Newspaper Page Text
l ship that
it strength,
re tlio signal gun of
11 and the crew
9 leak which at first
wants to talk
tleaka—leaks in theaf-
a and of municipalities.
reasonable health
a reason
oe, is not happy
I wbo possesses a
is a leak somewhere
up and stop it.
> n |why any ;man
good health and.
„ ^ not be both pros-
perons and happy In (Ms ooontry.
, It isn't necessary for ns to point out
your leaks; yon know where they are
and what caused them. If yon hare
them and it is permitted to
Wifi soon
spring np nearby, and another, and an
other until wreck and ruin finally
Leaks in municipalities retard their
development; blight begins and, like a
deadly germ, spreads from Jouo^ depart
ment to another, from cue interest to
anotlwr, until only a living skeleton re-
mains. How to prevent [these—these
mi-takes Is the problem—is the vital
A number of gentlemen met -at the
depot restaurant to take the sir o’clock
train several days ago. The reporter
and a half dozen others called for coffee,
while one gentleman, Juat one, called
for a glass of milk only. “Why Is it,”
asked a bystander "that yon do not 'rel
ish a onp of ooffee so early in the morn-
tag” ”1 like ooffeo alright,” he replied
"but It is a stimulant and weakens the
nervous system. I like to be strong and
have my nerves always steady and
quiet, so I never drink coffee.
That gentleman is likely to live 10 or
30 yean longer than the ordinary man
• simply because tho exeroUe»“due deli-
fceuvttiu regard to that one Item of diet,
coffee. A small matter, it seems, but
it is stopplug a leak. It Is the little
thing tlmt we neglect that finally canoes
disaster. “Tako oare of the Demure
S and dimes and tho dollare will take care
of tliemselvos.”
1 dtS lU’ yOtlT DOBlUMd.
iii your manuer of living? Are there
any leak, in our municipal affairs? If
so, let us stop them—let ns think.
When and where will some congres-
slonal aspirant rlao np in tho 2nd cor-
greutonaldlstrlet'toidlspnte the" garden
seed" business with'oufi "SannyJJim?"
It is said tlmt such a one; is oilinglhis
• political automobile over in Docatnr, an
other In Mltoholl, one In Thomas, and
several other plaoes yet to hear from.
We wish to'nnt the aforesaid aspirants
on notlee that our Jim is no “E Z
mark” vrhou it comos to Jrumiin’ of n
The Times-Enteipriss has repeatedly
urged the necessity of adverting
ThomasvUle to the traveling public.
We have the choice winter nport of
the Sooth; our climate is Incomparably
better than that of. Florida; our hotels
are unsurpassed; onrgwnusements are
sofficient for the purpose; no plsoe has
more picturesque drives than those
which surround Thomaaritlo.
But everybody does not know all this.
They can’t knoW it by Inspiration, and'
for the post four years we havejgiven
them few other means of finding it ont.
There are thAaand^ and flionsands of
wealthy people in the North who debate
only where and not how to go, to avoid
the bold. Because the Florida resorts
advertise more freely they are the ones
which receive the bulk of the tourist
Now. ThomasvUle is not catering to
the rick element; it does a city but lit
tle good and injures its reputation with
well people. Bat onr hotels and board
ing houses, representing an investment
of thousands and thousands of dollare
moat be given attention. It is only jus
tice to ourselves and our people that we
make these investments continue to pay.
As is always the esse, the croaker
says “the tourist trade Is off.” It Is Im
possible to obtain the exact statistics,
bub ““ unbiased observer would say that
there is but Utile difference one way nr
the other between the number of north
ern people here now and the number
that were in ThomasvUle a year ago.
With aU this though, It is indeed an
optimist that thinks we oan hold onr
position among onr competitors for tour-
tit travel, withont advertising. With
the exception of a small booklet gotten
up last month by the Times-Enterprise,
ThomasvUle lias liad no Uterature for
several yean. ^
It is too late to work for this season’s
business, but right now is the time to
get ready for a campaign of advertising
for next winter.
