Newspaper Page Text
t from
the al
i spite of the; pro-
the inert*
Petersburg, to
i gorcrtimont on
Japanese In
J in Wsiblng-
. the detention
; Port Arthur li a
to prerent,', the
Information as to
, etc. 'An offl-
go of Paris, In tho
war. Representative,
i then is eharge of lhs
there, looked at*
cr of licrmana who
J at Paris by the French
a’a answer to Seers-
, asking her to respect
y of China and localise
a much as possible, has
received, the state de-
Indlrectly from
i that Russia will re-
It then will remain for
> fix the scope of their
draft a more definite
- acceptance by the two
i la expressed In admin-
that Crest Britain, as
to waive
ZjlcUonTto'a ^ teMti
the note.
Text of Secretary Hay’s Note.
department Issued- this
iturday: *' , '
i preliminary exchange of
this government and
: of other powers Inter-
hlneae matters, the do-
ie 10th of February sent
Instructions to'; the
The London Dally Mall’s Port Ar>
thur correspondent) uadif bat’d W Feb
ruary 1*) urt:
advices state that the Jap-
hacae landed (00 soldiers near Talien
Wan with lisastrpua results, 410 be
ing sabred by Cossacks. The remain-
der escaped to their ships. 1
It Is further stated that the Japan
ese landed al Dove Bay .where thirty
Of them were killed and the remain
der wounded.
It Is reported from Tlen-Tsln that
the Siberian railroad has boon wreck
ed In six places, covering a distance
of TO miles. The mystery surrounding
the fate of the VlUlVoitock Iqttadt-dh
Is ItlU unsolved. ThK Rt
Squadron* consists Of the cruisers Oro-
mobol, Rossi*, Rurlk and BOgatyr.
Anbthhf. report saya that they were
last seen sailing westward toward
Sngaru Strait.
Passengers who arrived at Che Too
from Port Arthur say the Russian
cruiser Askold, which was damaged In
the recent battle ontalde of Port Ar
thur, was kept afloat till Saturday,
when it snnk in thirty fathoms.
The Russians havs explained their
reason for Urine on the Bfitiih
steamer Fu Plhg, lfl Which three of
thn Chinese crow wire wounded. They
assert that the vassal was leaving
port Without clearing.
.The British steamer Wenchow la
balng held by the Russians for refus
ing to dellvfer Japanese passengers.
The correspondent of the London
Dally Express at Pekin In n pablegram
dated February 12, reports that Vice
roy Alexlett Is practically Isolated, di
rect communication between Port
Arthur and Vladlvoatock being sus
pended. He adds that the railroad
behind Port Arthur has bean blown
np and that 6,000 Japanese troops
have lapded near Dalny. The same
correspondent, under date of F>bra*ry
It, says that the Japanese warship
Athakl has captured tho German
steamer Yokohama, which has a car
go Including dynamite for Port Ari
British Hold Russians.
The inrflvors from the Varlag and
the Korlets, the H^slan cruisers that
were sunk by me Japanese fleet at
Chemulpo, still remain on board the
British cruleer Talbot, Italian cruiser
Elba and the French Cruiser Faecal.
The situation la btcomlng acute, as
the Japanese have twice made de
mands o ntho commanders of the
three foreign vessels that the Rus
sian* be surrendered as prisoners ot
war. The captain of the Talbot, being
the senior naval officer, each time re
plied that ha was awaiting Instructions
from his government
None of the Russians are on board
tho Amarlean gunboat Vlokaborg,
whose commander considers that the
Japanese are right In their demand, a:
the Russians took advantage of the
clemency ol the Japanese In returning
to the harbor, then taking refuge on
the foreign vesicle and refusing to aur.
lentaiin. in nt i*.. I r * nd,r - whereas the Japanese floet
and Pekin- retrained from sinking them In the
>re«. to the minister j ^ «« they could have done.
ieht of toe Uplted I WORK OF 8ECRKTARY HAY,
h'have’heaun bHw^n I H * #e#r ** DI P lom * tio Triumph In
Move to Protect Integrity 0* China.
