Newspaper Page Text
<;'E('/if0iA, MAY lit 1901.
Old worn oat cross cut saws.
Ml pay cash for them.
'Wertz & Son, the Repairers.
131 East Jackson street.
Thomasyille, Ga.
Hade Young Again:
“One oi Dr. King's New Life Pills
each night for two weeks has put me in
my teens’again" writes D, H. Turner
of Dempseytown. Pa. They’re the best in
the world for Liver, Stomach and Bow
els. Purely vegetable. Never gripe.
Only 25c. at J. W. Peacock's Drug Store.
' Egg* For Sale.
Brown Leghorn eggs for sale. $1.00
per setting of 15. AdiiresM Mrs. J. G
Neel, Boston, Ga 3-24-5
* A Startling Test.
To save a life. Dr. T. G. Merritt, of
No. Mehoopany, Pa., made a suutling
test resulting in a wonderful cure.
He writes, “a patient was attacked
with violent hemorrhages, caused
bv ulceration of the stomach. 1 had
often found Electric Bitters excellent
for acute stomach and liver troubles so
1 prescribed them. The patient gained
from the first, and has not had an at
tack in I4 months*" Electric Bitters
are positively guaranteed for Dyspep
sia, Ind'gestion, Constipation and kid
ney trouoles. Try them. Only Ooc.
at J.W. Peacock’s.
Saw Mill For Sale.
One Saw Hill complete, consisting o?
one 80 H P Boiler, one No. 25 H P En
gine Saw Mill, Frick make. Three Log
Carts; 8 yoke.ozena. Mill now in use
Can give possesion May 1st. This ma
chinery has been in UMbonly ten motha.
4-22-IOt If. Wilkes. Meigs, Ga.
^ -A Sure Thing.
It is said ’that nothing is sure except
death and taxps, but that is not. al
together tfue. Dr. King’s New Discov
ery for.Consumption is a sure cure for
all lung and throat troubles. Thous
ands can testify to that. Mrs. C. B
VanMetreof Shepherdtown, W. Va, says
"I had a severe case of Bronchitis and
fora year triepeverything IJheard of,
but got no relief. One bottle of. , Dr.
King's New Discovery then cured tnc
absolutely.'’ It’s infallible for ‘Croup,
Whooping Cough, Grip Pneumonia and
Consumption. Try it. It’s guaranteed
by J. W. Peacock. I >ruggist. Trial bot
tles free. Reg. sizes 50c,*1.00.
No Such Thing
S' dissatisfaction among our customers,
because we sell the best of every
thing at prices that defy competi
tion. Every thing necessary to the
well ordered
Sick Room
All sort6 of Medical Appliances, and
a fiue line of Drugs Expert Chemists
in our Prescription Department.
Sole Agent Jacobs Candies.
St. Louis Via central of Georgia
r Low rates, shortest route, quickest
time! Choice of threo routes via At
lanta Montgomery or Birmingham
Sleeping cars all the way. From Albany
season tickets $37.85. 60 day tickets
1.20 15 day tickets $23.45. Coach Ex
cursion tickets good only in coaches, on
«Uc from all points except between Ope
lika and Birmingham,May 11th and 31s:
good returning ten days from date of
halo, $18.15. Proportionately low rates
from other points.
One of Indiana’s Useful Educators Says:
“I Feel Like a New Man."
Mr. John W. Mcng, 54 Jefferson Ave., Indianapolis, Ind., State Representative
of Indianapolis Business College, writes:
•• / firmly believe that I owe my fine health to Peruna. Constant travel and
change of food and water wrought havoc with my stomach, and for months I
suffered with indigestion and catarrh of the stomach. / felt that the only thing
to do was to give up my occupation which i felt very reluctant to do. Seeing
an ad, of Peruna as a specific for catarrh I decided to give It a trial, and used
ft faithfully for six weeks, when I found that my troubles bad all disappeared
and i seemed like a new man. / have a bottle of Peruna In my grip all the
time, and occasionally take a few doses which keeps me la excellent health.
John W. Mcng.
rpHE mostfibmmon phases of summer
JL catarrh are catarrh of the stomach
and bowels. Peruna ia a specific for
summer catarrh. *
Hon. Willis Brewer, Representative
in Congress from Alabama, writes the
following letter to Dr. Hartman:
House of RoprcKcntativea,
Washington, D. O.
