Newspaper Page Text
Everybody wants Hint political picnic
The Ailel News isn't eren tinged
■with Heantism.
The May and the Msyhaw, will soon
bo hero. Haw-haw!
Tiie law is a very present help in tiiao
of trouble—to the lawyers.
If yoar mental complexion is tinged
with bine ohms to South Georgia.
Tiie merry merry spring time is here—
likewise the merry, merry red \bug.
All Georgia bowed at the shrine of
the departed heroes Tuesday.
The coarse of true lore is said to be
an important coarse in summer schools.
The yellow peril is stalking through
the land in tiie shape of the yellow shoe.
The St. Louis platform should be
brief, terse and to tlio point.
A Vale 1 professor says we est loo much,
lie ought to try editing a country nows-
But if Hoosovelt should be defeated
■tghat would the paragrapliers do for
somebody to hammer?
' «■—S—— *■«■ ■ I I Isa
The way Ool. Yoonglmsbaud Is side
swiping tiie Thiebataus makes us pity
Oils young wife.
The "sappose" flend is getting in
isomo due work, speculating as to tiie
moults ot tho Jspo-SpHUko-Russo war.
Pour goal candidates for three good
tdacos menus un interesting race for the
'legislature. ^
■■ This is Ushiilg season and discussions
OS to tho best bolt nre in order Pint
toiy is always a good bait.
Today is the 86th aunlrersary of Odd
Fellowship in America,
Tifton is to hare a wood distillation
plant for the manufacture of tarpon-
Many Booth Georgia towns are plan,
ning for a boll team, Why not Thom,
asrilta also?
A Finland capitalist lias been lorest-
ing in Bcnth Georgia lands on which to
colonize a number of Finlanders. So
we will soon see their Finnish.
Tiie second oonrention of the Inter
state Sugar Gone Growers’ Association,
wliich will be hell in Jaoksonrille May
4,6 and 8, promises to be mneh larger
than the first, which was held in Macon
lost May.
At the Intercollegiate coutost in Tif-
too lost week, Miss Bessie McGarrsh of
Arab! won tiie medal iu ulocution and
Sam Edison of Vuldostn the medal in
oratory. Prof J. O, Wnrdlnw of tills
city dolirered tiie prises.
From ths Bslnbrldge Search Light.
If Editor McCartney’* correspondent
with the suggestire ideas would consent
to occupy the editorial choir for a week,
he wonld indeed "want a change.” He
would probably discorer the "reason
why” an editor “hangs on to a thread,
bare paragraph subject.”
Oor sympathies go oat to|Thomoa
county citizens, both candidate and rot.
er, since the primary- for the selection
of county officers will not occur until
Aagnst 19th. It will take a great'deal
of wind for the early fellow in the race
to keeprannidg; and four long montiis
still is too great a while for (the rotors
to hare to dodge aronnd in their efforts
to escape. Tiie committee should get
together and more the time ap a little.
A Saviiiimh preacher soys "fakes
hbonnd in modern life.” Mutt have
been up’aguiust the Hcarat boom.
It’s a debatable question which season
IsmostpreforablelnSonlhGeorgin. Wo
lore the nearest one tiie best.
The Rooecrolt children liaco tho
Toomurli jaw Isa common
' affliction at tiie White House.
<Oagtessnun Kitchen Jus roasted
{President Roosevelt. A very pro pot
place for a roast to oome from.
The sea serpent division of tiie An.
«tent Order of Astnle Anoniases will
•ooa legiu to oooupy top of column
next to reading matter.
Slnoe Julian McCurry was defeated
(or tho legislature the Savannah Pres*
calls him Ourry Cruel to nnMao a
' man because of one defeat .
TheNefr York fruit haa been de-
etroyed by cold weather, and Georgia
froit will havo to supply tiie market.
Tiie Elborta is equal to any demand.
Judge Parker refuses to talk politics,
bat there are strong indications that
tie knows haw to think politics rather
eloquently.—Washington Post.
Tiie sunniest creod ever framed will
not keep lilts shady side entirely out of
night. But-it wilt make tho shiny side
look brighter by contrast.
