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If you had a ho ise that brought you an income of $100 each year wouldn’t you
insure it for $1,000?
You certainly would, all good business men do.
You Would do it knowing that your house may never burn and you may never get
bac?£ one cent you have paid for this insurance.
If your earnings are $1C0 per year are you being fair to your family and estate
if you do not protect them by taking out life insurance?
You can do this knowing that you are sure to die and get back more than you
have paid in
Or teat after a certain period, ’f you are still living, you can get back all you
have paid in cash and have a nice sum laid up for a rainy day or old age
Any man or woman in good health can take advantage of this proposition by
maaing application for a policy of insurance to the
Cat this oat uud mail it.
• luniHiimiiiiiMiinMUiiiNiHitHimiti tut
Fill out the coupon and mail it to us for full information.
C. M. & E. H. SMITH,
l • '
General Agents, Thomasville, Ga.
r O. M. & E. H. Smith, General Agents, The Prudential Z
: Ins. Co. of America. Thomasville, Ga.
5 Dear Sirs:
: Without expense to me and without committing my-
z self to any action, will you send me further informa*
: tionas to insurance policy on my life.
z I was bom on the day of J
.18 .
My occupation is
Yours truly,
for information: the first year tor the reason that every-
To thk Road and Bkiimik Committee, thiug in the way of road machinery.
Gentlemen; tools stock, wagons, etc.,»wonl<Lhavn to
Iu compliance with your request, b® bought. We beliovo the time is not
wo submit herewith hurriedly, for your f»r distant when uil tho counties in the
information, lliU rej>ort of the condi* state will be required to work their mU-
tion of the roads and bridges of this demeanor convictp or hire them to other
comities that do work them.
Light Vote Docs Not Signify Lack of B. E. Chastain Gets $2,000 from T. T. Rumor says Japs have Opened fire.
Names on Registration Book. and G Railroad. and Landsd Troops There.
In January 1908 Mr. Chastain was iu* troops which will probably endeavor
re- jnrrd while cm the railroad train, and to effect a junction with forces which
General presentments of Gram! Jury
cho»cn and sworn for tho April term of
1904 of Thoinux Superior <k>urt.
Tulnt ouMic nrlrtv of Z Mon’ofThT'rmui* aodbridgoVYr'rids <Wnmanor convict, or hire thorn to other Thcli »'" t TOt<) "* Wednesday’, primary The Superior Coort -pent the day Sat- New York, April ii.-A WorlddiSpatch
aminatirnof tin public property o th- ^ counties that do work them. doesnot indicate a paucity of names on nrday iu consideration of a single cose, from St. Petersburg says the Japanese Rntiifletl llmt the ixtor ‘’ . wrouel.t » “ uunocowary for u. to'atatu tho |ho registration book. hot rather tho that of B. E. Chastain against the Tif- are reported to have bombarded N.w-
honse is in such good condition with on- ‘ K great advantages to tlie mraldi.trictaot ,not that there was small interests in inn, Thomasville and Golf railroad chang. Tl.oygrc reported to have land-
iy four inmates, that the court house is great damage to our highway, and ! ^ " ‘he contest of that dnv.
in go&l repair, that tl.e jail is neatly bridges. Ont of about 180 bridges, • ? °“ 1 roa > Tll “ y orB " re “ I ™ pert T The registration to date
srsassesrs — —. SLZ —— «*«»-«-« —.». — — *.
made to the jail as it iuadeqaate ^ ona8 , iwodily the „igen. We would he glad If this grand jnry white voter. 467, [are from the Thomas- city and J. L. Sweat of Waycrosa who "(*>■ There I. no confirmation of tho
keepandcarc cr ;e pn. cics of the case wonld admit. Allot wonld recommend this change, leaving TlUe dl * tr,ct - represented the railroad company
m 18 * ,C * the bridges lrnvo been rebuilt or repair- it to tho county commissioners to inau* The registration will be farther in- sought to have tho case dismissed on a —
are correct y an* uea y i p ed with the exception ot two largo ones rate the new system a* soon as they creascd before tho date of tho county demurrer. It went before the jury Russia neuotiatixo for warships.
