Newspaper Page Text
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' S# ®ig
• Mr, 0. A. Boatwright came over
from Boston Monday,
Mr. Thunuis came over front
Metcalfe Monday.
Does Good Work In ■ Quiet Way toe
the Uplifting of Humanity
Mr. R. U Brnswell was nil Och-
lockncoito in the city Monday.
Messrs. J. C. Stubbs, J. P.,
Lord and Walter West, came over
f'om Pelham Monday.
Messrs. J. R- Mize and L. L.
Berwick represented Pine Park
in the oity Monday.
Mr. E. C. Jarrett, merchant, of
Merrillville, was transacting busi
ness in the oily Monday.
Mesdaines Fint ery and Borden,
of Merrillville wore shopping in
the city Monday.
Veterinary Hospital of Dr. J. C. Schwencke
Is located on Broad street, opposite Piney Woods Hotel, Is an up-to-date Hos
pital for sick horses, males and doge.
(Tp-so-date implements for performing all kl ads of operations on animals.
Examination free. Board at cost. Address
J.C. Schwencke, D.V.
Thoinasville, Ga.
Our Valentine.
We famish IT, either ROUGH or DRESSED, and that too of the VERY BEST.
[ This yon already knew, the words we speak are sorely TRUE. We are too
filling order* to look you up, but if you want the best of anything in onr
ino quick, 'Phone 264, and the old man will do the rest.
)ut by the Crete Factory on Boston road. Visitors are welcome, day or night.
TlIOI* r 2
>as Olives Tt ,„
Pure goods, Correct weight, Prompt delivery,
One Price to all.
aA aPe said to be ^
You will find a fresh lot at J. B. SMITH’S
115 E. Jackson street.
'Phone 64-2.
Our line of candles
Is Superb.
The Best
Brands of Cigars.
HATS Vhat are jCovoiy,
HATS Vhat are Stylish,
Jfighin Quality.
You will find thes’hals at Mrs. J. A. Eppley’s
_ MILLINERY PARLOR, at Hotel Masury, —
Ana all other kinds of Millinery Good,1 j aB L °*
Evans & Son
Vhat are t%eady~to~woar,
Vhat are Stylish,
Vhat are Cheap in price and
Cell and see us before buying.
Mrs. L. C. Varuedoe and Mrs.
S. A. Jones have gone to New
Orleans for the Mardi Gras.
Prof, aud Mrs. V. I. Fitzpatrick
are the guests of Mr. aud Mrs. J.
F. Lamb on Madison street.
Mr. C. S. Hebard and family
are at home again after a three
weeks trip through Cnba.
Good work is ofteu done in such
n quiet. nun unostentatious way
that it escapes notice. This is
partly true of the Blasitignme In
dustrial Home.. It was organized
only n few months ngo but it ie
doing a full share of work for the
upliftiugof humanity. There are
four young girls already at the
school, and they have found it a
real home. Two more nre ex
pected this week. One comes
from Memphis, 'Penn,, and one
from Oxford. Ga. The home has
a wide field, as it stauds alone in
the South, in its sphere, that of
affording a real home for young
and friendless girls. Applications
are received almost daily, but not
all applicants come under the.
rules governing the home. The
good ladies who have the work in
charge feel that the home should
not be forgotten in the distribu
tion of help to worthy iustitn
tions, and any one who knows of
the home can heartily endorse it.
Meiers, J. 0. Bell, Wm- Miller,
J. M. Evans and Mr. Franklin, all
of Goolidge were in the city Mon'
Messrs. U. K. Braswell, W. Ben
Singletary and W. R. Singletaay
came over from Ochlockonee
Mite Lilia Pardee of Valdosta
is the attractive gnest of Mies
Frances Ohieholm on Dawson
Mri. John Hollingsworth, of
Pelham, arrived in the city Sun
day to spend a few days with
We are selling Ladies’ Shoes that formerly sold
for $3.50, $3.00 and $3.50, for
$1.75 A Pair
This is a collection of small lots from this sea*
son’s selling—are NEW GOODS and are worth
twice the price—but the lots are broken and we
want to close them out.
We are also selling one lot of Men’s Hand Sewed
Shoes at only that formerly sold
for $3.00 and $3.50. Some few of them are $4.00
and $5.00 ones. If your size is in the lot you will get
N«wpMp«r Grav« Yard Had Another
Addition Yoetordny.
