Newspaper Page Text
>KWA, FEBRUARY- 1*. 1*04
Our Meigs Depart;
Made by Sualna People, Weddlnge,
Purchases, Personals and Other
, Newa.
A lino of dainty dress goods, loom*
ribbons etc. at Johuson & Boo.
• iJf'VVA
Ur Ezekiel Carter spent p ferny dajs
at Metcalfe with roUtives last wools. .
Mr. lienry Carter of Albany is spend
ing a few days here with hbmofolks. { ■
Go to the Atkinson Mercantile Co. for
Oresoent plows, and Cresoent castings.
Prof. A. E. Smith and Miss ilnnlai
Bmndays went op to Pelham Snndajt-
Mrs. W. S. Atkinson of Pelham, speak
several days here with relatives daring
the past week.
Mr. and Mre. W. Waldorf of Thonw-
asville who have been here several day*
have returned home,
Mrs. L. M. Carillon of Pelham wan
the geest of her slstor, Mrs. T. B. Oer
ter a few days since. /
Onr shoes are.fresh from the factory.
Do yon see the point?
Johnson 6s Boss, Meigs.
Congressman Geo. H. White’s Case.
A Noted Sculptress Cured.
Mrs. Celeste Co veil writes from 219 N.
avenue, Aurora, 111.:
“ Only those who have suffered with
la grippe and been oured can appreciate*
bow grateful I feel that such a splendid
modictne as Peruna has been placed at
the door of every suffering person.”—
Mrs. C. Coveil.
Kotsd Sculptress Cured of Grip.
hfrs. M. O. Cooper, of tho Royal Acad*
emy of Arts, of London, England, now
residing in Washington, D. C., is one of
the greatest living sculptors and painters
of the world. She says:
44 1 take pleasure In recommending Pa
rana for catarrh andTa grippe. X have
eufferod for months, and after the use of
one bottle of Peruna I am entirely well.”
—Mrs. M. C. Cooper.
D. L. Wallace, a charter member of
the International. Barber's Union, writes
from 15 Westorn avenue, Minneapolis,
44 Following a severe attack of la grippe
I seemed to be affected badly all over.
“One of my customers who was greatly.
helped by Peruna advised me to try it,
and I procured a bottle the same day.
Now my head is cloar, my nerves aro
steady, I enjoy food and rest woll. Pa
rana has been worth 'a dollar a doso to
me.”—D. L. Wallace.
Lieutenant Clarice Hunt, of the Salt
Lake City Barracks of the Salvation
Army, writes from Ogdon, Utah:
44 Two months ago I was suffering with
so severe a cold that I could hardly speak.
44 Our captain advised me to try Po-
runa and procured a bottle for me, and
truly it worked wonders. Within two
weeks I was sutirely well.”—Claries
Hunt. „ /
Congreuraan White's Letter. •
Tarboro, N. C.
. Gentlemen:—/ am more than satis-
fled with Peruna and find It to be an
excellent remedy far the grip and ca»
tarrh. / have used H In my family
and they all Join me In recommending
It as an excellent remedy*”—Georg*
H. White, Member of Congress.
Mrs. T. W. Collins, Treaanrcr Inde
pendent Order of Qood Templars, of
Everett, Wash., writes:
44 After having a severe attack of la
grippe I continued in a feeble oonditlon
even after the dootors called me cored.
My blood seemed poisoned. Ppruna
cured me.»»—Mrs. T. W. Collins.
If yen do not derive prompt and satis*
factory results from tbs net of Peruna,
write atopoa to I>r. Hartman, giving a
full statement af your ease and he will
bo pleased .to give you bis valuable ad-
vtoe gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
Tbs Ilartiaae Sanitarium, Columbus, O.
J. W. Doc Brown of Suuny ilitl, F^t.,
was here Thursday selling goods for a
wholesale grocery firm in New Jrlean*,
La. c
Weddings, like fires, se^ra never to
como singly. First the Sessions-Jones
wedding now we hear of the marriage
Oa Mr. Curtis Hancock and Miss Harrell
of the Cairo district which took place
Sunday.. Full particulars have not as
yet reached ns.
An nutomohile passed through he ?e
Thursday running at a dangerous rate
of speed. Wo* think our County Com
missioners should take some action to
prohibit the speeding of these machines
above a safe limit ou v our public high
Dr. W. F. Robertson of Iamonia line
still thirty-six balos ot cotton unsold.
Surely we envy him, iu spite of the De
calogue. v
Miss Anuie Lon andLizzie Blaokshear
went down to Betlipagc Sunday.
Mr. Tom Walker came over from
Cairo Saturday to spend Sunday with
home folks,
Mr. Irwin Melt
Mr. G. W. Sweat came down from
Leland Sunday.
Some peoplo are never so happy, as
when they are miserable.
Mr. Jesse Houze made a business trip
to Thomasvillo a few day* ago.
Mrg.W. J. Joues. of this place, is on a
visit to her sister in Worth'county.
Messrs. Workman and Walker,; of
Tliomasville, were visitors hero Sunday.
