Newspaper Page Text
10 Copies of *Bev. T. DeWitt
j “Travels in the Holy Land”
-Will bo—
(ilVEN A^’AY
In the Times-Entenirise “Dot” Conte
i These boots are on exhibition now
our store. They are splendid wort
I which sell for *3.75 each and will be i
j ornament to any lvome.
J. E. Robison & Co*:
Boon Store,
Catarrfa begins with a stubborn cold in the head, inflammation or sore-
ness of the membrane or lining of the no6e, discharge of muens inattw,
headaches, nennlgia and difficult breathing, and even in t.i« early *“&*
is almost intolerable. But when the filthy secretions begin to drop back
into the throat and stomach, and the blood becomes polluted and the
system contaminated eoetusal a«4«h., «r «h«ks bad grown
OB, then the anBerer m a atoieniny «n« «yyi°rJ?”to n»«
begins to realize what n uJ£TJft!£ ufiSrrarond bottEe I wnauWwa
The June bride is looming op on the
Leu hope the Roosevelt dynasty will
die quickly.
Its a sign howmneh salary yon draw
Don’t r<4 «t»vy the girlish graduates
their tllndooed dreams?
opinion that it la rested in it by the
Constitution, slid baaed his opinion up.
on the riewi of snob yptwy—t sttidwi
as Usd Ison, Monroe, Gallatin, Web
star, Calhoun, Clay and Adams. '
"In this enlightened age no one ques
tions the stapendons adrantagea which
would follow a ooapiete systemefim-
A million dollars in dreamland
la teat than a dime in year till.
A thoaasnd intended well wishes
Is leas than one hearty, I wilt
A word of just commendation
Before the end of one’s days
Is worth a whole funeral oration
Or a tolume of post-mortem praise.
would be paid by the savlqgu of one year.
On the improred roads of Europe the
cost of transporting • ton a mile is from
eight to twelre cents, while in the United
States the coat arenges twenty-fire
cents* A redaction of this cost by one*
half wonld sure to tha American people
$500,000,000 per annum.” :
With fasts like these being forced
upon the attention of the wealth end
int*lH|«*y^ of the East, the pmc*
demonitrstiom tbit ore* taking
plaoeooctimully in the West and South,
the campaign in favor of better roads
goes hopefully on.
Dirl(lends profit conquest of mar-
keta—these and similar phrases are the
■acred passwords nowadays In the
minds of too many, any course that
tends or seems to tend to the production
of material wealth it not only excusa
ble but actually rlgt, says the Satur
day Erasing Post. Chitting wages, em
ploying children who should be at
school unsanitary factories stores*
defiance of law, bribery and corruption
--anything and ererythtng, provided
only that wealth la produoed. WhjU ■
fairs, we are like the small school hoy.
Wo like the recess best of all.
The Wsycross Hcral™tldnks that
Hesrst’s now boy has a better chance
than his papa to be president.
Ki-Seeretary Gage says a maa can be
wealthy and honest but doesn’t enlight
en us us lo which is balder to do.
Florida’s state -primary occurs today
and the most torrid kind of a political
fight Is on, in our sister state. Senator
Taliaferro is a candidate for re-election
and is opposed by John N. O. Stockton,
Governor Jennings and ex-8enator Call.
Indications am that a second primary
between the first two named will be
bald.. Robert Daria and D. H. Mays of
Monticello ere the leading candidates
for governor.
miserable, bestial blindness I What a
loathsome ooofusing of meant - 1 - 1 ’ —^ |
What a repulsive forgetfulness that
wealth it only valuable, only desirable,
only tolerable, in so far as it prodnoea
and tenda to produce men and women
clothed in the full dignity of the human
A Russian general has summoned al
literation's artful aid and describes a
defeat as grievous but glorious.
• In Japan the ratio of dtvoroes to mar
riages Is one t^ four. They evidently
carry their pagnadona ; proclivities into
docneatlc doings. #
(.-nth-id Connecticut has tamed down
A politician who hat to aet np a mi
of straw and tlien pUnch him down,
in a prelty bad way.
