Newspaper Page Text
t interest
R r
laiuad bjr : the
> la aid 6! tha
rallw*y ia
a Ilea upon th»
railway. All of-them
war* exchanged tor
twantjr years ago at
oa the dollar,
i compromise and sot-
i who still beta the
i of Sbaefer Bros,
made airanil
r a compromlae, want'
too legal figures. It Is
did not: sell
i 80 to 40 cents on tbo
ir never made any.prop-
i price be would take
Three years ago thero
the legislature for
compromise, tyit It
I In Raleigh that the
mth Dakota brought
i engineered by ex-Gover-
1 ex-Unlted States Sen-
Butler. Sbaefer giving
i and that state
: without having asked
. to pay for the bonds,
the state' had
s - Is plenty of feeling about
, thla being against Rusaell
Governor Aycock aaya
t of the private stockholders
i Carolina railway will tie
ully guaranteed. Tbs
; of this road bear g per cent in-
1 are worth 170.
May be Affected,
a Constitution's Washing-
1 wires' the following
r southern senators
iiiiiMtiHtimm mil
Epitomized Items of Interest
Gathered it Random*
Grand Jury Indorses Dispensary.
The Floyd county grand fury In thg
Brief Summery of Most
Important Events
of Each “Day.
t ■.-
. Hill Tarry, on trial at Wllmlng
1. C-, charged with the mure
of hla son-in-law, commits snlcide
his cell by slashing his throat with an
old ewe knife.
■i-tirasy negro woman near Whiter-
koto, N C., chokes her 17-year-old 1 railroad has been completed from Pel-
daughter to death, claiming that the Um to T( clinor , , lUOon on o, e oar-
Uid commanded her to put the girl to No rthero, near Doerun. Only a
; freight Schedule will be operated over
New Railroad Completed.
Tha Flint River and Northeastern
—The dead bodies of Fireman W. J. j the new road at present
Madey and ex-Flrbmah , J, J. Dnnn * • •
were found Wednesday In the ruins j park and Moblty Reappointed.
' by a conflagration at Knoxvlle, J. B. Park, Jr., of Greene county, and
Tann. ' J. H. Mobley, of Harris county, have
W. Hodgea, a farmer of Cull- j been reappointed ae directors of the
mad county, Alabama, brains hla wife , Hate experimental farm, located at
with some blunt Instrument and then ' Griffin,, Oa. The appointment wi»
made Saturday by Governor -TerrelL
The terms are for fire year*.
« • .
« Cotton Bale field for $121.10.
All local records since the days fol
lowing the civil war were broken at
Columbus obe day the past week, when
O. 8. Barnes, of Hamilton, sold a bala
of cotton weighing 787 pounds for
8131.10 net The cotton wae stained
and classed low, but nevertheless
brought 15 1-3 cents per pound.
May Borrow for Legislature.
Coreraor Terrell atated a few days
ago that It waa too early to state defin
itely, yet he thought that It wonld be
necessary to borrow money with which
to pay tha legislators during the com
ing session. Last yaar It was neces
sary to borrow $50,000 to help defray
the expenies of the Drat summer she-
e e e -.
Pscolet Mllle close Down.
The Pscolet Manufacturing Company,
whoat plant at New Holland consumes
annually 80,000 biles of cotton and em
ploys about 1,000 hands, closed down
fistnrday for an Indefinite period. The
company manufactures goods and tha
high price of cotton la the reason for
closing down. The Idle forces will
suffer, and the community will be hurt'
Blaek’e Tribute to Gordon.
Commander In Chief John C. Black,
of the Grand Army of the Republic,
has written a letter to Colonel James
P. Averill, of O. M. Mitchell poet, O.
A. R., of Atlanta, In wulch he express
es warm approbation of the roolu-
hanga himself.
—In the postal trial at Washington
Wednesday, the defense Introduced n
.note dated July 1, 1803, for 125,000,
klrawn by George Lorens, In favor of
August. Machen. The note waa In-
troduced to explain the remittances
forwarded by Lorens to Machen.
—There waa a warm debate In the
senate Wednesday'over the proposed
.loan of $4,500,000 to tha fit Louis ex
position. Mr. Tillman, of South Caro
lina, charactoristd the appropriation!
In aid of expositions as "stosls.”
