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It you had a ho^se that brought you au income of $100 each year wouldn’t you
insure it for $1,000?
You certainly would, all good business men do.
You Would do it knowing that your house may never burn and you may never get
back one cent you have paid for this insurance.
If your earnings are $1C0 per year are you being fair to your family and estate
il you do not protect them by taking out life insurance?
You can do this knowing that yotf are sure to die and get back more than you
have paid in
J Or that after a certain period, ’f you are still living, s you can get back all you
have paid in cash and have a nice sum laid up for a rainy day or old age
Any man or woman in good health can take advantage of this proposition by
maiting application for a policy of insurance to the
Oat this oat and mail t).
Fill out the coupon and mail it to us for full information.
C. M. & ED. H. SMITH,
. General Agents, Thomasville, Ga.
: O. M. &E. H. Smith, General Agents, The Prudential :
: Ins. Co. of America. Thomasville, Ga.
• Dear Sirs:
: Without expense to me and without committing my. :
S self to any action, will yon seud me further informa.
5 tion as to insurance policy on my life.
| I was born on the dayof
I • 18
z My occupation is ^
Yours truly,
Name ^
f Address V
e. A BL and A,41 Saak Oaeraaaa In
Francliiaa Tnx.
Tea "Scurslon—Goar” Waa In full
Bloom Yaatarday Morning.
The Atlautic aud Birmingham rath
The management of the Atlantic aud „„ , , 100 trip « xcaniou (0
Transactedat Ordinary's Regular Mar
Court Monday.
Tins first Monday in the mouth
Wall Known Young Cltlian Wada Kmrm S ualnn F.rmar P«..- Mr. N.J. Brown Paaaad Away atSol-
Northarn Lady.
Rev. D. H. Parker performed a mar-
«d Away. Other News.
dlara’ Homo In Atlanta.
Birmingham and af the Brunswick and FitI ld Mon(U morulnp . One tnarked a. «udl by Ordinary’. C«rt rlage ceremony at his residence lnBoi; day last week, wait* was null- Soldiers’Home in Atlanta of
—— JST-mSu.—i. - ua a- -a w. r. o_ TJS Tf 5“^.““-2?
US per cent of them were to colored waa granted guardianship of the tour ^. ... „
The Atlantic and Birmingham, which I)M p le The professional “.enraion” minor children af Mary L. Owen. 4* %£**!*£.
absorbed tlie Tifton and Northeastern goeri »f t er hibernating thraugh the win- ceased. Mm. Sarah Wyclie Hauls waa . . '. . _ . r ’ "
and Tifton, Thomasville and Gnlf since ^ Mosaomad out in all the glory of appointed guardian for the foor'minor „ P ** ° U
the last returns were made, returned <pring raiment. With one accord they children of the Hate Kobt. T. Hastes. vissFallo Is ^
its total franchises at MM,000, as mgainst arau ^ en j 0 y the dear delight, oftnnff- J. I, Baidy is aow guardian for Emma . , ”
»enjoy the dear delight*
$240,000 last yeir. jug »moke, swallowing cinder* and Mary aud Cora Zelgler,
WliUe the franchise returns were de- nding-on tlie cara.
created the Atlantic and Birmingham,
A telegram to Capt. John Triplett
A letter came to our post <rSee oue ....
„ Moa “y announced the death at the
Mr. N. J.
interest to Thomasville people. The ding via tlie Sues canal it took forty- i! 1 "* d6 “ th f *
' man wliopi everybody knew and liked
will be received here with universal re- *
Mr. Robert Bannertnan of TaUahis- gret. 1
see^ who has beeuspendinga week wiUi Mr. Brown was OJ years of age and
Ids aunt Mrs. W. P. Robertaon at Umo. had lived all his life in North Florida
nia, came up i Wednesday to call on aud Thomas county. He .nHrtfed j
friends. 1 ' fought through the war as a private la
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wells ale thankful the famous “Dixie Boys." He was
young lady of many
charms of person and ohoractor Slut
, »pent the winter at Jersey Farm and
M. A. Fleetwood was made perms- .. .....
... ... .'♦he romanoe wltli>ohappy a cnlmiua-
Ethiopian Edward, Dnsky Dick, Sene' nsnt administrator of the estate of „ . . to say that their little boy. who lias a brave soldier and was never wounded.
..... .. . , a U „ .... ,1Te began them. Mr. Cha*tain is aeon of . , „ ..... .... ...