Now that tho Russians are down or.
cry body is jamping on them. An an-
Ihority says they are more illiterate
than the negro.
The Cairo Meanngerjmyi that Candi
date Singletary may not bn sitting
steady in the boat but that they think
Tie will sit steady in tin legislature for
another term.
If tlie boys who smokedgarettes and
reed dime navels,' knew how they are
-.regarded by sensible people they wool!;
Join the "I Here Quit” Clnb.
A 8t. Louis court lies decided tliat an
irate papa has the right to fire hit
’ daughter’s suitor after eleven o'clock.
That looks like a blow at the xnocess of
the exposition.
Judge John W. Maddox of Rome lias
been enthusiastically endorsed by North
Georgians for delegate-at-large to the
National Convention Editor Lindsay
Johnson of tho Rome Tribune had been
mentioned for the place but with eiutr-
aeteriatic courtesy and modesty lie re-
■fused to oppose his friend.
Congressman Griggs will probably be
chosen as one of (he delegatesjat-large
from Georgia. But this is in spite of
Meant and not because of 1dm. If the
genii! congressman from this district
iAhoeen it will be on account of his
wonderful personal popularity,
The Bainbridge Democrat says:
Thomas county’s grand jury in recent
Oesalon recommended tlic'employmcnt of
her convicts on her public highways. It
Ej ntrml that there Is n healthy sentiment
nms isii isatglilsnelrfg county concerning
jBKe construction and maintenance of
good public reads and we have ouly to
gr*0ot£totthia tome feeling does not
Otrikecven nearer home to us.
A Mew York physician annonncee
that be will make electricity take the
plane of whiskey. One volt please, bar-
M Nashville Herald is authority for
the statement that “one of the repre
sentatives from Lowndes in a stock rais
er, and his victory ill thr recent prima
ry is said to be due to the fact that he
has given nearly every farmer in the
oonnty a pair of Berkshire pigs.”
'Han the hog” over Ilia opponents, as
it were.
Decatur county san always be counted
upon to do tlie right tiling. She will
■ends solid delegation to the state con
vention instructed to vote ae n unit for
every movement favorable to Barker's
nomination. We are proud of our qood
Americas is suffering from a chicken
mine. John Temple Graves might be
able to induoe the Africans of tliat re
gion to depart themselves without much
A new camp of eons of Confederate
Veterans has been instituted stCtdum-
When the Southern Baptist conven
tion oonvenesin Nashville May ISGonr-
gia will report contributions for foreign
missions amounting to $40,0*1.58, being
an increase of more than *7,000 over
last year, and leading all other states by
a safe sum.
An ordinance lies been passed requir
ing every citizen of Moultrie to be vac
cinated before May 15th Moultrie
grill bo a scratchy place.
A rooeut estimate of numbers adher
ing to the great religions of the world is
as follow*: Christian, 510,017,IM1; Mo
hammedans 30-1,048,340; Jews, 11,037,-
000;' Confucians, 358,000,000; Taoiste,
33,000,000; Shiutoiate, 17,000,000. Ae-
cording to these statistics the total pop
ulation of tho world is nearly equally
divided betwece monotheists and poly
theists tlie Utter including the savage.
Broad Street
Thomasville, Ga
and ntomnch an well as other parts of the body. It is a constitutional i . , <*it Lake
disease and at inhaling mixtures, salves, ointments, etc., are never more ! Qnslnt. Queer end Curious bill css
nr mi , . .
then palliative or helpful, even in the beginning of Catarrh, what can
▼on expect from such treatment when it becomes chronic and the whole
system affected? Only such a remedy as S. S. S. can reach this obsti
nate, deep-seated disease and purge the blood of the
catarrhal poison. S. S. S. purifies and builds up the
diseased blood, end the inflamed membranes are
healed and the excessive secretion of mnenn ceases
when new. rich blood is coming to* the diseased
puts, and a permanent cure is the result
8. 8. 8. is guaranteed purely vegetable and a reliable remedy for
Catarrh in all stages. Write if ui need of medical advice; this will cost
Bum Bln *«». rot SmttnftW. 3>rs» Pmmpt, *■»*". »•*«. /ess~»«
we am Me S ts tew mere* te rigere to.