e aspects y estre oc on the Ochlockonee river. *Tlieoneou found it practlc.blo to do so. primary in August, as auy voter has the however, and a considerable amoontof Parili Aprl[ ga—Information has
„mc.eut Tar. Oo lector frtl > J* | Jones road i. nearing completion, Respectfully snbmitted. privilege of registering nntil within ten of evident* was adduced and lengthy offlctel . hero ,hatZTl.D^
ord in collection of tnxe. for the last ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B . M. (ten, ** of the primary.- Up to the preset arguments made. go tiatlng ^ Oroece
O Hcni,...are tain bridge will be rebuilt within the Chairman Comity Commissioner.. ,imo " ,e conutT campaign has been The jury retired about four o'clock for the of warship.. Tho fn-
TheJnsttcosoftho Pescedocke are ^ f#w We desire to commend tho County ^t within the next and remained ont two hours. When tbe nego£tion» with
The roads in some reotion. of the Commissioners for their faithful effort, volopment. wiU come that will make.v they returned they brought * « "rdlct Greece will be unsucceraful, whU. there
ride th^es wlT^^eia county, notah.y on the west side, are 1- the matter of speedy repairing of the embody anxlonMo register and vote. „ ^fo, Jh a_ pUlntlff who am. re^ ^Argentina htag# on
Tlie Treasurer’s report lias been ex- well worked and are kept in good con- bridges in the county that were destroy- An Attractive Policy-
.mined and found to be correct. ditlou. In other sectioua the people are Bd •’Y ,,ie ot “ fow «noutb« aiuce. Attention is called to the ad. of tho
We recommend that J. B. Everctte bo more indifferent about good roads. We In taking lesvo of the_ Court, wo do- Fnulklin Llfe , D . O. Barrow, General
resented by Roddenbory and Luke.
The railroad attorneys gave notice
that, new trial would be asked for.
„ Rissis lookixo von Hoxrr.
, ,. . . . Peace for the have advocated for throe years a change *1™ to thank Ids Honor, Robt. G. Hitch- Agent, in anothor column. The Frank- U b° n 'bo complction of this case conrt p.^,, April a.—A European eeono-
appointed Justice of tho Peacorortnc ..... nil fnr liii si,In i. „ , ... adjourned nntil Monday morning. • . _
"Mth district O M instead of M. H. ,n our °f working the raids, ou, for ms able charge to ns in the bo- Hn i. a purely mutuul, profit sharing, • mist says that Ra«ia is negotiating
‘ Tlml J E Hurst he T,l ° P ra,ont »y"t«m is ont of date, ghming of tills session. old line compary, oporating under the Miss I-yda Stanaland, city, who has with principal French banka for a loss
p d oftlclo j p 0 , m »“7 Of the counties in this state have 'Yo greatly appreciate the conrteaies Registration and Compnlsory Deposit been attending Stanley’s Basinet, Col- of one hundred and fifty million dollars
J, ,*r. M ■ ,1 „r J K long since cast aside the present system and assistance of onr able Solicitor Gen- Law of the Stato of Illinois, which lego, has accepted a position aa stenog- five per cent, four-year tressnry bonds,
tlio luord diatnet u. ai. iiihieau oi w. ... , , . crn i w v Tlmmu* ..... . _ .. . . . _
and have inaugurated tho ijatein of eral * w *
tho 753rd district G. 1
Barrow, resigned.
It having been forcibly impressed np-
makes the legally constituted Insurance rapher to the President of Andrew Fe* to be plaoed at 96. The statement'll'
working their misdemeanor convists on B Permit us to thank all the’ofticurs of Department of that state tho trustee or male College, Cuthbert, Ga.
not verified.
, „ . their roads. To make this cluinge it is the court for their promptnese and as- gnardiau of the required reserve funds Dr J B Palmer. Ochlockonee’s new ' ’
on us tliat from year to year that there B sUtanofi * *. # raimer, wmocaonee anew Death of Mlaa Sherwood.
A of ♦h« Uw necessary for tlie grand jury to recom- ■>*»nee. necessary to the fulfillment of the terms physician was in the city on Friday. ,, . „ , , „
« an increase mend it specifically. Our worthy tax In conclusion we are indebted to our »ud conditions of the company's out- D r. Palmer is a recent graduate of the A I ° C !° C 1 8M " d »Y evening thei*
which prohibits .e ca y g - co , loctor lnform< „ tllat thcro ar0 be- presiding officer. Dr. Cnliwppsr, for his standing policies, the very test security University Medical School at Angnsta ^ '
tween 3,000 and 3,800 persons in tho great aid to us iu tho dispatel, „f tho tobelnul. Mr. DnvidO. Burrow, who and 1. a competent and clever gentle- Jau0 Sherwood aged 71yejre.
business of this session. has been the Company's General Agent man. „ TZZZ? W “_- ff? °
are emi»wered under the code to levy a recommend that these present- for Son thorn Georgia ever since it on-
oommatation tax upon such persons; also nlen la be published in the Tiincs-Enter- tered the South, has an enviable record
ual avocations ou tho Sabbath day, we
desire tlie olficers of the county to be
vigilant in apprehending those perecna
who may hereafter violate this law,
Geo. A. Whitney With whom the had •
gucli os sale of anything of merchandise
other than medicine. k
Through our committees wo have ex
amined the roads of the county nnd^find
some of them in fairly good condition,
others are in very bad condition.
