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Cot this oat and mail to.
If you had a house that brought you an income of $100 each year wouldn’t yod
insure it for $1,000?
You certainly would, all good business men do.
You Would do it knowing that your house may never burn and
back one cent you have paid for this insurance.
If your earnings are $100 per year are you being fair to your family and
if you do not protect them by taking out life insurance?
You can do this knowing that you are sure to die and get back more than
have paid in
Or that after a certain period, 4 f you are still living, you can get back all you
have paid in cash and have a pice sum laid up for a rainy day or old age
Any man or woman in good health can take advantage of this proposition by
maiting application for a policy of insurance to the
Fill out the coupon and mail it to us for hill information.
C. M. & E. H. SMITH,
General Agents, ThomasviUe, Ga.
stops irregularities, Strengthens the urinary organs and builds up the worn-out tissues
'of the kidneys so they will perform their functions properly. Healthy kidneys strain out
the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and
the poisonous waste matter is carried by the circulation to every part of the body,
' causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc.
If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder Trouble commence taking FOLBY1S
KIDNEY CURE at once, as it will cure a slight disorder in a few days and prevent a
fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system.
How to Find Out, 8. B. Burtons T—tHIss Aflor Four Years.
Yoo can cully determine if your kidneys are G. B. Barkans of Carlisle Center, N. Y., writes:
ori«* byaetting •ride tor M hoara • •■Ats.tfcwrw'vrel wnu r~ ,k.t I ti.<t bna Mini,
bottle of the arise passed upon arising. If rfa mm Ufeey uieMo V, taklxg urn u»n tmo Matas or
•pea examination It fa dowdy dr allfcy or baa.^ P.i.,'. KUat, Cm. it mini, .topped ih. brkk-d ,.t ..i™.., .„j
• brick-dust sediment or Mull particle* float yeto at ii... rP ..r.a. i ,i.j i. ,. y , h . t
•boot la It, poor kidneys are diseased, and S.i'V'.m d ^‘ n< ""I fou . r
WWW KIDNEY CUBE sbonld be Ulna Ejju?~£;.; • VrAVSSTlS Z’ y ' ^rSUSSfOS
Two Sizes, 50 Cents and $1.00.
Belebrldot/Couple Was Here at Four Mr. Fayseeux Strikes Wonder to
O’clodV on Sunday Morning, Thomaavtlle People.
The eerlieet marriage on record wee Mr. W. 1. Fayesoux tile mind reader
•qnvnmmxted herexf four o'clock on and hv,nudist made the skeptic woo*
Sunday morning. The contracting par- dor, the incredulous beliove, aud the se
ries worn Miss Nolo Maxtrell nod Mr. poratitious shake Monday afternoon,
Keillor Fitzgerald both of Bainbridgo. He luul advertised. to porform a feat of
They arrived in Tliomaavtlle at 8:l. r > mind resding that would take the cake
a. m. having left Dainhridge all flour aud those who saw it are willing to
and a half before. They scented a ear- accord Idnt the whole bakery,
riage at the Coast line depot, and drove He was blindfolded by a committee of
to the residence of Justice of 1 ho Pcacd six gentlemen, Messrs. W. A. Pringle,
\V. H. Bibb. They aroused the ncconi- C. P. Hnnaell, K. J. Miller, C. T. Stu-
modatlng Judge from Ills peaceful slum-. art, W. H. Bibb and W. M. Hardy, In the
- berand proceeded to tho residence of presence of au awo straok multitude on
Ordinary Jones who wasweaving happy Broad street at tlirco o'clockjyesterday
dreams of re-election without opposi afternoon. He was then conducted to
tiou. They awoke liiui. t --cured a mar- a e'occt in Mallard and Vnrncdco’s store
liage license, aud were united in mar- and locked in the dark, wliiio Mr. Mai-
riage Jnst forty minntes after their nr- lard kept an eagle eye on Itlie lock,
rival here, Judge Bibb having tied tho The committee then wrote a short
knot in his usual felicitous style. note, took it to the pyst office stamped
The young couple refused to tell tho and addressed the onvelope and mailed
reason why they chose the wee sma* it in the usual way.
hours for their marriage. The usual The kiter was addreaaod to Mr. J. D'
atory of love laughing at locksmiths and McCartnoy and wus placed in the Times-
defying parental opiswitinn is rumored. Enterprise box By tho clerk at the post
Tlie young lady is 18 years of age, and office. The key to the box was in the
wax botn a beautiful and well gowned possession of a member of the commit-
bride. She is the daughter of Decatur tee. They then drove out Broad street,
county’s ordinary. Mr. Fitzgerali^hp. beyond tlie Methodist church, aiid^made
pears to be about 23 years of ago and is a feint at ooncealing the key$oJ befud-
well known at Ids home. die the bunch of curious boys who fob
The young people spent a few boon lowed their equipage. They returned
at tho Stuart and returned to the City by a cironitiooa route to Mr. Pringle’s
of Oaks on Monday. store and oonoaaledthe key lnhls desk.
