Newspaper Page Text
Duockurille, 676 G.
Beaeii Justice of the Pence;
leurtii nswmlay in each^iuouth.
Oehloexn**, 11X1 o. M^-nmry
Berton ud P. P.DIlon, Justioss oC the
F*ac#( eoxrt second Saturday sack
Culm. Til O. J. Ben* eed
I. N. Barrow, Ju.tlcs* of the Pence;
eourt Iret la rwh
Metcalfe, 1281, 0. it.—0. W. Swift
Juitlce of the Peace; court every third
Chaetaln, 1111, G. M.—T. C. Smtlh.
J'ntlc# of the Peace; Court erery
Bret Saturday
Spence, 1410, o. M.—J. U (SCTM
end B. H. Pope. Justice* of the Peace;
eourt Brat Thursday la sack, month.
Mein, 1»0S. 0. M.—0. T. Stakbe
end 1. o. smith, JueUcee ef the Peece;
eourt Bret Saturday la each month.
Boa ton District—H. 0. Jordan and
tv. H. aalter, JuaUcee of tho reace;
uurt eecond Thureday each month.
countt omcmu.
Sheriff. T. J. lllfht; J. TV. Oroorer,
Clerk of Conrt; W. M. Jonee, Ordl
nary; P. 8. Heoth, Tax Oollootor; A. J.
Stanaland, County Surreyor; poatof*
«• e, Thomaavllle, Ga.; Cbaa. Gaudy,
Coroner; J. F. Parker, Treaxurer, poll
afflce, Tbomaarlllo, Gx,; John T. How
-rd, Tax Receiver, poafoffico,
fill#, Oa; County Commlaaloner, J. L
Borerly, S. M. Bmlth, Thomaevllle,
Qa.; Joe Barrow, Barwlck, Oa; J. Q.
Bryan, Cairo, On; H. C, Copeland,
Metcalfe, Oa
Railroad Blown Up and Jepanoeo Afl-
grosalone Continue.
London, Feh. 12.—Tho Tokio
correspondent of the Times, ca
bling under dnte of February 14,
"It in said that tho Japanese
uadron has scaled Port Arthur.”
■The corrca-
Express at
dated Fob-
tt Viceroy
y isolated, di.
botwoen Port
adds that tho rail
ur has beon
that 6,000 Jnpa-
lauded near
and tin
ps have
5.—A reliable
two Russian
s have beon sunk by
They were
I Arnold of Beverly,
a, is expected to nr
; to visit Mre. C. P.
■a Arnold is • (fraud
i General and Mre.
i end ie 8 grand
ID. H. Hill,
lady of great per-
r attentions
tbe shown her dur-
i ha* raised the
broken and
money on personal
I chattel mortgagee” 920
r firm in the oity
n this olaee ia that of
■ , who have an offioe
•ton on
endeavor eras
eir license at
i failed. A rep-
if the Timee-Enter-
I a member of the
He had not
i eoanoil’a action, bat
r present lioenee was
nber drat, and
ntinne to opar.
at least aud
i was made
Mr. W. J, Hnret from near Cairo
was in the oity Saturday buying
building material.
Connty School Commissioner
K T. Maclean held a special ex
amination for teachers Saturday
and quite a number of applicant#
The honse count at the Masnry
hotel one evening last week show<
ed 140 guests. This would eeem
to indioate that people are com'
iDg to Thomasville.
Mr. E. A. Smith the naval
stores man was here from Meigs
on Saturday. Mr. Smith has
busy turpentine farm and 1* ad-
vertislng for help.
Mr. Robert Alexander, the in
surance nun. is an authorised agent
of the Weekly Timss-Enterprise.
He will receipt yon for subscrip
The Times-Butcrpnae learns
that Mr. R. G. Lewis, a for
mer citixed of this oity but now of
Bainbridge. will move baok to
Thomasville in the near future,
Hie many friands will weloome
him baok home.
