Newspaper Page Text
Remarkable Experience of a
Inent Statesman—Congress-:
i Meekison Gives Pe-ru-na
a High Endorsement. \
'ongressman Meekison of Ohio*
0Lon. David Jfeekiaon is well known
t only in his own State, but through-
t America. He was. elected to the
Sfty-flfth Congress by a Tory large
kjority, and is the aeknowledgedleader
this party in his section of the State,
inly one flaw marred the otherwise
nplcte success of this rising aiates-
u Catarrh with its insidious ap-
ch and tenacious grasp, was his
jly unoonquered foe. For thirty years
| waged unsuccessful warfare against
‘a personal enemy. At last Peruna,
no to the rescue. He writes:
«/ have used several bottles of Pe
na and I ted greatly benefited there
from my catarrh of the heed,. I
it encouraged to believe that It I use
i abort time longer I will be fully able
\ eradicate the disease of thirty years 9
ending."—David Meekison, Member
f Congress,
J t you do not derive prompt* and satlt-
cior^-results from the use of PerUna,
rite at once to Dr.lfartman, giving a
L statement of your case and he will
9 pleased to* give you his valuable ad-
lAddress Dr. Hartman, President of
he Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus.
'Ask your Druggist for a 1904
Peruna Almanac free.
NSpHSpT ? ' ' '* • gjpSfWSM
:I jg— •L i:I■ !LjL!
Phased Away In Susina. Other News
* From There.
And Other Interesting Neya From
‘ That Progressive City.
J.W. Home, of Metcalfe Loses Sev
eral Hundred Dollars. ^
- Mrs. Mary F. Bouton, after months
of sickness and pain, born with patience
and Christian fortitude, entered iuto
rest oil Wednesday at the home of her
sister Mrs. E. M. Andrews' of Tliomas-
ville. TIiq interment took plac? ou
iPTiday, at the‘burial ground of the new
Ochlockonee church, of which ^church
Mrs. Benton was a ednsistent member.
Mrs. Benton was a dough-
tor^of * William H. . and Caroline
8;-Ruff, and is survived by six chihfaeq,
two sisters, Mrs. E. M. Andrews of
ThotnnsviUe, and'Mrs. C. Taylor of
this place, aud one brother, Mr. W. II.
Bu$ of Cairo, ffhd her ht^bpml Mr. J.
Mr. R. E. Slater is now ferryman at
the Hadley Ferry.
Mr J. B. Andrews who has been quite
sick, is out again. '
Mr. R. Whitfield has sold his mill,
which lias not been in operation for
sonje time, to the Meeks brothers, who
aro industrious young colored men, liv
ing just across the Florida line.
One of our road overseers had his
hauds out on the road Wednesday,
opening ditches aud filling in breaks in
the road. A little work of this kind
done at the right time saves mufcli labor
later on. /
Mr. Martin one of Qur oldest citi
zens, came over to s^e ns Thursday.
Although seventy-nine years of age Mr,
Martin is liale and hearty, and able to
do more work than a good many men
half his age. He is justly proud of be
ing a confederate veteranr
Mrs. Annie Cashleberry is quite sick
at her home. ^
Mrs. Nellie D. Sears who has
hoBu at Griffin for some time lias
returned to Thomaflvifle.
Nearly Forfeits h»s Life.
A runaway almost ending fatally,
A * 1 a horrible ulcer on the leg of J.
Jer, Franklin Grove, ijl. For Your
fit'defied all doctors »ud all nfme-
\But Budklen’* Amiea Salvo h*d
able to core him. Equally good
| for Burns Bruises, SMn Eitiptions aud
• Piles. 25c at J. W. ^Peacock's Drag
Store. x
hununtty’s Weak Spot.
Thero are more deaths directly due .to
weak lungs than to all other diseases
combined. They are humanity’s weak
.spar—the breeding-place of consump
tion. When the slightest symptom of
t oublo is tell in the lungs you should
begin the use use of Dr. Boschee’s Ger*
To the Columbia Diftc Graphophono which is bringing so much pleasure to
honsmids of home* throughout this bread.laud of ours, and. which you can on-
loy just as well; they are proving everything that have be<*ti said of them, an e
rtaiuor in the homo. A number of the nowvst models can be soon at '
^ OKAS. G. GOKH1UVG, Jeweler,
* - 120 Broad St.
Mr. C. A. Wood wjm Ii«m
in Savannah, returned homo vcf-
man Syrup at once. It is made espeo-
heal aud strengthenjbhe
lungs, throat and bronchial tubes. ^
man Syran is ft never-failing remedy for
consumption Trial, bottle, 25c. Big
At all druggists.