Tiie follow ing new industrial organs
rations were reported last week:
Brunswick—(10,(IU0 land and lumber
Macon—$10,000 brick works; candy
Interests friendly to the Georgia,
Florida and Alabama Railway have
parcharsedjthe Carrabcllo, Tallahassee
and Oerogia Railroad, extending) a dis
tance of forty miles |from’Carrabellu to
Tullahassoe, undjwill operate it. Whilo
tho road lias not been bought by the
Georgia, Florida and Alabama, it is un
dorstood (hut Mr. J. P. Williams, who
is president of tho latter road, is the
principal purchaser of the recently nr.
q nited property. *
We understand that there is a strong
probability that Hon. Fondrcn Mitchell
of Thomas county will again be in the
race for speaker of the next House.
Should he do so thorn's no donbt that he
will make a strong race. Mr. Mitchell
is considered the best parliamentarian
in the house and with Ids fairness and
ability lie would muke a fine presiding
officer. John Slaton ''of Fulton is al
ready in the race olid tho^are others
who may also enter.
■ Capt. .loliu Trij»!«»r would raako a
good dclegatc aC large to f lic St. Louis
convention, and un luftMiy will be
uamed. • •" • '
To be tired out from bard work or bodily
exercise is natural and rest is the remedy, but ik
there is an exhaustion without physical exer- *
tion and a tired, never-rested feeling—a weari
ness without work that is unnatural and shows
some serious disorder is threatening the health. One of the chief canses of
that "Always-tired, never-rested condition" is impure blood and bad circu
lation. Unless the body is nourished with rich, pure blood there is lack of
For over four years I suffered with general debility,
cleg become weak, the dl- eenslng a thorough breaking.downcf mr system. Mr
rration impaired, and oouein, who haa been benefited by S. H. 8.. told me
-i “ about it. I tried it end it cured me. I heartilr re
general disorder occurs commend B. B. 8. to oil who may 10-1 tbe need ot a
torodghout the system. thoroatfUy good blood tonlo jogYonra^ral^
Debility, insomnia, ner- 44 w. Ninth Bt., OolunMeTTstur
vousness, indigestion,
dyspepsia, loss of appetite, strength and energy, and the hundreds of little
ailments we often have are due directly to a bad con
dition of the blood and circulation, and the quickest
way to get rid of them is by purifying and building
up tbe blood, and for this purpose no remedy equals
S. S. S., which contains tbe best ingredients for
cleansing tbe blood and toning np tbe system. It is a vegetable blood purifier
and tonic combined, that enriches the blood, and through it the entire system
Is nourished and refreshing sleep comes to the tired, never-rested, body.
Woman Wlro Poneo, Firm Proof Roofing, Jpra9 Pumps, Momt
W« wilt Maks II trTtar Maras! ta Flfira wttfc l
Boiler Works
Shops and
Ig JZakos, Sopmrmfom
The boy or girl with a
Has the joliiest vacation.
Ever tried making pictures
from start to finish? It’s fun
with the right material. Let
us show you!
$1 and $2.
Brownie Developing Machine,
10 Copies of Rer. T. DeWitt Talmage’i
"Travels in tbe Holy Land”
—Will be—
In the Times-Enterprise “Dot” Contest.
These hooka are os exhibition now at
oar store. They' are splendid works,
which sell for $2.75 each and will be ao
ornament to any homo.
J. E. Robison & Co's.
Book Store, ,
Broad Street, • Thomasville, 6a
Quaint, Queer and Curious Salt Laka
The late Col. John Cockerell in The
Cosmopolitan said “There are three uni
que. cities in America, and one of these
is Salt Lake City." It is not only uni
que in its temple, tabernacle and other
Mormon church institutibns, but quaint
in appearance, with its wide streets,
The Booth Oeorgia Railway Company
runuiug through Berrien and Brooks
comities has added 17,000*to it’s tax re
turns, over last year. ItMtho|only road
iu tho state that has inoreasedftthe tax
values agreed upon bv tho board of; ar
bitration last year. South Georgia just
can't help progressing.
Tho AtlantA*News is furnishing some
interoftipg readiug*matter theao days
regarding the fight made against the re-
election of national Xoommitteeman
Clark Howell; We are some distance
from the seat of war but wo liavo an
idea that Howell will oome ont on top.
The Maoon Telegraph declares that
tho Hearst invasion has not shown np
in tho state. We are compelled to ad
mit that there are evidences of it in the
Second Congressional District.
Col. W. T. Rovill of Meriwether will
probably be a candidate for speaker.
This announcement will be a sort of
reveille for tho other candidates.
