Newspaper Page Text
Recommend That Convlete Work
Roeda and Othar Actions*
Mean. J. O. Collier and F. M.
dtevens, of Barnesrille, am attending
Thomas Superior Court.
Is located on Brand street, opposite
Pinny Woods Hotel,
is an up-to-date Hospital for for sick horses, mules and dogs.
Up-To-Date Implements
for performing all kinds of operations on animals.
Examination free. Board accost.
J. C. Schwencke, D. V. S.,
Thomasville, Ga.
Local and Personal,
Hon. Washington Desun of Macon is
here oil legal business.
Ool. W. S. Humphries of Moultrie
true in town Thursday.
Min Hattie Fambrongh of Boston
was a recent visitor to Thomasville.
Oalegatosto State and Congressional
Conventions Appointed. Pavo'e Vote
Added to List. Other Political Newa 1
Miss Rosalind Davis of Macon, arrived
Thursday evening Jto be the guest of
Miss Docile Linton for several days.
Hou. J. L. Sweat of Wayoross, who
is a candidate for delegate-at-large to
the national convention, spent Thursday
in town.
Our Valentine.
We furnish IT, either ROUGH or DRESSED, and that too of the VERY BEST
This you already know, the words we speak are surely TRUE. We are too
busy filling orders to look yon up, but if yon want the best of any thing in onr
line quick, ’Phone 204, and the old man will do the rest.
Ont by the Crate Factory on Boston road. Visitors are welcome, day or night
Get Prices from
him before
—YOU BUY.- -
Thoroughbred Chickens.
Barred Plymouth Rock and White Wyandotte
EGOS. Price $1.00 per setting 15 eggs.
C. W. COCHRAN & BRO„ - Thomasville, Ga.
Mr. A. F. Berry of Metcalfe was
visitor to the oity Thursday. Mr. Berry
is a Justice of the Peace and a promi
nent man in his section.
Mrs. Fred O. Nourse and Miss Ella
Nourse left Thursday morning for their
home in the White Monntians of New
Hampshire, where Mr. Nourse owns a
summer hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Thome and
their party of friends who have been
at Wildwood, their beautiful country
piaoe for several months, left Thursday
morning for their home in Chicago.
Dr. J. A. McLcay and wife are iu the
city and will become residents of Thom-
asviile for several months at least. They
have rented the Davies cottage on lower
Broad street. Dr. McLeay has been
house physician at a number of large
resort hotels In the north and south,
and comes here from Pnlm Beach.
Ool. S. B. Van D>ke and wife joined
Major Ed Smith and wife, Ool. George
Weatherford and wife, and other Mont
gomery people on a Coast Line private
car Thursday morning. They will
spend two weeks in Homosassa, St.
Petersburg, Punta Gorda and other
paints, in pursuit of the finny denizens
of Floridian waters.
Mr. J. 0. Wardlaw went Friday af
ternoon to Tifton, Ga. He acted as one
of three judges in tlio intercollegiate
debate between Valdosta, Moultrie, Tif
ton, Sparks, Obo and Arabi.
Csas Against C- & S- M. Wolff for Re
moval of Fixtures. Other Court News.
Evans & Son
Sell the best
The best
(Stmlebaker and Tennessee.)
The best
Call on us before buying.
Jas. F. Evans & Son,
The Superior Court pnt in a long and
busy day Friday. Three civil cases
were tried. In the care of the J. O. Col
lier Co., against W. 0. Jenkins, a ver
dict for the plaintiff of (186.88 was ren
dered. Mr. Jenkins was formerly a saw
mill operator near OooUdge and the ac-
connt was for supplies famished him by
the Collier Company, a|Barnesvillo firm.
The second case was that of the Watt
Supply Company against H. E. Thomp
son. This case was for house furnish
ings, supplies etc. famished the wealthy,
resident, at his horns here, but it was
non-suited upon motion of Thao Titos,
the defendant’s attorney.