Frying else ohiekene sold in
Thomeaville ( K»tnrdayat 80 cents
eggs at 26 cents per dosen and
turkeys at $2 eaob. Where can
anybody beat those price*.
Hon. John R. Singletary, thfe
early bird candidate f*om -Cairo,
was shakiug hands with the boys
Hon. 8. R. Brinson, the popular
representative from Decatur coun
ty, spent Saturday night! in the
, Misses Annie Bottom*, Willie
Bottoms and Hattie Doe* left
Monday morning for St. Louis-
They will spend about teu day* in
the Missouri oity.
Dr. 8. Y. Jameson left Mon
day morning for hie home in At
lanta. Dr. Jameson was the guett
of Rev. Alex W. Bealer on Sunday
and pnaohed two powerful ser
mons at the Baptiet ohurch.
Hie presence and his iuspiring
talks wsre a source of much pleas
ure to Thomasville people,
Dr. 0. L. Chestnut, of Tifton,
•pent 8nnday with Mr. G. W.
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan, who have
been stopping at the Piney Woods
left Monday afternoon for Jack
sonville for a brief visit.
Mis* Rena Bouehelle, who has
been in Jacksonville for several
monthe has returned home. She
hac been in the offioe of Dr. Chae.
H. Herty, the government expert
in forestry.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
Under and by virtu* an order of the
Gout of Ordinary reared at the regular
Jenaary, 1904, term of said Conrt of
Ordinary, will be sold before the Conrt
hone# door tie tween the legal hoot* of
■to on the flnt Toeeday In February
1904, to the hlfheet bidder for caeh, the
following doaotihod property to wit:
Fifty acne of land In the 18th. district
of Tncrnaa County, Georgia, and known
■ a part of wwtbalf of lotinumber 181,
and bonded on the north by tbe lands
of W. W. Wright, on tbs south and teat
by the lands rt Mary Hue* and ILL.
Wight, and on the west by lot number
400 la the 12th. district. Said land
being told at the property of Walter
Meywright, minor, for the purpose of
educating and maintaining tbe mid
wf W. Wright, Guardian of Waite
May Weight. l-a-
The death of J, M. Oldham took
place Sunday evening nt six
o’clock, after a lingering illness.
He had been in ill health for sev
eral monthe and hie demise while
pot unexpected was the source of
deep sorrow to hie friends.
Mr. Oldham was born in Augus
ta, December 17, JbGH. He leaves
a wife and one young son to
mourn his lose.
He came to Thomasville several
years ago from Savannah. He
was a printer by trade. He wn»
employed here by the Times-Eu-
terpriee Publishing Company aud
was at one time foreman of the
paper. He was an honest, faith
ful and efficient employe and his
depth brings a sense of personal
loss to all connected with the
Mr. Oldham was a methodist
and a prominent member of the
Thomasville lodge of Odd Fellows,
Piuey Woods, Mo. 188, and stood
high in their councils. The fu
neral aeremome* were conducted
according tbe beautiful and sol
emn ritual of the order. The lodge
met at its hall oa Broad street at
2:80 o'clock Monday nfternoou,
and went iu a body to the home
of the deceased on Warren avenue,
where the funeral ceremonies took
piece. Rev. Ed. F. Cook acted ae
chaplain,and Rev.K-Hena preached
the -funeral sermou. The remains
were laid to rest if) Laurel Hill.
The eervices were of a peculiar
••duets due to the fact that Mr.
Oldham was the first of the lodge
of more thau 100 members to pass
into the great beyond, though the
lodge is more than two years old.
Methodlet Church Destroyed Early
Monday Morning.
Valdosta, Ga„ Feb. 10,1004.
[Special to Times-Enterprise.]
At au early hour this morning
Valdosta’s beautiful Methodist
ohurch was destroyed by fire.
The building was practically a
new one and was one of the hand
somest charph edifices iu the city.
It was valued at 914,000 and was
insured for half that amount.
It is supposed that the fire
caught from coals left burning in
a stove in the Sunday school room.
