Newspaper Page Text
*«Pe-ru-na is an Excellent Spring Catarrh
Remedy—I am as Well as Ever.”
Hon. I>»n. A. Grosvenor, Pepnly Auditor for tho War Department,In a letter
'written from Washington, D. C., sayst
••Allow me to express my gratitude to you lor the benefit derived
from one bottle of Perunn. One week has brought wonderful changes
and I am now as well as ever. Besides being one of the very best
soring tonics It Is an excellent catarrh remedy. -
In a recent letter he :
i</ consider Peruna really more meritorious than I did when / wrote
you last I receive numerous letters from acquaintances all over the
rnnnirv msklnt me If mv certificate Is genuine. I Invariably answer.
country asking me If my certificate Is genuine,
yes.”—Dan. A. Qrosvenor.
A County Conunlffffli
stone r. of 617 'end «t »ei* t ,l)n 1 u t h
Minn., say* the foW ' K in repard to
Pterwna: \
*♦ Aft s retnctly for ctrtfcrrh I ran dicer-
folly rcooimnend Perunn. 1 know what
Jt U to suffer from that terrible disease
and I feel that it l* my duly to Hj^ak a
pood word for tho toulo Hint brought in**
immediate relief. Pertm.i eared mo of a w v
bad case of catarrh ami ! t.miw it will ( tarrh. For those who need a good
any other sufferer frjui (hat di.**-1 catarrh medicine 1 know of nothing
ouH 1 ."—John Williams.
A ConarmHiunn** l etter,
lion. 11. W. Ogden,ConpreHMiuan from
I^ouUiana, in a letter written at Wash
ington, I>. C., says the following of I’
runs, tin? national catarrh remedy:
** l can conscientiously recommend
your Pc run a as a tine tonic and ell
around good medicine to those who
aro In need of a catarrh remedy. It
has been commended to me by people
who have used it, as a remed,
ticularty effective In the cure <
. W. E. Grifllth, Concan, Texas, writes:
“ I suffered with chronic catarrh for
many years. I took Perunn and lfc com
pletely cured me. I think Peruna Is tho
best medicine in tho world for catarrh.
My general health is much improved by
its use, as I am much stronger than I
have been for years.”—W. E. Griflirh.
A CoDgrcuman’i Letter.
Congressman If. Bowen, Kuskinj Taze
well county, Va., writes: ■*..
“I can cheerfully recommend your
valuable remedy. Peruna, to any one
who Is suffering with catarrh, and who
Is in need of a permanent and effective
cure. n —H. Bowen.
Mr. Fred. D. Scott, Larue, Ohio, Right
Guard of Hiram Foot Ball Team, writes:
44 As a specific for lung trouble I place
Peruna at tho bead. I have used it my
self for colds and catarrh of tho bowels
and it is a splendid remedy. It restores
vitality, increases bodily strength and
makes a sick person well in a short it mo*
l gtvo Peruna my hearty indorsement.”
Fred. D. Scott.
Gen. Tra C. Abbott, 006 M street, N.
Washington, 1). C., writes:
44 1 am fully convinced that your rem
edy is an excellent tonic. Many of my
friends havo used it with the most ben
eficial results for.coughs, colds end ca
tarrhal trouble.”—Ira C. Abliolt.
Mrs. Elmer Fleming, orator of Reser
voir Council No. 168, Northwestern Lo-
gion of Honor, of Minneapolis, Mi mu,
Writes from 12636 Polk street, NK..:
44 1 have boon
troubled all my
lifo with catarrh
In my head. I
took Peruna for
about throe
months, and
now think I am
cured. I believe
that for catarrh
in all Its forms
Peruna is tbo
medieino of the
age. It cures when all other femedies
fail. I can heartily recommend Peruna
os a catarrh remedy.”—Mrs. Elmer
Fleming ^
Treat Catarrh In Spring.
The spring Is the tlmo to treat catarrh.
Cold, wet winter weather often retards
a euro of catarrh. If a course of Peruna
is taken during tho early spring months
the cure will be prompt and permanent.
There ran be no failures if Peruna is
taken Intelligently during the favorable
weather of spring.
As r» systemic catarrh remedy Peruna
eradicates catarrh from the system
wherever it may be located. It euros
catarrh of the stomach or bowels with
the same certainty ns catarrh of the head.
If you do not derive prompt nnd satis
factory results from the use *>f Peruna,
write at once to Hr. ITartmnn, giving a
full statement of your ease ami ho will
be pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Hr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman SanHnrliiin, Columbus,O.
Our Meigs Department.
Mrs. Rimer Fleming,
Minneapolis, Minn.