We ought to begin work at ouco ouja
ThomasvUle catalogue that wiU be wor
thy of the town. Several hundred do!
lare will be required to put ont such a
publication and time Is needed for the
raising of tnoh a snm of money. It
would be br no means oat of place for
both the otty and oonnty to contribute
largely to this work.'
Let us remember the revised proverb
of success)
Late to bed and early to rise,
Hustlo all the time, and advertise,
and the time to start is mow.
It’s ttkn plowing in now ground to
read about thb Russo- Japanese war. If
Secretary Hayjwuld get] those names
revised for tho benefit of {.'newspaper
readers in Atnerloa wojvonld he wiUlng
for hlm]to take aintllsr rest at Thomas,
vUle and it is likely he would need it.—
Pelham Journal.
Hay, when stirred, produoos'au-ote
which, wheu deposited on Russian soil
grows seeds of discord.
The Dominicans ah offering
good Illustration of. the annihilation
method of settling the negro problem.
Pine knot faotaries, seem to be the
especial prey of the fire fiend. It lias
boon only a short time slnoe the Moul
trie plantjwas.burned and now the fac-
tory>tAlbauy goes np. Insurance is
very hard to obtain on these turpentine
W. J. Bryan addressed the dear peo-
pie of Atlanta oir“the "issues of the
day.” Willem Jennings has thus far
shown |s remarkable blindness in his
scroll for those issue*.
It Japan followed the gratis advice
of »U the'American newspapers, iu re
gard tocher plausjof campaign, there
would *»njeease>> bo a "yellow peril.”
TkomasviUe—the best town In the
' best oonnty in the best state lathe beet
country onjtlie globe. If yon don’t "Sel
, (leva it, come and see. jl
te 1 ' ■ ' ■
' • Every now and then a Ruuiau sym-
. pithiaer babsJupBLn this ooontry, bnt
* m— are few andlfar between.
E-rone." is under!
at the hands of
Salt,pork is a famous old-
fashioned remedy for con
sumption. “Eat plenty of
pork,” was th? advice to the
consumptive 50 and 10c
years ago.
Salt pork is good if a man
can stomach it. The idea
behind it is that fat is the
food the consumptive needs
Scott's Emulsion is themod-
ern method of feeding fat to
the consumptive. Pork is too
rough for sensitive stomachs.
Scott’s Emulsion is the most
refined of fats, especially
prepared for easy digestion.
Feeding him fat in this
way, which is often the only
way, is half the battle, but
Scott’s Emulsion does more
than that. There is some
thing about the combination
of cod liver oil and hypophos-
phites in Scott’s Emulsion
that puts new life into the
weak parts and has a special
iction on the diseased lungs.
A sample will be
sent free upon request.
B« wrt that thb picture hi
the form cf a label b on the
wrapper of every bottle el
Ktmduoa you buy. “
*409 Pearl St., R. V.
joc-aadSt; andreobta.
Text «f the Lam, Matt, ni, 21-21).
Mmmorr Venn, 24, 25—Golden Text.
da*. I, 22—Commentary Prepared
kr Ber. D. M. (team.
ibarnKM, ltd), br
The gospel by Matthew la specially
the gospel ef the kingdom, that king
dom of which the Old Testament has
to much to tell us, when a King eball
reign In righteousness and the work of
righteousness shall be peace, and the
effect of righteousness, quietness and'
assurance forever. The name of (be
King shall be Jehovab-Isldkenn, the
Lord onr Righteousness; He chair reign
and prosper and shall exeente Judg
ment and justice In the earth. Hit
throne shall be the throne of David at
Jerusalem, and He shall be King over
all the earth (Isa. xxxlt, 1,17; lx, 8, 7);
Jer. Ill, 17; xxlll. 5, 0; Zecb. xlv, 8).
any one would be truly thrilled and
lifted abqve present things and drenin
stances. let him become acquainted
with the King and the kingdom, with
whom and to which every redeemed
person Is a joint heir,' the kingdom
which shall Include all the kingdoms
of this' world._ with a Ring before
whom all kings shall fall down and
whom nil nations shall serve (Rev. xl.