Secretary Hay has addad another to
his long Hat of diplomatic triumphs,
ea and (hat the area and the United States la once more
shall ha localised, and enabled by ita diplomacy to hud the
aa poialble ao .that aatlona la a concurrent effort to pre
and dlstnrbanoe of serve the Integrity of China,
may be prevented Mr, Hay’e note to Rustle afld Japan
posalble loea to the'com- ‘ urging thorn to oonflno hostilities with-
ina of the world In as small an area aa possible, and to
which have begun between
the neutrality «*
all practicable waye her
entity shall be respect-
respect the neutrality and administra
tive entity of Chinn will be accepted
by Russia aa well as by Japan and all
the nntlona will Join the Washington
- Moved to Self-Destruction by government in Inviting the combat-
~) Charge of Judge. ; ante to agree to tho propoiltlon.
Mont., Saturday, aa the
was delivering bit tnstrabtloas 1 Brigandage In Korea,
to a Jury In the cate ot Alfred Beck | Advices from Seoul, Korea, state
man, accnaed of murder, Beckman do- that all malls are impended. Korean
llbentaly drew a rtior, cut hie throat malcontents nr* plundering the coua-
and fall to the floor, fatally woundtd. . try widespread.
Grave Chargee Against Judga twayne Official Report of Killing of Maehlnlst
are Being Probed. I Johnson by Dominicans.
The congressional committee ap- The state department has received a
■ pointed to Investigate chargas against report under data at San Do-
Unlted States Judga Charles Swayne, 1 port by mall under date cl San Do-
of Florida, composed of Represents-1 mlngo, February 11, from United
ntr, of Penneylvtnli; Reprc- States Minister Powell of the killing
> Gillette, of California, and 1 by Insurgents of J. G. Johnson, the
ntattv* Clayton, of Alabama, I aecond-claa* machinist of the United
tho United* Stntee court room ■ SMtes gunboat Yankee. The fucta
ola Satnrday morning. The have, been briefly given In press dla
rt of- the Inltiel session was patehea, but the detalli furnished oy
> the Intradnctloa ot reeorda ' the minister go to eelabllah the fact
prosecution for the purpose of j that the killing was deliberate and
Inoom patency and partiality unprovoked.
Proclamation Promulgated
The entire text of the president's
r proclamation was cabled
to tb* Philippines tor pro-
This was done it great
reason that the PhU-
'* would be the moat
ireaches of neutrality,
iearneaa to the scene
Texts Institution Ported to the Wall
by Collapse of High Prices.
The comptroller of tho currency at
Washington hat been advised ot the
closing of tha Cltlaena' national bank
at McOrnder, Texas. Ita assets and
liabilities are $114,(02. It had a capi
tal, et $21,000.
The came of the failure It said to
he ob account of U* drop In cotton.
Epitomized Items of Interest
Gathered it Random. ,
Older far Two Elections.
Governor Terrell has Issued an or
der authorising tha. odinsrlsi of Chat
tooga and McDuffie counties to order
elections to All the vacancies In the
legislature. Durham Watson, repre
sentative from McDnffle, resigned lev-
eral weeks ago, and Representative
Lowe, of Chattooga, died.
• • *
Month’s Rent of W. and A. Road.
State Treasurer R. E. Park bn just
received n check for (Ik.OOl from J.
H. Attbtoid, treasurer ot the Nath-
vile, Chattanooga and St Louis rail
road, aa payment for the rental of tha
Western and Atlantic railroad for the
month of January-
Three Routes for Dooly.
Postmaster M. O. Hall, at Cordele,
has received Information from tha
goatofflbe authorities at Washington
that three of the four rural tree deliv
ery routes asked for by tna Cordele
postoffle* have bean granted by tha
government at Washington. The ser
vice Will bbgin April i and gives em
ployment to tSree carrier* at salaries
of 1(00 a year.
• • •
Baglay Wanted Badly.
