Newspaper Page Text
New Telephones
Installed store issue of last directory.
Please paste In your directory.
537-1 Arnold, Henry, Residence. ,
540-1 Stack, J. R., Residence.
630-1 Chance, J. M.j Residence, .
640-3 Cook, Rev. E.F., Residence.
684-3 Cochran, B, F„ Residence.
630-3 Covington, V. T„ Residence.
, 137 Orain & Crain, Bn, Osteopaths.
238 Grant, J. B., Residence.
304 Hammond, W. M.. Residence.
146 Harris, H. W., Residence.
635- 1 Hanges, Niok, Baker and Grocer
613-1 Hopkins, Mrs. J. G., Residence.
130 Hyde. O. F.,'Residence.
638-1 McBride, A.N., Residence.
384 Patterson Drag Co. Drags.
163 Parker, J, F., Residence.
680-1 Robinson, A. G„ Residence.
687-1 Rogers, L. B., Residence.
687-3, Patterson, Mrs, C. A., Residence.
606-1 Sanford, H. H., Florist.
160' Stern, L„ Residence.
183 South Georgia Lumber Co,
393 Watkins & Co. J. B., hides, fan.
, 684-1 Weldon, R. A. r Residence. i
338-8 Wade, J H.. Residence.
636- 3 Whiddon, R. F„ Grist Mill and
Wood Yard.
354 Van - Duzor, Mrs. S. R., Resi
NearZThomeavllle to be Planted In
IPecans.' ' 'IMEM •
■MPi . tP
-timore’S firestill;rag-
Tho Times-Enterpriaejremntly made
mention of the growing importance of
the pecan Industry and cited as an in
stance areoent purchase by an Ohio
man. Tho following from a recent is
sue of the Warren Daily Chronicle bean
upon the same matter;-
Mr. C. D. Whitney who has been the
proprietor of the Evergreen nurseries
for the past 18 yean, and who is a care
ful bwdness man, has decided to branch
out in a new business Sunday night he
returned from Thomaaville, Ga., where
on Thursday he pnrchased a farm of
100 acres at $30 an acre, entirely virgin
soli, which he will cultivate and plant
toapecan orchard,,
Ho ha» arranged to have 16 acres
planted the coming spring and 40 acres
more next year. Twenty trees oan be
planted to the acre, the trees costing
31 apieoe.". The variety to be grown will 1
be the budded or grafted kind, as they
prove much more profitable, are larger
and sweater nuts, aud of fiuer flavor
At present the market gets only the
seedling* which.. are bltt$r aiid hard-
shelled. As yet vefy few of the grafted
nnts have reached the market*, as they
are saved for reproduction. It takes
about five years for the trees to begin
to yield’nuts, and about eight years bo-,
fore they yield a paying income.
Mr. Whitney has contracted with a
man at Thomaaville to plant and care
for his orchard, for the nse of the ground
There ate a number of pecan farms in
the vicinity of Thomasville. Mr. Whit
ney yvlU continue to operate the Ever
green nursery here until snch time as
his attention Is needed at his holdings
in the Sonth.
Itsr SupplylExhausted And Real
ties Portion of City Burning.
Voret Fire This Country Has Ever
lilown. The Details In Bulletins.
Baltimore, Md, Feb.' 8,—The most
■tractive fire sinoe the Chicago halo-
ast has been raging here with nnre-
ioted fury since 11a.m., yesterday.
ie lorn may reach the total of $800,-
>,000 making the wont lam in the his-
ry of America. The fire broke out in
s heart of the business district of the
There*was!$50,000,000.(0 of Life'Insnrance written’in'.the State of Georgia last
year by all the companies doing business in tbe state. THE iTUTUAL LIFE OP
QEORdlA wrote i early one.tenth of this vast amount. Hot only Athens, bnt the
State of Georgia should be;proud of this record. It shows that our people [are wil
ling to support a borne company rnn on an honest, legitimate, safe and economical
plan like THE MUTUAL LIFE OF OEOROIA, and are beginning to realise that we
can carry our iwn.Life Insurance. The average cost to our.’policy-holder* last year
was $0.75 to carry $1,000.00, and not a contested claim. Can any compauy equal it ?
It spread with fearful rapidity along
Baltimore, Hanover and Charles streets.
Fire fighting apparatus was sent from
^Washington, Philadelphia and New
York. Every newspaper in’ the oity has
been burned, and the paper: are being
printed in Washington.
Bo far as known, no lives have been
lost, bnt the estimates of the property
are placed as. high as $300,0Q0J)00. The
most valuable property in. the manu
facturing, railroad and steamship dis
tricts was destroyed. Ail electric pow
er is gone and no street care are run
, Governor Warfield has Issued a pro
clamation declaring a legal holiday, for
the relief of banking -facilities which
are paralysed.
Baltimore, February 8, 11:46 ,1k
m.—The fire is now sweeping along the
harbor and river, and men are now
taking vessel* rapidly into mid-stream.
