Newspaper Page Text
Congressman Meekison Suffered ‘With
Nell—Mamie U going to tUHVIR
Bella—la he wealthy?
Nell—1 don’t know. She aaya
there's a lot of money In eight for
him.—Philadelphia Ledger.
Silent at throttle*
Locomotive Engineers Not Inclined to
Be Communicative.
Of the men who sit in the cab of a
locomotive and turn Hie machine
loose in a race of 100 miles in 100 min
utes it is said they are the moat mod
est Individuals of the human family.
This la a fact said to be clearly
AVERY & mcmillan.
ni-M South For.jrth St , Atlanta, Gi
—all nines ok-
Catarrh-Head His Endorsement
of Pe-ru-na.
shiwn by a talk with any of the Chi
cago engineers who have any auch
record. It Is evidenced not so mutt
from what they say when questioned
as from what they do not and sannot
be ladueed to say.
This is not as bid u finding s lump oi
lead of nearly onehslf the weight of the
solid gold watch case scented is the ten-
tre of the cMt»
Gold wttehe**ihnMid by weigftl, And
MB Cih M# wker* this lead ii secreted
Until thaiiMMr of the esse are taken out
Jgdtht lead wifi be found accreted behind
These caaaa are made by companies who
profess to be honest, bat furnish the means
to tho dishonest to rob the public. It is
not pleasant for anyone to find that be
haa toned a lump of lead in his watch
Another trick of the makers'of spurious
solid cold watch cues la to vtamp the case
“U. 8. Assay." The United States does
not stamp any article made ont of cold and
stiver sxotpt coin, and the fakir, nr using
this stamp, wants to make the public be
lieve that the Government had something
to do wfy)i tht stamping or guaranteeing
the fineness of watch cases.
Another trick of the wateh fakir is to
advertise a Watch described as a solid gold
filled wateh with a twenty or twenty-five-
year guarantee. These watches are gener
ally eent .C. 0. D., and If the purchaser haa
paid for the wateh he finds that the com
pany which-guaranteed the wateh to wear
is not in existence.
The Dueber-Hampden Wateh Company,
of Canton, Ohio, who are constantly ex
posing these frauds, will furnish the names
of the manufacturers who are in this ques
tionable business.
For ft0t two meft in a dozeft ft! fast
runners are given to talking about
what they have accomplished. Much
less are they inclined to pass any
•Young women may avoid"
much sickness and pain, says
Miss Alma Pratt, if they will
only have faith in the use of
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Judging^ from the letter* ehe i*
jZrt Hi
opinion of the capabllitlao of any
other engineer.
Tike K nil In all, the men who ride
the Iron hone In race* that art ap
palling are the oddest characters In
the jumpers of a mechanic. A short
time ago a special train was chartered
to make a fast run down the country.
The engineer, In taking ooal at a sta
tion, was .delayed by the coal chute
apron becoming unmanageable. The
it In the eab ahead w*s as
Reliable Fflek Engln»«. Boiler., all
sizat. Whaat Japvators.
T-iam believes that our girls
are often pushed altogether too near
the ltmlt of their endurance now
aday, in our publlo schools end semln-
Nothing. Is allowed to Interfere with
studies, the girl must be pushed to the
front and graduated with honor; often
physical collapse follows, and it taksa
man who
oool as an iceberg, but no sooner had
the apron been hoisted out of the way
than ha opened up the valve and be
gan a race that for spaod and smooth-
ness waa one of a thousand.
“Arriving at our destination,” said
the conductor who had charge of the
train, “the engineer found awaiting
him a telegram from tha general su
perintendent qf (he road, who paid
him tbs highest compliment that an
official could extend to an employee.
The man read the telegram and
shoved It Into the pocket of his blouse
without a change of countenance. No
one, from looking under the peak of
his cap, could tell what sort of a feel
ing bad haen awakened, even It It af
fected 1dm at all.”
A fast runner, being approached by
an outsider who wants to know some
thing about the Ilf* of an engineer,
will Invariably be asked to see so and
flat who la another engineer on the
■am* run or division.
"He’s a mighty'good engineer and
can tell .you more of what yon want
to know than I can,” and then he
goee about his puffing steed, feeling
for hot place# and poking n long-
spouted oiler under the machinery.
It Is ten to one that the other man
will get out of It In the same way.
Few engineers who have-been found
out of fast runners will make any
comparisons of any kind of their runs
with those of other engineers. There
Is one thing, however, about which ah
engineer of this class Is "touchy.”