A reward of $100 ha been Issued by
Governor Terrel for the arrest of
Frank Begley, who li wanted in For
syth county for murdering Thomas
Grovett, on January 3rd. The crime
Is said to have been an atrocious one
and the people of Foraytfi county are
very anxlons to have Bagley brought
to justice. Grovett was a well known
dtlsen of the county of Forsyth,
• e •
Bibb Grand Jury Roast Money Lender*
The presentment! of tne Bibb coun
ty grand jury, read before Judge Fel
ton, dealt mercilessly with the money
sharks charging from tOO to 1,000 per
cent Interest, and also reported that
the books of the jnatlcea of the peace
were in far from aatlsfactory shape,
recommending that each , successive
grand jury closely Investigate these
• e e
New Read Dublin to Abbeville.
Dublin's new railroad has been nam
ed the Dublin and Southwestern Rail
road Company, by Its promoters. The
road will run from Dublin to- Abbe
ville, via Eastman. A, charter will be
applied for asking for a capital ot
$100,000 with the privilege of Increas
ing same not to exceed the amount of
$(00,000. The headquarters will be
In Dublin. The road will be sixty-five
miles long.
• • •
Sams Books to Be Retained.
The Muscogee county board ot ed
ucation has decided not to adopt uni
form text-books nntll the expiration
of Its priisent contract, December 21,'
1907. The present five-year contract
by wKlch the county obtains text
books went Intp effect a little over a
year ago. The board decided that It
would be aa expensive to change to
uniformity aa It would be to continue
the present local contract In force,
and then adopt uniformity at’ the expi
ration ot the four yean If a state uni
form text-book law Is then In exist
ence. .
Will No! Take Convicts.
Wilkinson county, through Ita ordi
nary, has just notified the prlaon com
mission that It will not taka Its quota
of short term felony convicts for work
on tho public roads ,ln lieu ot public
school money from this source. Wil
kinson was among those which ap
plied for convicts and was entitled to
about ten. Several of the counties
which made application nave with
drawn It nndf the-number of convicts
necessary to support the demand la
considerably reduced. Whereas, It was
first thought it would require 7(0, It lr
now thought that $0o will be amply
New Poetofflee for Ware County.
The poatofflee department at Wash
ington has been asked to create a new
poatofflee In Ware county, about live
miles south of Waycroas, on the Atlan
tic Coast Line. At this point la locat
ed the convict campt of Hamby and
Toomer, who leased the labor of a
large number of the itnte’s felony
prisoners. The place has already been
made a railroad elation, and la known ;
as "Goodloe,” the name being taken
In honor of Captain Goodloe Yancey,
secretary of the prison commission. Aa
soon a* permission la granted by the
poatofflee department It will alio be
known a Goodloe poetofflee. !
• • ' I
Pardons Granted by Governor.
Governor Terrell, upon tho recom
mendation of the prison commission,
baa commuted the sentence of several
cohvlcta. i
Tom Latttmore. who was convicted
of burglary In 1891 and eenCehced to
twenty yean, was released. He Is said ,
to have stolen a pair of shoes and at I
the time of his conviction was only !
thirteen yean old. <
D. F. Sellers, who was convicted of
mnrfier In Pierce connnty la 182$, and
sent to the penitentiary tor life, was
also given his freedom. I
Baa Brooks; of Wilkes county, aerv- [
tng n twelve months’ sentence for a
misdemeanor, was also pardoned. John j
wm Not Press Suit
Aa the result of a ponTerence in At
lanta a few days ago between Presi
dent J, Parke Changing, of the Ten-
nraids Gdppft- Company add MAMt
Manager Vf. H. frUelaUd, of thb Duck-
town Sulphur, Copper, afid iron^ Com
pany, on the one hand, and udVflMfff
Terrell, Attorney General John C.
Hart and LIgon Johnson, representing
the state, on the other, an-agreement
was reached whereby the copper, com
panies will Install as soon as possible
plants for reducing copper ore which
will not permit the escape of- the sul
phur gases over the surrounding coun
try, and the state in consideration of
this, will not press Its suit for tempo
rary Injunction In the supreme court
of tng United States when the hearing
cornea np on April 18. ,
• • a
industrial School for Rabun.