—At the trial of Colonel F)d Butler,
the St. Louie millionaire politician, on
tha charge of bribery, J. X. Morrell,
ex-member of council, and agent of the
alleged boodle combine, told how the
fund,of 147,875 waa divided among
—Blghty-nlno ' of tha ninety damn-
cratlc members of tha Maryland legis
lature mat In caucus Wedoeidey nipht
and aeiectad latdor Raynrr lor the
United States aanatorahlp, thus break
ing tha deadlock that haaexlsted for
—Miners and operator! who have
bean In conference at Indianapolis,
havt failed to roach an agreement on
a wage scale. A strike of 117,005 min
ers may follow.
—Bishop Thomas F. Oallor, of Ton-
nesses, will pronoh the baccalaureate
sermon at the University o! Georgia
at the next commencement
—In Buncombe eounty, North Caro
lina, n suit for divorce has been filed
by Mja. Elisabeth Oudger against Dr.
D. M. Oudger, In which eensatlonal Moot relating to tha death of General
chargee are mads. j John B. Gordon, recently adopted by
—One hundred and fifty thousand l the post, and hla admiration of General
Gordon as a soldier and a statesman.
Toomsr la Greatly Interastsd.
A Washington dispatch aaya: When
the Sibley bill to prohibit the purchaae-
by tha government of convict made
goods was tha subject of a hairing be
fore the house committee on labor, W.
M. Toomer, of Georgia, who eald that
he hold's contract for the labor of 500
convicts for five years In that state.
Buuuiem Tfxu yote „ hlre j 0it theIr franchise
filed requisitions nn j er the new law, having failed pey
i the clerk of the supreme poll tax.
I coplea of the full da- ] —Every building except two In Hoi-
court In the oaae of landale, Miss., was burned by a fire
t against North Carolina, I Saturday, which Indicted a loss of
tonday, which may hare, 3350,000.
: effect upon tha Obllgs-1 —Former cashier of the Franklin
nt southern statsa.mads bank. Cincinnati, hts given a -power
tlon governments - end of attorney to-eell hts securities,
*••- amouuntlng to 13,000,000, In order to
»entertained oi thepoiai- pay Mi ahortage of 1341.000. There
supreme court granting ■ win Da no proaecutlon. - lh ” ,Ul * ,rom ,M4 to ,Jt#
i Skalnat Georgia sad alt the | _ Bll more arr(lta of ,x-aldermen at
which, Milwaukee, Wie., on Indictment! re-
id obligations, Mtrongb b the „ rud ^
1 Into the hands of atiitei! _ #
i governments which may ac-1 lhrwt of 0r *“ d , Armjr men t0
m either as glRs or hy^pur, noo, “* e °* ner » 1 BUck ,or the P r< ”' 1 '
_d that tha total liability-thus 1 d,ac * aalaM * *» rTlce P“* lon *• «*•*•
I will run M,h up into thi mU!, * d *•* *P™l d «t Rooae-
valt and hts friends.
h atudy of the original taxt —Fire men are Intently killed by an
Brower's opinion which explosion of powder la Maple Hill col-
poaltlon of the court as I | *«W. of the Philadelphia and Reading
> make in the office of the Coal Company, at Mahony City. Pa.
i supreme court, the moat ’ —Personal Injury aulta amounting to
atema to be the 338,188,3(3 are pending agalnat the
1 one atato can ana another city of Chicago, on account of Injuries
of a debt represented by, caused by bad aldewalka.
r other obligations of the; -Mrs. Maybrlck has been released,
, which the creditor eUto but there Is a mystery surrounding the
‘ice Brewer itatea the affair, as the government seems to be
. case In thla way: | hiding bar out. Conditions of her re-
with an unquestionable lease said to be that ahe mnat not ap-
la laaoed by another atate, paar on the atage or write a book
mortgage of railroad about her trial and Imprisonment.
-ww^XSd inrokes'us'jurli* j
“ ^ W“» at 8f ■ llo **'mo.t authentlc.. Ja^riI getting Into
;d aubJecUon of the mortgaged
to the .«U.faeU.ff el the * ,U not
> thla'court
Barred from Banquet by R»
ana at Cleveland, Ohio,
eh from Cleveland; -Ohio
1 Tippecanoe Club, thlif W
llcan organisation In Ohio,
color line, and proml-
republicans in tha ,city
na against Senator Hanna,
ntroillng figure |n the
Tippecanoe Club gave-a Me-
nquet last Friday night
t, the well known republt
, bet snubbed the color
Oklahoma . la
itlon of Law.