The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O.:
Gentlemen— 14 1 have used one bottle
of Peruna for lassitude, and I take pleas
ure in recommending it to those who
need a good remedy. A a tonic it Is ex
cellent. In the short time I have used
it it has done me a great deal of good.”—
Willis Brewer.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the uso of Peruna,
wrltostoncoto Dr. Hnrtpian, giving a
full statement of yonr case and he wili
be pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
E~ My pretty maid? I’m going to Tyb», Sir. alio said. And ~»
that's the place where th. people are going this year to~3
Jr have a good time.
£ 3
•— Witn its ninny attractions, its fine orchestra, its splendid ZS
bathing and its excollont cuisine is tho most popular seaside
^ resort on tho South Atlantic Coast. Rates $2.50 per <la>; ^
*Z $12.50 and $15.00 per week. ^2
B The Pulaski House. 3
Is the most popular place in Savannah and should be year —•
headquarters when in the city. Writo for Illustrated booklet.
B CHAS. F. GRAHAM, Proprietor. 3
Tim liiiuaaiuuiuiuiiiiiiiaimumuiiiauiiuuimiiiia^
Star Brand Shoes
We tan, how too almost any
alyleof Shoe you are looking fer
See onr line of Oxford*, the
Shoea you want formimtucr wear,
uml you know that
“Star Brand Shoes
• Are Better.'
Our Meigs Department.
I3y J. S. Searcy.
Blackberries are ripening. The crop Ade| H e trill, before hie return, visit
several points in Florida.
T. J. & H. Megahee,
■ratae, maps, etc., call on or write your
learest ticket Agent or J. C. Brinson
ouimercial Agent, Albany, Gn.
Nothing has ever equalled it.
Nothing can ever surpass' it
IlliW Jull/liljf
Dr. King’s
Nsw Discovery
T7s7\ ID. Bsurber..
Special attention to commercial travelers.
Barber’s New Stable, : Cairo, Ga. jj
A Perfect For All Throat and
Cure: Lung Troubles.
MmytoKklflttaila. TrUI Bott*.
will be poor.
A war will be waged on the thousand*
of rata that infest- tliiB town. Every
body will bny “rat liiakit” and pnt an
end to the rodents.
A light rain Monday was a great help
to the ripening oat crop, aa weh as oth
er crops.-
Mr. J. K. Hambletou of this town
claims the honor of having the finest’
patch of com ill the district. Mr. W.
M. Davis living twoj^milos east of town
is said to have the best crop of cam in
this vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. Math Maddox of Chip-
ley, Fla., after spendiug some time here
havo relumed to their home.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Cannon of Pelham
spent Sunday witli the family of Mr. T.
B. Carter.
Dr. Jackson of Bacoutou was hero
Mr. T. F. Dyson is improving ids
property. His maohiue shops are near
ing completion. They will add much
to tho business of tile town. He is also
having ills dwelling repainted.
One. Barlow was placed under a *100
bond, a few days since, to appear at the
county court, and state whother or not
lie extracted a ham from the store of
J. N. Carter, last Saturday.
A man come np and said “I want yon
to make me some pictures.''
“All right. What size will suit yon?”
"I ain’t perticler; jnst suit yourself
ubont that.”
“Tlion I shah make those that bring
in the most monoy.
“Do what?”' he said, much astonish-
od. "Yon don't want no monoy in the
game do yon? BUI Timson told mo yon
waaer makiu' cm on halves, and I
thought I'd jut . stop and got yon to
make six for mo and six for yourself.
Then I expooted to bring (me oldjoman
Sadday and lot yon make, six fer her
and six fer yonrsolfj agin. You]ldon't
make no snch trades? Weh, Bill | sho
did tell me yon was striking pictures on
the halves, hot Bill always was tliejmost
onconntablcst liarjtliat ever lived.”
"Where do yon live?”
"Why I live jnst over heroIinJOot
qnitt,” with a decided aocent on|the last
syllable. That explained.
Miss Paulino Dnnbar entertained a
few of her httle friends a fewj after-
noon's since. After many gamo* Avoir
played liglit refreshments wore served.