Say if thoro was goiug to bo a chump
exhibit at tho World’s Fair don’t you
know a lot of promising candidates for
the blue ribbon?
Now tluit the county commissioners
mm plauniug for good roads, wouldn’t
it behoove the city council to girejthem
an example by fixing up the city streets?
News report* say tho Czar will fight to
tho bitter cml. If the end is like the
beginning a mixture of g.dl and worm- j
wood will be like treacle compared lo
. * ‘Nick’s dose.
• - ' |
gf. ...Gnuidma Advertiser ot Montgomery ^
gently chides us when it says: “The
g Thompsvilie Times-Enterprise is getting
xlisreepoctful when it alludes to a cor-;
tain Presidential aspirant as "Saffron ;
Rill.” * Ybufow by anyother name will
^Eo^aabad, a
Timbers of oak keen the old
^mestend standing through
ie years. It pays to use the
mat stuff.
“Men of oak" are men in
tgged health, men whosi
’dies are made of the sound-
■t materials.
Childhood is the time to lay
he foundation for a sturdy eon-
itution that will last for years.
Scott's Emulsion is the right
Scott’s Emulsion stimulates
■ie growing powers of childvfcn,
.dps them build a firm
A New selenitic Dlscoverg
lor (he
It purifies the blood by eliminating the
waste matter and other impurities and by
destroying the germs or microbes that
infest tho blood. It builds up tiie blood
by restoring and multiplying the red cor
puscles, making the blood rich and red
It restores and stimulates the nerves,
causing a full free Row of nerve force
throughout the entire nerve system. It
speedily cures unstrung nerves, nervous,
ness, nervous prostration and all diseases
of the nervous system.
RYDALES TONIC is a specific for sit
forms of Malaria. It sets on a new prin
ciple. It kills the microbes that produce
Malaria. The cause being removed the
disease quickly disappears. RYDALES
TONIC Is guaranteed to euro tho most
obstinate cases of Malarial Fever, Chills
and Fever, Ague, etc. We authorize all
dealers handling our remedies to refund
the purchase price for every bottle of.
RYDALES TONIC that docs not give
me Radical Remedg Company.
The Best Cow Fo d
mense blocks and martial rows orshade
trees. It has, perhaps, more attractions
to the square yard than any city in tbe
country, and its climate, while temper
ate all the year round, is particularly
be I delightful in summer. The Great Stilt
Lake, with its magnificent Saltair resort,
! where the water is “deader and denser”
, than that in the Dead Sea in Palestine
Cost less and is rhee , «eaie-ti‘ san T ct i on in that people
O ^ I come miles to see. 1 here are many
milk and butter producer!™ 1 ” 10 ”" 1 *'" 3 ^ 1 ^'’' 50 " 5 nei,rb Y‘ i
■ ■ *• 1 also numerous very pretty canon and
on me market. | park drives, and hot sulphur springs
«.mibmbw..anbmwwBMBBBiimmmm_____ I Fishing and hunting can be had in every
Put up by the Rais*'at p u . l direc,ion ' The tr, p from Uenvcr
rina Co
Come down «nci let us talk to you
w e have just rec ived a car of w oold-
bridge Jeliico
The Thomasville Ice Company
Dealers in Ice, Soda Water, Wood, Coal, Hay and Grain.
of either »
Salt Lake City and Ogden, via thcU^en-
:r & Rio Grande and the Rid* jitnde
»Vestern, is one of unsurpassed pleas
ure. Here nature is found in her stern
est tnood and the whole line is a suc
cession of rugged canons, waterfalls
and picturesque valleys. No European
trip can compare with it in graudeur of
scenery. During the entire summer
there will be low excursion rates to Salt
Lake City and contiguous country. It
is on the road to the Pacific coast, it
that be your destination. Write S. K.
Hooper, G. P. & T. A., Denver, Oofo,
for beautifully illustrated pamphlets,
etc 8-1-03-f imos.
NERVINE PILLS. ceMlveuseof Tobaccot
Opium which leads to Consnmn lion und Insanity. With every $5 order we guaranee 1
cure or refund the money. Hold at 11.00 per box. 8 boxes fc~ “* "■
Dll MOTTOCHEMICAL cX)..iL’levelnnd. Ohio.
i boxes for fS.00. By I’Hlterson Drug 1
Faistess Eye Water.
