends for
her to dress tastefully and becomingly
bat that It actually pay* from * finnn
tho Ohio Tt*. I* th. CW P 0 *®* ° f Tl *W. OS ClOtbe* that OTC
!$■> tobte. The consequence Is tbs coaf weU cxrod for will last twice as lone
- IW1
.1 digestion. Try
iY. Peacock ~
r taken half
wtU , usually
aad hat practically are behind them or
so fir at th* aids they don’t glance at
than* sacs daring the me*!. They should
(Ires Urea on the book* on th* oppo-
rit* tide of the table. Thcndhey would
k* looking at them all tbs
•Too wouldn’t catch a girt dot
tkhig like that If -there were
eksnen of-bar taring her Jacket as bat. « M Wpolriva aad bats and dreanea
E “®« ohm i ss
as those that an carelessly treated, B.v
bring carefnl with bee clothes the wo
man wbo ts dainty and neat Is enabled
to boy many Uttie extras to replenish
h*r wardfobe, and sht managwi always
to bs nIMy dressed, tteogh she may
bare bat a-amalldRaa allowance! Nag-
Lord kevp ns faithful to Himself uml
to Hla trutb, even though it should
mean prison or Patmos, suffering or
death for Hla sale, and may tbe hearts
of HIa true people be stirred to give
tbs gospel more quickly to those wbo
bare not heard tt yet, tbat Ills church
may be completed and this .ungodly
age may end.
How avrfnl tbe last scene In today’s
lesson I John has been months In his
lonely prison, seemingly qeglected even
by our Lord, for we hake no record
that Jesna ever went to see him, even
though tbs prophets had testified tbat
Messiah would give liberty to captive*
and open tbe prieon to them that are
bound (laa. lxL 1).' But now is betid
tire tramp of feet Bom* one la coming
to see him. Is It bis Locdfand Master?
Hie cell door swings opsn Be 1*
wanted, not for earth, bat bxm In
a moment It Is over, for the damsel
■wills bar gift, and s Tuple and the
spirits of tbe redeemed watt to wel
come, tbe filthfn] mmupr to Miss
sternal and tndeseribabla.
Hte disciples buried hte tody aad
went and told Jana. Wbat etes could
they do? “As for God, Hte way Is
perfect.” He Is perfecting all thatkpa-
mtotofce' to’ be mate' btt«*UHny S
GEORGIA—Thamarf County.
To nil whom it cany concern: V«r-
liedoe M. Heeth bavin?, in proper form
applied fo me for permanent tatter* of
administration on the estate of N. R. JT.
Heeth* late of said conuty, this is to cite
all and singular the creditors aud next
of kin, to be and appear at my office
within the time allowed by law* and
show cause* it any they can, why per
manent administration should not be
granted to Yarnedoe M. Heeth on N.
R. H* Heeth’s estate.
Witness my hand and official signa*
tore, this 28th day of January. 1904.
Wm. M. Jones,
1*80-4 Ordinary.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
To all whom it may concern:
M. A. Fleetwood, county administra
tor* having made application to me in
doe form to be appointed permanent
administrator upon the estate of W. R.
Moore, late of said county* notice is
hereby given that said application will
be beard at the regular term of the
court of Ordinary for said county, (o be
held on the first Monday in March, toot.
Witness my hand and official signa
ture, this 1st day of February, IDOL
Wm. M. Jones, (Minary,
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
To all whom it may concern:
M. A. Fleetwood, having made appli
cation to me in doe form to bo appoint
ed guardian of the person and property
of Jennie Dunlap, notice is hereby given
that said application will be beard at
tbe regular term of the ooort of Ordlna-
S - of arid county, to be held on tbe 1st
onday in March, 1804.
Witness my hand and official signa
ture this the 1st day of Feb.. 1804.
Wm. IL Jones, Ordinary.
OEOBOIA—Thomas County.
By virtue of an order of the ooort at
Ordinary of said county, will be sob? at
public outcry on tire first Tomday in
March, 1804, at the ooort house In
Thoxsasrille. mid county, between tbe
legal boom sf sals, th* following real
estate to-wit: Bart of lot of land num
ber 886, In the B3th district of (aid
county, oontaUing
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
Ordinary’s Ooort, Feb. 1st, 1801.
Mrs. N. A. Dixon baring made appli
cation for twelve month’s support out
-of the estate of J. B. Dixon and apprais
ers duly appointed to set sport tha same
having filed their returns. All persons
concerned are hereby required to show
canse before the ooort of Ordinary of
•aid county, on the first Monday to
March, 1804, why mid appUcaboo should
not be granted. This Feb. 1,1804
Wm. M. Jones, Ordinary.
3 l2T
blacksmith's topis.
Terms onto.
•how cause before tbe court
°n the lint
March 1804. why mid
not be Banted,
mite Jan. 14th
1-30-4 Wm.