Suppose he haa made a fast run, hut
has been laid out or delayed from
one cause or another. He lnvarlnbly
wants that delay deducted .from the
total time of the run..
Railroad men say that the longer a
Largs Engines end Bollere .upp.’tad
promptly. Shingle Mills, Corn Mill.-,
Circular SlWI.Slw Teeth,Potent Doge,
steam Governors. Full line Engines A
Mill Supplies. 8end for free Catalogue.
years to recover the lost vitality, —
often It Is never recovered. MU* Pratt
“Dana Mia Pukkah:—I feel It
my duty to tell all young women how
nraeh Lydia E. Plnkhom’s won
derful Vegetable Compound has
done for me. I we* completely run
down, unable to attend school, sad did
not ears for any kind of society, but
now 1 feel ilka a new person, and hava
gained seven pounds of flesh In three
.. 11 1 recommend it to *11 young
■roman who suffer from female weak-
peaa”—Mns Alha Psavt, Holly,
fMleh. —gscro^, i/ff/f/ee/ efsCeat inter
AW MILLS efisn
1 for AOCVEACT, *lMrLlCTTT »n,AB Li
«p IAII oror*K*T!ON'. W rite lor mill
lotlrt etrci lars. Mamir.K»un;d
Cotton Gin
China silk dresses msjr be quite mooses-
fully washed. Remove all spots with ben
zine, then wash In warm, soapsuds, nibbing
between the hands, rinse through severed
Waters. Use Ivory Soap and do not rub tha
soap on the dieos. Wring as dry ea possible,
wrap In a’sheet or-clean cotton eloth, and,
when partially dry, Iron.
lauauon B. Paaxna.
A decayed apple eaten by a schoolboy in
Dublin caused a fatal attack of ptomaino
poisoning. /
Tsoalnte end BlUtou Hollar Grass.
Tbs two greatest fodder plants on earth,
one good for 14 tone of key end the other
80 tons green fodder per acre. Grow*
every where. 7 eo does Victoria Baps, yield
ing 00,0jXyba. sheep and swina food per
John A. Salter Soed Co., La Crosse, Wit.,
and receive in return their big catalog and
lota of farm soed samples.
Soma men trust to luck in this world,
and some others are lucky to get trusted.
I ameurePieo’aOure for Consumption saved
my life three yean ago.—Mas. Tkokas Bob-
bibs, Maple fit., Korwtoh, N.g., Feb. 17,1900. •
By gaining round after round of ap
plause the orator climbs tho ladder of
Hon. David Meekison is well known, not only in his own Btate but throughout
America. Ha began his political career by serving four consecutive terms aa mayor
of the town in which he lives, during which time he became widely known as tke
founder of tho Meekison Bank of Napoleon, Ohio. Ho was elected to the Fifty-fifth
hisecction^Ah^tai^ majority, and is the acknowledged leader of his party in
Only one flaw marred the otherwise complete suocem of this rising statesman.
Catarrh, with its insidious approach and tenacious grasp, waa hia only unoodquered
foe. For thirty years he waged unsuccessful warfare against this personal enemy.
At last Parana cams to the rescue, and ha dictated tha following latter to Dr. Hen
man aa tha result: Jp
We- mats the most complete hue oi any
concern la the woild. We also make
as sell everything seeded about a Cotton Gla.
Write for Illustrated Caf-iogue.
Continental Gin Co.,
Birmingham, Ala.
"I have «esd several bottle* of Pcruna and I fool greatly benefited
thereby from mv catarrh of the head. I foot encouraged to believe that
tf lute it a thort time longer I trill be fully able to eradicate the dictate
of thirty year#> standing. "—David Ueekiton, cx-Ifember of Congreet.
Is nd mrnbai In th*
wort* wherever the muetl. loader
hu ,lwrn way to tho breech Under.
tt is made la the lrncert sad hen
equipped cartridge factory la eels-
^ JThleeccountj for the uniformity of
Tell year dealer •• U. M. C.V when
hepelwi "Whet kladP”
Citato, free.
The Union HsUlllo Partridg* Cd.
Aieiey, *13 Broadway,
K.w York City, H. T,
Mre. A. Snsdeker, Car termite. Os.,
"I eew that yanr catarrh remedy. Pe
rn?*. we* doing others so much good that
I thought I would
try it and sec what £ vCfrv $
it would do for me. • JTOSM* •
My case is an old $ #
.one, and I have • •
none of the acute « jJKJEp •
symptoms now, be- • (Sf* Z
cause I have had e O ffC?n •
the disease so long $ W " “ W {
that I bad none oil o \a .• ^ F •
thesehessnd pains, Z \ [ •
but s general ran- • ~ JAA !
down condition of* •
the whole body—• /fcjji *
sorenoseAnd throat • JsgSY TfS&r •
and stomach. I had J
a good appetite, f •
but my food dia • Mr*. A Bnedeker. {
T HE season of catching cold is upon us.
