Newspaper Page Text
The advantage of education a* an aid
to prominence has been argued from
time immemorial. Ereu statistics bare
been urged in support of learning, but
the forthcoming report of the Bureau of
Education of the national gorerment
will contain flgurea that will appear
like proof to the moat jincere "Doubting
it her nature to love
and want them
aa much to aa
BBWjf it it to loro the
beautiful and
trough which the expectant mother moat
with dread, pain, Buffering and danger,
filla her with apprehension and horror,
reproduction of life to be either painful
other's Friend to preparea the system for
action of the Democratic phjWm
re-elected I will continue »7gK
office my peraonal attention am
discliarge ita dntiea to the beat -
Mr. William OargeU, onojcf tiielcoun-
ty'a beat known farmert, Buffered a
hoary tom by Are late Saturday night.
He Urea |4 mile* from ThomaarUle,
tooth of Mecoalf. His bam and stables
were burned to the ground, and with
them periahed four flue males and eight
hundred fmahela of ooru.
Mr. CargeU aoapecta that the lira waa
of inoendlary origin though wliat the
object of the malefactors could hare
been he la unable to imagine, aa he
knovra of no enemies, who would do
A number of negroes
pure. The critical ordeal
pass, however, it so fraugi
that tfaa very thought of i
Than it no necessity for th
or dangerous. The use of J
tho coming event that it i
gnat and wonderful -
in the country. Advance
sheets of this report have already been
tent out and a summary of them is at
tached. Tim sheets have been prepared
by Chancellor W. W. Smith of the Han-
dolph Macon system and are indorsed
by Commissioner W. T. Harris as cor-
"According to the last census theie
gnat ana wonaenui - ^_
E&kS Mother’s
of women through
tho trying crisis without suffering. - _Af
ten of the ooanfy. Selected I will ' ;
give my personal and undivided atom-
tion to the duties of the office and will
discliarge those duties to the Mat of my
ability. J.J.Oouu, tf
For Representative. i
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for repseeentative subject to the
action of the Dcmooratin primary. If
re-elected I pledge myself to a faithful
performonce of all the dntiea of the offl-
Mr. B. R. Benfroe from Quitman was
in the city Monday,
Btr. W. D. Seymour of Cordele spent
’Sunday in Thomasvllto.
Mrs. W. H. Fanootfe from Cairo was
'shopping iu oar city Tuesday.
are in the United States 14,783,403 males
soch a thing,
ftom an adjoining farm were lurking
about his premises all the evening, and
they are suspected of having done the
Foorof them were placed under ar
rest by tlie county officers and are now
in jail here charged with aTton.Tbey are
Bub Jefferson, Abe Oil lee, John Virgil,
and Wade Cain.
orer thirty years old. The U. S. Bureau
of Education estimates that these are di
vided educationally as follows:
Class 1. Without education 1,757,033
Class 3. With only common
school training or trained outside
of organised schools 13,064,335
Class 8 With regular high
school training added 657,433
Claes 4. With College or higher
education added....: 335,618
Omittingthe few penona under thir
ty yean old, the report from 10,704 no
tables shows: Withoot education,
none; self-taught, 34; home-taught, 373;
with oommon-achool mining only, 1,-
Mr. Speed Anderson of Valdosta spent
tanday with friends here..
Piques at
Actual Cost.
Goes too.
For The Legislature.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for re-election to tlie Legislature sub
ject to the Democratic primary. ■ Hav
ing served the people t« the very best of
my abiUty in the last legislature, I feel
that I can confidentially and oooarieo-
Mrs. W. H. Butch Jr. left Monday
.for a abort visit to Tifton.
Mrs. Bryan Smith left Tuesday for a
ifew days stay at Tallahassee FIs.
It is onderstood that
tlie officers hare some good evidence
against them.
A peculiar incident of the affair is
. . i uj n n
Mr. Albert Dixon %ud Mr. F, Y.
.Speight went down to Quitman Sunday.
that a fine b*y horse which Mr! Oargell
had recently puroliaaed was bridled, ta
ken from the bam by unknown parties,
and tied to a tree near by, just- before
the Are was set. Mr. OargeU was total
ly uninsured.
For tho Legislature.
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date te representative in the legjsls
tore, train Thomas county, subject to
the notion of the Democratic primary. If
lam elected I will give tbs dotieabf
the office my moet careful attention,
with college training, 7,703, of whom
6,133 ware college graduates. That is;
From she 1,7d7JM> of Class 1 no nota
ble reported.
Fro® the 13,064, (Hr ad Cbm 8 came
1,368, one for every ...!...8,813
[34 of these report them selves
is self-taught; 378 aamivatoly
Afl of our Summer Stuffs wiM goat a sac
rifice. Space does not permit us to quote
prices, but it will be worth your time to inves-
-r'*" Praaehlng at Pine Park.
Mr. B. A. Alderman one of the lead
ing ottixsns of Fine Park was In Thom-
aertita Monday. He announced that
the Baptist church which lias been
building at lilt town for some time is
almost complied and that services
would be heldllA' 'It on next Sunday
May 15th. Rev. Jno. E. Briggs will
preachat it o’clock.