Prof•• tor A. J. Ritchie, a graduate
of the University of Georgia and Har
vard, and formerly professor of Eng
lish In Baylor University, is.working
diligently to establish an industrial
and high school In Rabun., county
which la In the center of a! large re
gion In northwestern Georgia, in which
no high school exists at present.
It la the purpose to consolidate sev
eral of the public iehbola bow la oper
ation, thus bringing together about
2(0 pnplls at the new echool.
Professor Rltcnle estimates that
about $10,000 will be necessary to
erect the building and establish the
school. The people of Rabun county
have already subscribed $4,000, while
among the individuals who have given
liberal subscriptions are Hon. Hoke
Smith, Congressman F. C. Tate and
Jndge 'Logan E. Bleckley.
• • •
Cawthom Granted New Trial,
The supreme court haa rendered a
decision la the case of tha state
against R. D. Cswthorn, * ot Dodgs
county, who was convicted of <h*
murder of H. J. Tucker add *ddt«flc(d
to be hanged. It Was claimed' that
Tucker was murdered by poison at
the result of a conspiracy between
Cawthom and Tucker’s wife. The wo
man, however, was not indicted. Caw-
thorn was on the verge of the gallows
when a stay of execution was secured
on a special motion for new trial, and
the supreme court now holds that
there were auch errors in the first
trial that a new trial should ha
It appears from tha evidence that
a dose ot poison which was fixed for
Tucker was taken by another man,
who died. Another dose was fixed for
Tucker and this killed him. Evidence
as to the first crime was admitted
the trial on the charge of murder of
Tucker. Tha supreme court holds this
was Improper and this seems to have
been the main, ground on which tha
new trial was granted. Judges Fish
Snd Candler dissented.
. • • •
Young Kline Unworthy Son.
The will ot the late Theo D. Kline,
general manager of the Central rail
road, was offered for probate a few
days ago la Savannah, and upon ap
plication of Charles D. Kline letteia
testamentary were lined to him.
To hie wife Is bequeathed the family
dwelling in Anniston, Ala., together
with three valuable lots, located In the
center of the city. Tile rest ot the es
tate Is left In true! for four ot the chil
dren of the testator, William Fair,
Charles David, Ida Eugenia and Mary.
One clanea of the will reada:
’’My son, Theodore Augustus, bait
log proven himself an nnworthy son
by a willful alienee for ye*ri when
absent In parts unknown to me, I am
constrained to-treat him differently
from my other children. I, therefore
direct my executors to hold out of my
estate $(00 for a period of five years,
during which time It will b* paid at
Me demand. Otherwise It shall go to
my other children.’’
• * a
Mr*. Wood Goes to Pen.
The supreme court haa affirms/ the
decision of the . superior court In the
esse ot Mrs. W. If Wood, who was
convicted In "Atlanta of shooting hor
husband. She wae tried, convlcte-1
snd sentenced to two yean on the
mtlledgevlUe farm for assault with in
tent to murder.
Mn. Wood wae released on bond af
ter her conviction, to await the su
preme court’! decision.
Last fall Mre. Wood want to hsr
husband's boarding home on Mariet
ta street, while he was at breakfast,
and shot at him several times. One
of the shots took effect, tad he lay at
the Grady hospital two weeks. It was
thought at first that fie could not re
Jealousy la said to have been the
cause of the ahootlng. Wood had sep
anted from his wife, end he claimed
that her mind was unbalanced. Some
months before she shot him she at
tempted to shoot a woman In a resi
dence on Peachtree street She stated’
at the time that the woman was the
came of her husband leaving her. She'
was arrested for this offense, bnt war
not prosecuted, the woman at whom
she shot having left the-clty.
Stricken City Begins Active
Work of. Resurrection.
According to a press estimate there
ire to-day 5,000,000 laborers In this
country. One and one^fourth millions
belong to National trade unloq*. an
other million to trade unions not yet
National in their scope, 'and the Remain
der comprise the army ot unorganized
With Heroic Fortitude Municipal Offi
cials and Populace art Moving to
Build a Greater City lit
tha Area of Ruin.
Amid raise still hot and smoking
Baltimore baa begun its resurrection.