I at the tote
s'. Me
ns from
bo caught napping by the caar.
Rev. H. M. Morrison, pastor of the
Methodist church. at Quitman, haa
bean appointed presiding elder of the
Valdosta district of the South Georgia
Conference, succeeding Dr. J.
—At Wilmington, N. O., Friday, In
tha eaaa of S. Hill Terry, chargsd
with the murder of hla sou-to-law,
George T. Bland, only seven Jurors
were accepted though a special venire
of 355 men were exhausted.
—Representatives of tha Tennessee
Coal, Iron and Railroad Company, the
Slqas-BhaBeld Steel and Iron Com
pany. and the Republic Iron and Steel
Company, mat'In Btrmlngnam Monday
to dismiss tha advisability of a merger
—Hereafter all washerwomen doing
bneiaew In Macon, Oa., mutt provide
themselvee with tags which can be
procured only from the board of
health.- *•
—D. B. Leonard, of Vienna, Oa., haa
Juat sold three hales of cotton ginned
In 1831 which ha ha. held since then,
toy II cents.
—The plant of the Towalagn Elec
tric Power Company at High Shoals,
aad by nut
n yur for Its convict labor, and that
thla money went into the public echool
* .e *
Hive Money to Loan.
Farmers of Carroll and Heard coun
ties, Georgia, and Cleburne and Ran
dolph countlei, Alabama, who market
heavy crops from tbelr wagons in
tha streets of Carrollton, are realli-
log handsomely from their crops of
cotton which have been held. Since
cotton reached the approximate price
o 15 cento per pound, nnheard of re
serves of cotton have been hauled to
for the put week, and an .Immense
fund of caeh for the section la being
No Former Jeopardy.
The plea of former Jeopardy entered
In the case of J. B. Ollveroa, former
cashier of the Atlantic Cout Line In
Savannah, and charged with larceny
after trust of about 15,000, was over
ruled by Judge George T. Cann.
He said that the late Judge Pope
Barrow had (sen moved by a legal
necessity to declare a mistrial. Judge
Barrow had declared a mtatrlal be
cause he had expressed an opinion u
to certain evidence The next day he
found ho wu wrong In having done so.
Union the supremo court reverses
Judge Cann, the cut must go to trial.
State to Sue Railroads.
Attorney General John C. Hart nt
the request of the railroad commission
of Georgia will file suite in a few days
against the Southern railway and the
Sosboard Air Line railway for failure
on part of hose companies to comply
with the orders of tho railroad cora-
Some time ago the roads were order
ed by the commlulon to construct de
pots at certain etatlons on their lines,
but so far the railroads have ignored
the orders of the commission and have
taken no itepi toward the erection ot
the building! which they were ordered
to construct
• • •
Fire Bugs Caused Elberton Blaze.
The debrla of Elberton’s big fire is
being rapidly removed, preparatory >o
rebuilding tha burned district. Colonel
T. M. Swift hit already placed an or
der for material to repair tho injured
fronts of hla Mock, and W. O. Jones,
who owned tha Mock burned, Is pro-
to haul material to rebuild. ?ht
1 r ■-
firms who were burned ont have made
arrangements to open up again to
new buildings.
It le generally thought at present
that the fire wu ot Incendiary origin,
u when It wu discovered it appeared
to be to the rear of three stores de
stroyed at the same time. Some be
lieve It wu csused by burglars to cov
er tbelr tracks.
• * •
State's Cotton Is Sold.
Chairman J. 8. Turner, of the state
prison commlulon, le very much gratl
fled over the high price at which the
■tate’e cotton sold a few dtya ago.
Thero were 806 bala raised on the
state prison farm thle year, and they
were sold to George Smith, a Mllledge-
vlUe buyer, at an average price of 15
1-3 cbnts per pound. This le a total of
more than 383,<50.
The foregoing figures are in striking
contrast to thou received by the state
lut year for the cotton raised on the
firm. There were 450 bala raised
lut year, and It wu sold at an aver
age price ot a little more than 8 cents,
the total amount received for tbe 450
bala being about 518,000. Tbe money
received from tbe sale ot this cotton
It turned Into tbe state treunry. By
tbe raising of tble cotton annually the
priion farm mors than pays the ex
pense of operating it
• a •
Agents Named for Gordon Fund.