Tho occasion wna very enjoyablo to ah
At noon Tnesday, while everybody
was at dinuor, tho tarpontiuo[sMli;opc
rated by Mr. J. K. Macon, and owuc
by tho Wilkes’, was totally destroyei
by fire. In taking off a charge a pilo o)
O'lips was loft too near. On bnrnini
the flro was communicated to tho shed
A stitf wind was blowing, nnil the fin
was soon beyond control. A large quan
tity of wood, nine barrels of spirits, I.
lot of oak barrols, rosin and tho still
wero a completo loss.
Mr. JolT Davis with his two children
spent Saturday and Snnday in the vt-
oinity of Calvary. t _
There is a farmer near this placo who
plows on his farm six oxon. He it a
colored man.
Item, for this column appear to have
stopped off between Meigs and Thomas-
ville Inst week. The butch was mailed
os usual on Wednesday morning and
reached Thomasvillo, distant 20 miles
Friday at 10:30. I cannot layjwhether,
Uncle Sam or Uncle" Caesar was to
Miss Abbott, a blind lady, assisted by
local talent, gave a very enjoyable en
tertainment Monday evening at the
College Auditorium.
The college snditorinui has lately
been seated with comfortable choirs.
I nm not disposed to dictate lior oth
erwise interfere with matters of the
telephone people, tint the pnblic is de
manding a better arrangement than
now exists. The office is situated in tile
J. N. Carter Co's largo establishment,
where so fur us they are concerned, one
receives the best attention. Bnt there
is always more or loss noise iujtlie store,
and one is, ns was tho caso a few days
since, comiielted to leave otf talking be
cause lie caunnt hear. Ochlockuoe has
a booth and I hope tliocompany^vill do
ns well for ns and greatly inercasod
their business at tiiis point.
Strset Car Parade.
The children of the city hsvc“'taken
on “street car parados" as a groat fad.
They make a raid on the stores and get
tlio snrplnB paste board boxes.Jin the
sides of these boxes tliey cut holes of
fantastic shape, over which colored pa-
peris pasted. At night theso boxes are
lighted from tho insido and the effect is
both odd and beantifnl. A string of the
“street cars" a block long had a parade
over town last night and they attracted
a groat deal deal of attention. S|iort
parades are almost every night affairs.
Tho children drew the ears by long
"My mother has been a sufferer -fer
many vears with rheumatism," sav* IV
H. Howard, oi Husband, Pa, "At tiim
he was unableto Jove at all. while a
imes walking was painful. I presented
her with a bottle of Chamberlain's Tain
Balm and after a fciv. applications she-
decided it was the most wonderful pain
reliever she had ever tried, in fact, she
is never without it now and is at all times
able to walk. An occasional application
of Pain Balm keeps away the pain that
she was formerly troubled witn." For
sale by J. W. Peacock. d&w
One of the greatest blessings a modest
nan can wish for la a good, reliable set
of bowels. If yon are not tho happy
of aneh an ontflt yoo can great-
lain 1
are pleasant to taxo and
effect. For sale by J,
& w.
Notice of Local Legislation.
At tho session of the General Assem-
*ly of Georgia to convene in Jane 1904,
ho following local bills will bo intro-
A bill to amend tho Charter of the
fifcy of Thomusvillo in the connty of
I’homrus, so a9 to provide for the
lection of the Olerk of Council by
lie qualified voter# of said city.
AIho, to amend tho Act approved Nov.
JO, i IKK), establishing a system of pnblic
cliools in tho City of Thomasvillo,
Thomas county, so as ty provido"for the
written examinations of teachors em<
iloyediu said school by the Board of
Education thereof. ^ 5-13-4.
Nervous Dyspepsia Cured by Rydale*a
Stomach Tablets.