A pastor is soon Im be celled, after
which membership iTooe of the Amp*
rial ions will be applied for.
Ur. J. H. Audersou, a leading mer-
• chant-of Och lockouts, was a Monday
•visitor to the olty.
Mr. E.J. Ferry Pres, of the Bala-
diridge atatebuik was among the Thom-
-mville visitors Tuesday.
iB. A. Weldon proprietor of Thotuas-
•vUle Marble Co. rnado a business trip to
Qitincy Fla. yesterday.
Mils Ida (Mssady left. Sunday, for!
Bainbridgc where she will be the guest
of her sister Mrs. Lbguu Berry.
Will continue at prices advertised during
this sale.
' For Tax Collector.
I most respectfully announce myself
aa a candidate for re-election to the of-
Aoe of tax collector subject to the act
tion of the Democratic primary. In
making tills announcement I beg to ex
tend my thanks to tt-o Tolers of Thomaa
lira. R. L. Moya and Uttle children,
•of Outhbert, are the gneets of . Mrs.!
Moyo's sister, Mrs. J. O. Watdlaw.
Mrs. O. 8. Dalltels and daughter Mis*
Emma of Baconton stopped over to tho
HOT Tuesday en route to Quitman.
We Have That Somethings
For Tax Receiver.
1 hereby announce myself ae
Mr. F. J. Wind of the Cairo Messen
ger waa here Monday nud reports the
-community and paper to be prospering.
You want to buy it as cheap
and we are going to sell it cheap.
didale for re-election to the o
Tax Receiver of Thomas county
to the action ot tlie Demornitic ptfm®
If re-eleeted I will give tlie ollUA) ei
same careful attention ns in tlie pet
I solicit tlie support of tlie voters of t
.Telia F. Howard.
ed in this Sale.
Gingham has
to go also.
cckfor the ••teyerman Airship.
96sr*Tliis store closes at 6 o’clock.
For County Treasurer.
I respectfully announce that I am a
candidate .'or re-election aa Treasurer of
For County Surveyor.
I announce my candidacy for re-clco
tion to the office of county surveyor o
Thomas county subject to tlie action o
the Democratic primary. If re-elect*
I will continue to give the office my bea
attention. I solicit tlie support of th
voters. A. J. STAN ALAND.*
For County Commissioner^
I hereby an pounce myself a candidate
far re-election to the office of Ooaunfc-
riooer of Roads and Rovonu of Thomas
county, subject to tho action of tbs
Democratic primary. I solicit the Sup. I
port ot tht votsss at the oounty.
For County Commissioner.
inyIHundreds of Dollars j
'loWm. Cargell.
Mr. .
Walker has accepted a position
with T. D. Winn.
Mr. Minis Horst of Pelham was in
thsrity Monday.
Mr. Early Alderman speut Sunday
with relatives in Pine Park.
Miss Bessie Vann of Boston is the
-gaeet ot Mrs. O. H. Young on Gordon
Mr. A; B. Davis a resident of Tampa
Fla. is tho guest of his sister Mrs. Jno.
iCol. Wilson Brooks editor of tlie Bos
ton -Times and member of tlie govern
or’s staff was ou tlie streets Tuesday.
Mr. C. Johnson Is now doing local
work-with tlie Times Enterprise. Tell
hint tlie news when yen see him on the
Will Hopkins, Ernest Mallard snd
Emmett Mitchell went down to Monti-
-oello Tuesday afternoon to attend u
dance tied night.
Messrs. Campbell, Carroll, Mitchell
and Misses May Hopkins and Pauline
Mitchell s|ieut Tuesday at Miller's
Spring, <rout shooting.
Mr. Milligan Lane, who lias been
employed at tlie basket factory for so mo
weeks, inis pone to Lake City Florida.
Mr. Line is a skilled workman. —,
Mr. and Mrs. Kliydon G. Mays wiU
leave for Jacksonville tills week and
•after visiting friemls there wiU go to
North Carolina for tlie summer.
Mr. Albert Wadley Kirkland Jr. is a
new arrival at the home of his parents
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kirkland, and ills
' father 14 a proud and happy man.
The many friends of Mias Annie
Montgomery were delighted to see htr
outdriving Tuesday. Slio is just re
covering from a long and serious illness.
Mrs. J, A. Jorger and daughttr
who have been spending some time witli
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Jerger, leave for
their home in New York lids uioru-
Mr. ;w. Z. Brantley of Boston the
the Roby Hotel, where one
Mr. Barrow • Director.
At a meeting of the Y. M. O. A. dir-
Mooday afternoon Mr. H. F.
Lawson tendered his resignation, owing
to his proposed removal from the city.'
Mr. D. 0. Barrow waa unanimously
eloated to fill the vacancy snd was ap
pointed chairman of the Religious Meet-
in*. Committee.
Mr. Lawson lias been one of tlie most
useful members of tlie board aiul ids
removal is greatly regretted.
Mr. David Barrow lias eslablislied uu
uousual reputation for himself for Ids
nutiriug efforts at the Baptist elinroh.
Ho is expected to make nil excellent
Is Still Treasurer.