El»«* *■ increase in its returns of phy- Sn6i Mulatto, Mary and all Joseph Moore S. H. Price applied for „
aical property, these being this year ^ g,,j r uno | ef tivetr cousins aud letters of administration on tlie estate . _. «-» , to '’I* * ’ ° n
A. Gluutain. {He its member of the now nesrly well. After tlie war lie came back to
Mr. B. F. Schurmler, who liubeen Thomas comity and waster eighteen
*1,163,500, as against *1.0S5,«0 in 1903. thelrAnots were on hand to nejoice at of Miss Amy Mnrpliey. No other bdai- Btttenwlje MiUina and Mercantile •I«“'*in» the winter here a guest of Mr. »member of the police fame in
This inensaee is ecoounted for by tho awgaint[or um eIlt the staying. The ness of importance was transacted. Ckannanv He has iindslthl.iir.bA~. «*dMra H. H. Mason, left for hit rhonu “ T<,Ie - He wasa faithfal officer
fact that the company has purchased a ticIreU good for two days, and such andlsknownasa vonmr man of due home In St. Psnl, Minn, last WSdnes- » nd was a familiar flgnre toevetyhody
consider*. ... is Xdown as a yonng man of Hue 1 ... .... -
number of new engines and considera- „ can End coin to secure a resting place
Ue more rolling stock. f or their wooly heads will remain as
In the case of tlie Brunswick and j 0 „g^, possible in in the Colony City.
Birmingham tho same returns as those
of last year were made for physical
property, while the franchise was re* AIRLINE ITEMS,
daced from $110,000 to $18,000. This Airline Sunday school attended tlie
company states that it lias 30 miles less celebration at Salem last Saturday in
of track than last year. The comptroll- and added no littlej enjoyment 10
er general hits written for au explana* (} ie occasion by the part they took iu
tiou of tho decreased mileage anil has (j ie exercise. Master Charlie Kushiu
also demanded that tlie franchise fig* a nd Miss Mamie Kasiiin rendered nice
arcs be increased to those given in last recitations while Miss Cora Lee Brown
year. recited “A Wayward Life” which
The franchise figures were fixed by brought tears to the eyes ofqnito a unm*
bar of the audience.
The farmers aro all up with, their
work, owing to the extremely d»y
weather prevailing here.
Mr. M. J. Martin has the finest oats
we have seen.
Mr. W. B. lltisliiu and family vfsitorK
relatives in Thomasville hut week.
Mr. au.l Mrs. K. Drew attended to
business iu TiiOmasville last Saturday.
Mr. and^ifrs. MUtou Herrington visit*
ed relatives in Broooks county 8at*
A,Good Salesman. attaiumenta and sterling intergrity.
A Times-Enterprise representative Helms scores of friendr to congratulate
spent several days recently iu driving him on the prize he has won.
Messrs. A. 0. Dickey,
ey, and 8. M. Beach Jr. Irnvi
tliroagli the country with Mr. W. F. T he young people will make their by tlie ordinary of t
Dee, who represent* Carter and Dorongk home at JenuSy Farm,
of Valdosta. ________
This hustling company has recently
purchased the Luddcu and Bates musie
bJsiwss.and are among tlie largest sell
in the city.
He had been in tlie BoldleiV
about a year and everything pomibte
to w “ d ? na *® meke his declining day,
appraiie, and divide, tlie real VRo' of
the late Martha Slater, comdeting of • ® r- ® r0 '' 111 ' r ®m«in* will be interred
fourteen hundred and twenty^five acre., * u Gakland cemetery at Atlanta, tiiougli
Tliere are nine helm. n V po*ribly bo brought hew at >
Mr. aud Mr*. L p; Sttickland; who lwm0 ^hir (lute. Ho iAMirvived by «ev-
era of pianos and organs in the south. Will be Introduced by Senator Hop- now reside iu Tallahassee, Fla. made a cu 8igtere ’ Mrs. W. H. Burch, Mrs. M.
Mr. Lee is one of their Ixjst salesman.
kins Next Month.
A Mistrial.
The jury iu the case of Walcott and
Fambrough vs J. A. Williams hsd a
hard struggle, ail iu vain, for a verdict.
They remained out ail night, and when
the morning light came they were still
unable to agree and the case resulted in
a mi-rtriai.
Mr .?*. R.-Smith, a prominent contra*;
ter of Baiubridgo, is in the city. Mr.
/F-uith was oue of the. prime movers iu
In a few days lie placed II pianos and
organs, which fact sjienks well for tho
prosperity of Thomas county and the
ability of Mr. Leo.