With the dawn of a eloar winter day,
wfceae brightness was In itself an In-
fpifaticM, (is (fiddly gave way to en
ergy'; aid ^ from tha <ortrfi0f Of the
state to thd least private dtlsen thd
people of the distressed city aroused
themselves to meet the appalling con
ditions that confront thorn.
It was a day of conferences. The
governor, the mayor. Snd various mun
icipal officials met. and threshed out
the problems that are theirs by virtue
of public office. From this conference
came e decision that Baltimore for tha
present needs no outside help, but will
endeavor with her own resources and
those at th etseu bhhd hrd dlll
those ot the (tate to meat the emer
gency. At this conference ffiao wae
developed*the machinery fdf SB advis
ory legislative commission to get In
conjunction with too legislature.
Labor la already In demand and the
newspapers contain display advertise
ments for man to begin the work of
clearing the rains.
All things considered, the public
stock-taking that engrossed the basi
nets world of Baltimore Tuesday was
satisfactory. Bnt this does not mean
that tha treat fire was a leaser calam
ity than has been pictured In these dla-
patch as-. Tha words that have hurried
over telegraph wire*, restored by al
most superhuman energy to meat a
watting world’s demand for news,
have given out hut aa Inadequate con
ception of thla catastrophe of a cen
tury. Tho bald fact la that 140 acre*
of. flbalnsaa buildings, representing
property to tbs approximate value of
$12S,000,000, wore destroyed within
twenty-four hours.
A great cloud was lifted Tuesday af
ternoon when It was discovered that
practically all of the veuhs and strong
rooms and tales of the financial con
cerns whose buildings ware destroyed
are unhurt. A tremendous loss In ■»
curl ties had been anticipated here, and
when vault after vanlt yielded np Its
treasure* unharmed the joy of the
guardians was baudles*.
From the Oonttnental Treat Compa
ny’s safe alone paper to tho amonant
of more than $206,000,000 wars recov
ered. The news cheered the whole city
and encouraged Immediate and thor
ough Investigation. Merchants and
their assistants, smoke-tolled and be
grimed and hollow-eyed from anxiety
and loss of aleep, worked like labor
are In the smoking rains to uncover
their safes, and In nearly every In
stance they wore rewarded by Intact
Another surprise was the discovery
that three financial concerns, whose
homes were directly la the fiercest
■wasp of the flames, were practically
unharmed. These were the Oontlnntal
Trust Company, s-rown Bros.’ bank
and tha Mercantile Treat Company.
No one ventures to offer an explana
tion ot the remarkable etedpe ot theta
buildings In the corfltr of a hast ao
Intense that metal trimmings of the
skylights melted and dripped through
on to the desks. In the Mechanics'
bank the time locks on the vaults were
etui running. ’
.There are between gll.OuO.OOO and
$12,000,000 now in the vaults of tho
sub-treasury, of which over $7,000,000
are In gold.
Big Bremen Bank Breaks.
The banking firm of Stephen Luehr-
mann * Sons, at Bremen, Germany,
has tailed. The assets are eattBif^d
at $2(0,000 and the liabilities at $1,-
500.000. Besides Bremen, the princi
pal place* affected are New York, Lon
don and Paris.
Stats Department la Ofllelaly Notified
of Declaration of War.
A Washington special says: Count
Cassini, the Russian ambassador, call
ed on Secretary Hay about coon Wed
nesday and left with him tne announce
carat ot the esar declaring war on Ja-
action la said at tha state de
partment to constitute a formal de
claration ot war. It la now for the
president to determine whether he will
ieane a neutrality proclamation. The
count's communication with the de
partment was In writing
Bale Wrecks Schooner and Only Two
- of Those on Board are Saved.
t Fifteen Uvea were lost In the wreck
of the font-masted schooner Augustus
Hunt off Wasthampton. Long Island,
Saturday. Two other* who were on
board ware saved. Through the dens*
fog the cries ot the doomed crew ap
pealed tor help and the life savers
tried repeatedly to roach the wrack,
hot without success.
Report That Whole of Russian
Squadron is Annihilated.
Annouitoament of Second Great Naval
Victory Off Port Arthur I* Made
at Toklo, Japanaae.