.Jr ThtaU Momorial Day and it. pro) or j ... ,
gftferenco win oome «. matxrofj : ‘’undation for a sturdy constt-
conmin ThomoariUe. Every one In) tUDon.
' tha city ha* the doeprad love and rever-; Send for fr...amol*.
, ftif the bvOM who wore the gray, j scott * bowne, Ch*mlat*.
JO-415 Pearl Streat* New Y01
50c. and 91.00t all druasleta*
A quick nud siifo euro, a certain cure, a
painless cure for
Its equal has never been discovered for
Prepared only by
Dickey Eye Water Co.,
Manufacturing Chemists, Enfnulu, Ala.
Successors to Dr. J. A. Dicker,
' Bristol, Tenn.
Price 25 cents. For sale by Druggists.
Greatest Discovery of the Age,
••Secret oi Health.”
A fruit and vegetable compound for
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach,
Heart Burn, and all diseases arising from a
disordered stomach or torpid liver.
A great appetizer and flesh producer. Nothing better as a spring tonic.
• —Price, 50 cts. and 51.00 per bottle.--
For sale by all first-claw* dealer?, r- *^-nt ptebaid, in lots of 3 large bottles, or 5
. small ones, on receipt of price.
Wholesale rates on application. Reliable agents wanted in every town in the
Unitt d States.
Mathews Medicine Co., : : Americus, Qa.
Handsome patterns, Ready-to-wear
Hate, Flowers, Laces, Ribbons, Orna
ments, L^ntrimmed and Lace Hats of
all the new and pretty shapes. Pleas*
: ant sales ladies. Experienced Trimmers.
All will be found at Mrs. J. A. Epply's
Millinery Store in Masury Hotel
—ww 1 • uwnivb, wiiuiinaiB, 1 Mill me
Van for the dead, honor for the living i hoo-4IS P.»rl str**«. N*w York, j'Phone 171. GenUomoh and ladies
wiS to Bn progrem her* today.
straw and felt hata also cleaned at SQc.
It Will Bear Inspection.
Plumbing, Tinning, and Sheet Metal Work we Do.
Why not have yonr work done so you will not be liable to a case of typhoid fever
in your family? We know hotv to do
and that is all the kind we expect to do. When iu need of that kind call on ns
We guarantee all new work lor 1 year
>’.w 10? Madison Street. 'Phone 251.
R-I-P-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
good prescription
For mankind.
The u-cenfc packet is enough for
occasions. The family bottle IGOots.]
contains a supply for a year. All drug-
gists sell them. 5.9
This is not a gentle word—-but when
you think how liable you are not to
purcltase the only remedy universally
known and a remedy that has had the
largest sale of any medicine in the
world since 1868 for the cure and treat
ment of Consumption und Throat and
Lnng troubles without losing its great
popularity all these years, you will be
thankful we called yonr attention to
Boschee’s German Syrup. There are so
many ordinary cough remedies made by
druggists and others that are cheap and
good for light colds perhaps, but for se
vere Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup—and
especially for Consumption, where
there is difficult exj)ectoratiou and
coughing during the nights and mom-
ings, there is nothing like German Svr-
The 25 cent sizo has just been in
tro dneed this year. At S. H. Price C
12 inch Cane Mill,
14 inch Cane Mill,
10 inch Cane Mill,
18 inch Cane Mill,
We can furnish the alx>ve
frames at a small oost. It will
18 90
24 50
20 4
in Aron
l>uy you
The Thomasvillo Odd Fellows who
visited Bainbridgo bring back roseate
narrations of tha .cordiality and hospi
tality with which they were teated
South Georgia towns give an example
of the scriptural phrase. “Behold how
good and joyful a thing it is for breth
ren to dwell together in unity.”
Driver of Valdosta is iu the
L. F.
C. P. Leach and W. A. Parker prom-
inent Bostonians were recent visitor*
to Thomasville.
Miss Mande Gruzard of Colnmbns is
tho attractive gnest of Mrs. A. Me
to call on us before you buy.
Works near A. C. L. K. R. Depot.
P. O. 102; Telephonos tag and 210.
Makes A Clean SWefep.
There's nothing like doth* a thin*
thorongUjr Cf all the sal™ yon eve?
heard of, Bucklen’s Arnica Salve is tho
best. It sweeps away and cores Buns,
cores, Bruises, CnU, Boils, Ulcers, sUs
Eruptions and Piles. It’s only 28c sod