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South Georgia Progress.
Published every Friday by the
Times.Enterprise Publishing Co.
Wileon M. Hardy, President.
John D. McCartney, sac. A trass.
At the Time-Enterprise Building.
HfflBBfcr Thomasvillo. Ga.
Entered at the postoflice at Thomas-
Tille, Ga., as second class mail
Weekly, One Tear. |1.00
" Six Months BO
'• Time Months SB
Dally,One Year., *B.OO
" SixMontlis.. 2.6o
’* Three Months 1.3S
*• One Montli
Official Paper of Thomas County
. Guaranteed Circulation 3.350.
A Oolombus man has a chicken that
crowed at (ho tender age of one week.
He ought to send it to Atlanta.
We have heard of a ''holt from the
bine” bnt Willif m K. Heard says there
will be no “bolt from tlio yellow.”
Tho Monltrie Observer predicts that
flic convicts of Colqnltt county will bo
pat to woik ou the public roads. All of
oar neighbors arc going to follow Thorn,
at county’s example, and the good high,
ways will be h si nrec of uucndlhg Jty
and mnoh profit.
Sliakespeare's statement “The quality
of mercy is not strained, bnt droppotb
at the gentle dew from heaven" is not
partionlarly apt. Mercy cornea cash r
than dew or any other Sind of heavenly
moistnre these davs.
A New Jersey judge has decided lliat
a boy’s lift) 1* twice ns valuable ns a
A wcmsD, lie^lcclares, may be-
eoma a broad winner; a man mast be
come one.
Notwithstanding the judicial edict,
more men ere bread eators than bread
winners. <
From Berwick.
We notioed in lent week's items that
some body made us say that the quar
terly singing convention would convene
here the fifth Baturdsy and 8nnday in
June. Of conrre everybody knows that
Jane doesn't have five Sundays; bnt
that there may be no misnnijerstniidiug
about the t me of the convention, we
thought it best to corruet the inistnke.
Tho convention W IU convene hcru tho
‘JBth and 90th inst.
Prayer meeting at. the Baptist church
was rained oat last night.
Mrs. A. E Davis, and little children
of Doeruu, are visitiug their pareuts,
Mr. and Mrs. J. R Wilkes.
Mr. J. 1 8. Comor, of Oordolc, was a
bnslness caller Item the lattorpnrt of
last week.
Rev. A. J Taylor, luutor of tho Bap
tist church, preached Saturday. Sunday
and Sunday night. Tbu congregation
was very largo Souday.
Mrs. W. H. Gibson, of Monltrie, ]>ald
our town a business call last vveok.
Mr. R L Rodfoani, and his mother
attended quarterly meeting at Dixie
Saturday and Sunday.
The concert at the aendemv Friday
night given in interest.of the school li-
briery «„s largely attended and a nice
colled ion received for the library.
Mrs. Will Ta'lev of Milltnvrn after
speuiling » week with her parents has
retained ferae. Her sister, little Flor
ence Wilkes..ccnmpsnt.'d I,er and will
spend some tune iu Mdltow n-
Miss Minnie Arnold and Mr. Georgo
Arnold of Boston wore married Tues
day evening at the residence of the
brides father Mr. Arnold uqar Barvvick.
Justice, R. L Hodfoam offlemtod. Tho
Wedding was a quiet one. Only a few
were present except the family.
Mrs. B H. Pierre of Atlanta is the
guest of her sister Mrs. S. E. Sanchez.
. Mr Wm. Sherrod of Pavo, was in
Barvvick Tuesday.
Messrs T. M. Massey and B. F. Ms--
Key have returned from Hampton
Mr. 8. E Strickland visited Moultrie
1 Pope
arrived from Texea where she has been
visiting relatives sinoe January.
Per Infante and Children.
Ill Kind Yn Han Always Bought
Comings Oolnge, and Persoaale From
the Eaetar End of the County.
Miss Ailein Wade of TltomaeviUe, one
of tho prettiest and smartest young la
dles in the county's oapitol wee visiting
Iter mother, Mrs. M. L. Wade, “at homo
on west Jefferson street since our last
Mrs J. A. Horn, who has been visit
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. G.
Covington in Thomasviile returned
home last week.
Tito Boston Printing Co. have moved
their plant from the Way building to
the Zeigler block,
Miss Gussie Hargrctt of May view was
visiting reiattvos and friends here la t
D. E. Horn of Live Oak Fla. vviio lias
been visiting Ids mother, Mrs. Mitaonri
Horn on east Jefferson street left last
Saturday for ids home. Mrs. Horn and
children will remain revend weeks be
fore returning to Live Osk.
Mrs. West ot Tliomssvilie mid a re-}
1 Co. was here sinoe our last
I his parents, Mr. end Mrs.