Arrangement* have been made for
a temporary meeting place for the
congregation and the ohurch will
be rebuilt as soon as arrangements
can be mode.
St. Petersburg, Feb. 10.—Com-
mi sioner General Alexandrovisky
today officially announced tbe
uhand; nmeut of tho proposed
participation of Russia in the St
Lonie exposition. /
St. Petersburg, Feb. 10.—Ar
semi-official telegram receiv'd
here from Port Arthur says that
the German cruiser Hansa, which
had been sent to remove the Ger
man subjects from there and
which had also a. number of Rus
sian women and children, had
been fired on by Japanese war
ship*. The. telegram reiterates
the statement that three Japnuese
torpedo boats had been sank iu
the night attack on Port Arthur,
Will be Put In Postofftce and Other
Improvement* Med*.
Several big piles of lumber at
the side of the postoffiee betoken
that a new floor ie to be laid.
Work will be commenced today
and before long the hurrying feet
of the dispensers and recipients
of mail will tread on a firmer
A new mail-pouch rack will also
be built of iron. The present one
has been in use for several year*
and is now entirely too small to ac
comodate the increased number of
pouches required to handle Thom-
Seville’* ever-growing maili.
Mr. T. J. Hight.
In another colnmn the an
nouncement of Mr. T. J. Hight
app* are, stating that he is a can
didate for re-eleetion to the office
of sheriff of Thomas pounty. Mr.
Higbt has served two terms iu
this office end hue given entire
satisfaction. He is a ospable,
honest aud efficient officer. Well
acquainted with the affairs of the
county, fearless in the diiobarge
of his duties, sheriff Hight merits
tbe esteem of all. His osndidaoy
for re-election will meet with ap
proval aud warm support from his
friends throughout the county.
Librarians Meet
The members of the Thomas-
vilfe Library association met at the
library Monday night aud elected
the following board of directors:
A. Riley. L. H. Jerger, S. M.
Wolff, B. H Wright, W. A. Watt,
0. S. Parker, 0. P. Hensell, K
T. Maclean, John Triplett. Tin
iest three are new members. Mr.
J. H. Merrill and Mr. W. M. Har
dy declined re-election. Mr. Mer
rill bad been presdient for several
years. The directors will elec
officers and a librarian next
Rev. W. H. Huckebee In Town.
Rev. W. H. Huckabee. agent of
the Methodist Orphan’s Home,
•pent Sunday in . the city. Mr.
Huckabee preaohed at the Metho
dist church and took up a collec
tion for the Home. The people
responded unite liberally and
something like $100 was raised.
The Home ia located at McRae
and ia in a most prosperous con
Editor M. E. Tison, of the
Times, and B. M. Comfort, rep
resented Boston here Tuesday.
Mr. Lewie Humphries of Pavo
was among the mauy visitors to
the oity recently.
GEORGIA—Thomas County.
Under and by virtue of an order (rant
edby the Hon. * “ '
on the first
wlU be add
in the County of Thomas, between the
legal boon of eels, on tbe first Toeeday
in February, 1904, the following de
scribed property to wit: All of the mw
mill privileges on 80 acne of land lying
In tbe northern portion of lot of land
number 801 in tbe 18th district of
Thomas County,’ Georgia. Said prop
er.y being add ee the property of J. W.
Pearce, deceased. Term of sale cash.
Mrs. 8. A. Pearce,
Administratrix estate J. W. Pearct
deceased. 8-1
This la not a gentle word—bat when
yoa think bow liable yon are not to
purchase the only remedy universally
known and a remedy that has had tb*
largest tale of any medicine in the
world since 1868 for the cue and treat
ment of Coneumptioo and Throat and
Lung troubles without toeing its great
popularity all these years, yoa will be
thankful we called you attention to
Boachee't German Syrup. There are so
many ordinary cough remedies made by
druggists and others that are cheap and
good for light odds perhaps, but for se
ven) Coughs, Bronchi tie. Droop-end
especially for Consumption, where
there is difficult expectoration end
coughing during the night* end morn
ing*. there ie nothing like German Syr
up. The H cent like hoe Just been in
traduced this Teas. At 8. H. Fries O
Comfort *ad Service. Ifo met or leather
to toil tho shirt, so cento end <i at
VZLLK SHOH CO., nadeftmotorco.