10; Pt. Ixxll, 11).
Nothing more thrilling or Inspiring
was ever written, and the God of Truth
Himself wrote this (II Tim. IU, 18, ID.
In Matt, v-vii the King his given ns
the laws of the, kingdom, that kingdom
which Is not meat and drink, but right
eouaness and peace and Joy In the Holy
Ghost (Rom. xiv. IT). The opening
words iiaaert that poverty of aplrit la a
characteristic of those who belong to
IL Compare Isa. Ivll, 15; lxvl. 2. He
also laid that the righteousness neces
sary to enter it most exceed that of the
scribes and Pharisees (v. 20) and
must be such as meets the require
menu of the true spirit of the law.
not that of mere words,,but deeds
which ore righteous before God. who
seetb In secret. “Not every'one that
saitb, • • • bat be that doctb the will
of My Father which Is In heaven.” are
tjie opening words of our lessoo and
the beginning of the dose of Hla ad
That we maj more fully appreqtate
the word* we must remember who The,
speaker Is. Note His oft repeated “I
say unto yfiu,” corresponding with the
“Thus saitb the Lord” of the Old Tes
tament, for He Is the Lord of Hosta.
the God of Israel, the Creator, the only
Redeemer, the Judge of all mankind.
He la the one ofSvhom the Father said
at Hia baptism. “Thjs Is My Beloved
Son, in whom I am well pleased." and
at tho transfiguration He added, “Hear
ye Him” (Mott III. IT; xvll. 5). He
Himself said, “The Father Judgetb no
man. but bath committed all Judgment
unto the Son” (John v, 22). 1 seek to
emphasise tbla because there are so
many teachers and preacher! who. pro
fessing to be His friends, not only die-
honor the word which He eo honored,
but dishonor Him, not believing Hi*
words, and (bus dishonor the Father,
too. tot nil His words were just whnt
the Father'told Him to say (John xll.
48. 40).
But however much people may pro
fess to be His friends and to do work*
in Hia name, here Is Hit own testi
mony, that He will have to say to
them, "1 never know you; depart from
Me, yo that work iniquity” (verse 23)4
He bus told us elsewhere that He will
have to say to gome, “Depart from Me,
ye cursed, into everlasting lire, prepar
ed for the devil and his angels (Matt,
xxv, 41). After the solemn warning
that He will have to say to some, “Dc-
partl" He speaks agaln'ln grace that
•II who will may flee from the wrath
to come. All who hear the gospel either
obey or disobey; tbey either take refuge
In Christ, who Is the Truth, or. turning
from Him. they accept some of the
many prevailing delusions of the devil
and make lies their refuge.
The latter passage gives the further
truth that even those who are on the
sure foundation and are therefore
eternally safe have need to be careful
of that which they are building day by
day leat tbey may see their works
burned up und they themselves Saved
as by fire. Tho works must be "God
working in us” the works wbich He
hath before prepared for us (Eph. 11,
10; Pbtl. U, 13; Col. i. 20,. else all may
prove wood, hay and stubble.
Returning to the first part of our
letson and the matter of ’Doing the
will of God,” we muat remember that
our Lord was talking to disciples (chap
ter v, 1, 2), for He never talks to the
unsaved of "doing.” When the un
saved aaked Him one day, “Wbat shall
we do that we might work the works
of God?” HU reply was to the effect
that the only work for them was to
believe on Him whom God had sent
(John vl, 28, 20). On salvation by faith
apart from any works of ours see Rom.