Mr. H. C. Copeland, :the County com- They then made a trip to the Times-
missoncr from Metcalfe, WM .baking Enterprise to conceal thotr real action
hands with ids Thcmasrdle fritnd* « ndnot th ® ke F-
Moll(laJ . Then they wont for Fassox who drove
— about still blindfolded for a while at a
"Dolt Today" speed that rackod the nenres of the cmn-
The timo-wom injunction, ‘ Never mittee. When they approached an ob-
put off 'til tomorrow what yon can do stacle they fervently wished the mind
today," is now generally presented in , ' . .. ...
this form: "Do it to day !" That is reader to drive to tho right or left and
the terse advice we want to give too h e did. He found tlie key among a lot
fngoold with whk5i < yoa have been strug of other artiolea, went to the right box.
^JS^Siibte ,5 S-Sd?XuTo: h«-
DAY—and let that remedy be Dr. Boa. er the oommittee was not thinking
or *• wriUo « WM bad. Bo
dcaes will undoubtedly relieve your divined the name to bo MoOaaney—but
- d “*‘> Mr. McCartney, drek,
No matter how deapaeatedyour oooga, in the Times-Enterprise after a abort
effect a euro—as it haa done before In only by the thoughts of the oommittee
oflang'terouMe. Pr New«rabo«lre,^£D" Needlaaa tossy that he had a Mg
regular sisa. Tic. At a H. Frioe Go. crowd at the Opera House last night.
Mr. Henry Dickey Lost Ufa at Hand Well Known Lady Passed Away Yes
terday In Falrviaw,
of Negro In Florida.
With doep regret tho TimefKutor-
Now, readied here Monday of the pri “ l,< * U#d "P 00 chronlde th «
deplorable death of Mr. Henry Dickey de * tU .“'f"’ *' A , Wl, “‘“ r ' wl,e
* . ono of Thoznasrille’* well known oitl*
At the hand* of n negro in north r lor- ^tui. ’
idA on Saturday oromug. Mi. Dickey She pauod into tho great beyond Mon-
wan a cousin .of Mr. Paul Dickey wl o day morning at half pant nine o’clock,
is employed at Ta.lor & Watson’s. He She leaves a devoted httsband and an
. , . „ - . , infant child to mourn iter loss. 8he is
was a son-in-law of Mr. Green Lewis of , ,
also survived by a mother, two brothers
Cairo aud Is wall known throughout and a sister who live in Montgomery,
tire county. Tlie funeral will take plsco from tlie
Pc was killed at Btrickland'z store,'
near Iamonia on Saturday night, by civil Court Yesterday,
unknown parties. Ho sepamto i two Tho regular monthly civil term of conn-
negroes who werq quarreling there, ty court was hold Monday. Only a
and used forro to do it. A few few unimportant cases were triod aud a
hour, later Mr. Dickey’s Iiouy was num ’ >er , w «™ 000 “ nn * d - The
, criminal term convenes tomorrow,
found. His head was cut open and _____
ills body was robbed of watch, p's- Miss Irma O’Quian, an attractive
toland money It is supposed U>at ono young lady of Jacksonville Fla., was
of the negroes committed the awful the guost of friends and relatives in the
crime. city Sunday.
The Light Situation.
The committee on tha traction of a
municipal elactrio light plant have not
yet held a meeting. The oommittee is
oompoeed at Mayor Roddenbcry, three
aldermen, and four citizens.
Their doty is to submit a definite pro-
prorition to the council, after which the
oounoil will doubtlesa order an election
on tho subject, and tlie people will liave
a chance to say at the polls whether or
not they want alight plant ondor muni
cipal ownorehip.
Tlie citizous ou the committee have
all their Ilgams and estimates in slurps
and a meeting of the Joint committee
will be called daring tlio coming week.
Not Ballavad There Will be a War
Between Braxil and Peru.
New York; May id.—The
respondent at Rio “
an important battle
batween Brazilian forces and Peruviana,
in which the Peruvians were completely
rented. Tlie Brazilian troops ttartad
for Manaoe, going directly to tire (rook
whou the aero dispute became .acute. In
•plto of tills announcement, it is
ally behoved here that them will be
war between Brazil and Pent.
Thalia Club Entertains.
Tlie Thalia Club, an organization
onmposod of tho young lady stndents at
Young's Foraalo College entertained
their friends at tlie college Monday
Mr. Albert Riley came over from Way- St. Petersburg,May 10.—An c
cmuSundayand isrenewlugoldacqualn gazetted this morning
tanona. contraband of war.
Russian Imperial Order 1
Cotton Contraband <
Many people who are neglecting symptoms of kidney trouble, hoping ‘.‘it will wear away,” are
drifting towards Brighrs Disease, which is kidney trouble in one of its worst forms.
0. B. Burhana Testifies After Four Years.
G. B. Bur bans of Car litis Canter, N. Y., writes:
“About tour years mg* J wrof you tUtlag that I had been entire:
curBd «f a atverB kidasjr MMs by tabtag Ibbb tb*a two bettlsB .i
f Foley’s Kidney Curt.
pain sai symptoms of k