A Genuine Bargain
We are HEADQUARTERS for SHOES for the
County. We have got a good lot of $1.50 and $2.00
shoes in that box at the front that we are selling for
Miss Nellie Van Dyke of Al
bany is the guest of her grand pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Van
Mr. George Traylor, of the
Mitchell Honse who has been ill
with grip for eeveral days is out
Mr. A. Bennett, the insurer;
Messrs. Herbert Brandon and 0.
W. Cooper, went north on the
Albany limited Monday morn
Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Kirkloud
and Mrs. Kirkland's mother, Mrs.
Martin, are iu the city for a few
days. They are at the Piney
Woods. '
Mr. R. L. Atkinson, the officiant
transfer clerk at the Coast Line
depot will be stationed at Way-
oross in the future. He and his
family will go there this week.
Mr. and Mrs.' Henry Dimock of
New York are the guests of Col.
0. H. Payne at Greenwood. They
arrived yesterday evening for a
stay of two weeks.
Miss Marion Hayes who has
been the guest of Mrs. D. F.
Kirkland at Waycross and on a
tour of Florida retorted home
yesterday afternoon.
Mr. C. C. Cleveland has return
ed from Macon where he attended
the meeting of the executive com
mittee of the Agricultural Asso
ciation. /
Mr. George E. Bealorof Atlanta
arrived in the city Monday
morning to be the guest of his
brother Rev. Alex W. Bealer. His
young nephew- Carter Bealer ac
companied him.
Mr. T. W. Wood, bookkeeper
for the Citizens’ Bank at Cairo,
oams over Monday morning. Ho
was accompanied by Mrs. Wood,
who was en roots to Camilla to
visit her parents.
Mrs. T. F. Green, aud her
young son Thomas, of Athens are
the guests of the Linton family
on Broad street. As Miss Hope
Linton she was one of Thomas-
ville’s most charming young la
dies and her visits are always wel-
The newspaper graveyard of
Thomaeville, already a well pop
ulatcd one, received another
corpse Thursday afternoon. "Th9
Evening Press.” as its name in
dicates, was au afternoon paper,
that was published for one week
here. Its publishers finding that
the field was an unprofitable Otoe,
after a weeks experiment ceased
publication.' Thus it is, that re
newed evidence is given of the
fact that Thomasville is a one pa
per town and that that paper is
the Times-Enterprise.
Heepsr Alexander, a Candidate.
Mr. J. Hooper Alexander of De
catur, is a candidate for the legis
lature from De Kalb county. Mr.
Alexander, is most pleasantly re
membered here and has a legion
of friends who hope that all of his
political ambitions.may be realiz
ed. About twenty years ago he was
president of the South Georgia
College, and, taught the Thom
asville youths how to do al
gebra and present arms. Messrs
John F. Parker and J. H. Merrill
were classmates of his at th6 Uni
versity of Georgia. He is a cous
in of Messrs. Robert and W. W.
W. D. Upshaw Coming.
Mr. W. D. Upshaw the eloqpent
young Baptist will arrive in the
oity this week to assist Rev. Alex
W. Bealer in a series of meetings
Mr. Upshaw is ao stranger to
Thomasville audiences and the
people will learn with pleasure
that they are to hear him again.
Mr. Bealer says he is to the reli
gious world whut Alex H. Steph
ens was to the political.
Senator Hanna Weaker.
Washington, Feb. 11.—Senator
Hanna is weaker today,’ showing
the effect of fever. His temper
ature at noon was 10211 pulse 100;
respiration 28. There are no
Mr. F. D. Dismuke came home
Tb rsday moruing from Griffin.
He was called there by the sud
den death of his father. His sis
ter, Mrs. Nellie D. Sears will not
return for several days.
Neel Bros., one of Thomasville’s
most enterprising firms,are spread
ing out. Nearly a year «go they
opened a branch store iu Quit-
man, and have prospered so much
that they have decided to open
one in Fitzgerald.
Capt. W. B. Denham passed
tbrongh the city Monday morn
ing on his way to Montgomery.
His private car, number 808, u„*
attached to theJCoast Line’s east
bound train.
Among the Boston delegation iu
the city Monday were Messrs.
W. H. Blalock and S. B. Zeigler.
Thomasville Shoe Go.