Beventy-flve'to one hundred vessels, the
pAUldtogs of the Standard and Red 8ea
ill Oo, and the Bnokman Fruit Co. are
Kw in flames.
,C ? Noon Bulletin.—Feb. 8. The area now
’Anting fiercely and afresh stretches
many block* along tbe harbor in the
southeast or old section of the city. The
firemen are straggling bravely, bnt
A0^Ut tremendous odds. Tin homed
tqdtouming district of the city presents
an area two miles square of utter ruin
The Mutual Life of Georgia has deposited $25,000.00 with the State Treas
urer for the protection of the policy-holders.
TREASURER OF THE'STATE OF GEORGIA. Atlanta, Ga., Oot. 34, 1908. The un
dersigned, Treasnrer of Georgia, hereby acknowledges to liave received from The Mutual Life In
dustrial Association of Georgia, whose principal placo of business is Athens, Ga., Twenty-Five
Thousand Dollars par value of Unltod States stook. The total (36,000.00 deposited being claimed
by said association to be voluntarily jnade on its part. ,
Market Value of Slock $31,000.00. R. ®- park, state Treararer
Bloodshed Seems About to Begin but
Firing Not Yet Started.
St. Petersburg, Feb. 8.—Count Lams-
dorff, tho Russian foreign minister, has
been notified that Japan has decided to
break off negotiations with Russia and
withdraw the minister and to with
draw the entire Japanese legatioh staff
-The Russian for-
Mr. O. M. Robinson, agent at ThomasyUle, wrote the most business last year, and received a
handsome donble-eaae, full jeweled gold watch as the first prise. Mr. B. F. Bimmonr, agent at
GalnesvUle, wrote the aeoond largest business, and received; a handsome open fare, full jeweled,
gold watch, as second price.
from St. Petersjmrg.
eign minister thereupon ordered the
Russian minister, Baron Deroaen, and
staff to leave Tokio.
The. Official Messenger publishes a tel
egram that the Russian government has
sent a oirealar to all its representatives,
saying that in withdrawing her minis
ter Japan has made herself responsible
for the war.
is offering some very valuable prises to the “hustlers" this year, to-wit :[Oapltal|prixe,f100.00; sec
ond prize, handsome donble-eaae, foU joweled gold watch; third prize, an open face, foil jeweled
gold watch; fourth prize, a free trip to St, Louis. A handsome price wiU be given to each agent
of our company on the first of Jan., ISOS. For fall information wrila the home office.
There are positions in this popular company for tbe light men. If yon are not satisfied with
your present income, address, with reference, the home office. If yon are competent to homHe a
state, we wiU]oontraot one of the Southern ar.Wertern states. The Plan, Policy and By-Laws
are copyrighted.
Trains from Thomaaville Make Slight
Change In Time.
Effective Monday certain slight
changes were made in the leaving and
arriving time of the Atlantic Ooaat
Line's trains, Tbe west bound train
No. 88 now reaches here at 10:40 a. m.
and leaves at 10;S0. This is twenty
minutes earlier than has heretofore
been the case. The west-bound train
No. 40 also arrives 80 minutes sooner
than formerly making its arriving time
Nnmber 86
Colored Thief Stopped.
Officers Stephens and Rogers were
caUod to the 3:80 train Monday after
noon to arrest a negro Henry MoRnight,
who had been stealing from his employ
er, Mr. James Matthews of Cairo. The
negro had started for Booth Carolina,
bnt Mr. Matthews followed him on the
The agents of our company are not authorized to sell territory or
contracts, or transfer contracts without the written consent of the Home
Baltimore Fob 8. 0. p. m.—So far no
looting is reported. Gov. Warfield has
called an extra nasi on of the legislature
tor this evenipg to empower him to
declare martial law and suspend all
business for ten days.
Baltimore, Feb. 8,8. p. m.—The fire
is still raging and the water supply is
exhausted. The residence portion has
been' invaded and seventy-five blocks
have burned. The entire city now
seems to he gfethe mercy of the flames.
At least 17 uotn have been injured.
Along dUMnce telephone conversa
tion with Baltimore from ThomaiviUe
at 16 p- m. confirms tbe news that the
residence portion is burning* bnt states
that the flames seem to be slackening
and it is hoped will soon be nuder con
Tho fire created great interest in
ThomasvUle as a nnmber of drummers
with headquarters there are in the city.
Most of these have stopped taking orders
sod wjfc|»tum to the lire swept city.
The Thomaaville lodge of Elks at their
meeting last night telegraphed sympa
thy and offers of assistance to their
brethren in Baltimore.
3;15, and departing 3;88,
from the east corns* at 4;30 and leaves
for Bainbridge at 4:80, instead of ar
riving at4;10 as in the past. These are
Mrs. Emma Terry Pollard will give a
recital at the MttcheU House next
week for the benefit of the Daughters
of the Confederacy. Mrs. Pollard is one
of Georgia's most noted slngeis and she
will probably be greeted by a large au
Jndgo Lyndo Harrison and family
who were expected to arrive from New
Havan tomorrow will not bo lure until
February 18tli. Their arrival lias been
postponed on aocount of the illness of
Mr. Har.ison’s d. ujhte!'.