A| case of much interest that occupied
the time of the court for several hoars
was that of S. Sampson, against Charles
Wolff and 8. M. Wolff. The plaintiff
bought the building occupied as a store
room by the Messrs. Wolff. When they
moved to their present location in the
Mitchell house block, Mr. Sampson con
sidered that they had taken with them
certain fixtures and appliances that
should have been left in tlio building.
The jury rendered a verdict of (325 in
favor of the plaintiff. Theo Tit ns and
Fondren Mitchell represented Mr.
Sampson. The cate will be carried to
the supreme court.
The court will continue in session to
morrow and inch civil case* as have not
been disposed of by the end of the day
will have to remain over until next term.
The first case to be celled will be that
of Jos. H. Brown vs. H. E. Thompson,
suit being brought for the sum of aboat
♦300, alleged to be dne on inte
rior deoorating done by the plaintiff at
the defendant's home hero.
Thursday at 13 o'clock Chairman O,
P. Hansell of the County Executive
Committee consolidated the returns
from the comity and transacted other
politicals ubuless for the county. Tlio
only change in the vote ns published in
yesterday’s paper is caused by the fact
that the returns from the Pavo district
are added.
There were 39 votes polled there. Of
theseJStrickland received 1 and Turner
38, Knssell 3 and Simmons 37. The re-
snlt therefore only, tended to increase
the majorities of the successful candi
dates. The official returns are as fol
Simmons 239
Tamer... 208
Strioklaud 118
Governor Terrell
Secretary of State Cook 818
Comptroller General Wright
Treasurer Park
Attorney General Hart
School Commissioner Merritt-. 318
Commissioner Stovens 311
Jndge Fish 832
Judge Evans 322
Judge Lamar 322
Congressman Griggs 331
Solicitor Thomas 831
At the mass meeting of Democrats on
March Kith, the folio, ing gentlemen
were nominated as delegates and alter
nates totlie State Convention that meets
tn Atlanta on Jane ist: H. W. Hop-
king, Fondren Mitchell, Wilson M.
Hardy, 8. A. Roddenbory, Walter Davis
of Cairo and B. M.Comfort of Boston.
Alternates wore elected as follows: Dr.
J. F. Harris, Pavo, H. O. Copeland, Met-
oalfe, E E. Wilkes, Meigs, J, B. Roun
tree, Barwick, W. S. Wight, Cairo, J.
W. H. Mitchell.
The right to appoint those delegates
rests with the chairman of the county
committee. Capt. Hansell officially ap
pointed these gentlemen yesterday, and
they will cast the six votes, of the coun
ty for the snccessfnl nominees at the
The Congressional Convention of the
Second Dlstriot meets In Albany on
April 29th. It will name Congressman
James M. Griggs, who has no opposition.
Ospt Hansell appointed the following
delegates from Thomas: E. E. Wilkes
of Meigs, W. M. Dickey of Basina, John
Triplett, John D. McCartney and Hngli
J, MacIntyre of Thomasville.
Capt. Triplett was appointed the mem
ber of the Congressional Executive Com
mittee of the Second Distriot from
Thomas county.
It is a tw-horse riding cultivator and without'
doubt the best one made. It took first pretninm at
Georgia State Fair.
None of our customers who have bought one
would be withoui it.
We also have a good supply of other farm fools
such as Disc Harrows, One-Horse Cultivators, Cot-.
ton and Corn Planters, Chilled Plows, Avery Stocks,
Dixie Boy Plows and in fact anything you need for
We want your trade and are willing to make .
low prices to get it.
Would Gall Attention
To tlio Colnmbia Disc Graphophone -which is bringing so much pleasure to
thousands of homes tliroughont this broad land of ours, and which yon oah en
joy just as wall; they are proving everything that have been said of them,anon-
tertainer in the home. A number of the newest models can be seen at
130 Broad St.
Service is tbs kind people want When on* receives
the worth of Ms money he Is satisfied and eomts again.
Our Work
Most plsass oar onstomsre. W# keep boss kat akfflod
msa who “know how,''
Carriages, Buggies and Wagons
Repaired, Painted and Trimmed.