The ijjlr.ot t unuin^ wheel made Not
only light but strong, up to date coast
amf mal# i> wheeling a delight. Do you
farmer-, jenow that a good bicycle is ’
wor.h lb vou as much as a horse, Try it
and bt^nvinced. When the horse is tired
you run to a neighbor** or to town in 1
a short tune ami your horse will be ready j
for his work in the field. Buy a wheel j
and be independent. Also remember!
Star Brand Shoes
We can,how von almost any
hlyloof Shoe *ou nrclrokirg ter
See our lin** of Oxford*, the
Sh"06 yon want for snni" or wear,
and you kuow that
“Star Brand Shoes
we repair everything and sell lots of
hardw are. WERTZ A SON.
131 E. Jackson street.
T J & H. Megahee,
A Great Sensation.
There was a. big sensation in Lees-
irille, I no., when W. H. Brown of that
f ilacc, w ho was expected to die, had bis
lie saved by Dr. King's New Discovery
lor Consumption. He writes: ’*1 en
sured insufferable agonies fiom Asthma,
but your'Nfw Discovery gave me imme
diate relief and soon ttffrcaf er effected
a complete core." ^imil irt-urei- 1 C*.n
sumption, i ncuuiomu, Brunchm* and
Grip are numerous. It's the peer
less remedy for all throat and lung
trobbles. Price 50c. and $1.00. Guaran
teed by I. \V. Peacod' ^Druggist. |Tnal
bottles free.
It is Up
o You.
Ill \ aa surprised to find so many
odds aud ends of staple dinner
ware patterns on iny shell, 1 don’t
want them there, do you want
them, if you do you can have them,
lust conic down and get them.
What about the price you aiy;
well I will sell them for so little I
would hate to pub.fsh the price.
t Don’t you know what it is, well 1
l will tell you, it is the little house-
I wife that has one—the Wheeler
t Wilson or Hew Home Sewing
" chines. All sunshine and hap-
ess where C. B. Quinn scads a
. & W. or New Home,
New Livery Stable,
ID. Ba-arbex.
Special attention to commercial travelers.
Barber’s New Stable, : Cairo, G-a.
Nothing has ever equalled it
Nothing can ever surpass it.
Dr. King’s
New Discovery
Fof GI£ {i ™‘V"b*
A Perfect For All Throat and
Cure: Lung Troubles.
MffwvbMfclf ItMte. TrUl Bottles frw.
E«ga For Sal*.
Brown Leghorn eggs for sole. 11.00 . -
«"**",* Address Mr*. X
Neel, Boston, Go. MW | John V. Howard. T. R. T. O.
Tax Receiver.
I will be at:
Coolidgo, April, 26.
Pavo, April, 26, a. m.
Patten, April, 26, n. m.
Boston, April, 27.
Glasgow, April, 28.
Metcalfe, April. K.
Thomasville, Aptil, 30.
Duncanville, May, 2.
Cairo, May, 8.
Spence, l MoM.
oSoW «•
Pino Pork, May 7, a. m.
I will hors with me, o. provided by
Mister their
I3y J. S. Searcy.
Mr. W. H. Vtiulandingham of this efforts for thesu
place went to Cairo to spend Sunday
with home folks, or some ouo else.
Mr. Pittman Clarft of Ochlockiieo
was here Saturday tlie guest of Hay
wood Singletary.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Ross spent Sun
day iu Pelham.
Dr. Jackson of Flint is spending a day
or two with the family of Mr. T. \Y.
A fruitless effort was made last week
to organize the Woodmen of the World
at this place.
Mr. B. H. Shaw left Snuday after
noon for Piuhook, Fin., whore lie will
bi engaged iu lumbering. Mr. Shaw
aud Ills family are held iu high es
teem here, and I am sorry to see them
Last Friday was a bright day with
tho colored jieoplo here. Their secret
society, tho “Mystic Circle,” lost one of
its favored members. Slio was buried
by tho society. Tliero was a great cou-
conrso of people gathered to pay their
last respocts to Susau Brown. The
Mystics nil had ou their regalia and pre
sented inqiosingspectacle. All
went well till a belligerent cow broke
Into ranks mid caused a stampede muoug
the women.
I was very much pleased to see Kov.
J. B. Alligood on our streets Saturday.
His serious sickness a few months ago
caused much sadness among his numer
ous frieuds here.
Miss Minnie Lukoof this place spent
Sunday with her little friend, Miss Wil
lie Belie Golding tit Ilausell.
Mr. aud Mrs. C. B. Johnston went np
to Camilla ouo day last week.
Mr. K. M. Singletary is courting this
week iu Tliomasville.
Mr. Lemuel of Pelham was down in
this beat a few days since. No doubt
he was “prospecting.”