Escaped an Awful Fire.
Mr. II. Hoggins of Melbourne, Fin.,
Writes, “My doctor told mo l had con
niption and nothing could, b” done for
of a free trial bottle of Dr. King’s Few
Discovery for Consumption, induced me
to try it. Results were startling. I am
now on the ntad to recovery. It surely
saved my life.” This great cure is guar
anteed for all throat aud lung diseases
by J. W. Peacock druggist. Price . 30c
& $ 1 00. Trial bottle free -
Mr E lenrii ^JeMer spout yes
terday in Vnldofto'.
Mr mid Mrs F, W. My rick and
Mr. ond Mrs" J. W. Porter aud
fnmily, of Chicago, are among the
late arrivals at the Mitchell House
Capt. Maclean made a trio
through the country, looking af
ter the Bshools yostorday.
Would Gull Attention
The DURABLE Fence,
None so STRONG.
All large wires.
The home wedding of Miss Es
telle Brown and Mr. Will Sterl
ing that took plgpe at the home
of the bride’s pareutB Mr, and.
Mrs. Jesse Brown near here was
lovely indeed. The ceremony was
nerformed at two o’clock, by Rev.
Bennett of .Moultrie. The bride
who possesses, many charms ond
graces, looked her best in a dress
of pur., white silk cliilTou trimmed
iu white, ribbon and lace. Only
a fcjjv relatives and intermale
ffieuds of the contracting pnrtios
were present. Among the wed
ding guests from Merrillville, was
Mr. ond Sirs. Guy Johnson.
A Bumptous supper wits served to
the guests. II'. and Airs, Sterl-
iig'left Friday for their honey
moon trip to his mothers at Moul
trie,,nfter which they will be at
home to their friends, at Mr Ster
ling's homo near Pavo.
Misses Sauuie and Frankie
Carter who are attending school
at Obe spent Sunday and Mon
day with their parents Mr. and
Mrs. F. M. Carter of this place.
These visits are a great treat to
their many friends here.
Miss Telia Sheffield another of
Obe's bright pupils paid a visit
to home folks Suuday.
Mr. Paul Allen of Touraine fill
ed his regular plood at Snuday
school, Sunday.
Mr. C. I,. Lane of Touraiue,
passed through here Sunday, on
his way to seo homo folks, at Au-
Mr. Garnet from Brooks county
is spending a few days iu our
town. Mr. F. S Moore who has
been sick for several days with
fevor, is improving rapidly.
Little Miss Rosie Alcorn has
been unable to attend school for
the-paBt. week ou account of ill
ness. She is much better now.
We sympathize much with Mrs.
P. F. Duren She has two small
children at home sick, ami we
learn that MisB Bollo her eldest
daughter is at Thomasville sick
with measles. Wo hope they will
soon be better. "’
We are glad to say that Mrs.
J. R. Marston has improved much
giuce last week. She is able to
be up now.
Mils Vetitia Dykes . has been
and unable to attend. school for
several days.
Mr. F/ W, Carter is planting a
hundred and sixty acres in water
melons for shipping.
Miss Mario Nesmith of Coofidgo
Metcalfe, Ga.', Feb. 28, 1901.
Between 1 and 2 o'clock last night the
store of Mr. J. W. Home, here, was en
tered and his safe Vracked by burglars,
using, it is supposed, nitro glycerine os
the explosive. When the store wus
opened this morning it was seen that
there had been some one In the building
since closing tho night butora. Investi
gation showed that things in the vicin
ity of the safe wore demolished and
that the safe itself had been literally
blown to pieces. All the money lit the
safe amounting to $-184.34 was taken; but
’the chocks for about #100 wore lof ^un
disturbed. Also, all other papers wore
left intact. Tho building' was entered
by means of a chisel secured at a near
blacksmith shop.
Suspicion points to two tramps who
wore seon around town from Sunday
afternoon ti^yesterday afternoon as the
gnilty parties: Mr. Home and our offi
cers have sent ont descriptions of the
men to all the neighboring towns ask-
tboyintlioritics to keep a sharp lookout
for these men. It is to be hoped, that
the gnilty ones will be arrested aud
given the fall oxtent of the law.
Editor H? H. Merry came over
from Pelham Tuesday.
. Mr. \Vm. Drew fcumd over from
Akridge Tuesday.
Mr. W- H.' Groover came over
from Ocklookonee Tuesday.
Mr. J, R. Singletary camejover
from.Ochlochohee, Tuesday.]
Mr. W. L. AdnniB, a prominent
merchant of Pavo,'was a visitor to
the city yesterday.
