Newspaper Page Text
n vvuuuernu saving,
The largest Methodist Chnrcbin Geor ;
;ia; calculated to usoover one hundred
gallons of the usual kind of mixed paint
T^AiexW^BeTier. bten pnrcltased at 1 cent a ponEd
® v ' and after they have been cat op, canned
' ~ - and sprinkled with the extract of him-
letter from a prospective im- berger cheese and labeled cod fish they
I a- Thomasrillc real estate amMmt back here and sold to the saint
Isas follows: people who turned np their nosmt stl
r:—Haring been referred to thorn, for ten cents a pound,
gard to Tltoiniis comity, I Wa n'.so hare the razor back hog. Hi
for yon to show roe both j f j lt , jibiey woods rooter. His
lat is the price of land? W hot note is alioiit os long ns his body and
ips do yon grow? Do yott most (l j t |tem tiro very thin. It is slio
les, pears, peaches, plums, one itittn who owned some eooldn’i
!c.? What kindof imstorage [.eep titjui from slipping stdeway, be-
What ft your greatest drew - t ween the fedee rails T.ioy destroyed
s, skoeters, iqaix or nigger, ? a ij j.j, (jo^berg ont n | le caught them all
ation will be thankfully re- ani j , ie( j ,, iak to tlie tall of each one.
When they had crawfod through the
* W. Bealer, has prepared an crack lilt; stick stopped their fertile.
tlio gentleman, and it was progress. They were originally iutro
in a recent tamo of tho At- duced into South Georgia because the-'
asd. Hit doesn't induce him wcr0 the only living thing in tho way
south Georgia nothing will. n 'j a ), 0fl , t | lnt oonl I outrun a pine)
woods nigger. Of course we hare
isrille, Ga., March 2(1, lMM-ii. thousands of flue cows and dogs in th
®* ri- T 0IIr rer J interesting |, nt these are the uatires ant
i duly to hand and as I am yon bad better coroe before they are all
entdown here I now Bcatmy- ^ om>
hand, to reply to it. This U or drawbacks, ye# we have them I
is us ail eojoying good huoiih bat fleas are not among them. The
that you ore doiug the #atne. we have down here don’t draw
tod# at all prices here, rang' back. ‘They press forward so persistent-
me or four dollar* mi acre !y j] 1:ie Wlmvd to hreak them off, J hej
l a hundred. This Iasi be- , ro a i,uo»t ns bod as the flea# from nor
mo of the millionaires, who „ 10rn cities.
in painting tneir church.
They used only 32 gallons»f the Long
man & Martinez Paint mixed with 24,
gallons of linseed oil. Actual coit of
naim made was less than ti.20 per gal
lon. s •
Saved over eighty {$80.00) dollars in
“Chicago & £|orlda?V» **<l•* ,
St. Augustine, JacksonvV )° Chica
go. and St. L01&
This train is operated ov&'Z short
est line between St. Augusi e * Jack-
sonviile, Chicago and St. Lom an< *
fords tho quickest schedule -|\ncarif
two hours.- A
This train is the standard of
tion in passenger service. con<isfci\ ^
Pullman Vestibuled Drawing
Sleeping Compartment. Dining
Observation Gm. \
LeavesSt. A /affine 6:20 &. m., Jack'
sooville 8.40 a, cc. Arrive Chicago 4:to\
p. m.. St. Louis t;j$ p. m.
paint, and got a big donation besides.
EVERY CHURCH will be given a
liberal Quantity whenever they paint. 'J
Many houses are well painted with
four gadlons cf L & M.and three gallons
of linseed oil mixed therewith.
Wears and covers like gold.
These Celebrated Paints are ?old by
O. VY. Cothran, ThomdSVille, Ga.
G. L. Duren, Meigs. Ga.
Low One-way Settlers' Rates to
the Northwest and California.
From Sop (ember IS until November
80,1908, the Burlington make* very lpw
one-way colonist mtee to. California,
Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana.
The reduction is from 25 to 40 per cent,
from-the regular rates.
The Way to Go.
~ The Burlington, with ita strong mam
To use a homely Illustration s *•
When you And yourself in the wrong and the right is oai
to yon, to be honest with yourself, what should you do? SWI
If you ore using lard for frying and shortening, and w*
you that Cottoien, it purer, more healthful, mors economk
should you do? SWITCH I
Natnre-s Gift from the Sunny Sonth
Jacksonville to Cbtcsgofaud St..Louls.