Boner Works
Shops and
The Best Cow Fo d to be
The late Col. John Cockerell in The
Cosmopolitan said 4 *Tbcrc are three uni*
que cities in America, and one of these
is Salt Lake City.” It is not only uni
que in its temple, tabernacle and. other
Mormon church institutions, but quaint
in appearance, with its wide streets, im
mense blocks and martial rows of shade
trees. It-has, perhaps, inore attractions
to the square yard than any city in the
country, and its climate, while temper
ate all the year round, is particularly
delightful in summer. The Great Salt
Lake, with its magnificent Saltair resort,
where the water is “deader and denser”
than that in the Dead Sea in Palestine
is an attraction in itself that people
come miles to see. There are many.
; cool mountain and lake resorts near by „*
j also numerous very pretty canon and
park drives, and hot sulphur springe.
Fishing and hunting can be had in every
direction. The trip from Denver to
Salt Lake City and Ogden, via the Den-
!r& Rio Grande and the Rio Grande
Western, is one of unsurpassed pleas
ure. Here nature is found in her stern
est mood and the whole line is a suc
cession of rugged canons, waterfalls
and picturesque valleys. No European
trip can compare with it in graudeur of
scenery. During the entire summer
there will be low excursion rates to Sail
Lake City and contiguous country. It
is on the road to the Pacific coast, if
that be your destination. W rite S. K.
Hooper, G. P. & T. A., Denver* Colo.,
for beautifully illustrated pamphlets,
etc 8-1-03-1 imos.
Cost less and is the $i eate»t
milk and butter producer
on the market.
Put up by the Ralston Pu
rina Co
Come down »nd let us talk to you.
W e have just rec ived a car of Woold-
bridge Jeliico.
The Thomasville Ice Company
Dealers in Ice, Soda Water, Wood, Coal, Hay and Grain.
r» which l«*d« to Constunpi
cum or
The Great Kerne*!/ far
njf rauiinn Andy for
nltdlMAMMof either nex
»Nch •« Narrow* Proem
tkm. Mental Worry,
wwlTeuaeof Tobacco or
* J s/* r ?* T we Nuanuim in
By Itottenon Drag Co
it Will Bear Inspection.
Plumbing, Tinning, and Sheet Metal Work we Do.
Why not have jour work done so you will not be liable to a caw of typhoid fever
in your family? We know how to do
*ud that is all tho kind we expect to do. When in need of that kind call on us.
We (guarantee all new wtrk for 1 vent-.
-107 Madison Street. Phone 331.
R-I-P-N-S Tabules
Doctors find
good prescription
For mankind.
The 5-cent pocket is enough for usual
oocanoos. Tlte family bottle [60ots.}
contains a supply for a year. All drug
gists sell them. 3-9
Tills is not a gentle word—but when
you think how liable you are not to
purchase tho only remedy universally
known and a remedy that has had the
largest sale of any medicine in the
world since 18B8 for the core and treat
ment of Consumption and Throat aid
Lung trochlea without losing its great
popularity all these years, you *.viU be
thankful we called yonr attention to
Boachee’s German Syrup. There are so
many ordinary cough remedies made by
druggists and others that nre cheap and *
good for light colds perhaps, but for se
vere Coughs, Bronchitis. Croup—and
especially for Consumption, where
there is difficult expectoration and
coughing during the night* ami nSora-
ings, there is nothing like German Syr
up. Tlie 25 cent size has ju.-t Ixjcn ‘in
tro doced this rear. At S. II. Price O
Scott’s Emulsion is the
moans of life and of the en-1 The;Georgia Sociological Society will
joyment of life of thousands of| meetin Attant , tIlU woek wU1 dis .
men, women and children. J C1U8 everything from Patent Medicines
lo the men Scotts Emul-1 10thoRelUbUitvoftho Negro
sion gives the ,flesh and!
strength so necessary for the
cure of consumption and the
repairing of body losses from
any wasting disease.