The cough and the sneeze and nasal
twang are to be heard on every band. The
origin of chronic catarrh, the meet com
mon and dreadful of diseases, is a cold.
This is the way the chronic catarrh gen
erally begins. A person catches cold, which
hangs ou longer than usual. The cold
generally starts in the head, and throat.
Then follows sensitiveness of the sir pas
sages which incline one to ckteh cold very
easily. At last tha person has a cold all
the while seemingly, more or lees discharge
from the nose, hawking, spitting, frequent
clearing of the throat, nostrils stopped up.
full feeling in the,head and sore, inflamed
The best timo to treat catarrh is at the
very beginning. A bottle of Pcruna prop
erly used never fails to cure a common
cold, thus preventing chronic catarrh.
While many people have been cured of
chronic catarrh by a single bottle of Pa
rana, yet, as a rale, when the catarrh be-
cornea thoroughly fixed, more than one bot
tle is necessary to complete a cure. Pa
rana haa cured cases innumerable of ca
tarrh of twenty yean' standing. It ia the
beet, if not the only internal remedy for
chronic catarrh in existence.
But prevention is far better than cure.
Every person subject to catching cold
should taka Pcruna at once at the slight
est symptom of oold or sore throat at this
season of tho year and thus prevent what
A Father** Protection.
Father, , i| ia as essential for you to
provide a safeguard against that night-
fiend to yoftr children, croup, as to their
hunger. Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of
8weet Gum-and Mullein will cure cough,
croup and raids.
At drunlet., 98c., We, and >1.00 * bottle.
At on* time it wee the belief in Rueei*
man runs an engine the longer he
want* to. He Is In love with hia dan
gerous calling, and ha la a veritable
duck out of water when once ho real
izes that ho la laid off for all time.—
Chicago Tribune.
ui f.'ettiisle Seim la tha
L P r,ce *
1^, igllilgt from
SffjHgjV G 0 cent* to
Bertha—What n queer man that
young professor la!
Ethel—Yea: I talked about new
books, and ha said he hadn’t got
through reading Shakespeare yet.—
Detroit Tree Press
The agent of the Penobscot Indiana
In Main* reports that there are now
898 members of the tribe, a gain of
two during the pnat year.
pound, and
l no katler
| teod Is
found on
tern. I had come down from 1<0 to about
78 pounds in weight. I now feel that 1
am well of *11 my trouble..’’—Mre. A.
Send for free book on catarrh, entitled
“Winter Catarrh,” by Dr. Hartman.
"Health and Beauty”^ent free to women
0n jTyou do not derive prompt and eatiefec-
tory results from th* us* of Peruna, writ*
at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a fall atate-
ment of your ease end he will be phased to
give you his valuable tdvie* gratia.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of Th*
Hartmsn Sanitarium. Oommbae. O.
Tin hard to get along In life
If Fortune smile or frown,
For first you live your Income op
Then try to live It down.
Our money winning books,
written by men who know, tell
you all shout
There are 28,000 Indian children In
school, 02,010 Indians who can spetk
English and 148,874 Indians who wear
civilized dress.
u caosss,
■ewara of otatmsBis Far Catarrh Tha
Contain Kereary,
u mercury win rarely destroy the sense of
email and completely derange the whole sys
tem when entering It through the muoous
surfaces. Suehartloleoshouldnererbeused
except on prescriptions from reputable phy
sicians, as the damage they will do la ten fold
to the good you can possibly derive from
them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured
by V. J. Cheney * Co., Toledo, O., contains
no mercury, and is taken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and muraussurfacee
of the system. In buying Hall’s Catarrh Care
be sure you get the genuine. It Is taken In
ternally, and made In Toledo, Ohio, by V.
J. Cheney * Co. Testimonials free..
Sold by Druggists: price, 7fio. per bottle.