More than 31,000 hu already ban
subscribed toward the memorial monu
ment to be built In Atlanta to the
memory of Genera] John B. Gordon,
and that too, before the committee in
named to solicit aubacrlptlons hare
gone ectlrely Into the field.
President W. L. Calhoun hu com
pleted the Bet of agents named to
represent the John B. Gordon Monu
ment Association In the various south
ern statu, as well ts the committees
which will be requested and authorised
to canvass tor subscriptions In tbe va
rious citlu of Georgia. The agenta
named to represent tbe ueoclatlon <n
other southern statu are authorised
to usodato with them ouch commit-
teemen as they may see fit to canvass
their rupectlve fields, and they will
be tsked to report to the central com
mittee lp Atlanta at such timu u may
be most convenient and suitable to
Held Cotton for Twenty-Two Yean.
Homer Williams; a cotton buyer at
Vienna for E. L. Harper, of Cordele,
purchued there a few days ago three
bales of cotton from D. B. Leonard
which were ginned In the fall of 1881.
The three bala were Just twenty-two
yeare 'Old, and were probably the old
est in.America. This renerable lot of
fleecy staple graded u good middling
and sold at 15 cents.
Cotton Mi 1381 wu selling at a low
figure, ’aid' Mr. Leonard stored three'
bala away In a little houte In Vienna,
declaring ho would hold It until It
brought 15 cents. Though It seemed a
hopeless tuk, he hold out in hie de
• • • 1
College Arranges Agricultural Course
The Agricultural School of the Uni
versity hu arranged a two weeks’
course In Agriculture, February 8-20,
for the special benoflt of farmers. The
lectures and experiments will be held
In the Agricultural Hall, free from any
Interruption from the regular clausa
of the Unlrerilty, and at houri con
venient for many fanners who come
from home each day. The loctura are
absolutely free. It will be a two weeks'
Institute In Agriculture, open to all
tha citisena of the state interested in
that subject. The most expert lec
turers on agricultural aubjects will
be In atendance. Ample opportunity
will bo given for questions for practi
cal atndy of the cotton plant, the. corn
plant For examination and comparison
of the boat types ot cattle and hogs.
Every afternoon from 2 to 4 the
dairy will be running where farmers
and their wtvu may see and study the
bat procasa of testing the milk,
separating the cream, making the-but
ter and preparing the same for market.
Those who can stay the two weeks'
can gat board and lodging for the en
tire time for $10. Below will be found
the different subjects to be studied,
tbe lecturers end the date of each lec
Monday, February 8th—10:30. Mak
ing a cotton crop. Prof. J. M. John
son. 11:30. Fertilisers for cotton and
tbelr application. Dr. H. C. White.
Tuesday, February 9th—10:30. Grow
ing a corn crop from preparation of
all to harvest time. Prof. J. M. John
son. 11:80. Insects Injuring tbe grow
ing crops and mature ear, and tbelr
control. Dr. J. P. Campbell.
Wednesday, February, 10th—10:30.
Cotton lmprorement by seed selection
and plant breeding. Prof. J. M. John
son. 11:30. Typa and varieties ot
cotton, which havo given the bat re-
sults. Director R. J. Redding.
Thursday, February llth—10:30.
Types of corn beat suited for Georgia.
Director' R. J. Redding. 11:30 Seed
•election and plant breeding as a
means ot corn Improvement Prof. J.
M. Johnson.
Friday, February 12th—10:30. Mar
keting the cotton crop. Institute Di
rector Hereto Jordan. 11:30. Corn
Judging—laboratory work. Prof. J. M.
Saturday, February 13th—10:80 to
13. Farmers’ question box, conducted
by Senator Hereto Jordan.
Monday, February 15th—10:30.
Typa of beef cattle. Prof. J. M. John-
aon. 11:30. Common ailments of farm
animals and their treatment Dr. T.
E. Jago.
Tuesday, February 14th—10:30.
Method of improving cattle. Prof. C.
L. Willoughby. li:30. Food crops tor
hogs and cattle and their production.
Prof. J. M. Johnson.
Wednesday, February 17th—10:80.
Economy in meat production. Prof.
C. L. Willoughby, of the Experiment
Station. 11:30. Principles aad prac-
tlees ot stock breeding. Prof J. M.
Thursday, February 18th—10:30 to
11:30. Stock Judging—practical dem
onstrations from the animals. Prof.