Mr. D. W. Rogers has moved his
family from Camilla to Hansell, and has
taken charge of tho big mills at that
place. The mills are the property of
the Meigs Manufacturing aud Lumber
Misses Josephine and Leila May Siu-
glutary of Thomasville, were visitors iu
the Conter Hill neighborhood a few days
last week.
of the occuhiou.
Bill Pilcher is thirty. But like his
graud old mistress, Mrs. Rebecca Pil
cher, who is only 81, ho is still spright
ly, and draws her buggy with as much
vim us lie can command. He hits been
an excellent horse. /
Mr. Muck Wilkes luis moved his fam
ily into his uow residence opposite the
Methodist church. Ho now law tho co
siest cottage iu this place.
Mr. .Charlie Browu of Adel is visiting
friends hero this week.
Mr. R. T. Lewis, who has been at
work near Cairo, came over Saturday
hud is sick at his home here.
The Silver Cornet Baud accompanied
tho picnickers to the river Tuesday aud
they say the boys made some fine music.
I hope they will, duriug those beautiful
moonlight nights, give this town the
benefit of their practice.
Crops are beigg worked by tho farm
ers up to tho tumu/o. They aro not let
ting the dry weather retard their work.
Some aro plowing uronml their cottou
tlie second time.
Quite a number of our citizens anil
many from Center Hill community have
bcou to Albany this week attending tin
Surely Meigs has a baud of the sweet
est sorcuaders iu Georgia. That is to
say the music is sweet aud the boys
who make it are all rigid.
Miss Grace Stubbs of Ochlockouee
was tho guest of Miss Bessie Jackson
last Saturday at Center Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Atkinson will
leave iu a few days for an extended vis
it to Augusta, MUledgeville aud other
points in Georgia. They ^will bo gone
several weeks.
An attempt v as made Monday night
to enter tlie residence of Mr. Alex At
kinson, living just out of town. Some
ono in raising the window aroused his
daughter. If the ladies of this vicinity
will try their skill at placing bullets iu
objects that appear at their windows
tlie practice would-atop at once.
A mooting will be held at Conter Hill
Sunday afternoon, May 1, for the pur
pose of organizing a Sunday school.
The hour set is 4 o’clock sharp.
Speaking of Sunday school, I am re
minded that there are a number of chil
dren in tills town, who do not attend ei
ther of tlie Sabbath schools of this
place. Perhaps, [some day, their par
ents will see the .result of tills negli
gence, and will be glad to renew their
obligation to God. Some day each will
bo called on to give an account of his
boy on some certain Sunday. Then he
will call upon the rocks and mountains
to hido him.
Many of our people enjoyed a day off
at Brick, Tuesday. Quite a number
I Court News.*
Iu sui>crior court Wed net-day af ternocR(
tlie cast* of Robert Lclclo V4. Robert
fr. Whiddon was tried. Tlie suit vat
tor aJittle more than $100 aud judg
ment was rendered for the plaintiff, in
sum of $46. W. O. Snodgrass rejv
resented the plaintiff and W. H. Ham
mond the defendant. At tho condu-
Mon of litis case court took a reccwi un
til tins morning. At that the civil
docket will be resinned.
Sciatic Rheumatism Cured.
“I have been subject to sciatic rlicw-
matism for years, sa>s 1-.. H. Waidrow'
of wilion Jutction, Iowa. "My joint*
were stiff and gave me much pain and
discomfort. My joints would crack when
l sraightened up. I used Chamber
lain’s Pain Balm and have been thor
oughly cured. Have not had a pain or
ache from the old trouble for many
montha. It is certainly a most wonder
ful liniment.” For sale byj. W. Pea
Metcalfs Mentions.
Miss Grace Jcukins of Thomasville is
visiting here i^hug friends,
Mr. H. H. Smith, of Lamont, Fla., is
a guest of his son aud our i>opulBr
townsman, Mr. J. T. Smith.
A trio of young men, Mossrs. Lu: ,
Bulcom and Dixon came down from
Tliouasville Monday night and joined a
fishing and outing party from here to
the lake Tuesday.
Mr*. Wilson, who before her mar
riage was Miss Maud Vann of Tliomas-
ville, and wlioeo home is now at Fenian-
dlna, Fla., spout a day or so with her
sister, Mrs. J. W. Home, here recent
Mr. Chan. Stegall, of Montgomery,
Ala., accompanied by a frieud\ Mr. Ed-
•on, speut Sunday night here as tlie
gaosts of Mr. H. O. Copol&ud. Mr. Ste
gall was on his wuy to (ho lake for a
short rest aud outing.
A party composed of Messrs. H. O.
Copeland, Levy Carter [aud Jeff Mont-
ford are off to the “flat woods” of Flor
ida ou a fisliiug and shooting expedition.