Mr. R. E. Jones, buyer for Parker and
Bridget, whose large department stores
*re located at 9th and Penn. Ave. Wash
ington, D. C writes, underdateof April
14.’04, as follows: Last February, one
year, while in New York on business for
my house. I caught a severe cold, which
laid me up for several weeks and left
mo weak and nervous. I had little or
no appetite, and my digestion was verft
poor. My physicians could not get at
eemed so much impaired. I
to try Rydale's Stomach Tablets, being
assured by a friend, they were a good
dyspepsia medicine. After using them
fora few days, I began to realize that I
was getting better. 1 gave up the doc
tor’s prescription apd have gained 20
pounds while using two boxes of these
tablets. I never felt better in my life,
and accredit Rydale's Stomach Tablets
with having cured me. 1 enn recom*
Tho fast horse belonging to Mr. W. j mend them, most heartily, to sufferers
~ m . , . from nervous indigestion and general
C. Thompson ran away one day last run down-conditions of the system.
week, and running with full forco, head
ft-st, against a house killed himself in- To Farmer nnd Stockman,
stautly. Ho was perhaps the finest! • For [armers and 5tocl < 0(Vners , use
roadster iu the county. Elliott's Emulsified Oil Liniment—is the
j best ever produced. You get a full
bier of tho hank, half pint for 25c. and you’ll lind it a very
, . 1 satisfactory liniment for use in the fani-
: hishomofoiksat lyand on a 7 nimals .
ftttm—11 tt MlTTi'fciitf ffWfTWK-ilWIVr
2# Tons of bar iron, all sizes. 1 ton extra flue cirriage and wagon
bolts, all sizes. 2000 feet rubber and canvass bolting, 2 to 12 inches .
200b feet piping, all sizes up to 2 inches. 1000 feet incli 5-8 inch
wire rope. I carry th»best lino of.Cook Stores and Stoveware on the
market. I have the largest and best line of General Hardware ever
brought to town. I nunufauturo Galvanize! Steel Tanks for syrup
cooking by steam or otherwise. Also Log Girts, Lumber Trucks, farm
and Lumber Wagons, Buggies and farm implements. Send* in your
T.E.Dyson, Meigs, Ga.
If yon have never tridd this
great remedy
for a free sample and stale
your symptoms.
We simply ask you to try U
at our expense. We know what
It will do.
Thacher Medicine Co.
Lightly of the important of
elegance in a wedding present.
In the month of June when
the flowers ar.e in bloom you
are likely to be getting invi
tations, Let tis help jjou se
lect the response.
South Georgia’s Up-to-date Jew
elry Store.
South Broad. Street, TliomaeriUe Ga
Notice of Sale.
Will be sold before the court house
door in tho rifcy of Thomas ville, Ga.
within the legal hours of baIo on. tke
first Tuesday in Jnne 1004 the follow*
particularly described as follows; 151*
ban 30 feet long 12 bars 20 feet long,
8 bars 28 feet long, 6 bars 37 feet long*
3 bars 20 feet long, 4 bars 25 feet long,
7 bars 24 feet long, 4 bars 23 feet long,
I bar 22 foet long, 2 bars 21 feet long,
the above aggregating 5,780 lineal foil
and known as 30 lbs rail per each lineal
yard, also 1481-2 pairs whole fish plates,
52 1-2 pairs broken fish plates, said rail
road iron being used for tram rail road
purposes on lots of land 204, and 205, in
the 13th district of Thomas county Ga.
Alio 260 bars 40 feet long, 10 bars 20 feet
long, 5 bars 28 feet long,-1 bar 27 feet
long, 2 bars 26 feet long, 2 tars 25 feet
long. The above aggregating 8,800
lineal feet and kuownos 301bs. rail that
is 30 lbs each lineal yard together* with
such bolts aud fastenings that may be
with said roil, tho last described rail
mod iron is to ho laid on lots of land
number 205, and 163, in the 18 district
of Thomas county Ga., near the town
of Coolidge.Ga.
Levied on us the property of tho Local
Lumber Company, under virtuo of a
mortgage foreclosure in favor of the
Parrott Lumber Company against tho
said Local Lumber Companv. The
property being difficult anft expen
sive to transport will not be.brought to
or oxposod at the Court House door but
delivered at place where uow located.
Property pointed out in tho mortgage.
T. J. Hight,
Sheriff of Thomas county Ga.
A Chinaman’s “Howdy.”
In China, the customary greeting is '
“How is yourlivei?" 11 Rydale’s Livet
Tablets were as well known there as in
some parts of Ann rica the answer would
bo; My liver is all right. 1 use Rydale's *
Liver Tables. The tablets cure consi
st ipation, biliousness and all liver fro**
bles, •