Atlison Way, Jr. Esq, waB
among the many visitors' to the
city Tuesday.
Mr. Tom Christie, formerly of
Meigs, .but now of Columbus, .is iu
the oity.
There is dangeejn cold weather be
cause it produces conditions favorable*
to the development of those gonq dis
eases known as Logrippe, Pneumonia,
Bronchitis, Consumption, etc. These
discuses arc contracted while tho muc
ous membrane of tho throat and lnngs
is weakened by inflammation resulting
from a cold. It is dangerous to' neglect
even n slight cold. Help nature to ward
off disease by nsing Rydales Elixir.
This modern scientific remedy can al
ways be relied on in all diseased condi
tions of the throat and lnngs. ^J. W.
Peacock. s
Jim Griggs is mentioned as a dele
gate at large the convention. He is
a big enongh man *to fill any large
place. ,
Better Than Qold*
I was troubled for several joars
with chronic indigestion aud nervous
i tlnhllif.v ** U’rllAfl V -T flrnnn rtf T.ftn.
was the guest, of tho Misscs.WiI: ]Gofaility,'' writos^. J. Green, of Lan-
I canstor, JS. H. “No remedy helped me
sou fl Sunday. until I began nsing Electric Bitters,
Our Meigs Departi
By J. Searcy..
The Masons mot at their liall last
Monday evening. Several, no doubt,
were thrown by the goat.
Mrs. H. B. Sutton of„'Cftiro has boon
with her daughter, Mrs. T. F. Dyson
daring the past week.
The appearance of an automobile in
ibis place Tuesday caused consterna
tion among the small boys.
. Mrs. Chastain of Tampa, Fla., tho
mother of Mrs. Sam Miller, is Imre, the
guest of her daughter on Marshall street.
Mrs. W.--A.. Waldorf accompanied
by Mrs. W. H. Boswell is ou a visit to
the family of 'Prof. J. VV. BacUalow
at 5foye, Ga.
Mr. G. W. Chestnut, of the Times-
Enterprise spout Saturday he^e. Being
a newspaperman I presume the “G. W.”
stands for George Washington.
Mr. U. K. Braswell went over to
Chastain Sunday to seo his friend and
pustor, Rev. J. B. Alligood. Mr. Alii-
good has been seriously sick bnt is now
Tho rosin shod near the Meigs Naval
Store Co’s, still was fired by a train a
few nights siuce. It was discovered by
the watchman at the Novelty Works,
aud was extinguished with loss of most
of the roof.
The elitertainment>at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Ross was greatly en
joyed by all. It was the occasion of a
“tackeyparty.” Miss Anna Braswell
was awarded . the prize for being the
“tackiest” among the young ladies,
aiM Mr. W. H. Vanlandingham, among
the young men. flinty refreshments
were serve#.
Mr. W. H. Atkinson lias been nway
two weeks in Dodgo county at son.
mineral springs for ills health. He h:.
been afflicted with rheumatism lately.
He is "right side np with care”, now,
having returned from his stay Tuesday.
Rev, R. G. Jackson will/ fill the ap
pointment of Rev. J. B. Alligood, the
pastor at Midway chnrcli, two miles
sooth of town, Saturday and Sunday of
this week.
Peaohtrees are in bloom.
Some of onr citizens Are planting
early vegetables.
An effort is being made to Anm a
“skoeting” rink iu tills place. ‘ , > . ?yj
Mr. Alligood has been confled to hia
Mias Grace Jenkins* of ThomasviUe,is
spending a few.days of this week with
friends iu this place.
Mr. G. G, Battle, of Camilla, baa
moved to this place, and has opened a
barber shop next to Daren’s.
Any body who will bring something.
given to town to sell will confer a favor
,on suffering humanity.^ ’ . '
Mr. MafohaU Ross of Oof dole la visit-
iug the family of his brother, Mr. T. B.
Russ of this place.
A few Bettings of Hawkia’s Beauty
strain of Plymouth Hook eggs,
at fil.OUj pur aetluig, while they last.
J. 8. Searoy.
Mr. J. A. Underwood, of Macon
county, lias moved his family to this
place. Ho will occupy the Russell
Davis place.
Misses Emnia Boswell and TMnp.
Meigs, and Jessie Boswell, came over
from Obe, wkgfe they are attending
school, Saturday,
Tito hundreds of acres of green oak
fields around this place makes one be
lieve that cotton will not oconpy all
tile attention of our farmers.
Miss Bessie Jackson, one of the bright
pupils in the Center Hill school, after
upending a week with her unole, Mr. L.