Take Hall’sYamlly Fills for oonstipatlon.
batltato forand nuporior to muBtardor
Oth«r plaster,and will not bllBter tho
bdellcat* skin. Tho pnin-AlUyinKand
11 will stop tho toothache at once, and
ro hoadncho and sciatica. >' e recom-
d It as the best spd safest externa]
iteMrritsintknown.ftluo asanexternal
xly for pains In the chest and etomach
illrheumatie.neu ralcicanrt gouty coni-
its. A trial will prove what wo claim
u audit will bo found to be invaluable
io boUBobold.Manj'pconle SHy’Mt lathe
of nil of jronr preparation*. Price is
atall drugKlsta or other denters, or by
In* thiaamount tonRln]ioRtaM«RtamrF
•lirsendyonatiibebyinalL No article
Id beacoepted by the publlo unlees the
»rarrlee on rlalwu. a f otherwise It in not
ilne. CMESfcBROt.'flN JdPO. CO..
IT ft'41o ftie-t. New Yobk Citt^
Winchester .aa Caliber Cartridges shoot when yon want
them to and where you point yonr gun. Buy the time*
tried Winchester make, having the trade-mark “ H ”
stamped on the head. They coat only a few cents more
a box than the unreliable kind, but they aita dollars better. <
A Professional Nans Tells Hrr Ex
pertise* With Doan’s Klfluej Pills.
Montagus, Mill.
Foster-Mtlbnrti Co., Buffalo, N. X.: ’
~ “ -I besrtilr wish those who
Oentlemei .
sre suffering from bmcknche nnd dis
turbed action of. the kidneys would try
Doan’n Kidney Pill*. As was tbs cose
with me, tb.ey will b* more' than sur
prised with tbs results. I hid been
troubled for years with my spins. 1
could not 11*'on either side. Spinal
cramps would /olk>w, and words could
not explain .(bo agony which I wonld
endnre. Whllo ln thsoe cramps I could
not speak or move, but by miking a
»U.t *0.111-. O-TD-r.hlp In Oolrt gill f-'or
Fltnl SBd Group of Oold Min- a Mill n»»*
COl B«W eonllnuRlIy. Looka like aperdy
ilnoous dlrtdeada New
Idcturcs. proa pectin. OOI.I> ORE fr« «•
IVKin 4 <>*frA
BOS Mark Block. DENVER
r ■*' The Bowels ji
“I owe my success ia life to hard
work,”' said the gnat magnate.'
But he neglected to add that It wu
largely the hard work ot other peo
ple.—Chicago Record-Herald.
were In a terrible state. I wonld rath
er sit up it night than go to bed, dread
ing the cramp* and the terrible back
aches. I consulted physicians, bat got
only a little relief for the time being.
Seeing your advertisement, my mother
urged me to-try Doan’n Kidney Pill*.
After using one box I wu bettor, and
have ever since been on th. gain. I
have no backache and no cramps now,
and I feel like s new person. My nerves
sre better and I know my blood io purer.
Words cannot express my thanks to
you for what Doan’s Kidney Pills bare
done for mo. In my work at profes
sional nuno I have a chance'to recom
mend them, and they did me no much
good that I will do so ou every possible
Doan’s Kidney Pills are sold at SO
cento per box. Address Foster-MIlbun;
Co, Buffalo, N. Y, for t free trial box.
Th* DoLoach Patent VarUbl* Friction F««d
SEW Mill with 4 h p. cuts i.•>» feet trr day. All
Rifles anil pilots to suit. DcI.oach hhiuglc Mills,
Kdcers. Trimmer*. Plane*; Corn and Ruhr
Mill*, Water Wheel*. Lath Mills, Wood Sawa.
Our handsome new Catalog will interest >ou.
DaLoach Mill Mf*. Co.. Box *34. At anta. G#
•narinn.ii me maim vs yvei ——» ——
BUfUaf ItaMdy Co,, Cbltaao ot N.Y. NS
Give the name of this paper when
writing to advortlaora— (At8-04)
»raffer, or to tho frlande of tkoM
1th Kldaer. Uver. Heart, Bladder
•eaee, a sample bottle ofit**rt>
^gsm.iasa.g* 81
Discriminating: sportsmen are enthusias
tic over the many novel features of the SAV
less, shoots the short, Ionjr and Iona rifle cart
ridges all in the same arm, and its accuracy
alone has placed it in a class by itself.
"■“•ffiaagfW" SAYAUr. ARMS CO., Utlra, Jf. V„ U. S. A.
* nti-B&ccoIine
Dropsy ii
Remove* «U swelling la ttoso
days: effects a permanent cow
In 30 to 60 day*. TrWltreatroent
riven free, Kothf agcoa1 be fsirer
“ write Dr. H. H. irtaVRa.
SpeciiUtit* B ABasta,!*.