Pullman Vestibuled. Drawing Room,
Sleeping Cars, from Jacksonville to
Chicago and St. Louis via Tifton, Ma
con. Atlanta, Chattanooga, (Lookont
Mountain) and Nashville.
Leave Jacksonville 8:05 p. m., arrive
Chicago, 9:15 a. m. St Louis a. m.,
the second morning.
For sleeping car reservations for eith
er the above trains, or any other infor
mation, write or call on
E. J„ Walker, Fla. Pass. Agt,
Nashville, Chastanooga & St.JLouis.Ry.
No. aia West Bay Street,
Jacksonville, Fla.
lines and free chair care, best reaches
the West and Northwest via Denver,
Billings or St. Fool.
“The Borlington-Northem Pacific
Express’’ is the great daily through train
with chair care and tourist sleepers via
Billing,, Montana, to Puget Sound and
intermediate points.
Homeseekers’ Excursions
Tbeae are ran the first and third Tues
days of each month at approximately
half rates for the round trip.
IMrill be a pleasure for na to give you
an accurate and informative reply to any
Sh(itaB7wfc«d--la«ftaBwlifc ^
Now, lard, as you know. Is mads from hog fat It may or may
not ba purs, Cottolsns is always pure, because it contains nothing but
rsfinsd vegetable oil and choice beef ,uet If is always uniform, and
ws guarantee the quality. Besides, it it nsvsr sold in bulk like lard,
but comas in staled tin pails, and is not open to contamination. So
much for purity and healthfuiness.
AS to economy—Cottolsns is richer than lard. It requires, therefore,
but two-third, ths quantity to secure better results. This means economy.
Why not do Justice to your stomach and give it a digestible product
rethsr than an indigestible one? Your grocsr wiU start you right with
a pad of Cottolsns.
Mads ochrbrTHB H.K. rAIRBamt COMPANY, On*. 526 CMcafO ♦
By the wey, I know yot
ivou.t mind me leliiug you n little joke.
A until fluid .the cyclone make, the house
fly, end the batter oake makefl the but
ter fly. Well) the man who make that
joke won a native of Thomas county. 1
give yon this to allow yon what sort of
folks we have down here.
We have some skeetere here bnt they
don’t bother ns. For the first time In
several years I did not s'eep onder a
skeeter net hero last summer. We have
men from tho north who have more
money tlum they can spend. They
sometimes drop iq here, deposit a good
sized wad tit the hotels and go on. We
ceirtliem skeetere and yon'soe they arc
not so bod. J
Bueixl To be sure we have saalx.
But who does not have them? I am
.'Old that there ere more snnix to the
square inch iu iudlana'wHs and Chica
go thou in the whole of Thomas county.
Hundreds of fellows liave them up there
in their rooms and tlieyactnally get in
to bed with thorn. Down here since we
havo oxpolled barrooms our snaix stay
in the woods nnlesa they get after a
Buck-drinker and ran him into town.
As to niggers. They are great draw
backs when it oomes to work. They
will drawbaok from the field when the
snn is hot, bnt I havo never known one
of'them to draw back from a dish of
possum and tutors, uor to hold book
from a pan fall of fish, nor to tarn his
book on a frolio, and fsw of them will
draw book from a ohiokoa who happens
to be roosting low along the road and
fewer still will drew hook from a dew
ohristened watermelon when it “holl-
ere” at him over the fenoe and smiles
from its bed of grass in the oool of the
morning. /
Yon oomo down, here and see if this
is not the finest oountry yon ever saw,
and as for the people, why they just
can’t bo excelled. And one of them
told me the other day that he was satis
fied that the garden of Eden won in
south Georgia. Come down here and
see for youreolf and you will go book
reaky to say with the Queen of Sheba,
(I guess you know her) “the half lied
not been told."
Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Ok-
California, Cloorsdo,
Utah, Wyoming,
Oregon,' Montana, Washington
and other points
Thoroughbred Leghorn Eggs, gl.00
er setting. Can fill orders, by express.
-4. E. Leon Neel, Boston, Ga.