Mr. E., J. Simpson !uut been for the
past week with Ilia son, Mr. J. M. Simp
son, on Marshall street. .
Mrs. Tabitha Daren-, of Thomosuillr,
was a ploasaue visitor to Misses Maggie
and Stella Daren this week.
I had a delightful serenade a few
nights siuco from our juvenile string
baud,‘consisting of Otto Carter, "J. D."
Culpepper and Herman Fulford. They
aro a flue trio and make excolloutjrau-
When you want something neat, nob
by and good in hosiery and dress goods,
go to Johnson & Ross, Meiga.
Mrs Evelyn Wilson after a pleasant .
visit to relatives of. this place ban *»- ' 'j
turned to her home in Metcalfe. .
We pay ^highest maiket prices for
oliickens and eggs aud all country pro-
•luce. Atkinson Mercantile Co. Meigr
Prof. Bledsoe-,' of Douslsonville, wan
hero a few days ago. He is placing*
many pianos, having sold three in one
Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Walden and lit
tle daughter, Luclle of Albany, after
spending a few days with relatives ham
liave returned home.
Miss Mina Sherman is teaching a paj
; -bool at Pine Grove, a few miles firm
town. The regular term will begin fas
Jane and continue for six months.
Do yon intend coming to Meigs Sat
urday? Well, go straight to Johnsqo 4k
Rom, Dunn's old stand. They hsva JRjS
the newest, cleanest stock in town.
While the painting mood le oa (to
town I hope to eee the Beptiet chunk,
repainted. The Methodist ohnrch re
ceived anew drees hut year.
• <
Mm. Mollis Rowland widow of the
late John Rowland, died at her home
five miles from this piece Wednesday,,
and was bailed at Harmony chnrck
near whloh she lived.
Tho beautiful spring at Midway
clmrrii, two miles from town, neods re
pairs. It is a charming spot.Jaffurdiug
a delightful place at which to enjoy u
duy, and I tliiuk Hie owner or the pnb-
lio should fix it up
Suppose that *10.00 should be in
vested in a.library in this town, oau one
estimate the everlasting good that wonld
result? Question for debater "Which
j. rei notonlyimprov-
ing his plantion here, but enlarging it
also. We hoar that ho bought sevornl
hundred acres of land from Mre. B. B.
Mitchell a few days ago.
..The turpentine operators are paying
four cents a box for round timber. Four
yean ago they bought fnr one and a
half cents.
The World
of. medicine
Grip as epi-
demic ca
tarrh. - -
Medical Talk.
Real Estate Below Coat.
One 8-room honse, big lot, barn, ex
cellent water; inside city limits. House
could not he built for tops than $1,800.
Will take *1,0* cash, or will sell on
long time monthly payments.
Also one 6-room cottage, on adjoining
lot. Wonld ooetahont *1,000 to build
such a house; *050 cash will get it, or
will sell on monthly installmennU. Ap
ply at this office.
escaped so Awful Fire
Mr. H. Hoggins of Melbourne, Fla.,
writes, "My doctor told me I had con
sumption and nothing oonld be done for
me. I was given np to die. The offer
of a free trim bottle of Dr. King’s New
Discovery forOonsnmptlao, induced ms
to try it. Results were startling. lam
nowon the road to rsoovery. It sorely
saved my life.” This great cun Is guar
anteed for all throat and lung diseases
hv J. W. Peacock druggist. Price 60c
« *100. Trial bottle free.
miles south of towm The dog wns r
fine bird dog beloffipng to the fam,.
and came very dear biting Mrs. Qreeu.
The dog was Immediately killed.
Grandpa Atkinson, who has spent a
number of yean in the hum-drum and
worry of a lumber mill, now sitsoom-
plaoently as the central figure In the
store of the Atkinson Mercantile Co.
At present he seems to be chief apple
and candysampler.
Pus of the most regular attendants at
school in this plaoa Is “Brutus” Hand.
Brutus is merely a dog—a plain spotted
dog. For tbs past ten years, perhaps,
he has guarded every stop of each of the
■even daughten of Mr, A. F. Hand. He
is now the constant oompanion of his
youngest daughter, who <■ one of the
most advanoed pupil, in the graded
school here, His record for the past is,
attendance 100, oondnet 100.
Noted Minister Coining.
Dr. S. T. Jameson secretary of tho
State Mission Board of the Georgia Bap
tist convention will arrive in the city
tills week and will oocupy tho Baptist
pulpit twioe best Sunday.
J. W. Peacock Will Return Money If
Hyomel Fails, No Stomach Dosing.
If our town marshal or some om olsa
does not look after the squad of small
boys who hoard the train as it nennt the
depot there'll be a boy or so le ts in this
town. The little fellows get on tha
train when it Arps to enter the switch.
Below is the honor roll of tho Meiga
graded sohool for the month just past.