111. 24; tv, 5; Eph. 11. 8, 9; Tit. Ill, 5;
then on the works which must nnd
will follow ace Eph. 1), 10; Tit. Ill, 8:
Jas. It. 14-28.
May we ever lUtcn to the words of
the Spirit In this infallible book, wheth
er they come to us through prophets,
apostles or ChrUt Himself, ns words
of authority, even the authority of
God. There are before us a glorious
morning and an awful night, but there
la no morning for those who despise
the word of God (Isa. xxl, 11. 12; vlU,
20, revised version). No one la a
child of God and a joint heir with
Christ who has not received ChrUt as 1
hU own Saviour, putting all his trust
as a sinner In the precious blood of the
atonement (John 1, 12; I John v, 12;
Lav. xvU, U; Heb. lx. 22); bnt, hating
thus bacon* a pert of Him and HU
MngJon, HU works fat ns most bo so
manifest that men ifity glorify Him In
ns (chapter V, Iff).
JARY 26.!
Ghnser©us Ulcers
After the age of 45 or 50, when the vital powers are naturally weaker,
it it noticed that a hurt of any kind lieals slowly and often 2 very insignifi
cant scratch or bruise „ m . on „ s „, bat g.Ts m. no
becomes a had nicer Og v Sn or inconvenience, and I should have forgofc-
sore. At this time of £j u »S°“id
life warty growths, h.*L This continue,! for mm, time than the Osnoer
moles and pimple* that fcffjXr'Vhiii'hSfA'S “ s. Sail'd d.terednsd
have been on the body tocto it * fair trial, and it ia remarkable what •
BRiSS E3£Hat®KBrfRca^
Whenever a sore or nicer is .plow In healing then yon may be sure
something is radically wrong with your blood. Some old taint or Wison
that has been slumbering there for years, is assert.itselL
and breaks out end becomes a bad Ulcer and perhaps the beginning of
Cancer. These c-ld sores are rooted in the bldod, and while washes, spapa.
salves, etc., keep the surface clean, they are not healing. A blexm
medicine to purify and strengthen the polluted blood
and a tonic to build up the general system is what
is needed, and 8. 8. 8. it lust such a remedy. - No
poison is so powerful and no gem so deadly
that this grelt vegetable blood remedy cannot reath
it, and ulcers of every kind quickly yield to its Wonderful curative prop
erties. If you have an old sore or lilcer, write ns all about it, and medi
cal advice or any information you may desire will be given by our physi
cians withont charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC GO., ATLANTA, GA,
For 115.00, 130.00 and 180.00. Several han
dled Discs to select tram; also a good selection of
Musical Merchandise, Sheet Music 10c. up.’ A
No. 1 Guitar for $2.75. Mandolins (2.00 np.
Banjos (2.50up, etc., can be found at •
The boy or girl with a |
Has the joliiest vacation.
Ever tried making pictures
from start to finish? It’s fun
with the right material. Let
us show you!
$1 and $2.
Brownie Developing Machine,
10 Copies of Bev. T. DeWitt Talmage'i
“Travels in the Holy Land"
-WiU be-
In the Times-Enterprise "Dot” Contest;
These books are on exhibition now at
our store. They are splendid works,
which sell for (2.75 each and will he an
ornament to any home.
J. E. Robison & Co's,
Book Storq,
Broad Street, • Tbomasville, Ga
Tuttle’s Jewelry Store.
Thomiuville. Georgia.
, Equipped
Boiler Works
Shops and
Wmeem tolvs >H«, #<■•• Prosf Rssltag, S,rm, Pump,. Mumun. Auk*, tupmMas
Wi sill asks tt ta V«a Mwnt Is Figure sMi Us-
Over Thirty Years 'Experience.
... .Expert Handlers of Sea Island as well as Upland Cotton
Liberal cash advances against Consignments..