I have offloe hoars aU day lorg-
atmy store and just 'ove to
havo you oome to me with your-
Arejyou .luj;trouble about] that
top all craiked; is it a good ba
ker that won’t bake?
WeU, oome teU me about it and -
I wUl show yon a remedy for it
and the
andro easy to meet that yon
wont know that it la going on^,
rens of the road. The new trains are
known as 67 and 68. The first leaves
Savannah at 6 ;45p. m. and makes direct
connection at Wayoross with the train
arriving here at 1 ;05 a. m. The second
leave* Waycrossat6;30a. m. making
direct connection with the train leaving
here at 3:10 a. m.
Arrangements have also been made
to have direct connection at Wayoross
for Savannah, on the train leaving here
at3;ltp. m. This is a great Improve
ment over the schedule now in effect and
the Coast Lins deserves tbe thanks of
grateful patrons.
We make a specialty of 1,8,8 i-S an-*
4 1-3H.-P. Gasoline Engine* for farm uses,-
such as grinding feed, pumping water, saw
ing wood, running the grinds tore or for any
other purpose whatsoever requiring sma!
power. We guarantee satisfaction.
Mr. O. 8. Hobard and famUy havo re
turned from a three weeks journey
through Cuba and will be at their house
on the park point for the rest of the
Blafceslee MTg. Co
Birmingham, • > Ala., U. S. A
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wight and fam
ily, of Cairo, oame over Sunday to visit
friends. Mr. Wight returned |Monday,
bnt Mrs. Wight and the ohildren will
spend several day* here.
Relieves Instantly or Money Refunded.
revents Swelling, Allays Inflammation. It Cools.
It Soothes. It Cures.
Rev. Parker Holmes, Pastor of the 1st
M. E. Church South, Hickory, N. O.,
says: T have used Rydalea Stomach
Tablets for indigestion and regard them
as a perfect remedy for this disease. I
take pleasure in recommending them
to all sufferers lrsm indigestion. Use
Rydalea Stomach Tablets for your
stomach trouble and you will v Join Dr.
Holmes in this strong endorsement.
Heavy Outside Selling Broke the Mar-
' kat Toward ths Close.
Mrs W. D. Rees and daughter arriv
ed yesterday afternoon, to join Mr. Rees
and his son who have been here for
several days. The family arc occupy-
ing their cottage' formerly the Keefer
home, on the park front.
New York, Feb. 8.—First prioes in
the cotton market this morning were
eleven to twenty polo's higher than
Saturday’s dose. Following came a
farther advance, carrying May and June
to a' net gain of about forty points,
then tremendous outside selling broke
tho market nearly a full count from
Dr. B. A. Daniels, who is. attending
Mr. P. W. Hunter, the.young man wko
was crushed by two Coast Line freight
care Friday night night that his patient
is doing nicely.
stomach cannot, and thus nourish
ody and prevent the partial staira-
from -which all dyspeptics suffer
illicit causes the loss in flesh and
jth aU dyspeptics experience,
i tablets relievo all disagreeable
trimsntonce. They will increase.
Among the arrivals at the Plney
‘ Woods yesterday were Mm. A. 8. Gnt-
1 man. and Mias Helen Gutman, Chios-
' go. Mias Mary D. Reed, Wayoross.
i Mr. M. J,. Herring, of Clinton N. O
f is the ghost of his brother, B. 7. Her-
, ring on Madison avenue. Mr. Herring
is accompanied by his wife and will
spend some time in our city.
Mr. J. 6. Sweet has purchased the in-
1 Ureal of #r. A^W. Beasley In the gro>
| oery business at 133 Woleott street-
Just Received:
And am selling them CHEAP
Geo. Sampsci
106 Jackson Street, nexttoFri
Thomasville Cower gardens aw
moo* all over tbe country. The u
spring weather has tumle them ver*
Capt. B. E. L. Spence wiU be de
tailed for duty in the Adjutant General’s
office for Georgia daring, the near fu
ture. .Capt. Spence is a native pi Ca
milla and is well known in Thomas
county- He wae lieutenant colonel of
Third Georgia volunteers and is now
with his regiment in the Philippines.
Mr. F. D. Dismuke Sr. Dead.
The sad news of the death qf Col. F.
D. Dismuke Sr. reached the city Mon
day evening. His son and daughter,
Hr. F. F. Dismuke Jft and Mrs. NeUie
D. dean, left at 4:30 Monday after
noon for Griffin where the funeral take*
place today! Mr. Dismuke was about
'J'Zr Dollar
V Watch
This it the Ingersoll Dollar Watch,
which sells at the lowest price, carries
the strongest guarantee and has a larger
shle than all other watches. Perfect in
accnney, size and style, other ingtnoU*
at (1.50, l1.7jandSl.00. Sold by dealers every
where or postpaid by us for (i.oo. eeektssrres.