X H. Johnson.
Friday, February 18th—10:|0 and
11:30. Slaughter tests end carcass
demonstration. Prof. J. M. Johnson.
Any cltlsen Interested In there sub
jects la eordtsUrl invited to attend.
Farmer* from a distance will be given
every aid In eecurlng boarding places.
Patients of "Mental Selena" Healer,
Helen Wllmena-Poet Produce
Mirth-Provoking Testimony.
Tbe trial at Jacksonville, Fla., of
the mental science haler, Mr*. Helen
WUmans-Poet who le charged with de
vising a scheme 1b defraud divers per
rons and using the malls to further
thla scheme, brought out very Uttle
new evidence Wednesday.
A letter from an Indiana woman
wu read and placed in evidence. In
which she wanted to know if Mrs. WU-
mans-Poet would undertake to get her
■on out of priion by uelng her mental
treatment to persons who requated It
by Mrs. Post's Direction to the effect
that nothing wu impossible, and that
■he would take the cue tor $4 per
It Wu brought out that she answer-
ed letters and promised to give her
treatment to perrons wh orequeeted It
for every Imaginable dlteue, and also
for trouble* of all klhds. She had
agreed to give treatment for making
a new rot of teeth grow; to make a
leg grow on a stump from which the
lower limb had ban amputated; to
make hair grow on bald heads; to re
store tha affections for each other of
persons who had becqme estranged
to transfer tha affections ot perrons,
and. In toct, to do uytblng ahe wu
uked to do.
Atlanta Negro Brought Back from 8t.
Louts and todgad In Jail.
In charge of a detoctlre William
Edwards, a negro, who le wonted for
stealing mileage hook* from the Atlan
ta and Wat -Point railway, arrived in
Atlanta from St Louis Wednesday
When ean by a reporter Edwards
•aid that he etole tbe mileage hooka
at tbe request of 8am McClurkln, ud
that ha wu promised a part of the pro
ceeds of the sale, bnt herar received
Edwards said he commenced to steal
the ticket! lut year. aad does not
know bow many be took. He uya Mc
Clurkln told him where end how to get
them. He did not knew the vmlnq ot
them, so he uys, ud all he era re
ceived wu about $1.50. McClurkln
having given him 50 cuts on two or
thru occasions.
Alleged Newepeper Representatives
Rap Harvest In Florida.
Society folks In Palm Buck, Fla,
ud all along the cut cout hare been
flaced out of many thonsnnds of dol-
lara by three unscrupulous newspaper
men. Among the victims are Josepa
Jefferson, W. K. Vanderbilt. Jr., W.
Gould Browak, of New York; Freder
ick Townsend Martin, of New York;
Julian T. Davis, a New Yor attorney,
ud Tangaman, president of tbe bak
ing powder trait.
The three men claimed that tbey
were getting up a book about promi
nent people containing tbelr photo
graphs ud a sketch for tbe benefit of
club tor newapaper men In New
Poetoffice Deportment Makes Contracts
for Star and Steamboat Routu.
Tbe pootofBee department bu
awarded contract* for carrying
mails on 3,698 star ud steamboat
routes In the statu of North Carolina,
South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Ala
bama, Mlsslulppl, Tennessee, Ken
tucky ud the lelud of Porto Rico for
a term ot four years, beginning July
1 next. Tbe total annual compensa
tion to the contractors for the service
under thae contracts amounts to |1,.
These contracts will provide not
only for carrying the mall In closed
poneha, between postoffices as hereto
fore, but also for the delivery and col
lation of malls Into ud from boxes
along the Una ot the star routes for
all parsons'who provide proper boxes.
Fifteen Cents for Run of Grades.
At Laurens, S. C., Friday, Smith
Bros, of Klnarda, Newberry connty,
■old to Wiliam L. Gray, 635 bala ot
cotton at 15 ants pa pound. Thla
price wu for tha ran of the cotton,
racardiew of grads*. Tho total aunt
Chu-oa of legislators loth# amoklng
compartment—Conductor, thto MS*”. 1 *
frightfully late; tho scrota le limply
hideous. _ .
Conductor—Oh, weU, gentlemen, I
haven't time to listen to your kicks
now; just let me have your pmwA
please.—Cleveland Leader.
“I Just hard a mu aay^he wonld
give ten dollars to see yon.*’
-Indeed,'’ aid Mr. Stormiegton
Barnes. “Did he look like am ordi
nary auditor or a mu with u attach-
mentr—Washington Star.