Brother W. J. Hancock was born In
Chesterfield county. South Carolina,
Jan. 9,1886. He came toThomaacoun-
tyGeorgiain 4892.
He was united with Salem Baptist
ohnroh in July 1898, and from then he
lived a consecrated member of that
ehurch until he by letter untied with
OkapUco Baptist and from that church
to the Berwick Baptist ohnroh where
his membership remained nntii his
death, which ocourred on Feb. 12 1904
after about throe years consistent suf
fering which he borp with much for
He lived sn humble oliristlan life until
the end came, and died in triumphant
faith In God. His trials and sufferings
have ended. He has rusted over the
river to rest onder' the shades of the
In his death the community has lost
a good citlaen, the family a faithful
husband and father, the ohnroh an
humble member, and McDonald lodgo
of F. As A. M. one of its brightest lights.
Bnt, while we commend his spirit to
the God who gave it and consigned his
body to the ground, we still cherish
his memory Imre, aud while we meet
him in onr lodgo no more, we hope to
meet him in that celestial home of onr
master and clasp, his hsnd in fraternal
love. '
Therefore be it resolved:
1st. That we'bow in reverence and
submission to onr great Architect who
doeth all things well-
2nd. That we will strive while here
to join him in the Grand Lodge above,
where the spirit of just men are made
3rd. That we wiU spread a mantle of
love aud protection over the bereaved
family aud pray the Lord .to be a hus
band to tbe widow and a father to the
fatherieei. They will be done Oh,
Lord, on earth as it is in Heaven.
Amen. J. M. Shepherd,
L. B. Buntin,
R. L. Redfearn.
The above was read and adopted unan
imously adopted by the .members of the
Lodgo snd congregation at the memo
rial services held in the Baptist church
at Barwick tho 28th of March..
One In Cleveland and one In Boston
Go to Wall.
To California.
The Burlington’s weekly personally
conducted California excursions in
through tourist sleepers are just the
thing for coast tourists and settlers.
The route is Denver, Scenie.Oolorado
and Salt Lake. 1
make It go down easy. We often
io from sugar cane another crop tliat
coll “Cain,” I have heard that
1 folks up north also raise mnob
IUU," especially when you turn your-
rea loosoon a nigger. Please write
if this is true or whether the papers
c lied on you I.liav* heard that the
thorn newspapers are great liars,
hit to return to my subject. In or-
to raise oatn we plant a joint of
Cleveland, O., March 81.—Tlie Feder
al Trust Company today made an as
signment to 'tlie Guardian Trust Corn-
Assets of more titan 3 million
dollar* are scheduled.
Wants d.
We wonld like to ask, through the
colnmf of your paper, if there is any
person who has used Green's August
Flower for tbe cure of indigestion, Dye
peps&a, and Liver Tronbles that has not
been oared—and we also mean their re
mits. such as soar stomach, ferments
Uon of food, habitual costiveness, ner
vous dyspepsia, headaches, despondent
feelings, sleeplessness -In fact, any
trouble connected with the stomach or
Uverf This medicine has been sold for
many years in all civilised countries,
and we wish to correspond with yon
and send you one of our books free of
oast, H you never tried August Flow
er, try a 26 cent bottle first. We have
never known of lta failing. H so, some
thing more serious Is the matter with
you. The 25 oent tlie has just been In
troduced this year. Regular tlse 75
G. G. GREEN, Woodbury, N. J.
S H. PRICE 00.
West, Northwest and Southwest
-The Union Trust
Boston, March 81.
Co. has dosed its doors. The company
was incorporated in 1888, with a capital
of $100,000. The president is former
Congressman Wm. Barrett, the well
known Boston publisher.
The liabUities of the company are
plooed at a million six hundred thousand
dollars, with nominal assets of about
tlie same. The difficulties an attributed
to the heavy withdrawals by the deposi
tors and the inability of the manage
ment to realise quiokly on securities to
meet tlie unusual demands.
Dist. Passenger Agent,
A new business in
Atlantic & Birmingham Railway
Result of our Neighbor’! Hot Roco
for County Offices*
cident Insurance
Tlie hottest contested election in years
was that of Deeatnr county's primary,
held on April first. A very heavy vote
was polled and the count was not Com
pleted until Saturday. There were
about 2100votes polled by O. W. Wim-
borly, the candidate for clerk who had
no opposition.