The Annaniss and Sapphire Clnb will
meet at their wigwam on Friday the
29th before the foil moon in ttiia month
The Grand High Cyclops of the Grand
Lodge of the state is expected to be
present, and will rehearse the nnwrit
ten work for the benefit of the. newly
initiated members.
, Rev. J. B. Wight of Cairo was here
last Monday.
Misses Neta Cargile of Thomasviile
Julia Stephens of Ramsey's station and
Eunice Puckett of Qnitmau were visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Tosh last week.
Mr. Julian Beckett, the contractor
for potting in Boston’s gas light plant
met With a very painful accident last
week. It seems he was ap in one of the
shade trees,adjusting some wires and af
ter completing the work jumped to tlie
ground; the distance being some IS feet
or more, spraining Ill's ankle. He is now f
superintending tho work though com-
polled to use crutches to aid ills locomo- j
Architect Forster is remodeling, bear
ten Guy and Clyde Wood of Macon.
Mfss F. H. Ramsey and J. G. Stevens
of Valdosta and Howard Harrison . of
Albany New York, were the guests of
J M. Jones this week at bis home on
East Jefferson street. *
Marshal W. W. Barney visited the
capitol of the county last Tuesday.
Her J. M. Bushin left for Maoou this
A Startling Test.
To save a life, Dr. T. G. Merritt, of
No. Mehoopany, Pa., made a startling
test resulting in a wonderful cure.
He writes, "a patient was attacked
with violent 'hemorrhages, caused
by ulceration of the stomach. I bad
ojten found Electric Bitters excellent
lor acute stomach and liver troubles so
I prescribed them. The patient gained
from the first, and has not had an st
ack in J4 ' months'" Electric Bitters
are positively guarantied lor Dyspep
sia, Indigestion, Constipation and Kid-
ney troubles. Try „ them. Only ooc
at J. W. Peacock’s.
Intive of Mrs. M. Horn was v.-iting tlio‘WW ana adrtin *' tn Mr ’ W ’ M ' Brook "’
latter last week.
Mr*. J. P. Smith i
• Miss Essie Oar*
hod of Quincy Fla. i* visiting relatives
in our city.
Mr*. W. H. Geiger of May view
hero Inst week visitiug her legion of
friends. . j
Mrs. Mills of Ilintaville, Liberty Co.
is a guest of C*|it. J. B. Way’s aud
Judge W. H. Geiger’s families at May-
view. • ^
Kov. E. B. Witherspoon, pastor of the
Presbyterian church left last Monday
for Rockbridge Baths Virginia to visit
his family.
Judge Jones, our efficient and honor
ed ordinary, uccomiNtuied by Mrs Jones
wan hero last week visiting his sons, J.
M. and J. W. Jones.
Hon J. B. Rountree of tho Berwick
diocese, was bore shaking hands with
liis numerous friends aud transacting
business last week.
R. B. Mardre, iu response to a tele
phone message, left Iasi Saturday for
Lumpkiu Ga. to visit his mother who
is quite sick.
Rev. H. O. Jones, pastor of tho Meth
odist church at Bqrtou, closed a very
successful protracted meeting at Pid-
cock last Friday which had been in pro
gress some two weeks.
If thero is no break in the concatena
tion, our ir.atritnouial market \yill soon
resume itslwoutod activity.
H^rry Nhel of Saint Augustine Fla.
residence on south Main street. When
•the work is completed, it will l>e one of
the neatest coziest and most up-to-date
domiciles in that part of the citr.
J. P. Vandergriff. » noted colored
school teacher aud preacher died at Irs
home north, of Boston last Sunday.
Boston went wet last Saturday irrenfc-
Ir to the delight of us all. Old Jupiter
Piuvius shed some of his copious tears
u])oij us whereof wo are glad.
Rev. Ed. F. Cook, presiding elder of
the Tlioniaaville district Soutli Ga. Cor-
ferenep was in our city last Monday en
route to Thomasviile, his homo.
Mrs. Bob Durant and her sister Mis-
Caltie Robinson both citizens of Pal
metto Fla. nro the guests of Miss Alice
Eason at her hospitable home 4 miles
west of Boston.
Mr. Jno. E. Harris a prominent citi
zen of Valdosta was tran4hctiug bust-
ness in our city last Monday.
John M. Lsnupro^Of tlio patriarch*
living iu tho Pideock district was here
last Monday transacting business. He
reports peace plenty and prosperity in
his bailiwick. -
W. J. Mills, the chief justice of the
Pavo district was in our city last Mon
Dr. M. R. Alullotto of Thom asvill*'
was iu Boston last Tuesday attending
to his varied business interests.
G. W. Chestnut tho efflciout travel
ing agent aud correspondent of Thomas
county’s groat paper, tho Times-Euter-
priso was in our city last Tuesday.