“Pa, what la a model muf" ,
“A model man, my sou, la generally
n very small sample ropy, oittc •>»-
ila, of a real man, ud Is usually made
of putty.''—Smart Bat
An ounce of levs io worth a tarn of sym-
Sailor's ffarUost Caao.
“J ^
wuTliJtmn* rapidity. Next to SaWe
Teoaintt it will make mof? green /odder
than say thing else, cheap u dirt ana grows
"cT^Wsar’i Renovator Gram Milt ore,
oa soil 'so poor two men .could not rafce a
fine on it, and in fori
sowing I had ti
to tho county.
Sejm fiends ci
aeLzsm's nxw na' ioxax. OATS.
Here is a whiner, a
enormously pruinc, «tr
on, producing in thir
to 905 bn. per aero. X
lot of it, Mr. Fsrmar, . — - — .
- JVBT »Vn> 10C. X ETAXTS „
to tho John A. Salter t ed Co., La Gratis,
Wia., and recthrt to rt “ * ‘ “
log and lots of farm tee
Hn. Winslow’s Soothli
teething, soften ths gum i
tlop.aliaya psin.curta wl 1
It takes a smart maofto writs an unim*
portent letter. .
Plao’s Cure cannot bs t o highly apoken of
ss a cough cure.—J. W. t’Baisu, 822 Third
Avenue, N., Minneapolis Ulan., Jan.6.1900.
It is tailor to wia s rife with flattery
tan it ia to maintain r on it.
T retablee#
Millions of
When ths Editor real 10,000 Planti for
16c. he could hardly b eve it, but upon
second reading finds at the John A.
Balscr Seed Cs., La one, Wii., than
whom there are no mor eliable and exten
ts greet o
send you t ir big plant and
together i -h enough wed to
1,000 rareJ^H
1,000 glonoiuly^l
| ALL 70S BUT 1C
providing you will retu
M you wiUMiWiH^
U you will tend them 24 in postage, they
will add to tha abova a ackage of tha fa
mousBerliner CsuLflow 7[A.C.L.J
A married min says
fag Ms wiib spending i mey because she
invariably Spada it Bu]
A minister named
fits,, Kansas, baa clcufl
a year with a local
■ufflolent advertising
to print hla weekly
•too Bine
The readme Of this pax
team that there la at la
aw that selenoo has boa
ttaatagse, and that Is Oil
Can Is ths oaly positive
the BMdloal fraternity. '
treatment. Halt's cHB
Hally, anting dlreotlyu]
eessiartaooi of shared
tag th. foundation Ml
the patlot strength by
■tttiHoa and uSstlag
datarr Jure
Bad for list of ti
F. J. Cunt
BoMbyDruflrtsu, 7ic.J
Tbe lalud of -Cypi
tterranean, will soon
from cout to cast
8,600,000 francs haa
for Its construction.
often finds ft too
. Byrnp for children
seduces Inflamma-
this notice, end
objects to giv»
ook, of Concor-
a contract for
•paper to take
space la which
ioni. *
pne dreedvd din*
able to cure in aU
rrh. HaU'i CetarrJi
are now known ti
( took being e oon-
afis a constitution U
3uxeli takes inter-
the blood and m :-
thereby destroy- '
“ datvlax
r thecoa-
doing Us
•6 much faithlo
icy offer Onp Hon*
hat it (rile to ours,
to Address
(to, Toledo, O.
PI i for constipation,
to the Med-
have a railroad
Tbe amount of
b en
No man moves this wo Id until hs Is pr
foundly moved himself.
Back aches all the tlio. Spoils j
appetite, wearies the bd^y. worries
mind. Kidneys cause ft all and Doa
Kidney Pills relieve
and care it
H. B. McCareer.
of 201 Cherry 8t,
Portland, Ore., In-
spector of freight
for the Trans-Con
tinental Co, uya:
“I need Dun's Kid
ney Pills for back
ache and other
symptoms of kid
ney trouble which
bad annoytdme for
months. I think a
Mid was responsi
ble for the whole
trouble. It seemed to settle In my
neyj. Dun's Kidney Pills roote
ont It la several months since 11
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recurrence of tha trouble."
DOan's Kidney Pills for sale by
dealers. Price 60 cant* per box. j
— N. 1,