Jewel Davis, Verona Jones, Bettio Os
teen, Henry Carter, Charlie 8mlth,
Vlnde Meigs, Olevie Hand, Stella Da-
The DURABLE Fence, -.Hi
None so STRONG. lTi | r | |
All large wires. Z ■*“ l l H “
Highest EFFICIENCY. /-p -~r# ‘
•a-lM (——m ^^ - | |-»- m
Moisture v| g ZZZZ Z2T HZ HZ ~ !.'Z' -J-ff P
and cause gjjQ —— —- ■■■ {--■fcM: :
Hyomel has made so many cures of
the most chronic and deep seated oat ■
of catarrh that J. W. Peacock considers
it a spertfio in this dssease.
He extend* an invitation to all catarrh
sufferers to call at his store and purchase
a Hyomsl outfit with the distinct under
standing that it will be abeolutely free
unless it effects a cure.
The chief reason for tl,e usual success
of Hyomel in the treatment of cattarrb
trouble* and other diseases of the air
passages. Is the fact that it cures by a
now principle, impregnating the air yon
breathe with healing and germ-kUUng
lwlsams. On this aoooont it reaches
the seat of the disease in a way impos
sible to pills, drags or other stomach
Many of J W. Peacock’s customers
who have suffered with oatarrb since
childhood have been cured completely
by this scientific remedy.
The complete Hyomel outfit costs *1,-
and oonsista of an inhaler that can be
carried in the puree or pooket, a medi
cine dropper and a bottle of Hyomel.
Extra bottles can be obtained for BOo.
making it a most economical remedy
for the cure of catarrh.
Do not suffer longer with catarrhal
disorders, but get a Hyomel cm fit lam
J. W. Peaoook under his guaniuteo to
return the money if it falls. You run
no risk a hatever. If It cures, tho treat
ment is not expensive, while if It falls,
he will refund your money and it coats
you absolutely nothing
Desiree ‘to announce
to the people of
We hrtve just bought a carload oi
the above Fence i o arrive in a few
days As we are tbe only firm in
Thomas county that buy fence in car
load lots We can save you money on
your ienee
Thoy will sell the goods of the
Swift Guano Company,
and of the
Savannah Guano Go.,
and will Fell for
Cash or On Time.
Meigs, Ga.'
Don’t fall to go out to the Methodist
church noxt Saturday afternoon to hear
Brother Jenkins talk and' the children
go through with their part of tire exor
cises. Every body it invited Saturday
Feb. 18.
Onr people have all taken the ianm
desire to paint the town. Qoltea num
ber of houses have already been painted
end the pointers are ou .Other jobs,,
among which are the premises of Dr-
E. L. MoTyre, Mrs. Gertie Hall and the
Hunt House.
Nearly Forfeits his Life.
A runaway almost ending fatally.
started o horrible ulcer on the leg of j
B. Orner, Franklin Grove, 111. For four
years it defied all doctors end ell reme
dies. But Buckles’. Arnica Salve inul
tm.tmublo to cure him. Equal'y good
for Burns Brakes, Skin Eruptions and
Flier. SiSo at J. W. Peacock’s Drag
' Just Received at
it. F. DYSQNS &
Nothing has ever, ^quallfd It
Nothing can ever surpass it.
, There is danger ju cold weather
cause It produces conditions fuvon
to the flevetopmeht of. those-germ -j
known a". 1 -agrippo,. Pueumot
Unnsumiiii m. efc. Til
■1 . ‘ ." eS8S8bS8V»v. . ,,
A-necessary adjunct .for the table, and which every
»f bar iron, nil sixes. 1 ton .cxtra. flui‘, t r,a|;ri:*n«v.aml wagon
S ir*. jjo>0 feu rubhi r antlicanyi^ b' ltJngi 2 loll ipdffs.,
six* it op t f^iuohfS. 1 tnj* fvt‘t *4 lisv.h 0-8 Inch
r. rrj tr - b”**t liuitof CookfefovM Arid Stov< wire on - ll»C
[ hiCf’ <4i-line »f IfkrtlWHre ’ tfver
Galyanizni steM 1 'J'A;»k» for syrup
1 ' ' ‘aUd IjOK G:trt»i 1-uinbfV Trucks, farm
kd farm' UnpMnifwts. Hrud li\ your
New Discovery
kottse keener should take card in fbr the be8t is not
;d>o good,' Vyottjd invite you to tkU afid ste t!;c, , ,j
123 South Broad St
BroththUiSv Oousuiniitlifu, efc. J
diKO-tsiM are cmitructod wliilfl tlio
ols mumi'inmeof tha throat aud
iw woakouod Inr infiamiiKitiou resi
rom a cold, u is "dan^Qi-bdS to w
even a »4ijJilit oold.* Holpuaturo to
off disetwo by niing Kyda;os E
This modern sdoutiflo iumody ca
ways be relied ou iu all diseased c
cooking by Mit-Am orotbiVwl-*
and l.urnbcr Wa^«>nd,
order for Hjrup.Tuiiks
before ft is idd latc..,V. • ■'
A Perfect For AU Throat and
Cure: Lung Troubles! .
Money hack If It fan* Trial Bottlsa fra*