Bring in your keys to the RED BOX.
mm ton.
I new Sdeitlllc Dli^verg
It purifies the blood by eliminating tl.
rroste matter end other Impurities nnd
hstroylng the germs or microbes tire
infest the blood. It builde up the bl«-
i.y restoring and nnUtiplylng the red co
i.uscles, making the blood rich end re.’
it restores and stimulate* the nenv
muring a lull ire* Row ©I nerve lor..
throughout tho entire nerve system. I
speedily cures unstrung nerves, nervous
nous, nervous prostration and ell
.f tho nervous system*
;< YD ALES TONIC Is a specific lor e.
.-ms o! Malaria. It acta on a new prin
ole. It kill* the microbes that producr
ih.ria. The cause being removed th.
'sense quickly disappear* RYDALEf
(i.NIC is guaranteed to curs the most
.. tlnnte cases of Malaria! Fever, Chilli
.1 I ever, Ague, Stas We authorise at
iters handling our remedies to refund
- purchase price for every bottle oi
VOAI.ES TONIC that doe* not givt
tisf action*
“'CKORY. N. O.
A new business in
—'We hate established a
Fire, Life and Ac
cident Insurance
Let us Insure your
J. 0. Bell, Manager.
There is danger in cold weather be
cause it produces conditions favorable
to the development of those germ dis-
eases known aa Lagrippe, Pneumonia,
Bronchitis, Consumption, eto. These
diseases are contracted while the muo-
oos membrane of the throat and longs
is weakened by inflammation result iu if
from scold. It is dangerous to neglect
even s slight oold. Help nature to ward
off disease by using Rydales Elixir.
This modem soiantiflo remedy can al
ways be relied on in all diseased condi
tions of the throat and lungs. J. W.
Huounlty’s Weak Spot.
Theto are more deaths directly due to
weak lnnga than to all other itiinsiti
oombined. They an humanity’s weak
•pot—the breeding-plaoe of consump
tion. When the slightest symptom of
trouble is lelt in the lnngs you should
r. Boscheo’s Ger-
the use use of Dr. ^
Syrup at onoe. It is 'mads espec
ially to soothe, heal and strengthen"the
throat and bronchial tubes. Gor-
lungs, throat and bronchial t
man Byron is » agvg.failing ihunm, for"
consumption. Trial bottle, 26c. Big
ottle, Toe. At all druggists.
Rev. Parker Holmes, Pastor of the 1st
k. E. Church South, Hiokory, N. 0.,
says; “I have used Rydales Stomach
Tablets for Indigestion and regard them
pa a perfeot remedy for this disease. I
take pleasure In recommending them
to all sufferers irsm indigestion. Use
Rydales Stomach Tablet* for your
stomach trouble and you will join Dr.
Holmes in this atroog endorsement.
These tablets will digest the food your
weak stomach cannot, and thus nourish
th* body and previent tbs partial stair*.
Son, from which all dyspeptics suffer
the loss in flesh nnd
and which c .
strength all 1 dYSDODtics
These tablets relieve all dissgrccablo
symptoms at once. They will Increase
yoor strength and flesh, r"
the first days use and will
to perfect
you i
■foot health. J. W. Peacock.
A glamor two of water taken half
an hour before breakfast will usually
ks*p the bowels regular. Harsh ca;
thartics should be avoided. When a
purgative is needed, take Chamberlain's
Stomach and liver Tablets. Thoy are
mild and gentle in their action. For
sale by J. W. Peacock.
The ancient tags*’ ‘-pure read t*
wealth” was “be temperate in all things,
ha economical always.” Modem life,
wtth'it* "rush methods” in business re
quires that “keep healthy” be added to
th* old adage.
Everybody knows how to he temparut#
and moat people how to b# eoonomlcal,
but few know how to keep perfectly
healthy. Over-eating, irregular habits,
negieot sto, derange the stomach, liver
and bowl *—
1 bowles, causing indigestion, torpid
-, constipation t*-
-dales Tablets s
Rydales Tablet* are natures best ally
when such oondltinusexist. Tho f—
ach Tablets will digest your food.
strengthen your digestive organs t
cure your Indigestion.
~ "rer Tablets will
Tbe Ufif
liver, stimulate yoor bowels and
Util a regular, healthy,