In the race for the legislature Erie M.
Donalson lead the ticket. 9 Russell
Brinson, editor of the Searchlight was
returned to hit present position in the
honse. Joseph Carry of Climax and R.R.
Terrell of Wliigham were the defeated
candidates. -
A. L. Townsend, B. B. Bower, Sr. and
W. M. Harrel were candidates for the
judgeship. The last named was elected.
There were a half dozen candidates for
sheriff, W. C. Stegall was elected over A.
W. Fortihom- the present incumbent by
t he narrow margin of 2 votes.
H|wHnir ....
Lv. Tifton...
Huggins ....
Kins wood..,
Thomas, (lie.
J. 0. Bell, Manager.
Card of Thanks.
To the many friends who 'so kindly
assisted to tlie comfort of Mrs. E. F.
Richter during her years of suffering
and especially during her last hours on
earth, we herewith present our thanks
and gretitudp. May Heavens’ choicest
gifts reward you.
E. F. Richter and children.
Cairo, Ga.,
March SO, 1904.
Tax Receiver.
Stations No. 20 N<
rhomasviUe 8 15 a m 8 II
Merrillville 841am 34
Coolidge 8 52 a m 8 5:
Murphy 8 02am 401
Sunset 9 10 a m 4 11
Moultrie 934am 4 3
Kingwood 9 80am 431
I will heat:
Chastain April 1, a. m.
Coolidge April 1, p. m.
Coolidge April 3, a. m.
Merrillville April 3, p. m.
Patten April 4, a. m.
Pavo April 4, p. m.
Barwick April 5
Boston April 6
Glasgow April 7
Metcalfe April 8 , ■
Duncanville April 9
Cairo April 11
Akridge Apr! 12 a. m.
R. Singletary’s Store April 12
Spence Lpril IS
Meigs April 14
Ochloeknee April 15
Pine Park April 16.
I will be in Komasvillle at
house the thir iweek in April.
I will have with me a book
vided by law,/ for people tc
their lands onfrMch hunting
dsn John f. Howard, T. 1
Will Speak at Dawson..
Hon. J. Fondren Mitchell will deliver
the Memorial Day address at Dawson,
Ga. Mr. Mitchell is one of the most
brilliant speakers in Georgia, and on an
occasion of this sort he is sore to be at
his best. Dawson is to be congratulated
on having secured his services.
High School Wins.
Probably the most interesting base-
ball game of the season was played Fri
day afternoon between Stanley’s Bus
iness College and the High School. The
latter won by a score of 12 to 9. The
batteries were: High school, Balfour and
Stanloy’s, Bruton,
At.Ocllla,O.AI...1145am 6 55pm
Mystic ...1127am 627pm
Ewtoher 1137am 687pm
Fitzgerald 1150am 6 50pm
Ooiocle 8 20 p m
Yiennh............. ....... 865pm
Montezuma 960pm
Excellent through schedules and low
rates, far which inquire of any agent on
the lias.
George Dole Wadley, general mono-
g r; Alex Boauyman, superintendent;
. C McFadden, general freight and
passenger agent; 3.0. Knapp, traveling
freight and passenger agent; A. L
Spicer, agent, rocnatville Ga.
General offices, Waycroaa, Ga.
Automobile Gene-
Much to the satisfaction of the equine
contingent tlie Mg rod automobile be
longing to the Baxter family left Fri
day morning, in charge of ite chaffeur
with Knozville aa its destination. Mr.
it as far aa
Test your eyes.
IFit them with the
iproper glasses and
adjust the frames
sriy. Good* and work
R. Salter, proprietor
James Mellette; „ .
Stephens, Bslkcon and McGill.
J. 8. Hopkins “mobed” i
Americas, in the machine.
For Referee Merrill.
TJie caae of R. L. Robenstein bank
rupt of this city emme up before Judge
Emmy Speer in Savannah on Thursday.
It was referred to Referee J. H. Merrill
Library Hours Chaingad.
The library hours from today on, until
ths first of October will be es follows;
9to 12a. m,aad4te6p. m.
of tho Eclipse Optical and Medicine
Company, TbomasviUe, Ga. Next to
Timea-Enterprise Madison street.