214-266 SOUTH BROAD,
Opposite Plney
Woods Hotel.
Sunday School Workers,Will Maks
tArrangsmants for Picnic-
Hard Fought Land Cass Oseldsd In
Favor of Plaintiff.
Ashler and MeRao In Lowndes.
Valdosta, Ga., April 21.—(Special to
Tfmss-Entorprise.)—The four cornered
legislative nos between C. R. Ashley,
Ed. McKee. Randan Walker and Whit
aker, was decided by the official count
today in favdr of Ashley aqd S^cRss.
The third day'a solid grind on the case
of Mrs. F. E. Nelson vs. Wm. Miller,
saw the conclusion and verdict in favor
of the plaintiff. Thu arguments before
the jury commenced at half past eight
Thursday morning. Daring the mom-
ing Theo Titos for the plaintiff and
Fondren Mitchell and J. H. Merrill for
the defendant delivered brilliant and
effective speeches.
in the afternoon Capt. Wm. Hammond
for the plaintiff spoke for more than
three hoars. His tffort was a) remark
able one and his eloquence drew a
crowd that packed the court rooms to
the doors. He paid his respects to the
defendant in no uncertain terms.
Tits jury retired aboat five o'clock
and remained oat several hoars finally
bringing in a verdict for the plaintiff.
The attorneys for the defense stale that
the ease will be carried to the supreme
court. It Involves the ownership of
several hundred acres of land near Cool-
idge said to have been fraudulently ob
tained from the plaintiff by the defend
ant. The case aroused modi interest,
end its ootoome' will be watched by
Preparations for the big Sunday
School picnio at which the Sunday
Schools of Thomasville and Monticello
will unite, are well under wsy.
The picnic will be Held at Monticello,
on May 6th, one week from next Friday.
Tlie railroad will ran a special train
leaving here at 8:30 a. m. and retaining
at 6:80 p. m. The fare will be fifty
oents for the round trip for adnlts, and
25 cents for children.
The general committee of tiie Thom
asville schools met Saturday, afternoon
and appointed the following committees:
W. M. Reese, J. M. Massey and W.
A. Pringle.
Fondren Mitchell, Ardis McDongald,
Perry Strickland, Paul Dickey, Cyras
Heeili and C. G. Goohring.
D. C. Barrow, W. M. Hardy, Chas.
X. Balfour, J. Scott Hunter. A. P,
Harley, J. H. Spence and Wm. Miller.
Messrs. J. M. Massey, W. M. Hardy
and A. H. Williams, will go to Monti-
oello this week to confer with the com
mittees there on arrangements, grounds
Meadow Wins.
Atlanta, Ga., Apr. 21. (Timss-Enter-
prise Special.)—D. W. Meadow carries
Northern Circuit for Solicitor General
by 1,888majority over J. L Vandnxsr of
The grand Jury whioli has beeq ifi
session since Monday morning adjourned
yesterday afternoon at half post five
o’clock. The jury accomplished a tre
mendous amount of work and their pre
sentments are able and interesting.
Tlie condition of tbs pnbllc roads de
manded much of their timo and atten
tion. They recommended a step of
great importance viz; that the system
of working the misdemeanor convicts on
the publio roads bo inaugurated. A let
ter from Capt. E. M. Smith, chairman
of the .boar i --onnty commissioners tell*
tlio method by wliich this system may
be installed, the probable 'cost, the
modo of taxation and othor details.
Sinco the grand jury has recommended
this step,the county commissioners, will,
as soon os possible, pnt it into effect.
Another important improvement that
is recommended is the addition of several
rooms to the county jail for the adequate
care of prisoners. t
Tlio jury also deprecates the increas
ing violations of the Sunday laws and
admonishes the officers of the law to
see to it that nothing bat medicino is
hereafter sold on the Sabbath.
The coiqmittoes report the books of
the connty officers and justices of the
peace to bo carefully kopt, and especial
ly commend Tax Collector Hecth.
The grand jury at this term was an
unusually fine body of men and every
lino of their presentments is interesting.
They will be pnblislied in full in the
sap™* 88