They will bo away a weok or ten days
and no doubt will have great sport.
Our popular teachers,* Mr. T. E. Dix
on aud Miss Elia Quailes are making
preparation for the closing oxercises of
the school here which will como off
about the last of May.
Our well selected stock of
Jewelry, . 1
South Georgia’s Up-to-date Jew
elry Store.
South Broad Street, Thomasville Os.
Serious Stomsch Trouble In red.
I was troubled with a distress in my
stomach, sour stomach and vomiting
spells, and can truthfully say that (
berlain’s Stomach and y.\vcr Tablets
cured me.—Mas. T. V. Williams.
Lninsburg, Mich. These tablets . are
guaranteed toecr* every case of stonvA
ach trouble of this character. For sale
by J. W. Peacock. d w
Popular Ca
The relatives and many friends of
Hooper Alexander aud Will Schley
Howard iu this section will bo ploased
to read the following extract from the
Atlanta Journal of reoent date:
The primary iu DeKalb county was
oue of the most interesting ever held in
the county and tlie results in many in
stances very close. William Scliley
Howard carried DeKalb by a big major
ity for solicitor general, while Dr. J. W.
May son and Hooper Alexander were
elocted to the legislature.
The election of Mr. Howard was oue
of the features of the primary iu the en
tire state. He simply swopt the entire
district and carried everything before
him. He is one of the youngest men
ever elected to suoh a position in Geor*
went down on tho train, aud had such a I "J J*. ave Chamberlain s Stomach
and Liver Tablets with most satisfactory
good tiiqp, that those who couldn’t go, results,” says Mrs. F. L. Phelps, Texas,
want to have it over. Many thank, are For . indigestion biliousness and consti.
7 : patton these tablets are most excellent,
due to Mr. J. J. Parish for his untiriug [Sold by J. W. Peacock. dw
2% Ton, of bar Iron, all iize*. I ton extra Bne carriage and wagon
botte, all ,l«ea. MOO feet rubber and canran belting, * to lg inebea.
1000 feet piping, all size, up to t Inches. 1000 feet ft inch (-8 Inch
wire rope. I carry the beat line of Cook Stove, and Stoveware on the
market. I hare the 1,‘rgest and heat line of General Hardware erer
brought to town. I manufacture Galvanized Steel Tanka for aynip
cooking by a team or other wiae. Also Log Carte, Lumber Truck,, farm
and Lumber Wagona, Buggies and farm Implement*. Send In your
order for
T.E.Dyson, Meigs, Ga.
Saw Mill For Sale.
One Saw Mill complete, consisting et
ouo 30 H P Boiler, ouo No. 25 H P Eiv
giuo Saw Mill, Frick make. Three Lo*
Cnrta; 8 yoke ozena. Mill now In nan.
Can give poaaeaton May lit. Thia na,
chinery liaa been in uae only ten motha.
4-32-lOt M. Wilkea, Melga, Ga.
N ithing Equal to Chamberlain?*
Colic, cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy for Bowel Com
plaint, in Children.
"Wo have used Chamberlain’s Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in our
family for years," says 3. B. Cooke, of
Nederland,. Texas. "We have given It
to all of our children. We have used oth
er medicines (or the tame purpose, tmt
never found anything to equal Chamber
lain’s. If you will use it as directed it
will always cure. For sole by J. W. Pea
cock. it*
The thanks of the library
meat are tendered Mr*. 3. Wymim|
Jones lor a large and well assorted note-
tributlon of current literature. The
books and magazine, will give mtush
pleasure to the reading public.
These', Just Much Proof min Nenhy
Fullv as many cures at home,
By Doan’s Kidney f ills.
As in Albany nnd other nearby town*s
But Thomuville people shun publi
Proof ia passed from mouth to month
Many case, here li t e this.
H. Y. Ferttll, veterinary turgem.
living at C7 (state street Albany. Ga^
says. "Although I have never bean
laid up by kidney complaint, I have
sufTorcd a great deal with a lame and
aching back-, and (elt like going to bed
on that account often enough. The
dull, heavy pain waa with me lor sev
eral years. The urine was also very
dark and sluggish and contained a thick
sediment I tried all kinds of reme
dies, and used prescriptions of my own
but without success. Nething seemed
to take hold until 1 procured Doan’s
Kidney Pills They were exactly suited
to my case. Since using the Pills I have
not been bothered with those pains, and
the kidney secretions have been restored
to a normal color and consistency."
Emphatic endorsement can be had
right here in Thomasville: Drop into-
R, Thomas Jr's drag More and ask wbat-
’ '* customers report.
For sale by sU dealers. Foster-Mil-
born Co, Buffalo; N. Y. sole agents for
the United States. Pries ;occnts.
Remember the
take ad other;