Jiloney loaned Cotton Shippers on Approved Security,
Large dealers in Sea Island and upland Bagging, ugar
Cloth Twine and Ties.
Write For Terms.
126 ,East; Bay Street, : Savannah 6a'
8-i-7m - . ■
Quaint, Queer and Curloua Salt Lake
The late Col. John Cockerell in The
Cosmopolitan said “There are three uni*
que cities in America, and one of these
is Salt Lake City.” It is not only uni*
que in its temple, tabernacle and other
Mormon church institutions, but quaint
in appearance, with its wide streets, im
merse blocks and martial rows of shade
trees. It has, perhaps, more attractions
to the square yard than any city 'in the.
country, and its climate, while temper*
ate all the year rotfnd, is particularly
delightful in summer. The Great Suit
Lake, with its ipagniftcentSaltair resort,
where the water is "deader and denser"
than that in the Dead Sea in Palestine
is an attraction in itself that people
come miles to see. There are many
cool mountain and lake resorts near by*
also numerous very pretty canon and
park drives, and hot sulphur springs
Fishing and hunting can be had in every 1
directi.on, The trip from Denver tot
Sait Lake City and Ogden, via the Denv
*.r Sc Rio Grande and the Rio Grande
Western, is one of unsurpassed pleas*
ure. Here nature is found in her stem*
est mood and the whole line is a sue*
cession of rugged canons, waterfalls
and picturesque valleys. No European
trip can compare with it in graudeur of
scenerv. During the entire summer
there will be low excursion rates to Salt
4 (Lake City and contiguous country. It
the road to the Pacific /roast, if
that be your destination. Write S. K*.
Hooper, G. P. & T. A., Denver, Colo.,
for beautifully illustrated pamphlets,
8-1-03-1 imos. ,
i, </
Ttiomaavll* People Can See That
Fraud Could Not be Attempted.
The Thomasville Ice Company
my, —. ______
enough to Thomiuville so that any at
tempt to deceive would beftitile, de
clare that Doan’s Kidney Pills cure kid
ney diseases and backache and they
stand by what they say.* It ia eaay for
any ThomasvUle sufferer to verify this
Mra Annie Woodall,, of 157. Broad
street, Albany, Ga., sava: “I have de- ,
rived a great benefit from the use of
Doan’s Kidney Pills. My back was
causing me almost continual misery.
The pain was right across the small of
it—a heavy, dull, bearing-down Pain’
and k weakness. I used many differ
ent medicines, without apparent result,
and also tried liniments, but the pain
still remained. I saw Doan's Kinney '
Pills Advertised and got a box and
gave them a thorough trial. I am very
mnch pleased with the results. Tlie
nun has loft me and I feel very muoh
better in every way. Yon are welcome
to use my name as a reference.”
Emphatic endorsement can be had
right here in Thomasville. Drop into
R. Thomas, Jr's drug store and ask
what his customers report.
Bold for 50c per box by all druggists,
Foster-MHburo Go., Buffalo, N. Y.,
Sole Agents for the United States.
Remember the name—Doan's—and
take no substitute.
Wood, soft and hard Coal, Texas Rust Proof Seed Oats', Com,
Hay, and Feed Oats, Cotton Seed Meal’and
tfulls, Soda Water and Siphons.
-'Phone Number 6
12 inch Cane Mill,
14 inch Cane Mill,
16 inch Cane Mil),
18 inch Cane Mill,
*14 09
18 «0
24 50
21 4
mmm* wtu<*» ipads ■■■■
Ths Great Remedy fb
■er (natation ondy for
aUdJwaMeof either hi
■nch as Nervous Prostra
Ron. Meotal Worry, ex
■ .^NERVINE PILLS. omul v* net of Tobaceeer
We can fnrnioh the abore in teen
frames at a email coat. It will pay yon
to call on ui before you buy.
Works near A. O.L.B. B. Depot.
P. O. 102; T*l*ph0M* 1(4 and21*.