We recommend the adoption of tho
to levy an advalorem tax not to exceed I ,risc at the cx * )onfio of the connt y*
1*2.00 per thousand, same to be known Respectfully Submitted,
its the Public Road Fund. Wo estimate J. T. Cuijieppor, Foreman.
that, from this source by taxing tho A C Dickey,
' T W Lewis,
road hands $3.00 per capita, we wonld y w Howell.
receive f9,000 We do not think it* J G Patterson,
Judge J N. Barrow, one of tho oldest lived almost all her life and atwhoi
justices and notaries in the conuty has home nho died. Her death is deepl
resigned from hl8'omcein'the r 753d,“dis- mourned not only by her sUtor but h
l>eare(i on .ho com,«ny'sMonthly Bulle- trict G. the Ro». O. Sherwood
both as an agency organizer and us a
personal producer. His ageucy has np-
J.1S Watt.
ayfetem of read working a. ia embodied WOa,I > »» «iece«»ry to levy a greaicr W HIColiin,/
* rate that *l.00 per thousand uiwn prop- *2 / aiiiton,
,, . , , W II Brandon,
erty. Estimating the property valua- j ^ Ward, Jr.
tion of the county at $0,000,000, wo J A Thomas,
•eeive from this source $5,000 In Thomas
in the rode of 1895, sections 673 to 583
inclusive, and, as is amended by the
acts of 1903, and that the county com
missioners be ordered to put*it in elTect
as soon^us possible. The following com
munication from Ciq»t. E M. Smith,
chairman of tho board of county com-
tin every month this year ns one of the Mr.John Watt came home from Macon Whitney and her neioe Miss Mabello
ten leading General Agencies of tho yesterday morning. He went to see his w *'*tney t0 whom she was greatly at- -
United States. He knows his business old college-mates on the Davidson team She died as she had ttveSQ* 7
thoroughly and push os it for all ho is aofior defeat at Mercer’s hands. dovout Christian woman. ^ ,
worth. He acts honestly with those lie
making a total of $14,000. Tiis large Term 1904
sum woald probably bo necessary the and I7x. Ollicio J. P. is hereby made
first year, but we 'think that ufter this re-ommended. The other foregoin n
-r.v — " - time, the advalorem. tax could lie with- omtnendations ordered and observed,
missioners explains tlie couditiou of
t a %~iA * « mA drawn. This largo mount ut necessary Robt. Mitchell. Judge S. C. T. C,
oads and bridges and we submit same *
4: T C*> ^r-1®-e-’ }
T T Thompson,
II G Cannon,
las McKinnon,
W S Bullock,
J M Pilcher,
Win McMillan.
W H Fambroogh,
J B Way,
T ] Ball.
Kedar Powell,
Su])Crior Conrt, April Judgment
Tho appointment for N*. P. to his needs. Ho represents Mr.JA. A.J Ailigood, a prominent citi- nl days.
: Miss’ Fredrica Oakley of Tliomaaville Dr ' A ’ P ’ T " lor camc ,lomo !
* • .'iii*h, r reanca uaiioy 01 inomastme .
doos bus",ca, with, and this baa caused |j*,»n'iUngseveral week, with l..raUteV, fw® “*«>». 3»l>er« ho taa J
many anion to loave it entirely to his jjj-i,. H. W. McCrory.—Monticello New*. h~» to ottendanco on . tho’ ft M
the State Medical Association for revet' ' ft
* to tho form of policy In st
without misrepresenting.' This tolls tho zon of Meigs,
whole story of fain success. Here is hop. tillo Friday.
1 a visitor to Thomas.
Thojiamo of W. M. BroOlts.of Bos'Ob,
iustead of Artimr Dickey. -
lit l Ui'U
If } i 1 f‘i'' J
i / H7HI I.
fif I H i\ 1
bllilj) f
• -1!. iHliuOU
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