lUdt and Guaranteed by
The C. A* BDGARTON Mfg. Co.
not • stock company and
ie not hampered by the
payment of dividend* to
s purely mutual, profit
•haring old Line compa
ny, issuing liberal and at
tractive policies.
jnst and fair in treatment
of policy-holdera sod
A Few God Agents Wanted.
Qengral Ag't.,
Thomasville, Qa.
for big values
(D W
5 , m
jjjYour’e Hunting X
I Well Meet You!
S m
- with more and better jyi
values than ever.
* We’re
for you.
Offlco 104 up etolro,
Brood St..
Thomaevllle, Go.
CTAfooey To Lon on Thomaf County Real
Estate at 1 Per Cent Ptr Annum.
coghran aT BROWN,
Office over National Bank,
Tbomaeville, Ga,
Phase no *.
IWWork Guaranteed.
All Graduates Successful
Every student taking combined
coarse goes direct to a posi
Executed st any
time by
Experienced Stenographer.
Work Called for
sad Delivered...
■ J - J Headquarters for
Hay, Corn Oats and Bran,
Meal And Hulls.
Field Seeds of all Kinds.
’ 'Phono ISO—3
129 Jackson St., - Thomasville, Ga
They are Going—and'
at the Cost Price*!
What Going?
| At My Store
! You'll find genuine
£ Maine Seed Irish Potatoes, dif-
tty ferant Tartarian,something that
M yon can rsly on. Thepriceon
ff\ a very low prion.
Mr. Charles Wolff ia at home
again from a trip to New York.
The many boxes of dry goods that
were unloaded at the Mitchell
Hone* corner yesterday showed
that ha waa not idla while ablest.
19 inch Dane Mill,
14 inch Dane Mill.
1C inch Dane Mill,
18 inch Dane Mill,
$14 00
IS 90
20 4
We can furnish the above ia Iran
frames at a small cost It win pay yo*
to call oa ax before yoa buy.
Walks near A. 0. LB. B. Depot.
P.a IOC; Telephone* 184 and 110.
m Don't forget that I keep a ffi
i complete line of all gooda kept it
ity In a Tint Class Grocery Store.
Prices low as the lowest. /ft
m Thomasville, • Georgia.
m $
No. 311 E.
I Jaolcson St.
Why, Shot Guns and Hunt
ing Clothing at Actual Wholesale
Prices. Biggest wholesale and
retail Sporting Goods House
Sonth. Alio Finest Repair
Wertz Son,
121 East Jackson St.
Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Ok-
siifornia, |oorado,
Utah, Wyoming,
Oregon, Montana, Washington
and other points
West, Northwest and Southwest
Dist. Passenger Agent,
HOR8E FOR SALE—First-class sad
dle animal. Apply to Evans A Son’s
warehouse. 1-8-dwlm
Office 104 up-stain. Brood St. Thomsx-
ville, Ga.
Money to Loan on Thomas county
Real Estate at j per eent per annum.
CAN SAVE VOU money an anything
In tbe building line, (toll and let me
Explain. Stanton, builder, next Time
enterprise. ltf
I have this day sold my satire dr*
goodsandjrgosiylrtalBess on Jackal
street to w. N. Austin A Co. to whom
1 recommend the nune generous patron,
age that ha* been extended me at tha
hed8tor 8toro. AU amount* doe will
«^.wsn y, s«;
80th 1104.
BexpeetfuUy, R. E. AM
Represents oU Makes
Cash or Installments.
Bond and aU kinds Musical Instrument
Out of town order* aoUcitsd.
^Addre*. Masury Home, TbomaavUe,