A. Shepherd at Monticello, Fla., lias re
turned to her studies.
Mr. T, F. Tyson went to Thomasville'
Wednesday to attend the meeting of
the K P’s. He goes thence to other
points to purchase machinery for Us
new macljine shops. .
Mr. E. M. Johnson of this place left
Wednesday morning for Garden Valley.
Mr. Johnson goes to bring Miss Leo*
Long of that place as his bride. Mb*
Long will be remembered as a vei
I wonder if the council forbids fish—
iu the water that collects after a ;
•iu in the basin between Osteen’s and
The Atkinson Mercantile Go’s. A few
dollars’ expenditure would add much to
the beauty of tho spot and muoh to (he
comfort of the public. •
ed woman* wishes posil
‘ flow
... . ..e ,
give motherless oliildren evety eare.
Miss Mildred Moran, So. Norwalk Oona.'
Miss Ida Davis entertained
Tuesday evening in honor of her
Cousin Mils Rena Davis f ront near
Thomasville who is visiting hor.
A crowd of Merrillvillltea went. 1
They say Mrs. Davis eutortaintod
th,«ni with jokes and pinders.
Merrillville, old Maid
No Wraps-ijgj:
to hold .n;
Moisture I
and cause
"TiRsavaoH Pwikt" Fencino. (Standard Style.)
Ilttfabk STOCK PROOF. *• «u SAVE YOU MOREY on Finoln*.
We have just bought a carload oi
the above Fence to arrive in a few
lays. As we are th.e only firm in
ChOmas county that buy fence in car-
oad lots We can save you money on
?our fence
Mr. P. S. Heeth. made a busi
ness trip to Metcalfe and return,m!
yestordny. ,
Order your
Flower Pots ]
And Churns
Stockton, Qa.
We manufacture this class of goods
and can supply yoif promptly and can
,ve you money.
which did ine more good than all the
medicine I ever used. They have also
kept my wife in exoellent health for
yeurs, 8ho says Electric Bittera are jast
sphmdid for female tronblos; that they
arc a grand tonic and invigorator for
woak, mn down women. No other
medicine can take its place in onr fami
ly.” Try them. Onl^ 50c. Satisfac
tion guaranteed by J. W. Peacock.
Ciipt. W, G. Ruoul has resigned tho
presidency of th« Mexican Rational, rail
road, and will devote his entire tirno to
tho A. and Vh of wldoh road he is also
president. This is a good thing for the
plucky road in whose welfare' all of
South Georgia is interested.
A Wonderful Swing.
The largest Methodist Church in Geot-
„.a, calculated to use over one hundred
gallons of the usual kind of mixed paint
Fhey used only 3? gallons of the Long-
in & Martinez Fa’
’aint mixed with
oil. Actual cost
aim made was lees than $1.20 per gal*
Saved over eighty ($80.00) dollars in
t a big donation besides.
fiaint, and got
EVERY CHURCH will be given a
liberal quantity whenever they paint.'
Many houses are well painted with
four gallons of L & M. and three gallons
. /ears and covers like gold. 1
Thet»Celebrated Paints are sola by
O. W. Cochran, Thomasville, Ga.
G. L. Duren, Meigs. Ga.
Trinity church to New York-is hold
ing special Lenten services for printers
snd newspaper men. That category baa
to do without so many things all the
time that something special is needed to
mirk the occasion.
Just Received at
2y, Tons of bar Iron, *11 slzra. 1 ton extra line carriage and
bolts, all sizes. 2000 feet rubber and canvass belting, 2 to 12 ini
2000 feet piping, all sizes np to 2 Inches. - 1000 feet # Inob 6-8 ti
wire rope. I carry the best line of Cook Stoves and Stoveware on
market. I have tbe largest and best line of General Hardware e 1
‘ brought to town. I manufacture Galvanized Steel Tanks for aye
cooking by ,tcnn> or otherwise. Also I.og Carts, Lumber Trucks, fai
and-Lumber Wagons, Buggies aud form implements. Send in
T. F. DYSON, - Meigs, (
Mysterious Circumstances,
One was pole and sallow and tbe other
freehand rosy. Whence tbe difference?
Is blushed with health uses Dr
She who is t
King's New
n „ Jew Life Pills to maintain it.
By gently arousing the lacy organs
they compel good digestion. Try thorn.
Only 260, at J. W. Peacock Druggist
Postmaster-F. 8. Dismako wo*
missing from his accustomed
place yesterday. He was kept at
home by illness.
’ - • i. •
To California,
The Burlington'S' wi
awdaeted California
through tourist
thing for co
The rc-Ae is
and Balt lake.