An unofficial report was current In
Toklo, Japan, Thursday, that the Bus-
■tan fleet was destroyed, lour battle-,
(hips and three cruisers being sunk
and that two Japanese wer ®
damaged in an engagement Wednesday
off Port Arthur, tho Japanef* getting
between the Ruuselana and «ie en
trance of tho harbor before the fight
The navy department doe* not con
firm the report that the Japanaae fleet
la atlU off Port Arthur. Advices of a
general naval engagement are hourly
expected. Tho success of Japan on
the sea wound carry enormous advan
tages and practically decide the war-
On paper the fleets are almost equal,
although the Japanese are confident
that their pereonnel Is superior. They
■ay that a drawn battle would really
be a Japanese victory on account of
Russia’s lack of facilities to dock and
repair’her larger craft*.
Tha report that her entire Runlaa
fleet was dealroyod caused auch acenoe
of rejoicing as were'never before wit
nessed in Japan.
People by thousand* paraded tne-
streets of Toklo, bearing torches and
flags. The student* from the various
schools were prominent In the parade.
There were many band* and the
marchers bore transparencies Illustrat
ing tha valor of the Japanese.
The bared ere finally converged on’
the palace and there rang the nation
al airs of Japan and cheered tot the
Aa the panders passed the British
and American legations cheers were
given tor Orest Britain and tha United
News from London,
In a dispatch from Nagasaki, dated
February 10, a correapondent of The
Dally Telegraph (London) saya:
"There ,b*i been a renewed attack
on Port Arthur. Tho Japanese cap
tured seven ships and chased others.
"There have been disturbance* at
Port Arthur in which a number ot
Japanese civilians were allied or Im
prisoned. . .V
"A Chinese mob hat destroyed Vtt*
telegraph lino around Now Chwang-^-i'
Admiral Alexleff Reports Destruction
of Vessel By Submarine Mine.
A report wae received In 8L Peters
burg Friday morning from Viceroy
Alexleff saying that tha Russian, tor
pedo transport Yenisei has been blown
np as a result of accidentally striking
a mine at Port Arthur. Tha Yenisei
sank and Captain Btopanoff, three offi
cers and ninety-one men were lost.
Members of Congreee In Pensacola to
Investigate Charges Against Judge.
The subcommittee on judiciary to
Investigate the Impeachment charges
against Judge Charles Swayne, of tne
northern district of Florida, which
wore filed by Congressman William B.
Lamar, of Florida, reached veneacol*
Friday night, accompanied by stenog
raphers and other attendants.
Fir* Almost Totally Destroys Business
Section of North Caroline Village.
Fire at WlntervlHe, N. C., Friday, a
town of tho Atlantic Cdast Lins, near
Greenville, Burned every store In town
except two. Lose $12,000; Insurance
$3,000. D. M. Long’s cotton factory
store at AabeHlie "Timed. Leas $10,-
000; Inraranca f5,000. Tha Industrial
Club and Riverside free library and
building also burned out
Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish
Millions la Oatu.
I . 310 bu., snd in 30 other Staton 1
ISO to 200 bo. per acre. Now tMt Out if
feneruby grown in 1904. will odd million*
of babels to tbs yield and mUbonaddej-
lars to the fanner 1 * perse. ’ Tit it kit 1004.
largest Seed Potato and AlfiHs Clover
moworo in America (A.CXJ _
■Saber’a Spelts, Beardless Burley, Homo
Bonder Corn, Macaroni Wheat Pee Out,
Billion Poller Otoe end Ksrfoct Cham
iry makers for yon, Mr. Former.
. etomroto John A. Seller Seed
fto-e^i... ued roroiro in
sad lots of turn
seed samples.
Generally a bub l>«fi mb too nuf
groat^niriita when be telle yon ho bes om
Hie. Wlaelow's ftoothlag Byrup foeokOdra
toothing, soften tbs guns, todusmlaflemma-
tion^dleye peln.curee wind colic. ISo. ebottlo
.Th««» am mcniwha wonldn’t dare sad
the declaration dt independence go their