For women Scott's Emul
sion does this and more. It is
i most sustaining food and
ionic for the special trials that
A’omen have to bear.
Sam Jones ia going to Savannah this
month and the people of that city aro
anticipating a perfectly hydraulic occa
sion. *
It ia a singular coincidence tliat Co
lumbus, the ouly city in America to
To children Scott’s Emul-, erect » “ 0name,, “ 0 • uegro ’ Bhoold ,l *
ilon gives food and strength 1*° con, " n » ,natble tribut * frolu “ e *
for growth of flesh and bone! ^ to llU “"*«■ u i ‘“ id
and blood. For pale girls, (that this Is the only monument in tlie
for thin and sickly boys Scott’s j ,,BU, * rectedb ? “*e*-*i»ve over the
Emulsion is a great help. R» voof hi * wl,it « “" ter - “ d u>e*e
Send for fre« sample. two incidents tell their own story of
SCOTT k BOWNE. Chemists, * how Columbutdlias long ago settled the
400-410 Pearl Street. New York. ' ,,ow
50c. and 01.001 all druggists. i race problem.]
12 inch Cam: Mill, f 14 00
14 inch Cano Mill, > 18 90
10 inch Cane Mill, 24 50
18 inch Cano Mill, 29 4
We can furnish the above in iron
frames at a small cost. It will pay you
to call on us before you buy.
! Works near A. C. L. R. R. Depot.
P- O- 10*2: Telephones 134 and210.
MatocS A i^lcdfi
There’s nothing like doing' a thimr
thoroughly. Cf all the salves you ever
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach 'best. It sweeps sway aml^ures^Bunuf
_ J " 1 Sores. Brniu-. tint. Hnllo IT,
Heart Burn, and all diseases arising from a
disordered stomach or torpid liver.
A great appetizer and flesh producer. Nothing better as a spqn s tonic.
—Price, 50 cts. and Si.oo per bottle.—
Kor sale by all first-class dealers, rr sent ptebaid, in lots of 3 large bottles, or -
small’c'nes, on receipt of price.
Wholesale rates on application. Reliable agenu wanted in every town in the
United States.
Greatest Discovery of the Age,
‘Secret oi Mealtli.”
A fruit and vegetable compound for
Mathews Medicine Co.
Americus, Ga.
Krom die Chapin, S. O. News: Early
in the spring my wife and I were taken
with diarrhoea and so severe were the
pains that we called a physician who
prescribed for ns, bat his medicines
tailed to give any relief. A friend who
had a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy on hand
gave each of ua a dose and we at once
felt the effects. I procured a bottle and
before using tlie entire contents we
were entirely cored. It is a wonderful
remedy and should be found in every
household. H. C. Bailey, Editor. Thu
remedy is for sale by J. W. Peacock.
UUtH’UIMI Durlui,
', bores, Bruises, Cots, Bolls, Ulcers, skin
! Eruptions and Piles, It’s only 25c and
I goaranted to Rirt- satisfaction by J. W.
Peacock Druggist.
It is Up
To You.
1 V as surprised to find so manv
odds and entjs of staple duuief
fe u on *>' 1 don’
r do you want
in^?' ,,t>0U j* 0 you Cln have them.
Inst come down and get them.
w ( . 1 | 1 | a T'* b M U ,', h l pricc V°» say;
*' ’ I will sell them for so little X «li d ha,c to P ubl 'sh theprice.B
! Don’t you know
Handsome patterns, Ready-to-wear
Hats. Flowers, Laces, Ribbons, Orna
ments. Lntrimmcd and Lace Hats of
aU the new ud pretty shapes. Pleas-
“f •^'•J-dim. Experienced Trimmer.
OkF* 1 foand »* Mn. J. A. EpplrV,
Phone 171. Gentleman and ladies
end felt hate aim cleaned at 50c.
w?ll ».n 0U know whlt 11 1'S. well JI
wi e ?hJ°v’ " ,s the »t«le housi-
& has one- thc Wheeler
« Wilson or Jsew Home Sewine
n!ne«»h A ‘* sunshin o and hap^
C. B. QUINN. “