Mrs. T S. Leak has as her guest two
0,1 important employee of the South- 01 , d in ,erestiliR nephews, Mas
Young Traveling Man Did Not Say
Good-bye to Ochioekonee Landlady.
Tinu'•*- Enterprise:
Dr. W.B. Cochran of Thomasviile was
in town last week, looking after stock
bu.MiiesH we presume.
Mr. S. A. Bulloch spent Sunday with
his paiouts, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bulloch.
Tjiu Methodist pulpit will be filled
here nest Saturday by the Rev. Mr
Read of Tliomasvilie, Sunday by Rev
A. J. Quattlobaura and Sunday night
by Rev. II. P. Stubbs. The pastor. Rev.
U. R. Jenkins will not tie here as lie will
be visitiug friends at Richland, Ga,
Messrs. Sills and Saunders think they
wilt be ready to load melons as soon or
porhaiis earlier thau anyone iu the com
munity. Mr. Sill says without joking
they are lino.
Picuics are all the go now. Last week
mr correspondent had the pleasure 01
attending a family picnic wheiu them
were about twenty-five persons and there
were more fish caught thau coaid be
eaten by the crowd. Friday there will
bo a school picnic at the Singletary
School House and an “all day dinner'
is the way the boys give it in.
F. P. Davis a young man who has
been stoppiug at the Perry house U r
about two weeks, left Tuesduy morn
ing without giving any notice, payiug
his board bill or even sayiug good-bye,
Mr. Perry telephoned the marshall, of
Meigs awl ulso of Pelham to stop the
gentleman till^ie could get there, as
ue would liko to bid him adieu. (?)
The j ouug man has been selliug a liue
of telescopes and poultry food aud it
seems that lie had iutouded goiug home
aud ho perhaps could not make as good
a show as he liked so ho adepted the
above uiothod.
The Light Running
has revolutionized the harvesting bus
iness. Save your mules and get a
machine that «ill last you a lifetime.
The binder that has e record 391,
000 bundles without missing a single
bundle, and without perceptible wear
of any of its parts.
A mower that for speed, light draft
and durability cannot be equaled.
For sale * nd on exhibition at my
stables at Boston. Ga.
-'-it O’/C.l 7 -7
Planete Jr.
O YPlJoCf J8 A
. , Cultivator.
Jtrexne veroict of every farmer
that has ever used one or even seen
one used that'the
is the greatest labor savor and grass destroyer that ever
wont into the field.
It does the work thoroughly, quickly aud with ease t«
the operator.
If you are not already using them get yourself right aud
call on or write
Way’s Building.
“For what is worth in anything
But so much money as ’twill bring."--Butlcr.
Ono dose of Hants’s Bitter* proves its power better thau columns of argument. *
Get a free sample bottle aud TRY IT.
It is the Safe, Pleasant-, Natural Cure for all Stomach aud Bowel Troubles, Including Catarrh
In the olgestlve trait.’ '
Iu all its century of cures it has never failed to give quick relief from all acute paius due to
Dysentery, Bowel Cotuplaiut,Cholera Morbus, Acute Indigos'Jou,Babies’ Colic «&c. The best rem
edy, used by physicians and hospitals, for Dyspepsia, Malaria, Depression, Nervousness Ac.
Neither a Stimulant uor Narcotic, but Ssdatlve aud Tonic. Purely vegetable aud safe, even
for iufants. We have arrauged with tho following leading druggists to supply free samples of
Hcntz’s Bitters
R. THOMAS. JR. Thomasvillo, Ga. PATTERSON DRUG CO. Thomasviile, Ga.
J. W. PEACOCK, Thomasvillo Ga. S. H. PRICE CO., Thomasviile. Ga.
. E. W. DANIEL, Boston, Ga. N.gUct to get * free copy also of -Cheer Up!”
We desire to call attention of our customers this week to a lareo
line of
Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements.
We handle the
Weber Wagdii and the Virginia Wagon, the Oxford Buggies
and the Rex Buggies, and the MeFarlane Buggies and
We have combination corn and cotton planters and combiua.
tion guano and com drills.
We have the best line of Fertilizer Distributors we ever saw. Yon
can put out with them front one hundred to two thousand pouurk
of fertilizers per acre.
We also carry u full line of two horse riding uud walking cultivators
and weeders.
We ure still offering bargains in
—Flour, Sugar and Tobacco—
and have ou hand yet some select North Carolina Seed Pinders.
Remember that we give with each 25c cash purchase a ticket en
titling you to a chance at the beautiful Ames stick seat run about cn
display in our window, which will be giveu away on May 28th. One
of our customers will get this beautiful run about. You may be tbs
lucky one. COME to see us.
Comfort Trading Co.,