Mr. J. M. Bushin writes from Boatou
that lie was hover treasurer of the Grand
Chapter H. A. M. but that lie was and
still is treasurer of tho Graud Lodge F.
and A. M. und cf the Masonic homo at
Macon. He turther says that he has nn
intention of giving np his work with
the brethren which will be good nows
to them and to everyone else.
Parker Club No 2.
Judge J. 8. Montgomery has become
tlieexponout of tho "opposition.”. He
waa caught dispqpsiug tlie lu'.’ons of
Parker Club No 3 yesterday. The hat-
tons were large and load, and not near,
ly so modest and democratic! iu appear
auco as are them ot Parker Clab No 1.
The boys in Atlanta say that Noji
stands for Hoke Smith and drover
Oinvolaud. Tlie “oppesition” says tliat
nothing less than Heant himself is the
nigger in the woodpile of the Number
To the uninitiated, though, a Parker
button is a Parker button,, aud to this
extent the gifts bring dispensed by
Judge Montgomery aru welcomed.
Messrs. Turubull and Mays the popu
lar Coast Line ticket sellers went down
to Honticello to vote for state officers
for Florida Tuesday. Warm | times
wore doing in tlie Palmetto state.
Mrs. J. O. Haire and daughter, Miss
Jessie, who have been visiting inTliom-
asville for several days returned to Way-
cross Monday afternoon accompanied
by Mias Emma Hinson.
Mr. Raymond Stone has gone to
Brunswick where he is to be district
A and B. railroad. Mr.
he most promising boys
Women as
Miserable by Kidney aRd
Bladder Trrnble.
Mr. Tom Davenport appeared iu
BJ Rlen Aro Made ThomasvtUe Sunday morning after a
four years abteucq. He is asllgand
handsome as ever, and life as an engi
neer on the New York Central seems tc
agree with him. He is accompanied by
hia friend, Mr. G. VV. ‘ Wilson, another
Georgia boy who lias not visited hia na
tive state for 14 years.
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind,
tUscoarages and lessens ambition; beauty,
•rigor and cheerful
ness soon disappear
when the kidneys are
out of order or dis
Kidney trouble has
become so prevalent
that it is not uncom
mon for a child to be
born afflicted with
ueak kidneys. If the
child urinates too of teu, if the unne scalds
the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an
age when it should be able to control the
passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wet
ting, ae]
iepend upon it, the cause of the diffi
culty is kidney trouble, and the first
step shonld be towards the treatment of
condition of
the kidneys aud bladder and not to a 1
habit as most people suppose.
Women as well as men arc made miser
able with kidney and bladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy.
The mild and the immediate effect of
Swamp-Root is soon realised. It is sold
by druggists, in fifty-
cent and one-dollar
have a cample
by mail free, alsp a um» ji
pamphlet telling all about Lwamp-Root,
Lsauw — • *—•
including many of the thousands of testi-
menial fetters received from sufferers
. be sure and mention.
Don't make any mistake,
hot remember the name, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad
dress, Binghamton, N. Y„ on every
Directions for Making Good Bread:
Use one leveled teaspoonful
to a quart of silted flour; add
enough .sour milk to kuead the
When soar milk is not used,
two parts of Cream of Tartar and
one of Suooess Soda are tlie cor
rect proportions.
Best and Cheapest.
Prom the 667,433 of Clam 8 came
1,637, one for every.................. 404
From the 635,618-of Clam 4 cnme
7,703, oaeforeyery.............. 43
It Uumfsppswgit ”
1. That frtJn'18M to 1870 the naedu-
cited boy in the United States toiled
entirely to become so notable m any dr
pertinent of nsefuiaem and reputable
endeavor as to attract the attention of
the Who's Who editon, and that only
34 self-taught man succeeded.
3. That a hoy with only a common-
school education had, in round numbers,
» chance in 3,000.
8. That a high-srltool training increas
ed tills rhance nearly twenty-two times.
That college education added gave
the young man about ten time* the
cliauceofa high-school buy and two
hondred times the cbanco of tlie boy
whose training stopped with the com
Tliat the A. it. graduate was pre
eminently success!al aud that tho self-
educated man was inconspicuous.
From tlie nature of tho case it cannot
be claimed that these classiticatloiis are
exact, but they aru based upon the fa!
lost statistics ever obtained, aud the
necessary estimates have been made by
government experts. It is also doubt-
true that other circumstances con
tributed to tho success of these trained
mon, but after all reasonable allowan
ces are made tlie ilgnres force tlie con
elusion that tlie more school-training
the American boy of that period had
the greater were his chances of distinc
tion. How will it be in this centnry ?
It is unnecessary to extend this inqui
ry to woman. Education is practically
her only door to eminence.”
or Knuoanox,
Washington, D. 0., March 33, 1904.
The above estimate* have been vori-
fled oarefnlly in this offioe and are be
Hexed to be substantially correct.
W. T. Harris, Commissionet.
Mr. Lem Singletary returned to his
business in Pelham Monday after i
day speut with home people. Mr. Sin
gletary lias ’ made, splendid progress
since going with Mr. Hand. He is now
cashier ot the Pelham bank.