The store of A. F. Churehwell and
Company was * closed Saturday until
three o'clock in the afurnoon. This
was on account of the death of Mr, John
Churchwellin Albany. He was a geii-
llenmtt 70 yea/r, of ngd and wan the fa
ther of Mr. F. OhureiiW-ll the senior'
paruert of the firm.
visit to Oakland Farm, the home of Smitll ' Ml *» Mary Smith, Mr*. Lnnna
Mr. John F. Howard, last Thursday. i ’ lfMt ' Tood ' Mni - Missouri Hagau, Mn,
l bill providing for the election of
We are sorry to report another death
in our midst, Mr. D. W. Ward was
members of the railroad commission by . > . , ... , t ,
u j seized with a congestive chill last Fri*
the people will be introducted by Sena* i • 1;
11 3 day morning, and m spite of every af
ter H. W. Hopkins at th*» next session
of the legislature iu .Turn*. Ar similar
Uffl was introduced in tho house last
year, hut was defeated.
This bill is in UneVfth tho policy al
ways followed by the senator from tho
seventh who believes in giving tho peo-
plo a chan'-e to oxjjrefes their opinion ou
all topics. Me was .the author of the
bill to
A. J. Hagan, and Mrs. W. H. Watkins
of Obe. His only surviving brother, Mr
James Brown lives at Boston.
/ MR. I
; tlie lodge of Odd Fellows, iu urday.
tl*c Oak City, which fhe Thomasville
odd Fellows recently installed.
ordinary Jones Monday issued a
m. riage license to Mr. J. C. ^lassey
air Miss Ha Kiweil, two of Thomas
Miss ilamie Owens, a charming
young lady of Eo.iiou visited our com*
nyamty a few weeks $go.
Miss Agues Owens, tho efficient teach
er of tlie senior class add#-much interest
Painful Accident
Mr. W. U. Burch was th->
a painful accident on Mondo
Tie was superintending the k
car of lumber at Touraiu*-. ai
ax fell fron* a log an his foo
a deep gash in that member, ami almost salary, and is
severed it in half.. It will be .iome time
o elect ludgefi of tlio superior court _ T , ,
, . * George Howard, acted m his place.
HOlicitora-geuerai, by tho people. ^ -
ini of Thiawas p <e*l .in '1397 after a hard
,r 0 f a Tho rail road commission has three mem
heavy bars win.
tention, died the following day. Mr.
Ward, who was ono of,qur most indus- Letter Received from Him by Mrs,
trious farmers, h aves a wife mid four Looney.
small childred to mourn his loss. The — * '
interment took pl.u-eSnnday afterne
»*■ tho Hancock burying ground. .
rrum LnumasvUlo several we&k ago lias wa. tax mmu* cl..y. On up at MUIoln.-rUlo. A taer
or tbs illu.«* «/ our tux retiree llM ^ mvivei , by • -
ohirF. Howard, his brother, Mr,
Mr. C. L\ IjCouov, who disappeared
^Irs. Looney in
which her ha..bainl .^uys that he ligs been
to Columbus hunting work and that he
•il-, ■ -X L. and' I,. 8. Black-besr will go trim JiHi^ov:;!* to tfiHoai
w-mtto Albany Thtu»tty, to taku in Ho speak*tri liaviug be-.: siek and ui
f ‘tautunootti • trouble auJ .ipologiaQi^ ter
T!ij Grand .Tory presentments are In* ... .WjfTUtmmm
present appointed by torestiug rc.uiing, caipecialij that part 'hailcaused Iiis family.
it Ctt the Governor. The position pays a lat
t the
of the mo..
The fata
,, - . .. adopt in this ahee wont over all this section,
sought county, ^uuotioo thatHjn Utftml Ju* from even Alabama wr‘
live .•.cross the river.
lor iiis
l know'll young people who to our Sunday school. Those who were before Mr. Burch will walk with his Hopkiu's bill will be watched within* ^ oc , kc ‘ { ?‘. lti»fchedutv of the county v^cro In Albany iaat^week^th^ffht tliar
needed lC,CS pC0Tid,: C ,Q they saw him there. Mr. Looasy's own
£ cf Senator ^ recommend that all Jartfcw of tho d.-scription’ti.inking they had locah-d
. . t0 V*™ *‘n Xboiaavillo'Mvi'io
Absent last Sunday missed a rare treat, usual ease.
to :?st.
Leoaey’s own
words noweversottie the doubts.
Si—'"' ”—
indistinct print